jayjazzjizz · 5 months
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school drawings of the creature (ted just ,,in general)
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nitro-the-turtle · 1 year
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HI! Sorry I’ve been gone for two months, been quite busy lol. Had an artstyle change- and gotten significantly better at drawing people
take this wip sketch of my best friend’s sona as compensation and proof ‼️ SHOUTOUT TO @cann1ball for being an incredible friend, artist, and person. Love you ya goober :>
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labyrinthhofmymind · 1 month
gahhhh prongsfoot *makes grabby hands*
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vellamare · 6 months
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Guh... I've been on major burn out lately. College is throwing me into a dumpster and I haven't been getting much sleep. But I managed to make this,,, been trying to figure out my coloring style both digitally and traditionally and I might as well draw this absolute creature of a man..
Btw don't pay attention to what he's saying, just a teenie tiny teaser of what's to come..
I'll still draw TF2, it's just that Anslo and the Riddler have been holding me hostage and they're all I can think about.. :3
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burymeinwillow · 8 months
cowboys are secretly very fond of each other.mp4
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roblogging · 1 month
i will never forget that one time i told my lecturer "i have a really bad aura" and he said "NO I LOVE YOUR ENERGY!!!!!!" and then i had a seizure on his floor because that wasn't quiteeeeeee what i was getting at, but thank you anyway <33
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lucksea · 3 months
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made a custom wallpaper for my new phone theme and i think this is literally the cutest and most joyous thing i have ever created.
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spineless-lobster · 4 months
I’m what you’d call a bad samaritan. a real sit down guy. this is just another peek into the sick and twisted world I live in every day. heh, you couldn’t handle an hour in my mind
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firesofdainix · 17 days
Solarballs twitter loves spacetime continuum, just so you know
WHAT!!! THIS IS THE FIRST TIME I'VE HEARD OF THIS!!! I don't have twt but wow... I didn't know people liked my silly little series so much???
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estelle-skully · 1 month
found an absolute banger of an image on pinterest so i drew my pokemon oc over it
the context? Idk make up your own
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Heres the og for anyone who wants it
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WAIT that's adorable I'm officially obsessed with this headcanon. Do you think when she does it Hunter collapses and starts kicking his leg like the Stonesleeper did too? XD
Just drops to the ground, looses all dignity and self awareness, and laughs like a madman. If she gets the right spot, there's definitely leg kicking or something. The moment she stops he's like "IF YOU DARE TELL ANYONE I WILL NOT HESITATE TO MURDER YOU AND EVERONE YOU LOVE AND THEN MYSELF."
Gus secretly knows and is lying in wait until he can use it
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sincericida · 8 months
i just read this rumor about andrew garfield getting hit on the head and getting knocked out during sex or something.. do you happen to have more tea on this ? haha
HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA... Anon, I knew this picturesque story between AG and Sophie Wu, reported in a livejournal in 2011, and I happen to have the link to post here. But, the main (and best) part of the report is this:
"The hilarious, amazing thing about this anecdote was, (...), that Sophie, while having sex with Andrew, went to change positions, caught his jaw with her foot, and knocked him out for 20 minutes. At which point she texted Erica, (who was out with her mum,) saying, ‘you can’t come home yet, this guy’s out cold on the sofa’."
You can’t imagine the mental juggling I did imagining this whole scene.  I'm laughed too hard until I lose my breath, I couldn't stop giggling profusely and feeling embarrassed. But still, I would love to read a fanfic about the absurdity of this situation 🤭
(the livejournal link)
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godborn · 8 months
as fashion week season begins i have the recurring thought of big italian designers with passione ties fitting giorno for custom clothes and accidentally sticking him with a needle and panicking thinking someone is about to execute them immediately
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the-wiggler · 9 months
*clenches fist* what the flip…..
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tiny-wizard · 2 years
I had a dream that you outted me out to be a bard to the wizard council. As revenge I picked you up and showed the council that your not a tiny wizard. Lifts off hat. You are a toad. Then they asked where you actually are I shook you out of the hat that was on the toad to show you aren't tiny wizard. But in fact teensy wizard.
You then modified their memory so we are both still on the council with a head nod to never talk about the event again. Did this happen?
i could imagine this so vividly i think you spoke it into reality
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nepnepian · 1 year
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the guilty gear community passerby's looking onto @robotsafari and I's Bedman debacle and eventual wacky ass downward spiral wondering wtf is the matter with us
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