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rapidhighway · 4 years ago
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Day 18: Nightmare
After ignoring the fact that I was supposed to do @mobtober I come crawling back again bc I like the prompt. This one’s for the amazing @toastytoaster22 because this prompt was just an excuse to draw fanart for Flooded which is one of the first fanfics I read for mp100 and I still fucking love so much and if yall aren’t reading Toasty’s fanfics then do you even have taste
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sunriseindigo · 4 years ago
by the fireplace
mikako x kiyoka, 1034 words
summary: locked in with each other during a snowstorm, mikako finds herself incredibly cold and it’s up to kiyoka to warm her up
tags: established relationship, fluff, cuddling, mikako just wants her gf to cuddle her,,,,
oh boy another fanfic!!! tbh mikako/kiyoka (kuromaki i like to call it) has been slowly becoming a comfort ship for me and the content for it is like. nonexistent so it’s my job to fuel it!!! (also can u see the types of fics i’m into lol)
The wind howled outside as delicate little snowflakes fell from the sky. The scenery outside almost looked entirely white not because of the snow currently falling to the ground, but also the snow that was already there. Even worse, it was to be that way for the rest of the day. 
With the snow piling up each hour, Kiyoka and Mikako decided to stay inside for the next few days until a path was cleared for the exorcist to go home. 
Yamato was repeatedly texting his sister--making sure that she was okay, that he was concerned for her, little reminders to stay bundled up and to stay inside--almost every minute. Mikako tried to reply to each of them as quickly as she could, telling him that she was okay and that Kiyoka was keeping her company. To be honest, it helped clear any boredom she experienced while locked inside.
However, the texts suddenly slowed down one day. It wasn’t like Mikako was constantly questioning why her brother wasn’t texting her as much--she was focusing on keeping warm.
She blew on her hands and rubbed them together, attempting to heat them up, but nothing was working. Mikako began to shiver and she now focused on getting her arms warm. It was never that cold as it was the previous days, and even wearing two sweaters couldn’t cure her from the chilliness.
“W-why is it so cold in here?” she questioned.
Kiyoka, who was sitting besides her on the couch, peered up from her phone. She immediately became concerned as she witnessed Mikako shiver. “Hey, is everything okay?” she asked, setting her phone down. The exorcist shook her head in response.
“Well, the fireplace was lit not too long ago! Why don’t you grab a few blankets and sit by there while I get you some hot chocolate?”
Mikako nodded in response as she smiled. “You’re the best, Kiyoka,” she said, placing a kiss on the sniper’s cheek. She couldn’t help but blush at the sudden gesture.
Slowly, Mikako got up and took a fleece blanket laying on a nearby chair and made her way to the fireplace. She immediately began to feel more comfortable as she stepped closer to the fire, sitting down on the floor where she could begin to feel more toasty. The exorcist smiled with content as she wrapped the blanket around her, letting all the warmth from the fire, blankets and sweaters absorb her.
Even with all of this, something felt missing. Although Mikako was thankful for all of the comfort during the raging snowstorm, it didn’t feel right. Like there was a missing piece to make everything perfect.
She would simply have to wait until Kiyoka returned.
A few minutes later, Kiyoka entered the room holding a cup of warm hot chocolate. She walked toward Mikako before sitting down besides her and handing the mug to her. She gracefully took it and took a large sip from it.
“Tastes good?” the sniper asked.
“As always,” Mikako laughed slightly. Kiyoka knew exactly how she wanted her hot chocolate, and she did it right every time.
“Getting any warmer yet?”
“Yes, but… something doesn’t feel right.”
Kiyoka looked at her; confused. “What doesn’t feel right? Is the blanket too much? Do you want more fire? Is--” 
“I was wondering if you wanted to cuddle with me.”
Her train of thought and wonder was suddenly interrupted. The blonde girl’s face started to turn red by her girlfriend’s suggestion, taken by surprise. It was incredibly unusual for someone so reserved when it came to affection like Mikako would suggest something like that out of the blue. She wasn’t opposed to it by any means, she was simply amazed by what she had said.
“...Well?” Mikako looked up from her mug.
“Oh! Yes, of course!” Kiyoka replied, snapping out of her daze.
Mikako opened up her blanket to let her girlfriend crawl in next to her. Kiyoka proceeded to follow suit as the exorcist began to wrap the blanket around the two of them, trying to get themselves comfortable by the fire. It didn’t take too long before Mikako let out a sigh of content.
“Is that better?” Kiyoka asked, peering up at Mikako.
“Mhm,” Mikako smiled as she nodded her head.
“You just wanted an excuse to cuddle with me, didn’t you?”
“I mean… I was really cold before I got here. I just wanted to cuddle with you too… it didn’t feel right to sit here by myself…”
Kiyoka laughed. “Well, glad you’re feeling better Mika!”
“Are you ever going to not call me that?”
“I think it’s cute! You always get flustered when I call you that anyways!”
Mikako felt blush creeping up toward her face, and at that point she couldn’t deny it. 
“Alright, fine,” she said, playfully rolling her eyes, “You are right.”
“Told you so!”
Mikako planted a gentle kiss on Kiyoka’s cheek, to which the sniper reciprocated the affection. She leaned her head on Mikako’s shoulder, grinning as she proceeded to snuggle her closer. The two of them enjoyed a few minutes of serenity--together--with little care of the world.
Suddenly, a phone went off. Kiyoka lifted her head up and grabbed the phone to read who the notification was from, only for a big grin to appear on her face.
“Mikako, you have to look at this!” Kiyoka looked at her girlfriend, her eyes sparkling. 
“What is it?” Mikako questioned, taking a sip of her hot chocolate before setting it on the ground.
“Yamato finally texted you back! I brought your phone with me just in case and I thought you would like to see it.”
She handed the exorcist’s phone to her. He sent her a picture of him standing in the snow, the fluffy material reaching his knees. He was bundled up in what appeared to be around four jackets and a few scarves, giving a thumbs up towards the camera.
having fun down there?? :O
Mikako couldn’t help but laugh at the image before replying back to him:
yep, looks like you’re having fun too!
The text was almost instant once it was sent.
u know what this means mikako???
snowball fight?
snowball fight!!!!! >:D
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badwriterrr · 6 years ago
11/11/11 tag
Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you, make up 11 questions, then tag 11 people to answer them.
Tagged by @adayforducks​ 
1. Do you make playlists for your WIP? For particular characters or for the story in general?
Yep, i have playlist for both my main story and my main characters. If you’re curious you can find it here
2. Do you RP (or have you ever done so)?
Nah not really my thing :P
3. Have you ever written (or do you currently write) fanfiction?
I used to write loads of fanfics, mostly for harry potter, shadowhunter, and shameless but haven’t written any recently. Maybe i should get back to my roots?
4. What’s your go-to writing snack?
Vegemite and cheese toastie
5. Do you have a favourite piece of writing advice you’ve given or been told?
Hmmm, it’s a bit cheesy but probably ‘write what you want to read.’
6. What’s your favourite font?
Time New Roman 
7. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve Googled recently for research?
‘How old was Meiji when he became emperor’ (Legit googled this for no reason what so ever)
8. Do you prefer to set your stories in real or fictional places?
Real, not sure why. Maybe I just have no imagination
9. What’s one thing that you love about the creative process?
Finding and gathering information and putting an idea in ur head1
10. What’s one thing you dislike about it?
Maybe all the work? idk
11. What kind of ending does your WIP have?
Pretty sad ending, but i have two possible ending that i’ve been tossing up in the air
My Questions:
1. What was your fav book growing up?
2. What genre is your WIP
3. Are any of your oc based on people
4. What is your guilty pleasure read?
5. If you had to summarise your WIP in three words, what would they be?
6. What do you take inspiration from?
7. How do you deal with writers block?
8. What's your fav TV show?
9. Are you in any fandoms? What are they?
10. How long have you been writing your WIP for?
11. What was the first story you ever wrote, how old were you? What as it about?
Tag: @quillstrider @the-unwritten-writer @alwysbcreative @flve-words @nou-tar @literate-libby @writeouswriter @inkspilledqueen @worldofhiraeth @badwolf-druidwrites @eternalvertigos
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bellarxse · 5 years ago
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No one tagged me but *grabby hands*
1. Priya 💅
2. Gary? Or Henrik. I just really like their laidback vibe ☺️
3. Carl (but I have to come up with other dialogue in my head because there is no way that Casa “Alien Boy” Carl says “it’s smooth all over to Elisa I refUSE--) - I just really like the idea of him both as an LI in the game and thinking about him outside of the Villa. He’s the most intriguing to me, and one of the most realistic imo
4. Season 2
5. Tumblr? Idk, not Reddit anyway 😂
6. I’m not going to do all of them but--
I like the idea that Hope’s a Capricorn and Noah’s a Cancer - I think it fits their characterisation and they would then have opposing signs on the zodiac wheel, which sums up their dynamic. They’re magnetically attracted to each other at the beginning, but the cracks start to show later on with different priorities. By then, both of them are locked in and unwilling/unable to admit that they’d be happier with other people.
Gary’s a Taurus, try and change my mind.
Lottie..is a Scorpio with fire placements.
Lucas is a Scorpio I think - or he certainly has some Scorpio placements if it’s not his sun sign (such kink, much possessive, very HOT) (I think he’s a Leo in canon but naw that doesn’t fly)
I think Carl’s a Virgo - it’s always tricky to tell with people on the spectrum (and Casa-Carl almost certainly is, at least a little bit, which is part of why I love him so) but his work ethic and his negative reaction to you touching his hair before you make the toastie together kind of clinch it for me.
7. I really need someone with Chelsea’s energy in my life, but realistically I would have to say Marisol - I think we’d have the most in common.
8. I don’t like that there isn’t an option to have Bobby just as a friend. Please don’t misunderstand, I really like him as a character and I know that the game is partially constructed so that he’s your endgame (as shown by the pool scene at the end) - but I don’t like how difficult the game makes it to not do a Bobby playthrough. That said, I love my fluffy Bobby playthroughs as much as the next person on here 💖
9. Marisol - take it or leave it haha
10. I HATE JO. There, I said it. I feel so much better now. 😌
11. I’d say one of the girls? Priya, Lottie or Chelsea. I don’t see Marisol or Hope going down that route, they’re more interested in traditional career progression. Chelsea has a very insta aesthetic (pastels, athleisure etc), Lottie could be doing make-up collabs/tutorials/showcases, Priya could be modelling on her own terms and have much more control over her own image (which might make her less anxious about being in front of cameras?)
12. Priya? (Most of my answers are Priya, I just love her so much)
13. I’m actually going to go with “traditional” cigarette smoking because I think a lot of other people have already done weed headcanons:
- Gary probably had a phase in his late teens where he would smoke socially (based on his background and where he’s from in the UK) - Marisol reminds me a lot of one of my uni friends who was practically a chainsmoker, so I see her as using it as a destresser during her finals. She has pretty strong willpower so she’s able to stop whenever she wants. - I actually see Kassam as a roll-up boy. Make of that what you will
14. Obviously S3 is already out (and has nearly finished), so some thoughts about what has happened instead:
- I genuinely think that in trying to give us more choice (please stop banging on about Nicky and Seb I don’t care - we have 2/3 female LIs who we don’t have to leap through blazing hoops to get, just let me LIVE) Fusebox have had coding and balancing difficulties - MC’s actions don’t have any consequences. If she leads LIs on, no one cares. Flirting with other people’s LIs has no consequences. We didn’t even have any consequences for sleeping with Tai behind the waterfall?!?!?! - I have mixed feelings on the drama in this season - on the one hand, I’m a messy bitch who lives for other people’s drama so I was gagging for some. On the other hand, the world is going to hell in a handcart, so it was nice to have genuinely friendly people just enjoying each other’s company and trying to get on. - My philosophy on drama is that it should be like cinnamon - spicing things up a little at a time. Going from 0-60 on Day 9/10? Forgetting our name having had sex with us twice (if you paid the gems)?? I-- This isn’t what I play for. If I wanted betrayal I’d just go out dating irl haha
I’m semi-seriously considering doing a S3 rewrite I just need someone to discourage me
15.  I read so many fanfics - @beebips​ @ravenadottir​ silentscreaming (on AO3 - if they have a tumblr someone tell me their URL please I worship their “Heavenly Henrik” fic) @bobbymckenziess​ I love them all
16. Hmm - I have no idea how many I’m allowed, so I’ve done it in order of who I want: S1: - Allegra - Jen (sorry Tim/Jen fans, but I have a bee in my bonnet about Lucas/Jen and I really like the idea for some reason?)  - Rohan (deserved so much better) - whichever one of Jasper/Miles Allegra didn’t get with in the relevant S1 playthrough - Talia
S2 - Lottie (can you imagine her and Allegra I’m quaking) - Lucas - Noah - Priya (I don’t know if there are any rules on age, since she’d be 30, but I love the idea of her and Lottie teaming up having been through so much together in their season <3 ) - maybe Gary? (if the relevant S2 playthrough had been Gary/Lottie, I kind of want to see that dynamic) (if we can’t have Priya, it would be fun to have one of the CA girls like Siobhan or Emily, or one of the unnamed ones)
S3 because why not - Camilo - Rafi/Lily (whichever one walked if they couldn’t turn your head) (with Rafi/Lily - I like the idea of them being “original islanders” and seeing how their approach and demeanour would change when they’re not trying to win a very specific person?) - Nicky (sorry Elladine he just doesn’t seem as into it as you are </3 ) - Iona (again, love the idea of just having them be in there together) - Tai
17. HENRIK IS DYING RIGHT NOW PLEASE PRAY FOR HIM. Other than that, Chelsea’s struggling (not least because emotional permanence is a problem for people with ADHD) and Rocco’s really not liking the travel restrictions.
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