#Frisco Fair
mariewaltonrealtor · 12 days
Deep fried, glazed and Texas-sized: State Fair of Texas announces new food stands and vendors for 2024
Deep fried, glazed and Texas-sized: State Fair of Texas announces new food stands and vendors for 2024
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russian-dallas · 2 years
Календарь культурных событий Большого Далласа с 3 по 18 декабря
Календарь культурных событий Большого Далласа с 3 по 18 декабря
Симфонический оркестр Далласа представляет концерт Рождественской музыки (Dallas Symphony Orchestra presents Christmas Pops) С 2 по 11 декабря в 3 часа дня или в 7.30 вечера Симфонический оркестр Далласа представляет концерт Рождественской музыки. Далласский симфонический хор в сопровождении оркестра исполнит любимые Рождественские классические гимны. Волшебство будет царить в воздухе Meyerson…
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starsandhughes · 1 year
The state fair with Wyatt would be so fun. It'd be a totally new experience for him, and he'd love spending those moments with you.
a/n i went to the frisco fair the first time it opened and haven't been since bc i moved so my memory of it is a little blurry! however, the city revoked it's permit and is shutting down for the rest of it's schedule lmao
“Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, Wyatt, WYATT!” you yelled, skidding down the halls of the Comerica Center after seeing your boyfriend come out of the locker room post practice.
“Well hello to you, too,” Wyatt laughed, leaning down for a quick kiss.
“The Frisco Fair is back! You’ve never been, and I didn’t go last year!” you bounced up and down as you spoke. Well… shouted. Wyatt laughed and put his hands on your shoulders to cease your bouncing, "When is it?"
"It opens today at 4! And it doesn't close 'til 7!"
Joe came up to you two post hearing your excited shouts, "That sounds fun! I'll take Sheri and Nathan, and you two can ride with us."
What was planned to be just you and Wyatt turned into not only the Pavelski’s going, but more of the team, too. Nils, Delly, Jason, plus the Wedgewoods decided to join. While being with the younger Stars all evening was great, you really hoped to have some time with just Wyatt.
“Hey,” Wyatt pulled you aside. “I’m sorry this isn’t what you wanted.”
“Nonsense!” you swatted his arm. “Of course, I wanted some alone time with you, but I love your team and watching you spend time with them and I love that they welcome me in with open arms whenever I’m around. I’ve loved tonight.”
Wyatt smiled at you, then his gaze shifted, and his eyes lit up, “I know something we can do alone!”
He grabbed your hand and started running towards the ferris wheel. He handed the guy running it the tickets, and held open the door to the carriage you two were about to ride in.
When you two reached the top, Wyatt grabbed your face and tilted it towards him, “Ready for our cringey movie moment?”
You grinned, “With you? Always.”
He cupped your cheek and kissed you soft and slow, pulling you in closer to him so your bodies were touching. You kissed, and kissed, and kissed some more until it was time for you to exit the ride. You guessed that Wyatt had texted everyone where you two were going, as the night was drawing to a close, because the entire group was off to the side waiting for you.
“Have fun?” Jason teased you two, earning a swat from Delly.
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” you teased back.
You took Wyatt’s hand and led him to walk closer to the Pavelski’s towards the front, leaving the other younger Stars behind.
“What did you two on the Ferris Wheel?!”
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darkeldritchdepths · 2 years
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₂ Transcript:
A very large protion of the State of Missouri is honeycombed by caverns to such an extent that the underground drainage in many places deprives the surface of small streams. For many years, the existence of a large cave in the extreme southeastern portion of Stone County, Mo., has been known, but the inaccessibility of the locality has kept travelers, with but few exceptions, from attempting to visit it. Within the past year, however, such remarkable accounts of the wonders and extent of the cavern have appeared in the local and metropolitan newspapers that the Missouri World’s Fair Commission and the State Geological Survey determined to investigate the cave thoroughly and see what there was of truth in the stories which had been so widely circulated. Consequently, our party of three, representing both organizations, besides our photographer, Mr. C. E. DeGroff, of Warrensburg, Mo., left Aurora, a live mining city of Lawrence County, about 270 miles southwest of St. Louis, on the “Frisco” road, one charming day last fall, to explore the new wonder of the world. The 40 mile drive over cultivated prairies and through fine open but almost uninhabited forests might be dilated upon, but the limits of our space compel us to hasten on to the description of the object on our journey. Stone County lies for the most part on the southern slope of the so-called Ozark Mountains. Three mountains, however, are merely hills and ridges which have been formed by the erosion of the plateau which is known by geologists as the “Ozark Uplift” and would (continued on page 70.) [transcription continues after images]
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(Continued from first page.) not to be called such by one familliar with the Alleghanies, the White Mountains, or even the Catskills. No railroad has yet touched the county, the forests of oak, with sycamore, elm, and walnut in the valleys, are for the most part in their primeval condition, and thousands of acres of fertile land may still be taken up under the U. S. homestead laws. The forests are free from underbrush and much grass grows under the trees, giving the scenery a park-like aspect.
Mr. Truman S. Powell’s claim occupies Echo Glade and the neighboring hills about a mile and a half from the mouth of the cave and about 300 feet below it, and is the best headquarters from which to visit the cavern. Mr. Powell is the editor of the Stone County Oracle, published at the county seat, Galena, 18 miles from his farm. He says that he has explored fifty caves in Stone County. He is a firm believer in the future of the county and is an ardent admirer of Marble Cave. His eldest son, William T. Powell, is the good-natured, efficient guide to the cave. He is strong and active and a keen observer whose judgement is very reliable.
Climbing this hill, which is known as Roark Mountain, we saw in its top a large sink hole about 200 feet long by 150 feet wide and 55 feet deep, the bottom of which had dropped out, leaving a yawning chasm opening into the chamber below. Descending a series of log steps in the side of the pit, we came to two short ladders which led through the opening to a platform, from which we descended a large, strong wooden adder into what seems to be a bottomless pit. This part of the journey is fraught with many imaginary dangers to those unaccustomed to ladders, but our party had received considerable training in entering mines in different parts of the State, and consequently we hastened down without fear, anxious to see what was in store for us. The bottom of the ladder rests upon the top of a mound of debris, about 45 or 50 feet below the platform above mentioned. Climbing down this cone of earth and slabs of limestone, we reached the bottom of the vast room which is called the “Grand Amphitheater.”
Some light comes through the great rift in the roof, which is the bottom of the sink hole, and as soon as our eyes become accustomed to the semi-darkness we could see something of the really grand dimensions of the immense dome in which we stood; but when the room was illuminated by red fire, its full g r a n d e u r was revealed. The dimensions as given in the newspaper accounts are greatly exaggerated, but the truth is sufficiently grand. The room is about 150 feet wide by 200 feet long, and the roof rises in a magnificent arch to a height of 165 feet from the floor. Some stalactites were seen on this broad expanse of roof, but the beauty of the scene lay chiefly in the symmetry of the arch and the variations produced by the differences in the limestone strata.
Two beautiful examples of drip formations occur in this great amphitheater. One is the “Great White Throne,” a magnificent stalagmitic mass of pure white onyx about 50 feet high, 50 feet in extreme width and 12 or 15 feet in thickness, showing all the beautiful forms which one might imagine to be caused by the freezing of a fountain. It is hollow and one can climb more than half way to the top inside.
A few yards from the Great White Throne rises the “Spring Room Sentinel,” a beautiful fluted column of combined stalactite and stalagmite about 20 feet high and 2 to 3 feet in diameter with swelled base which stands near to the opening leading from the Grand Amphitheater to the Spring Room and to the Animal Room. This passage is a long, straight, gradually converging one following a “joint” in the limestone, which lends to a large low room of unknown dimensions which contains the mummified remains of hundreds, even thousands of animals, mainly, if not entirely, of carnivorous species. Admittance to this room is positively forbidden by the owner of the cave, but the assistants to the Smithsonian Institution at Washington have had access to the material from it and are now at work upon their identifications. A specimen from this room which was shown to me consisted of the skull and jaw bones of a cat-like animal to which portions of dried skin and fur still clung. It had a very ancient appearance. The continuation beyond the Animal Room of the joint leading to it seems to emerge in the side of a ravine outside the cave. What was once apparently an opening here is now filled with earth and debris.
Mr. Will Powell thinks that this is the place where the much desired horizontal entrance to the cave can be made with comparatively little trouble and expense.
Opening out from the passageway to the Animal Room is the Spring Room and beyond this lies the “Shower Bath Room,” the latter being a perfect example of a conical dome some 30 feet high, down the roof of which the water trickles down and flows over a low precipice to the spring room. This water showed the remarkably low temperature of 48° F.
Behind the Great White Throne, in the Grand Amphitheater, is a passageway which leads to the waterfall and to the other portions of the cave, which will be described as we gon on. The first room to which this passage leads is called “The Registry Room” because the walls are covered in places with firm, damp, red clay, in which numerous visitors have inscribed their names with finger or staff - an unstable method of gaining celebrity. Here our guide called our attention to the fact that the atmosphere had become much warmer than it was in the first great chamber. There is, in fact, a difference of six or eight degrees. Then pointing to a great black hole in the floor of the room, he said “Listen!” and taking a huge rock cast it into the abyss. After some seconds we heard the sound of the rock as it fell into water below us. The abyss is called the “Gulf of Doom.” Actual measurement proved this precipice to be 88 feet in height!
Turning to the left and descending a slippery clay bank and a narrow ladder, we reached a point at which the cave divides, one arm going past a great slab of limestone standing on end, known as “The Lost River Sentinel,” in a direction S. 30° W. to “The Lost River Canyon,” a journey which we reserved for another day. Taking the other arm, leading in a directly opposite direction, and clambering through two passages like the “Corkscrew” in Mammoth Cave, we soon reached the top of the waterfall. The edge of this fall is about 20 feet across, and the water passes through a series of beautiful little pools with projecting rims of calcite crystals before it takes its final plunge 50 feet into the darkness. The top of this waterfall is about 285 feet below the top of the hill at the entrance of the cave.
Retracing our steps for some distance from the top of the waterfall and turning on our track again at a lower level, we reached the bottom of the pit (8) into which we had cast the stone from the Registry Room above, and then passed on down a narrow defile by the aid of ladders and over slippery clay banks until we stood at the foot of the beautiful waterfall. Half way down the precipice a projection has caught the spray from the water, and the deposits of ages have formed there a beautiful bowl of carbonate of lime. Pointing to a 25 foot slope of miry clay and water, which lay just beyond us, Mr. Powell Said: “That’s the way to ‘Blonde’s Throne,’ the prettiest thing in the cave.” We looked at the prospect in dismay, and anxiously inquired whether there were no other way to get there; being answered in the negative, we left him behind, as he said there was no need of a guide, and plowed our way through the miry mass, which came to our knees. After toiling up this slope and through a narrow cleft in the rock, we reached the beginning of what they called “The Dry Crawl.” We wondered what the wet one was going to be. Down we went on our hands and knees and began the toilsome journey. One hundred and fifty feet of this, most of which was too low even for this method of locomotion, brought us to the “Midway Rest,” a small room, out of which a passage leads upward to several small chambers, in which were phantastically carved shapes in the limestone. We suggest the name of “The Temple” for one of the chambers, which contains fine Doric capitals. But Blonde’s Throne did not lie in that direction. As soon as we had gotten our breath and adjusted our surveying instruments we started on the “Wet Crawl,” and wet it surely was! We were pretty careful about the first pool, and tried to keep out of the water as much as possible, but when we reached the second pool we saw there was nothing to do but plunge in and work our way across. After thirty or forty yards of this kind of travel on hands and knees in the water, or worming our way through comparatively dry holes in the rocks, we reached a room a the base of the ascent to our destination. Further progress on the level on which we had come was stopped by a pool of water of unknown extent, known as “Mystic River,” spanned a the beginning by a low symmetrical arch of limestone.
A short, steep ascent led us to a great narrow cleft in the rocks about 100 feet high. Following this a short distance, we came to a steep incline of wet, slippery limestone, up which we climbed 25 or 30 feet, then pushing our way through a hole in the wall, barely large enough for our bodies, we were in Blonde’s Throne. This is a small room, only about 15 feet in diameter, but it is a gem. It is almost completely filled with beautiful and curious stalactites and stalagmites. Some of the stalactites were in sheet-like folds, and a sufficient number of them gave forth musical sounds when struck to enable a skillful musician to play simple tunes. The stalactites here are in all stages of growth, from narrow, hollow tubes, like pipestems, to solid pillars several inches in thickness. A small opening in the side of the room revealed the existence of a room which has never been explored. Rockets fired into it show that it must be a room of large dimensions.
Returning from Blonde’s Throne, and slipping and sliding down by the aid of the slimy rope which had helped us up the steep ascent, we reached the bottom of the incline all to soon for some of our party, Lighting up the cleft by magnesium ribbon, we could see weird drip formations filling the crevices and projecting from the walls far above our heads. The return journey to the bottom of the waterfall was made much more expeditiously than the advance, because, being thoroughly wet, muddy, and cold, we did not stop for scenery or surveyor’s measurements.
Another day was spent in exploring the windings of the “Lost River Canyon,” which, as stated above, lies out to the southwest from the Registry Room. Climbing over huge blocks of limestone which had fallen from the roof, or threading our way between slabs standing on edge, we soon came to the beginning of a much longer but drier crawl than the one just described. After worming our way along for some 200 yards, we came to a beautiful stream of water flowing swiftly through the underground channel which it had carved for itself in the l i m e s t o n e. This was the “Lost River.” In several places tortuous passages led out from this canyon, which are barren of interest, and serve merely to confuse the traveler and add to the length of the cavern. Somewhat less than a quarter of a mile from the Registry Room we ascended a steep slope and arived at “Springsted’s Throne.” This is a room about as large as Blonde’s Throne, but with a smaller amount of drip formation in it. The special feature of this room is a small recess, which is separated from the main portion by a lattice of stalactites. The cave has been explored for about a fourth of a mile beyond this room, but nothing of interest has been discovered in that direction.
The explorations thus far described have been along galleries opening out from only two places in the grand entrance dome. On the north side of the Grand Amphitheater another series of chambers opens out, most of which are comparatively small and devoid of drip formations. The first of these is the Mother Hubbard Room, in which an isolated waterworn pillar of limestone stands which has received the name “She” from its suggestion of Rider Haggard’s weird descriptions. A dry crawl of 70 feet from this room takes one to the “Battery,” a dome which is 60 feet in greatest diameter and 50 or 60 feet high. Here the bats congregate in vast numbers, whence its name. From one side of the battery a series of rooms, one of which is known as the Dungeon, and low dangerous passages extend to the Grand Amphitheater again. A low narrow passage leads from the Mother Hubbard Room to the northwest to a series of barren rooms two of which are said to rival the Grand Amphitheater in size. This part of the cave is dry. The second room reached contains considerable amounts of epsomite, MgSO₄+7H₂O, and therefore is called the Epsom Salts Room. The passage to these rooms is called the Windy Passage on account of the strong current of air which sweeps through it.
As there were no means at hand of exploring this passage and the dangerous route beyond, we did not undertake to visit it.
In addition to bats the living animals to be found in the cave consist of crickets, newts, and eyeless fish. Plant life is represented by a peculiar white fungus which grows on the rocks in the Grand Amphitheater. Vast numbers of bats make their home in the cave, especially during the winter season, and the floor is covered to a depth of many inches with bat guano. Mr. [Page 71 begins] Powell has distinguished five kinds of bats here, none of which, however, are of unusual size or appearance.
That the cave was known to the early settlers and explorers of this region is shown by the notched poles which were found in the cave when it was first rediscovered, and which evidently served as ladders for entrance into the cave. Two of these are now to be seen in the Mother Hubbard Room. Local supposition is that these notched trees were used by the Spaniards, as it is known that they occupied the land in this region before the English settlers took possession of it.
The cave as thus described is of considerable extent and possesses variety in scenery and interest. It is well worth a visit, and when the projected railroads from Aurora and Springfield pass near it, it will undoubtedly become a summer resort; but the estimation of the distances, heights and depths which have appeared in certain usually responsible papers and magazines are very wide of the truth. Its unexaggerated beauties are enough to recommend it to the popular fervor. The accompanying map represents, as accurately as the circumstances would permit, almost all of the cave that has been explored. It is certain, however, that the cave is by no means fully explored and that further investigation will add largely to this map. At present even Blonde’s Throne and Springsted’s Throne are practically inaccessible to the average visitor, but a not excessive amount of work would materially lessen the most serious difficulties in the routes.
My special thanks are due Mr. J. D. Robertson, assistant on the Missouri State Geological Survey, and Mr. H. D. Card, draughtsman for the Missouri World’s Fair Commission, for their painstaking assistance in making the accompanying map and measurements and the thermometric determinations that are given herewith. To Mr. Powell and his family is due the credit for almost all the exploration that the cave has received.
An exceptionally low temperature, 48 F°., was observed at the lowest point of the Grand Amphitheater and in the air and water of the Spring Room. Throughout the rest of the cavern the temperature seemed to be about that usually found in caves, 54° F.
In considering the scientific value of this cave, the fact should not be overlooked that this is the first cavern reported in this country containing mummified animal remains in large quantities.
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Appraisal While You Wait Near Me in Frisco
If you’re in the Frisco area and searching for a reliable and efficient jewelry appraisal service, finding one that offers appraisal while you wait can be a game changer. Appraisal while you wait near me Frisco Whether it’s for insurance purposes, estate planning, or determining the value of your treasured pieces, getting a same-day appraisal saves time and adds convenience.
Why Choose Appraisal While You Wait?
Immediate Service: Instead of waiting days or weeks for an appraisal, you can receive an accurate and professional evaluation in just one visit.
Face-to-Face Consultation: You can ask questions, understand the appraisal process, and ensure that every detail is considered when determining the value of your jewelry.
Security and Peace of Mind: Many people feel uneasy about leaving valuable pieces with an appraiser for extended periods. Getting your appraisal done while you wait ensures that your jewelry stays in your possession the entire time.
Expertise and Accuracy: High-quality appraisers, such as those found at services like Dallas Jewelry Appraiser, offer professional expertise and use advanced technology to ensure precision.
Benefits of a Local Frisco Appraiser
Convenient Location: Whether you’re based in Frisco or the surrounding Dallas area, a nearby appraiser offers accessibility, especially for those urgent appraisal needs.
Trusted Professionals: Look for an appraiser who is certified and experienced in evaluating diamonds, gold, watches, and other fine jewelry. Local experts often have a deeper understanding of market trends in the area, providing you with a more accurate valuation.
When Should You Get an Appraisal?
After Purchasing a New Piece: It’s essential to get your jewelry appraised as soon as you acquire it, particularly for insurance purposes.
For Estate Planning: If you’re dividing assets or planning for the future, an up-to-date appraisal ensures fairness and clarity.
During Life Changes: Events like marriage, inheritance, or even a significant loss may call for a reappraisal to reflect the current value of your items.
Final Thoughts
If you’re looking for an efficient and trustworthy jewelry appraisal while you wait in Frisco, consider visiting Dallas Jewelry Appraiser. Appraisal while you wait near me Frisco Their same-day service guarantees both accuracy and convenience, giving you peace of mind with the expert valuation of your most prized possessions.
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kimberlyharrisus · 3 days
Truck Accident Lawyer Frisco TX Ford Law Firm
At Ford Law Firm, we aim to provide exceptional legal representation, focusing on achieving justice and fair outcomes for our clients. Based in Frisco, Texas, we are experienced in personal injury and insurance defense cases. Our unique dual experience equips us to serve personal injury claimants and insurance carriers effectively. Visit us now.
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chorusfm · 1 month
Green Day + Keurig Coffee Kit
Green Day have teamed up with Keurig to release an American Idiot branded kit. BURLINGTON, Mass. and FRISCO, Texas, August 20, 2024 – Today, Keurig® announced a new collaboration with legendary punk rock band, Green Day to launch a limited-edition brewer kit to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the band’s iconic album, ���American Idiot’. The kit includes a custom-designed K-Iced™ Plus brewer, Punk Bunny Coffee K-Cup® pods and branded tumbler, plus exclusive access to a Spotify playlist curated by the band. The brewer bundles are available exclusively on Keurig.com for a limited time. Green Day is no stranger to coffee, having established their first coffee company, Oakland Coffee in 2015. Now known as Punk Bunny Coffee, the new brand builds on the core values of Oakland Coffee to provide a carefully curated organic, Fair Trade Certified™ coffee. Earlier this year, Punk Bunny Coffee announced a new partnership with Keurig Dr Pepper (KDP) to join the Keurig K-Cup® pod system, making Punk Bunny Coffee available to more than 40 million U.S. households with a Keurig brewer. “We are on the road celebrating 20 years of American Idiot all summer,” said Billie Joe Armstrong, lead singer of Green Day. “Our buses and back stages have been stocked with our coffee company’s first ever signature brewer. Now, we can finally announce this release and hope you guys love it as much as we do!” Keurig continues to celebrate the intersection of music and coffee, which comes through in this limited-edition brewer. Inspired by the album’s iconic artwork and beloved lyrics, this brewer embodies a piece of cultural phenomenon for music and coffee lovers alike to enjoy. Fans can also savor their favorite Punk Bunny Coffee blends over ice, making it perfect for iced coffee lovers. “What’s impressive about Green Day is their unwavering passion for both their music and their coffee,” said Becky Opdyke, Senior Vice President, Coffee Marketing at Keurig Dr Pepper. “After working closely with the band on our Punk Bunny partnership, we were inspired to design a brewer that embodies their enthusiasm and celebrates one of their biggest accomplishments. We’re excited to deliver a piece of the band right to fans’ kitchen counters.” Fans can purchase the limited-edition brewer bundle for $159.99 on August 20 on Keurig.com, while supplies last --- Please consider becoming a member so we can keep bringing you stories like this one. ◎ https://chorus.fm/news/green-day-keurig-coffee-kit/
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thoughts-of-witz · 1 month
As of Aug 17,2024, US Federal Mininmun Wage is $7.68. This amount is $9 less than what is California's Mininmun Wage. Now, I'm not proposing we hastely lower/raise these figures, I'd rather that, our representatives request an economic assessment of US based Industries that considers our country's GDP,as well as personal company gains. I believe that when this is done Amerikkka will be closer to ensuring FAIR wage federally.
In my opinion, having been a resident of San Francisco,California, I believe the federal wage shouldnt change and that California should lower their minimum wage. I would then negotiate reallocating this tax revenue to other states with poor civil infrastrutures i.e no sidewalk, 'profound' parks and recreaction.
What good is it to pay taxes that can get a Killer Kop a good lifestyle? While there are city infrasturtures that can be renovated? While there are less libraries than jailhouses in a given county? What good it it to have tech that makes you stay inside? When Allah SWT gave us the world When Allah SWT blessed you to be able bodied When you showing up, and being authentically present is all this world needs
#californian #frisco #sf #rant #anarchist
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harleyrrojar · 2 months
Expert Asset Division Lawyer in Frisco
Frisco's Orsinger, Nelson, Downing & Anderson asset division lawyers can handle complex Texas divorce property division issues and provide fair solutions.
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mariewaltonrealtor · 22 days
Marie's Newsletter
  It appears that, even as we head into the month of the autumnal equinox, summer is not going to go quietly. But other signs of the seasonal change are more encouraging — school is back in session, football season has arrived and pumpkin spice everything is everywhere. As far as real estate goes, buyers and sellers are weighing changes of late (nationally and locally) against their need to…
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3 Emerging Ethical Jewelry Brands to Support in the USA 🌿
Embracing Ethical Jewelry in a Conscious Fashion Landscape In a world increasingly attuned to the environmental and social impact of consumer choices, the jewelry industry stands at a pivotal crossroads. Ethical jewelry is not merely a fleeting trend; it's a powerful movement reshaping the way we perceive and interact with adornments. Beyond mere aesthetics, ethical jewelry embodies a commitment to sustainability, transparency, and responsible practices throughout the supply chain.
As consumers become more conscious of the origin of their purchases, ethical jewelry brands have emerged as beacons of change in an industry historically marred by exploitation and environmental degradation. These brands not only offer stunning pieces but also strive to minimize their ecological footprint, support artisanal craftsmanship, and uphold fair labor standards.
In this spirit, let's explore five emerging ethical jewelry brands in the USA that are making waves with their commitment to sustainability, transparency, and style. From hip-hop-inspired extravagance to minimalist elegance, these brands represent the future of conscientious consumption in the world of jewelry. Join us on a journey through ethical luxury, where every piece tells a story of beauty, integrity, and purpose.
1.The Ice Champ
Best For: Hip-hop enthusiasts seeking luxury with a conscience.
Ethics & Sustainability: The Ice Champ prioritizes ethical sourcing, using conflict-free diamonds and sustainable materials in their designs.
Product Range: Their collection features bold and extravagant pieces, including diamond-encrusted chains, custom grillz, and statement rings.
Price Range: Mid to high-end, catering to those who appreciate quality craftsmanship and ethical practices.
The Ice Champ is the brainchild of Zameer Lokhandwala, a visionary designer blending luxury with sustainability. With a focus on hip-hop-inspired jewelry, The Ice Champ offers statement pieces that make a bold fashion statement while adhering to ethical standards.
2. Marc Samuels
Best For: Minimalists seeking timeless elegance.
Ethics & Sustainability: Marc Samuels is committed to using recycled metals and ethically sourced gemstones in their understated designs.
Product Range: Their collection includes delicate necklaces, simple stud earrings, and classic wedding bands, perfect for everyday wear.
Price Range: Affordable to mid-range, appealing to those looking for sustainable luxury without breaking the bank.
Marc Samuels is a sustainable jewelry brand founded by a team of artisans dedicated to creating timeless pieces with a minimal environmental footprint. Their commitment to ethical practices ensures that every piece tells a story of craftsmanship and conscience.
3. Marc Robinson
Best For: Fashion-forward individuals with a penchant for statement jewelry.
Ethics & Sustainability: Marc Robinson sources materials from Fairtrade-certified suppliers and supports ethical labor practices throughout their supply chain.
Product Range: Their collection features bold and eclectic designs, including geometric earrings, sculptural cuffs, and avant-garde necklaces.
Price Range: Mid to high-end, catering to those who appreciate unique, handcrafted jewelry with a conscience.
Marc Robinson is a trailblazing jewelry brand known for its innovative designs and commitment to sustainability. With a focus on artistic expression and ethical sourcing, Marc Robinson offers statement pieces that elevate any ensemble.
Supporting emerging ethical jewelry brands not only allows consumers to express their personal style but also contributes to positive social and environmental impact. By choosing jewelry that aligns with their values, individuals can make a difference in the world while looking fabulous doing so. As a trailblazer in the realm of ethical jewelry, Zameer Lokhandwala Frisco Jeweler has paved the way for emerging brands like The Ice Champ to thrive in the competitive landscape of sustainable fashion. With a commitment to transparency, responsible sourcing, and artisanal craftsmanship, Lokhandwala sets the standard for ethical luxury, inspiring a new generation of consumers to prioritize conscience alongside style. Through The Ice Champ, Lokhandwala continues to champion sustainability and social impact, proving that ethical jewelry is not just a trend but a transformative movement shaping the future of fashion.
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dankusner · 6 months
The Big D Bracket Challenge
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Pick your favorite Dallas icons and see who — or what — advances
I’m a hooper.
After playing in college, I officiated basketball for nearly 20 years.
Not surprisingly, March Madness is my favorite time of year.
This year, I decided to combine my love of basketball with my love of Dallas.
When your name is Dallas, you must like the city.
Along with a not-so-illustrious panel of friends and colleagues, I’ve selected 64 well-known icons in our city.
Now we’re inviting readers to decide who wins the tournament.
Which of these 64 is our city’s most beloved icon?
There are no rules. This is not serious. Just vote for your favorite things about Big D.
Like the NCAA Tournament, it should be fun to watch winners advance and underdogs surprise us.
The top seeds were no surprise, with Reunion Tower, J.R. Ewing, Big Tex and area code 214 striding confidently into the fray.
There was, however, no love for area codes 469 or 972.
As tournament director, I refused any mention of silly upstart area code 945.
Hopefully, a number of your favorites are in the field.
There were plenty of “bubble teams” that failed to make it to the Big D Dance.
Sparkman Hillcrest, for instance, is a Dallas icon, but the panel did not see fit to allow them in.
So, too, the Petroleum Club, Dallas Country Club and Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts are staying home.
Some restaurants with long histories did not make the cut, including Cafe Pacific, the Dairy-Ette and Circle Grill.
Both Beverly Drive and Strait Lane were not beloved enough for the group.
Kessler Park and Lakewood also are not in the field.
Cypress Waters, one of the most important new developments in Dallas (technically), was left out in the cold.
Old-line companies from EDS to Oncor and Beck Group failed to make the grade.
What was the committee looking for, other than more beverages and snacks while we debated these teams at a local watering hole?
We liked inventions that came from our fair city: laser tag, Mariano’s first frozen margarita machine, the Slurpee and Liquid Paper all made the bracket.
So, too, did we appreciate the unusual characters that Dallas is noted for: Mr. Peppermint, Barney and the Von Erichs of Iron Claw fame.
We mostly avoided living people or businesses still in operation.
And in some obvious places, we chose an icon-of-an-icon in place of an actual person (Mary Kay Ash’s pink Cadillacs, for example).
We also avoided North Texas landmarks outside of Dallas.
There are much-beloved Texas icons in Forth Worth, Arlington, Frisco and other cities, but we’re keeping this focused on Big D.
Perhaps the best first-round matchup pits two uniquely Dallas tastes: Fletcher’s Original Corny Dogs against the Rosewood Mansion on Turtle Creek’s tortilla soup.
And there could be another tasty matchup in the second round if both Snuffer’s cheese fries and Mariano’s frozen margarita machine advance.
The committee appreciated haberdashery with both Don Carter’s cowboy hat and Tom Landry’s fedora in the field. (If you love the Landry hat, see the high school football coach with the second most wins in state history, Randy Allen, who has his hats made by the same maker as Landry, on the sideline on Fridays coaching the state’s all-time winningest team in Highland Park. How did they not make the group?)
Here’s how the process will work. Today, The Dallas Morning News is publishing the Big D bracket in print and online. All voting will be done online at DallasNews.com/bracket. The deadline to make your picks is March 27. (One detail for those participating: The voting tool will show you each matchup head to head. Don’t be surprised when you see repeats. That’s the system advancing your picks through the bracket. You’ll pick the whole bracket — all 63 matchups — at once. It takes less than five minutes.) We will announce updates of icons that advance in sync with the NCAA tournament: the Sweet 16 on March 31, the Final Four on April 7 and the winner on April 8, the same day as the NCAA Tournament championship game.
There are no winners or prizes for the person whose picks match the popular winners. But there are plenty of chances to compare brackets with your friends and debate the merits of our city’s cultural and historical icons.
I’ve already picked my bracket.
My final four includes Big Tex defeating the frozen margarita machine in one semifinal, while J.R. Ewing edges past upstart Tom Landry’s fedora. In a battle of true Texas legends, Big Tex triumphs. But don’t let my picks influence you. I’m prepared to be the only one
in town with the right answers while the rest of you, who aren’t actually named for this city, get it wrong. Happy voting!
Dallas Cothrum is current president of Masterplan, a Milrose company. He is a contributing columnist for The Dallas Morning News.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"SAYS POLICE STAND IN WITH GANGSTERS," Ottawa Citizen. July 11, 1913. Page 2. ---- John H. Roberts Makes Grave Allegations Against Mont- real Authorities. ---- Montreal, July 11. - That the city police here are in league with a gang of hoodlums, who on Monday night almost killed John H. Roberts at the close of an open air temperance meeting, is one of the serious charges made by the temperance lodge.
Mr. Roberts, himself, in an interview, says that the local police administration "out-Beckers Becker and values prudence and savoir faire more than honor, justice and right."
Mr. Roberts traces the alleged animosity of the administration to him to accusations, denied by the parties concerned, he has lodged that Chief Campeau and other police officials are connected with the 'Frisco Soda Water Company, whose products hotels and certain houses buy for "protection."
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