shy kisses for the alphi ship of your choosing!
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss
21 - Shyly
Oh no, choices!!! I have so many ships with my boy!
Let's go with Alphinaud/G'raha!
Alphinaud had been trying to pen his letter for several hours. He was unsure how much to say. Unsure how much his mother would pass to his father. Unsure if he wanted either of them to know anything.
As such, he'd been left surrounded by crumpled paper, and his hands were stained with ink (as was one spot on his lips where he'd idly put the nib of his quill between them after dipping it in the inkwell). But slowly he was making progress. He had a few good sentences. Assurances to his mother that he would still be safe, and a promise that he and his sister were sticking together, at least for the time being.
"Alphinaud," the sound of his name caused Alphinaud to return to the moment he was in with a slight start, and after a quick blink, he realised that G'raha had not only entered the room, but crossed it to stand before him, all without him noticing. "You appeared malms away," Alphinaud blinked again as G'raha took his hand.
"I appear to be having some trouble with my letter," Alphinaud admitted. He moved his chair back at the unspoken request from G'raha, allowing the Miqo'te to push aside his work and sit upon the edge of the table.
"What is troubling you about it?" G'raha's hands were surprisingly soft as they smoothed their way through Alphinaud's fringe, soothing his anxieties somewhat.
"The same thing that has been troubling me since our meeting in Gridania,"
"Ah." G'raha nodded, his hands leaving Alphinaud's hair and dropping into his own lap. "I have no advice to give you. Regrettably, family is rather far outside of my area of expertise." Alphinaud hummed, managing to offer G'raha something of a smile.
"Even if it were, I fear there is little advice anyone could give that would soothe me. Your attempt is much appreciated regardless," Alphinaud hesitated for a moment, his ears colouring just a little. Slowly, giving G'raha plenty of time to stop him, Alphinaud pulled the other man down by the front of his shirt. Still, he hesitated an extra moment before kissing him.
It wasn't their first kiss, but it was the first that Alphinaud had initiated. And he couldn't silence the thundering of his heart. Pulling back, after only a few seconds, Alphinaud couldn't look at G'raha. Which only made it more surprising that G'raha lent in to kiss him once more.
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littlelordalphinaud · 2 years
Now, beggars cannot be choosers, but "30: Kiss on the chin" would be so funny if you can find literally any justification for Tall Boys to kiss Alphy's chin. I'm obviously Estinien favouring, but the boy is rife with love interests. Arenvald, Raha, Maxima. The sky's the limit!
Kiss meme!
30. Kiss on the chin
All of Alphinaud's boyfriends kiss his chin at various points because he is my fandom bicycle and I cannot be stopped. (Not all of these take place in the same verse)
" 'stinien?" Alphinaud's voice was slurring a little with tiredness, and Estinien couldn't stop the little smile at how much he loved the boy.
"Would you still love me if I was a worm?" The question made Estinien stop walking, his eyebrow raising. The question was a strange one, but more often than not, Alphinaud didn't ask questions if they weren't important in one way or another.
"Aye," he said, tilting his head back and pressing a kiss to Alphinaud's chin, since his boy didn't move with him. "I will love you no matter what form you take."
"Hmm, good."
"Raha, can you come and hold this ladder?" Alphinaud called, catching G'raha's attention and causing him to hurry towards the ladder that rested against the nearby library shelves before his boyfriend ended up on his ass.
"What are you looking for up there?" G'raha asked, trying to ignore his anxiety at the fact that Alphinaud had ascended nearly to the ceiling.
"An old book in aethorology that my Grandfather wrote about in his journal. I think I... Got it!" Now holding the book in one hand, Alphinaud began to descend. As he got lower, G'raha leaned up to kiss him, expecting Alphinaud to notice and return the affection. He didn't, and G'raha's lips made contact with Alphinaud's chin, causing them both to laugh. Alphinaud dropped the last few steps, and rolled his eyes. "You could have just asked, Raha."
Arenvald (modern AU)
"Fordola, protect me!" Alphinaud cried, racing away from Arenvald and towards Fordola. Acting on instinct, Fordola swept Alphinaud from his feet, maneuvering him onto her back, and immediately holding up her fists to fight whatever it was Alphinaud was running from.
Which turned out to only be Arenvald, hands covered in flour from their adventures in baking.
"Why am I protecting you from your boyfriend?" Fordola asked, even though she made no move to set Alphinaud down.
"He's trying to flour me!"
"Aren't boyfriends supposed to defl-"
"Stop!" Arenvald interrupted Fordola immediately, flicking some of the white powder at her. He leant past her shoulder to kiss Alphinaud, who turned his head away and ended up with a flourey lip mark on his chin. "I'll go finish the cookies now. If either of you want any of them, I'd suggest you come help."
Fun bonus for my own amusement!
"Now then," Emet-Selchs voice was a purr as he examined the Scion tied to the rickety bed in Kholousia. Of course, the small Elezen had no idea who he was, given he'd taken the body of a local man, but he'd spent weeks seducing him and now the time came for the payoff,
"What do you say, to be a good boy?" Emet-Selch asked. Alphinaud, true to what he'd said before asking for this, didn't answer and instead pulled his head free of Emet-Selchs grip, causing the possessive kiss to miss him and catch his chin. After a moment of consideration, Emet-Selch bit at the boys chin. "No? Well we've got plenty of time. I'll get it from you yet."
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littlelordalphinaud · 2 years
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littlelordalphinaud · 2 years
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4000 posts!
My 4000th post was 'I'm gonna write the catboy fucking the twink now wish me luck' after failing the night before.
This feels incredibly on brand for me.
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littlelordalphinaud · 2 years
Ship bingo: alphinaud/estinen and alphinaud/g'raha tia
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