#Grace + Adelina give me so much life
fallstaticexit · 5 months
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Chapter Six Interlude- Previous // Chapter Seven // Beginning
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Referenced: Knox
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Mystery (Ethan x F!MC)
Book: Open Heart
Pairing: Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Dr. Adelina Lee)
Warning(s): Cursing, suggestive themes
Category: Fluff
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1.8K
Premise: Four instances where Ethan contemplates the way she looks at him and how he feels about her.
Prompt(s): "My favorite part of the day is seeing your face" and "You give the best hugs".
Author's Notes:
Shout out to the fabulous @mvalentine for sending me this ask and inspiring me to write this. Since you love reading about Ethan's pov, I sincerely hope you'll enjoy this ❤️.
Submission for @choicesficwriterscreations Naughty or Nice Event. Prompts used will be in bold.
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Intern Year
He should stop staring at her before she noticed him.
He really should.
Yet, Ethan couldn't help but admire her from afar. Despite all his arduous efforts, her couldn't stop thinking about her. The way she carried herself around the hospital, her confident aura almost materializing around her. The way he would catch a glimpse of her at the nurse's station, worrying her luscious, red lips between her teeth while flipping through a patient's file. The way a satisfied smile would grace her face when she figured out a case, and pride would resonate intensely inside him.
They had been meeting at his apartment to discuss Naveen's case for the past couple of months, but this time Adelina had suggested a change of pace, and so there he was, standing ten feet away from her in the library, observing her as she consulted the myriad of books spread out in front of her, brows furrowed in concentration. She was oblivious to his presence, too engrossed in jotting down notes, and the earbuds propped in her ears certainly didn't help her notice him.
"Rookie," he said, waving his hands in front of her, catching her attention.
She looked up, startled, but when she realized it was him, a warm smile lit up her face, a smile that suspiciously exceeded the boundaries of mere courtesy, her eyes sparkling with excitement.
"Hi Dr. Ramsey, I'm so sorry I didn't see you there," she said, hastily moving aside some of her books to make space for his laptop, a faint blush rising up her neck.
Ethan felt his heart skip a beat, much to his dismay. He had no business being this affected by an intern, especially not one that has been a pain in his ass since the beginning.
Outwardly, he just nodded nonchalantly, too busy trying to gauge her reaction. "Was it possible that she happy to see him?" he thought. There weren't many people in his life that would be particularly excited to see him, hell he could probably count them on one hand. That possibility stirred something inside him. Something foreign.
Get a fucking grip Ramsey.
He banished those thoughts from his mind, desperately trying to focus on the urgent matters at hand. He refused to entertain any unprofessional thoughts about his intern, not when he is her boss, not when his mentor's life is at stake.
She was a dangerous mystery, one he should stay away from, but deep, deep down, he knows it would be futile to deny the formidable presence she instilled in his life.
• • •
Second Year
His hurried footsteps echoed through the silent hallways. It was very late and she was probably asleep, but he couldn't leave without at least catching a glimpse of her, just to reassure himself that she was safe.
Throughout each day since the attack, he would always find himself gravitating towards her room, the inexplicable urge to hold her and never let go consuming him to the core, his mind still grappling with the fact that he almost lost her.
"She was on the verge of death." that thought haunted him incessantly, terror gripping his heart as the agonizing memories flashed before his eyes.
Reaching to a stop in front of Adelina's room, he slipped inside quietly, not wanting to disturb her in case she was asleep, as the blinds were drawn. She was facing the window, and as soon as he walked in, she shifted her attention to him.
"Hey," a dazzling smile spread across her face as she softly greeted him.
That goddamn smile.
Ethan was convinced that the way she looked at him would be his downfall, a notion that became increasingly compelling the more time he spent with her. Making his way to her bedside, he ever so gently took her hands into his.
Warm, unlike that fateful night.
Her enticing eyes focused on him, bringing about the familiar flutter in his stomach that he had grown to relish. It didn't escape Ethan's notice how the heart monitor picked up the spike in her heart rate as soon as he touched her, and something akin to giddiness coursed through him.
"How are you today? Have you felt any pain?"
"I'm better now that you're here," Adelina replied, smirking slightly before adding, "You know, my favorite part of the day is seeing your face."
Ethan Ramsey does not get flustered, or at least, he didn't until that moment.
"Glad I could bring you comfort."
Her smile widened even further. His brilliant blues eyes rested on her exquisite brown ones, locked as if in an enchanting trance, neither overtly eager to break it.
"I've always thought we should be together."
They say that eyes speak louder than words, that eyes are the windows to the soul. Their eyes revealed the forbidden desires that resided in their hearts, threatening to break free. They spoke of three little words their tongues were too cowardly to utter, but were engrained far deeply in their souls.
"I've wasted so much time. I should have held you in my arms every day and told you how much I..."
He almost confessed that day. He suspected that she knew. How could she not? She was the one person who could read him like an open book, who would readily and gladly call him out on his bullshit. She was the one who made the tough decisions when he was too hesitant. Adelina was undoubtedly the more valiant out of both of them, and he had hoped one day, he would be as courageous as her when it comes to the matters of the heart.
She was a tantalizing mystery, one he was destined to solve, no matter how far away he runs, no matter how hard he tries to deny it. Doctors were meant to fight the inevitable, but there comes a time when they must surrender to fate.
• • •
Third Year
The gentle pitter patter of the rain on the windshield harmonized with the soft music floating from the speakers, creating the most pleasant ambience. It had been a long day for Ethan, between constantly engaging in a ruthless battle of wits with Bloom, and struggling to figure out the elusive motives of his former friend and rival, all he wanted to do was nurse a glass of scotch in the solace of his home.
It was a short trip from the elevator to his apartment, and as soon as he opened the door, he was bombarded by a mouth-watering smell emanating from the kitchen, making him smile slightly. He took off his shoes and shrugged of his coat, noting the deep red heels and black jacket that rested neatly beside his own, in stark contrast to how they were the night before. The memories flashed before his eyes. Adelina teasing him in the car, and how they barely made it inside before tearing off their clothes. He couldn't get her wanton moans out of his head, or how her soft body trembled beneath him as he worshipped her, savoring the feeling of her nails digging into his back with delicious desperation.
A familiar bark broke his reverie. Making his way to the kitchen, he stopped dead in his tracks at the scene that greeted him. Adelina was standing with her back to him, clad only in his old Hopkins sweatshirt, humming under her breath while stirring something on the stove, with Jenner sitting obediently at her feet, adoration clear in his eyes. A surge of emotions welled up inside him as he drank in the sight of her moving with such familiarity and ease around his apartment, his safe space.
Ethan came up behind her, wrapping his arms around her waist and rested his head on her shoulders, observing the pot on the stove.
"You're just in time," Adelina said as she turned off the flame, twisting his his arms to greet him properly, eyes shining with playfulness that seemed to be reserved for him, a blinding smile stretching across her face. There was nothing in the world that could compare to what she made him feel when she looked at him, the unadulterated elation that warmed his heart to an extent he didn't know existed. He pulled her in for a heated kiss, their tongues twisting and tangling in an intricate dance only they know, breaking apart when air became essential, but he didn't let her go, enjoying the comfort of her arms around him.
"You give the best hugs," he mumbled as he buried his face in her neck, breathing in her intoxicating smell. Instantly, Adelina tightened her arms around him, silently conveying her endless support.
"I think it's safe to say it's a tie Ethan," she whispered, careful not to burst the delicate bubble of bliss that cocooned them.
She was an alluring mystery, one that occupied his thoughts every minute of every day. One that he never saw coming but has taken over his entire being, mind and body.
• • •
A few years later
"I just landed, how's everything?" A cacophony of voices blared from his phone, making it difficult to hear her.
"Like the usual, clueless interns wreaking havoc around the hospital," Ethan replied as he got out of his car, making his way to the entrance.
"Careful Dr. Ramsey, you did fall for one of those "clueless" interns," she retorted, amusement evident in her voice.
"Trust me it wasn't intentional," Her delighted laugh was music to his ears, making him smile involuntarily.
"Hold on, I gotta take this, love you,"
"Love you too."
He navigated his way through the horde of people, each one of them heading for a destination of their own making. Thanks to his tall frame, it didn't take him long to spot Adelina walking towards him, frowning as she listened attentively to whoever was on the other end of the line. Ethan took his time admiring her, poised as ever, as she made her way graciously through the sea of people. Looking up, their eyes met as she spotted him, and he watched fondly as a giddy grin lit up her face, her eyes putting the stars to shame. He welcomed the swooping feeling in his stomach, a feeling he became well-acquainted with in her presence.
Hanging up the phone, she quickened her pace and he met her halfway, pulling her into a crushing hug.
"I thought you were at the hospital," ecstasy laced her words as she pulled back to kiss him.
"I took an early lunch break," he said, lacing his fingers through hers, his finger brushing the delicate diamond ring that rested comfortably on her hand.
"Good because I have a surprise for you," she stated, her smile becoming cheeky as she gave him a wink and started pulling him towards the doors, giving him no chance but to follow.
She was his favorite mystery, one he knew the answer to like the back of his hand. She got under his skin and sauntered her way into his heart, claiming it as her own, and he's forever grateful that she chose him.
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Tags: @cariantha @jerzwriter @mvalentine @peonierose
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ofmikaelsonshope · 5 years
Five years, her daughter was been on this Earth. The Christmas lights twinkling as a small child plays with new toys under a Christmas tree. The twenty-three-year-old had her own place for about three years now, Addy learned how to climb trees outside in the backyard and had her first slumber party with Eliza under the stars last summer where Hope made sure they had more fun than just the babysitting that Katherine’s nanny, Casie gives Addy and Eliza normally. Hope found herself a little job at a baker that she does two times a week to give Eliza and Addy some friend time without Hope hovering like a worried parent. Klaus had dropped off a car full of gifts, no one knows he has a daughter as no one remembers her but him. Addy had new toys and Hope had actual food in the fridge that wasn’t just enough for her daughter. It is a relief when her dad showed up when Addy was two years old, the house only really having a small amount for Addy at the time but he threw money around and made it home.
Holidays are hard for her, she can’t swallow down the wonder of what her friends are doing this year and what gifts they got and from who. Hope would find out later when she heads to the Grill when her father shows up and listen to her friends talk about everything. Once a month, the super squad gets together and has breakfast, Hope had joined in by sitting far away eating breakfast by herself listening to them talk even if it hurts when they are done eating and say goodbyes. 
❝Addy,❞ Hope says setting her coffee cup down onto the coffee table. When the green-eyed child finally can break her attention from the brand new doll, Hope tells her. ❝When grandpa comes by tomorrow, you need to thank him.❞
A soft whine of displeasure at her mother’s request, ❝I know mommy.❞ As if she can’t remember to use manners. It was more annoying her mother always reminding her when she knows it all by now. 
Raising a leader was hard work because Hope holds out hope in being able to go home someday and when that day comes, Addy won’t be like Eliza because the daughter of the Alpha is a big role and it is one she needs to be taught into from day one. Hope remembers sitting in meetings with her mother once a month coloring a picture and always found it amazing how her mother could take control of a crowd full of screaming wolves without raising her voice. I want to be just like her when I grow up. How far she fell from grace when some 90 some year old vampire murders her mother. Getting up, placing a kiss to her daughter’s hair before going to the kitchen. Flour, eggs, and milk on the counter, pan on the stove and pam. Four pancakes are done when the doorbell rings and magic shuts things off as her daughter goes to hid in another room (she assumes) like always when a doorbell rings in case, it was someone dangerous. A magical signal down pat between the two of them to know if Addy was safe to come out. 
Only she smells something before her mother and is hiding behind a couch this time and that will be a trouble later. Addy sits down, back leaning against the couch listening.
Door comes swinging open and Hope feels the house shake firmly once at who it was, a few glass items crack but a magical fix will save. ❝Landon?❞
❝Hope? Hope Andrea Mikaelson...❞ All the images pieced together when he died the last time and suddenly his mind was an open book. It was what he was going for each time he died, hoping to uncover the mystery girl. No one could prepare him for knowing what his name sounded like on her lips during sex, no one could prepare him for knowing the sound of her in pain when he died the first time came to his ears either and it made him keep going to search for this one that he swears he knows just never knew how. How he had shared a Milkshake with her. Peanut butter blast, whipped cream on the bottom. His words to her when he would serve her at the grill. How she had flirted back and the way it felt to dance with her the first time. A box of cookies from Lizzie, who had demanded to be present in some way (because she knew for a long time someone was missing, knew her name but sided with her twin figuring the tribrid was dead). 
Fuck, just fuck. She has no words for this moment but a silent nod, knowing he wouldn’t go away as she lets him inside her home.  ❝Ignore the mess.❞ It was messy but it was toys from a child, something she certainly hadn’t had before because Landon would have noticed.
Stepping inside, Landon feels like his heart drops to his stomach seeing all of the toys and the smell of baked food hitting the air. ❝I could come back later. It’s a holi...❞ He is interrupted with a quick no from a tribrid.
Small fourthbred jumping from behind the couch, wild dark hair running toward a phoenix and nearly knocking him onto his ass in shock. Magic calls family, phoenix father can be smelled on his skin and she was too excited to wait for her mother to call her out of hiding. 
Landon is shocked, unable to figure it out until he catches it, a scent that only he would know 9okay others might know it as well). His blood, his..fuck. He finds blue eyes and with the tears that are in a tribrid’s eyes, it is enough of an answer. ❝I’m staying.❞ For his daughter, for his life and well, promising Josie to help her run the boarding school was only when he didn’t have a child out there. ❝If you let me.❞ A Christmas miracle to finally find family even if the anger is so deep at himself and her for missing everything. Did she know when she jumped into Malivore? Did she know when she got out of Malivore and left town after getting a peanut butter blast from him? Had she even tried to lift the curse of wiped memories from everyone’s mind? So many questions.
Pancakes, cookies, light chatting with his daughter leads him to end up playing tea party with a crown on his head and fake tea water in his cup. Adelina, he learned was her name but she goes by Addy. This child was like her mother, knew how to play people to get what she wants with batted eyelashes and a pouty lip that makes him melt. How could he tell her now? It’s finding out that grandpa Klau was alive and many questions just keep adding up and nothing in his favor.
Around two, for a child-like her a nap was needed after such a fun day. How Addy climbs into her mother’s arms, the soothing voice of tribrid whispering stories about her friends. Landon listening in from the door and it was like this tribrid had always been born to be a mother. How nature it was for her to slipe away once green eyes closed for good for a few hours
In the kitchen, talking about everything that was Addy besides what happened, where his daughter was born or what time of day. Anything deep about the first few hours of Addy’s life was shut down with changing to talk about Addy now. Landon missed everything from the first kick to seeing his child take her first breath of air.
❝I missed everything,❞ Landon whispers, green eyes finding the table that was cleaned of their plates. ❝I’m...sorry.❞
Sorry doesn’t make up for it but then again, it isn’t his fault. Reaching out to touch his face like she once did only for him to wince at the contact, ❝Was just going to show you.❞
Regret happens the moment the images of coldness, wet, how fingers shook the whole time that the minute old infant was being laid on her mother’s chest and from his view all he can see is a perfect shot of her face. The body of the baby so thin and when he noticed a tribrid’s fingers, legs, everything really felt like she was too thin, too cold, too along in this world. How he watched through Hope’s eyes as blood coats her thighs, the old cabin’s floor and he got to see the moment the lights went out for her with a newborn crying out into the early morning hours for her mother.
How when Hope woke it was a burning fire in her belly and a small nick of her daughter’s finger helped for a second of relief. How magic kept them warmer after that. He watched in horror what his child did to the tribrid, how she went from living to die because of him not wearing a condom one time. How much love was there and then he sees hope witih Elena? He had met Elena several times over the years but the one that saved his child and the mother of the child was not Elena Gilbert by any means.
By the time that Hope pulled away and let images fade, they both are crying. Maybe in a different life, their daughter would have been born healthy and strong and she wouldn’t have died. Maybe if he had fought harder to get his memories back he would have been there to hold his child and keep her warm.
Not a Merry Christmas but then again, when was it ever?
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ussrosalind · 6 years
D&D ask - 5, 6, 12
5. Favorite NPC.
I’m gonna do this by campaign because I can’t have ONE fave, my friends are too good at making NPCs: 
Sun Gods - Gwen, for forcing my character back into her Irish accent
New Khasan - Tidus Felix, because when the law is wrong the just thing to do is overthrow the government and I will always, always appreciate this paladin for helping us do so
Project Mercenary - Is it Epiphany or is it Odysseus?? Both are wrong, it’s Rictor Long, the Ace Gunman/Bounty Hunter! (The vowels are a very closed shared second place, I love those two very much.)
Deeper Darkness - Timothy deserved better. He deserved best. 
Evil Bread Campaign - Amara, for out roguing my rogue. 
Shadowrun - Mei. I’m biased and I don’t even freaking care. 
Guild of Necessity - Little Friend is the most adorable creature that has ever creatured. Dan is also pretty cool though. I am torn. 
Space Wagon - Day Dreamer, warforge cleric and ships cook! :D (Cpt. Tigan is also pretty cool.) 
6. Favorite death (monster, player character, NPC, etc).
I mean, apparently one time I one-shot-one-killed a mini-boss without knowing. That was pretty rad. 
Celia’s death was pretty cool, largely in that she had to basically... mourn herself (???) when she came back in a clone body. It was kind of a big deal for me, as a player, to deal with a character who had never contemplated their mortality until they were basically given forced immortality. (Her memory of her other life’s death also was pretty rad?? There was a light saber battle involved.) 
I think most of my favorite deaths were the ones that people came back from? 
Otrin dying in the final battle was really epic, but it was made more so because Captain Grace was the one to wish him back, after all the shit he put us all and especially her through. (Celia would not have done it. She’d just track down his next life and give him a punch in the face when he was old enough to remember why she was doing so.)  
Captain and Martin coming back after being blown up was so weird because, again, we’d mourned them. The Project Mercenary campaign was good for those moments. 
[The worst deaths were all in the Deeper Darkness campaign. I’m never going to be over the fallen there-- not just the TPK of the original party, but every friend we lost along the way. It was a really hard one. I fully admit I am terrified of returning to that world.]
12. Your in-game inside jokes/memes/catchphrases and where they came from.
"Sheer dumb luck.” This was how Adelina answered a demi-god when she saw through its illusions and it asked her how. And it was true, it was only by virtue of a natural 20 that we survived that encounter at all. It’s less of an inside joke, definitely more catchphrase territory. It crosses all campaigns now, when I know my character has pulled off something they shouldn’t be able to do. Must be said in a very thick Italian accent for maximum effect. Adelina was a badass and deserved more time than she got. 
Celia’s catchphrase was “you’re my favorite.” Which is, admittedly, my favorite. I don’t know how it started, but by mid-campaign it was just a THING. It was so bad she used it after our final battle with O, declaring that E was her “favorite vowel.” (To be fair, Epiphany was always helpful to us. Otrin/Odysseus still needs to deliver on his redemption arc. E will always be superior in Ceel’s eyes, I think.) I look forward to revisiting all of Celia’s “favorites” again some day. 
No real inside jokes that I can think of. Hopefully these count??? 
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fallstaticexit · 11 months
well i maybe have some theories/questions
you already know i came from tiktok😏
1. so i’m sensing that Edin is going to be Adie’s future love interest/friend/enemy/?… I MEANN they’re both toddlers currently and they’re both supernatural
2. I know you mentioned before that you wanted to do like a magic school type of story for Adie which I think is so fucking cool!! Maybe they’ll meet when they enroll whether that’s as children or teens.
3. And for miss Ellie she’s currently a human right? Will she become a werewolf like her siblings when she becomes old enough? And if she does will she be going to that school as well or is it just for spellcasters? And is that the same for Rhys who’s currently a child or is he going to just stay in normal school? I assume Amir is too old to go and he already has a story of his own.
4. This one may be a stretch but I love reading the Sims 4 lore. There’s a character with a similar name to Adelina— Avelina who was Greg’s late wife. We’ve seen Greg fight Amir in that one episode and we know that Greg is miserable because he’s all alone now (lore wise). If they are related we know that Greg and Avelina used to be mooncasters (idk if it’s the same as spellcasters) before they became werewolves. Is there any link here or am I tripping? I mean I know you read the lore too because Lux DeMarco appears in Amir’s story (😉)
5. off topic but I love Amir. Like that’s my son with his little boyfriends. 💙💙 You got 2 men obsessed with you I know he’s living life.
6. L. Faba is obviously up to no good.. I mean she is the sage of mischief magic. This ties into my first statement about the magic school story. We know there’s going to be more to the plot then Adie just going to school. She’s gotta fight someone and save the day right??!!!! So I wondering if Miss Faba is trying to cause something to happen— I assume to Tomax because she was deadset on trying to make the man practice Dark Magic.
What if something happens to him that makes him evil?? Or even do something to Simeon or Grace?? We know in the lore Grace and Tomax are roommates (and they were roommates..🤭) and in your story they’re very close.
ok this is it for now i feel like my brain is fried
SO glad you came over to Tumblr with me, your comments give me life everytime lmao 🥹🤌🏾✨
maaayybbeee 🤭
I did want to do a magic school type beat but that was a bit before I expanded the lore. Right now (In the next update, I'll touch on it a bit) Nora does NOT want Adie in the Magic realm or any of the sages to know about them. at all. She wants nothing to do with them, the past, her involvement in the war, all of it and honestly, her little magical trigger finger is itching to finish what she started tbh , more on that later.
1000% Ellie will be a werewolf. At this point it's kinda like a family business/rite of passage. Amir is grown grown now 🥹 but Sonny and his bunch will continue to hold down their ranch and keep vampires in check. But they actually play a pretty big part in what's to come and when my Briar legacy and Fallen Angel series meet, we will see ALOT of them.
No link. The only link werewolves has is that they are descendants of Mooncasters and once upon a time they lived in the Magic Realm with all the occult before the Spellcasters got all high and mighty. Now werewolves just do their own thing and fight vampires. But I really don't see them having much involvement with Spellcaster drama other than possibly whooping vamp ass when needed.
I love those boys. Other than my OGs Honey and Amina, def my favorite couple(s) 🥹
L. Faba really about to put Tomax in a world of hurt...which is crazy because he's really already emotionally and mentally in shambles. I suppose that's why she picked him. He's the weakest. This update should be out in a little bit
I saw that they were roommates which made me go hmmmmm 🤔 interesting 🧐 and exactly why we'll see them roll around in the hay from time to time. But from my most recent update, I expand on Grace's ability to heal a little and really she's all about making people feel better via touch...so maybe there’s romance involved maybe she’s trying to help out an old friend because therapy doesn’t exist in the Magic Realm ig lmao 😵‍💫
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