#Five Fastest Deliveries
red-archivist · 2 months
i heard those lines and was immediately inspired to make something sad lol
Twenty years ago, Jonathan Sims quits smoking.
Twenty years ago, Martin Blackwood’s mother survives her second stroke.
Twenty years ago, Jonathan Sims quits smoking.
It’s not enough to just stop, the shakes and the headaches nip at him constantly, and he reluctantly concludes that bad habits need to replaced by better ones.
That’s where the cycling comes in, to start with.
It’s exercise, it’s eco-friendly, and he can pretend he is literally leaving his cravings behind him as he pushes hard on the pedals.
He does his homework first, researching what is the best option for city cycling, for his budget, for someone that hasn’t ridden a bike since they were nine.
He plots out his paths to the office, the shops, and the nearest puncture repair centre, just in case. He even makes a spreadsheet to keep track of them.
He is sure Tim would poke fun at him for it, if they were still talking, but the organisation keeps his twitching fingers busy and his roaming mind away from the half-finished box of cigarettes in his desk drawer that he promises he will throw away any day now.
What all that planning fails to account for, as soon as he actually gets onto the road, is the rest of the world moving around him.
Every stereotype he has heard about antagonistic drivers is proven ten-fold as he dodges swerving cars and gets sworn at for whizzing past stalled traffic. He soon learns to sneer through tinted windows.
Pedestrians are almost worse. They seem blind to him, stepping out directly in front of his wheels and making him wobble as he overcorrects. As if a bike can’t still do some damage if he were to actually hit someone. Once, he clips the edge of a pram and stops in the street to shout some sense into the careless father pushing it.
He bitches openly about this during his lunches and his coworkers only roll their eyes at him sometimes.
The cycling becomes a bit of running joke in the office when they spot him coming in with his bike shorts and change of outfit, but he ignores them. The shorts are practical. For some reason, telling them that only makes them laugh harder.
He takes the fastest route into the office and a scenic one home. It winds through quiet well-off estates, before opening out to one of the less well-known urban parks. It’s calming, almost meditative, to roll through the cool shade the cluttered trees offer after another meaningless day of data entry.
In those times, he doesn’t think of his empty flat or his dead-end job, he forgets his sniggering coworkers and his ever-dwindling contact list. It’s just him and the wind.
The only thing that could make those moments better, he admits to himself, is a smoke.
The problem with this particular path is how hard it is to see around corners in the park. There is some national re-wilding initiative in the works and the foliage looms over the roads in a way that block his line of sight.
He checks every turn, even though it is rare to encounter a car in this area. Better safe than sorry.
The night he dies is warm but overcast.
He follows his usual route and cranes his neck to see around the overgrown corner he is approaching. A drooping branch grazes his head and something falls from the tree onto his neck.
It could be a leaf, or a twig, or a ladybird, but Jon feels the whisper-touch of something small at his throat and his only thought is: spider.
He has been afraid of them since he was very young and terrified instinct immediately beats any reason. One hand flies up from the handlebars to bat away at his collar. He swerves. Fear makes him pedal faster and the bike speeds onto the junction.
He is so scared of the potential at his throat that he never even sees the delivery truck.
The bike is sent flying from the impact, Jon falls under the wheels.
The driver, to his credit, calls emergency services immediately, distraught.
The ambulance is there within five minutes, but they needn’t have bothered. Jon is declared dead at the scene with a broken neck.
What few friends he has left comfort each other with that fact.
At least it was quick.
Twenty years ago, Martin Blackwood’s mother survives her second stroke.
This is a good thing, Martin reminds himself, more than once. It is Good that his mother is alive.
It doesn’t matter that the nurses need to attend to her around-the-clock now. It doesn’t matter that the care home bills have skyrocketed. He is grateful that she is still with him.
He starts looking for a third job. The admin work during the day and the shelf-stocking at night barely covered his previous bills. He’ll have to look for some flexible positions to cram into his schedule.
In the meantime, he cuts back. Eats cheaply, eats less. Cancels overdue check-ups and doesn’t touch the heating.
His days are a current of constant worry, occasionally breached by a wave of panic that he tries to quell by hiding in the office bathroom and digging his nails into his legs.
Panic won’t pay the rent or keep the lights on or remember to call Mum every Sunday. He smothers it deep in his chest and ignores the spasm of pain he gets whenever he forces it down.
He has been getting those more often; sharp, sudden chest pains, numb fingers, dizzy spells, an aching back, shortness of breath.
He had been going to ask the doctor about it all before he cancelled the appointment but. Well. Needs must.
He has his first heart attack on the evening shift.
Pulling a box of washing up tablets from the top shelf in Aisle 4 causes such a rush of agony in his chest that he dares to ask the manager to take his 15-minute break early.
He doesn’t make it to the back room before he collapses.
In the hospital, after he wakes, the doctors ask if there is a family history of heart problems.
If he didn’t feel so weak he would laugh.
He has more in common with his mother then he likes to admit. Of course they share a bad heart.
Or maybe it came from his father. Mum always said he was heartless. Maybe there’s a hole where Dad’s DNA should be.
When the medical team leaves him to rest, all he can think is how much this will cost him.
The NHS is no charity no matter what their marketing says, not to mention how much money he will lose by recovering. He can’t afford six weeks of not working. His first job doesn’t have that much sick leave and his second doesn’t have any.
He runs the numbers in his head, tries to find what else he can hack out of his life to keep his head above water. Occasionally his thoughts swerve, self-recriminating and barbed. He is so stupid for letting this happen at all.
It’s all his fault.
Mum is going to be so angry with him.
His heart pulses in keen pain, bitter and broken.
Somehow, he drifts off, counting figures instead of sheep.
The second heart attack kills him in his sleep.
They die on the same day, at nearly the same time (Jon rushes ahead, always too eager, Martin follows inevitably after him).
Their death certificates are filed away alphabetically by a bored clerk in the dusty management system of the General Register Office.
Twenty years later, Samama Khalid exhumes them and examines them, with more curiosity than sense, only to be disappointed by the mundanity of their ends.
He returns them together, heedless of any organisation.
Jon and Martin meet, in the quiet and the dark.
The filing cabinet is a shared headstone, their names rest side-by-side.
Also on AO3
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shinonart · 2 months
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I have some unused shipping codes that will expire on August the 8th so I am offering FREE TRACKED shipping within Finland until AUG 8TH or until I run out of codes.
I currently have only five codes so the fastest five people who
order ANYTHING from my shop
use the code ADDTELNRO at checkout
include their phone number in the message section
will get free shipping.
Please note that while Etsy doesn’t ask for the telephone number it is MANDATORY to include it, otherwise I won’t be able to use the shipping codes and you won’t be able to get tracking. I won’t mail out any orders that use the code but don’t include the number.
The telephone number is for the delivery company' use only as they will contact you when your order is ready to be picked up from a nearby delivery point.
I will message people who don’t include their numbers and if I don’t receive a response and I have other people in line for the codes I will use the shipping code on the next order in line until codes run out.
Just as a heads up, I will be traveling from AUG 23rd to 27th so my mailing days will be different than usual. I will still aim to mail out orders once a week!
If you have any questions regarding my shop please send me a message on Etsy, I’m more likely to notice it there.
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cantsayidont · 2 months
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SUPACELL (2024– ): Interesting but uneven Black British superhero drama, created by Rapman, about five seemingly unrelated South Londoners — delivery driver Michael (Tosin Cole), nurse Sabrina (Nadine Mills), ex-con Andre (Eric Kofi Abrefa), pot dealer Rodney (Calvin Demba), and gang leader Tazer (Josh Tedeku) — who discover that they have superhuman powers. Michael sets out to find the others after getting a glimpse of the near future in which he learns that his fiancée Dionne (Adelayo Adedayo) will soon be killed. However, Andre is more concerned with reconnecting with his teenage son (Ky-Mani Carty) and finding a job, Sabrina is desperately trying to keep hers while also trying to keep her sister Sharleen (Rayxia Ojo) out of trouble, Rodney is using his super-speed powers to run London's fastest weed delivery service, and Tazer is enmeshed in an escalating gang war against his former mentor Krazy (Ghetts).
The cast is great (Abrefa, Tedeku, Ghetts, and Ojo are especially good), the characters are engaging, the dialogue and setting are convincing, and there are some clever touches (including the eventual explanation of the title in Ep. 6). However, while watching the ways the characters' emerging powers impact their lives is engrossing, the actual superhero plot (which has distinct echoes of the late and unlamented HEROES) feels a bit stale, the characters' powers are not always clearly delineated, the big fight scenes are sometimes blah, and there are some hokey touches (like over-use of the glowing eyes effect seen on the poster image above).
More concerningly, SUPACELL's attitude toward and treatment of Black women is frequently troubling. The very talented Adedayo is wasted — I hated the way the narrative treated Dionne, which at points had me tempted to nope out — and most of the show's Black female characters consistently get very rough treatment with noticeably less sympathy than the men, which cast a gloomy pall over an otherwise compelling series.
CONTAINS LESBIANS? Not that I noticed, and given the show's attitude toward women, I fear any wlw would meet bad ends in short order. VERDICT: Given how relentlessly most nerd media marginalizes and mistreats Black characters and cast, it's great to see Black characters centered in a story like this, but while much of SUPACELL is really quite good, the misogyny left a bad taste.
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modelbus · 2 years
Could I request Wilbur Soot x reader with Coworkers to lovers + meeting for the first time?
Thank youuu! <3
Let’s just pretend you both work a random office job for the sake of this oneshot :D
Pairing: Cc!Wilbur x gn!Reader
Coworkers to Lovers - Meeting for the First Time
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On pure instinct you stick your hand out, holding the elevator. Within seconds a blur of a man nearly slams into the wall behind you, making you jump.
It’s 8 in the fucking morning, you didn’t really have the mental capacity to process things any faster than a slug. Apparently someone else was having a worse morning than you are though.
“Thank you.” He gasps out, giving you a sheepish smile.
With brown hair long enough to fall into his eyes and an actual sense of style, you’re certain you’ve never seen him here before. And considering you work here, that’s definitely saying something.
He couldn’t be a delivery man; he didn’t have any boxes. Just a casual work bag slung over his shoulder. Besides, what delivery man is ever in a rush?
“Of course. Are you new?”
“That obvious?” He laughs. “But yeah. I’m only running slightly late, which is a great start to a great new job.”
That makes a lot of sense. Although you were also actively late, you’d been working here a while. At this point, nobody cared if you showed up a few minutes late or not.
“I spilled coffee on my computer my first day, so it could be worse.” You offer. It was true, you definitely thought you were going to get fired on your first day. You would’ve single-handedly set a world record for the fastest to get fired.
“Don’t jinx me.” His look of despair makes you laugh, but he remains completely serious. “Please, I cannot get fired from another job.”
“Another job?”
He lowers his voice as if you two aren’t alone in the elevator, taking a step closer to you. “Don’t tell anyone, but I’m banned from Disney world.”
You let out a startled laugh, “How do you get banned from a children’s theme park?!”
“Shh! I’m trusting you! You can’t tell anyone!”
There’s something charming in the way he talks, as if he’s putting his whole soul into selling this story to you. It’s working because you don’t doubt he’s banned for a second.
“I won’t tell a soul.” You promise, smiling at him.
Finally, someone in this office isn’t completely boring. You actually like this guy. Maybe it’s because he’s the first person to step through the office doors without a pound of cat hair, but you really hope he sticks around.
Before you can ask for his name, the doors of the elevator slide open on your floor. He steps out first but waits for you to join him before going anywhere.
“You work on this floor?” You ask, a bit surprised. The five cat ladies were going to be thrilled.
“I think so?”
“Wow, you sound very confident.”
“Oh! I see you two have already met!” Your spine automatically straightens at your boss’s voice. He doesn’t check in on the office that often, so you know not to fuck anything up when he does. “You can show Wilbur around, he’s the desk next to yours.”
There was a desk next to yours? Jesus, how much had you not been paying attention?
“Of course.” You nod, accepting the responsibility. It wasn’t like there was much to show Wilbur anyways.
“I’ll leave you to it then.” Your boss steps into the elevator you just left, pressing a button and leaving.
“Before you say anything, I know Wilbur is a dumb name.” Wilbur quickly says.
“It isn’t a dumb name.”
Wilbur actually seemed really fitting for him. Now that you know his name, you can’t imagine him as anything else.
“Come on, the desk you’ll die at is this way.”
“Wonderful, I can’t fucking wait.”
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Record-breaking laser demonstration completes mission
NASA's TBIRD (TeraByte InfraRed Delivery) demonstration and its host spacecraft—the PTD-3 (Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator-3)—have completed their technology demonstration. The TBIRD payload spent the past two years breaking world records for the fastest satellite downlink from space using laser communications.
NASA's PTD series leverages a common commercial spacecraft to provide a robust platform for effective testing of technologies with minimal redesign in between launches. After launch in May 2022 on the SpaceX Transporter 5 mission, the PTD-3 spacecraft entered low-Earth orbit, and shortly after, TBIRD began sending laser communications signals to an optical ground station in Table Mountain, California.
TBIRD's two-year demonstration showcased the viability of laser communications. Most NASA missions rely on radio frequency communication systems. However, laser communications use infrared light and can pack significantly more data in a single communications link. This technology is ideal for science and exploration missions that need large data transmissions.
In 2023, TBIRD continuously broke its own records, reaching its peak in June when it transmitted 4.8 terabytes of error-free data—equivalent to about 2,400 hours of high-definition video—in five minutes at 200 gigabits per second in a single pass.
The TBIRD payload was one of many laser communications demonstrations. NASA's SCaN (Space Communications and Navigation) program is maturing this technology to demonstrate the impact laser communications can have on bringing more science and exploration data home. The next demonstration will be on the Artemis II mission.
In addition to breaking a world record, this mission demonstrated cost-effective design and extremely low size, weight, and power requirements—both on the PTD-3 spacecraft and within the TBIRD payload. The tissue-box-sized payload contained two commercial telecommunication modems that the TBIRD team modified for the extreme environment of space.
The PTD-3/TBIRD system also overcame one of the major challenges associated with laser communications: making the narrow beam laser link connection while moving at orbital speeds while being buffeted by atmospheric drag. The PTD-3 spacecraft's precision "body pointing" and stability enabled the TBIRD payload to make its record-breaking achievement while moving as fast as 17,000 mph through space. The spacecraft set a record for the highest accuracy pointing ever achieved by a NASA CubeSat without any moving mechanisms or propulsion systems.
The end of PTD-3 and TBIRD's mission was expected. The system did not contain a propulsion system, meaning once it was deployed into its low Earth orbit, the mission could only last until its orbit naturally decayed.
While only planned to operate for six months, TBIRD carried out its demonstration for well over two years, enabling NASA to learn more about laser communications operations in low Earth orbit.
The lessons learned during TBIRD will be applied to future implementations of laser communications and minimize downlink constraints for mission designs, enabling future exploration and discoveries.
TOP IMAGE: The benefits of laser communications: more efficient, lighter systems, increased security, and more flexible ground systems. Credit: NASA/Dave Ryan
LOWER IMAGE: An artist’s concept of the Pathfinder Technology Demonstration -3 carrying the TeraByte InfraRed Delivery payload. Credit: NASA/Dave Ryan
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partnervizhil · 2 months
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osiriabud · 1 year
Xiantober Day 9 ❅ Training
Wei Ying spewed coke all over the table. Jiang Cheng voiced his intense distress, but Jiang Yanli just reached into her purse for a tissue packet.
"A triathlon?!?" Wei Ying sputtered as he ripped open the tissues and mopped up the coke.
"My brother was interested in trying it. Nie Mingjue will be away for work the weekend it's being held, so he invited me to do it with him." Lan Zhan opened the container of his perfect, diagonally-sliced whole wheat avocado lettuce tomato sandwich.
"And you said yes?" Wei Ying's voice rose several octaves. Jiang Cheng glanced around the liberal art's building lobby and shushed him. Wei Ying waved him off.
"With what time?" He cried "You are taking nineteen credits this semester, have orchestra and tutoring."
"I trained for the marathon last year without any issue." Lan Zhan pointed out.
"But," Wei Ying snapped his mouth shut while putting some real thought into why he felt immediately opposed to Lan Zhan completing in a triathlon. "Your bunnies will miss you if you are too busy."
"Oh!" Jiang Yanli exclaimed, "Would you look at the time. We have dinner with our parents to get to. Lovely to see you Lan Zhan. Take care A-Xian!" She hauled a confused Jiang Cheng to his feet and pushed him toward the exit.
Lan Zhan watched them go, then turned to Wei Ying. "If you are worried about not spending time together, why don't you train with me?"
"What?" Wei Ying scoffed, "No, I said the bunnies. Besides, I'm way to busy. They started scheduling me for a few more hours each week, which I asked for, but..."
"Are you worried you won't be able to keep up with me and Xichen?" Lan Zhan said as Wei Ying trailed off. Wei Ying's mouth fell open. Lan Zhan calmly took a bite out of his sandwich.
"Are you kidding me?" Wei Ying leaned forward, "Keep up with you? I'll leave you in the dust!"
"I grew up in Yungmeng, swimming all summer long! I'm the fastest swimmer there is. And I'll have you know that I'm a pretty fast runner too! I'm always outrunning people's dogs when I deliver their food! And, speaking of that, I'm the fastest delivery person they have!"
"My bike even beats people in cars sometimes!" Wei Ying huffed, "Just you watch."
Lan Zhan finished his sandwich and wiped the corners of his mouth, "So you'll train with me?"
"Of course, Lan Zhan." Wei Ying grumbled as they gathered up their things.
He did not realize when he agreed to this that it meant meeting Lan Zhan at five every morning to go for a run or a swim. He dragged himself out of bed and complained the whole time, but was secretly grateful because it meant their training time didn't eat into their move nights.
Plus he enjoyed any extra time he got to spend with Lan Zhan even if it was before the crack of dawn, when he kept embarrassing himself by showing up to the gym as a half-asleep mess while Lan Zhan looked refreshed and perfect.
And it started to be the perfect excuse to spend the night at Lan Zhan's place. Why bother going home after they hung out when he had to come right back to the campus gym next to his apartment. Staying over meant extra time harassing the bunnies and his favorite person. So, all in all, he didn't mind waking up so early and spending his free time working on cardio.
The day of the race came. He and Lan Zhan and Lan Huan all stood together at the beginning. A sense of anticipation and challenge gripped him.
They dove into the lake together and hit the other side at the same time. Lan Zhan made sure Wei Ying's helmet was properly secured before they hopped onto their bikes and raced down the winding roads together. When they pulled on their running shoes, Wei Ying teased Lan Zhan about double-knotting his laces.
Lan Huan kept pace and threw them warm glances the whole time until they reached the sprint, then he pulled a head and secured second place overall.
Lan Zhan and Wei Ying crossed the finish line hand in hand in the top ten. The Jiang's and Nie Huaisang screamed and waved their signs. Wei Ying threw his arms around Lan Zhan's shoulders then gave him a big, sweaty kiss.
"See," he panted, "I beat you by a whole two seconds."
"Mn." Lan Zhan agreed, drawing Wei Ying in for another congratulatory kiss.
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rideboomindia · 2 years
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RideBoom the fastest growing on demand ride share app.
RideBoom is a unique on-demand rideshare app that includes taxis, bikes, and parcel delivery. RideBoom is available in more than five major Indian cities at this stage with bike and taxi rides.
A recent study shows that RideBoom drivers got the lowest ride cancelations and they do cancel only if there is an emergency like if they are stuck in traffic or a car broke down.
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Instead, the RideBoom drivers always make a call to the passengers not to cancel the ride.
The top reason why RideBoom got the lowest number of ride cancelations
Extra Earning
As per RideBoom drivers are earning more while driving with RideBoom, RideBoom charges a very small amount fee toward each ride.
Lifelong incentives
The driver can earn without driving with a lifelong incentive plan so if the driver is sick or unwell and unable to work he or she still can make some money.
Low overhead expenses
With RideBoom drivers are saving more money they don’t have to drive empty miles they can get more work around their working area from their attached clients.
Driver support
RideBoom provides better support and advice to the drivers like how to keep their cars clean, how to help with passengers’ luggage, and how to earn more by attaching more customers with their driver code.
RideBoom is focusing on better service by proving better training to its drivers and offering more benefits to the users.
RideBoom Technologies got many safety features in their RideBoom App compared to any other ride-share app in the globe like sharing trip info with loved ones, gender booking options, and preferred driver options.
RideBoom Technologies just add another safety feature in their app a red light icon button on the rider map. This could help and improve the rider’s chances of getting help when you need it while in a car.
Convenience is the number one benefit of ridesharing services. You can always find a driver that can help you get home or anywhere you want to go. There is no need to pre-order or pre-scheduling. When you need a ride, simply open the app on your mobile device and select your location, and you will how far the nearest driver is. Once you order a ride, you can track your driver’s movement and be ready when he/she arrives at your location to pick you up. It’s as simple as that. Get a ride anywhere time.
Download the free RideBoom app available in the play store and app store.
Let’s RideBoom India.
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forathousanddays · 1 year
Closure in Moscow - First temple (REVIEW)
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First Temple is the 2009 debut album of Aussie five-piece prog rock powerhouse Closure in Moscow, and a stunning introduction to their avant-garde sound, remaining untouched to this day. Produced by the titanic label Equal Vision Records (formerly Polyphia, Pierce The Veil, etc.) there was an expectation to uphold the standard set by their previous EP (self-proclaimed albumette,) The Penance and The Patience.
Closure in Moscow went to great lengths to pump out an equally impressive album, with a wide range of tracks and atmospheres. Their follow-up album Pink Lemonade is a far cry from the grounded surrealism of First Temple, but you can feel the trails their freshman release patted down first. They've got another one coming out October 25th, so keep your eyes peeled for that review when it comes out.
Track-by-track below the cut.
TRACK 1 - KIssing Cousins
No, I didn't mess up with the shift key, that's how it's stylized. The mix on this track feels a little too subdued, with the vocals and the instruments occupying the exact same space. It creates a crowded effect for the listening experience, in a way that detracts a little too much from the stellar performances on both ends. The background vocals come through way in the back, but that does come with a more surreal feel to it.
I'd like this a lot more if it was mixed better. 6/10
TRACK 2 - Reindeer Age
The tone is immediately different. The guitar has a curious synthetic twanging to it in the verses that still persists in the back of the mix during the chorus, making way for an incredibly fast-paced guitar. To this day, Reindeer Age remains the fastest track in their discography. Verse and chorus switch back and forth almost too fast to keep track of in a frantic crystallization of the experimental and esoteric sound of First Temple.
8/10, pay attention to the drums when you listen. They're definitely a highlight.
TRACK 3 - Sweet#hart
I really couldn't tell you why this is stylized the way it is. The lyrics are a vivid portrait of a very specific state of mind that's a little too complicated to convey in semi-formal prose. The chorus is incredibly strong, maybe the strongest on the album (or in their discography?) without detracting from the poignant verses. (I feel like I need to use that word more here.) The contrast between the instrumentation between the verses and the chorus is really something special.
Just as fun from start to finish. 10/10
TRACK 4 - Vanguard
This is First Temple's most traditional presentation of rock in its instruments and vocals, but most outlandish lyrics. Frontman Chris de Cinque has described Vanguard as "entirely too obtuse [...] an exercise in thesaurus masturbation," and I'm not inclined to disagree. I know with full confidence, however, that nobody is here for the lyrics. Vanguard has soaring guitar riffs from start to finish, and a palpable energy that permeates every line delivery.
Really, really cool. 9/10
TRACK 5 - A Night At The Spleen
Vanguard might have been a ten if it wasn't in between Sweet#hart and this. I can't in good faith count them as cut from the same cloth. A Night At The Spleen is a honeyed experience, wrought with thrumming riffs, cheeky soloes, and the timeless classic "boomer bend." There's an infectious energy running through it, even infused in the quiet tension of the bridge. Not even the silence is free of it; every rest feels like an intentional build to what comes next.
Perfect energy, a masterclass in momentum. 10/10
TRACK 6 - I'm A Ghost of Twilight
Again, the questionable mix rears it's head. The instruments and the vocals occupy the same space, and it takes away from both. That being said, this is a better execution than in Track 1, as it gives a little more room for de Cinque's more powerful vocals to make their own space. This has possibly the most decipherable lyrics o
n the album, and I'm thankful for it. I'm A Ghost of Twilight builds a powerful atmosphere in both it's sound and lyrics, with both augmenting each other.
It would've been easy to give these lyrics a slower, sadder song, but this was the better choice for sure. 8/10.
TRACK 7 - Permafrost
It wouldn't be a prog rock album without a couple very experimental tracks. Permafrost lives up to its name, with a cold and impenetrable haze over the mix. The lyrics are pretty grim, and de Cinque has gone on record calling it a separation for the two more distinct "acts" of the record. Allegedly super drunk recording the vocals, which I could probably guess.
TRACK 8 - Deluge
Very refreshing, coming out of Permafrost. The mix is clear and properly arranged, with the vocals in front of the instruments and very clean layering. The pre-chorus belt is a great touch, especially next to the more delicate delivery on the chorus itself. Deluge is a lot of moving parts, and it would be lesser without any single one of them. The chorus lyrics are really profound (dare I say poignant?) and contrast with the more whimsical delivery. Closure's always been good at mixing whimsy with melancholy.
TRACK 9 - Afterbirth
I really couldn't tell you what's going on with the instruments here. Logically, I know what I'm listening to is a guitar, but something about the tuning and key of it make it feel alien. de Cinque cites game show music as his inspiration for it sonically, and I can definitely see it. This is maybe the least decipherable the album has been so far, but "the hour of my echo is at hand" is a badass line. There's so much going on here, and I appreciate the cacophony.
The guitar in the back of the bridge is way too cool to be that quiet. 7/10.
TRACK 10 - Arecibo Message
Oh, good, the lyrics got even less decipherable! The sound is full and developed, with a completeness to it that says I don't really mind not being able to understand the lyrics. This is probably the most "First Temple" song on here, with a huge range of sounds and feelings behind it. As the last real rock song on the album, it's a fitting dismissal of the second "act" and a comfortable transition into the "epilogue." The chorus is a blast.
The key change into the last chorus really makes it. 8/10
TRACK 11 - Couldn't Let You Love Me
The acoustic shift here doesn't make this song any less full. Every inch of the mix feels occupied by something that needs to be there, and the steady guitar is very welcome. I'm impressed by the ability to set a bassline off an almost pizzicato-esque acoustic guitar.
6/10, still a fan though. Anything above a 5 isn't a bad song!
TRACK 12 - Had To Put It In The Soil
Had To Put It In The Soil is the most intimate and bare song on the album, lyrically. First Temple has been full of fits of real emotion obscured by cryptic and overcomplex lyrics, and our final track is the conscious effort to face that habit and push through it. It's really beautiful, surprisingly serious, exceedingly mature and most of all just poignant.
9/10, doesn't sound too stellar but it's really pretty.
First Temple is an avant-garde exploration of a lot of complicated feelings and dynamics, in a generally energetic and digestible package. It's one of the prime examples I use for prog as a genre, with an incredibly forward-thinking style and range of sounds. Every track on the record feels like it fits the name of the genre perfectly, as a progression and test to the limits of what we understand as rock. The separation between the two distinct "acts" is a really nice touch, too.
9/10, even if it's largely indecipherable.
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The fastest way to make me go "actually, I don't need that" is to make your only delivery option to send five shirts in five separate packages that are supposed to arrive on five different days. You know what, keep them.
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asdamagicbiscuits · 2 years
My Top Theatre Highlights and Moments of 2021 AND 2022 (in no particular order, it’s all rather mishmashed I’m afraid. What happens when I get behind on my one yearly blog post 🙈) 
Hi beans!
I’m baaaaaaaaaack! Did yous miss me? 😜
First of all I want to start with a bit of background and an apology as to why I completely missed 2021’s blog post, and the lateness of 2022’s post. So I did have a skeleton of the 2021 post ready to write but I just was so so busy towards the end of 2021, and then I got Covid at the start of 2022 on my week off when I was going to sit down to write and upload it. So I decided to combine it with 2022’s. Similar story for 2022 (minus the covid mind) - I got super busy so I'm taking some time in my month off now to sit down and write this.
I don’t like that I’ve missed one and it’s made me sad, but I thought I’d start back with a bumper edition of theatre. So without further ado, let’s jump straight into it. I’ll combine years likely but I'll state if I saw it in 2021 or 2022 next to the title.
You can definitely say that 2021 was a year of two halves. Even so I crammed a lot into that half a year and still a chonky amount into 2022. Let’s jump in! 
Shitfaced Shakespeare (2021 and 2022) 
Wouldn’t be a Theatre Highlights without mentioning the booze and bard loving beans over at Shitfaced Shakespeare. Always a treat to see them in London but it was equally lovely to see them on my home turf at the Wyvern in Swindon. I even took the Mothership with me to see the touring show of Macbeth. She loved it. Chaotic as usual but in the best way possible. Can’t thank those talented beans enough for bringing some much needed comedy and some fabulous escapism from the real world for an hour or two. 
Hairspray (2021)
Hairspray. My first show back in an indoor theatre. Now this show for me was re-scheduled about four times. Every time Sarah and I had set a date for it, RESCHEDULED! Such was the 'living with Covid' era of theatre (let’s not discuss that now though).
My god this show was worth the wait. The cast were insanely brilliant. All so, so talented, each and every one of them! Hairspray is such an uplifting show and the London Coliseum is a beautiful theatre, MASSIVE. Like literally a very fancy and boujie barn! The roar of the audience when the show started was outstanding and such a thrill. It was fantastic to see Luke George on stage again too in his ensemble track as Fender.
Now I’m gonna talk about something else I was EXTREMELY lucky to get to witness. Luke George’s Debut performance as Link. It was the strangest of days for me. So I was in London for a job interview. It was a group interview and it did NOT go well, to the point where when I came out, I ran to the nearest quiet street I could find and just burst into tears (now I hear ya: you want the good stuff and what does this all have to do with Luke’s Link Debut. Hold fire gang. Painting a picture here. I’ll get to it!). Now my phone was still off from the interview but after about five minutes of crying I got my phone and turned it on. The very first notification to pop up was from West End Covers on Twitter ‘Tonight will be the debut of Luke George in the role of Link Larkin’. My heart stopped. My brain couldn’t believe what I was seeing. I’ve never felt such a switch from utter despair to pure excitement, joy, disbelief. My emotions were frazzled and it was about 4pm in the afternoon. Well naturally I ran and got a ticket. Think it's the fastest I’ve EVER bought a ticket for anything before. Awesome seat in the stalls. Luke was PHENOMENAL as Link. It was so brilliant to see him take on the role. Fantastic acting, dancing was great and a stunning vocal. The theatre gods were smiling on me in that delivery of a golden opportunity to see one of my stagey favs on for their cover!
I loved it so much I went back the next night to see him on as Link again! Such a talented and lovely person. Didn’t get to see Luke perform in 2022 but hopefully 2023 will give me another opportunity to see him shine on stage!
Anything Goes (2021) 
Now this show is very special to me. I was in a youth production as a teenager so when it was announced a revival was coming to the Barbican in London I knew I needed tickets! I managed to get my hands on a pair of tickets to see the show in previews. Now the reason was that Robert Lindsay was in the show as Moonface Martin and I didn’t know if he would do every show (I had seen him in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels at the Savoy years ago and he didn’t do the midweek matinees). I was determined to see Robert in the show as I knew he’d be OUTSTANDING and I didn’t want to run the risk of not seeing him on my first live experience of the show. THEN it was announced that Sutton Foster was coming over to play Reno Sweeney and I could have burst with excitement. The whole cast was chef's kiss sublime! So whilst everyone was losing their damn mind trying to get tickets to the show to see Sutton I was VERY smug sitting and being like I got my tickets already babes. 😜🙊 haha.
Okay. So the show. Well first of all it made my soul SO HAPPY!! Nostalgic. Stunning vocals from the whole company. Brilliant performances all round. I want to give a shoutout to Samuel Edwards and Nicole-Lily Baisden who shone as Billy Crocker and Hope Hardcourt. ‘It’s de-lovely’ was breathtaking and dream-like. Perfection! 
I also need to mention Carly Mercedes Dyer who stole the show as Erma. Such a stage presence, comic timing was on point and ‘Buddie, Beware’ was delightful to watch. 
Sutton Foster was exceptional and phenomenal like you would expect. ‘Blow, Gabriel, Blow’ earned a very well deserved standing ovation. It wasn’t just a little polite one, it went on for easily a couple of minutes and I hope I’m forgiven for saying this, but I could have sworn there was a moment in Sutton’s eyes as she was looking out at the audience to the cheers and people on their feet and the applause where she was genuinely so so touched by the reception she received. I said it on Instagram after and I’ll repeat it here if it wasn’t obvious. The West End loves you!’ 
Robert Lindsay was incredible as well. Brilliant comic timing, a great vocal. Loved the number he did with Sutton. It looked like they were having THE BEST time up there! 
A standing ovation at the end of Act 1.
A standing ovation at the of Blow, Gabriel, Blow.
A standing ovation at the end of Act 2.
I’ve never seen anything like it before.
Phantom Phantom with a sprinkle of Gantom (2021 and 2022) 
Sitting comfortably? I’ll wait a moment for you to get a biscuit? Ready? Okay great!
Let’s not waste any time and jump straight to it.
Gantom. So I didn’t get to see his debut show - I got close to it happening with the tour but in London it just wasn’t meant to be. However, I was able to get in for the show to see James Gant as Phantom at the end of October in 2021. Only waited six years to see him don the mask. Worth. The. Wait. The vocal. THE VOCAL. The acting. All fucking sublime (apols for the expletives here). James was hitting all the marks as Phantom I wanted to see. Music of the Night. Front Row. Devine. Now my favourite moment is in the Final Lair. It’s the ‘this face will churn a mothers fear etc etc’ section and the emotion in that. Pure magic. Broke my heart in the best way. It was one of those afternoons where at the end I couldn’t quite believe I had seen him play the role but I wanted to relive it immediately. Also whenever I’m in for a Gantom show the line ‘The GAAAAAAAAAANTOM of the Opera’ fully lives rent free in my mind. A fun insight into my brain I thought I’d share 🤪 I’d been saying for years what a phenomenal Phantom he would be, so to see the world catch up to that fact is great to see! ☺️ 
The Phantom company is full of exceptionally talented people though, and a few standouts for me are: 
Adam Linstead and Matt Harrop as the managers play wonderfully opposite each other. I especially love how Adam plays André as a bit of a nervous and anxious character - honestly it’s such a refreshing take on the role. Also when André shushes Firmin when Carlotta is singing Eliza’s solo it is the biggest mood ever. Lovely touch. 
Ellie Young as Meg. Delightful. Dreamy. Devineeeeee. Honestly such a gorgeous portrayal of my favourite character in the show. Meg is sassyyyyyy and we love that a lot. Flawless every time!
I also want to give a shout-out to all the ballet girls as the ballet numbers in the show are always a joy to watch for me. The talent and skill on that stage. Outstanding. I want to give a special mention to Jasmine Wallis, she always caught my attention in the ensemble numbers and for the longest time I couldn’t work out who the mystery ballet girl was with gorgeous lines and stunning performances. Her Masquerade costume was so pretty as well. 
Lucy St Louis and Holly Anne Hull as Christine. These two leading ladies. Stunning. Beautiful performances from them both. Vocals are out of this world and when they smile they light up the stage. Phantom is so lucky to have two such wonderful performers play Christine. 
Lucy’s last performance is January 21st so make sure you see her before she departs the Opera House to fly by bubble from March in Wicked.
Killian Donnelly as Phantom. I need to talk about how ICONIC this man’s performance is. Killian is a legend. I didn’t see him as Raoul but I’d heard great things so I was BUZZING to get the chance to see him don the Mask as Phantom. He didn’t disappoint at all and fully blew me away. So smooth. Commanding performance, incredible vocal. He plays so well opposite Lucy and Holly. I was so thrilled to get to see Killian and Holly together as I was going to see them on the tour so I was gutted when it got cancelled, and I felt like I was given a second opportunity with them being cast in the West End production. 
I can’t urge everyone enough to go and see Killian in the show before he departs the Opera House on February 4th! You won’t want to miss his Phantom.
The Phantom Of The Opera is currently playing at Her Majesty’s Theatre in London
Shagged Married Annoyed Live Tour (2021) 
Now for anyone who wasn’t aware Chris Ramsey and his incredibly talented and lovely wife Rosie do a podcast called Shagged Married Annoyed. They’ve won awards for it and genuinely it’s hilarious. People are disgusting but it’s so entertaining! So they did a live tour of it and I went to Wembley to see them!! It was honestly the best night of my life. To be in a room full of fellow SMAs and DAs (well, nearly. One bloke there had zero fucking idea of what was going on) was great. Listening to a podcast can feel very intimate as it’s just you or you and another person listening so you sort of forget that there are LOADS of people out there who love it as much as you do. 
I will say this. Hearing 10,000 people sing the ‘Let’s talk about shit’ jingle made my soul so, so happy it powered me through 'til Christmas! I also got quite emotional when the lights came up on Chris and Rosie on stage.
The podcast Shagged Married Annoyed is available on all good podcastery app things. Enjoy! The Ramseys are going back out on tour this year so make sure to snap up any remaining tickets as you’re gonna be in for a great night out!! (I think it’s this year. Sarah booked the tickets I just paid for mine. She’ll tell me when I need to turn up. Haha) 
Chris Ramsey’s tour (2021) 
So myself and Sarah had never seen a stand up comedy gig before but having LOVED Chris and Rosie’s podcast, Shagged Married Annoyed, it was only right that we got to see the man in action on his own tour. Even if it was a year and a half later than we should have seen it (bloody Rona!).
A bloody great night out! SO FUNNY. Face hurt by the end of the show which is a great sign of a hilarious comedy gig! 
Dear Evan Hansen (2021)
This show is really special to me especially as it was the soundtrack to getting me through most of the time I was off work. Heck, it even became a long-standing project in my singing lessons over that time, so getting to see the show again live from the front row was incredible. I do want to apologise to the cast for the fact that my glasses likely reflected the light back up to the stage. Wasn’t expecting the glare. The whole company and what they can create on stage with just 8 performers and the power of their voices in the musical numbers, it’s something really magic and special. Also getting to see Sam Tutty’s performance so close was awesome. I could go on but I’m conscious this is already a long post.
Carl Hutchinson’s Tour and A Pissmas Carol (2021) 
Now my last shows of the year saw me head to the lovely Leicester Square Theatre in London’s West End to see two shows essentially back to back. I’d love to say it was fully intentional but it was only half planned, mainly when me and my friend realised we could do it! 🤪 haha. 
So I saw Carl earlier in the year supporting Chris Ramsey on tour. Carl mentioned in the show that he was on tour. I bought a ticket to his tour. Absolutely hilarious show. Carl and his support act, Amy, had the audience in fits of laughter. Definitely look out for their names on the comedy circuit and I can’t urge you all enough to go see them. You’ll be in for a great night!
So my very last show of the year was to return once again to Victorian England to see Dickens classic A Pissmas Carol! A fantastic way as always to get into the festive spirit. Plus we all know it’s what Dickens would have wanted and totally his vision for his works! Hehe! 
Talent in buckets. The skills the gang have at Shitfaced Showtime will forever and always blow my mind. If you ever have the opportunity to see them - do it! Don’t hesitate. You’ll be in for a pissed up festive treat and you’ll leave with a lighter soul! 
Wicked (2022) 
So in the summer I got to take my little cousin to see Wicked, just waited a very long time to take her, and we had the best time in Oz. It was so fantastic to see Helen Woolf as Glinda and we were lucky enough to see Laura Harrison as Elphaba and oh my word. What brilliant leading ladies they are!! Laura delivered such a heartfelt and touching performance as Elphaba and played opposite Helen’s Glinda so beautifully. It was a dream to return to such a special show. The whole company were fantastic and my cousin loved the show. At the end she asked if we could go back and watch it again. I think I’ve got a little stagey in the making on my hands here… 🤪🙊☺️
Moulin Rouge (2022) 
So for most of 2022 I essentially moved into the Piccadilly Theatre as I saw Moulin Rouge A LOT. I saw an array of different performers in all roles. I got to see a cover debut. Let’s jump into it. 
Zoe Birkett as Satine. When it was announced MR was coming over there was one name which stood out to me for Satine and that was Zoe. Getting to see her debut show as Satine. Wowzers. She blew my mind and then some. Like, I knew she’d be outstanding but I wasn't expecting her to surpass the high expectations I had. Flawless. When she came down on the swing in the first moment the audience sees Satine and the cheer which erupted from the audience. My soul was so happy. 
Tanisha Spring as Satine. The pocket rocket herself. The first time I saw her Satine she melted my heart straight away. Her smile lights up a space. Like I genuinely saw the theatre get brighter when she smiled. 
And Liisi LaFontaine, principal Satine. Devine. So strong and sassy. Heartfelt performance. 
I love love love that no matter when you go to the Rouge you will see a woman of colour as the Sparkling Diamond Satine. I was so lucky to see each of the above ladies many times and each of them are pure perfection. Their individual interpretations of the role were fantastic and it was like watching pure magic every time I saw the show. 
Adam Gillian as Christian. It was like someone had taken Christian out of my head and put him on that stage. Acting. Genius. Vocals. Perfection every time. Again I was lucky to see Adam many times in the role and he was outstanding every time. I was lucky to see him with the three phenomenal ladies I mentioned above as Satine, and Adam always took such good care of them in scenes together. 
The Elephant Love Medley was always one of my highlights for the show. Getting to see Adam and Tanisha’s performances from the Can Can seats in the summer was the perfect, perfect night. The whole show is visually a masterpiece for the eyes, so getting to see it all so close was such a joy. I took my friend Abbie, she hadn’t seen the show before and so got the ultimate experience on her visit to the Rouge. It’s a night I won’t forget. 
The entire company is made up of so many talented, talented people. 
Special mentions to Katie Ella Dunsden, Tasmin January, Jonathan Cordin and Craig Ryder who always stood out in the ensemble numbers when I went. 
Moulin Rouge is playing at the Piccadilly Theatre!
Mary Poppins (2022) 
I was lucky enough to attend a Tech Talk before the evening show of Mary Poppins one night. It was fantastic to learn all the ins and outs of the technical aspects, like learning how Mary flies over the audience at the end of the show but ssshhhh, that’s a trade secret so I ain’t telling! 😜 
The show itself was as brilliant as ever. It was also the debut performance of Monique Young as Mary Poppins and what a performance she delivered. Excellent acting and a gorgeous vocal. If I didn’t know it was her first show, I would have thought she’d done it for years. So seamless and I absolutely was a mess and bawled my eyes out when she flew over the audience at the end. 
Ed Fringe (2022)
Okay beans. Answer a question for me. 
Who’s more mad? Me for suggesting an Edinburgh Day Trip or Sarah for agreeing to it? 😜
Yep. You read correctly. We did a day trip fringe. Overnight coach up there. About 14/15 hours in Edinburgh and then the coach straight back. It was BONKERS but honestly such a fun day. It was great to see a couple of shows and to have a wander round the city, exploring our old haunts. Deffo be back for a proper trip again. But wanted to mention it nonetheless. 
Cursed Child Cast Change (2022) 
Cast Changes don’t get any easier. Even after all this time. So I made my way back to the Palace to see the company’s last show together and I could never pass up an opportunity to see James McGregor perform on stage again! Deffo got deja vu though seeing him in his last performance in the show again 😜 haha. 
Although I never got the opportunity to see James don the Scar and Glasses I wanted to give him a mention regardless. (MY BLOG. MY RULES! 🤪). 
My friend Lucinda saw his debut and has told me the confrontation scene was as epic as I thought it would be. I’m so happy he got to play Harry Potter and whilst I’m gutted I never got to see him take on the role, knowing that many, many people did get to balanced it out. 
Newsies (2022)
So that first preview of Newsies in London on November 29th wasn’t gonna happen without my bum being on a seat in that building. When tickets were released I was determined to score tickets for it. I was nervous I will admit, just because this show means so much to me. It’s one of my favourite musicals and I came across it at a difficult time in my life, and the musical has come into my life again at another difficult time. The music is iconic. That soundtrack has been on repeat in my house more times than I can count. Newsies did not disappoint. An outstanding company. Choreographically it’s insane but what a wonder to behold. The energy in the room was like NOTHING I have experienced before. The whole company looked like they were having the best time and feeding off the energy the audience were giving them. I cried three times during the whole show. Once at Carrying The Banner cos in my head my brain was screaming ‘HOLY FUCK YOU’RE SEEING NEWSIES’, once at Watch What Happens and once at the end of the show because my brain was then screaming ‘HOLY SHIT YOU’VE JUST WATCHED NEWSIES’.
Ryan as Davey, Bronté as Katherine, Josh as Race were three standouts in that first preview but the TALENT on that stage is limitless. The whole company are all stars and the Troubadour Theatre lights up so bright when the whole cast are on stage shining brightly. 
Bronté as Katherine is PER FEC TION. LITERALLY. Comic timing - flawless. Acting - on point. Vocal - outstanding. I did cry, like full on ugly cry, at her Watch What Happens (it’s also my favourite song too so no pressure there 😜🙊 hehe). I can’t thank her enough for her beautiful performance 💛
I also NEED to give a shout-out to the lovely Clarice Julianda on leading the Brooklyn lasses as Spot. All Fansies know that’s Tommy Bracco’s track and he’s a powerhouse but Clarice is equally as fierce, strong and a force to be reckoned with. The perfect person to take on the role of Spot in London for the show's premiere. Seeing the bit in the show where all the Newsies are cowering about who was gonna go and tell the Brooklyn Newsies made me giggle. REPRESENTATION MATTERS. GIRLS ARE A FORCE!! 
Newsies is playing a limited season until April 16th at the Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre. I can’t urge you enough to go and get tickets. Best. Night. Out. Ever. 
(What a last show of 2022 I got to experience!) 
So that pretty much wraps up this bumper edition of my Theatre for the past two years (ish. Haha).
For a year where I only got half a year of theatre in I think I did pretty well before business resumed the following year.
Before I sign off I do want to touch on the fact that for myself personally, it’s been a rollercoaster the past two years and I’m once again reminded of one of my favourite quotes which I’ll leave with you here. ‘Musical Theatre can save you, even if only for two or three hours at a time’. We all need saving sometimes and where better to escape everything than a theatre.
Thanks for reading, make sure to come back next year to see what I got up to and what theatre firsts I got to experience… (will deffo do better at uploading on NYE)
Until next time, cheerio! 
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sunaleisocial · 4 days
NASA’s Record-Breaking Laser Demo Completes Mission - NASA
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/nasas-record-breaking-laser-demo-completes-mission-nasa/
NASA’s Record-Breaking Laser Demo Completes Mission - NASA
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NASA’s TBIRD (TeraByte InfraRed Delivery) demonstration and its host spacecraft — the PTD-3 (Pathfinder Technology Demonstrator-3) — have completed their technology demonstration. The TBIRD payload spent the past two years breaking world records for the fastest satellite downlink from space using laser communications.
NASA’s PTD series leverages a common commercial spacecraft to provide a robust platform for effective testing of technologies with minimal redesign in between launches. After launch in May 2022 on the SpaceX Transporter 5 mission, the PTD-3 spacecraft entered low-Earth orbit and shortly after TBIRD began sending laser communications signals to an optical ground station in Table Mountain, California.
TBIRD’s two-year demonstration showcased the viability of laser communications. Most NASA missions rely on radio frequency communication systems, however, laser communications use infrared light and can pack significantly more data in a single communications link. This technology is ideal for science and exploration missions that need large data transmissions.
In 2023, TBIRD continuously broke its own records, reaching its peak in June when it transmitted 4.8 terabytes of error-free data — equivalent to about 2,400 hours of high-definition video — in five minutes at 200 gigabits per second in a single pass.
The TBIRD payload was one of many laser communications demonstrations. NASA’s SCaN (Space Communications and Navigation) program is maturing this technology to demonstrate the impact laser communications can have for bringing more science and exploration data home. The next demonstration will be on the Artemis II mission.
In addition to breaking a world record, this mission demonstrated cost-effective design and extremely low size, weight, and power requirements — both on the PTD-3 spacecraft and within the TBIRD payload. The tissue-box-sized payload contained two commercial telecommunication modems that the TBIRD team modified for the extreme environment of space.
The PTD-3/TBIRD system also overcame one of the major challenges associated with laser communications: making the narrow beam laser link connection while moving at orbital speeds while being buffeted by atmospheric drag. The PTD-3 spacecraft’s precision “body pointing” and stability enabled the TBIRD payload to make its record-breaking achievement while moving as fast as 17,000 mph through space. The spacecraft set a record for the highest accuracy pointing ever achieved by a NASA CubeSat without any moving mechanisms or propulsion systems.
The end of PTD-3 and TBIRD’s mission was expected. The system did not contain a propulsion system, meaning once it was deployed into its low Earth orbit, the mission could only last until its orbit naturally decayed.
While only planned to operate for six months, TBIRD carried out its demonstration for well over two years, enabling NASA to learn more about laser communications operations in low Earth orbit.
The lessons learned during TBIRD will be applied to future implementations of laser communications and minimize downlink constraints for mission designs enabling future exploration and discoveries.
All of the PTD-3/TBIRD accomplishments were made possible by collaborations across NASA centers and beyond. TBIRD was a collaborative effort among NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland; NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley; NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California; the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory in Lexington, Massachusetts; and Terran Orbital Corporation in Irvine, California. Funding and oversight for the TBIRD payload came from NASA’s SCaN (Space Communications and Navigation) program office within the Space Operations Mission Directorate at NASA Headquarters. The PTD-3 mission was managed and funded by the Small Spacecraft Technology program within NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate.
0 notes
Poly-4-hydroxybutyrate generated revenues of USD 91.78 million, and this figure is expected to rise to USD 154.78 million by 2030, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.75% from 2023 to 2030. Poly-4-hydroxybutyrate (P4HB) is a biodegradable, biocompatible thermoplastic polymer, garnering increasing attention due to its unique properties and wide range of applications, especially in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors. Derived from renewable resources, P4HB is a member of the polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) family, produced through microbial fermentation. The growing awareness of environmental sustainability, coupled with advancements in biotechnology, is driving the P4HB market toward significant growth.
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/poly-4-hydroxybutyrate-p4hb-market
Market Overview
The global P4HB market is poised for substantial expansion, primarily driven by its application in medical devices, sutures, tissue engineering, and drug delivery systems. As a biopolymer, P4HB offers exceptional flexibility, strength, and biocompatibility, making it ideal for use in medical implants and other healthcare products. The polymer’s ability to degrade naturally within the human body without eliciting an immune response has further solidified its position in the medical industry.
In 2023, the P4HB market was valued at approximately USD 100 million, with projections indicating a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of around 15% over the next five years. North America currently dominates the market, owing to its robust healthcare infrastructure, extensive research and development activities, and the presence of key industry players. However, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to witness the fastest growth, driven by rising healthcare expenditures, expanding medical tourism, and increasing awareness of biopolymers.
Key Drivers
1. Rising Demand for Biodegradable Polymers: With growing concerns over plastic waste and its environmental impact, there is a surging demand for biodegradable alternatives. P4HB, being a naturally occurring biopolymer, presents a viable solution to the global plastic pollution crisis. Its ability to degrade into non-toxic byproducts under natural conditions makes it an attractive option for various applications beyond healthcare, such as packaging and agriculture.
2. Advancements in Biotechnology: The production of P4HB through microbial fermentation has seen significant advancements, leading to improved yields and reduced production costs. Innovations in genetic engineering and metabolic pathway optimization have enabled the efficient production of P4HB at a commercial scale, making it more accessible for a broader range of applications.
3. Growing Healthcare Industry: The increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, aging populations, and the demand for advanced medical treatments are fueling the growth of the healthcare sector. P4HB's biocompatibility and versatility make it a preferred material for developing next-generation medical devices and implants, further propelling market growth.
Despite its promising potential, the P4HB market faces several challenges. The high production costs associated with microbial fermentation remain a significant barrier to widespread adoption. While advancements in biotechnology have reduced costs, P4HB still remains more expensive compared to conventional polymers, limiting its use in cost-sensitive industries.
Additionally, regulatory hurdles pose a challenge to the commercialization of P4HB-based products, particularly in the medical field. Stringent approval processes and varying regulatory standards across different regions can delay the introduction of new P4HB products to the market.
Market Segmentation
The P4HB market can be segmented based on application, end-use industry, and region.
- By Application: The market is categorized into medical devices, tissue engineering, drug delivery systems, and others. Medical devices hold the largest share, driven by the material’s biocompatibility and biodegradability.
- By End-Use Industry: The healthcare sector dominates the market, with significant demand for P4HB in surgical sutures, implants, and wound healing applications. The packaging and agriculture industries are emerging as potential growth areas for P4HB due to its biodegradable nature.
- By Region: North America leads the market, followed by Europe and Asia-Pacific. The Asia-Pacific region is anticipated to experience the highest growth rate due to increasing healthcare investments and a rising focus on sustainable materials.
Future Outlook
The future of the P4HB market looks promising, with continuous advancements in biotechnology and increasing environmental consciousness. As production processes become more cost-effective and regulatory pathways streamline, P4HB is expected to witness broader adoption across various industries. The ongoing research into new applications and the development of P4HB-based composites are likely to open up new avenues for market growth.
Key Players
Tepha Inc.
Fiberio Technology Corporation
PolyFerm Canada
Procter & Gamble
Market Segmentation
By Application
Medical Devices (Leading Application)
Tissue Engineering
Surgical Procedures
Other Healthcare Applications
Non-Medical Applications
By Type
High Molecular Weight P4HB
Low Molecular Weight P4HB
Blends and Composites
Customized Variants
By End-Users
Medical and Healthcare Industry
Biotechnology and Research
Pharmaceutical Industry
Packaging and Biodegradable Plastics
By Price Range
By Region
North America
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
South-east Asia
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Rest of Latin America
Middle East & Africa
GCC Countries
South Africa
Rest of Middle East and Africa
Browse the full report at https://www.credenceresearch.com/report/poly-4-hydroxybutyrate-p4hb-market
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jontheredrc · 2 months
Well, it's about that time again...and I think everyone came in yesterday, because it got really busy. But today's all rainy and 60 degrees F outside, and that's right about where it'll stay most of the day, per the forecast. Personally, I'd like that, I like cool weather, and rain is probably a bigger deal to my scooter(s) than to me. Oh, yeah, that! My new scooter arrived in the mail yesterday! Which is really, really weird, because I was told to expect it next week! I never got an email like "hey, update, your order's coming much much sooner" or even "oh, item delivered, did you get it, how'd you like it", which I could've sworn I usually get the latter. So again, I had trouble where it just got left with the neighbors. Now, they were kind enough to bring it over to my apartment, but I still would've vastly preferred that it was delivered to the proper place in the first place. Uh, which is on me a little bit, because I didn't leave the mud room unlocked and the interior front door locked, like I would have if I'd known it was coming. Why is it this difficult? I understand warehouse space is only so big, but...like, this attitude and this push toward "fastest possible delivery" is kind of awful and stupid and the wrong way to go about it. I would much rather have the opportunity to be handed a date input box that opens up a little calendar, and be able to pick which day the item is delivered, and know with almost complete certainty that that's the day to expect it. Maybe I'm just in a weird spot because I work all five weekdays, and I have a bit of a history with deliveries addressed to me being left in the wrong place and then subsequently stolen. But I would still prefer a dependable delivery date over a fastest possible delivery date...
Oh well, at least I get to use it today! Have a great day, everyone! Love you! Hopefully this means I'll have more energy about me later today, and during the weekend, and then we can hang out, or I can make progress on my personal website or something! 👋💕
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creativeera · 2 months
Vitamins Market is Anticipated to Witness High Growth Owing to Rising Health Consciousness Among Individuals
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The vitamins market consists of vitamin supplements in different forms such as capsules, tablets, powders, and gummies. Vitamins are essential micronutrients that support various metabolic functions in the human body. Growing awareness regarding the benefits of vitamins in maintaining overall health and wellness has been driving the demand for vitamin supplements.
The Vitamins Market size is valued at US$ 7.12 Bn in 2024 and is expected to reach US$ 10.84 Bn by 2031, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.2% from 2024 to 2031.
Key Takeaways Key players operating in the vitamins market are Adisseo France S.A.S , Archer Daniels Midland Co., BASF SE, CSPC Pharmaceuticals Group Limited, Lonza Group Ltd., North China Pharmaceuticals Corporation, Pharmavite LLC, and Zhejiang Hangzhou Xinfu Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Vitablend Nederland B.V, Farbest Brands. These key players are focusing on new product launches, mergers & acquisitions, and collaborations to expand their global reach. Some major opportunities in the market include rising health expenditures, growing demand for nutraceuticals and functional foods, and expansion in e-commerce. Geographically, North America dominates the global vitamins market. However, Asia Pacific is expected to witness the highest growth owing to growing middle-class population with increased spending on health and wellness products in China and India. Market drivers and restrain One of the major drivers for Vitamins Market Demand is the rising health consciousness among individuals. With growing awareness regarding nutrition and wellness, consumers are increasingly opting for vitamin supplements for maintaining overall health and immunity. This is expected to fuel the demand for vitamins over the forecast period. However, availability of counterfeit products in the market may restrain the growth of the vitamins market. The fake or low-quality vitamin products often contain toxic ingredients that can pose serious health risks. Stringent regulations introduced by governments worldwide to monitor the production and distribution of vitamins is one of the major challenges faced by market players. This leads to increased operating costs and dampens the profit margins. Segment Analysis Vitamin B complex sub segment dominates the vitamins market accounting for over 30% share. This is because vitamin B complex plays a key role in energy metabolism and is utilized in majority of nutritional supplements and functional foods globally. Vitamin B12 and Vitamin B1 sub segments collectively account for over half of vitamin B complex segment revenues. Regional Analysis North America captures around one third of global Vitamins Market Size and Trends revenues. This is attributed to high health and wellness awareness and growing demand for nutritional and dietary supplements in the US and Canada. Asia Pacific represents the fastest growing region in vitamins market during the forecast period owing to rising incomes, growing health awareness and expansion of end use industries such as food and beverages and pharmaceuticals in major countries like China and India. Global Analysis The vitamins market is consolidated in nature with top five players accounting for over 45% revenue share. The market is characterized by rising investments in research and development of advanced delivery systems and fortification of various food products with vitamins and minerals. Emerging economies of Asia Pacific and Middle East and Africa offer lucrative growth opportunities for market participants over the coming years.
Get more insights on Vitamins Market
Alice Mutum is a seasoned senior content editor at Coherent Market Insights, leveraging extensive expertise gained from her previous role as a content writer. With seven years in content development, Alice masterfully employs SEO best practices and cutting-edge digital marketing strategies to craft high-ranking, impactful content. As an editor, she meticulously ensures flawless grammar and punctuation, precise data accuracy, and perfect alignment with audience needs in every research report. Alice's dedication to excellence and her strategic approach to content make her an invaluable asset in the world of market insights.
(LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/alice-mutum-3b247b137 )
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Pen Needles Market worth $2.5 billion by 2028
Pen Needles Market in terms of revenue was estimated to be worth $1.6 Billion in 2023 and is poised to reach $2.5 Billion by 2028, growing at a CAGR of 9.1% from 2023 to 2028 according to a new report by MarketsandMarkets™.
The increasing healthcare expenditure on diabetes care, and mandates pertaining to safety pen needles are some factors that provide lucrative opportunities for key players in the market. However, reuse and misuse of pen injectors, and factors such as needles anxiety and preference of alternative modes of drug delivery, such as infusion pumps, are expected to restrain the market and pose significant challenges for market players.
Attractive opportunities Pen Needles Market
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"Discounts offered on the online purchases of pen needles to drive the growth of this segment"
Online purchase is the fastest growing segment of the pen needles market, by mode of purchase. The convenience of online purchases, and time-efficient drive the growth of this segment. Additionally, patients who need pen needles on a regular basis can even get subscriptions for a monthly supply, which further makes it more convenient.
The over-the counter purchase segment accounted for the largest share of the pen needles market by mode of purchase, in 2022. This is due to the large number of patients buying pen needles from local pharmacies without the need of a prescription. Additionally, distributors and suppliers provide discounts to hospitals and clinics on bulk purchases, which further contributes to the large share of this segment.
"Asia Pacific likely to emerge as the fastest-growing pen needles market, globally"
The pen needles market is segmented into five major regions, namely, North America, Europe, Asia Pacific (APAC), Latin America, and the Middle East and Africa. Asia Pacific attributes to the highest growth rate amongst the other regions. The emerging Asian countries, such as China, India, and Japan, are offering significant growth opportunities for market players. The expansion of healthcare infrastructure and increase in disposable incomes, increase incidences of diabetes are factors which are likely to support the growth of pen needles market in the region.
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Pen Needles Market Dynamics:
Rising incidence of chronic diseases
Favorable reimbursements in mature markets
Growing adoption of self-administration
Decreasing prices of insulin formulations
Alternative methods of drug delivery
Poor reimbursements in emerging markets
Needle anxiety
Growing preference for biosimilar drugs
High-growth potential of emerging economies
Rising healthcare expenditure on diabetes
Regulatory mandates for safety pen needles
Reuse of pen needles
Misuse of injection pens
Key Market Players of Pen Needles Industry:
The key players in the pen needles market B. Braun Melsungen AG (Germany), Embecta Corp. (US), and Novo Nordik A/S (Germany). These companies adopted strategies such as collaborations, partnerships, and investments to strengthen their presence in the market.
Recent Developments:
In February 2023, Montmed, Inc. (Canada) announced issuance of a second US Patent for Sitesmart Pen Needles.
In April 2022, Embecta Corp. (US) completed the spin-off from Becton, Dickinson and Company (US) and started operating globally as a standalone pure-play diabetes care company.
In February 2021, UltiMed, Inc. (US) launched UltiCare safety pen needles in two sizes, 5mm 30G and 8mm 30 G.
In January 2021, NHS (UK) chose Owen Mumford (UK) as the sole supplier of safety pen needles. With this partnership, Owen's pen needles will be used in all NHS Wales hospitals.
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Pen Needles Market Advantages:
Convenience: Pen needles are user-friendly and require minimal setup, making them a convenient option for self-administration of medications, particularly for individuals with diabetes.
Precision: These needles offer precise and consistent dosing, reducing the risk of medication errors and ensuring accurate delivery of treatment.
Pain Reduction: Many pen needles are designed with features like ultra-thin gauges and advanced injection mechanisms to minimize pain and discomfort during injections.
Portability: Pen needles are compact and easily portable, allowing individuals to carry them discreetly and administer injections anywhere, contributing to a more flexible lifestyle.
Reduced Fear: Their compact design and less intimidating appearance can help alleviate the fear associated with injections, especially in pediatric and needle-phobic patients.
Compatibility: Pen needles are compatible with a wide range of medications, making them versatile for various therapeutic needs beyond diabetes.
Smart Technology Integration: Many modern pen needles are equipped with smart features like dose memory, Bluetooth connectivity, and mobile apps for tracking and monitoring injections, enabling patients and healthcare providers to manage treatment more effectively.
Reduced Cross-Contamination Risk: Disposable pen needles reduce the risk of cross-contamination as they are designed for single use, promoting safety and hygiene.
Cost-Effective: The competitive market has driven prices down, making pen needles an affordable option for a broad patient demographic.
Improved Quality of Life: The advantages of pen needles, such as pain reduction, precision, and convenience, collectively contribute to an improved quality of life for individuals requiring injectable therapies, ultimately enhancing treatment adherence and overall well-being.
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