#Fnf blake
benisbeaaaaans · 7 months
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The new CRK update is kinda fire ngl
(No I don't know how to render the official style lmao)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
May I request a Blake (FNF Lullaby) x reader scenario were y/n manages to find him on top of Mt. Silver and saves him from encountering Red and getting killed by the twisted Pikachu in the process? Maybe he ends up with some prosthetic limbs?
I just want him to have a happy ending.
You managed to convince the Moltres living on Mt. Silver to come with you--at least temporarily. 
Given the heavy snowstorm that laid waste to the mountain’s peak, you needed all the warmth you could get. And after giving it an offering of berries, it agreed to help you.
You were bundled up in your best winter clothes, keeping the Legendary close and your starter Pokémon even closer as you searched through the blinding snow.
Searching for what exactly? Well, it was a certain friend of yours who had to be insane to come up here: Blake Gold. 
He left a note explaining that he was going to catch some of the highest-leveled Pokémon. He also believed the rumors of a certain champion living at the summit, waiting for someone to come along and take his title. Considering that Professor Oak gave him approval to make the journey..he was eager to head up and face the greatest challenges known to trainers.
The only problem was the abrupt blizzard that swept the mountain. Many of the wild Pokémon fled; even the Rapidash population couldn’t handle the extreme cold. There were hardly any to be found when you arrived. 
You caught a Pupitar that was shivering like crazy..despite its shell being made to withstand such harsh conditions. It didn’t even fight back--it was practically begging for the warmth and safety of a Pokeball.
That’s how bad it was. These Pokémon were suffering.
Now you were seriously worried for Blake. He achieved a lot by defeating the Gyms and the Elite Four, but he might be pushing himself and his team too far by coming here.
After entering a cave, you noticed fresh footprints in the dirt and realized they were a person’s shoes...along with blood droplets.
He was close by, and probably hurt, so you tried to hurry, praying it wasn’t too late. Some wild Pokémon who took shelter in the cave became unusually aggressive and blocked your path, though Moltres scared them away, allowing you to proceed.
Finally you stepped outside and into ankle-deep snow. There was blood everywhere, a trail of it leading to a figure that had collapsed onto the ground.
Your heartrate spiked as you rushed forward, realizing it was your friend.
There was no response. You saw that he was on his stomach, unconscious for Arceus-knows-how-long, but much to your horror...
One of his legs was missing entirely, and his skin looked paler than a Cubone’s skull. Judging from the red splatters, it seemed like he was trying to hop on a single leg, as opposed to crawling.
You kneeled down, your starter helping you turn him onto his back, where you could see his entire face was blue. “Please be alive..please..” Begging to whatever god is out there, you removed your scarf to wrap it around the stump on his leg, tightening it to stop him from losing any more blood.
All the while Moltres stood close by, keeping its flaming wings spread out to provide warmth and sanctuary from the icy winds.
Eventually, Blake stirred awake, and you breathed a sigh of relief. “Blake! Thank god..I-I thought you were a goner.”
It took him a moment to recognize you, but despite Moltres’ radiating heat, he was shivering. “[Y/n]..i-it’s...so cold...a-am I dead..?” He whispered hoarsely.
“No, but you’re barely hanging on. You’ll be okay, though. We’re gonna get you out of here. Help me out.” You urged your starter, and together you helped Blake stand up. They carried him onto Moltres’ back. Once that was done, you returned them to their Pokeball, climbing on as well.
As he leaned against you, wrapping his arms around you, he looked down in shock to see Red suddenly standing in the distance, staring at you both with sadness.
It was him..the legendary champion of Kanto himself in the flesh.
Beside him was a frostbitten Pikachu, who looked like it crawled out of a grave, with some of its flesh torn and its electric cheeks bloody. Its smile was most unnatural, too..far from the cutesy kind its species was notorious for.
“I-It’s him...”
“Who?” You asked, confused when you saw Blake pointing to empty air. “Who’s there? Is someone else stuck here, too?”
“Red. He’s....you d-don’t see him..?”
“...Blake, there’s nobody there. Red’s been gone for years..”
“...I’m tired..” Feeling his head fall onto your shoulder, you realized you had to get off this mountain quick before he passed out again. You couldn’t spend a second longer up here. Whoever he saw must’ve been a hallucination, because you know damn well no other human could survive in this weather.
“Moltres, FLY us out of here now...please.” You commanded firmly, yet politely.
And soon you took off, keeping a tight hold on your friend as you left the horrors of this mountain behind.
The beeping of monitors were the first things that Blake heard upon awakening. Then he saw bright lights above him as he opened his eyes slowly; at first his vision had a tough time adjusting to them. 
But they reminded him of the blinding snow atop Mt. Silver, and he suddenly felt extremely anxious, remembering everything that happened prior.
Was he still up there?
Did he only dream of being rescued?
Was he dead..?
Gasping, he saw up rather quickly, though he felt a tug that prevented him from flying out of the bed, and he looked to see he was hooked to an IV tube. He sighed shakily, trying to steady his breathing, coming to understand that he wasn’t there anymore.
Then he noticed you at his bedside, waking up as well. “Good morning.” With a smile, you sat up and rubbed your eyes, relieved he was awake. “We got you to a Pokémon Center in the nick of time.”
Nodding, he looked around. “I-I see..how long was I...?”
“You were out for half a day. Doctors thought it would be a lot longer, but-”
“T-Typlosion...” He tried feeling for his jacket, only to realize he was in a hospital gown and had no Pokeballs on him. “Where is he?”
“He’s safe. He had some nasty frostbite, but they treated him.”
“But the rest of them..th-they’re all dead, aren’t they?” Tears welled in his eyes, hands shaking as panic rose even further in his chest. “I killed them all..I-I killed Lugia-”
“No, no..they’re okay too!” You quickly told him. “Their Pokeballs just malfunctioned due to the cold, but they’re all fine. They’re alive and healing.”
“..they’re okay?” He blinked several times, staring at you.
Relieved, Blake managed to relax a little...until he finally noticed that his arm was a bandaged stump. He couldn’t feel one of his legs either, but he knew very well what the reason was. 
And he began to cry, realizing what he’s done and what it cost him.
He put himself through all of that misery, nearly getting himself and his most beloved Pokémon team killed, just for a shot at becoming champion. 
It wasn’t worth it.
It wasn’t worth losing two limbs.
You frowned slightly, rubbing his back in comfort. “I’m so sorry, Blake. They tried to save your arm. But the frostburns were too sev-”
“T-This is all my fault..” He sobbed. “I almost died trying to pursue a stupid wish and..n-now I can never train again. It’s over..I-I can’t do anything when I’m like this!”
“Hey, no..that’s not true.” You took his hand into yours, rubbing your thumb across the top of it while avoiding the burn wounds on his skin. “You had great ambitions in pursuing that wish. You were strong and you still are. You’ll be able to train again after you recover. This isn’t the end of your road.”
He just shook his head. “You can say it..I-I’m a stupid idiot for going up there..”
“You’re not stupid-”
“I am! I should’ve turned back...b-but..I couldn’t. I was too stubborn to leave....a-and then you had to come save me. I-I’m so selfish, I’m sorry, [y/n]..” Tears dripped down onto the blanket covering his lap as he shut his eyes, bowing his head so you couldn’t see him.
“That’s not true either.” You ruffled his hair. “You’re the least selfish person I know. Even if that blizzard didn’t hit, I still would’ve flown up to check on you..because that’s how much I care about you, Blake. That’s what friends do.”
With a loud sniffle, he looked up at you. His skin was flushed, and still a bit pale, but he looked a lot better than before even though he was crying. “..a-are we still friends?”
“Of course.” You smiled and squeezed his hand reassuringly. “We’ll help you get through this. How ever long it takes, I’ll be here. So will Typlosion and everyone else. As long as you don’t give up on yourself, okay?”
Blake nodded, a small watery smile growing on his face. He really didn’t think he deserved your kindness after you risked your own life trying to save his dumbass..but you were here for him. No matter what.
“I won’t..th-thank you.”
Things might’ve been grim right now, but in time they’ll be alright.
Both of you will be alright.
“What?!! How did you find a shiny Cyndaquil so easily?!”
“Uh..luck, I guess?” Smiling, you held up the recently-captured shiny in your arms, setting it in your lap. You stroked its golden fur as it squeaked happily, content where it is.
Blake sat down beside you on the bench, being mindful of his prosthetic leg. 
It’s been a few months since you rescued him from Mt. Silver, and even longer since his admission into physical therapy. He started off with crutches, but soon gained two prosthetic limbs--made with advanced technology from a region afar and sent to Johto.
Obviously it took a while to adjust to them, though he’s made great progress and had confidence in training his Pokémon again. They, in turn, forgave him for the whole incident...albeit demanding lots of food and berries for the stress they went through. 
But it worked out in the end. They were still ever-loyal to him.
And he decided to focus on completing his Pokedex. In fact, he recently caught some Unowns that he grew quite fond of. One was a B symbol who currently floated over his hand, looking at the shiny Cyndaquil in your lap.
You just chuckled as the two small Pokémon stared at each other. “I thought those guys used to creep you out.”
“Yeah, well..” He shrugged. “I learned they’re not so bad. I’m trying to find ones that spell my name.”
“And how many have you found so far?”
“.....just this one.”
A small laugh escaped you as you nudged his shoulder playfully. “You’ll catch them all, I’m sure. I know a few spots if you wanna check them out tomorrow.”
“Oh nice! Sounds great.” After you set your Cyndaquil down, Blake put his Unown down as well, and together you watched them run off to play in the nearby grass.
He then leaned over to hug you, and you wrapped your arms around him tightly. “I’m glad I can still hug you, these prosthetics are awesome.”
“They are.” You agreed, sighing. “And I’m just glad you’re still here for me to hug.”
“...y-yeah, me too.” A light sniffle left him, but nothing more than that. “By the way..how’s that Pupitar you found doing?”
“Just great. She’s ready to evolve soon..we’ll have to arrange a meeting with your Tyranitar once she does.”
“Mhm.” He nodded, eager to meet another Pokémon you rescued from that snowy mountain.
Even now, Blake still wasn’t sure what he exactly saw that day. It might’ve been just a hallucination due to the cold..or the ghost of someone he once greatly admired.
Whatever that might’ve been...it didn’t matter anymore.
From now on, he’ll stay down here in town with you.
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undrsk0re · 6 months
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Could you perhaps write how Blake would be with a blind significant other? Like, how they both share some kind of physical disability?
I hope these are okay! Also I like to hc that Blake has a prosthetic leg!
*Just because you were blind, did not mean you were helpless, and Blake knew that, and he's proud of you for it
*Though you do appreciate his help with getting around when he is with you
*And vice versa for him, as it can be a little difficult getting around with a prosthetic leg
*You know when Blake is around, since he's always so cold and when you suddenly feel a chill, you know it's him. Or when he holds your hand, his hand is really cold
*Blake will make sure that you know that he hasn't left you, and will occasionally say something to you, whether it's your name or just point out something, or some kind of fun fact
*"Blake, sweetheart, I know you're still here." You would tell him, but he just can't help it, he likes talking to you!
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price0fdice · 1 year
Blake from fnf hypno’s lullaby
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solarrsilv · 2 years
Wifey keep blowing up my cell📞🔊🌐
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1c3d-choco · 2 years
I am so sane for them /hj
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ghommytommytime · 1 year
hey!!1!1!1 id be interested!1!1!1 id say maybe stuff from fnf hl!1!1!1 dont see alot of it!1!1!
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dancinsquid · 3 months
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puts them in your hand gently
bonuses under cut ^_^
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8hitz3n · 1 year
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Pokepasta images I have made that I forgot to put here
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shinyzango · 11 months
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I've been craving to draw something in celebration of the news of the Hypno's Lullaby Mod's development being resumed...
So I ended up channeling my freezing ass into drawing some faces I've not attempted yet. Totally not because of the cold lol
It still feels weird to draw anything gore-y in general, but ngl it still was fun to try out. \ o /
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 2 years
hihi! could i please request blake and his s/o who’s recently caught a shiny cyndaquil they’ve been looking for for ages? i’m a sucker for how you write him and i just need some frosty fluff, thanks!!
"Hey, Ty? I have a new friend I'd like you to meet!"
"....!" Hearing your voice, Blake's Typhlosion approached you with a slight limp to his step. He quickly noticed the pokeball in your hand and blinked in curiosity, leaning forward to sniff it.
Then his noise accidentally tapped against the button, causing him to reel back in surprise as it suddenly opened. His flames flickered to life for a brief moment, although he eventually calmed down upon seeing the Cyndaquil on the floor.
It was actually a shiny you recently found, evident by its brown fur and the star-shaped sparkles that burst from its little flames.
"Yep! This is the shiny I've been looking for since forever." You smiled. "You can greet her. She doesn't bite."
Although initially hesitant, Typhlosion ended up laying down on the floor, watching her with curious eyes as she waddled over to him. Then the two nuzzles noses in greeting, and you could see his haunches fully relaxed now.
Lately, he's been struggling to interact with other Pokémon again. What happened on that mountain made him very skittish around even the smallest ones, thinking they'll lunge and hurt him without warning.
While his physical wounds have healed for the most part..it's the emotional wounds that would take the longest. Just like his trainer, this was gonna be a lifelong battle for him.
But you hoped to help Typhlosion with his struggles by gentle reintroducing him to members of his kind--and so far it seems to be working out just fine.
"[Y/n]? Did I just hear a shiny noise...?"
Looking over, you saw Blake peek into the room, his good eye widening upon seeing the fire-type on the floor. "N-No way..you caught a shiny Cyndaquil and never told me?!!" He nearly dropped his entire jaw in awe.
"Sorry, babe. I meant to tell you sooner." You chuckled, kneeling down to take the Shiny Cyndaquil into your arms. She got situated in your lap, chirping happily as her flames gradually died down so they didn't burn you. "It's a girl, too...it took me ages to find her. I was lucky to stumble across a mass outbreak."
After entering the room, Blake sat down on the floor beside his Typholosion, still baffled. He honestly never considered doing any "shiny hunting" of his own, but you had a knack for it and brought back some impressive Pokémon.
But he never expected this.
"How did you even---what's your secret??"
"It's just luck." You petted the shiny's fur, hearing her coos of happiness. "No secret or strategy to it."
"...y-yeah, figures.." He smiled bashfully, reaching a hand over to pet her next, although his gaze flickered to yours for a brief second. Of course, he always asked for permission before petting any of your Pokémon.
When he saw your nod of approval, he gently stroked her brown fur, and she perked up at the touch, making him pause. But then the Fire Mouse Pokémon whined and nuzzled her nose into his palm, not wanting the pets to stop.
Blake's smile grew so big it almost hurt his face. Nevertheless, he gave into her demands and scratched her head. "Awh, you're really cute. I think you and Typhlosion will be great friends."
"I think so, too." You beamed as you looked to his fire starter.
He simply nodded in agreement, smiling right back at you.
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Just a bunch of doodles from a couple whiteboards I was part of (There's others but eh)
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hi there! can i please have some blake headcanons? thank you!! 💫💫💫
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I don't blame you, anon! He's just too cute for his own good
*Blake quite enjoys how sweet you are to him, and it flusters him a bit
*You love to play with his hair, and Blake likes the feeling of your fingers running through his hair
*He gets too shy to ask you to do it though, but you can figure out relatively quick just what exactly he wants
*and whenever you say anything sweet to him, he practically melts
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ethanharmonia · 2 months
Pokemon AU Day 3! :D
Blake and Red (Frostkisses {that sounds very gay})
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I HAVENT DRAWN THEM IN CENTURIES AND I NEEDED TO DO IT NOW CUZ IM SILLY AND GAY🧍🏻🕺🏻🧍🏻🕺🏻🧍🏻🕺🏻🕺🏻🧍🏻🕺🏻🧍🏻🕺🏻🧍🏻🕺🏻🧍🏻🏃🏻🕺🏻🏃🏻��🏻🏃🏻🕺🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🧍🏻🏃🏻🕺🏻🏃🏻🏃🏻🧍🏻🏃🏻🕺🏻
I love them so much they are so malewife and housewife
Also shoutout to my friend for requesting me to draw the bonus one HAHAHA (i know where you live)
Imagine if this whole pokemon au day was just gay people hahahaha imagine🧍🏻
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mawzndrawz · 2 years
Minimum wage workers.
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These r free to use btw
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