#Glitter Clover (Cure Rosetta)
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mizuno-marmalade · 4 months ago
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yellow cures!!! 💛💛💛
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gottastim · 2 months ago
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the warmth of the sun! cure rosetta!
🍀 🍀 🍀 | 🍀 ☀️ 🍀 | 🍀 🍀 🍀
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minmos · 4 months ago
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peachsupremeart · 1 month ago
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Pretty Cure Sundays DX
48 - Cure Rosetta (Doki Doki! Pretty Cure)
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cure-whimsy · 10 months ago
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Doki Doki Precure is good and I'm tired of pretending it's not
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meryizza · 25 days ago
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Trying something different for coloring chibis c;
Remember I have OPEN commisions in this style for $15 👀
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prettycurefever2025 · 6 months ago
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fandomonic-plague · 1 year ago
Ok so, hello. This post is for people who started with Glitter Force Doki Doki and moved on to DokiDoki! Precure. And may have trouble knowing which Glitter Girl is under which name for the Cure Name.
I.e Glitter Heart -> Cure Heart
So, here. Because I know I had trouble.
Glitter -> Cure
Heart -> Heart
Diamond -> Diamond
Clover -> Rosetta
Spade -> Sword
Ace -> Ace
Thank you to the person who confirmed this.
Anyway, all the best to the glitter force -> precure people, and probably your intro to this fandom-
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magical-demigirl · 8 months ago
Best Precure Transformation Round 1 Part 61
Feel free to make propaganda I’ll reblog it
Also feel free to suggest pair ups
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apollo-ajkg · 1 year ago
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Day 5:
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floralcavern · 2 months ago
SO NOSTALGIC AHHHHH!!! I don’t remember their names, but I always liked the orange themed one!
Lolirock!! I haven't touched that show in forever!! Should I watch it in its original language now? Cause I watched it in French back then
Lolirock is GREAT! I’d totally suggest a rewatch! I’ve never watched it in any language but english, and the english voice actors are pretty great!
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minmos · 7 months ago
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witch-craft-works · 4 months ago
My complicated feelings towards Glitter Force
(Remember this is all my opinion please don't attack me)
So I wanted to talk about Glitter force a bit because I have a bit of a love hate relationship with it. So now that Glitter Force has been removed from Netflix and with absolutely no plans of renewing it at least at the time of this post I thought it was a good time to talk about it.
So lets go back in time to 2016. It was a dark and stormy night I was fresh into middle school I had transferred out of my shitty Catholic Elementary School and started public middle school.
I was bullied relentlessly in elementary school so I wasn't in a good headspace at the time.
Anyways I was mindlessly scrolling through Netflix when I came across Glitter Force, during this time I had gotten into Sailor moon and it looked similar so I clicked on it and watched the first few episodes.
I thought it was pretty good at the time and binged the whole season. Anyways because of that I would watch glitter force related videos on YouTube and then I came across an AMV (yes I was that kid😂) of New Stage I recognized Happy and Peace on the thumbnail next to two other girls (Melody and I think Muse) and wondered who they were as the title of the video was in Japanese, so I clicked on it and oh my God my little 11 year old mind was blown. It was awesome! and I wanted more of that content and I wanted to know more about the other girls. The I came across Azen Zone's reviews and fell in love with the franchise.
Anyways I didn't actually get to watch a pretty cure season in subs until I think Huggto on one of those free streaming sites and came across the Smile sub and Dear God was it leagues above Glitter Force because the dub was dog water compared to the original. And I was surprised that they had left a good amount of episodes out of the dub as well.
So I'm going to get into the gripes I have with GF/Doki Doki. In no way am I blaming the dub cast as I'm sure they had to work with what they were given but looking at the cast. GF and Doki Doki was stacked with really good actors.
The Cast:
Glitter Force:
Laura Bailey who played Cure Happy/Glitter Lucky
Colleen O'Shaughnessey played Cure Sunny/Glitter Sunny
Alex Cazares played Cure Peace/Glitter Peace
Danielle Judovits played Cure March/Glitter Spring
Kate Higgens played Cure Beauty/Glitter Breeze
Debi Derryberry played Candy
Todd Haberkorn played Pop
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn played Royal Queen/Queen Euphoria and Majorina/Brooha
Keith Silverstein played Wolfurun/Ulric Akaoni/Brute and Joker/Rascal
Glitter Force Doki Doki
Debi Derryberry played Cure Heart/Glitter Heart
Cassandra Lee Morris played Cure Diamond/Glitter Diamond
Melissa Fahn played Cure Rosetta/Glitter Clover
Stephanie Sheh played Cure Sword/Glitter Sword and Raquel
Erica Lindbeck played Cure Ace/Glitter Ace and Dabyi/Davi
Tara Sands played Sharuru/Kippy
Bryce Papenbrook played Lance
Ray Chase played Bel
Benjamin Disqen Ira
Carrie Keranen played Marmo
Cherami Leigh played Regina
Grant George played Joe Okada
Kirk Thornton played Sebastian
So the acting I don't mind at times, the name changes, don't mind that either, Pokemon was known for doing this back then all the way up until Ash's exit from the anime. There were also times where the scene would darken the mostly happened when the girls used their attacks I can see them doing this because they didn't want to cause any health risks and cause seizures so it didn't bother me too much. So what's the issue then?
One of the biggest issues I had when it came to Glitter force after watching the original was how much they changed. They removed a lot of episodes. For example Smile had 48 episodes and Glitter force removed 8 while Doki Doki had 49 episodes and Glitter force removed 19 episodes and even combined some of the episodes which kind of made them clunky. The episodes removed were the ones focused on culture and I guess you can use the excuse it by saying that they removed it so that they wouldn't confused kids but thats still a pretty bad excuse they also changed it so that Glitter force took place in the United States and that just seems a bit silly to me.
They also removed the episode about Yayoi's dad and understanding why she was named Yayoi which is concidered one of the best episodes in the season and I've seen some people say that it's one of the best in the francise. Another thing that annoyed me was that they removed the episode where Brian a student exchange student from America transfered into their class, this episode was about a language barrier between him and Akane so I can see why they didn't want to dub it but they end up still mentioning him in a later episode so if they didn't want to confuse the audiance they failed. I mean what they could have done is have him speak in a diffrent language and say he came from i don't know Spain instead of America. They did this in the Tokyo Mew mew dub but I digress.
They also removed the episode where the girls go and visit Miyuki's grandma which I don't really understand why. Another thing I did not like was the fact they seemed to try and remove any scene where the Cures are sad or tone it down unless there was no way to cut it out they even tried to make those scenes comedic as well which is just, Why? (Minor spoilers for Smile Precure) For example in the final episode of the season the girls they have to say goodbye to Candy and Pop as they have to go back to Marchland. In the original once they saw that Candy had already disapeared thats when they broke down crying.
Another thing that kind of bothered me as well as alot of other people is that the acting felt, flat at times. One of the most brought up scenes is when Majorina almost killed Nao's siblings when you compare both scenes it's just really jarring to watch. They even added voice lines that weren't in the original. I think the people handling the dub just didn't want to upset/scare kids or make their parents upset so they tried to tone down/cut the darker moments out of the show. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing but kids can still enjoy a show even if theres darker moments.
I was also told that Glitter Force was homophobic but I never really understood where that came from. Maybe I just missed it? Idk
While Pretty Cure is about friendship and teamwork Smile was trying to show kids that you shouldn't give up and that sad things happen in life. This was because the year before japan suffered a really bad earthquake/tsunami which resulted in the deaths of Thousands of people. Smile Pretty Cure was made in order to comfort people who lost their homes or their loved ones. Glitter force while theres nothing wrong with this the producers seemed to be trying to push the message of friendship, teamwork while kind of neglecting the message of not giving up hope and I've seen alot of people think it's disrespectful concidering the circumstances and what led to Smile's creation
Anyways for as much as I criticize Glitter force and Glitter Force Doki Doki I have to admit that theres a chance without it I never would have discovered Pretty Cure as early as I did. And if you look at my blog you can tell I really love this franchise. And while it's kind of sad to see it go I think it's best that the trademark can finally rest after being in limbo for so long.
Would have been interesting to see what they did with the all stars movies tho
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https-b0nb0n · 1 year ago
What if there's a Sonic & Precure movie or game where Sonic & the rest (Plus the HiroSky cures) teamed up with the other cures
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Team Heart-Throbbing Soaring Speed
Sonic, Tails, Cure Sky & Cure Wing teamed up with Cure Melody, Cure/Glitter Heart, Shiny Luminous & Cure/Glitter Sunny
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Team Dimensional Ultimate Beat
Blaze & Shadow teamed up with Cure Moonlight, Cure Rhythm, Cure Beat, Cure Sword/Glitter Spade, Cure Scarlet, Cure Ma Chérie & Cure Armor
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Team Freshly Future & Prismatic Love
Sliver, Amy Rose & Cure Prism teamed up with Cure Passion, Cure Lovely, Cure Muse, Cure/Glitter Diamond & Cure Rosetta/Glitter Clover
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Team Floral Strength
Tikal, Cosmo & Knuckles teamed up with Cure Flora, Cure Felice, Cure Black & Cure White
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Team Majestic Gem
Cream plus Cheese), Rouge, Cure Butterfly & Cure Majesty teamed up with Cure Rouge (because same name lol), Cure/Glitter Ace, Cure Custard, Cure Macaron & Cure Chocolat
(P.s: Yeah this is so 1 month old. Anyways I just made this from liek last month ago, BUT since Wonderful Precure is coming next year after Hirogaru Sky Precure ended I might updated so yeah)
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meryizza · 3 months ago
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Cure Rosetta Pathernon Mode is R E A L in my heart 🥺
2020 thing.
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essiekuko · 2 months ago
when i was like 10 i had netflix for the first time and became so invested in glitter force doki doki (english smile precure) but i was always so disappointed that it seemed like it wasn’t that popular 😭 until i found out that its just an english version of this huge, iconic series that’s a staple in the magical girl genre. so yayy im so glad its as popular as it deserves to be!! ig i was simply just late to the party. but its so confusing knowing that theres multiple series under the one name, and that they’re all just sort of continuations of the previous ones, like the story isn’t even divided into seasons it’s divided into series 😨. and the fact that there’s like 10 other main characters, and not just the main deck of cards. so im not going to get too into it, im just going to accept glitter force doki doki as my only experience with the series :3
anyway my first fav was glitter clover!! (or cure rosetta?? no idea how naming works outside of the english version)
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glitter ace/cure ace is also one of my favs, mainly for her design but not so much her backstory ♡
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…ok i’ve been informed that glitter force doki doki is not just a translated vers of the og smile precure, but is a white-washed, racist & homophobic adaptation of the show. i never knew abt this bc i was, ofc, a child when i watched it, and i only had access to english media (netflix being the place i found the show), tho now that im made aware of the reality of where netflix’s version comes from, i’ll now be referring to the characters and series as a whole by the original names out of respect and to distance myself from the problematic origin of doki doki 🫶
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