panda-of-the-trash · 1 year
*cracks knuckles* LESDO THIS
@largefound @flooffydergen @thatidiotutartist @kraiaddax @skeletal-panther @italic-does-random-shit @tundra116 @still-got-no-idea @wishtale-blogs @inka-boi
So hi pirate fam, i'm panda and i'm gonna make a family thingy for halloween! (if y'all want that of course)
Could all of you send me your sona and what you'd like to be for ahlloween! (again if y'all want NO PRESSURE)
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azurith2 · 1 year
My response to Bons post
So I made a "side blog" to make sure this gets seen, it seems to have been removed from their post that I reblogged.
There is a lot to unpack here, first off the incident with your server, I've already admit to multiple times that I was in the middle of a mental break down when the incident with Hades happened. That it was my fault, I spoke more at length about this with "my best friend" because we talked more, but I was actively suicidal. I apologized to both you and her.
"Blaming you" for my server falling apart, I never said a word to you about it until you came on my server complaining about someone making a server from your server and all the activity on yours dying, and then I pointed out that's what you did on my server. You specifically have a rule about not making new servers from your server now because of this. And I more blamed it on the death of our VA project.
I did the night the server was made go to mu friend because I was having a panic attack associating it with the shit Hickory did. *Beacsue we were friends* I never asked them to delete the server or not continue with the project.
Nothing I ever said was meant as a guilt trip to you, I remember specifically telling you that you'd done nothing wrong.
Now as for me joining yours, I never really wanted to, but did anyway because I didn't want to disappoint my friend. They put a lot of pressure on me, and after I snapped I was clearer with my feelings, Something they said they wanted.
Even later tho when they tried to blame themselves for the incident I took 100% responsibility. I did have some bad medication, and it had me really screwed up mentally and physically. I communicated all of this to both of you. Also I don't ever remember asking for Lee to be kicked, I'll go back over our dms and make sure, but I specifically remember venting to them because they were an owner and my friend. I may be wrong tho I was not myself during that time and actively suicidal (said friend actually asked me what my plan was tho, so that was nice)
Yeah my behavior on your server was shit, that's part of why I never attempted to go back even after I got my medication straight. I've already apologized to you both over the incident I'm not sure what else you want from me there. If you still had issue with me after that you could have come to me instead of pulling this
The incident with Hickory, no it was another not proud moment of mine, she had me so on edge I was afraid to talk on my own server, this is the time period my friend and I started talking more in DMs. Yeah I blew up, but I'd found I'd been lied to, and had people going behind my back, purposely keeping secrets from me. and again I'd apologized for my explosive reaction. Hickory did a lot of damage but I at first didn't talk about her at all. I never attempted to "turn everyone against her" we had a night where we mutually vented about the situation. I didn’t go out warning people away from her, she was gone and I just wanted to move on. It's nothing like what you're attempting to do to me now. And like you noted, I tried to reach out to her to talk things out, before things got bad.
As for your issues with me and joining in on HC discussions on the server, I was sharing my opinions just the same as you guys were. I never silenced anyone, I could have just kicked people I disagreed with. in fact one incident got out of hand because I didn't want to just kick them. If me disagreeing with your head.canon is enough to make you not want to use it, then I'm sorry but maybe you put to much stock into my opinion. That was one of the issues I had with Hickory, she sought me out as a source of validation and I couldn't be that for her.
As for the incident of running someone off the server, again yes I argued with them, but Hickory is the one that was super aggressive. I should have acted sooner and removed her as a mod but I didn't because she had me afraid. But ultimately the person ran off had devolved into personal attacks rather than debating the characters merit and that was major no no.
Its also part of the reason I removed you as a mod, which by the way I was hesitant to do anyway, because you were a minor, but our friend talked me into it. I didn't want a repeat of regretting how things went with Hickory.
As for the incident with Jamil and Kalim’s recolor, I made that comment, because they seemed to be going for more Canon accurate not just looking to make them darker for dark skin Arab rep. Because that card was ridiculous.
As for the comment about the weird HC with 500, I never specifically said what it was. and it was in comparison to the like 20 notes my friend had gotten on a gorgeous peice of artwork. I also was trash talking the memes I made that got a lot of notes. I think you're really trying hard here with that one.
As for my thoughts of trans Cater, there was a reason I never wrote it, I admitted it was a bad idea. I wasn't Trans and couldn't represent it properly. And I wasn't adding trauma, the stuff with his sisters is written into his character.
As for my thoughts on race swapping in general, my argument was that it wasn’t right to yell at someone who may draw say Leona a little lighter because they identify with him, and wanted him to look more like them, and yet turn around and race sawp another character. I personally also prefer characters as the races they are presented in game, but expressed that was a personal preference. My major issue was the ",It's okay when I do it, but not when they do it" mentality.
As for the Vampire thing I'm very confused, there wasn't much of anything said after the earlier raid, and when you left. I never called anyone a vampire (and why would I use that degotory I like vampires, I made Cater one?) and I would never dismiss someone's fight with cancer. Cancer sucks, I've lost a lot of people in my life to it.
I think that was most of the major points, and again I don't know why you let any of this go on so long rather than talking with me. You never said a word about how you felt, when I'd been honest with mine.
Addon: Being upset about the Riddles mom is Cater’s doctor thing is so weird. I said that cuz I'd made their mother's friends because rich and powerful women, had nothing to do with them being in the same country. You forget *mirror travel* exists .
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snnydcysarch · 9 months
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respond to the following prompts out of character. then, tag nine others that you would like to get to know a little bit better.
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--- MUSE NAME ;; sonny munroe
--- PREFERRED COMMUNICATIONS / discord or tumblr messages for out of character chat? ;; discord for mutuals just cause i never get my tumblr ims
--- EXPERIENCE / how long you’ve roleplayed ;; ah shit... i want to say since like.... 2012??? i was a baby and should have not been here kjbrgskjgbrekg
--- PREFERRED ROLEPLAY TYPE / fluff, smut, or angst? ;; yes
plagiarism. whether it be a character or a plot idea, don't steal from anybody. people work hard on their characters and plots. i understand not many plots can be considered original, but everyone comes up with their own twists. stop stealing.
white washing. as a poc person, i have dealt with a lot of racism both irl and on tumblr. it was to a point i took two years off of this hellsite. so do not change a poc character into a white one. we've been erased as it is. and if you struggle trying to match a character to its race, do not feel afraid to ask someone for help on it. there are also websites that show you an fc's ethnicity as well.
not knowing where the line is between mun and muse. they are two completely different things.
god modding. for the love of all that is chuck, do not control what anyone else's character does!! we all control our own characters and that's how it should be. this also means doing something crazy that someone else may not approve of so if you want to do something, ask first.
force ship, simple as that
anon hate. seriously, that kind of negativity should never be welcomed nor encouraged. we all come here to escape as it is so just let everyone have fun writing.
people acting better than others. i'm sorry but no one is superior over anyone else.
lack of communication. we're all grown adults here. if there's a problem, just communicate.
trash talking someone's portrayal. realistically, we all interpret canon characters differently than others and that is okay. no one's version is right or wrong. no one is the "chanel/walmart" version.
shit stirrers. people don't get along sometimes, it happens. but don't be someone who fuels the fire between two people when all they wanted was to clear the air and talk.
rushing people to reply and shaming them when they don't reply fast enough. everyone has real lives and can't always get to it. now a simple nudge to let someone know they replied maybe weeks later just in case they missed it is fine. but if you're going to put pressure on people? stop.
using mental health as an excuse to be a shitty person. many people here suffer with different kinds of disorders and that is no one's fault. but that does not mean it's a pass to be a horrible person. you choose how to treat people around you. you choose whether or not to be a good person.
i can go on and on, but we don't have time for that so here is the rest of the list on the top of my head: self victimizing, ignoring triggers, trying to control your rp partners, bullying, not understanding that rping is a hobby and not a jobby, lack of respect for female characters both canon and oc, ect.
--- PLOTS OR MEMES? ;; yes
--- LONG REPLIES OR SHORT REPLIES? ;; it actually depends on my mood and on the thread. i love long replies cause there's more to work with. but short replies are fun for crack energy.
--- BEST TIME TO WRITE? ;; when my muse is strong kjhbsrekjgbkb
--- ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE? ;; i would say a little bit! just like sonny, i do everything i can to make people happy, even if it means wearing myself out. i also find myself being treated poorly by people i am close with irl just like sonny and her castmates. clumsy? oh absolutely. but also like sonny, i'm not afraid to stand up for myself and my friends. sonny is a lot friendlier than me tho krebgksrjebg
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STOLEN FROM : @vitaegratis
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kortsitron · 3 years
Dating Genji Shimada
First of all, sorry for being dead. Just so you know, I didn't decide stop writing or anything like that, lately my motivation was shit even tho I had some idea what I should write about. And last two week been pretty stressful for me. Changing the subject, I'm adding Overwatch to my masterlist. Don't be surprised if now it's gonna be more ow than marvel, cuz I'm playing this game a lot and I' obsessed with Genji and I main him even tho I'm still learning how to play him. (Just like Brigitte says "Practice makes perfect") I hope you're going to enjoy after not getting anything from me! ^^' 💖💖💖
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✧ Genji is a romantic guy, you should definitely expect him to give you gifts for no occasion or taking you out for dates
✧ He's very cuddly, so on day when both you don't have to go to work, he won't let you leave bed too early
✧ Kitchen is his place, he loves to cook and he's absolute master at it! Got any requests? Just get him the ingredients he needs and he'll make you your favorite dish! 
✧ Of course Genji enjoys cooking with you, byt he still prefers do it on his own 
✧ And after preparing a meal, romantic dinner is a must! Especially when you're coming back from work and tired, dinner made by boyfriend is the thing you need
✧ Very important thing - Genji will not let you touch his weapons. Not because he doesn't like them being touched, (of course he hates when strangers try to touch them) but he's just afraid you would hurt yourself, na matter if you know how to use weapons or not
✧ Get ready for listening for a lot stories. About his youth, Overwatch, Blackwatch, travels and everything before he met you. He just really wants you to know him fully, because he doesn't want to hide who he was then and who he is now
✧ He won't admit it, but he absolutely loves when you kiss his visor. You'll always get a giggle from him for doing so
✧ Sometimes he has bad days, because of everything that happened to him and all he needs is you, so hug him, tell him you love him and be with him when he needs you to
✧ Of course, he will be with you whenever need him. He's also willing to leave alone if you tell him to, Genji won't pressure anything. He knows that if want to talk about something, you'll come to him
✧ After spending a lot of time with his master, Zenyatta, Genji learned how important is communication. He does his best to show you how necessary it is to talk. Trust me, talking with him about your relationship or just in general will make your relationship great
✧ If you ever wanted to have some late night conversations, Genji's perfect for it. He's not getting tired easily, because he's cyborg and he just absolutely spending night like this
✧ Does Genji ever get jealous? Of course. He's completely aware that you won't cheat on him, but the way some people look at you or flirt with you, just make him wanna send them a death glare and take you away from them 
✧ He's an amazing kisser! Genji has a lot of experience when it comes to kissing, so you won't be disappointed. If you never kissed anyone before, he has no problem with teaching you how to do it
✧ Even though Genji is very good at kissing, his kisses can feel a little rough, because has a few scars across his lips
✧ He has some scars across his face and his body and he just loves when kiss them, because it really makes him feel loved, accepted and safe, especially after everything that happened to him
✧ You're one of not many people who are allowed to see him without his visor, because he feels safe enough to show his face to you
✧ Sometimes when Genji wants to intimate with you (not just sex) he would take off some of his armor so you can touch his skin. It's great for cuddles! But don't tell anyone, it's a secret
✧ Going shopping with him is kinda fun, kinda not. He sometimes acts like a parent. Example - "We don't need more sweets, koibito. We got them at home." 
✧ Breakfast in bed? Oh absolutely!
✧ Of course with Genji coming to your live, his dragon Soba comes with him. She's just as cute as her owner, but she really like to cause trouble and destroy cups, so keep them away from her
✧ Genji is a very supportive lover! He'll support no matter what, unless your decision are harmful or illegal 
✧ If you have any problems with anxiety, depression and stuff like that, he will go to therapist with you. (unless you don't want him to, he'll respect your decision) He'll also try to help the way Zenyatta helped him, so for example he'll ask you to meditate with him 
✧ Talking about meditation - Genji meditates at least once a day. He doesn't mind you joining, but he preferres when it's quiet when his meditating
✧ Did I mention that Genji is a gentleman? No matter what gender you are, he'll be a total gentleman
✧ He's very gentle with you. Genji is sometimes afraid that he might hurt you, because he's a cyborg. It never happened, but he's still afraid 
✧ If you ever want to dye your hair, Genji is ready to help with it! When he was younger, he dyed his hair a lot and it was mostly bright colors, so you can say he's an expert. Just make sure to secure most of his armor, cuz dye is not going to leave quickly 
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moonandflowersfairy · 3 years
 Hey gurll, I've always wanted a match up and here I am 😭🙏🏻💖 thank you so much for this and feel free to ignore this if your not comfortable with my ask!!!!💞
I'm Mey, pronouns she/her, 18y.o. I'm an infp, Taurus to the core! I like to camouflage myself in the crowd and absolute avoid center of attention but well, it finds me:) I would say I'm pretty friendly and awkward at first, but as you get to know me my goofier side comes out. I'm pretty selfless and selfish at the same time, I feel like I'm always there for people to give them a shoulder but when it's my turn there's nobody. I'm selfish in the sense id put myself FIRST! no way anyone else comin der. Not Matter what. My peace of mind comes first before anyone. I bake and I'm an artist, love to relieve stress and pressure thru sketching or painting (maybe that's why I'm so good at it :-)) I don't like when people are disrespectful, hate loud people in the morning, I'm sorry but I don't like any carbonated drinks idk why ;_; and I absolutely don't like people who love to brage in any way. I hate talking about the shit I'm going thru, and I always like to give this 'im absolutely okay' vibe, maybe cuz I don't want them to see my weak side. It's hard for me to open up. But I always have an ear to listen to you. Well I'm 5'7, short brown hair and eyes (I got crazy long thighs 😭) , chubby cheeks and round face. Gender preference male (aot, haikyuu), I like someone who's respectful, can make me laugh and is goofy, cute. AND I'm pretty(I mean a lot) clingy and I'm always down for cuddling and hugs and the physical touch. Not in public tho, maybe a lil>.< Genre preference fluff/smut (*・x・)/ And that's about it! Tysm and have an amazing day! 💖
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I match you with...
¡! Jean Kirstein ¡!
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hear me out, you are like 'not hating but kinda there to lovers trope'. you found out you had more similarities than differences, and that he is actually a super cute guy. Your relationship is based in communication and affection.
general headcanons:
¡! SFW ¡!
you were best friends with Sasha and were applying for the corps. There you met Jean and company, he wasn't much of your taste because of how obnoxious he could get, always bragging about his abilities.
with time you got to know him better and why was he like that. the reason was a crush with Mikasa and his jealousy for Eren, he wasn't like that really, just wanted to be noticed by the one he cared for.
two years had passed since you had joined the survey corps, and Jean was a bit quiet? something was off from him, you didn't pay much attention to it.
Jean understood that Mikasa wasn't interested in him and stopped trying to persuade her, his rivalry with Eren didn't stop but was much more controled. He was more mature.
a sudden interest came from you, now, one of the closest friends of Sasha was kinda attractive and that mullet of his was certainly points extra.
You started talking cuasually, some "hey"s and "how are you"s were traded between a sudden interest came from you, Jean being his flirty self did started to show off trying to get your attention but a simple "stop that, I like you being yourself" made him realize that it was too overwhelming.
now you were like 'everybody knows they like each other except themselves trope'. even Eren was routing for you.
actually, it was Eren who encouraged Jean to confess. Jean told you he liked you with a bunch of flowers he found in the forest. they turned out to be purple tulips and red carnation.
Jean since day one established that communication to him was very important and that he would be there anytime you needed something.
he respects your boundaries.
he would try to put you first, does care if you do the same but understands your beliefs.
comforts you the best he can, long hugs, forhead kisses, tender caresses and some advice if you ask for them.
lots of girls want him but he is loyal to the core, would never cheat on you
will cuddle till death, he is a loveball
he would prefer you to be a bit clingy in public but not to the point of making uncomfortable other people
will pepper your face with kisses all the time
his morning voice is like angel's singing, god praise and value that raspy tone 😤
loves to draw you, he gifts you only the best ones tho, mostly are just doodles of you two doing shenanigans
loves seeing your work and is always intrigued in your artistic process
"babe can I hang this in my room?"
cooks delicious but bakes horrendous, please do him cupcakes, he loves them
will tickle you in the morning to get you up for duty
he has a lot of sarcastic comments, most of them are bad, but you end up laughing because of how bad they are
pet names he will use are babe, bubs, baby, darling, sweetie, and only for soecial ocassions honey
likes to grab you by the waist
cooking dates! or more like those cliché romatic dates where he cooks dinner along with candles, rose petals and old music in the background
very cheesy but puts a lot of effort in it, and the food is 10/10 and the night surprise too 😩🙏🏼
the world he lives in is very curel and horrible, you made it shine and for that he will always have a space in his heart for you <3
¡! NSFW ¡!
he is a thighs man
so when he first saw you so vulnerable he went crazy
your bare core oh so inviting to him
his fingers work wonders and his tongue too
loves to spank you
you + riding him = him in heaven
when he cums he moans
he gets addicted to your taste so expect him eating you out everytime he can
loves to be teased in public, his girl trying to turn him on with lots of people around huh, he's in
one of his fav positions is doggy because he can be deeper in you and gets to grab your ass and thighs
please overstimulate him while he's tied up
cries when he gets to much stimulation, he likes it but will never admit it
blowjobs are a must too
his cum is thick and tastes quite good ngl, not salty, just perfect
he has big thighs too
sensitive in his lower stomach
his abs 😩😩😩😩
lick his nipples, trust me
he's big in general, his dick is not the exception
around 7 in, pink when he gets horny, trimmed, and some veins on the side
a lot of cuddle sex
degrade him when you are riding him. like PLEASE DO IT.
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[purple tulips: loyalty] [red carnation: pure love] [dandelions: hope and happiness]
¡! song recommendation ¡!
he would put this song to dance with you 😭💖
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survivoremathia · 7 years
Ep. 14 - "I'm a Huge Mess and Honestly? It's Fun!" - Owen
I will say I'm not a fan of seeing my name. No fucking way. But I'm here and I'm a little sad that Ryan isn't. I can't wait to see what Ali finds out about the vote because if Ryan really was on our side, and Lydia hasn't turned him like we thought then me and Ali bother agree that we're gonna feel bad for voting him out. Sadly, Lydia still has the idol, so next vote it going to be tricky... Or split. Probably a split vote actually 
I'm probably a horrible person now but like... Ryan went home. Holy shit. I successfully got out a target and it was nice. Literally though, it's not like I did it for no reason. Yeah, it was a way to assert myself to Trevor and Lydia. They wanted to plan the Duncan vote without me at f9. They then TOLD ME Duncan was going at f8. And this round, they were about to vote me out. And the problem is they don't communicate....anything to me. Lydia called me and we had a long talk about a lot of the communication problems I thought were there. She and Trevor never told me that JD was coming after me. She and Trevor never told me their plans with Ryan. She doesn't talk to me in this game and she says I don't either, but I tried. And like... I understand she is busy and that's the problem we talked about. I didn't only message her about game, I tried to message her about personal stuff first because she's my friend???? But she didn't respond to that. She says Ryan was in her pocket. Yeah, he was, but you didn't talk to me...no doubt I wanted him out???? And then today he told Trevor what I said to him RIGHT AFTER I said it. Clearly he was up Trevor and Lydia's butts. And they were going to vote me out tonight WITHOUT TELLING ME. They only told me because I FOUND OUT about it. Like??? Why can't they understand that they didn't treat me like an ally??? I'm not going to sit around and be told what to do and who to vote for and only be spoken to about game when it's convenient. And I did talk to Trevor about game at times...but the plan for him always changed. He always told me it was Ryan next, and then wanted to do another thing. Well too bad. I get a say. This was best for my game. They can't be mad at me for that because they literally...didn't include me in so much. Like this was a very good move for me - and it also wasn't a move that directly took out Trevor or Lydia. I could have voted Lydia out. I wanted to, because she never felt the need to talk to me even tho she still talked to Trevor and Ryan. That's not an ally. Idk. I stand behind my choice. I made a move. It paid off. But now they're mad at me, and I don't know. I want Trevor to do well and to win for once. But I want to do well too. I haven't won in a long long time. It's hard. Because if I somehow win this, Trevor will hate me I guess. And I don't want that. But I'm not a sheep or a goat. This wasn't a good idea. But if I were him, would I want to win a game knowing it was handed to me by two people??? Not really. That's not a win. He's done a great job so far but the one thing he hasn't done is made me feel safe or been discrete about taking me out. Hooooly wow. Idk what happens next. JD and Ali have got to go, but I feel like Lydia and Trev might target me. At least now if they do I've given them a reason to. I can't be mad at them if they do.
me, after tribal: oh wow look mom and dad I did a thing I did it right this blindside wow I'm so proud!!!! me, four hours later: cannot stop crying in the single stall bathroom on the ground floor of my dorm :D
I should have won that maze. I literally...if I hadn't had problems with the program I was using to do it, I would've won. What a dumbass I am. Like the very first time I started I was going the right way and then I guess I thought I'd hit a dead end??? Idk. This makes tribal....difficult. Ideally, JD/Ali would've gone but Ali has immunity and an idol to play on JD. Which means I really really really need to either let them vote me out and make sure Logan sticks with Lydia/Trevor, or I need to convince Ali to idol me and not JD. If I can get him to do that, then potentially here's what I could do: Lydia and Trevor could vote for Logan, Logan and I could vote for JD, and Ali and JD would vote for either Lydia/Trevor, and I'd make sure that Lydia/Trevor idol whoever is getting votes from JD and Ali. Or, even better, we split the votes like Logan and JD vote for Lydia, Owen and Ali vote for Trevor, which would really make it 2-2-1-1. And if Ali has an extra vote and played it, it'd still only be 2-2-2-1. The only problem would be Ali and JD completely lying and putting three votes on the opposite of the person Lydia and Trevor use the idol on, which would send one of them home 3-2-2 and which would supremely suck. And that's all only dependent on if I can get Ali to idol me. Back in the auction, I got a vote revealer that I told Ali about. So maybe I could lie and tell him that it lets me see who someone is GOING to vote for as soon as they vote and until the votes are read if they change it. That way I can be like hey, I'm using this on Lydia to see who she's voting for - oh, she's voting for me. I don't know if he'll buy it but!!!! It's what I've got. If all else fails, Lydia, Trevor, and myself can just all three vote Logan, Logan votes for whoever, and then Ali and JD throw two or three votes on Lydia/Trevor and are either cancelled by an idol or made into a tie, but if it tied like 3-3-1 and then there was a revote...well, idk what would happen on a revote. Because at that point, Logan couldn't vote and neither could Lydia or Trevor, Ali and JD would be safe and wouldn't mind forcing rocks to get either me or the other of Lydia/Trevor out yikes. So maybe I can convince Logan to play his herbs on Ali to make sure an extra vote isn't played, but then JD and Ali are both safe and idk. I don't know! What to do! Yikes! This was the one downside to voting out Ryan, and unfortunately it happened because nobody could do a damn puzzle. This is bad news.
Emathia has been dark all day.  The clouds black as coal.  It is dying.   The gods that once reigned now offer only small glances and short sentences to each other. A once prosperous future is fading.  Oizys has claimed this land.
WHEW. I WON MY SECOND IMMUNITY!! I'm so happy! 6 minutes seems quite quick, so I'm VERY proud! :)
So this vote tonight is gonna be ripped. Trevor or Lydia is going home. We KNOW that. We're gonna split the votes 2-2 trevor lydia and hopefully nobody's dumbass flips and worst case scenario it ties but we still have freakin majority. I'd lay it all out but I'm shaking and captain is sick and sleeping on my homework (http://imgur.com/a/l0jZ6) so yeah.
Whew. My idol play tonight is gonna be the 'Least Shocking Idol Play that anyone has EVER seen'. Whew. Darn Owen, loose lips sink ships! :) Game-wise, I'm feeling great. I've made F5 and have begun solidifying  my dream F3 of JD,Logan and Moi. Lydia is convinced I've messed up, but I'm not so sure that I have? Like, in the words of Sandra, 'I don't know about that!'. If I can manage to get the next 3 boots to be Trydia and Owen, I stand a REAL shot at this. The logic for voting Ryan, is if we hadn't, he'd have become a real swing vote at F6 and could've just rode the middle to the end. Now, there are two clearly divided sides, and I can scoot along the middle! I'm a bit upset rn, as this endgame has taken a kinda dark turn :( Trowen are fighting, and Trydia are giving Owen a hard time :( I want everyone to be positive, we've all done so well! :)
I'VE GONE ROGUE AND I DON'T GIVE A FUCK WHO CATCHES ME TELLING WHAT LIE :))))))))) I faked to Ali all about how I was sorry I told Lydia about the idol and that I felt pressured into it (which I did a little bit but I had been planning to tell them to cover my own ass too)....and then like idk I told him it was better that they knew bc now they won't vote for JD and will hopefully vote for someone else. Then I told him all about my fake vote revealer :) and now I've made the receipts!!!! [3:52:11 PM] Owen (Island of Shade Host): I want to use my vote thing from the auction [3:52:36 PM] Owen (Island of Shade Host): on trevor pls [3:55:37 PM] Camilla: yes okay, one second [3:55:42 PM] Camilla: Trevor has not cast his vote yet. You will be notified as soon as he does so. [3:57:31 PM] Owen (Island of Shade Host): SUS ok thank you queen They're fake as hell!!!! So when Trevor gets home from work and I can discuss with him a little more then I guess I can make another fake receipt saying that he's voted for me...? And then we'll see if Ali says he's going to play the idol on me. He's been sus about it today tho saying perhaps he'd use it on someone that they're voting for but idk. That's only one piece of the puzzle though because they also think we're splitting the votes, Owen/Ali voting Lydia and Logan/JD voting for Trevor. I need to somehow convince Logan that voting for JD is the best option for us, but idk how to make it seem like a decision him and I are both making together...and I don't want Logan to get sus'd out and tell JD i'm tryna vote her out bc that's not a good look either???? If I can convince Logan to fully turn on JD and Ali then I could hopefully do something like I mentioned last night - Logan and I vote JD, Trevor and Lydia vote Logan, Ali votes Lydia and JD votes Trevor... But like. If Ali idols JD then Logan goes 2-1-1. If Ali idols me then it ties Logan and JD, and Trevor, Lydia, and I vote out JD. Logan would have to use the herbs to cancel out any extra votes that Ali has, though, which is...rough. And ALSO! If JD and Ali are lying about the way they wanna split votes, idk what happens then? Hopefully Lydia idols Trevor in that situation. But I don't know. The worst case scenario is Ali or JD use an extra vote and lie about how they're splitting and they put three votes on Lydia and with all this split vote stuff Lydia goes but....idk. We'll see! I'm a huge mess and honestly? It's fun!
Tonight is going to be a mess. We're splitting the votes, but... I don't like that ether, and I was the one that suggested it. I reallllly dont like that Ali isn't playing his idol on me, he has immunity after all. I think I've put it in my head to never feel safe ether but after I stopped replying to Lydia I don't think that she was very happy so I think she might change the vote, I don't know what's going on and I hate it but I mean... Here we go right 
(mobile confession, sorry for the spelling and grammar) Lydia man, okay so stuff that the hosts cants see. Is that Lydia told me why she wanted to vote me out and it was basically that i leaked info (bullshit),  that i had turned on then for Ryan and I'm sorry Ryan but he was just a number in this game. And when i though he was no longer loyal to me, we let him go. (I'm sorry) apparently they were going to vote Owen originally because it's what i wanted but the only time that i ever rrreeallly wanted Owen was for the split vote. And technically he wasn't the actual target... The split vote didn't actually happen then btw. Apparently me and Ali told Owen it was him, even though there was no reason for us too and that didn't happen. The the icing on the cake was that me and Ali didn't wanna play with her anymore. Non of that happened and because she believed it, it fucked up her game. And I'm guessing she can thank Trevor for that. But I think it's going to me me or Trevor tonight. 
Tonight was another hard decision. I could've gotten JD out....but I didn't want to risk it. I feel really bad for playing the newbies and Logan like this, but I know it was for the best because now I'm in the middle of two pairs who pretty much need me as a third. They wouldn't go to final four with each other and guarantee a tiebreaker. Which most likely means, I guess, one of two things... First, JD/Ali has to go now. One of them will. Probably Ali, unless he wins immunity. In which case!!!! If it's me/Lydia/Trevor in the f4 with Ali, then Ali goes hands down granted he doesn't win immunity. If he does win it, I go. If it's JD instead and like... Trevor or Lydia win immunity then idk what they'd do, but it would definitely be me or JD going. At this point, Lydia and Trevor will most likely be in the f3, and I don't mind that. idk fskajhfsjd i'm just....I controlled three of the last four votes! And it's cute.
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