#Gfriend Navillera
koishua · 3 months
growing up on diff kpop gens with my younger sister this is wild bc her le sserafim/nwjns/illit/kiof was my snsd/aoa/apink/girls' day/exid/gfriend/rv :( 4th/5th gen vs 2nd/3rd gen have CRAZY different energies it's fascinating
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aegissi · 2 years
kpop songs that sound like magical girl openings >>>>>>>
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kpop-girlsworld · 2 years
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choiyuyuna · 2 years
170119 | GFRIEND — 시간 을 달려서 (Rough) + 너 그리고 나 (Navillera) | Seoul Music Awards | 유나의 이쁜 꿈나무
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married-2-the-music · 1 month
Gfriend: Gone Too Soon
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lilidawnonthemoon · 1 year
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sgt-seabass · 1 year
Just Imagine this:
"Honey?" Bucky called as he came home from a long day of work only to find you and the kitty asleep, He would scoop you up and put you in bed only mildly stirring you. His perfect family. he would change and hop in bed with you.
✧˚ · . a collaboration between @navybrat817 and sgt-seabass
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Bucky returns home after a mission, ready to spend time with his two favourite people, you and Alpine.
pairing — bucky barnes x reader w/c — 1.3k part of the Vengeance AU listening to —♫navillera by gfriend
warnings — bucky barnes is a sweetheart, part of a dark AU, mentions of Hydra a/n — navillera is a korean phrase meaning ‘like a butterfly’, so i thought it suited. thank you so much for your ask, it inspired this oneshot! hope you enjoy a little peace before our next part comes out.
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“Steve, there’s something more to this.” Bucky rapped his flesh fingers against the back of his metal hand, shoulders tensed as he looked out the car window, the sky dark. Shadows cast across his face, emanating his worries easily with the subtle light of the moon.
Normally, he rode his bike to the compound before a mission, but this one had been urgent so Steve had picked him up, and now was stuck with dropping him home.
Steve sighed, both hands gripping the wheel. Both men were tense. “Buck. We really shouldn’t be talking about this–”
“The base wasn’t just empty, it was stripped bare. Someone cleaned house.” Bucky chewed on his lower lip as they passed by familiar streets, one’s he often walked with you. It felt dirty to be thinking about work in the area he considered your domain. Bucky liked to keep work and private life separate, although the edges seemed to be bleeding more and more.
Lately, he’d had a lot more late nights and sudden missions as a string of ex-Hydra bases were ransacked by unknown assailants. It was concerning enough to have someone interested in old Hydra assets, and even more worrying with no idea as to why.
The world was better off without the tentacles of Hydra swirling below the surface, but it seemed some people didn’t agree with that sentiment.
“We shouldn’t be talking about this. It’s classified. We need to be in a secure facility.” Steve was clearly growing more irritated, but Bucky knew the stem of that annoyance was the same as his – they didn’t know who was doing this, and what their motive was.
“You sound like Tony,” Bucky sniped before he could think better of it.
Steve inhaled sharply, shooting Bucky a look. It had Bucky curling a little into his seat. “Sorry. You just know it’s weird and there’s something big we’re missing. Hydra is gone, so why would someone care about their old junk?”
“I don’t know, Buck. But I intend to find out,” Steve said with finality as he pulled up outside your apartment building. “Either way, it’ll be fine. Hydra died the same day the Triskelion fell. Now go get some rest, you look like shit.”
“Is that an order, Captain?” Bucky chuckled dryly, his eyes lingering on the high up window with the open curtains – his apartment. The four walls didn’t weren’t what made it his home – you were. Becca had always told him home was where the heart is, and his heart was always with you. You were his home. His safety blanket. His everything.
“Stop being a jerk and get out of my car. Your girl needs you,” Steve gently pushed at Bucky’s shoulder, an air of ease between them.
Bucky opened the car door, sliding out, but not without sticking his head in to have the last word. “Fine, punk. But keep me in the loop.”
Steve just nodded, affection in his expression. Bucky smiled as he shut the passenger door. The world was certainly different from the one they’d grown up knowing, but after everything it was nice to still have his best friend.
Bucky didn’t look back as Steve drove off, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweats as he ambled his way up to the apartment. He felt relaxed coming home. He was finally able to live the life he had been so vehemently denied of by his captors.
It was hard not to think about the past. In the years since his freedom, Bucky had mourned the loss of his life in the 40’s, dealt with the shame and guilt of his actions as the Winter Soldier, and now dealt with the anxiety of the modern world. He’d chosen not to share the gory details of his actions as the Winter Soldier with you, and while you’d never pressed, he could see that curious look you gave him. But if he told you he was a ruthless killer, would you leave? The logical part of his brain said no, you’d work through it with him. But the gripping fear that you would leave was too much to bear.
So instead, he let you live in an oblivious bubble, with only trickles of information coming through. It was safer that way. You wouldn’t be a target when you didn’t know anything.
Bucky’s keys jingled as he opened the front door, undoing the multiple locks he’d had installed when he first moved in. The apartment was dark, only a soft light emanating from the television that was running repeats of some crime show Bucky knew you liked. 
A soft chuckle left Bucky as he sighted you cuddled up on the couch, strewn across the cushions with a few blankets piled on top of you, and Alpine perched happily atop your chest. Your chest rose and fell slowly, a little snore sounding with each few breaths.
Guilt began to nibble at Bucky. You’d stayed up for him. He hadn’t given you an estimated time back since he didn’t know when the mission would be over, but he knew you, and he was certain you would have had little sleep while he was away, always waiting for the front door to open.
Ignoring the empty ice cream container and takeout on the table - a problem for another time - Bucky made his way through the mountain of coziness so he could pick you up. 
Bucky’s arms looped under you, lifting you and Alpine in one scoop. Alpine mewed softly, which Bucky quickly shushed in response, not wanting you to wake. You stirred in his hold, but luckily stayed asleep. 
Unable to help himself, Bucky placed a gentle kiss to your forehead before moving to the bedroom. With the utmost care and caution, Bucky placed you down into the soft covers of the bed, tucking you in tight so you wouldn’t feel the chill of the night's air.
Within minutes, Bucky was undressed and ready to join you, left in nothing but his dog tags. He’d showered at the compound after the mission, since he knew he wouldn’t be able to hold himself back from cuddling you the moment he set eyes on you.
Bucky climbed into bed next to you, pulling you close to spoon you while he propped his head up on his metal hand to watch you, Alpine snuggled close to your stomach. He placed his flesh hand on your chest, feeling the soft thrum of your heart through his palm. Nothing could ground him like you did. Bucky smiled, placing a kiss to your shoulder and head, allowing himself a moment of reprieve in your familiar scent.
Everything about you was just comfort. You were a beauty inside and out that Bucky felt privileged to witness. Each night, he could bid the moon goodnight knowing there were good, pure people like you in the world. 
At first, he’d hated the modern world. But when he’d met you, he’d started to think it might not be all bad.
He’d be with Steve until the end of the line, but with you, he’d be with you eternally. Even if the world ended, if everything just ceased, you’d still own his heart. The love he felt transcended the mortal realm, and was something more than he’d ever understand.
Bucky’s eyes traced your form, taking in each intricate detail of your face. Becca and his Ma would have loved you, he was sure of it. His sister would have undoubtedly given him flack for pulling a girl so sweet and stunning, and his mother would have treated you like the second daughter she never had. Bucky felt a twang in his heart that he couldn’t give you the loving family you deserved.
“Bucky.” Your dreary voice snapped Bucky back to reality, as if you knew his mind was beginning to spiral. “I love you.”
Bucky let his head rest on the pillow next to yours, but not without placing a kiss to your shoulder first. “I love you too.”
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soleurs · 2 years
▎  NAVILLERA,  ft. lee cheongsan
medium, gn! reader. genre, fluff. setting, non-apocalyptic. warning, suhyeok slander (best friend things). track, navillera by gfriend.
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roller-skating was a bad idea.
cheongsan only comes to realize this once he's rolling down the pavement, clinging onto your arms for dear life. he does his best to skate by himself, but the attempts only lead him back to you. he swears that at some point, he almost fell into a split.
spotting a bench up ahead, you lead the nervous boy to it and help him sit down. he takes a deep breath, as if he had been holding it this whole time, and presses himself against the backrest. his eyes shut for a bit before he feels you poking his arm.
“you look cute,” is what you tell him after he sends you a questioning stare. “just like a baby duck who's learning to walk for the first time.”
he playfully scoffs. “more like baresu when the teacher calls on him to recite.”
“don't say that, he might suddenly appear to be the third wheel of our date.” you lightly smack his arm for good measure.
“ouch, i've been hurt! i don't think i can skate anymore..”
cheongsan doesn't have the courage to tell you yet: your laughter is a trigger for the butterflies in his stomach. even though they tickle him so much, he doesn't want them to leave. he doesn't ever want you to leave.
after a few more minutes of recuperating, you stand up and gently tug your date's hand. “come on, let's get back on track!”
even if he wants to whine, he doesn't say anything. even if he feels like he's definitely going to split this time, he doesn't hold down his weight. even if he knows that he'll look so silly clinging onto you, he doesn't let go of your hands.
because if that's what it takes to keep you happy, he'll let you lead him to wherever. (though, if you're taking suggestions, he wants you to lead him to forever.)
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© SOLEURS — 2022.
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k-germsworld · 3 months
Favourite gif/fancam of each gfriend members?
Sowon - Blonde Sowon
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Yerin - Navillera Yerin is the reason I fall in love to Gfriend
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Eunha -HMA Eunha is really something
Yuju - Mago Yuju showing alot of charm
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Sinb - Cool and pretty in Labyrinth
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Umji - She look like an angel here
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k-pop-lovers · 6 months
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usermavka · 2 years
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buddysmut · 10 days
What was your favorite era!! Mine was Sunny Summer it still warms my heart ^^
That's actually a really tough one. I would say either Navillera or Fever.
Navillera because I was following them since debut. But Rough was the first single they had where I actually liked the music and became a fan. And Navillera felt like it was kind of a reward for finally being a Buddy. It stood out so much more compared to the stuff before it. And it was so cool at the time. I remember nothing else being like it back then. I started watching all their Vlive streams live at the time. And I'll always remember all the ironic stans at the time, and how supporting GFriend as a joke backfired and just made them super popular during that era lmao
Fever because there was just something about that comeback. I remember when the mv released I stayed up for a while to see it and was watching it over and over. I really loved that song so much. Even though alot of Buddy on twitter kept making fun of it saying if you liked it it means you were into boy groups or something. Which I still don't understand. But also this was around the time when Yerin was the lead in my Yerin and Yuju double bias. So it really felt like and amazing era for Yerin lol And I remember some of the variety show stuff they did around that time was really funny.
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kousaka-ayumu · 2 months
Meadow Dawn
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Found and lead by: Hoshiakari Fuyumi and Hoseki Héxie
Stage names:
Fuyumi: Winter
Hoseki: Yùnlǜ
Kiko: Yamal
Seiza: RoseÉtoile
Risumi: Glassella
Fuyumi: Center, Vocalist, Lyricist
Hoseki: Leader, Lead-Vocalist, Composer
Kiko: Rapper, Choreographer, and Sub-Vocal
Seiza: Vocalist, costume designer and rapper
Risumi: Vocalist and researcher
Happy Synthesizer(Debut)
Kimagure Mercy
Romeo and Cinderella
Tenshi no Clover
I Am We Are
Metamo Reborn
Dream Place
Deep Sea Girl
Glass Bead
Me Gustas Tu
Tarot Cards
Time For The Moonlight
Meadow Dawn is a mix of GFriend and More More Jump
It's ironic how Moonlight Bloom has Taiyou a sunny and energetic character and Meadow Dawn has Seiza.
Both Meadow Dawn and Moonlight Bloom's concepts are centered around the sun and the moon, it is possible that there's a group that centered around the eclipse.
What do you think?
@zexal-club @yukii0nna @yumeko2sevilla @queen-of-twisted @marrondrawsalot @abyssthing198 @liviavanrouge @achy-boo
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kpop-girlsworld · 2 years
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choiyuyuna · 2 years
170209 | GFRIEND — 너 그리고 나 (Navillera) | Pyeongchang Winter Olympics G-1 Concert | 해를보는아이
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married-2-the-music · 4 months
Gfriend: K-pop Discography Deep Dive
A Disclaimer: I was planning, when I first started Tumblr, to be a lurker, but then I began an office job and needed something to listen to to keep myself occupied. And then, I started going through entire K-pop groups’ repertoires, album by album, and jotting down my thoughts. And then, I stumbled into K-pop tumblr and decided, you know what, there’s at least four people on this hell site who…
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