#FR Lair Reviews
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slightlydensedragons · 2 years ago
Pay What You Want Flight Rising Lair Reviews~
I haven't done these in so long, so I know people have new dragons and would love to show them off! It also helps me pay for the genes I need for these new Aethers that have shown up in my caves, eating my plants.
There is a minimum cap of 5k treasure, mostly because I don't want to do these for free.
Send your payment and lairs to me in a private message and I'll post the link to the post here on Tumblr!
At least 3-5 dragons will be reviewed, and I'll be picking lore based, fan-dragons, whatever looks really cool to me!
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offcular-fr · 2 years ago
ya boi had (1) drink and took another home so, tipsy lair reviews ??? gimme a link and ill pick out me faves
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ringleaderising · 4 months ago
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"What do you mean you lost him?" "I mean he was right there behind me and then he wasn't anymore, Sow! Means exactly what I said! I lost 'im!" "well you best find him or I swear to the Eleven, that Lady of the Graves is going to have to dig her champion a real nice hole."
Well. looks like Runt's gone wandering. If you've got the presence of mind to let him hang out for a bit, I'm sure his observations will be... poignant and intelligent. Or at least, accompanied by a kind of shoddy crayon drawing by a child- at the very least, he can probably get a few trips in before Pig sniffs him out!
Pay what you Want lair reviews from Pig's son Runt!
I'll take 5 to start with, and some might come with cute little doodles by Runt himself! no specifications on how many dragons will be included, but please tell me if any tabs might be off limits! please reply to/reblog this post to claim a spot, then send your payment via a pm/crossroads on FR!
HarpyArtisan (Mephistopheles#41876)
avalonianrising (Avalonian #11466)
Clanraire (Raire#24178)
Dire-Vulture (PheeltheMoment#266940)
Clan-Sunsharp (Pinnithin#68300)
And check back on the original post to see if these are open/still going!
SLOTS FULL! Might do more after I finish them!
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deer-rising · 4 months ago
my lair is 357677 :] I put whatever wherever for the most part lol
I too am a big fan of Whatever Wherever :) Organising dragons on the Vibes I pick Raidou!
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Hes a CLASSIC black n purple n Bones but its a classic for a reason cause it Looks Good! I like his outfit I think its a very nice 'demon summoner'. Scrolling down his bio I see he is actually a fandragon for a game series I've never played but you did a good job imo! Also I love his little cat perched on his hat :) Cute! Runners Up - Muerte (even SPOOKIER BONES!), Smoochie (kitty cat 😭 smooches her), Spookie (got soooo many fwiends :)
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cerillosvillage · 5 months ago
Lair review stream from two weeks ago is now on Youtube!
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pumpkin-bread · 1 year ago
Non-Tipsy Lair review for Pudgykookaburra!
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Let's start with Marigold here! A beautiful gen one who really is perfectly tied together with her runes. They add wonderful highlights to the accent, making her overall look like a dark, glittering pond.
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It's rare to see Malevolent Spirit out in the wild nowadays! Xidachane wears it perfectly, tied in with his eyes, clawtips, beads, and herb satchel. A very simple-looking, but well thought out outfit.
Took a sec to be emotional over Cedar. Aah god
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GOD I LOVE HAYFEVER. No explanation needed, like, just LOOK AT HER. She's going to whip you up into an aromatic intoxicating dust devil of pollen. You're not making it out
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Diomia's colours make her look like a very, very old penny. I really like that, and I like the tones you played up with her whole outfit. What a lovely birthday dragon!
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I love Lemon Ice Bias Tape and I still think you made a great decision when you aether'd him up. His accent is just too pretty. Wonderful fella.
I love Terracotta Punchbowl so much too but I try not to pick dragons you bought from meee. You did such great work with her tho
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Another rare and sublime UM. Ianthe looks wonderful, and the apparel you added goes so well. Especially the claws and candles.
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It's hard to guess that a mix of such bright colours could produce something so dark and sludgy-feeling. A+ work on him. The dusky rose fabric really ties in well, as well.
I love browsing through your lairrr. I saw so many of my lore kids as I went and it always makes me smile.
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ferberus-ceberus · 2 years ago
Are lair reviews still a thing? I’ve been working on my lore for the last few days and when I’m finished I’d love to have someone read it aha
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acelien-fr · 5 months ago
Anyone on fr tumblr doing lair reviews?
Could really use a pick me up rn akdjajdh
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the-gayest-show · 8 months ago
Sofia The First Review/Thoughts (I watched the prequel movie and 8 episodes of season 1)
Started watching Sofia the First yesterday (I don't really know what compelled me) but it's pretty good actually??? Like... I thought I would regret starting it bc I'm not 5 and I'm certainly was never a girlie girl (hence why I probably never started it when I was 5) so I thought I'd be not interested but it's nice actually??
Other than the admittedly weird/jarring animation (not saying it's bad it just confuses me because sometimes the way the characters are drawn make it seem like 3D animation trying to be 2D but it also doesn't?) the show is good!
It's also a musical which surprised me a lot tbh, and the songs are actually certified bangers who is singing these. I've watched like 8 episodes and genuinely found 99% of the songs to be catchy af?
Sofia's singing voice is a bit annoying (to me, in my personal opinion) if you hear it often (eg. binging episodes like I have) but it's alright and boy are the songs good for a show like this
Also, inevitably, let's talk about Cedric. Unsurprisingly, I assume he's probably been popular in whatever fandom this show has (confirmed by a mere glance at the StF Tumblr tag). He's built like a twink, seems to have canonical daddy issues... set up to be the fan favorite fr fr. Also he's clumsy as hell which is so relatable He just... has his parents on the wall of his lair sorcerer's room thingy. Like his parents are so fucking weird like his dad is literally the best sorcerer ever and his mom is just... supportive? of ANYTHING he does? he could be plotting to take over a castle and bro is like "you go boy!"??? There's an entire scene where the dad is the angel on his shoulders and his mother is the devil. I got a good laugh out of that for sure LMFAO
On another topic, Sofia has an interesting family. So basically her mom and her married into royalty because the mom gave the king some cool shoes or something? epic I guess? And then the king has two children and now they're her step siblings which is cool I guess. Amber's kind of a bitch though tbh but James is kinda cool? How do you raise 2 completely different children in the same home. What was their bio mom like.
On the other hand, what happened to Sofia's bio dad? mmm burning questions that will probably never be touched by canon by beloved <3
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slightlydensedragons · 2 years ago
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A very humbling review for the one TangeloJack and their lair of misfits. And what an interesting bunch of dragons are holed up in their wonderful territory of Anfang. You'll find some great lore here, and some wonderful characters as well!
First on the list is Sirona. I read through her lore and man, that was a satisfying read. Starting out with such a disease that no doubt would be such a toll to experience, and to be ultimately manipulated in such a manner, I am glad her life changed for the better. Her design is fantastic and I know she does her job fantastically.
Humboldt, the crafty and elusive one. Just reading his brief lore, he is instantly a charming and alluring dragon, if only there was more to his story. But good ones take time and I look forward to seeing what unfolds for this misty and had to catch dragon. His appearance alone just begs for attention that's unwanted in itself. Definitely caught my eye, for better or worse who knows.
There's just something about the way Merlot appears, that just charms the pants off me. I don't have a lot of spirals in my own lair, but the colours he has certainly make me want to have more of them. (If only they weren't such a risk to my poor insect stores.) Perhaps his artistry vibe drew me closer, or the appearance in general, I have a fondness for Merlot that can't accurately be described but I love him and hold him dear.
I was honestly expecting something fantastic and entertaining to read when I looked upon Vanyel's profile. And what I was met with, I cannot describe it. It is utterly fantastic and I encourage everyone to witness the marvel that it is. So expertly crafted it makes my own lore look unappealing-- all that joking aside, Vanyel is here for the bio alone and just that they have the pure gremlin energy you would expect from a small dragon.
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chicoryblue · 1 year ago
Thank you for the lovely comment :) Also, hard agree on antique - one of the best colors hands down. Would you mind me putting your comment in zir bio?
Hey folks, I've started my off season job that has a lot of downtime so if you want to drop a link to your lair I'll go and tell you who my favorite is and why.
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sentimental-bottlesnake · 1 year ago
me, the most forgetful person in the world, forgetting something? Couldn't be! Anyway very overdue lair review for @korppipoika-fr x.x So sorry thank you for your patience
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Look at this dog. I love this dog. Say it with me; you love this dog. I like that you actually went with a pretty bold neck/wing choice as it's easy to fall back on the standard dark or to match it with the midnight coloration of the accent. The tapir is almost a continuation of the neck smoke. Excellent dog.
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Is that another good dog? Maybe. Probably. Look at THIS DOG. Real talk this skin is chef's kiss. Love the simple use of apparel to pull the skin further out of the screen. He's in the woods all alone tho with no one to pet him. Someone should def go give this dog a pet.
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Now what is Charm? Is she the hedgehog? Or maybe one of the chimkins? Or is she just a cloud of smoke and aura?? Love when people use the Invisibility Cloak to make something fun/silly/spooky instead :D
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Unfortunately I love him. Even if the moodboard with Padme's death lake dress has me giving you the side eye a bit. Blue and gold is SO underrated as far as color combos go but its perf.
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Waht's this? Yet anothER GOOD DOG!!?!? You have so many good dogs in your lair how am I supposed to only pick one??? Love seeing an Autopilot skin out in the wild. Love her little hedgehog friend there too uwu
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I love this skincent sm I love seeing it used. When I dressed it I went 'wildfire spirit' and you also went with a smokey smoldering fire motif. Love that. Like a forest fire after a rain and the ground is still smoking.
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semistsuga · 9 months ago
Lair review for @cinder229/Cinderrain on FR!
I've got to start with Annachie, not lease because of the PHENOMENAL familiar match!
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I LOVE blues and browns, and this is such a perfect example of it! Stunning, stunning dragon, and the genes make the match perfect. I wouldn't have expected to like the shadow tert here, but it really works!
Next is Brenebon!
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This is fantastic apparel!!! It gives such a great sense of personality, absolutely gorgeous colors, and a great match for the dragon itself, it really makes the tert feel more integrated with the rest of the dragon. What a gorgeous spiral!!!
For a very different aesthetic, Auxin!
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WHOA. Perfect accent!!! Gorgeous dragon!!!!!! I absolutely adore everything about her.
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Vim is another stunner! Beautiful use of the apparel, and I love the light/dark contrast a ton. Gorgeous work!
Last but definitely not least, Karcsi!
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THOSE EYES! Perfect dragon for the primal eyes, gorgeous dragon, and again masterful use of the accent!!! What an absolutely stunning dragon!
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concealed-ashes · 1 year ago
Soooo I wanted to do this for my birthday but didn’t quite have the funds/organization prepared in time. So in leu of that;
I’m looking to buy some Lair Reviews!
I’ll be paying 5-7.5kt for each review left as a comment on my profile depending on length
And between 15-20kt for longer reviews dm’d to me!
I’d love if FR tumblr could spread this around and reblog for me! 🤍🩶🖤
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cerillosvillage · 6 months ago
Lair Review Stream October 3rd, 18:00 FR Time
I'll be doing a lair review live stream in a couple of days! To sign up for a review, please see this forum post:
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pumpkin-bread · 1 year ago
Non-Tipsy Lair Review for OrderedChaos!
Yea this is late, thanks again for being understanding!
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My eyes just lightning zoomed over to Urania here. Moon/Pistachio/Pistachio g1? SUPERB. To die for. This is also the first time I think I'v seen that UM, Eclipse Weaver. She comes off as someone very special indeed.
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And then I see Altinak with his white/robin/robin. Oh my GOODNESS your dragons are just winning. His accent and apparel blend flawlessly into his colours. Just A+. As with Urania, I'd love to learn more about him.
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And now let's pop back to the very beginning to feature your lovely progen, Maelor. I love seeing an accomplished old magician who only grew more talented as time went on, and that it shows in his sparkly UM! Just lovely.
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Such well-loved progens. I just find their backstory so sweet; falling in love in a traveling troupe and leaving to start a life - and whole new clan - together. Good for Zia and Maelor up above. Sometimes I wish I made my progens nicer people, lmfao
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I'm always a sucker for pretty and/or cool snappers. Pele encompasses both. Love that skin. I accidentally picked a dragon without a bio again, whoops. Whatever. She caught my eye! She's lovely!
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I love Myca's vivid, carnival-esque colours and balanced apparel. She's eye-catching and enchanting. I also enjoy the cat collection in her bio.
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Well god damn look at that utterly smouldering Gainstrive art Karrin here has. Chef hand emoji. You captured the art's personality well with his accent/apparel (or maybe vice versa idk). Luxurious.
Nice 2Ls btw
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Oh, another beautiful g1! I didn't even notice until I moused over him - I was once again enchanted by one of your kickass outfits. You even balanced out magenta perfectly, and that's not easy. Great art, again!
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What a beautiful and graceful-looking lady. A guiding star amidst the false galaxies of the Strand, huh? I love it. I also really adore the mix of dangling apparel on her tail.
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Another KILLER outfit. I'd always wanted to like mulberry back in the old days and flaunt/flair made my dreams come true. It works especially well with Astrarium here. The accent and censer are just perfect.
You have a really wonderful lair! It was a joy to look at, I just wish I could read more about your dragons!
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