#Fuck Off Radfems
thatfeyboy · 1 month
Hey quick question why does saying things like "men have issues" or "androphobia exists" are treated as saying "I hate women and misogyny doesn't exist" when they are the most vanilla nothing statements known to our species?
It's becoming bizarre. And I know, people are traumatized, bad people exist on the right, those words or phrases are used by MRAs/incels, etc., but in the end that's not really important. It doesn't matter what word or phrase is used here, because no matter what it is it still only superficially represents the problem. The issue is some of you have connected men(all men or those assumed to be a man/male-like by someone) having genuine worries, feelings, concerns, or a desire for their own voice, as an attempt to oppression women.
This is not to say all men to everyone(despite the haha funny jokes about That). What people's threshold for "true, privileged man" is different. Some might include queer men, some might not. Some may or may not include minority men, or trans men, or what have you. But at the end of the day anyone who can be put under this label, if convenient enough, will at some point be belittled or silenced because of that. Trans women are definitely included in this, because a significant reason people are horrible to them is because they are perceived as gnc men or too "male-like"/"male-socialized"I (they are not men, and do also often experience misogyny, transmisogyny, and transphobia) . This is not a topic up for debate. It is a fact. This is a standard experience for most men/people perceived to be men.
At the end of the day it's the same rhetoric any bigot or regressive uses. They dehumanize and make a monster of the target in order to help stifle negative feelings about mocking and ignoring them. Over time this segregation of ideas and community leads to in/out group thought and eventually actual militant hatred. There is, without doubt, militant hatred of men on this site and beyond because it is seen as justified. Those most affected by this belief are men who are already vulnerable(trans/gnc/racial minority/disabled/gay/etc).
If you are at the point were, actually literally for real, you think hating or degrading men(as a type of person) is ok and moral(no matter your reason), you need to realize you are in fact projecting. There is simply no way around it. Most people who are left wing and decently civil would be horrified if you publicly discussed your feelings in totality, because you are exactly the kind of monster you pretend to protect others from. That's not to say you haven't been hurt or victimized, but if you continue to do it to others you will be seen as the problem because you are actively choosing to hurt people
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spocks-got-a-glock · 22 days
Folks how do I keep ending up on radfem Tumblr. It seems like I'm always only one link in a reblog chain away from radfem Tumblr. Dear God make it stop.
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Just now, I made a quick little digital art sketch-doodle drawing or something on my phone's IbisPaintX App while watching a random YouTube video where some dude on his Channel talks about fictional media or whatever(I hate how much I enjoy video essays and calmer-toned rants)and I had gotten inspired by a random GachaTuber who is attempting to create more 2000s moe style anime stuff which I am sorta growing fond of specifically. I was looking up random tutorials too to freshen up some rusty basic skills I could learn again and I decided I wanted to draw a cute/kawaii feminine boy neko/cat person I guess lmfao. While I was drawing however, I guess the subject matter made me think about how when I look up stuff relating to men who are feminine, so much of it(and please forgive me if I'm mistaken)seems so...Idk sexual in undertones if not upfront??I don't wanna sound like a prude or anything, as long as you're not doing anything immoral I really don't care, it's just that it kinda sucks because it seems like so many people treat it like some sort of fetish instead of a way boys can express themselves. I've also heard that the original terms such as the t-word(tr*p) or the FB word(F*mboy) had come from really gross degrading porn categories that had seemingly took a part in the violence against and suffering of trans women/trans girls or atleast trans fems. I sorta want to make a character that's still super cutesy and kind and gentle, but at the same time isn't super sexual inherently you know? Hope there's no hard feelings or anything, sorry if I'm not explaining stuff correctly QwQ.
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scramblema-am · 1 year
Didn't want to derail a post so I'm making my own.
I came across a post talking about how we're not gonna get rid of the radfems until we give up "all cis men are evil" because gender essentialism is brain rot. Which is completely and totally true.
I can't believe I have to fucking say this, but we need to give up "all cis men are evil" because cis men are... also people??? I understand that the people who have hurt women and the LGBTQIA+ community are white straight cis men, but that doesn't make them inherently evil or inhuman. It is dehumanizing to label an entire category of people as evil. I don't care if they have privilege, they still deserve to be treated as human beings. Cuz surprise, ALL PEOPLE should be treated like people and have the right to not be told that they're scum constantly.
And fuck it, hot take: it fucking sucks to be told you're evil for shit you can't change, no matter who you are. It's not ok to call all gays evil, or all black people evil, or all trans people evil, or all women evil. It's NOT OK to call all straight white cis men evil either.
And you know what? If I was called evil all day every day online and out in the real world by people who claim to be "liberal" and "feminist," I might get angry, or at the very least depressed. When you are in a heightened state of emotion, you are vulnerable to manipulation. If some asshole is like "hey I get it, *those people* hates me too, they're all stupid," men, especially young men who are depressed and angry, might follow them into whatever stupid shit they're doing. That's how Andrew Tate has as big a following as he has.
TLDR: Men need to do better, AND communities that push for acceptance and change NEED to drop the "all cis men" are evil thing. Those things aren't mutually exclusive!
We need to treat men like real human people.
Otherwise what the fuck are we even doing here.
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pr1nce-elias · 1 year
Anyway I love being a tranny I love being trans I love being a man I love being a trans masc I love shedding my femininity and being a masculine man and I ESPECIALLY love being a man with a pussy! I love love love being a man with tits and a pussy. I love being a tranny with a pussy its so fun. One of my favorite features of myself to be honest, is my pussy. Because its MINE AND ITS A MANS. I have a great fuckin man pussy and no one can take that from me
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everyone i recommend you block the tags "radfem safe" "terf safe" and so on. then you can tell if op is a terf also definitely "#radblr"
EDIT: yeah so I posted this and a terf came from out of the woodwork to yell at me (blocked and reported) so keep blocking terf tags at the root 🥰
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nando161mando · 4 months
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This couldn't have happened to more deserving people
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inkskinned · 3 months
the thing about some men is that they want you to remember, at all times, that you are underneath them. that with one word or look or "joke", you will stay beneath them. that even "exceptions" to the rule are not true exceptions - the commonly cited statistic that one in eight men believe they could win against serena williams.
women's gymnastics is often not seen as real gymnastics. whatever the fuck non-euclidian horrors rhythmic gymnasts are capable of, it's often tamped down as being not a sport. some of the most dominant athletes in the world are women. nobody watches women's soccer. despite years of dancing and being built like a fucking brick, men always assume they're faster and stronger than i am. you wouldn't like what happens when they are incorrect. once while drunk at a guy's house i won a held-plank challenge by a solid minute. the party was over after that - he became exceedingly violent.
what i mean is that you can be perfect, and they still think you're ... lacking, somehow. i hope you understand i'm trying to express a neutral statement when i say: taylor swift was the possibly the most patriarchy-palatable, straight-down-the-line woman we could churn out. she is white, conventionally attractive, usually pretty mild in personality. say what you will about her (and you should, she's a billionaire, she can handle it), but a few things seem to be true about her: 1. she can write a damn catchy song, and 2. the eras tour truly was a massive commercial success and was also genuinely an impressive feat of human athleticism and performance.
i don't know if she deserves the title of "woman of the year," i'm not debating that in this post. what i am saying is that she was named Woman of The Year, and then an untalented man got onstage at the golden globes and made fun of her for attending her boyfriend's football games. what i am saying is that this woman altered local economies - and her dating life is still being made into a "harmless" punchline. the camera panned, greedy, over to her downing a full glass of champagne. congratulations taylor! you are woman of the year! but you are a woman. even her.
fuck, man. write better material.
a guy gets onstage at a college graduation and despite the fact like half the crowd is made up of women, he spends a significant proportion of it warning these people - who spent possibly hundreds of thousands of dollars on their education - that they were lied to. that the "real" meaning of femininity is motherhood. that they shouldn't rest on the laurels of that education-they-paid-for but instead throw it away to kneel at a man's heel. imagine that. sweating in your godawful polyester gown (that you also had to pay for!), fresh out of 4 years of pushing yourself ever-harder: and some guy you've never met - who knows nothing about you - he reminds you this "win" is a pyrrhic one at best. you really shouldn't consider yourself that extraordinary. you're still a woman, even after years of study.
god forbid you are not a pretty woman, but if you are pretty, you must be dumb. god forbid you are not ablebodied or white or cis or straight or good at swallowing. you must be beneath a man, or else they are not a man. the equation for masculinity seems to just be: that which is not a woman or womanly (god forbid). anything "feminine" is thereby anathema. to engage in "feminine" things such as therapy, getting a hug from a friend, or crying - it is giving up ones manhood. therefore women need to be put in their place to ensure that masculinity is protected.
this is something i have struggled to explain to terfs - they are not doing the work of feminism, but rather the patriarchy. by asserting that women and men must be (on some secret level) oppositional and in conflict, they also assume that being a woman is akin to being another species. but bigotry does not stem from observational truths or clarity - that is what makes it bigotry. there was nothing in my childhood that made me fundamentally different from my brother. we are treated differently nonetheless. to assert there is some biological drive that enforces my gender role is to assert that women have a gendered role. men do not see women as equal to them not because of biological reality - but instead because the core tenant of the patriarchy is that women aren't full, realized people.
we are told from a very young age to excuse misbehavior as a single man's choice - not all men. it is not all men, just that one guy. all women are gold-digging bitches who belong in the kitchen - but if a man is mean, bigoted, or violent to you, it's just that particular guy, and that means nothing about men-as-a-whole. it is only one guy who got mad when you gently rejected him. it is only one guy who warns her this trophy is heavy, are you sure you can hold it? it is only one guy who smashes her face into the cake. it is only one guy talking into a mic about hating our bodily autonomy.
i have just found that they often wait until the moment we actually seem to be upstaging them. you sit in a meeting where you're presenting your own findings and he says get me a coffee? or you run to the end of the marathon and are about to finish first and he pushes your kids out in front of you. you win the chess game and they make some comment akin to well, you're ugly away. we can be the billionaire and get the dream life and finally fucking do it and yet! still! they have this strange, visceral urge to say well actually, if you think you're so great -
it's not one just one guy. it's one in eight.
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coypurat · 11 months
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oh to be carefree like this. theyre both so fucking epic
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rabidpunkradio · 6 months
if you have nonbinary friends , please ask them what their personal gender looks like to them before assigning your idea of nonbinary to them . not all nonbinary people use they/them , not all nonbinary people are gender neutral , not all nonbinary people are genderless , not all nonbinary people are androgynous , some people under the nonbinary umbrella dont even call themselves nonbinary . the whole thing about nonbinary is that its not a set thing . it's not another box , its a placeholder for a billion unique experiences
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he was so real for this
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romijuli · 2 years
It’s kind of a shame that “Catholics worship the saints and Mary on the same level as god” is the prevalent thought among non-Catholics because “Catholics treat the saints and Mary as a divine call center” is both more true in my experience and INFINITELY funnier
EDIT okay look. Listen. I’m GOING to fucking block you if you start religious discourse on this fucking post. I’m not even Catholic anymore, I wrote this up thinking like two people would enjoy it. I do not care. Stop.
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oarfishing · 1 month
Alright, I'm sick of seeing TERFisms on my dash, so here's a handy list of TERF dogwhistles and talking points to think about before you reblog a post.
I've seen a few of these before, but it doesn't hurt to make more. Especially when we're seeing a lot of radfem rhetoric popping up in LGBT spaces from people who might not know better.
SCREENNAMES: these are terms that commonly appear in radfem usernames across the web
rad or radical
fem or femme
vulva, clit, uterus, womb, ovary, vagina, etc.
anything along the lines of "angry woman"
xx or chromosomes
wombyn, wimmin, womyn, etc.
BIOS: things that show up in radfem bios
♀ or ⚢
female separatist
female, human female, adult human female
something along the lines of "the scary feminist you were warned about"; being an angry woman, being sick of being silenced, being an evil woman, being an angry lesbian
detrans (NOTE: detrans people are absolutely not always transphobic)
dysphoric female
males/men do not interact
feminist (NOTE: again, very few feminists are actually terfs, but this is commonly in terf bios alongside some of these other terms)
TERMS: terms that radfems use in their circles
TIM - trans-identified male, a way of saying transfems, trans women, and other trans people
TIF - trans-identified female, same as above but the other way around, less commonly seen
DSD - disorder of sexual development, a way to avoid saying intersex and to categorize intersex people as "still male or female" (you might see "males with DSD" or "females with DSD" for example)
females or males instead of women and men
alternatively, women and males to dehumanize men
"peaking" or "peaked" - referring to becoming radicalized as a radfem or TERF
womyn, wombyn, wimmin, wo**n, and any other spelling that takes "man" out of the term woman
mentally ill men/women
sex-based oppression
gender critical
"TIRF" - trans-inclusive radical feminist (don't be fooled by the name, they're very much not)
TRA - trans rights activist, derogatory
sex-based rights
female separatism/"women's land"
WBW - womyn-born womyn
autistic girls/children
troon - (ridiculous) slur for trans people
RHETORIC: general ideological themes in radfem rhetoric
men are inherently more violent than women
women don't or rarely rape men
(woman on woman rape is ignored by almost all radfems)
being nonbinary is a way to "stop being" your assigned sex while still acting as your birth sex
lesbians are not attracted to men/penises and can never have sex with men/penises (otherwise, you're bisexual)
men can and will never be lesbians
there is no such thing as a bi lesbian, only lesbians and bisexuals. labels are rigid and sex-based
all of the world's suffering is driven by men
women would be better off separate
an all-female society is utopia
sex is binary, and intersex people are "glitches" or "still male or female but DisorderedTM"
men should expect to be feared by women
female/female relationships are safer and more pure than straight or gay male relationships
men and women are more different than similar
intersex people should not be allowed in sports
intersex people and trans men are never in men's sports
terrible world events wouldn't have happened if women were in charge
men are stupid and aggressive
being a man is not a positive thing
men's problems are lesser than women's
penises are disgusting and vaginas and vulvas are beautiful
trans women are performing at being girls
trans men see themselves as above lesbians
attraction is sex-based
porn is rape
porn is inherently violent
watching porn makes you predisposed to inflicting abuse
BDSM is inherently violent and misogynistic
transitioning children (whether socially or medically) are being abused
"bitch" and "cunt" are slurs against women
only gay men can say faggot and only lesbian women can say dyke
When you see a few or more of these together, RUN! It's a terf.
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eagledrawsandvibes · 1 year
Daily reminder to TERFs for Pride Month!
- You are not valid!
- Nobody cares about you!
- Terf isn’t a slur!
- You are not a minority group!
- Trans men are men and trans women are women!
- People aren’t misogynistic, they just hate you because you’re insufferable!
- Men matter and are wonderful to be around!
- You’re a disgrace to actual feminists everywhere!
(Reblog to explode a terf and give a trans person a cookie!)
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nyancrimew · 10 months
once again reminder that if you wanna do discourse you can do that yourself sending me extremely stupid anon asks doesn't do anything
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pr1nce-elias · 1 year
Blocking every radfem tag i can think of is actually very nice because I would love to never hear from any of those bitches ever again.
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