#Fushimi doesn't explain anything about this he just has a monkey
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Niki gets a little monkey pet he names "Saruhiko" and torments it alongside the real Saruhiko. He does it so Saru doesn't know who he's gonna mess with - him or the monkey. At first Saru hated the monkey as it's another way for Niki to insult him but later he realized they're on the same boat. He and Yata take care of it (and gives it a name that is similar to Saru's name so it's not confusing) once they get an apartment later and Saru takes it with him when he joins s4. They're siblings now.
Aw, Fushimi has bonded with the monkey XD I imagine Niki doing this on just a random whim, like he’s out drinking and being a useless drain on society when he sees some shady dude on the corner of the street selling a little monkey in a cage. Niki thinks this is hilarious, like hey I have a little monkey too. He buys it and brings it back to the house (imagine Kisa having such a fit that he’s messing up the pristine house that she never lives in), telling Fushimi to say hi to his little brother. Fushimi can’t believe Niki bought a monkey just to tease him and of course at first he hates the monkey, it screeches all the time and Niki is always teasing and tormenting it, calling it ‘Saruhiko’ and Fushimi never knows which one of them is going to bear the brunt of Niki’s amusement. 
Niki and Kisa are gone most of the time and the maid doesn’t like the monkey so Fushimi finds himself stuck caring for it and that’s how he sorta becomes unexpectedly attached to it. He doesn’t want to be — if Niki knows he likes the monkey then the monkey will definitely be tossed out — but the monkey’s as much a prisoner of Niki’s whims as Fushimi is. I imagine the monkey only likes Fushimi too, it cowers and screeches when Niki is near but it chitters happily whenever it sees just Fushimi and when he’s alone in the house Fushimi will sit there watching it eat for hours, letting it out of the cage to run around in one of the empty rooms. He tries to get it to run away a few times but the monkey will just perch on his arm and Fushimi quietly sits there because in truth even just having this one creature that understands makes him feel better.
So then when he meets Yata you just know Yata would think this is amazing, like you have a real monkey that’s so awesome. Yata initially doesn’t get why the monkey is also called ‘Saruhiko’ until he’s met Niki a few times and imagine Yata being the one to suggest they call the monkey something else, teasing Fushimi like ‘well you can be Saru and the monkey can be Hiko!’. Fushimi scoffs at him but the name sticks and when Fushimi leaves the house he takes Hiko along. Homra probably finds it pretty funny that Yata and Fushimi have a real monkey, imagine it gets the run of the apartment. Fushimi kinda knows he should take it to a zoo or rescue or something but he doesn’t want to admit he’s too attached. 
When he leaves Homra and joins S4 the monkey comes as well and Munakata is so interested in Fushimi having a monkey, I imagine he always wants to try and like play with the monkey or give it treats. Maybe Munakata does help Fushimi with it though, like he gets a vet in and an animal behavioral specialist and the monkey goes weekly to some wildlife center for enrichment. The monkey still mostly stays with Fushimi though, it has no interest in other monkeys and just wants to hang out with Fushimi, Fushimi will be doing reports and there’s just a monkey chilling out on his shoulder.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Homra three daddies ask. I love the one where little Fushimi runs away. What if yata didn't find Fushimi and Fushimi gets on a train to take him out of the city because he doesn't want to like found by niki or the others because he doesn't believe he's wanted. Then mikoto showing up just before the train leaves and both him and fushimi end up leaving the city. I like the idea of mikoto being the one to comfort Fushimi and be a overprotective lion when the creeps on the train look at his kid.
So say Fushimi’s been living with his three daddies for only a couplemonths and he’s still feeling uncomfortable there, not entirelycertain that he’s not going to be abandoned and left behind again atsome point. Then say maybe Niki tries to kidnap him again becauseNiki’s not yet given up on getting his little monkey back, the Homratrio save him but Totsuka ends up getting a little injured. In theaftermath Kusanagi’s taking care of Totsuka, it’s just somethingsmall like a twisted ankle but of course Fushimi blames himself forit. On top of that he feels like this is proof of what willeventually happen if he stays here, like Niki might keep trying totake him away anyway and what if Niki does something really terriblelike set the bar on fire and then everything that Fushimi’s startedto get attached to will be destroyed, the same way everything alwayshas been. Fushimi decides that he can’t stay here any longer so hesecretly packs a bag and then on day early in the morning he slipsout of the bar and makes a run for it.
Fushimi manages to get to the nearest train station and buys himselfa ticket at an automated window, not wanting to have to explain whyhe has no parents. He’s probably got a whole story planned outanyway, that he’s going to visit relatives out in the country orsomething, but his real plan is pretty much to ride the train as faras he can and then get off somewhere far away where hopefully Nikiand can’t find him anymore and the Homra trio will be safe from him.He figures it won’t really matter much to them anyway, like sure theyseemed like they cared about him but after the last incident they’llsurely decide that Fushimi’s too much trouble and they were probablygoing to turn him over to some orphanage or something in time anyway.He figures they won’t even notice he’s gone, as he sits down on abench and leans against the window looking out. The train slowlyfills and Fushimi feels a little nervous, some of the people on thetrain are creepy looking and keep staring at him and he sticks hishands inside his backpack again and makes sure the kitchen knife hepacked inside is still close at hand. That’s when someone finallysits next to him, he jumps for a moment and then gives a surprisednoise as he realizes that it’s Mikoto.
Mikoto doesn’t even say anything, just leans against the back of theseat as if asleep. They ride that way in silence for a while, Fushimiisn’t even sure if Mikoto is really asleep or just pretending to be.At one point Mikoto shifts and lights a cigarette, blowing smoke outthe window as Fushimi stares at him and finally irritably notes thatthere’s no smoking allowed on the train. Mikoto looks at him and thenshrugs, still smoking. Finally Fushimi asks what he’s been wanting toall this time, why did Mikoto come after him. Mikoto shrugs again,saying he can’t let a kid ride the train alone or Kusanagi would killhim, and then just keeps sitting there. Fushimi gets more and moreannoyed and probably pretty much ends up ranting out all hisfeelings, like saying that doesn’t Mikoto know it’s better if he letsFushimi go and anyway Fushimi can handle himself and this way Nikican’t harm anyone anymore and besides it was all going to fall apart.Mikoto listens to it all in silence and finally when Fushimi’s donehe just looks Fushimi straight in the face and asks what Fushimiwants to do. Not what he’s afraid of, not what he thinks will happen,what does Fushimi really want.
Fushimi tries to answer but he can’t,a lump in his throat as he thinks again about his bed in the roomabove the bar, about Kusanagi making him pancakes in the morning andTotsuka showing him different hobbies, about Mikoto protecting himfrom everyone and probably punching Niki in the face at least onceand deep in his heart Fushimi knows that he wants to be there,wants to be part of that family, he’s just too afraid of what couldhappen to say it. Finally Mikoto asks if he wants to go back andFushimi just nods in silence. They spend the rest of the train ridejust sitting together, at one point Fushimi gets up to use thebathroom and some drunk guy starts harassing him, Mikoto grabs theguy by the head and just calmly slams him into the back of his chairbecause no one harasses Mikoto’s kid. Hours later they return to BarHomra, Mikoto carrying an exhausted Fushimi on his shoulders, andKusanagi and Totsuka immediately surround him and fuss over the kid,Kusanagi’s all exasperated that Mikoto didn’t even call to say he’dfound the kid like mama was worried sick okay.
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