#GM creative
nothingbutvultures · 5 months
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i can be your dog or your bullet
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gunthermunch · 2 years
What age up traits did you give lucas & co and wg?
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there you go. also wg's young adult trait is lazy ahaa
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inbetweenhours · 2 years
ignoring Geminitays characters being the same acrossed all universes and instead making some of the most horrifying backgrounds for her season 2 character only currently second to the Sheriff whom i have done unspeakable horrors to the history off
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localghostgorl · 8 months
I recently compiled all the RPGs that I have on my computer into a google drive. If anyone wants to peruse, here's the link! I have a bunch of the D&D 5e stuff, as well as a few other systems (including but not limited to Blades in the Dark, 13th Age, and Vampire: The Masquarade 5e). Go forth and have fun :)
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smilingmxsk · 3 months
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stayatsam · 1 year
my call of cthulhu campaign is crazy it's so investigation and roleplay based we've done entire sessions without character sheets and or maybe rolling maybe once or twice
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somegurl8 · 1 year
Ran my first ever TTRPG one shot today and here’s some highlights/notable facts:
- It ran for 6 hours on accident
- Most of the party when given the chance to interact early on simply didn’t /lh
- T4T girlboss x malewife secret villain NPCs were enjoyed, someone pointed out their relationship was just the "quit your job join my emo band" meme
- Before the game I joked my 3 NPCs for the one shot were that meme with the goth trans Ariel and Eric with communist Sebastian, and because my players never learned my third NPC’s name until the end of the game we jokingly called him “The Communist”
- One player kept having her PC threaten to or think about torturing on my NPCs, with the player notably saying "We'll put the waterboarding on the back burner real quick" out of character at one point
- Different player gave herself busted toughness and tanked a hit from a 16 wheeler truck, she also had 0 attack abilities
- Another player's PCwas just tired the whole time and was the person who touches the strange weird object
- The player with the 17 year old PC managed to be the one who took down the main bosses of the one shot by mind blasting them. Said 17 year old also gave major relationship advice to the malewife NPC to tell him that his relationship was probably unhealthy based on their situation.
- An earthquake happened in the middle of us playing and all but one person felt it (game was virtual and 4 of the 5 of us live somewhat close to each other)
- One PC had the backstory of formerly being a superhero who lost his powers after accidentally killing a bunch of people in a fire he caused. Another PC had the backstory of losing his wife in a superhero fight. When we talked about that post session the person who had the widower PC shouted "DID YOU KILL MY WIFE?!"
@gentlemanslime and @red-heart-sunglasses were both players in my one shot so if they would like to add to this they can, the other two players don't have Tumblrs to my knowledge but it was a blast playing with them and I couldn't wish for a better group of people to play with
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morayofsunshine · 7 months
of course i have very loose ideas about what does and doesn't work for ttrpg campaigns bc i love creating characters that break systems
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crabsnacks · 1 year
TFW you start a new DND campaigns you're fucking obsessed but you have to fucking wait to do anything about
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resolveap · 2 years
Get Ready! Join us starting December 31st for Resolve: An After Play Show, a podcast for a role-playing game that does not have an actual play.
Follow us on Social Media!
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gunthermunch · 2 years
𝗶 can't stand your goda𝗺n posts, 𝗴𝗼 eat a frog and stop pretend𝗶𝗻𝗴 youre cool. munch is boring and 𝘁𝗼mmorow better not have a post. 𝗳𝘂𝗰𝗸 y𝗼u and your s𝘁upid s𝘁𝗼ry
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rynmaru · 2 years
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Every Lance needs their base of operations, and for the group loosely known as the Mythics to themselves and as a general collection of mostly capable clusterfucks to everyone else, that home base would be the mercenary ship The Fate of all Fools. Led by Captain Tyra with the help of her NHP assistant, Quartermaster, the mercenary company consists of everyone from your average grunts to a few elite Lancer squads, and is currently finding work in the Veritas system where political unrest means their varied services are in high demand.
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meowscarada · 7 months
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wanted to commemorate my character's family tree, his last name being Bogstrider. as robots, durt's siblings are all built in the image of another animal based on their deadly sin/holy virtue (i'll list their names, sins/virtues and animals in order of when they were built below). fun fact: durt, who embodies chastity, was supposed to be built in the image of a swan. but having been botched at creation, he's the only one of his siblings that does not actually look like an animal.
Durt's older siblings, the sins:
Payment (Envy) - snake
Game (Lust) - ram
Bang (Gluttony) - boar
Bloodbeard (Wrath) - dragon
Leviathan (Sloth) - bear
Vain (Pride) - lion
Mercy (Greed) - monkey
Durt and his younger siblings, the virtues:
Durt (Chastity) - swan
Karro (Humility) - dog
Zadkiel (Generosity) - deer
Chamuel (Diligence) - ox
Beburos (Temperance) - jaguar
Abbadon (Patience) - spider
Galadriel (Kindness) - sheep
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esleep · 8 months
hnng wish my irl tabletop-playing friend group was less married to dnd as their system of choice. a friend of mine sent me a rough draft of some homebrew mechanics he wants to add whenever he starts running his own first campaign, and while i really admire the creativity he's getting the chance to exercise and the effort he's clearly put in, i also really want to grab him by the shoulders and shake him and say "please. play a different game. put this energy into a system that is not actively fighting against what you are trying to accomplish. i beg you." but i tried gently mentioning that as an option and he still really just wants this to be very heavily modified dnd 5e so what can you do. sigh.
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feyriejane · 10 months
I play tabletop roleplaying games because what other opportunities do I have to be an angel who kills Pac-Man with a laser that comes out of their chest?
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prokopetz · 5 months
I think a lot of folks in indie RPG spaces misunderstand what's going on when people who've only ever played Dungeons & Dragons claim that indie RPGs are categorically "too complicated". Yes, it's sometimes the case that they're making the unjustified assumption that all games are as complicated as Dungeons & Dragons and shying away from the possibility of having to brave a steep learning cure a second time, but that's not the whole picture.
A big part of it is that there's a substantial chunk of the D&D fandom – not a majority by any means, but certainly a very significant minority – who are into D&D because they like its vibes or they enjoy its default setting or whatever, but they have no interest in actually playing the kind of game that D&D is... so they don't.
Oh, they'll show up at your table, and if you're very lucky they might even provide their own character sheet (though whether it adheres to the character creation guidelines is anyone's guess!), but their actual engagement with the process of play consists of dicking around until the GM tells them to roll some dice, then reporting what number they rolled and letting the GM figure out what that means.
Basically, they're putting the GM in the position of acting as their personal assistant, onto whom they can offload any parts of the process of play that they're not interested in – and for some players, that's essentially everything except the physical act of rolling the dice, made possible by the fact most of D&D's mechanics are either GM-facing or amenable to being treated as such.*
Now, let's take this player and present them with a game whose design is informed by a culture of play where mechanics are strongly player facing, often to the extent that the GM doesn't need to familiarise themselves with the players' character sheets and never rolls any dice, and... well, you can see where the wires get crossed, right?
And the worst part is that it's not these players' fault – not really. Heck, it's not even a problem with D&D as a system. The problem is D&D's marketing-decreed position as a universal entry-level game means that neither the text nor the culture of play are ever allowed to admit that it might be a bad fit for any player, so total disengagement from the processes of play has to be framed as a personal preference and not a sign of basic incompatibility between the kind of game a player wants to be playing and the kind of game they're actually playing.
(Of course, from the GM's perspective, having even one player who expects you to do all the work represents a huge increase to the GM's workload, let alone a whole group full of them – but we can't admit that, either, so we're left with a culture of play whose received wisdom holds that it's just normal for GMs to be constantly riding the ragged edge of creative burnout. Fun!)
* Which, to be clear, is not a flaw in itself; a rules-heavy game ideally needs a mechanism for introducing its processes of play gradually.
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