#Fiona Bisset
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Birthdays 9.13
Beer Birthdays
Jan Léonardus Moortgat (1841)
Lorenzo Dabove (1952)
The Hamm's Bear (1952)
Fred Matt (1959)
Dan Gordon (1960)
Mrs. Brookston Beer Bulletin (1971)
Diane & Elaine Klimaszewski (a.k.a. "The Coors Light Twins;" 1971)
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Fiona Apple; rock singer (1977)
Peter Cetera; rock singer, bassist (1944)
David Clayton-Thomas; rock singer (1941)
Mike Grell; comic book artist, writer (1947)
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin; advice columnist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Sherwood Anderson; writer (1876)
Barbara Bain; actor (1931)
Jacqueline Bisset; actor (1944)
Don Bluth; animator (1937)
Charles Brown; blues singer, pianist (1922)
Jan Brueghel the Younger; Flemish artist (1601)
Nell Carter; actor (1944)
Claudette Colbert; actor (1903)
Roald Dahl; Welsh writer (1916)
Alain Ducasse; chef (1956)
Leonard Feather; jazz pianist, journalist (1914)
Girolamo Frescobaldi; composer (1583)
Anne Geddes; Australian photographer (1956)
Dick Haymes; singer (1918)
Milton Hershey; chocolatier (1857)
Robert Indiana; artist (1928)
Maurice Jarre; composer (1924)
Randy Jones; pop singer, Village People "cowboy" (1952)
Richard Kiel; actor (1939)
Frank Marshall; film director (1946)
Bill Monroe; bluegrass musician (1911)
Dave Mustaine; rock guitarist (1961)
Tyler Perry; actor, film director (1969)
John J. Pershing; army general (1860)
J.B. Priestly; English writer (1894)
Walter Reed; army surgeon (1851)
Arnold Schoenberg; composer (1874)
Clara Schumann; composer, pianist (1819)
Scooby-Doo; cartoon character (1969)
Jean Smart; actor (1951)
Mel Torme; jazz singer (1925)
Don Was; rock musician, record producer (1952)
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OC-tober 2020 Master Post
Hey y’all! I hope we all had a fantastic October and a delightfully spooky Halloween. I had a wonderful time participating in my first OC-tober, so thank you all for following along. Extra special thanks to @oc-growth-and-development for both writing the prompt list I used this year and sharing some of my posts! This was a ton of fun, and I highly recommend it to anyone who is even slightly interested in trying it!
By far my favorite prompt was Day 25: Flowers, I’m so pleased with how the phrasing turned out. Please go check it out if you get a chance!
Below is a link list to all the posts for this year. Now prepare yourself for my upcoming NaNoWrMo posts. Wish me luck, we’re on novel #9.
OC-tober 2020 Posts
Day 1: Sunrise
Day 2: Mercy
Day 3: Youth
Day 4: Ambush
Day 5: Beloved
Day 6: Luxury
Day 7: Cliff
Day 8: Festival
Day 9: Mentor
Day 10: Silence
Day 11: Craft (This one has art too!)
Day 12: Drip
Day 13: Grow
Day 14: Cornered
Day 15: Myth
Day 16: Hand
Day 17: Shelter
Day 18: Vintage
Day 19: Fruit
Day 20: Glow
Day 21: Laugh
Day 22: Alone
Day 23: Revenge
Day 24: Teeth
Day 25: Flowers
Day 26: Costume
Day 27: Midnight
Day 28: Treat
Day 29: Need
Day 30: Flight
Day 31: Reflection
#oc-tober#oc tober#oc#prompt list#masterpost#bloodredx writes#Bones#Lady Serena#Adamsa Frisay#Adamsa Priasi#Fiona Bisset#arthur kunyus#Willow#i'm sure there are others too lol#writers on tumblr
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Players and support staff wanted for Puddlemere United! The oldest team in the league, and having won 22 times, this team is some of the best. Coaches, chasers, publicist, this team collects only the stars and committed.
Carter Jenkins wanted for Gregory Goyle in a jilted fiancé plot. Juniper Crabbe likes to think she's moved on but is there more to the relationship than just an arrangement?
Group of pals from Los Angeles requested! A group of guys and gals, they were friends in the summer but not as close during the school year. "We'll always have the summer" vibes.
Adopted daughter looking for older brothers for chaotic family vibes. The two biological brothers have set the path of chaotic jobs that Fiona followed, often venturing away from the comfort zone. Korean FCs envisioned but up for changes.
Adopted siblings from France! The Bisset parents went adoption crazy and loved all their children. Looking for three more brothers, FC open!
Twin requested for a muggle brother! The link to the magical world, this oldest sister was always the responsible one, and the only magical one. Jewish FC and dragon related job preferred.
Half-siblings for the Zabini family. There have always been rumors about this family, whether the mother is a temptress for example. Open FCs with lots of crazy half-sibling vibes to go around.
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September 13 ♍ Famous Women Celebrities https://youtu.be/q6ygqYiq1rE 1944 Jacqueline Bisset #JacquelineBisset 1968 Emma Wiklund #EmmaWiklund 1970 Louise Lombard #LouiseLombard 1973 Mahima Chaudhry #MahimaChaudhry 1976 Puma Swede #PumaSwede 1977 Fiona Apple #FionaApple 1979 Geike Arnaert #GeikeArnaert 1981 Angelina Love #AngelinaLove 1987 Цветана Пиронкова #ЦветанаПиронкова 1990 Aoi Nakabeppu #AoiNakabeppu 1991 Ксения Афанасьева #КсенияАфанасьева 1993 Alice Merton #AliceMerton 1994 Leonor Andrade #LeonorAndrade 1996 Lili Reinhart #LiliReinhart
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The following characters have been inactive for 6+ days. Please contact the main* or post 3 replies in the next 48 hours. *I know the real world has been a lot recently so please contact me if you need more time or a hiatus.
Fiona Rowle ( @fiona-rowle )
Laurent Delacour ( @delucour )
Ariadne Rookwood-Zabini ( @rookswood )
Delphine Bisset ( @moonleds )
Edgar Bones ( @wizardgreat )
Gilderoy Lockhart ( @gildy )
Jonas Travers ( @jonastravers )
Alice Longbottom ( @alicethelongbottom )
Frank Longbottom ( @frnklongbottom )
Rita Skeeter ( @ofrita )
Orion Selwyn ( @orionselwyn )
Bellatrix Lestrange ( @adbellatrixs )
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#UnDíaComoHoy: 13 de septiembre en la historia
El 13 de septiembre es el día 256.º día del año. Quedan 108 días para finalizar el año. Te presentamos una lista de eventos importantes que ocurrieron un día como hoy 13 de septiembre.
-Hoy se conmemora el Día Internacional del Chocolate. Esta fecha fue instaurada en Francia en 1995 como homenaje a Roald Dahl, autor de la celebre “Charlie y la Fábrica de Chocolate”, quien nació un 13 de septiembre de 1916.
-122: en el norte de Inglaterra, los romanos comienzan la construcción del Muro de Adriano (hasta el año 132). El Muro o Muralla de Adriano es una antigua construcción defensiva de la isla de Britania, levantada por orden del emperador romano Adriano para defender el territorio britano sometido, al sur de la muralla, de las belicosas tribus de los pictos que se extendían más al norte del muro, en lo que llegaría a ser más tarde Escocia tras la invasión de los escotos provenientes de Irlanda. La muralla tenía como función también mantener la estabilidad económica y crear condiciones de paz en la provincia romana de Britannia al sur del muro, así como marcar físicamente la frontera del Imperio romano. Hoy día aún subsisten importantes tramos de la muralla, mientras que otras secciones han desaparecido al haber sido reutilizadas sus piedras en construcciones vecinas durante siglos.
-1503: en Italia, Miguel Ángel comienza su trabajo en la estatua de David. La escultura representa al Rey David bíblico en el momento previo a enfrentarse con Goliat, y fue acogida como un símbolo de la República de Florencia frente a la hegemonía de sus derrocados dirigentes, los Médici, y la amenaza de los estados adyacentes, especialmente los Estados Pontificios.
El David es una de las obras maestras del Renacimiento según la mayoría de los historiadores, y una de las esculturas más famosas del mundo. Actualmente se encuentra expuesta en la Galería de la Academia de Florencia, aunque hasta 1910 estuvo ubicada en la Plaza de la Señoría de la capital toscana; desde entonces en su lugar se erige una copia de la obra a tamaño real realizada también en mármol.
-1592: muere Michel De Montaigne, filósofo, escritor, humanista, moralista y político francés del Renacimiento, autor de los Ensayos, y creador del género literario conocido en la Edad Moderna como «ensayo».
-1766: nació Samuel Wilson, empresario estadounidense conocido por ser la fuente de la personificación del conocido Tío Sam. Durante la Guerra anglo-estadounidense, él era un empresario de mediana edad con un próspero negocio frigorífico en Troy. Firmó un contrato para suministrar a los militares estadounidenses, barriles llenos de carne, que eran sellados con las iniciales U.S. (United States). Los soldados pronto comenzaron a bromear con que las iniciales hacían referencia a Uncle Sam -Tío Sam en castellano-, la forma cariñosa con la que llamaban a su proveedor de carne: Samuel Wilson.
-1789: Nueva York se convierte en la capital de los Estados Unidos. Durante la Guerra de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos, la ciudad emergió como escenario de una serie de importantes batallas conocidas como «La campaña de Nueva York y Nueva Jersey». Finalizada la contienda, en Nueva York se reunió el Congreso Continental, y en 1789, el primer presidente de los Estados Unidos, George Washington, fue anunciado en el Federal Hall de Wall Street. Nueva York fue la capital de los Estados Unidos hasta el año siguiente.
-1922: a 55 km de Trípoli (Libia), se registra una temperatura de 57,7 °C (135,9 °F) a la sombra.
-1941: en Venezuela se funda el partido político Acción Democrática (AD).
-1944: en el marco de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, unidades militares soviéticas llegan a la frontera de Checoslovaquia.
-1944: nace Jacqueline Bisset, actriz británica. Conocida por por películas como Under the Volcano, Joan of Arc, Dancing on the Edge, Bullitt, The Deep, The Mephisto Waltz, entre otras.
-1944: nace Peter Cetera, cantante estadounidense (Chicago).
-1949: a ONU acuerda poner bajo su control a Jerusalén.
-1961: nace Dave Mustaine, guitarrista y cantante estadounidense de Megadeth. Sus antiguos compañeros de Metallica a semanas de grabar su primer disco “Kill’em All”, le habían expulsado y lo enviaron de regreso a casa en un viaje de 48 horas en autobús, durante el cual la ira que Mustaine llevaba dentro provocó que se acentuase la idea de iniciar su propia banda. Durante este viaje, Mustaine leyó en un panfleto político el término “megadeath” (megamuerte, unidad de medida equivalente a un millón de muertes humanas empleada en cálculos del ejército estadounidense) y de ahí vino el nombre de este exponente del thrash metal. En 2009 obtuvo el puesto 1 en el libro de Joel Mclver Los 100 mejores guitarristas de metal del mundo, y en el 2010 aceptó formar parte del cartel del “Big Four”, allí compartió con los grandes precursores del thrash: Slayer, Anthrax e hizo las paces con sus ex compañeros de Metallica.
-1975: en el Rijks Museum (Ámsterdam), un desequilibrado mental acuchilla al famoso cuadro de Rembrandt ‘La ronda de noche‘.
-1977: nace Fiona Apple, cantautora estadounidense. Su popularidad le vino por su álbum de debut publicado en 1996 llamado Tidal, especialmente con la canción, ganadora de un Grammy, “Criminal” y su video. Su música está influenciada por varios estilos que van desde el jazz más antiguo, la música pop hasta el rock alternativo.
-1985: en Japón, se lanza el Super Mario Bros. El pequeño plomero de gorra roja y gran bigote, famoso desde hace décadas y querido por varias generaciones de amantes a los juegos de video, ya es considerado un ícono de la cultura pop. Mario fue visto por primera vez en el juego Donkey Kong, pero fue llamado “Jumpman” (hombre saltador). El además era carpintero, no plomero. Mario fue llamado así por Mario Segale, el propietario de Nintendo en la oficina de Norteamérica.
-1993: en Washington DC se firma la Declaración de Principios para la autonomía de Gaza y Jericó; los líderes Isaac Rabin y Yasir Arafat se dan la mano.
-1994: en El Cairo (Egipto) la Conferencia sobre Población aprueba el programa demográfico de la ONU para 20 años.
La entrada #UnDíaComoHoy: 13 de septiembre en la historia aparece primero en culturizando.com | Alimenta tu Mente.
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Birthdays 9.13
Beer Birthdays
Jan Léonardus Moortgat (1841)
Lorenzo Dabove (1952)
The Hamm's Bear (1952)
Fred Matt (1959)
Dan Gordon (1960)
Mrs. Brookston Beer Bulletin (1971)
Diane & Elaine Klimaszewski (a.k.a. "The Coors Light Twins;" 1971)
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Fiona Apple; rock singer (1977)
Peter Cetera; rock singer, bassist (1944)
David Clayton-Thomas; rock singer (1941)
Mike Grell; comic book artist, writer (1947)
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin; advice columnist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Sherwood Anderson; writer (1876)
Barbara Bain; actor (1931)
Jacqueline Bisset; actor (1944)
Don Bluth; animator (1937)
Charles Brown; blues singer, pianist (1922)
Jan Brueghel the Younger; Flemish artist (1601)
Nell Carter; actor (1944)
Claudette Colbert; actor (1903)
Roald Dahl; Welsh writer (1916)
Alain Ducasse; chef (1956)
Leonard Feather; jazz pianist, journalist (1914)
Girolamo Frescobaldi; composer (1583)
Anne Geddes; Australian photographer (1956)
Dick Haymes; singer (1918)
Milton Hershey; chocolatier (1857)
Robert Indiana; artist (1928)
Maurice Jarre; composer (1924)
Randy Jones; pop singer, Village People "cowboy" (1952)
Richard Kiel; actor (1939)
Frank Marshall; film director (1946)
Bill Monroe; bluegrass musician (1911)
Dave Mustaine; rock guitarist (1961)
Tyler Perry; actor, film director (1969)
John J. Pershing; army general (1860)
J.B. Priestly; English writer (1894)
Walter Reed; army surgeon (1851)
Arnold Schoenberg; composer (1874)
Clara Schumann; composer, pianist (1819)
Scooby-Doo; cartoon character (1969)
Jean Smart; actor (1951)
Mel Torme; jazz singer (1925)
Don Was; rock musician, record producer (1952)
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Day 23: Revenge
Fiona picked at her fang with a finger, scouring from the tree tops for her mark. When she found that miserable hag that had left her for dead, she was done for. They weren’t human at all, like she first thought. No, she was just as dead, but didn’t wear the regalia of their kind. Didn’t she know it was proper manners to display fangs when vampires met? Fiona wondered why she couldn’t smell her either, was probably due to the damn perfume she had slapped on herself to try to lure in innocent people. Or it could have been the rush of the blood from her now stolen meal. Whatever the case, she was pissed off that she didn’t realize why until it was too late.
Staked and pinned to the ground by her stupid little sword. Upon the rising sun it burned away, much like she herself would have if she didn’t have the wherewithal to get somewhere safe. Fortunately there were many nooks and crannies to hide away from the sun in this little forest. However that little detail told Fiona all she needed to know about her attacker. If only she could have kept their blood weapon, it would have at least given her a scent to track. Curse the sun for a variety of reasons, but now she wouldn’t know where to begin looking. The forest was so big, and she bet she could run so fast. Uggh.
Fiona spit on the ground, desperately wracking her brain for any details. No wonder she didn’t want a new neighbor, it’d be hunting competition. But still, she stole her kill, her blood, and now wounded her oh so delicate pride. Oh, there’d be hell to pay, after all that was the least she could offer. She just needed to figure out how and when. And oh, it would taste so sweet, watching that tart of a woman suffer underneath the strength of her thumb.
Ah well, she had time to consider all the possible options. A properly thought out revenge took time, knowing the desires of your target, knowing how to throw everything they care about back in their face, the ultimate goal is to institute the sort of suffering that was irreversible, that they would never forget you or to never mess with you again.
Her focus regrouped on reality, due to the gentle crunch of snow falling under footsteps. Yes, she would have time to plot, for vampires had nothing but time. For the moment she had blood to recover, especially after it was wrongfully stolen from her. “Dinner time…” she licked her lips as she leapt from her perch at the opportune moment.
(OC-tober prompt list by @oc-growth-and-development can be found here)
#oc-tober#oc tober#Fiona Bisset#vampire#revenge#writers on tumblr#bloodredx writes#blood#violence#oc#oc-growth-and-development
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Day 29: Need
Oh how it all burned. Every fiber of his being was lit ablaze and it was hard for Icarus to maintain control himself. His hands pounded against the stone walls of the cell he was being kept in, desperately looking for any weak spot, any loose rock to wiggle free and find a route out of this mess. And what a mess it was.
Fiona got him good. Not only capturing him, but was it worth the effort to strap him down and slice him up with those bastards her blood calls knives. All the precious blood that leaked from his body, pooling on the ground and going to waste. His body desperately trying to heal itself, only to be torn open again once the cells had settled. His body screamed at the thought again, and desperation was beginning to take over from rational thoughts. Which was bad, so bad the fear was forcing his hands to move faster over the rocks.
But there was nothing he could find. This room was built to hold monsters after all. Beasts like him who deserved no pity. He should have just thrown himself into the sun the first day Lady Serena let him out on his own. He’d solve all their problems at once by not being around. He wouldn’t have to feel so disgusting anymore, like such a burden, a failure for not understanding his body or mind anymore. The Lady wouldn’t have to babysit him, she clearly hated the extra task. Probably hated him too for being so pathetic. He thought finding his actual sire would explain why he is this way, and boy he found her. Not the answers he needed though.
Fiona was nothing like him, like Lady Serena either. She was wild, almost mindless, just following whims and desires blindly. There was no planning, no thoughts of results or consequences. Just the wicked eyes and sick smile as she got what she wanted. And now he was more lost than ever, because nothing could explain that behavior to him. He wasn’t like that at all, was he? His strength left him, and he curled up on the floor.
He needed blood or death. His body was screaming that at him repeatedly. Begging for some vein of mercy. His throat tightened as his fangs split his lip from biting so hard, desperate for that slight pain to offer some distraction from the rest of this nightmare. Icarus screamed, his body no longer able to hold the tension anymore. The sharp sound echoed along the stones, pounding back into his ears to remind him how absolutely helpless he was.
Footsteps approached, the sharp clacking of a heel against stone. If she was coming back for more, he wasn’t about to go down without making his mark on her. No, he would make sure she knew he was done being a play thing, done being pathetic. Done being weak. A jingle of keys sorted between fingers filled his body with anticipation. The lock turned smoothly, and the door creaked on its hinges as it pulled open, releasing his fury like a shot.
Icarus rushed from his position, hissing like a beast at the figure in the door, biting down on the available limb. A sick, putrid taste coated his mouth, but he didn’t care. He just needed to stop her from doing anything else to him. He had to win this fight, no he needed to win. To win and get out of here, to claim his freedom and right his mind again. For the monster in his veins was in control now, and began clawing away at his target.
There was surprisingly little resistance as Icarus pushed the woman back against the wall of the corridor, slamming her hard. “You’re going to die here.” He hissed, slicing open his palm to try to summon one last blood knife. His veins lit again with frenzy in response, the handle of the blade easily settling in his grip, holding it stern against her throat. “You’ll regret everything you ever did to me.”
A strand of brown hair caught his vision, alerting him to the notion something was wrong. An icy whisper confirmed that fact. “What makes you think that I already don’t?”
The fog of rage thinned slightly, not completely dispelling, but enough to know the familiar smell of the Lady’s rose perfume. He sniffed over her like a desperate dog, looking for clues on how he got here. “You’re not Fiona.”
His hands loosened for a second, enough time for Lady Serena to grab them at the wrists, but not enough to steal his blood blade away. “No, I’m not. But that shouldn’t change your response. Do what you need to me, Icarus. You have more than enough reason to spread your rage.”
A monster’s philosophy spoke through her sad eyes, knowing that on some level she hadn’t done enough for him. That she was blaming herself for the situation he had found himself in. If only she was kinder, gentler, more understanding, things that were against her very nature, then this whole mess could have been avoided. If she was a better doctor, his changing could have been avoided entirely. Every potential change in fate loomed in her eyes, spinning into the ball of tangled threads that lead to this moment in time, sealing a tragic fate for at least one of them. This woman who did her best to take him under his wing when she could have left him to rot in the lonesome snow was willing to let him take out his aggression, should he need it. No, this wasn’t right. But it felt good. He ground his teeth as the silent argument swelled in his veins, rage and confusion tightening his grip on the handle of his blade.
Icarus pressed against the handle, breaking it back into blood, pulling what little fluid it had left back into his body. A slight cooling sensation rushed through him, easing the pressure a little. But he was still thirsty. He was still pissed. He was still miserable. He collapsed into Serena’s arms, who caught him reflexively. Her eyes stared at him, a shock painting her confusion and a note of hesitancy shook her arms. Awkwardly, she pulled him into a hug, doing her best to let him know it’d be alright. It offered little comfort, but somewhere in him, Icarus appreciated the gesture. It was the first time she’d even attempting something of the sort for him. And that was a start.
Serena brushed back his disheveled hair. “You need blood and you need to get out of here.”
He nodded weakly, allowing her to hang one of his arms over her shoulder. She pulled her platinum flask from her inner coat pocket, and handed it to him. “That’s all I have on me, but it should do for now.”
He took a sip of the cold crimson, desperately wishing for something warm and full of life, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. He drained it, handed it back to her, and pulled himself up enough to walk out of there with minimal help from the Lady. All thoughts on his sire and what happened could wait. Right now, he just needed to go home.
(OC-tober prompt list by @oc-growth-and-development can be found here)
#oc tober#oc-tober#Icarus Aryll#Fiona Bisset#Lady Serena#vampire#vampires#violence#self harm#blood#teeth#need#torture#oc#bloodredx writes#writers on tumblr
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Birthdays 9.13
Beer Birthdays
Jan Léonardus Moortgat (1841)
Lorenzo Dabove (1952)
The Hamm's Bear (1952)
Fred Matt (1959)
Dan Gordon (1960)
Mrs. Brookston Beer Bulletin (1971)
Diane & Elaine Klimaszewski (a.k.a. "The Coors Light Twins;" 1971)
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Fiona Apple; rock singer (1977)
Peter Cetera; rock singer, bassist (1944)
David Clayton-Thomas; rock singer (1941)
Mike Grell; comic book artist, writer (1947)
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin; advice columnist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Sherwood Anderson; writer (1876)
Barbara Bain; actor (1931)
Jacqueline Bisset; actor (1944)
Don Bluth; animator (1937)
Charles Brown; blues singer, pianist (1922)
Jan Brueghel the Younger; Flemish artist (1601)
Nell Carter; actor (1944)
Claudette Colbert; actor (1903)
Roald Dahl; Welsh writer (1916)
Alain Ducasse; chef (1956)
Leonard Feather; jazz pianist, journalist (1914)
Girolamo Frescobaldi; composer (1583)
Anne Geddes; Australian photographer (1956)
Dick Haymes; singer (1918)
Milton Hershey; chocolatier (1857)
Robert Indiana; artist (1928)
Maurice Jarre; composer (1924)
Randy Jones; pop singer, Village People "cowboy" (1952)
Richard Kiel; actor (1939)
Frank Marshall; film director (1946)
Bill Monroe; bluegrass musician (1911)
Dave Mustaine; rock guitarist (1961)
Tyler Perry; actor, film director (1969)
John J. Pershing; army general (1860)
J.B. Priestly; English writer (1894)
Walter Reed; army surgeon (1851)
Arnold Schoenberg; composer (1874)
Clara Schumann; composer, pianist (1819)
Scooby-Doo; cartoon character (1969)
Jean Smart; actor (1951)
Mel Torme; jazz singer (1925)
Don Was; rock musician, record producer (1952)
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Birthdays 9.13
Beer Birthdays
Jan Léonardus Moortgat (1841)
Lorenzo Dabove (1952)
The Hamm's Bear (1952)
Fred Matt (1959)
Dan Gordon (1960)
Mrs. Brookston Beer Bulletin (1971)
Diane & Elaine Klimaszewski (a.k.a. "The Coors Light Twins;" 1971)
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Fiona Apple; rock singer (1977)
Peter Cetera; rock singer, bassist (1944)
David Clayton-Thomas; rock singer (1941)
Mike Grell; comic book artist, writer (1947)
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin; advice columnist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Sherwood Anderson; writer (1876)
Barbara Bain; actor (1931)
Jacqueline Bisset; actor (1944)
Don Bluth; animator (1937)
Charles Brown; blues singer, pianist (1922)
Jan Brueghel the Younger; Flemish artist (1601)
Nell Carter; actor (1944)
Claudette Colbert; actor (1903)
Roald Dahl; Welsh writer (1916)
Alain Ducasse; chef (1956)
Leonard Feather; jazz pianist, journalist (1914)
Girolamo Frescobaldi; composer (1583)
Anne Geddes; Australian photographer (1956)
Dick Haymes; singer (1918)
Milton Hershey; chocolatier (1857)
Robert Indiana; artist (1928)
Maurice Jarre; composer (1924)
Randy Jones; pop singer, Village People "cowboy" (1952)
Richard Kiel; actor (1939)
Frank Marshall; film director (1946)
Bill Monroe; bluegrass musician (1911)
Dave Mustaine; rock guitarist (1961)
Tyler Perry; actor, film director (1969)
John J. Pershing; army general (1860)
J.B. Priestly; English writer (1894)
Walter Reed; army surgeon (1851)
Arnold Schoenberg; composer (1874)
Clara Schumann; composer, pianist (1819)
Scooby-Doo; cartoon character (1969)
Jean Smart; actor (1951)
Mel Torme; jazz singer (1925)
Don Was; rock musician, record producer (1952)
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Birthdays 9.13
Beer Birthdays
Jan Léonardus Moortgat (1841)
Lorenzo Dabove (1952)
The Hamm's Bear (1952)
Fred Matt (1959)
Dan Gordon (1960)
Mrs. Brookston Beer Bulletin (1971)
Diane & Elaine Klimaszewski (a.k.a. "The Coors Light Twins;" 1971)
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Fiona Apple; rock singer (1977)
Peter Cetera; rock singer, bassist (1944)
David Clayton-Thomas; rock singer (1941)
Mike Grell; comic book artist, writer (1947)
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin; advice columnist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Sherwood Anderson; writer (1876)
Barbara Bain; actor (1931)
Jacqueline Bisset; actor (1944)
Don Bluth; animator (1937)
Charles Brown; blues singer, pianist (1922)
Jan Brueghel the Younger; Flemish artist (1601)
Nell Carter; actor (1944)
Claudette Colbert; actor (1903)
Roald Dahl; Welsh writer (1916)
Alain Ducasse; chef (1956)
Leonard Feather; jazz pianist, journalist (1914)
Girolamo Frescobaldi; composer (1583)
Anne Geddes; Australian photographer (1956)
Dick Haymes; singer (1918)
Milton Hershey; chocolatier (1857)
Robert Indiana; artist (1928)
Maurice Jarre; composer (1924)
Randy Jones; pop singer, Village People "cowboy" (1952)
Richard Kiel; actor (1939)
Frank Marshall; film director (1946)
Bill Monroe; bluegrass musician (1911)
Dave Mustaine; rock guitarist (1961)
Tyler Perry; actor, film director (1969)
John J. Pershing; army general (1860)
J.B. Priestly; English writer (1894)
Walter Reed; army surgeon (1851)
Arnold Schoenberg; composer (1874)
Clara Schumann; composer, pianist (1819)
Scooby-Doo; cartoon character (1969)
Jean Smart; actor (1951)
Mel Torme; jazz singer (1925)
Don Was; rock musician, record producer (1952)
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Birthdays 9.13
Beer Birthdays
Lorenzo Dabove (1952)
The Hamm's Bear (1952)
Fred Matt (1959)
Dan Gordon (1960)
Mrs. Brookston Beer Bulletin (1971)
Diane & Elaine Klimaszewski (a.k.a. "The Coors Light Twins;" 1971)
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Fiona Apple; rock singer (1977)
Peter Cetera; rock singer, bassist (1944)
David Clayton-Thomas; rock singer (1941)
Mike Grell; comic book artist, writer (1947)
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin; advice columnist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Sherwood Anderson; writer (1876)
Barbara Bain; actor (1931)
Jacqueline Bisset; actor (1944)
Don Bluth; animator (1937)
Charles Brown; blues singer, pianist (1922)
Jan Brueghel the Younger; Flemish artist (1601)
Nell Carter; actor (1944)
Claudette Colbert; actor (1903)
Roald Dahl; Welsh writer (1916)
Alain Ducasse; chef (1956)
Leonard Feather; jazz pianist, journalist (1914)
Girolamo Frescobaldi; composer (1583)
Anne Geddes; Australian photographer (1956)
Dick Haymes; singer (1918)
Milton Hershey; chocolatier (1857)
Robert Indiana; artist (1928)
Maurice Jarre; composer (1924)
Randy Jones; pop singer, Village People "cowboy" (1952)
Richard Kiel; actor (1939)
Frank Marshall; film director (1946)
Bill Monroe; bluegrass musician (1911)
Dave Mustaine; rock guitarist (1961)
Tyler Perry; actor, film director (1969)
John J. Pershing; army general (1860)
J.B. Priestly; English writer (1894)
Walter Reed; army surgeon (1851)
Arnold Schoenberg; composer (1874)
Clara Schumann; composer, pianist (1819)
Scooby-Doo; cartoon character (1969)
Jean Smart; actor (1951)
Mel Torme; jazz singer (1925)
Don Was; rock musician, record producer (1952)
0 notes
Birthdays 9.13
Beer Birthdays
Lorenzo Dabove (1952)
The Hamm's Bear (1952)
Fred Matt (1959)
Dan Gordon (1960)
Mrs. Brookston Beer Bulletin (1971)
Diane & Elaine Klimaszewski (a.k.a. "The Coors Light Twins;" 1971)
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Fiona Apple; rock singer (1977)
Peter Cetera; rock singer, bassist (1944)
David Clayton-Thomas; rock singer (1941)
Mike Grell; comic book artist, writer (1947)
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin; advice columnist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Sherwood Anderson; writer (1876)
Barbara Bain; actor (1931)
Jacqueline Bisset; actor (1944)
Don Bluth; animator (1937)
Charles Brown; blues singer, pianist (1922)
Jan Brueghel the Younger; Flemish artist (1601)
Nell Carter; actor (1944)
Claudette Colbert; actor (1903)
Roald Dahl; Welsh writer (1916)
Alain Ducasse; chef (1956)
Leonard Feather; jazz pianist, journalist (1914)
Girolamo Frescobaldi; composer (1583)
Anne Geddes; Australian photographer (1956)
Dick Haymes; singer (1918)
Milton Hershey; chocolatier (1857)
Robert Indiana; artist (1928)
Maurice Jarre; composer (1924)
Randy Jones; pop singer, Village People "cowboy" (1952)
Richard Kiel; actor (1939)
Frank Marshall; film director (1946)
Bill Monroe; bluegrass musician (1911)
Dave Mustaine; rock guitarist (1961)
Tyler Perry; actor, film director (1969)
John J. Pershing; army general (1860)
J.B. Priestly; English writer (1894)
Walter Reed; army surgeon (1851)
Arnold Schoenberg; composer (1874)
Clara Schumann; composer, pianist (1819)
Scooby-Doo; cartoon character (1969)
Jean Smart; actor (1951)
Mel Torme; jazz singer (1925)
Don Was; rock musician, record producer (1952)
0 notes
Birthdays 9.13
Beer Birthdays
Lorenzo Dabove (1952)
The Hamm's Bear (1952)
Fred Matt (1959)
Dan Gordon (1960)
Mrs. Brookston Beer Bulletin (1971)
Diane & Elaine Klimaszewski (a.k.a. "The Coors Light Twins;" 1971)
Mikkel Borg Bjergsø (1975)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Fiona Apple; rock singer (1977)
Peter Cetera; rock singer, bassist (1944)
David Clayton-Thomas; rock singer (1941)
Mike Grell; comic book artist, writer (1947)
Judith "Miss Manners" Martin; advice columnist (1938)
Famous Birthdays
Sherwood Anderson; writer (1876)
Barbara Bain; actor (1931)
Jacqueline Bisset; actor (1944)
Don Bluth; animator (1937)
Charles Brown; blues singer, pianist (1922)
Jan Brueghel the Younger; Flemish artist (1601)
Nell Carter; actor (1944)
Claudette Colbert; actor (1903)
Roald Dahl; Welsh writer (1916)
Alain Ducasse; chef (1956)
Leonard Feather; jazz pianist, journalist (1914)
Girolamo Frescobaldi; composer (1583)
Anne Geddes; Australian photographer (1956)
Dick Haymes; singer (1918)
Milton Hershey; chocolatier (1857)
Robert Indiana; artist (1928)
Maurice Jarre; composer (1924)
Randy Jones; pop singer, Village People "cowboy" (1952)
Richard Kiel; actor (1939)
Frank Marshall; film director (1946)
Bill Monroe; bluegrass musician (1911)
Dave Mustaine; rock guitarist (1961)
Tyler Perry; actor, film director (1969)
John J. Pershing; army general (1860)
J.B. Priestly; English writer (1894)
Walter Reed; army surgeon (1851)
Arnold Schoenberg; composer (1874)
Clara Schumann; composer, pianist (1819)
Scooby-Doo; cartoon character (1969)
Jean Smart; actor (1951)
Mel Torme; jazz singer (1925)
Don Was; rock musician, record producer (1952)
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