#Fx delta
spam-caine-askblog · 3 months
Chatter Pomni: Oh, not to worry I got an idea. *She chuckles as she would just shout out the word Horror into the air, till a portal opened and it would lead to Arv* Chatter Pomni: Heh, Heh, after you.
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444namesplus · 1 year
1* 2.6.2. 3 3B2 5.0i 5.1 5.53 7 15kg 17 20 22nd 26 50BMG 51 69 97 312 411 414 707 737 747 757 767 777 868 888 1071 1080H 1911 1984 1997 2600 3848 8182 $ & ^ ^? a ABC ACC Active ADIU advise advisors afsatcom AFSPC AHPCRC AIEWS AIMSX Aladdin Alica Alouette AMEMB Amherst AMW anarchy ANC Anonymous AOL ARC Archives Area51 argus Armani ARPA Artichoke ASIO ASIS ASLET assasinate Asset AT AT&T Atlas Audiotel Austin AVN b b9 B.D.M. Badger bank basement BATF BBE BECCA Becker beef Bess bet Beyond BfV BITNET black-bag Black-Ops Blackbird Blacklisted Blackmednet Blacknet Bletchley Blowfish Blowpipe BMDO BND Bob BOP BOSS botux BRLO Broadside Bubba bullion BVD BZ c Cable CANSLO Cap-Stun Capricorn card Case CATO CBM CBNRC CBOT CCC CCS CDA CDC CdC cdi Cell CESID CFC chaining chameleon Chan Chelsea Chicago Chobetsu chosen CIA CID CIDA CIM CIO CIS CISE Clandestine Class clone cocaine COCOT Coderpunks codes Cohiba Colonel Comirex Competitor Compsec Computer Connections Consul Consulting CONUS Cornflower Corporate Corporation COS COSMOS Counter counterintelligence Counterterrorism Covert Cowboy CQB CRA credit cryptanalysis crypto-anarchy CSE csystems CTP CTU CUD cybercash Cypherpunks d D-11 Daisy Data data data-haven DATTA DCJFTF Dead DEADBEEF debugging DefCon Defcon Defense Defensive Delta DERA DES DEVGRP DF DIA Dictionary Digicash disruption
DITSA DJC DOE Dolch domestic Domination DRA DREC DREO DSD DSS Duress DynCorp E911 e-cash E.O.D. E.T. EADA eavesdropping Echelon EDI EG&G Egret Electronic ELF Elvis Embassy Encryption encryption enigma EO EOD ESN Espionage espionage ETA eternity EUB Evaluation Event executive Exon explicit Face fangs Fax FBI FBIS FCIC FDM Fetish FINCEN finks Firewalls FIS fish fissionable FKS FLAME Flame Flashbangs FLETC Flintlock FLiR Flu FMS Force force Fort Forte fraud freedom Freeh froglegs FSB Ft. FX FXR Gamma Gap garbage Gates Gatt GCHQ GEO GEODSS GEOS Geraldton GGL GIGN Gist Global Glock GOE Goodwin Gorelick gorilla Gorizont government GPMG Gray grom Grove GRU GSA GSG-9 GSS gun Guppy H&K H.N.P. Hackers HAHO Halcon Halibut HALO Harvard hate havens HIC High Hillal HoHoCon Hollyhock Hope House HPCC HRT HTCIA humint Hutsul IACIS IB ICE ID IDEA IDF IDP illuminati imagery IMF Indigo industrial Information INFOSEC InfoSec Infowar Infrastructure Ingram INR INS Intelligence intelligence interception Internet Intiso Investigation Ionosphere IRIDF Iris IRS IS ISA ISACA ISI ISN ISS IW jack JANET Jasmine JAVA JICC jihad JITEM Juile Juiliett Keyhole keywords Kh-11 Kilderkin Kilo Kiwi KLM l0ck LABLINK Lacrosse Lebed LEETAC Leitrim Lexis-Nexis LF LLC loch lock Locks Loin Love LRTS LUK Lynch M5 M72750 M-14 M.P.R.I. Mac-10 Mace Macintosh Magazine mailbomb man Mantis market Masuda Mavricks Mayfly MCI MD2 MD4 MD5 MDA Meade Medco mega Menwith Merlin Meta-hackers MF MI5 MI6 MI-17 Middleman Military Minox MIT MITM MOD MOIS mol Mole Morwenstow Mossberg MP5k MP5K-SD MSCJ MSEE MSNBC MSW MYK NACSI NATIA National NATOA NAVWAN NAVWCWPNS NB NCCS NCSA Nerd News niche NIJ Nike NIMA ninja nitrate nkvd NOCS noise NORAD NRC NRL NRO NSA NSCT NSG NSP NSWC NTIS NTT Nuclear nuclear NVD OAU Offensive Oratory Ortega orthodox Oscor OSS OTP package Panama Park passwd Passwords Patel PBX PCS Peering PEM penrep Perl-RSA PFS PGP Phon-e phones PI picking
Pine pink Pixar PLA Planet-1 Platform Playboy plutonium POCSAG Police Porno Pornstars Posse PPP PPS president press-release Pretoria Priavacy primacord PRIME Propaganda Protection PSAC Pseudonyms Psyops PTT quiche r00t racal RAID rail Rand Rapid RCMP Reaction rebels Recce Red redheads Reflection remailers ReMOB Reno replay Retinal RFI rhost rhosts RIT RL rogue Rolm Ronco Roswell RSA RSP RUOP RX-7 S.A.I.C. S.E.T. S/Key SABC SACLANT SADF SADMS Salsa SAP SAR Sardine sardine SAS SASP SASR Satellite SBI SBIRS SBS SCIF screws Scully SDI SEAL Sears Secert secret Secure secure Security SEL SEMTEX SERT server Service SETA Sex SGC SGDN SGI SHA SHAPE Shayet-13 Shell shell SHF SIG SIGDASYS SIGDEV sigvoice siliconpimp SIN SIRC SISDE SISMI Skytel SL-1 SLI SLIP smuggle sneakers sniper snuffle SONANGOL SORO Soros SORT Speakeasy speedbump Spetznaz Sphinx spies Spoke Sponge spook Spyderco squib SRI ssa SSCI SSL stakeout Standford STARLAN Stego STEP Stephanie Steve Submarine subversives Sugar SUKLO SUN Sundevil supercomputer Surveillance SURVIAC SUSLO SVR SWAT sweep sweeping SWS Talent TDM. TDR TDYC Team Telex TELINT Templeton TEMPSET Terrorism Texas TEXTA. THAAD the Ti TIE Tie-fighter Time toad Tools top TOS Tower transfer TRD Trump TRW TSCI TSCM TUSA TWA UDT UHF UKUSA unclassified UNCPCJ Undercover Underground Unix unix UOP USACIL USAFA USCG USCODE USCOI USDOJ USP USSS UT/RUS utopia UTU UXO Uzi V veggie Verisign VHF Video Vinnell VIP Virii virtual virus VLSI VNET W3 Wackendude Wackenhutt Waihopai WANK Warfare Weekly White white Whitewater William WINGS wire Wireless words World WORM X XS4ALL Yakima Yobie York Yukon Zen zip zone ~
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assemer · 30 days
Ремкомплекты для гидромолотов являются критически важными компонентами для поддержания исправности и эффективности вашего оборудования. Данные комплекты содержат наборы уплотнений и диафрагмы, которые необходимы для предотвращения утечек и обеспечения надежной работы. Гидромолоты известных брендов, таких как Atlas Copco, SANDVIK, Furukawa, Delta и Daemo, требуют использования оригинальных ремкомплектов, чтобы избежать проблем во время эксплуатации. Ремкомплекты для гидромолотов Atlas Copco предоставляют все необходимые компоненты для технического обслуживания, что значительно увеличивает срок службы машины. Особое внимание стоит уделить ремкомплекту (seal kit) для SANDVIK, который обеспечивает высокий уровень герметичности и надежности. Аналогично, гидромолоты Furukawa F/FRD/FXJ также требуют специфичных уплотнений для эффективной работы. Ремкомплекты на гидромолоты Delta F/FX и Daemo DMB/B обеспечивают стабильную работу в сложных условиях эксплуатации. Каждый из этих ремкомплектов адаптирован под конкретную модель, что гарантирует идеальную совместимость. Чтобы найти необходимую информацию о покупке ремкомплектов и уплотнений, посетите #Atlas_Copco https://www.gidromolota.ru/nabori-uplotneniy-gidromolota/pika-klin-gidromolota-atlas-copco
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08dhoni525 · 30 days
Ремкомплекты для гидромолотов играют ключевую роль в поддержании их работоспособности. Эти комплекты содержат набор уплотнений и диафрагм, которые обеспечивают защиту от утечек и повышают эффективность работы оборудования. Особенно важными являются ремкомплекты для таких известных брендов, как Atlas Copco, SANDVIK, Furukawa, Delta и Daemo. Ремкомплекты и уплотнения для гидромолотов Atlas Copco отличаются высоким качеством и обеспечивают надежную работу в любых условиях. Ремкомплект (seal kit) для гидромолота SANDVIK эффективно предотвращает утечки, что значительно увеличивает срок службы оборудования. Гидромолоты Furukawa F/FRD/FXJ также требуют регулярного обслуживания, и в этом случае подходящие ремкомплекты помогут минимизировать риск поломок. Кроме того, для моделей Delta F/FX и Daemo DMB/B доступны высококачественные уплотнения, которые обеспечивают устойчивую и безопасную эксплуатацию. Чтобы получить полную информацию о доступных ремкомплектах и возможностях заказа, посетите сайт #Delta https://www.gidromolota.ru/nabori-uplotneniy-gidromolota/uplotneniya-delta
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01dimaria0225 · 30 days
Ремкомплекты для гидромолотов играют ключевую роль в поддержании их работоспособности. Эти комплекты содержат набор уплотнений и диафрагм, которые обеспечивают защиту от утечек и повышают эффективность работы оборудования. Особенно важными являются ремкомплекты для таких известных брендов, как Atlas Copco, SANDVIK, Furukawa, Delta и Daemo. Ремкомплекты и уплотнения для гидромолотов Atlas Copco отличаются высоким качеством и обеспечивают надежную работу в любых условиях. Ремкомплект (seal kit) для гидромолота SANDVIK эффективно предотвращает утечки, что значительно увеличивает срок службы оборудования. Гидромолоты Furukawa F/FRD/FXJ также требуют регулярного обслуживания, и в этом случае подходящие ремкомплекты помогут минимизировать риск поломок. Кроме того, для моделей Delta F/FX и Daemo DMB/B доступны высококачественные уплотнения, которые обеспечивают устойчивую и безопасную эксплуатацию. Чтобы получить полную информацию о доступных ремкомплектах и возможностях заказа, посетите сайт #Delta https://www.gidromolota.ru/nabori-uplotneniy-gidromolota/uplotneniya-delta
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refaudit · 1 month
Je me présente…
J’ai découvert l’airgun il n’y a pas très longtemps… J’utilise une fx maverick sniper .22, une daystate delta Wolf .22 et aussi un pistolet huben gk1 en .22 aussi. Je me régale avec les machines high tech et j’ai autant de plaisir à tirer qu’à les régler et les customiser aussi… Je pratique à 15, 35 et 100 m…. J’ai pour l’instant pas de spot plus long. Je suis ici pour partager… http://dlvr.it/TBwKjj
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ejesgistnews · 2 months
Port Harcourt -- In a vigorous address, Senate President Godswill Akpabio has assured citizens that while protests about the government go on, he and other officials will continue to bask in the fruits of their toil under the administration of President Bola Tinubu. Akpabio said this during a peace-building meeting with the executive management of the Niger Delta Development Commission, NDDC, the ethnic nationalities of Niger Delta, and other stakeholders in Port Harcourt. Read Also : FG Suspends Import Duties, Taxes on Basic Food Items to Combat Inflation The meeting was in preparation for planned nationwide protests slated from August 1 to 10, mainly by youths, protesting against poverty, unemployment, and misery in the country. Well, seeming not to care about the outcry of experts that the #EndSARS protests could cost the economy about N4 trillion and deepen the extant economic fragility, Akpabio was unperturbed. Read Also : Dollar to Naira Exchange Rate at Black Market (Aboki FX) July 31, 2024: USD to NGN CBN Rate "We are not interested in regime change. Let us own this government. Those who want to protest can protest. But let us be there eating," he said. He suggested, in his appeal, that the Senate President wishes the well-meaning people of this country to afford the Tinubu administration more time to implement such policies. As Senate President, I will appeal to all the youths in Nigeria to just give this administration some more opportunities whereby most of the policies would have matured," he said. Protests across the country, a sign of deep-seated frustrations with the current economic conditions, signal the need for effective government actions towards solving national burning issues.
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da-ill-spot · 2 months
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Saturday July 27th • Panic39 25th Anniversary • Doll Hut • Anaheim, CA • TIX
>>> AREA 1
1:05am - THEE-O
12:25am - REZA
12:00am - ANDRE ATLAS
11:00pm - APX1 & APAULO8
9:30pm - BC RYDAH & KWEK
9:00pm - THUNDER & DETN8
4:00pm - BBOY BATTLE
Hosted by M.P.ART
>>> AREA 2
1:25am - SAVAGE
12:55am - 2MUCH
12:25am - MADD HADDER
11:15pm - TONEZ
10:45pm - SPRANKLES
10:15pm - MICHAELOVE
9:50pm - PICKLES
8:30pm - 5th ENCOUNTER
Hosted by DEVIOUS
>>> AREA 3 >>> (21+ area only)
1:35am - EDIFICA
1:10am - DR.KNOX
12:50am - DESTRUCT
12:30pm - LONGEVITY
10:40pm - 6h057
10:15pm - APAULO8
10:05pm - DJ ICKEE
9:00pm - DEBO of the FUNK FREAKS
8:00pm - TONES
7:00pm - UNKLE PHUNK
6:00pm - MEDIT8
4:00pm - DTRAXX
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headlinerportugal · 5 months
[Exclusivo para Portugal] Trio MДQUIИД. foi um dos grandes destaques do segundo dia do Fuzz Club Festival | Reportagem Fotográfica
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João dos MДQUIИД no meio do público | mais fotos clicar aqui A Fuzz Club Records, sediada em Londres em Inglaterra, é uma reconhecida editora discográfica independente estabelecida em 2012. Uma das mais relevantes do planeta e que habituou-nos a dar-nos o melhor do space rock, noise pop, shoegaze, entre outros géneros deveras alternativos. Aproveitando algumas das bandas que representa, decidiram relançar o seu festival regressando aos Países Baixos.
Durante o passado fim-de-semana: sexta-feira e sábado, respetivamente 3 e 4 de maio, fizeram acontecer o Fuzz Club Festival em Eindhoven na sala de espetáculos Effenaar, uma das principais daquele país bem como da Europa Central.
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Halison dos MДQUIИД na bateria | mais fotos clicar aqui João Machado, membro da equipa, agora radicado nos Países Baixos representou o headLiner no segundo dia do evento. Além dos portugueses MДQUIИД. atuaram no total quase 30 projetos em ambos os dias.
Neste segundo dia ficou marcado pela presença muito público francês num evento no qual fãs dos géneros musicais já referidos compareceram em peso bem como pessoas que reconhecem a importância do trabalho da Fuzz Club Records.
Um dos mais excitantes projetos em toda a Europa são os MДQUIИД.. Este trio lisboeta composto por Tomás, João e Halison “usa grooves hipnóticos com texturas industriais para reproduzir sonoramente as complexidades e o tumulto inerentes à era contemporânea, o som do grupo parece destinado a ser ouvido em climas muito distantes do seu. É abrangente, potente e perfeito para festivais e clubes cheios de suor”. Uma descrição perfeita formulada pela britânica Magazine Far Out e que acerta em cheio.
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Tomás dos MДQUIИД no baixo | mais fotos clicar aqui De toda a jornada deste segundo dia os MДQUIИД foram dos mais aplaudidos pelo público que delirou com a sua atuação. Outro dos destaques do 2º dia do evento foram os Madmadmad. A banda oriunda de Londres é representada em Portugal pela gig.ROCKS! o que já lhes valeu atuações bem significativas no nosso país em eventos tão relevantes como foram o Vodafone Paredes de Coura e Courage Club em Guimarães no decurso de 2023. Em 2021 contam também com outras atuações em Portugal.
Este trio londrino é bem artístico conhecido pelo seu estilo de fusão de punk, hip-hop e de música electrónica sendo simplesmente instrumental. Um som bastante irreverente, diga-se.
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Benjamin Bouton dos MADMADMAD | mais fotos clicar aqui Os três músicos que compõem estes Madmadmad são Benjamin Bouton (guitarra, sintetizadores, percussão e FX) Kevin Toublant (baixo elétrico, Moog e FX) e Matt Kelly (bateria e percussão).
Este foi o alinhamento do festival nos dois dias, a negrito estão destacadas as bandas que tocaram no segundo dia, aquele no qual estivemos representados e do qual pudemos realizar reportagem fotográfica:
Spiritualized / Gilla Band / Night Beats / Föllakzoid / Frankie And The Witch Fingers / The Men / Crows / Elephant Stone / The Psychotic Monks / The Underground Youth / Al Lover / MELTS / DAIISTAR / The Black Delta Movement / Upupayãma / The Third Sound / Helicon / Throw Down Bones / Golden Hours / Flying Moon In Space / The Gluts / Radar Men From The Moon / MAQUINA. / MADMADMAD / Verstärker / Butch Kassidy / YOBS / Ashinoa.
Na nossa reportagem fotográfica temos registos dos concertos de: Upupayama + Verstarker + DAIISTAR + Helicon + The Psychotic Monks + Melts + Spiritualized + Throw Down Bones + Follakzoid + MAQUINA + MADMADMAD.
Esta é a ordem de aparição em palco por estes projetos cujo primeiro concerto teve lugar após as 15:15h com os Upupayãma, hora dos Países Baixos. Já a última atuação arrancou às 2:15h e foi proporcionada pelos Al Lover. A sala Effenaar proporcionou dois palcos pelo que os concertos puderam decorrer em horários consecutivos.
Reportagem fotográfica completa: Clicar Aqui
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Kevin Toublant dos MADMADMAD | mais fotos clicar aqui Texto: Edgar Silva com apoio de João Machado Fotografia: João Machado
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ailtrahq · 1 year
Solana saw a rejection from the local resistance above $20 The $19.4 level acted as a short-term demand zone but the bulls exhibited weakness in recent days Solana [SOL] has trended downward since late July. The network’s TVL has also been on a decline for a long time now, but that need not worry investors too much. The developments around Solana indicated its commitment to growth. Read Solana’s [SOL] Price Prediction 2023-24 The Solana network saw the launch of the QCAD digital dollar. Stablecorp aims to put Canadian digital dollars within reach of the millions of Solana users in an attempt to grow the on-chain FX market. Solana bulls could consolidate underneath $19.5 before another push Source: SOL/USDT on TradingView At the time of writing SOL has a bullish market structure on the four-hour chart. The recent higher low sat at $18.58, and the higher high at $20.54. It was not encouraging that the buyers were unable to breach the $20.6 level, but there was some hope. A move below $18.58 would be needed to flip the structure bearishly. Until that time, bulls can hope for SOL to form a short-term range, consolidate, and then drive higher. But the evidence at hand showed the sellers had the advantage. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) has been below neutral 50 in recent days and the On-Balance Volume (OBV) was unable to crack a local resistance despite multiple attempts in September. Together the indicators signaled Solana prices could dip to $18.6 and lower over the coming days. The futures market showed little bullish conviction Source: Coinalyze Since 20 September the Open Interest (OI) has been in a downtrend. The price hovered about the $19.4-$19.6 region but lacked a strong trend over the past few days. The inference was that bullish sentiment in the market was muted and long positions were discouraged. How much are 1, 10, or 100 SOL worth today? The spot Cumulative Volume Delta (CVD) was also in a downtrend over the past week. This meant demand in the Solana spot markets was weak. Hence, in the coming days, these factors must change before SOL can have a good chance of rallying past the $20.6 resistance. Source
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hardynwa · 1 year
Airfares rises as foreign airlines settle for N582/$1
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For the third time in less than a month, the rate of exchange (RoE) applicable to foreign airlines has ballooned, hitting N582/$1 with attendant spike in the cost of international air travel. At the new RoE, registered by the Global Distribution System (GDS), a six-hour Lagos-London economy class ticket now fluctuates between N1.1 million and N2.97 million – subject to airline of choice, place and time of booking. Its business class variant sells for an average of N3.36 million to N4.8 million. While stakeholders regretted that the development has further pushed international air travel beyond the reach of average Nigerians, they acknowledged the inherent respite on foreign airlines that are patronising the Investors’ and Exporters’ (I&E) FX window for fund repatriation, and reopening of naira inventories to travel agencies in the countries. It will be recalled that the international segment of the aviation sector has been in a stuck fund crisis in the last one year, with knock-on effects on inventories, asking price, and near-collapse of local travel agencies. Earlier intervention by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) did pledge $265 million in August 2022, leaving a balance of $200 million of the fund. But the stranded funds kept piling by daily sales of tickets, to warrant Emirates Airlines quitting the Nigerian route late October 2022. As at the last check, industry sources said the accumulated was well over $800 million. The Guardian learnt that following a negotiation to end the logjam, the authorities recently conceded a shift from the official CBN window to the volatile I&E window for the repatriation of foreign airlines’ funds in Nigeria. The push-pull effect has been evident in the applicable rate of exchange, and attendant cost of travel. At this time last month, the RoE was pegged at N462 to a dollar. About a week later, the rate climbed to N500/$1. Some days afterwards, it reached N551. Last week, the high vicissitude window hit a new high of N582/$1, with airfares tagging along. Inquiries by The Guardian showed a varying price range across international carriers on the Nigerian route. For instance, Qatar and Ethiopian Airways have some of the cheapest airfares en route London destination – being one of the most popular for Nigerian air travellers. A Lagos-London-Lagos economy class ticket seat on Qatar (with stopover in Doha), at the weekend, cost an average of N1.2 million. Its business class was sold for N4.8 million. The flagship African carrier, Ethiopia (via Addis Ababa), offered the two cabins for N1.1 million and N3.36 million, respectively. Legacy carriers like British Airways (BA) and Virgin Atlantic (VA) are on the higher side. Direct Lagos-London-Lagos flight ticket on BA costs an average of N1.8 million in economy cabin and N4.41 million for business class travellers. VA offered the economy class for an average of N2.2 million. American carrier on the Lagos-Atlanta-Lagos route, Delta Air, charged an average of N4.64 million for economy, and N8.36 million per seat in the business cabin. Similar route on Qatar (via Doha) averages N3.24 million for economy and N4.53 for Business Class travellers. Travel operators and experts alike were unanimous that the new rates were inevitable and partly a good omen in the current market realities. Notwithstanding the extra push in the cost of travel that is passed to consumers, President of the National Association of Nigerian Travel Agencies (NANTA), Susan Akporiaye, said the new dispensation in fare pricing is partly solving the problem of stuck funds, and accessibility of tickets to Nigerians. Akporiaye told reporters that foreign airlines were beginning to repatriate funds from tickets sold in local currency, with a chain reaction in reopening inventories to travel agencies. Chairman of the Airlines and Passengers Joint Committee (APJC) of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), Bankole Bernard, said foreign airlines accessing the I&E window might be the permanent solution to the perennial problem of stuck funds, and unleashing the commercial viability of the international segment. Bernard reiterated that the stuck fund crisis had regrettably dragged on for too long because the government was indecisive on what to do with the FX liquidity crisis, and its effects on the foreign airlines. “The government has been neither here nor there. If you are telling the airlines not to sell at NAFEX rate, but in Naira, and they are not getting their equivalence for repatriation, then the government is the creator of the problem. “But the airline has started getting their money because they are not waiting for the CBN anymore. They are doing I&E window, though it is higher, but it is good for the airlines, and even the government. The only people that are suffering in all of this are the masses. “But when you do not subsidise airfares, the airlines will become commercially lucrative because they can sell at the RoE and repatriate their monies easily. Instead of doing one flight, they can do three trips, and make more money. In transport, the real income comes from volume and not yield,” Bernard said. He added that with the development, a lot of airlines are beginning to warm up to the travel agencies again, and “we are certainly going to sell more tickets this year than last year”. Travel expert, Sunday Olumegbon, however, said that the approach would further disenfranchise average Nigerians from the aviation industry. Olumegbon noted that the recent surge in both local and international air traffic would be eroded by cut-throat pricing mechanisms. Indeed, a summary of 2022 industry performance by the Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA), on the overall, showed a market rebound of over 16.17 million passengers recorded on both the domestic (12.7 million) and international (3.5 million) market segments. The 2022 total traffic figure showed a 13 per cent increase when compared with 2021 figures (14.2 million), and the highest passenger traffic since the COVID-19 post-pandemic era. Olumegbon said: “In a country of over 200 million, that less than seven per cent of the population travels by air is nothing to be proud of in modern aviation. It used to be eight per cent; so we are retrogressing in our numbers. With the new pricing, how many Nigeria residents will be able to afford international travel? That is the issue. “Technically, we have solved a problem by creating another one. Aviation globally is the business of freedom. Here, we have further made it elitist, and only for the rich that can afford routine trips,” he said. Apparently in agreement with Olumegbon, travel analyst, and member of the Aviation Safety Round Table Initiative (ASRTI), Olumide Ohunayo, said the solution to the high pricing regime is to build local capacity for fair competition. Ohunayo explained that the upward adjustment in RoE is not the exclusive preserve of foreign airlines, rather, based on agreement with the CBN, and notification of the Civil Aviation Authority. “Even before now, and due to accumulation of funds, the airlines have been selling only premiums to cushion the effect of the trapped funds. Now that they have increased the RoE through I&E window, I think we are gradually getting to the solution. What we need to do is to unify all these different rates like IMF, and the likes have advised. People are making so much money from the different windows, and breaking down the economy. “Really, the fare going up is inevitable, and that is the situation we have found ourselves in. We only need to compete, and throw more capacities into the international segment. It is either you encourage Nigerian airlines to participate or increase frequencies of foreign airlines. “I want to see Nigerian airlines participating in the foreign segment. I am seeing local airlines (Air Peace) going to India, Israel, but what is happening to the core routes like London, Ireland, U.S.? We must throw in the capacity to bring down prices,” Ohunayo said. Read the full article
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endofunktor · 1 year
Using the Gelfand Transformation -- Part 2
Okay, I promised applications, but like every good algebraist, I have to postpone them another day.
We will have a look at a variation of Wiener’s lemma soon, but there are some details that are still a bit unclear to me.
Instead, have this neat little fun fact.
Start with a compact Hausdorff space X. Consider the space C(X) of all continuous functions X → C. This is a Banach algebra (with point-wise multiplication) over C. Thus, we can consider the spectrum ��(C(X)), the set of maximal ideals in C(X). I claim that every maximal ideal is of the form
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This is the kernel of the delta function in the point x in X. It evaluates continiuous functions f in said point x. (And yes, we are calling it a “function” because going from C(X) to C it is. It is, of course, not a function X → C.)
The delta function is an algebra morphism (check that if you don’t believe me!), but is it continuous? Yes, because
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To prove that every proper ideal I is contained in a maximal ideal Ix of the form above, we use a neat topological argument to construct an invertible element in I (i.e. a function that is nowhere zero) which gives a contradiction to I being proper.
Assume that I is not contained in some Ix. Then for all x in X there exists a function fx in I such that
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Because I is an ideal, we can multiply fx with its conjugate (which is in C(X)) and obtain another element in I. So,
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Now, if we could just sum all such positive functions |fx|^2 up (over x in X), we would obtain a function g that is nowhere zero. However, X is not finite, so we’ll have to use the next best property: compactness.
The sets
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form an open cover of X and thus -- by compactness! -- there exists a finite subcover, i.e. a set S of finitely many fx such that for all z in X there exists fx in S such that fx(z) is not zero. Now, those we can sum up! Then the function
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is in I and has no zero. Thus, it is invertible and by that, I can not be a proper ideal. A contradiction.
Now, what was all that for? We now know that
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as sets. Neat! Remember that the Gelfand Transformation goes from A to C(σ(A)) which in the case of A = C(X) reduces to a map C(X) to C(X). Let’s look at it side by side. Left: the general case and right: A = C(X).
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So it turns out, Γf = f, and the Gelfand Transformation is just the identity.
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assemer · 30 days
Ремкомплекты для гидромолотов играют важную роль в поддержании их работоспособности и долговечности. Эти комплекты обычно содержат набор уплотнений и диафрагм, которые минимизируют риск утечек и обеспечивают надежную работу оборудования. Наиболее востребованные ремкомплекты предназначены для гидромолотов таких брендов, как Atlas Copco, SANDVIK, Furukawa, Delta и Daemo. Ремкомплекты и уплотнения на гидромолот Atlas Copco разработаны с учетом специфики эксплуатации и предоставляют все необходимые детали для замены изношенных элементов. Не менее важен и ремкомплект (seal kit) для SANDVIK, который гарантирует эффективное уплотнение и защиту от повреждений. Также стоит отметить качественные решения для гидромолотов Furukawa F/FRD/FXJ, предлагающие надежную защиту и долгий срок службы. Ремкомплекты для гидромолотов Delta F/FX и Daemo DMB/B обеспечивают оптимальную производительность в различных условиях работы. Для получения детальной информации о доступных ремкомплектах и возможностях их заказа, посетите сайт #SANDVIK https://www.gidromolota.ru/nabori-uplotneniy-gidromolota/hammers-sandvik
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08dhoni525 · 30 days
Ремкомплекты для гидромолотов — важные элементы для поддержания их работоспособности и продления срока службы. Эти комплекты включают наборы уплотнений и диафрагм, которые предотвращают утечки и обеспечивают эффективное функционирование машин. На сегодняшний день высококачественные ремкомплекты доступны для многих популярных брендов, таких как Atlas Copco, SANDVIK, Furukawa, Delta и Daemo. Ремкомплекты и уплотнения для гидромолотов Atlas Copco созданы с учетом специфической конструкции оборудования, что гарантирует их надежность и долговечность. Ремкомплект (seal kit) для SANDVIK предлагает отличные характеристики уплотнения, способствуя надежной работе в сложных условиях. Гидромолоты Furukawa F/FRD/FXJ также требуют регулярного обслуживания, и подходящие ремкомплекты помогут избежать непредвиденных поломок. Аналогично, для моделей Delta F/FX и Daemo DMB/B доступны высококачественные комплекты, которые обеспечивают стабильность и эффективность работы. Для получения более подробной информации о наличии и способах заказа ремкомплектов обращайтесь на сайт #Furukawa https://www.gidromolota.ru/nabori-uplotneniy-gidromolota/hammers-furukawa-frd-japan
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01dimaria0225 · 30 days
Ремкомплекты для гидромолотов — важные элементы для поддержания их работоспособности и продления срока службы. Эти комплекты включают наборы уплотнений и диафрагм, которые предотвращают утечки и обеспечивают эффективное функционирование машин. На сегодняшний день высококачественные ремкомплекты доступны для многих популярных брендов, таких как Atlas Copco, SANDVIK, Furukawa, Delta и Daemo. Ремкомплекты и уплотнения для гидромолотов Atlas Copco созданы с учетом специфической конструкции оборудования, что гарантирует их надежность и долговечность. Ремкомплект (seal kit) для SANDVIK предлагает отличные характеристики уплотнения, способствуя надежной работе в сложных условиях. Гидромолоты Furukawa F/FRD/FXJ также требуют регулярного обслуживания, и подходящие ремкомплекты помогут избежать непредвиденных поломок. Аналогично, для моделей Delta F/FX и Daemo DMB/B доступны высококачественные комплекты, которые обеспечивают стабильность и эффективность работы. Для получения более подробной информации о наличии и способах заказа ремкомплектов обращайтесь на сайт #Furukawa https://www.gidromolota.ru/nabori-uplotneniy-gidromolota/hammers-furukawa-frd-japan
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refaudit · 3 months
Je me présente…
Bonjour, Je suis Alain, j’ai 62 piges, je suis au pays des chocolatines et je suis accro aux pcp avec plein de molettes et de vis de réglages… Je prends autant de plaisir à optimiser mes  réglages qu’à faire des trous dans des cartons. Je kiffe bien avec mes 2 caras : une fx maverick sniper .22, accessoirisée saber + lunette hawke sidewinder 5-32x56 sfp Une daystate delta Wolf .22, accessoirisée prs + lunette delta stryker 5-50x56 sfp. Je suis ici parce que j’aime ... http://dlvr.it/T9Zxtt
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