#Fitz mack
hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
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Agents of Shield text posts part 2!
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lands-of-fantasy · 9 months
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Remember when Agents of SHIELD had the team in a reality where everybody was Hydra so they remade the main poster for every season up to then to reflect that? Iconic.
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agentsofmarvel · 1 year
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 2 edition)
part two!!! [part one is on my page!]
- to show the difference of coulson as the director of shield instead of an agent, they specially tailored each suit, used expensive slim ties, and even tailored his collar to make it higher. they also only made five suits for clark to wear the entire season.
- the cast and crew loved simon kassianides as bakshi so much that they kept his character in the story much longer than planned. he ended up dying five episodes after he was originally supposed to.
- in the episode “Face to Face” where coulson and may are undercover at the party, they made may’s undercover personality based on ming-na wen’s actual personality. a lot of the scenes of may at the party hanging out were unscripted.
- the writers modeled coulson in season two after nick fury, as the new director of shield. the writers made his previous role as a high ranking agent protective of the younger agents more akin to may’s character.
- bobbi wears blue, black, and grey constantly to represent her comic book mockingbird suit. she wears red two twice: while undercover at hydra & when she’s in japan (where she’s pretending to still work for hydra) to show the contrast in her undercover persona and real self.
- the crew and writers modeled the ward family somewhat after the Kennedy’s…what.
- the episode where ward confronts his past is called “The Things We Bury” which is a play on words for a book called “The Things They Carried”, which is a book written about the Vietnam War from the point of view of a soldier (i’ve read the book for a class, it’s a true story).
- the cast (other than adrienne and henry) had no idea mack and bobbi were working for another shield until the episode for the script was sent.
- the day chloe found out that skye would be an inhuman was on the day in season one that an earthquake hit the set. SHE FOUND OUT SHE WOULD PLAY AN INHUMAN WITH QUAKE POWERS THE DAY AN EARTHQUAKE HIT!!
- chloe knew her character existed as a superhero in the comics since she got the role, but she didn’t know which one. at first she thought she could be she-hulk or even mantis but after researching comics she realized she was playing quake a few days before the writers told her she was quake.
- a camera typically films at 24 frames per second. in the scene where skye breaks out of the cocoon in the underground city in puerto rico, the scene was filmed at 1,500 frames per second.
- after trip’s death a lot of the cast thought he would come back again because they said it’s marvel and people come back from dying all the time.
- in the scene filmed on the football field in “One Of Us” it was actually 45° F, which was the record coldest day (at the time of filming) in Los Angeles since 1885.
- lincoln’s character was literally created to give skye a break. they literally realized she’s been through so much in one season that they wrote in a possible boyfriend to make her happy for once.
- one of the writer’s favorite scenes to write was the dinner scene between cal, jaiying, and skye.
- coulson was almost an inhuman. yep. the idea was brought up in the writers room but they decided against it because they liked the idea of coulson being the average man within the craziness that is shield.
this wraps up season two fun facts! i’ll probably post season three when i can!! i don’t really have any plans for the rest of the seasons though :)
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contemplativeeyes · 8 months
I'm doing an AoS rewatch, and I've missed them all so much!!! It just gets better with every watch. I always pick up something new. Plus: Mack and Elena learning each others' language after their first meeting. 😍 No chill Simmons being so thirsty for Fitz - I can. NOT. EVEN. 🤩 Ugly crying when Bobbi and Hunter leave all over again. I am up to season three, and I can't decide, so I will ask you all. What is your favourite season of AoS?
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momentofch-aos · 9 months
I may have said it before but todays m’s shield though of the day is…
Mack calling Alya “Tiny Turbo” and Daisy’s daughter “Tiny Tremors”
Oh he calls Daniel “chief” as his nickname too. Daniel likes it because it reminds of Rose, Jarvis and the SSR
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alannacouture · 1 year
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Sometimes I just like reminding myself that all of AoS is canon MCU 😊
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fitzfallen · 4 months
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“I am afraid I will love you forever and we will never be in the same room again." -Clementine von Radics
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amelia-mariee · 1 year
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cardelostudios · 11 months
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Marvel has already done a much better Secret Invasion TV series, and it's called Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
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Agents of shield is better than the MCU.
Someone discuss this with me.
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wordsmithcreations · 2 years
Hunter: Uh oh.
Fitz: What?
Hunter: I see an angry girlfriend heading our way.
Fitz: Yours or mine?
Hunter: Does it matter?
Fitz: If it's mine, there's a chance we'll live, but if it's yours, we're dead.
Fitz: *Gently taps table*
Deke: *Taps back*
Daisy: What are they doing?
Mack: Morse code.
Fitz: *Aggressively taps table*
Deke: *Slams hands down* YOU TAKE THAT BACK-
Deke: Clowns? What are clowns?
Daisy: *Shows Deke a picture of clowns from the internet*
Deke: Those are clowns? They're terrifying!
Fitz: You have no idea.
Fitz: I left instructions for everyone while I'm gone.
Deke: Mine just says “Deke no”
Fitz: I want you to apply it to every possible situation.
Fitz & Deke at the zoo.
Deke: What are they in for?
Fitz: Deke, this isn't a prison.
Deke: So they can leave?
Fitz: No, but-
Deke: *pointing at a monkey* I bet that one murdered someone.
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 1 year
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Agents of Shield text posts part 3!
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agentsofmarvel · 1 year
some of my favorite agents of shield fun facts (season 3 edition) (part 1!!)
season one & two fun facts are on my page!! this may be the last season i do though :)
- the little tagline they used in the writers room for season two was “what will i become?” to reference skye’s new powers and learning about her family, coulson’s new position as director, and other character changes. in season three the tagline became “what have i become?” showing the characters evolution into season three and onwards.
- many of the writers also said that the season focused on emotional balance between characters. it was focused on the emotional connection between may & andrew, daisy & lincoln, coulson & rosalind, and fitz & simmons.
- after being taken by the monolith at the end of season two, elizabeth got no confirmation that jemma was alive and she still had a job playing her until being brought back for season three months later.
- the writers were a bit unsure of mack’s character evolution after season two but when they saw henry simmons acting they immediately saw “leading man material” and began to discuss him as a possible director.
- they had a “skye jar” in the writers room when writing season three because everyone kept forgetting daisy and writing skye.
- apparently jed & maurissa’s newborn guest starred in the first episode [03x01] sometime during the opening scene with joey. i watched the episode on Disney+ and i couldn’t find her though, maybe y’all can! [the bts picture i found has her in a blue stroller, dm me for the pic if you want!]
- the inhuman lash is played by matthew willig, a former NFL offensive tackle. he was chosen because not only his huge stature but his previous acting work. he had to take 4 hours in the makeup chair daily for the role.
- the character rosalind price was created to give coulson a role other than “the surrogate father”. both the writers and clark wanted to give him a romantic role. however, when they talked about her to the costume department they described her as a “female coulson”.
- as skye was written as the “eyes of the audience” in season one and bobbi was the same for season two, the writers created the character of joey gutierrez as the eyes of the audience of season 3 with inhumans.
- the writers created the relationship between daisy introducing joey into shield/inhumans to mirror coulson introducing skye into shield back in season one.
- joey’s character was supposed to be a more permanent character in the following seasons but actor who plays him, juan pablo raba, had just booked another show and he couldn’t do both.
- according to the costume designers, they describe coulson’s season three look as his “bad ass civilian look”
i am working on more season three facts rn, but i wanted to post some now!! also i wanted to take this time to show my support for the writers currently on strike (some of which wrote the scenes we love in aos!), they ask so little for the amazing work they do and i hope they get what they deserve in the near future !!
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sammiknowss · 1 year
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Agents of ‘I’d die for you’
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May: Good responses to being stabbed with a knife?
Mack: Rude.
Simmons: That’s fair.
Fitz: Not again.
Daisy: Are you going to want this back?
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rudikawhy · 7 months
It's been two months and five days since I've started Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Today, I finished the very last episode. (I know I'm making this more dramatic than it is, but idc)
So, it's been a lot. So many good, great things, but also a lot of weird, disturbing things. Characters I loved all the way through (Hunter, Piper, Davis, Sousa, every Koenig (I think)); Characters I almost loved all the way through, except for a few episodes where they made some choices I didn't agree with or so (Fitz, Simmons, Bobbi, Coulson, Daisy, May, Deke, Enoch); Characters about whom I wouldn't say I loved them but I still liked them very much (Mack, YoYo, Trip, Mace, Flint); Characters who weren't exactly the good guys but still were somewhat likable to some extent (Ward, Radcliffe, Cal, Gordon, Jiaying, Sunil Bakshi, Robbie, Kora), and of course Characters who were written to be hated (The Malicks, Garrett, Whitehall, Lucy Bauer, Ellen Nadeer, Ivanov, Kassius, the Hales, Izel, Sybil) and everyone who I don't know in which category to put, or what to name their category.
I am so glad, that the phase in season five where I couldn't stand Daisy, was over as soon as season six started. I was surprised by how MUCH I loved her in season seven.
Season six was definitely my least favorite (and of what I've read I'm not the only one with that opinion). But I can't say it enough, how much I loved the parts in space of Piper, Davis, Daisy, and Jemma (and later only Daisy and Jemma) searching for Fitz and Enoch. I can't think of one single moment right now from that space part, that I didn't like. But I really hated Izel and this whole shrike thing, and Sarge and his team, so I was really glad when season seven started.
Because season seven started off just absolutely great! I already said that I loved their clothes. Sending Jemma in as Peggy Carter in the 50s was perfection. Daisy saying she already has a sister to save, her name is Jemma Simmons. May falling through the ceiling, punching Sybil and saying "The Cavalry". Fitzsimmons naming their daughter after a star. Piper's wish from Jemma being getting Davis back. The team meeting up (at least) once a year to catch up and not losing each other. All of that is perfection.
There is so much more I want to write about, but first, I can't put everything into words (right now), and second, this post would be way too long.
I am so glad that I started Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and I'm even more glad that I continued watching even though the first five episodes or so didn't convince me at all, and at first I only stayed because of the characters.
I am thankful for everyone involved, but especially those who decided that these wonderful actors would get the role they got, because honestly? I couldn't have asked for a cast that was more fitting.
I will start re-watch soon (at least in parts), because friends of mine started watching, but I have yet to convince them that it gets better than it currently is (they are in episode four).
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