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gothwarlocks · 4 years
❤ Love headcanons for Lev?
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❤ love headcanons ❤
When they discover they’ve got a crush: If it's someone he's known a while, Lev's kind of bad at realizing his feelings are deeper than, "this is my friend and I love them as a friend." This is especially because he's already playful and physically affectionate with platonic friends. If it's a stranger he'd only recently met and there's chemistry of some kind, he's quick to pick up on his own feelings since the attraction is most likely physical at first. Hard (hahaha) to miss that kind of feeling, y'know?
How they confess/hint: Definitely depends on the person he's pursuing. There'd be more levity and less barriers. Lev likes to jokingly sit in others' laps, so someone he's interested in will often find him nestled in their's, arms wrapped behind their neck (what a clown). He'll pick up their tab or offer a ride home, hoping to build up to a more intimate conversation where he could possibly confess. He does like being straightforward, though, so once he knows he's in the clear, Lev will find the right time to confess and sort out where he and the other person stand.
Big gestures of love: Being wherever he's needed at the drop of a hat, willing to stop anything he's doing to see his partner. Willing to lend money or his skills/labor and expect nothing in return, regardless of the repercussions. It's a given, but hurting or killing people that upset his partner. He will go to war for someone he really loves.
Little gestures of love: Picking up the tab, lingering hugs and cheek kisses, buying/cooking them a meal, offering to walk with or drive them around, generally being there for them whenever they need small favors or just someone to be around if they're feeling scared or sad.
How to win their heart: Showing the same passion for radical change and direct action as he does. Taking care of Lev when he is down on his luck. Defending him, physically or otherwise.
How to break their heart: Not being open to new food or overall being picky. Being judgmental of his habits or interests. Leading him on or cheating on him (he takes that sort of thing very hard). Being embarrassed by his behavior.
Tiny little turn-ons: Blushing from/laughing at his jokes. Thinking he's funny. Clowning on him in retaliation. Overall "GET A ROOM!" behavior lol.
Big turn-ons: Being stronger than him, emotionally or physically (but especially physically). Being as obviously into him as he is to them. Being told he is loved and cared about. Long-term promises. Resting a hand on the nape of his neck or pulling him closer by his waist. Lev wears spiked or o-ring collars when he feels like it, so if someone were to teasingly tug on those...
Things that make their heart flutter: Public displays, like dedicating a toast to him or announcing to win a competitive thing in his honor. Standing shoulder-to-shoulder with him in the face of danger.
Their type: "Dominant" men would be a generalized answer. Lev doesn't really have a type so much as he just is attracted to men that mesh well with his own life and personality. He respects a lot of diverse qualities in people so really, just shoot your shot and see what happens. But being physically stronger than him is always an advantage, since Lev's usually one of the tougher people in his circles. Sometimes it's nice to be in the arms of a man that can bench press your weight lol.
Ideal date: Something urban and at night. Going to a concert, hitting up local cantinas, getting a late dinner at some 24-hour spot. Something impromptu, like getting matching tattoos at a shop a friend recommended the night before. Ideally, it might end with watching a holo-film back at someone's place, and whatever else is up to the other person's wishes. Lev actually likes a bit of normalcy in his dates, but he's not opposed to arson, vandalism, and a dose of chaos on a date!
Past relationships: A couple of women back on Coruscant from his teen years, when he was still unsure of himself. They're swell people and though they drifted apart, Lev is still on good terms with the both of them. Several men across the galaxy (Coruscant, Nar Shaddaa, Rishi, Mek-sha...), most of which dumped him. No one particularly memorable, though.
How they might affect current relationships: Lev'rani's still fairly sensitive to rejection. The couple of times he really liked his partners, they ended up leaving him for his faults (or their own, but he still blames himself). He could become anxious about fucking up a good thing he has going with a partner, so talking him down from those types of spirals is to be expected.
‘Goals’ in a relationship (marriage, kids, a house, etc): Lev'rani doesn't project as many hopes onto relationships as most people do, I think. He wants companionship above all else. He's very much of the mindset that if you have each other, very little else matters. Plus, he likes being mobile and not settling into traditional roles. His partner better like living in starships and apartments, because he generally just bounces from one place to another to evade authorities. Lev would also be thrilled if his partner would like to raise an anooba together!
Any other love headcanons: No thoughts head gay.
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