#Fushimi all skinny and sleek and Yata's a big bulky wolf
ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
Okay but werewolf Yata and Kitsune Fushimi? Seems fittings in a supernatural AU
I’m just imagingthe arguments, like a lot of “stupid wolf” and “asshole fox”and Fushimi probably mocks Yata for being human unless there’s a fullmoon. Maybe Yata’s a werewolf who travels around a lot because he’sbeen persecuted before for his condition, like he had to leave homefor fear of harming his family and he’s never able to stay anywherevery long because once he goes wild it’s hard for him to controlhimself. When the full moon gets near he usually just tries to go offsomewhere remote and hope that no one gets hurt. One evening the fullmoon is near and Yata decides to stay the night at this old abandonedshrine, there’s not even a caretaker at the place anymore and hefigures that he should be safe from others and other people safe fromhim. Just as the transformation is starting the door of the shrinecreaks and Yata looks up in horror as a skinny kid about his agewalks in. Yata tries to get him to run away but the guy just staresat him flatly, expression never changing as Yata starts to cry out inpain and doubles over, nails turning into claws and fur covering hisbody. Soon he’s fully transformed, telling the guy staring at him torun away in this growling, guttural voice. The guy just stares at himfor a second with a vaguely irritated face, then hits his snout witha fan and mutters ‘Talk like a civilized person, idiot.’
All of a suddenYata feels totally in control of his body, staring blankly down athis clawed hands as he wonders what the heck is going on. The guy infront of him mutters about 'stupid wolves’ and turns to leave, Yatagrabs his arm and is like what the fuck did you do this is amazing.The guy looks back at him out of cold blue eyes as nine tails appeararound him and Yata realizes that this person is a kitsune. The guytries to walk away again but Yata follows, trying to talk to him andask his name, introducing himself and the guy finally tells Yata thathis name is Fushimi and that he has no interest in the plight ofstupid wolves who can’t even control themselves on their own. Yata’sstill amazed that Fushimi was able to give him control so easily andkeeps talking about how amazing Fushimi is. Fushimi mutters that he’snot amazing and it was just a simple trick. He keeps trying to getrid of Yata but Yata only wants to talk now, like imagine Fushimiturning into fox form and trying to run away but wolf Yata follows(oh oh and even though Fushimi’s human form is taller than normalYata his fox form is smaller than Yata’s wolf, Yata probably neverlets him forget it too). It turns out that Fushimi is the onlyremaining kitsune at the shrine. Maybe he’s stuck there too, like hisdad used to cause trouble in the nearby village and the villagersburned the shrine in order to drive out the evil spirits, then placeda ward at the door that keeps anyone left inside from leaving. SinceFushimi helped him Yata breaks the ward and proudly tells Fushimihe’s free to go, Fushimi clicks his tongue and just goes back insidethe shrine.
From then on Yatabuys an apartment near the shrine and keeps coming back there, likeafter his part time job every evening he shows up to just talk toFushimi. Initially Fushimi refuses to come out and Yata leaves likehamburgers and soda on an offering stone in front of the shrine, hecomes back the next day and all that’s left is the tomatoes that werepicked off the burger and a note on a leaf stating that Fushimidoesn’t like vegetables. Eventually Fushimi actually comes out forhis food, Yata probably sits there with the burger like if you don’tactually get out here Saruhiko I’m not feeding you anymore. On fullmoon nights Yata comes to the shrine and the two of them run aroundand play in the woods in their animal forms and slowly Fushimi startsto get more and more used to having Yata there with him. Then maybeone day Yata meets Totsuka, a changeling who’s part of a whole gangof supernatural creatures called Homra. Yata decides to go meet themand is totally amazed their leader Mikoto, and can’t understand whyFushimi seems so pissed off when Yata goes to see him later andstarts talking about how great Homra was and how they should bothjoin.
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