#FUCK. yeah d isn't the person that got me into hq or anything but he is connected to several of my hq related memories
cryolyst ยท 4 months
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fukuokadivision1 ยท 1 month
MIHANASA Drama Track 1 - Contrast Isn't a Sin
Pt. 4
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โ€” Chuohku Building, Fukuoka Division โ€”
[Ever since Chuohku usurped power from the former government, it was hard to find a place anywhere in Japan where they didn't have some sort of testament to their power. Even a city as poor and chaotic as Fukuoka was not exempt from that rule. It was because of this that it came as no surprise that Chuohku had an HQ there. Surrounded by a bunch of skyscrapers and buildings that were either abandoned or no longer in use, it looked entirely out of place as the glass and metal on the building shined brightly in the sun.]
[While almost all of Fukuoka was bad, almost all of the city's residents avoided this part of the city like it was the plague. Not only because it was run by Chuohku, but looking at it filled many of the city's residents with envy and hatred. It was as if it was mocking them and the city itself by looking so "brand new". More than 50% of the people in the city did not have good home conditions, and seeing something like that whilst heading to work or just passing by, well, suffice to say, it would make even the most optimistic person frown.]
[As stated, if they could help it, many of the city's residents always avoided this part of Fukuoka. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for three of the city's residents who, after waking up early, were forced to make the long trek across town to the building in order to complete their registration for the Division Rap Battle. Chuohku had only given them a week to register, and the clock was slowly winding down until the last day had come. Upon arriving, the three people stood outside the building, looking at it.]
Tasuku: *Looks around* Tch, I really hate coming to this part of town.
Ming: *Frowns at her brother* Just be grateful you don't have to live in this part of town. Others aren't so fortunate.
Tasuku: Oh please. Even if it's not ideal, there are plenty of other places in this city a person could live if they wanted. *Points to the Chuohku building* If given the choice between living on the streets or living in close proximity to this fucking eyesore, I'd choose the streets every time.
Ming: *Still frowning* Well, maybe you would, Brother. But not everyone is as fortunate as you and I are. They have bills to pay and mouths to feed. I'm pretty sure if given the option, everyone would want to live somewhere other than here. But they can't.
Tasuku: *Frowns at Ming* Careful now, sis. You're getting dangerously close to the 'This is their fate/destiny' talk that our dear sweet father used to always give us.
Ming: *Scowls* That is not what I meant, and you know it.
Tasuku: Hey, I'm just...
Sanyu: Hey!! *Gets both siblings' attentions* Can you guys just... please not right now?
[Looking at their friend, the siblings' noticed that she was visibly shaken and scared. This wasn't really surprising considering that they were in the vicinity of a Chuohku building. And although she was no longer under their thumb, the memories and nightmares of what Sanyu suffered under Chuohku still haunted her to this very day. She had been dreading this day for the past week. And now that it was here, it's no surprise that she was visibly traumatized.]
Ming: *Looks ashamed of herself* Sorry, Sanyu.
Tasuku: *Looks away* Y-yeah, my bad.
Sanyu: *Is still shaken* I-I d-d-don't think I can do this, you guys...
Tasuku: *Puts his hand on Sanyu's shoulder, which helps to stop her shaking* Hey, you know we got your back on this, right? You don't have to worry about doing it by yourself.
Ming: *Places her hand on Sanyu's other shoulder* He's right. We'll be right beside you. We won't let anything happen to you. We promise.
[Hearing her friends' words seemed to calm the former lab rat down, though she was still scared.]
Sanyu: T-thanks, you guys.
Tasuku: *Smiles* No prob. *Sighs and then looks at the building* Whelp, shall we go get this over with?
Sanyu: *Nods* A-alright. ...Just promise to s-stay beside me, please.
Ming: *Nods, smiling* Of course.
[Taking a deep breathe whilst grasping her friends' hands, the former lab rat stepped through the threshold and into the Chuohku building. As the three young people stepped inside, they were immediately hit by a blast of cool air, which caused goosebumps to appear on Sanyu's skin, more out of fear than being cold. Truthfully, both Kawanoe siblings understood their friend's trepidation.]
[The air, though it was cleaner than outside, was thick with the scent of polished metal and unwavering authority. It was as if it was saying that everything in this building was controlled by Chuohku, including the people inside; that event meant you. Even if you didn't work with them, your lives, as far as both you and they were concerned, were theirs. And there was nothing that you or anyone else could do about it. The feeling didn't exactly feel the Fukuoka team with ease.]
[Looking around, the three of them looked as a young woman wearing a Chuohku uniform, minus the cap, was sitting behind a desk, typing away, a bored expression on her face. Walking up to the desk, the woman looked up at the three individuals, a slight surprise on her face that soon faded after getting a good look at them. It was obvious she was judging the three based on their appearance, and based on how they looked, it was obvious that none of them belonged in this part of town.]
Receptionist: Can I help you?
Tasuku: Yeah, we're here to register for the Division Rap Battle.
Receptionist: *Cocks an eyebrow, looking at the three of them* ...You three are?
Tasuku: *Frowns* Yeah, we three are. Got a problem with that?
Ming: *Frowns* Tasuku!
[Frowning at the one-eyed young man for his rude attitude, the receptionist, nonetheless, began tapping away at her keyboard with mechanical precision.]
Receptionist: *Looks at the trio again* Your names, as well as your MC names, please?
Tasuku: *Cocks an eyebrow, confused* MC Names?
Receptionist: *Sighs, annoyed* Yes, all participants of the Division Rap Battle must have an MC name that they wish to go by.
[At this news, all three members of the Fukuoka team's eyes grew wide, as they hadn't considered that.]
Tasuku: Uhh... hold that thought.
[Stepping away from the desk and the receptionist, who rolled her eyes before resuming what she was previously doing before the trio walked in, Tasuku pulled both Ming and Sanyu back to him as they huddled up.]
Tasuku: *Whispering* We never did figure out what we were gonna call ourselves, right?
Ming: *Whispers back* No, we didn't. For that matter, I don't think we even chose a team name.
Tasuku: Crap. Any ideas?
[After spending about five minutes conversing and thinking, the trio finally broke out of their huddle before returning to the receptionist, who looked both relieved and annoyed that they had returned.]
Tasuku: Okay, we're ready now!
[Rolling her eyes, the receptionist turned back to her computer, before looking up at the trio, once again.]
Receptionist: Your names and MC names, please?
Tasuku: Yeah, the name's Tasuku Kawanoe. And you can call me, "Katame".
[At the young man's MC name, the receptionist raised an eyebrow, as if asking 'what does that mean'?]
Tasuku: *Points to his eyepatch* It stands for 'one-eye'.
[Shaking her head, as if saying that she didn't really care, the woman methodically began typing on her computer. When she was done, she looked at the next person.]
Ming: Ming Kawanoe. And my MC name is... "Miss Ming".
[Again, the receptionist began typing on her keyboard.]
Tasuku: *Whispers* Isn't that what your students call you at school?
Ming: *Nods* Yes, which is partly the reason I chose it.
Sanyu: And the other reason?
Ming: *Smiles and points to her missing limb* It sounds like the word 'missing'.
[At her explanation, both of the teacher's aide's teammates gave an 'Ohh', as if understanding. They looked as the receptionist then looked at the final member of the team, Sanyu.]
Sanyu: Oh, umm... S-Sanyu Inouye. ...And, um... I'm, uhh... "MC Rogue".
[Again, the receptionist went back to typing the final participant's name in her computer.]
Ming: *Leans over and whispers* Why 'rogue'?
Tasuku: *Grins* Cause it's your favorite RPG class, right?
Sanyu: *Smiles sadly and shakes her head 'no'* That's just a coincidence. Truthfully, it's cause... well, I've always liked the word.
Ming: How come?
Sanyu: *Still sadly smiling* Cause... one of the meanings of it is 'to start behaving in a way that is not expected or normal.' And... if you guys know me, I really don't like that word.
Ming: *Hugs Sanyu* You don't have to be 'normal' around us, Sanyu. Just be yourself.
Tasuku: *Nods* Yeah. Sides, who wants to be 'normal' anyway?
Sanyu: *Smiles* Thanks guys.
Receptionist: *Looks up at the trio again* And your team name, please?
Sanyu: Yes, we'd like to be called... "MIHANASA". It means... "forsaken".
[Once more, the receptionist raised an eyebrow, but simply shrugged and typed in the word.]
Tasuku: *Whispers* Good idea to name us after our homeless group, by the way.
Sanyu: *Whispers back* I figured what better way to draw attention to the people here in Fukuoka than taking what we are and announcing it to the world.
Tasuku: Hey, you'll get no arguments from me in that regard.
[After several minutes of waiting, the receptionist finished and then reached into her desk drawer, pulling out a series of papers and putting it on the desk.]
Receptionist: Your registration is now complete. These are the guidelines, rules, as well as the dates for your rap battles, as well as others here for Fukuoka.
Tasuku: *Looks at all of the papers with a frown* Sheesh, excessive much?
Receptionist: *Ignores Tasuku*Your first battle is one week from now. Good luck, and welcome to the Division Rap Battle.
[With her explanation apparently finished, the receptionist went back to work on her computer, paying the trio no further attention. Having no further business, the teammates looked at each other before Sanyu took the papers still on the desk and walked out of the building.]
Tasuku: *Outside the building* Sheesh, someone needs to re-take "Customer Service: 101".
Ming: *Frowns* No offense, but you didn't exactly help with your attitude.
Tasuku: *Shrugs* Meh, when it comes to Chuohku, I strive to be as rude as I can be.
Ming: *Sighs* That doesn't exactly help.
Sanyu: *Wraps her arms around herself* ...Can we please go now? I don't want to spend anymore time in this place.
Tasuku: *Nods* Yeah, I'm eager to be out of this place too.
Ming: *Points to the papers in Sanyu's hands* And we should head home and go over that schedule to find out who exactly who it is we're facing next week.
[With no further business in this part of their town, the three Fukuoka members began the long trek back to familiar territory, which was their home on the other side of town to read over the guidelines presented and study the schedule to find out who their opponents would be. It was going to be a long tournament...]
Several weeks later...
โ€” Kawanoe Apartment โ€”
[It had been about three weeks since the trio known as MIHANASA had registered for the Division Rap Battle. During that time, they had managed to advance all the way to the semi-finals of the Fukuoka Division tournament to determine which team would represent this division. Although they, at first, weren't fully invested in the tournament, with each victory they racked up, their morale and the belief that they could be the ones to represent their city, steadily increased.]
[Although they weren't so foolish as to believe that they may win the entire tournament, they still held onto hope that they would do so well that Chuohku would leave them be. This was a pipe dream, at best, but what good are dreams if you can't imagine them?]
[Currently, the trio were seated in their living room, going over the schedule and battle plan. Although, as stated, they were all high off their recent victories, they knew that now was not the time to be complicit. After all, the team they were facing had made it this far too.]
Ming: *Looking at the list* So... from the looks of it, we've one more team to face before we advance to the final round.
Sanyu: *Also looking at the list* Who is the team that made it to the final round?
Ming: A group known as... *Looking hard at the list* ..."OverDrive".
Tasuku: "OverDrive?" *Crosses his arms, thinking hard* I think I've heard of them. *Counts off on his fingers* They're made up of that butler, that popular idol everyone's been talking about, and that dance instructor you asked to come to your class once, right Sis?
Ming: *Nods* Yes, Mai-san. The students really liked them.
Sanyu: Well, if they've made it to the final round that obviously means they've got the mic skills to back it up.
Tasuku: Yeah, but so do we. *Smirks* I mean, we've had a pretty good run so far.
Sanyu: *Smiles* Yeah, that's true. I mean, I still don't like how we've been forced into this, but... I think we've a pretty good shot to go far.
Tasuku: Exactly! And if we're lucky, we may be able to win this whole thing!
Ming: *Frowns* Let's not get too ahead of ourselves there, Brother. We're only one group out of a hundred or so, and some of them have a far better shot than we do.
Tasuku: *Shrugs* Hey, a guy can dream, can't he?
Ming: Well try to save the dreaming for later, please. *Looks down at the list* Besides, we shouldn't make any plans just yet. We still have one more team to face before we move onto the final round.
Sanyu: *Looks at the list* Who is the next team we're facing?
Ming: Some group called... "The High Rollers".
Tasuku: "High Rollers?" *Cocks an eyebrow* Pretentious, much?
Sanyu: *Frowns* Like you have any room to talk about being 'pretentious'.
Tasuku: I'm not pretentious! Just honest.
Ming: If you say so.
[As the trio were busy discussing their opponents and making plans, they were all alerted by a series of furious raps on the front door of their apartment.]
Ming: *Standing up* Who could that be?
Sanyu: *Suddenly worried* If it's another package from Chuohku, do not accept it.
Tasuku: *Scoffs, also standing up* Knowing those bitches, I wouldn't put it past them to send us another one.
[Walking to the entrance, Tasuku, with Sanyu and Ming behind him, looked at the front door, which separated their humble abode from the outside world.]
Tasuku: *Scowling, reaching for the door handle* I'm serious, this better not be another package from those guys.
[Opening the door, one-eyed man looked outside, a scowl still on his face. However, his scowl soon turned to surprise and then shock.]
Tasuku: *Shocked* Wha... what the hell are you doing here?!
Ming: *Poking her head out* Who is it, Tasuku?
[Ming's face soon turned to surprise as well. Because the person on the other side of the door was none other than...]
Tasuku: *Scowls* ...Hatanaka.
Hatanaka: *Smirks* Well, well, if it isn't my former employee and his little friends.
[Poking her head out, as well, Sanyu looked at the fat, balding man, smoking a cigar with a confused look on his face before looking up at Ming.]
Sanyu: *Whispers* Who is this?
Ming: *Whispers* Tasuku's old boss. The one who ran that casino he used to work for.
[Realization appeared on Sanyu's face, as she took another look at the greasy, gross and repugnant man, who took another puff of his cigar. A frown appeared on her face as she felt sick just looking at this guy.]
Hatanaka: *Looks at the trio's apartment* So, this is where you rest your head, huh Tasuku? How... chic.
Tasuku: *Still scowling, folding his arms, his voice filled with sarcasm* Well sorry to disappoint you "boss", but not all of us have the luxury of being able to live in the nice part of Fukuoka.
Hatanaka: *Scoffs* You're telling me. How you all can even live like this is beyond me.
[At this, both Sanyu and Ming felt themselves quickly growing annoyed at Hatanaka's attitude. Was their living conditions the greatest? Of course not. But they did their best to make it work, regardless of what anyone else said. As dirty as it was, at least they all had a place to call 'home'. Most didn't have such good fortune.]
Tasuku: *Still scowling* Let's skip the small talk, Hatanaka. I've worked for you for too long to know you didn't come all the way here just to complain about my house.
Hatanaka: *Scowls* I see you still haven't fixed that nasty habit of running off at your mouth since I fired you.
Tasuku: And I see smoking all those cigars hasn't done much to improve your memory. Or did you forget that you didn't fire me? I quit.
[Suddenly, realization appeared on Tasuku's face before it returned to a scowl directed at his former boss.]
Tasuku: Ohh, now I see. Is that why you came all the way here? To ask me to come back to working for you? You realized just how much money you were losing now that I'm no longer there, huh?
Hatanaka: *Frowns* Like I told you before, kid, do not get a fat head. Whatever skills you think you might have, they can easily be taught to some other schmo out on the streets. You are not special, no matter how you'd like to think that you are.
Tasuku: *Rolls eyes* Whatever. So, if you're not here to ask me back, then I'll ask again: what do you want?
Hatanaka: Simple. *Points to the MIHANASA team* You three are facing the team of the High Rollers in the semi-finals in a few days, right?
Tasuku: *Cocks an eyebrow, not liking where this was going* Yeah, what of it?
Hatanaka: I'll cut right to the chase. *Takes a puff from his cigar, blowing out the smoke* ...I want you all to forfeit that match.
To be continued...
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