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i love you pokken aegislash
#THEYRE SO SILLY IN POKKEN#GET IT GRAMPA GET THAT SHARP FORME!!!!#im still salty that my friend’s cousin has pokken dx and he constantly rubs it in my face#when i get my hands on that game i swear i will throw you in a mix up so bad youll forget your cardinal directions#anyways#hey guys did you know I LOVE AEGISLASG AEGISLASH IS MY FAVORITE POKEMON EVER I LOVE AEGISLASH I LIVE FOR THE HONEDGE LINE I LOVE EM SM!!!!#all platonic btw#hehe#anonslash's ramblings#aegislash#pokken tournament#DONT GET ME STARTED ON THEIR INTRO ANIMATIONS#THE WAY THEY LIERALLY SPIN INTO BATTLE AND GIVE OUT THE MOST GRAMPA CHUCKLE EVER#i lvoe tjem so much#AND AND AND#THEIR WIN ANIMS R SO COOL… ESPECIALLY THE BURST VICTORY ONE#THE LOSING ANIM TOO- ITS ALRIGHT GRAMPA.. ITS GOOD TO GET THESE BONES(?) WARMED UP SOMETIMES#im really normal about them yeah. i love my boy girl and enby sword pokemon
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Journey to You - Chapter 12 | An AdamsFoster Fic
A/N: I’m so thrilled to see people giving this fic love! I was really worried about updating after so long but you’ve all been so wonderful! Thanks for the love and support! I hope you enjoy this next chapter! Trigger warning for mild homophobia.
“Knock, knock!” Stef called into the house as she let herself into the kitchen through the sliding door. Today her childhood home felt unfamiliar, like it had the first time she had come over after her mom had moved out. On the surface it had looked the same until she started noticing the missing picture frames, the lack of perfume in the air, the dishes piling up in the sink. This time she was the imposter – same on the surface but different when you looked a closer.
The quiet rumble of little feet came from the hallway beyond the kitchen.
“Mommy!” Brandon bolted around the corner and flung his arms around her legs. Stef hoisted him up so his face was level with hers.
“Hi, baby!” she said before smattering kisses across his face. She didn’t relent until he was squealing with laughter. “How was your night with Grandpa?”
“Awesome! Grampa let me watch five cartoons and eat ice cream. Twice!”
“Whoa-ho! Grandpa sure did spoil you, didn’t he?” Brandon answered with an enthusiastic nod. “Don’t get used to it, bud.”
“I know.” Brandon’s smile drooped a little.
“Hey, Stef.” Frank shuffled into the kitchen, heading toward the fridge.
“Hi, Dad.”
“How was your night?” Frank asked as he pulled a bag of chips from a cabinet, Coke in hand.
Hesitating, unable to meet his eyes, a strained, “Fine,” was all she offered.
“Did you see Daddy?” Brandon asked, his smile brightening back up at the thought.
Stef froze. “Wha– Uh, what… what do you mean?”
“Grampa said I was spending the night so you and Daddy could have ‘lone time’.” The blood drained from Stef’s face.
“He did, did he?” Her voice was sharp, the words pointed like daggers at her father who stood at the counter slurping from the can of Coke.
Brandon nodded. “Uh, huh. Did you see him?” He wriggled with anticipation.
Stef wanted to lie. Squashing this idea now would be so much easier than to let him continue hoping for a reconciliation that wouldn’t happen. That couldn’t happen. She cleared her throat.
“I did, yes,” she answered, despite herself. How could she crush his hopes when she was so painfully familiar with that feeling?
The joy that spread across Brandon’s face tore at her heart. This was exactly what she was trying to avoid and knowing that she was the one who would have to deal with the fallout had her blood boiling. She cleared her throat again and set Brandon down, taking the opportunity to reel in her anger enough to get him out of the room.
“Why don’t you go get your things packed up, okay? I’ll come find you in a minute.”
“Okay!” Brandon took off and as soon as his footfalls faded down the hallway, Stef rounded on her father, her anger allowing her to look him in the eye.
“I cannot believe you.” She moved toward him, dropping her voice to keep out of Brandon’s earshot.
Stef scoffed. “You told him that I was seeing Mike after I specifically told you I didn’t want him to know.”
“So, what?”
“You had no right to do that.”
“He’s a kid. He doesn’t understand what’s going on.”
Stef shook her head in disbelief. “Did you see how excited he was? Obviously, he understands enough.” As her anger grew, so did her voice.
“I don’t understand why you’re making this such a big deal.”
“Because it is a big deal, Dad! I don’t want him getting confused. You’ve already got his hopes up and that’s exactly what I was trying to avoid.”
“His hopes should be up. You and Mike are working things out.”
Stef groaned in frustration and scrubbed her hands over her face. “No, we’re not, Dad!”
Frank’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he stared at her. “You’re not?”
Stef sighed and dropped her hands to her sides. “No.”
“Then why’d you go out with him last night?” It was an accusation more than it was a question.
“I…” She paused after realizing she had no answer. Not one she could tell him. Just thinking about it made her palms sweaty so she shoved her hands in her pockets. “I guess… I just wanted to be sure before I made my decision.” She shrugged one shoulder and chewed on her bottom lip. That was close enough to the truth, anyway.
Frank crossed his arms over his chest. “So you’re leaving him? Just like that?”
Stef sighed and bowed her head, eyes closed. What else was there to say? It wasn’t ‘just like that’ but any defense she had to offer would lead to a conversation that she wasn’t ready for.
“I thought I raised you better than that,” Frank muttered, his voice heavy with disappointment.
A deep crease formed between Stef’s brows as she looked back up at him. “What does that mean?”
“It’s bad enough you and Mike have been separated this long.” He shook his head. “It’s not right for people to get divorced while they have kids.”
Shock washed over Stef’s face, her mouth gaping open. “Seriously, Dad? You’re divorced.”
Frank’s tone hardened in defense. “Your mother and I waited until you were an adult before we split up.”
“Yeah and that was a blast for me,” Stef snapped back.
“You know what, do whatever you want.” Frank rolled the bag of chips closed and turned away to take them back to the cupboard. “You will, anyway.”
Stef sighed, her hands thrust out in surrender. “What do you want from me, Dad?”
Frank faced her again. “I want you to do what’s best for your son.”
His words hit like a punch to the gut. “I am doing what’s best for him.”
“No, you’re doing what’s best for you.”
“Sometimes, those are the same thing.”
“You think it’s in his best interest to have his family torn apart?”
“No, Dad. I think it’s in his best interest to have parents who aren’t stuck together, hating and resenting each other, while he blames himself for making us miserable.” Stef’s anger returned with full force. The implication that she wasn’t putting Brandon first was… well, maybe deep down a part of her agreed but that wasn’t what her dad was talking about. He was only talking about divorcing Mike and no matter what else happened, she knew with absolute certainty that she couldn’t be happy with him. Staying with him for Brandon’s sake was the worst thing she could do for her son. She had lived through that misery and would never make Brandon suffer that way.
“How do you know that’s what’ll happen?”
Stef hesitated. “I just do.”
“People go through rough patches all the time.”
Stef started to lose her patience. How many ways did she have to defend herself and her choices? “This isn’t a– a rough patch. Okay? We’re not going to work it out or, or magically fall back in love because I was never in love with him in the first place.” The words were out before she could stop them and she fell silent, her heart pounding in her throat as she tried to figure out a way to backtrack.
“What do you mean?”
“Nothing.” Stef’s eyes flew to the floor, suddenly a child under his scrutinizing gaze.
“Stef.” He grunted her name the same way he did when he would find her sneaking in after curfew and demand an explanation. Her face burned red and sweat beaded on her palms again. God she couldn’t do this. How could she do this? As she stood under the weight of his demanding stare, she realized this is what Lena had meant. If she wanted to prove that she was really in this, this was the work she had to do.
She shoved her hands back into her pockets and locked her knees so they would stop shaking. His eyes pressed down on her until she couldn’t breathe. The words were lodged in the back of her mouth, acidic and burning her throat like poison.
“I’m gay, Dad.” Her voice faltered, fighting the instinct to swallow the words even as she said them. She waited for the relief the confession had brought her earlier at her mom’s but relief didn’t come this time. Now, even knowing this was the only way, she hated herself for not being stronger, for not being normal, for not being able to be the person he wanted her to be.
A chilling silence fell across her father that she had only seen once before. When she was sixteen while he drove her home from a meeting with the youth minister at their church after he’d found her cuddling on the couch with her best friend. Afterwards, Stef had sat stiff with humiliation in the passenger seat while that silence, dark and suffocating, encroached into her space. Curling away from it, she looked out the window without seeing the blur of the neighborhood passing by. Her hands were tucked under her thighs to keep from flinging open the door. She wanted to jump from the car, to run away from this unbearable shame. Away from him and away from herself. Away from who she was. Now, standing in her father’s kitchen, that dangerous silence fell between them again, pushing its way over to her. Her back was stiff again with that same humiliation, her hands tucked in her pockets, shoulders hunched as she curled away from it. She never thought she would be here again. Everything she had done since that afternoon had been to prevent her from ever feeling this again.
“Dad?” she finally said, unable to take the silence anymore.
“I don’t want to talk about this.” Frank turned his back to her, busying himself with a pile of mail that sat on the counter.
Stef stood with her shoulders pulled up to her ears, her eyes trained on the linoleum floor. “I’m sorry, Dad.” Her voice was barely more than a whisper. When her father remained silent, she dared to look at him for the first time. His back was still to her. “I just…” Stef started slowly. “I know this isn’t what you… I– I tried so hard to, to be who you– Who you want me to be and I… I’m sorry. I just… I can’t pretend anymore…”
Again, she waited. Her father refused to say anything, to acknowledge her at all. Her anger started as a tension in her jaw. The longer he remained silent, the stronger it grew. It crept through her until her hands were balled into shaking fists. It made her stronger. It made her brave.
“I know this isn’t what you want, Dad.” Stef spoke quietly, controlling each word so her voice didn’t tremble. “It’s not what I wanted either. But I can’t be something I’m not. God knows, I spent long enough trying. I’m gay, Dad, and I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. But I’m… I’m in love… with a woman. And for the first time I have a chance at being happy. Really happy. So… even if it’s not how things were supposed to be… Can’t that be enough for both of us?”
Stef watched her father’s jaw grow tight, his spine stiffen. Her pleading eyes went unseen as he still refused to look at her. Stef’s stomach began to ache while her shame grew, overtaking her brief bout of courage as she knew before he spoke that nothing would ever be the same.
“I think you should go.” He flung the words over his shoulder, detached and empty. His face was as cold as stone.
Stef stood, staring with her mouth pressed tight, her jaw clenched as she tried to form words, some argument or plea. Anything to get her dad to change his mind, to forgive her for her sins. But for all the emotions overwhelming her, there was nothing to say. She had made her choice and this is where it had led.
When the silence went on too long, Stef bowed her head, her shoulders slumped forward in defeat.
“I’m sorry, Dad,” she whispered before turning and allowing his silence to push her out.
She leaned against the wall in the hallway outside the living room where Brandon was perched on one of the recliners, engrossed in cartoons. She couldn’t move. With her dad on one side and her son on the other, the hallway felt like shelter, offering her safety in the cover of its darkness. How was she going to get Brandon home when her hands were shaking so bad she had to ball them into fists? Her stomach lurched at the thought of moving and the lump in her throat ached. She couldn’t cry in front of him but the tears were there, pricking at her eyes. When a few trickled down her cheeks, she swiped at them, suddenly angry again. Stef grabbed onto the anger, finding safety and strength in it. The sound of her dad shuffling about in the kitchen, going on with life as usual after shattering hers only added fuel to the fire. She swallowed that damn lump in her throat, forcing it down to join the shame in the pit of her stomach. With her back rigid and her shoulders straight, she forced herself away from the wall and turned the corner to the living room.
“Time to go, Brandon,” she said, her tone sharp.
“But it’s not over!” he whined, pointing at the TV.
“Too bad. It’s time to go,” she repeated. Stef picked up the remote and turned the television off to make herself clear.
“I’m not arguing about this. Let’s go.” The words were almost a shout, which she hadn’t meant, but they got her point across. With a fearful look, Brandon scooted off of the chair and bolted to front door. While he slid his shoes on, Stef picked up his backpack and slung it over her shoulder.
“Can I go say bye to Grampa?” Brandon asked. Stef shook her head, her jaw tightening at the thought of seeing her dad again.
“Why?” Brandon slipped back into a whine, confused about being denied something that was normally expected of him. Stef wavered for just a moment, shifting her weight between her feet and chewing on the inside of her lip.
“Grandpa’s not feeling well.”
“I said no.” Her words were too harsh and guilt seeped in to join the shame pooled in her belly. She knew this wasn’t fair but she couldn’t bear to be in that house for one more second. “Next time, bud,” she said, her words softer this time. But she didn’t leave any room for arguments as she opened the front door and ushered her confused son out of the house, not sure that there would ever be a next time.
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Okay but LISTEN
We had like every single Calvin and Hobbes book when I was a kid and my siblings and I read them all repeatedly
And as a direct result of this comic
During one of the family Christmas parties at my house when I was maybe 10 or 12 - and the family Xmas party is a big affair, my dad is the oldest of 7 and I’m the fifth of now 24 I think cousins just on his side of the family - my siblings and cousins and I were all playing hide and seek, and I decided of COURSE, I will hide in the bathroom
So I went into the bathroom, which was a standing walk-in shower the length of a tub without actually having a tub bottom, and it had a little form-fitted molded corner seat in one end
Hang on let me find a pic because this sounds so fancy and it isn’t

Like that bout without the grip bars and the seat and drain were at opposite sides
Anyway it was immediately behind the bathroom door, and further in was the vanity and then the toilet beyond that and the washer and dryer opposite the toilet and vanity
So I go in and I turn on the light but then no, that’s a dead giveaway, and I start to close the door but leave it a little open, and then I get in the shower and pull the curtain almost all the way closed and sit down on the little seat to just wait, and listen, and I could hear feet going by and the shrieks as someone got discovered
AND THEN SOMEONE CAME IN THE BATHROOM and it was not kid feet, it was grownup feet
They flipped on the light, shut the door, and my heart was pounding and I barely dared breathe
I could only sit there and listen to the clink of the toilet opening
And the zzzzzuht! of a zipper
And the unmistakeable music of standing up peeing happening
Wee me was trying to pretend I did not exist, and therefore certainly could not breathe or move and it was too late entirely to warn them I was in there, so I listened to the flushing, and the washing of hands, and the light flipped off and they left the bathroom
The sounds of the party and, more importantly, The Hunt For Me came back into sharp focus as I heard one of my cousins ask another, “have you checked the bathroom for her?”
“She can’t be in there, Grampa just used it.”
When I was finally summoned olly olly oxenfree to the living room and made to tell where my grand hiding spot had been, the whole family was in an uproar of hilarity
I don’t know who turned redder, me or my grandfather
I’m still not sure I can really say I won
But Calvin wasn’t wrong

Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Waterson.
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Ustrina Genesis: Shards of Fire
Chapter Six: Blood tears
"What do you mean we got nothing !" Cade stood up suddenly smashing his hands on the desk in front of him crushing papers and knocking over his desk tidy "Sir I sent emails with photos and scans to every hospital and University on the island and sent every form of message out of the island with either no response or they have no idea because of the individuality and fragility of the boy's eye no one knows what to do" the Assistant said with a noticeable waver in his voice " I refuse to believe that because he's a little different no doctor in the island knows what to do" he paces around his desk ad shakes his hand in front of him as he talks "Every doctor on the island are either stupid or still ignoring us" he pulled his fingers down his face to his nose, his eyes squinted shut "Jesus Christ! Its been four damn years, forget it ill just do it myself. I'll sort it out" he sighed "But Dr Dens the board said if you do any more unsigned procedures they could shut us dow-" " ADAM, I said ill sort it out so ill sort it out! OKAY!" the Assistant recoiled at the exclamation " Y- yes sir" the assistant stuttered then Cade sighed again " Listen I'm sorry I'm just very stressed" he looks around at the table behind him "Where's my coffee..." he looks around frantically "WHERE'S MY COFFEE, I NEED MY GOD DAMN COFFEE!" he slams his fist on the table mid-sentence "ADAM I NEED MY COFFEE GET ME MY-" " Already on it" the Assistant interrupts as he runs out the room.
As Adam ran past he revealed a certain red boy standing at the office door " Oh... Bullet I uh... didn't see you there" Bullet didn't move "We were just talking about the uh new bedsheets in your room which one would suit you better, cream or... white" Bullet gave him a level look and Cade stirred at the unusual maturity coming from him "Grampa. I may be seven years old but please don't treat me like an idiot" Cade's eyes widened at the child's statement " Uh... okay" he gave Bullet an obviously too-wide smile and nods " Did you come to ask to see your brother?" Bullet just looks down and shuffles on his feet and nods " Come on then" Cade waves Bullet over and holds out his hand and gives Bullet a warm smile Bullet stays quiet but takes Cade's hand and they walk out of the office. As they walk down the sunlit corridor Adam jogs over to Cade and hands him a mug with white and blue wings overlapping each other, Adam hands the mug over to Cade's freehand" Oh Adam you're a lifesaver" Adam smiles at Cade and he smiles back then promptly takes a large sip of the coffee "ahhh that's a good cup of joe" Bullet looks up at Cade with a raised ‘eyebrow' " Whaaat? I like me some joe" Bullets face softens and he smiles.
The two stop at a door that has a clipboard with 6 names including L. Dens, Cade knocks at the door and waits, after few shuffles inside and some footsteps the door opened and a white-coated fox came to the door. Cade and the unknown doctor exchanged some words as Bullet watched, after a bit, the two nodded at each other and the fox went back in, closing the door behind him. Cade turned back to Bullet "Dr Factor said that you can't come in right now as their doing some tests but we can come back in fifteen to twenty minutes" Bullet nods " Okay" Cade walks Bullet a little bit down the corridor to the waiting room. They both sit down in an empty blue couch, the room had other people in it also waiting for their turn and they chattered and interacted amongst themselves. A blocky TV was set up at the front of the room on the wall on an old metal arm with thick black wires along it covered in dust; the TV seemed to be on a news show. Cade found the remote on a side table and turned it up.
"-ank you jenny for the weather. And now to the top story of this week, the infamous new head technician at the bioengineering facility has been found dead Tuesday morning at the construction site of the new office location of BioTemp Ltd, furthermore the wife of the technician, Mrs Lucerna Dens was pronounced missing the day after. Through citizen reports we learn the victim was walking home with his wife and two children from work and from CCTV footage it shows they were encountered by an unknown figure before the incident, however, unfortunately, all CCTV footage cut out shortly after. The next morning the discovery was made by an early working construction executive who immediately reported the situation to the police. The crime scene was a mind-blowing mystery as there were massive craters in the ground, a giant hole in the side of a building and many of the windows from the ground to hundreds of feet up were shattered."
"Our experts say that the crater was caused by a person crashing into it at high speeds as well as the hole in the building as it has traces of blood on the shattered tarmac and glass shards, however, the windows were caused by a giant shockwave of sound. The most terrifying part of this story was that the victim was found with massive disembowelling holes in his torso and his skull almost completely shattered and the tools needed to do all of these things would have unimaginable force. " they flash a small warning for disturbing imagery as the reporter talked then showed the bloody scene of the crime scene and then the autopsy showing the deep holes and intestines.
"Due to the malfunctioning of the CCTV footage the identity of the suspect is unknown and there are few leads. However, due to the suspicious disappearance of the Mrs Dens, she has also been considered to be a crucial suspect in this case. A freind of Mrs Dens, a receptionist at the bioengineering facility Miss August Lee Was interviewed the following night of the incident-" the video cuts to a recording of robust lady being interviewed in front of a wide reception Littered with police officers "Lucy and her kids came to meet Arco after his meetings ended here for the day; they came to me to chat a bit about normal things had a bit of a laugh, Arco forgot his keys to the construction sight because they always passed through that way to go home and because construction hadn't started yet so it was safe to go, or so I thought-" the clip momentarily cuts "Do I think she had any reason to do it, of course not they were a perfect little happy family that at least seemingly had no problems, they adored each other so there's no way-" "although Arco did rise to a very high position rather quickly no one had any visible animosity towards him because he was all round a really nice guy and always strived to improve the department for all including the lower workers so I think its highly unlikely that it was anyone from the facility.-"
The video transitions back to the news reporter "It was reported that yesterday afternoon the two children were reported to arrived Monday night of the incident hundreds of miles away at the Cornico island general hospital and taken in by the father of Mr Arco Dens the also well known (however for the wrong reasons) the in-famous Dr Cade Dens however when we asked for information on the subject he refused all inquiries. Interviews on close friends and workers of the will continue throughout the coming weeks and the investigation will continue to find more concrete information. If you happen to have any information about the case please contact this number onscreen or go to our website for more informa-" the TV suddenly was cut off. Cade stood there trembling and gritting his teeth, rage and despair flushed on his face and the room stood silent staring at him. Bullet suddenly gags running out the door, breaking the silence cade twitches and looks around the room "What are you lookin' at" everyone avoids eye contact looking away and the room again fills with conversation.
Cade turned the TV back on to a different station and walks out in the way of the bathroom, sounds of violent coughing and retching came from a stall in the corner of the bathroom in there sat Bullet, hanging onto to the walls of the stall for dear life, his small but sharp claws burrowed into the walls and his face blindly staring into the toilet bowl retching with nothing else to give, his eyes were filled with realisation and devastation, the blood that streamed from his reopening wound and the tears from his right eye rolled down his crimson cheeks and gathered at his chin, the blood tears dripping down to the floor and at his feet, further exhausting his small dehydrated trembling body. Cade crouched and put a hand on the small boys back he swivels around fast in a sudden and involuntary panic and the terror in his eyes sent shivers down Cade's spine "hey, hey its just me calm down" He gently put his warm hand on Bullet's head; his eyes soften and he hugs Cade and continued to cry into his chest "Its ok, its ok, lets go change that dressing on your eye; Bullet just nodded still hugging Cade close and Cade picked him up and walked into the room across the hall.
After his dressing was changed and he cleaned up and calmed down Bullet sat at the end of the bed looking down, his hand planted squarely on his lap. "I assume you don't want to talk about it" Cade said breaking the silence; Bullet paused then slowly shook his head "Allrighty then" he hopped onto his feet Lets go see your brother then" he held out his comparatively large hand and Bullet took it and they walked out the room. They walked up to the door again and Cade knocked, Dr Factor opened the door and walked them into Lightning's bed near the window with twilight shining through the window. He slept in the hospital bed with two machines connected to him and monitoring his vitals. Bullet sat in a blue chair beside the top of the bed and Cade pulled up a chair beside him. The doctor walked up to the other side to the bed, clipboard in hand "Ok so we've finished all the tests, and Lightning is mostly in shock after whatever transpired on Monday, he's had a mild concussion and so should wake up soon however, he has severely strained and damaged his vocal chords to the point of rupturing a blood vessel, so I advise he does not talk at all until they are completely healed which could be two to three months, however, due to the strange biology of this boy there is a chance that his vocal chords regrow in an irreparable form and he could be mute."
They look back to Lightning who had sat up silently without the three knowing and sitting silently with wide eyes. Bullet jumped to hug his brother who smiled and winces in response, his bruises and cuts were not fully healed. "I'm just glad you're awake and ok.. for the most part" he moved back " Welcome back Lightning" Cade said with a smile and Lightning smiled back; the three looked back to the doctor "So I assume you heard what I said about your voice Lightning" Lightning nodded slowly in response "Ok, so I will provide two alternative options for speech replacement 1. A whiteboard and pen/book and pencil for the short term or for the long term in case of complications you could use sign language, I have a small sign language book of simple things for kids and you Bullet could learn it with your brother" Bullet looked to his brother then back to the doctor "It could be your own little secret language" the doctor said with a warm smile.
He handed a whiteboard and a book to Lightning the brothers exchanged looks and then Lightning looked to the book and picked it up and flicked through it and then held it up to the doctor with a page with the sign for "this" and then a sign for "one" the fox chuckled and said "Ok" as he took the whiteboard "Ill check on you on a bi-weekly basis from now on Lightning, but for now this concludes our session. You are free to leave but if you are still tired you can stay in the bed" lightning promptly shook his head and started to move himself out the bed "You don't have push yourself too hard" the doctor said worriedly, Lightning shook his head determinedly. He edged out of the bed and stood on his feet, his legs were a bit shaky but he pulled himself up using Bullet "are you ok" says the doctor, Lightning nodded shyly "Well you are free to leave" The doctor does a small nod to all of them and then he walked off to attend other patients.
The three walked out of the room into the slowly darkening hallway, lights fluttered on as the night was solidifying "Ok you two as your tests are over and I don't have any urgent work until mmmm about an hour and a half later so I'll show you where you are going to stay, come on" he motioned to the two to follow him as he walked off down the hallway resting his hands behind him and the two hobbled after him. They reached an elevator a quarter the way from the end of the long hallway, Cade took a ring of keys from his pocket and then put a red-capped key into a slot among four under the elevator keypad and then pressed up; Bullet and lightning looked up to a complicated looking colour coded level map for the hospital, their eyes were drawn to a brown rectangular section with the code RW20 which stood for Residential Wing 20, it had 4 initials written in eraser marker in small writing and one engraved wooden plate at the very end with Dr C. Dens and above it the letters CEO in block capitals.
The elevator doors finally opened and they walked in, Cade pressed a button labelled RW20 amongst a terrifying number of buttons and they went up. After a bit the door opened and he walked out to the right of them down another hallway; at the end of the hallway were two large-ish dark wooden doors, cade pushed the doors open revealing a massive but cosy library "This is the hospital residents library for levels 15 and above, it is mostly quite here so you can come here whenever you want and read, there is a kids section. You could also practice your sign language when you get to that here Lightning." he said and Lightning nodded to Cade. They walk to the very back of the grand library to a small wooden door with a latch, barely noticeable among the towering rows of books. Cade takes out a complicated key for such a small door from his personal key chain and opens the door, it reveals a small spiral staircase and they walk up to it to another door.
The door was white with a fresh label that reads B & L Dens "Welcome to your new home " Cade said and then he opened the door. It opens to a large apartment with a grand looking staircase in the middle with windows up it; the boys stare in stunned silence and then excitement quickly spreads across their faces and they run off to explore the place "I assume you like the place, it has three rooms a kitchen living room and an attic, I wanted you two to have a place big enough to live in for a long time and big enough for me to stay when I can, of course you won't be completely alone, one of the kids nurses will be coming it 4 times a day to check on you and I will whenever I can" Bullet and Lightning run down the stairs and pull Cade up by his hands "Grampa Grampa we know where we wanna stay" Bullet says excitedly "ok ok I'm coming" they run up to the top of the staircase into a dark and dusty room with an arched window at the end "The attic? Really? Are you sure?" The two nod in sync "ok then whatever you want" Cade says with a smile patting the two's heads.
"Alright, now that's done follow me" He walked back out of the apartment, the library and back down the hallway. They walk all the way to the end and they come up a single door " This you two is my apartment and office, come here if you need anything but try to use the help desk on this level and section first because I'm usually very busy ok" the two again nod in response "ok you can go back to the library now, I trust you can do that" they nod again and Cade waved to them "see ya later" the two wave back an walk in the direction of the Library. They trek there way almost all the way back to the Library. As they walk back they pass a tall figure, it was a dark with a pointy nose, giant towering ears and wings attached to their arms. His barely open eyes were dark, sunken and tired but his face healed a deep-set wide smile, his hands rested behind him and he wore the doctor uniform and had an embroidered name tag at his lapel that read Dr C. Ivoss in black cursive letters. As the two passed him Bullet caught eye contact with him and his smile widened slightly, a deep chill shot down Bullet's spine and spread through his entire being, clawing at his brain. His body somehow was physically and deeply perturbed and with that, he quickly looked away sped up toward the door. However, the man's eyes still followed them, watching intently and enticed...
To be continued...
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$250 PS4 Available With Two Games Proper Now
This bundle consists of the usual 500 GB system. Shipping starts at $6 until you are a Newegg Most desirable member. To see the cut-price, add the machine to your cart and input the promo code at checkout.
$250 is ready as little as we’ve got normally visible the PS4 (or Xbox One) drop to, despite the fact that the particular bundle items range from deal to deal. Sony and Microsoft had been each competitive late last year and in advance this 12 months with limited-time fee drops that noticed their respective structures come all the way down to $250, however, legit promotions have been quiet when you consider that.
Child’s Play – The only-Two Recreation – Education From Birth to Five My grandchildren are exceedingly smart. (Of direction I am no longer prejudiced.) My Two-year vintage grandson, like many sharp kids, soaks up data. His favorite question is, “What is that, Grampa?”
I have the possibility to spend pretty a bit of time with my grandchildren. We play many incredible Infant Games. (I do not worry about looking silly; I am a grandparent, you know. A few already suppose I’ve entered my 2nd childhood.) but with the fellowship we percentage there may be an obligation, that is the responsibility to educate them. That brings us to The one-Two Sport.
The one-Two Recreation
The only-Two Game is a Game I play with my Two yr old grandson. We honestly hold up one finger and say the word one. Then we preserve up Two hands and say Two…And shake our hands vigorously. He loves shaking his hand whilst we get to 2. (Ah, the easy pleasures in life.)
whilst we play The only-Two Sport in the front of my ten-month antique grandson and my 8-month antique granddaughter they laugh and giggle.
This easy Sport teaches my Two 12 months vintage grandson motor talents, (forming numbers along with his fingers.) It teaches the beginning concept of numbers, and it allows him to interact in a fine manner with my younger grandchildren.
The Frozen Icicle Treat Game
Some other Recreation we play is the frozen icicle Deal with Recreation. To play this Sport all three grandchildren sit down on my belly. (Did I neglect to mention that I am a large character?) When I hand every Baby a frozen icicle Treat I say the shade of the Deal with. The two yr old repeats the coloration. The more youthful ones point at frozen icicle Deal with. (That is a messy Game, and i don’t advocate playing it at the same time as wearing your best move-to-assembly garments.)
The splendid element approximately frozen icicle treats is that they’re normally packaged in the number one and secondary colorations: purple, yellow, blue, green, red, and orange. By the time the children are in kindergarten they will recognise the colors on a coloration wheel. It additionally teaches them the more vital lesson of sharing.
The factor
The point of the object is that parents and grandparents have an opportunity to educate youngsters competencies and values long before there are unwanted out of doors influences. From Beginning through age Five our children are simply ready to take in statistics we present to them.
This time of their lifestyles is crucial to their general development. It’s far the most essential time to train them the values we hold dear. If we do not take this opportunity we are able to pass over certainly one of existence’s greatest joys and cheat our kids in their most crucial education.
Pinnacle Two Sports Apps On IOS And Android The usage of Crossbows The Pinnacle Two Recreation apps on iOS and android that use a crossbow are Defender II and Shoot the Zombirds. Those Two Video games each typically fall into the Tower Defense kind style of Video games.
Defender II by Droidhen is the sequel to the successfully Defender. The main objective of the game is to protect your castle from waves and waves of enemies. To attack, you certainly touch and point it to the route of your goals. It’s going to mechanically shoot when your finger is pressed so no need to tap constantly. Aside from it, you may additionally benefit access to spells that may decimate your foes. when enemies attain your fortress, the fortress’s life is lessened. the sport is over when it reaches zero.
each degree increases in issue and also the variety of enemies to shield from. A few levels have bosses in an effort to prove to be an additional undertaking. As with its predecessor, you will benefit crystals and cash after each degree finished. These will enable you to upgrade your weapon. You could improve its numerous stats. Growing strength will increase your harm. Growing agility will growth arrow frequency. by way of unlocking also Those stats, you will gain get right of entry to to extra talents and sorts of crossbow as well. Upgrading the mana tower will growth your mana for spells and it now additionally shoots your enemies.
New to this model too is the potential to set up a lava moat before your citadel. The lava moat will incinerate and torch all those enemies which fall to it. The biggest addition to Defender II is War mode. Now You could undertaking different players to whoever survives the longest. Defender II is Available free on iOS and Android with options to buy virtual forex to improve your competencies and weapon.
Shoot the Zombirds with the aid of IDream is the successor to Shoot the birds. The gameplay includes you as Pumpkin head or boy shooting the undead birds inside the sky and saving little pumpkids along the manner. You tap to the course where you will shoot.
Not like Defender II which does not run out of arrows, this Game does. It forces you to consciousness more on precision and timing instead of just careless capturing. you’ll now not lose an arrow whilst you hit a goal but can be misplaced whilst you pass over. The level is over whilst you reach the range of pumpkins You could come up with the money for to lose.
There are speedy and gradual birds. Apart from birds wearing pumpkids, there are flying skulls which You can hit for gold coins. These gold cash can be used to purchase improvements including one time use powerups such rain of arrows or freezing all enemies on display. You may use them additionally to boom the quantity of arrows and the range of pumpkids You could find the money for to lose. Costumes are also To be had to be purchased in case you need to change the appearance of your individual.
Universal, Shoot the zombirds is Some other solid Game. The principle attraction of it would be its simple polished gameplay and presentation. Its subject is particular and differs from the vintage traditional knights and dragons. This Recreation is likewise Available loose on each iOS and Android with alternatives to buy instantaneous gold coins.
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