#Flayn will 'watch movies' with other gangs
randomnameless · 1 year
Modern AU Seteth is always on the verge of explosion -
Let it be Manu who’s, well, Manu -
Willy’s random friday evening text messages “hey bro can you take care of kid for the weekend I’m going to fuck your sister, I dropped him at your place with his artistocats dvd, k thx” -
(always followed by Rhea’s following “thank you for babysitting, we’re going on a sightseeing tour this week-end with your car I borrowed :p”)
Hanneman’s usual “I need to probe your anus, for science I swear!” -
Flayn’s “I’m going to watch a movie with Mercedes and Annette and the rest of the gang!” when he knows who is the “rest of the gang” -
Billy’s random ass questions “Ladlegard invited me this weekend to have “tea” in her mansion but no one else was invited and she told me we will be alone, should I go or will it be unprofessional?” -
Macuil’s usual “Don’t call me brother, I am very busy. Call me only when you’re about to die, and even in that case, leave a message” -
Indech’s “Sure I don’t have anything to do this week-end, but I prefer to stay in my house instead of going to yours, I prepared a prank for the neighbour with dynamite and I want to know how it’ll turn out” -
and sometimes, the icing on the cake, his mom invites herself over, to remind him how his house is small and he’s broke “I know you can do better than that!”, eats some sweets with the kids, maybe watches a DVD or two and then leaves.
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