#For Now.
pomegranateruin · 10 months
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stevenlayla because .. i miss them .. among other things .. moon knight fans are you hearing me ? i am typing on my keyboard to you .
this is a crop btw 👍
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cinematicnomad · 19 days
i think???? i've finally finished giffing the terror.
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sleep-nurse · 6 days
now put it in a basket with blankets inside like a sickly kitten
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houseminyard · 1 month
part of why i love the foxes characterisation so much (especially andreil) are that they’re not good people. they have their flaws, sure, and they’re not the perfect picture of being open minded. sometimes there’s no defending that, which makes them so much more human (at least in my opinion). i really appreciate that you can’t like them ALL the time, because that’s doesn’t always happen in RL either.
it’s so clear that every single action they take stems from something they’ve gone through and i really feel like that solidifies their personality even further. like aftg has some of the BEST characterisation i’ve ever read in a book and that’s something i value SO MUCH in media.
and the fact that andreil are so broken and misshapen makes them feel all the more real - like no one’s expecting them to be completely lovey dovey following societal norms and they just aren’t. they don’t say “i love you”? real and true. they don’t get married? real and true. this might be an abnormal opinion but. this is just what’s been circulating around my brain for ages and i juuuuust. yeah. YEAH.
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zylphiacrowley · 17 days
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Me: I'm done posting XIV Zyl alt. Also Me: *is a liar* Have a modern look for her.
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cainluvr69 · 6 months
"The Master Swordsman Smiles Fearlessly" Cain SR Story - Take My Hand
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Cain: (There really isn't much info on Kirsche Persche, huh.) (I guess for right now I'll see if anyone around here has anything, and then report back--)
???: What do you think you're doing?! Give me back my wallet!
Cain: !! (That voice came from…that alleyway.) Hey there, friends. Mugging someone in broad daylight, huh?
Riquet: …! Who…?
Grey-haired Man: Huhhh? Keep your nose outta our business and it'll stay atta… …! You fucker, you're Ventisca's katana expert, aren'tcha. Who'da thought I'd see your ugly mug again.
Cain: Again…? Oh, yeah, now that you mention it, I have seen you before. You two started getting rowdy in one of our shops, so I had to smash your faces into the pavement about it.
Scarred Man: D…don't say it like that! Damn, we're gonna pay you back big time for that!
Cain: You two don't learn easily, do you… Well, whatever. I'll take you both on. Hey, you. You should run while you have the chance. Just leave the rest of this mess to me.
Riquet: I--I'm not going to run! I couldn't possibly let them fight you two against one…
Grey-haired Man: Shut the fuck up already! Take this!
Cain: …jeez.
Grey-haired Man: Gwah?!
Riquet: !! He knocked that man so far back with just one swing…!
Cain: I'd rather not get violent in front of a kid, but… I figure smashing your faces against the pavement again might get the message to stick this time. So come on, feel free to come at me however you'd like.
Scarred Man: Th…then how's this?! --Ghh?!
Riquet: Attacking from behind is an act of cowardice! Now repent for your sins!
Cain: Rope darts…? Hey, you know how to fight? I totally thought you were some pampered rich kid…
Riquet: I am nothing of the sort! I'm perfectly capable of fighting with these. Please leave this one to me!
Cain: Gotcha! But I wanna talk to you when we're done here, alright? Let's make this quick. Hah!
Riquet: Haah!
Those Guys: Tch… R-run for it!
Cain: Whew, we're finally done… Hey, kid, you're not hurt, are you?
Riquet: No, I am not. Thank you very much for coming to my rescue, um…
Cain: My name's Cain. Good to meet you.
Riquet: Cain. My name is Riquet. Um…what are you putting your hand out for?
Cain: What, you don't know? It's for a handshake. Even if it was a brief battle, I still entrusted my back to you. I want to express my respect for you, as well as my gratitude. If you're not opposed, just grab my hand.
Riquet: Wahh, Cain, your hand is so warm…
Cain: Ahaha, I get that a lot. How about you, do you get told that your face looks like a little kid's when you're not fighting?
Riquet: Wah, n-no, I don't! Stop treating me like a kid, you're getting my hair all messy…!
Cain: Sorry, sorry. Here, I'll smooth it back out.
Riquet: Goodness gracious… You were so cool when you came to rescue me, but I see that in truth you're rather unrefined.
Cain: Am I? But, hmm, something about the way you said that… Feels oddly nostalgic for some reason.
Training Episode: Unchanging, Even In One's Dreams
Cain: The dreams you have are always so intense, Master Sage. Could you tell me more about that latest one?
Akira: Sure, I don't mind.
Cain: Let's see, it was the one where Snow was an adult, and me and Mithra were his henchmen.
Akira: Oh, yes. Riquet and I were in a different organization that was in conflict with yours, though…
Cain: By conflict, you mean I had to fight you guys? I dunno how I feel about that…
Akira: Oh, no, it never came to that! But one time you did stop me from running away when I was scared… Seeing you be so threatening gave me chills.
Cain: I can't believe the version of me in your dreams would do something like that to you. Next time you see him, be sure to chew him out for me.
Akira: Ahaha. Now that I'm awake, it just sounds funny. Besides, it wasn't like you were a super scary person in that dream or anything. Once I actually got to talk to you, it was obvious right away what a friendly, kind person you really were.
Cain: What, really?
Akira: Yes! All of the best parts of you didn't change a bit.
Cain: Ahaha. Getting complimented like that is a little embarrassing. But rather than that being kindness, I'd say it was…
Akira: Was what?
Cain: That the me inside your dream wanted to become friends with you, too. Since, hey, that was what I was thinking when you and I first met, Akira.
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megabuild · 8 months
so here's what's gonna happen. hermitcraft season 10. everyone starts uploading their episodes. past season joiners have had them usually just There when they arrive (grian on the beach, gem and pearl in a hole) which i expect of joel if he's not travelling with the hermits since he's been invited. skizz as he's hacking in will try and be discreet but ultimately fail because he cannot contain himself and has to say hi. day one shenanigans ensue as everyone struggles with early game and starter bases. joel and skizz decide to pair up as resident rookies and go mining together because caves scary. but once they're down in deepslate level something catches joel's eye. there are amethyst blocks here. geodes do not spawn below Y30. he approaches to check it out. there is a deafeningly loud sound and a flash of light. it is not a geode. it is a rift. and standing in the way is a very confused and mildly concussed adie adiecraft
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mechanicalinfection · 8 months
Hello! Mechanic here and I'm just here to note that I've recently just found about how tumblr supports a genocide and I'm making the decision to stop being active on tumblr either until they decide to stop supporting it OR just stop posting and being active all together.
I'm unsure if I'm ever going to come back to Tumblr but this is a decision I really need to make. I don't want to support a fucking website that's pro-israel and supports a genocide.
I hope everyone has a good day/night! this is my farewell. goodbye for now bunnies! (if moots or anyone need to contact me my twitter is @roamingmechanic and discord is m3ch4n1c4l.1ns4n1ty#1983)
I'll miss you all <3
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marionmorse · 2 months
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do u think... Do you think sometimes when the team has a movie night, when they watch those 60's action war movies like "Von Ryan's Express" and "Battle of the Bulge" or spaghetti westerns like "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" and "Death Rides on a Horse," Soldier pauses during or right after fight scenes or duels or whatever to obsessively overanalyze them. Like, he'll try and turn them into strategies to use on the job, takes, uhm, 'notes', (tactical doodles,) sets up nerdy models using a whiteboard map and improvised figurines, uses these examples when he does those psyche-up pre-battle speeches or during strategy meetings.
'Cause I bet he does, I bet he does that, and it completely kills the momentum of the movie to the point where the rest of the team gets disinterested and slowly leaves him behind to do their own thing.
I genuinely bet Engie wouldn't though, nah, I bet he's enough of a patient kind of gentle kind of man willing to stick through these pauses 'cause he's just that into the movie. And maybe he's just a teeny bit into Soldier's dissections of actiony chaos. Maybe gleans a bit of an understanding of Soldier's thinking that way. Admires the guy's passion about his 'research,' how thoughtfully he gathers details in an effort to help the team. Starts mixing in tapes for these sorts of movies more regularly to their movie night pool maybe subconsciously, maybe on purpose. The rest of the team doing their own movie night. losers.
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monowires · 2 years
i have an unhealthy adoration for the idea of shepard being the first to go head over heels in mshenko. and that's not to say kaidan doesn't develop feelings before me3, i just think he's the kind to fall in love slowly.
it's especially funny because (without mods) shepard can only romance women in the first two games, and i headcanon shepard as gay. so there's this extremely idolized and well-known military commander who could pull pretty much anybody he wants. absolutely BITCHLESS for the first few years because he's so horrendously down bad.
liara? ashley? miranda? jack? kelly? diana? nope. n o p e. he only wants kaidan, regulations be damned. it's one of the things that makes the very AGONIZING canonical slow burn very, very worth it.
like if you're playing the way i do, with a shepard that hasn't gotten with anyone at all in the trilogy, it makes the mars scene so much more impactful. and the way he doesn't want to leave kaidan's side—he's only just gotten him back. it makes the initial silence as liara tells him kaidan needs medical attention that much more intense. it makes his "where are you taking him?" on the citadel that much more emotional.
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gomzdrawfr · 6 months
would u guys mind if i post like a gazillion shit in one day and then suddenly disappear the other and then dump an ocean of doodle again on the next
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spoopup · 3 months
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hydrangeyes · 9 months
Where's the mod where I can romance that asshole Mr. Qi?
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cyber-phobia · 1 year
Oneshot! Itami & Tomura:
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Punchline! Itami & Tomura:
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bizlybebo · 6 months
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queerholmcs · 5 months
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