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darkmaga-returns · 1 month ago
The outgoing administration of President Joe Biden and VP Kamala Harris pumped huge sums of taxpayer money into false propaganda to persuade the public to comply with the government’s pandemic agenda.
The Biden-Harris admin’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) spent $1 billion in taxpayer cash on the scheme.
The spending was revealed in a report from the U.S. House of Representatives.
According to the report, the Biden-Harris admin spent the money on a scheme to propagandize the country into wearing masks and getting vaccinated and “boosted” with Covid mRNA injections.
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, President Donald Trump’s nominee to lead the National Institute of Health (NIH), blasted the Biden-Harris admin over the scheme.
“If a pharma company had run the campaign, it would have been fined out of existence,” Bhattacharya noted.
To lead the propaganda campaign, HHS hired a public relations (PR) firm called the Fors Marsh Group (FMG).
The campaign’s primary goal was to maximize mRNA “vaccine” uptake by pushing false fearmongering claims about the mortality risk of COVID-19.
The report shows that HHS sought to downplay the lack of evidence that the “vaccines” were effective in stopping transmission of the virus.
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christian-dubuis-santini · 3 months ago
Psy-op co-vide : le rapport de Stanford University
Un rapport explosif a récemment été publié par la Chambre des représentants des États-Unis concernant la campagne de santé publique sur le COVID-19 orchestrée par le Département de la Santé et des Services sociaux (HHS) des États-Unis. Ce document, résumé par le Dr. Jayanta Bhattacharya, épidémiologiste et professeur à l’École de médecine de Stanford, révèle une opération de propagande à grande échelle visant à manipuler l’opinion publique au sujet des vaccins COVID et des mesures sanitaires. Selon cette analyse, cette campagne a contribué à détruire le lien de confiance entre les citoyens et les autorités de santé publique.
Une Manipulation à Grande Échelle Financée par des Milliards de Dollars
Selon le rapport, l’administration Biden a dépensé près d’un milliard de dollars pour diffuser des informations trompeuses et créer un climat de peur autour du COVID-19. Ce financement massif a été alloué à une firme de relations publiques, la Fors Marsh Group (FMG), avec pour mission d’augmenter l’acceptation des vaccins COVID auprès du public. Les tactiques employées ? Exagération des risques de mortalité, minimisation de l’absence de preuves sur l’efficacité des vaccins pour arrêter la transmission, et promotion intense des masques et de la distanciation sociale.
En d’autres termes, le gouvernement a exploité des techniques de manipulation psychologique pour imposer des mesures sans fondement scientifique solide. Si une entreprise pharmaceutique privée avait agi de la sorte, elle aurait probablement été condamnée à une amende colossale, suffisant à la mettre en faillite.
Une Campagne de Peur et de Contrôle
Le rapport décrit en détail comment le HHS a orchestré une campagne médiatique massive, avec un mélange de publicités payantes et de messages subtils dans les médias. Ces messages étaient amplifiés par des influenceurs, des célébrités et même des sportifs, qui servaient à légitimer et répéter des informations non fondées auprès de la population.
Les messages de la campagne ne s’arrêtaient pas aux vaccins. Elle promouvait aussi la fermeture des écoles, la distanciation sociale, et l’utilisation des masques, souvent avec des messages exagérés et alarmistes, bien loin de la réalité des faits. En conséquence, le rapport affirme que cette propagande a contribué à l’érosion du capital confiance entre les citoyens et les services de santé publique.
Des Données “Scientifiques” Falsifiées
La campagne de la FMG s’appuyait largement sur les recommandations des Centres pour le Contrôle et la Prévention des Maladies (CDC), qui se sont révélées largement inexactes. Par exemple, la campagne affirmait faussement que les vaccins COVID empêchaient la transmission du virus, une affirmation contredite par de nombreuses études internationales. Pire encore, la CDC a exagéré les risques de COVID pour les enfants, malgré des preuves scientifiques montrant que le virus présentait un faible risque pour cette tranche d’âge.
Un Endoctrinement dès le Plus Jeune Âge
Une partie de la campagne s’adressait spécifiquement aux parents, les incitant à vacciner leurs enfants en déformant la réalité des risques. Les publicités allaient jusqu’à affirmer que le vaccin protégerait contre le “COVID long”, sans aucune preuve scientifique solide pour étayer cette affirmation. En raison de ce climat de peur généralisé, de nombreux parents se sont sentis contraints de vacciner leurs enfants, souvent sans une véritable évaluation des risques.
La Conséquence : Un Effondrement de la Confiance dans les Autorités Sanitaires
Avec des messages souvent contradictoires et basés sur des preuves erronées, la campagne a érodé la crédibilité de la CDC et d’autres institutions de santé. En conséquence, de plus en plus d’Américains remettent en question les conseils de santé publique, y compris pour des vaccinations essentielles comme celles contre la rougeole ou la polio. Cette méfiance envers les institutions pourrait avoir des conséquences désastreuses pour la santé publique à long terme.
Des Leçons Cruciales et des Recommandations Urgentes
Le rapport conclut avec plusieurs recommandations pour éviter qu’un tel fiasco ne se reproduise à l’avenir :
1. Redéfinir la mission de la CDC : Clarifier et recentrer la mission de l’institution sur la prévention des maladies.
2. Limiter les messages de santé publique : Le HHS ne devrait diffuser que des informations validées par la FDA, sans exagérations ni détournements.
3. Favoriser la transparence : Instaurer une culture de la transparence pour restaurer la confiance du public.
4. Encourager le débat scientifique : Ne plus étouffer les opinions divergentes, mais au contraire les accueillir pour renforcer la rigueur scientifique.
L’une des recommandations les plus cruciales est d’interdire au HHS de créer un faux consensus scientifique en supprimant les avis scientifiques divergents, ce qui a contribué à une pensée unique et aveugle au sein de la CDC.
Le rapport appelle le HHS à prendre ces recommandations au sérieux s’il veut regagner la confiance du public. Dans le cas contraire, le spectre d’une future crise de santé publique risque d’être accompagné d’une défiance massive, avec des conséquences encore plus graves pour la santé publique et la cohésion sociale.
#COVID19 #SantéPublique #Vaccination #ManipulationMédiatique #ConfiancePerdue #CDC #Propagande #RapportDévastateur #MesuresSanitaires #EnfantsEtVaccins #Désinformation #Pandémie #ConsciencePublique
Source : https://energycommerce.house.gov/posts/e-and-c-republicans-release-report-detailing-hhs-failed-covid-19-public-relations-campaign
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hildred-rex · 10 months ago
Ooh, these are excellent! I've been looking for something like Floorplanner for absolutely ages!
Anyhow, I thought I'd contribute some of my own hoard, though it skews more toward worldbuilding. Since I tend to ramble, I've bolded my resource links to make them easier to skim to.
I've tried to group them into research, cartography, and space stuff (which I think should be decreasing order of relevance to most people).
Long, so it's below the cut.
Always check your licenses.
Wikimedia Commons. Extensive collection of images and other media, featuring an in-depth (though hard-to-navigate) categorization system. I've linked to "train stations photographed in the 1920s" as an example.
CCSearch. Lets you search several places with creative-commons media from one dashboard. By no means complete; I may make a post with all the other sources I've found (primarily of images) someday.
Some good (partly-)public-domain image collections that CCSearch doesn't cover: Europeana, the New York Public Library, the British Library (hard to search), and the Met.
Archive.org has a great collection of public-domain books (among other things under other licenses), which you can restrict by date; use the search bar under the little colored icons. It's also the group responsible for the Wayback Machine, which is very useful for other reasons.
Wiktionary. A project of the Wikimedia Foundation, Wiktionary is a free online dictionary with extensive coverage and is available in multiple languages -- though the completeness of the version in any given language is going to depend on the number of volunteers who speak that language. English is very good, Spanish seems solid but I've experimented with it less, and Esperanto's coverage is poor.
NGrams. A feature of Google Books where you can compare the relative frequencies of various terms over time, which can give you a sense of how famous various historical people actually were. I've given an example with three writers here, and it does check out with what I know of their relative historical popularities. (Chambers wrote The King in Yellow early on, but then switched over to romances and became extremely popular. Machen had a boom in popularity in the 1920s.)
Zompist.com. The website of a veteran conlanger and worldbuilder, chock full of interesting stuff even beyond what's considered resources. Mostly useful for information; I've linked to a page giving some basic Blender instructions for conworlders.
The resources flair on r/worldbuilding is a great place to look for more, well, worldbuilding resources.
The Public Domain Review is good to keep tabs on if you're interested in the public domain (or just weird old stuff).
Cartography (and Planet Design)
K. M. Alexander's fantasy map brushes. CC0 (i.e., released into the public domain, or more relevantly free!). They're derived from real historical maps and have incredible variety, covering everything from normal geographical features to whole city blocks to battles(?!). They work in GIMP, Procreate, Photoshop, and Affinity Designer (sp?); I've tested GIMP and Procreate myself.
Azgaar's Fantasy Map Generator. Exactly what it says on the tin. You can customize the output quite a bit, in terms of appearance and actual contents. Based on some admittedly not very scientific tests I've run it doesn't seem to be fully accurate to climate science and whatnot, but it's much closer than anything I could do on my own and certainly very useful. (To export images of your whole map, use svg export and make a png using some other tool. The png/jpg exports don't save the whole map.)
Free -- and web-based, so it works on everything.
Morality-and-AI disclaimer: Unfortunately, the dev recently created a databank of AI-created characters, made of AI "art" and AI-generated character descriptions, and integrated it as a feature in the FMG. That is called Deorum and appears to be un-removable from the FMG, though you can turn off the popup/actual use of Deorum and delete everything out of the "character" list. Nothing else runs on AI; it's all procedural generation, which sounds similar but is not at all the same thing.
GProjector. Converts maps from one projection to another (with many, many options). Mostly useful for work with the FMG, which outputs equirectangular (a very distorted projection). Made by the Goddard Institute for Space Studies, part of NASA. Is a download and requires Java 11+.
Space Stuff
Endeavor. A star atlas, for the sci-fi writers among us. My favorite feature is that it lets you see how the stars would look from other stars. (I've linked to the help page so you get some idea of what it's about.)
PlanetMaker. Somewhat misnamed; unlike the FMG, it doesn't actually make a planet. It lets you make equirectangular maps into something that looks like an artist's interpretation of a planet. It seems to have been made for the website owner's own use, since I haven't managed to find documentation.
JSOrrery. Check out the positions of various solar-system objects at various points in time, as revealed by the power of math!
Solar System Simulator. NASA's second appearance on this list, though this is from JPL rather than GISS. This makes a (low-res) image of what some perspective on the solar system would look like at some date.
Honorable Mentions
Honorable mentions go to to Inkscape (vector), GIMP (raster), Blender (3D), and Khan Academy (miscellaneous knowledge; I'm currently using it to pick up the basics of plate tectonics) for being useful.
hot artists don't gatekeep
I've been resource gathering for YEARS so now I am going to share my dragons hoard
Floorplanner. Design and furnish a house for you to use for having a consistent background in your comic or anything! Free, you need an account, easy to use, and you can save multiple houses.
Comparing Heights. Input the heights of characters to see what the different is between them. Great for keeping consistency. Free.
Magma. Draw online with friends in real time. Great for practice or hanging out. Free, paid plan available, account preferred.
Smithsonian Open Access. Loads of free images. Free.
SketchDaily. Lots of pose references, massive library, is set on a timer so you can practice quick figure drawing. Free.
SculptGL. A sculpting tool which I am yet to master, but you should be able to make whatever 3d object you like with it. free.
Pexels. Free stock images. And the search engine is actually pretty good at pulling up what you want.
Figurosity. Great pose references, diverse body types, lots of "how to draw" videos directly on the site, the models are 3d and you can rotate the angle, but you can't make custom poses or edit body proportions. Free, account option, paid plans available.
Line of Action. More drawing references, this one also has a focus on expressions, hands/feet, animals, landscapes. Free.
Animal Photo. You pose a 3d skull model and select an animal species, and they give you a bunch of photo references for that animal at that angle. Super handy. Free.
Height Weight Chart. You ever see an OC listed as having a certain weight but then they look Wildly different than the number suggests? Well here's a site to avoid that! It shows real people at different weights and heights to give you a better idea of what these abstract numbers all look like. Free to use.
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nawapon17 · 2 months ago
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govindhtech · 3 months ago
Mandiant Finds UNC5820 FortiManager For Data Exfiltration
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Mandiant and Fortinet worked together in October 2024 to look into the widespread abuse of FortiManager appliances across more than fifty potentially compromised FortiManager devices in a range of businesses. A threat actor can use an unauthorized, threat actor-controlled FortiManager device to run arbitrary code or commands against susceptible FortiManager devices with the vulnerability, CVE-2024-47575 / FG-IR-24-423.
As early as June 27, 2024, Mandiant saw a new threat cluster that is currently monitor as UNC5820 taking advantage of the FortiManager vulnerability. The configuration information of the FortiGate devices controlled by the compromised FortiManager was staged and exfiltrated by UNC5820. Along with the users and their FortiOS256-hashed passwords, this data includes comprehensive configuration details for the controlled equipment. UNC5820 might utilize this information to target the enterprise environment, advance laterally to the controlled Fortinet devices, and further attack the FortiManager.
The precise requests that the threat actor made in order to take advantage of the FortiManager vulnerability were not yet documented in the data sources that Mandiant examined. Furthermore, as of this point in Google cloud study, there is no proof that UNC5820 used the configuration data it had acquired to migrate laterally and endanger the environment even more. It therefore don’t have enough information at the time of publication to evaluate actor location or motivation. Mandiant will update this blog’s attribution assessment as new information emerges from investigations.
A forensic investigation should be carried out right away by any organizations whose FortiManager may be exposed to the internet.
Exploitation Details
The first known instance of Mandiant being exploited was on June 27, 2024. Several FortiManager devices were connected to the default port TCP/541 on that day via the IP address 45[.]32[.]41[.]202. Around the same time, the file system stored the staging of different Fortinet configuration files in an archive called /tmp/.tm that was compressed using Gzip. The files and folders mentioned in below Table were included in this bundle.FilenameDescription/var/dm/RCSFolder containing configuration files of managed FortiGate devices/var/dm/RCS/revinfo.dbDatabase containing additional information of the managed FortiGate devices/var/fds/data/devices.txtContains a list of FortiGate serials and their corresponding IP addresses/var/pm2/global.dbGlobal database that contains object configurations, policy packages, and header and footer sensor configuration for IPS/var/old_fmversionContains current FortiManager version, build, and branch information
Mandiant noticed a second attempt at exploitation using the same symptoms on September 23, 2024. Outgoing network traffic happened soon after the archive was created in both exploitation scenarios. The size of the archive is marginally less than the number of bytes delivered to the corresponding destination IP addresses. The specifics of this action are listed in below Table .
The threat actor’s device was linked to the targeted FortiManager during the second exploitation attempt. Figure shows the timestamp at which the illegal FortiManager was introduced to the Global Objects database.
The threat actor’s unknown Fortinet device showed up in the FortiManager console after they had successfully exploited the FortiManager.
The files /fds/data/subs.dat and /fds/data/subs.dat.tmp contain additional indicators of the exploitation that include an associated disposable email address and a company name as listed in Figure .SerialNumber=FMG-VMTM23017412|AccountID= [email protected]|Company=Purity Supreme|UserID=1756868
Lack of Follow-On Malicious Activity
Mandiant examined rootfs.gz, the device’s initramfs (RAM disk) that is mounted to /bin. During the period of exploitation activity, did not discover any malicious files that had been produced or altered.
Affected clients who displayed comparable activities in their environments were alerted by Google Cloud. In order to help identify Fortinet device exploit attempts, Google Cloud Threat Intelligence also conducted retrohunts while creating detections for this activity and manually escalated Pre-Release Detection Rule notifications to impacted SecOps customers.
Apart from working with Mandiant, Fortinet made aggressive efforts to notify its clients in advance of their advise so that they may improve their security posture before it was widely made public.
Mitigation Strategies / Workaround
Restrict only authorized internal IP addresses from accessing the FortiManager admin portal.
Permitted FortiGate addresses should be the only ones allowed to connect to FortiManager.
Deny FortiManager access to unidentified FortiGate devices.
Available 7.2.5, 7.0.12, 7.4.3 and later (not functional workaround on 7.6.0). config system global set fgfm-deny-unknown enable end
IOCs mentioned in this blog post can be prioritized using Applied Threat Intelligence, and rules were released to the “Mandiant Intel Emerging Threats” rule pack (in the Windows Threats group) if you are a Google SecOps Enterprise+ customer.
Relevant Rules
Suspicious FortiManager Inbound and Outbound Connection
UNC5820 Fortinet Exploitation and File Download
UNC5820 Fortinet Exploitation and non-HTTPS Command and Control
UNC5820 Fortinet Exploitation and HTTPS Command and Control
Other SIEMs
Create searches for the following pertinent IOCs using Fortiguard logs. Specifically, if activated, the Malicious Fortinet Device ID need to deliver a high quality alert.
In the FortiManager logs, establish baselines and thresholds for distinct processes. Specifically, “Add device” and “Modify device” procedures can be infrequent enough for your company to issue a useful warning until this vulnerability is fixed.
In the FortiManager logs, baseline and establish thresholds for the changes field. When the word “Unregistered” appears in the changes field, take into account a higher sensitivity.
Every day, count the Fortigate devices and notify you when a device name that hasn’t been seen in the logs is detected.
Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)
Registered users can access a Google Threat Intelligence Collection of IOCs.
Read more on govindhtech.com
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everysshkey · 2 years ago
-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBCgKCAQEA3Lk4lJsR9XdbGKVMDnG8ybJx+uKVXNU8Q21G7ImiiFzQc6CjFpE6 F/b7iu+QOR/Co16/RjttemKBsNEqCOKv9R3cMHkhJd7t0pYXAgNxVsFlWr5xT758 b2OOUNQzRJ9bI8dur87uAcyLeslPdwR3Psl1d5Z4GoGrlFlqvt6Pr3XiKOuzo5IZ A+a01KZETABVyQNxagTYIMRvqUYPTXXcaWjtfhX055bRiEWVeCbIPjlA7X8cHMsS 5DKabVsKm/emFVKwhg+eHjp4Ca3LG2Fe2RofG5kYaiN6lNjgEiukofA7eHe7lANQ FPsUOgotuGNxdEwiefYj3/uTWHfowaf1CQIDAQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEpQIBAAKCAQEA3Lk4lJsR9XdbGKVMDnG8ybJx+uKVXNU8Q21G7ImiiFzQc6Cj FpE6F/b7iu+QOR/Co16/RjttemKBsNEqCOKv9R3cMHkhJd7t0pYXAgNxVsFlWr5x T758b2OOUNQzRJ9bI8dur87uAcyLeslPdwR3Psl1d5Z4GoGrlFlqvt6Pr3XiKOuz o5IZA+a01KZETABVyQNxagTYIMRvqUYPTXXcaWjtfhX055bRiEWVeCbIPjlA7X8c HMsS5DKabVsKm/emFVKwhg+eHjp4Ca3LG2Fe2RofG5kYaiN6lNjgEiukofA7eHe7 lANQFPsUOgotuGNxdEwiefYj3/uTWHfowaf1CQIDAQABAoIBABFm7QYSX80Zlu4P gjqVTwwb7I6aNKp4CWNLh0743v6fSrQDEzihRJJFH7npf1ZxoZfdzXjNEKmYgJ8f LpA6xyKtMwIDWtCwjdGPkcrP2Ky9XK9V2nsuCoOBtuO6hzw+0CG3BIwJ5Yvww4Jv wrsgeAJUQdWm4Fs+o/dzQU5BH9T2cdwdpwfPgdTYwxE5MFXBL33iabF8BR4XGuai 9qonOlmh+cNfYZ8noKE+ehPmpeaYCR4hs7s7QzmGLOo5nRPN6um2DP8cNhniriu8 JtgkmPRzMjmp0DRU/hf0bOJuDq0J2q8ZZqPKdTDDB/Ob2db9eUepP/Xsh0rG2jWc LBnKX60CgYEA8gKsC3wLg9oAlBUAGsBcZw+SSdrgqm7Q5oy4BmsjQ16ef+KNCbQ9 /haqlrsdQGo9twIYXet0DC5+NyMYCacGXXq0pRATYqWZ8azVd86JEJSgNl/Vcvd9 hKVxgqfEheyey49Ecbg8J9selCM/kSHbbJk6lZcW5YWqBRXmnplsVz8CgYEA6XuK Q8C+Cp4m7/KE8Hji8RldwPTF0ItxlDjzcFQiHiCfwAiTnuyI2I2kipX1rDtWRTEr fmG+8w0IcbzIthLE2wdFklCeL2CbxAae0wNY+EEy4J1w0DK5qJkFUqvniS0XlQXI oXHlIgWhNX3nn3gxsqdRL2LGA60Z93iaON4jqbcCgYEAktKsLguDsOqBj1VuSsyJ Qr1fsw7nXn78neKhgsNdEXJGFrALgOeo9I4r0GaUyI+sAWtz/Qbr0LgkOq8/1htO 8UeQcNPf7ukpDEYe/CCBZ13EFTju9mDP9bmps+q0f8ueS0EP9S4g0M1PL/BykEpK JQiRUk/nxDfjflJbJ71MzWECgYEAyjBKlsulhupYC7g3uUrmNCVkVAFkAGmRDOuY nLCu7uoPjSugMqLhCq72S3D7U4/68GZZJNOemTmzE1OJeGqegJI2hDM+GQcPPN0C 0vb2J93GIk8U76bNshv5SRNGqTscTde5W12XMDQx23HRj/51AyHzoxZlJa/UacLN wutTdNcCgYEAvn652PJARYUkbKodnh3MVNyaIZdJoc7g2cd755snUAA7tEO69Pbj b4eOi+XL6MUMcFPPSgG6trTc5fVl9ZA2zTCXMcPJ1g9DCeuYws+d8XWR2f9KtWxE BvQaiGQ2Lh/dKiz+nTDKkzWmbSCEk6niSW2y4/Kd+mVrqWSB9RV/Eyg= -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----
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lezleonardo · 17 hours ago
Their are so many ppl who take yzy and jcs words of wwx as law, despite the fact that both yzy and jc are abusers with a victim complex similar to the size of China.
But that's besides the point, as others have said the Wen becoming powerful wasn't some sudden boost in status, at the point of the story we're in the wens had be destroying hundreds of smaller sects but, the major sects were willingly blind because they thought their status could protect them, both jfm and yzy were incompetent leaders .
I could also write essays abt how horrible of a person yzy really is, That women is an abuser to the max and all her ideals are deeply rooted in classism (see: literally how she speaks of wwxs and his parents or literally anyone else she believes to be lower than her) and disturbingly enough this behaviour is written off by the fandom as a quirky character trait, even worse sometimes her behaviour is excused by a "Oh yk that's just how Asian parents are like!" Like ppl srsly be stooping to racism for this women, But I degress Yzy AND fmg as characters barely get any screen time but I think from a narrative point they display the most public display of the corruption of the cultivation world, yzy is a full on classist, she bullies those weaker than her, commits unjust punishments etc, meanwhile Jfm is silent he sounds nice and sweet at first but in reality he hides behind his status, he's also a classist (many mdzs fans argue that jfm favored wwx over jc but canoncally there is no evidence of that, in fact the man literally tells wwx to protect his son before he dies) he's also willing to be blind to the atrocities around him for the sake of his own peace, and abt the wlj ordeal... I actually completely forgot she said that , it's been a while since I've read the source material but gosh how do people even defend this women-?
Am I missing something or is Yu Ziyuan half at fault for the Lotus Pier Massacre? I'm not talking about beating Wang Lingjiao up (understandable). But right before that, beating Wei Wuxian up to the point where he can barely move. And then when she starts beating up WLJ and orders her dead, WLJ escapes past WWX. He totally could've stopped her from setting off that signal flare if he hadn't been whipped with Zidian within an inch of his life.
I know there were a lot of factors and even if she hadn't beaten WWX up to the point where he couldn't do anything, or even if she grit her teeth and bowed down to WLJ (and subsequently cut off his hand), they probably would've found another excuse. But YZY's actions really didn't help.
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medicoabroad · 4 years ago
On 23.04.2021, the National Medical Commission published in their website (https://www.nmc.org.in/MCIRest/open/getDocument?path=/Documents/Public/Portal/LatestNews/20210423160823.pdf) the Draft Regulations concerning foreign medical education by Indian students and invited for comments.
 A few important observations that require more clarity or modification are listed below.
1). Clause 2(b):
a) The definition of ‘Primary Medical Qualification’ has been newly added with “and the medical education curriculum shall be commensurate with the MBBS curriculum prescribed by NMC.��
b) The curriculum from the foreign medical college shall be available on the date of their joining the course, on the website of the said college. The candidate is expected to follow the syllabus throughout the course.
 2). Clause 3.2(c):
                       twelve (12) months of compulsory rotating internship/clinical clerkship commensurate with rotating internship in India
 3). Clause 3.2(d):
                       no part of medical training and internship should have been done in India or in any country other than country from where undergraduate training is obtained.
 4). Clause 3.2(e):
                       A person shall be eligible to be Registered/Licensed to practice in a country where the MBBS or its equivalent medical degree has been awarded by that foreign medical institution. The registration in that country should be valid for at least 10 years.
 5). Clause 3.3:
a) For FMGs Step 1 will include an additional paper to assess the knowledge of pre and para-clinical subjects also.
 b) FMGs are required to qualify Screening Test in India (FMGE/NExT) within 2 years of completing the MBBS abroad.
 We invite comments on the above which shall be compiled and conveyed to NMC through proper forum.
 - Team Medico Abroad Consultants, Hyderabad, TS, India (Mob: +91-9391015407, 9959114545; E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], Website: www.medicoabroad.com)
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followingmygps · 5 years ago
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Daily Waypoint | N 41º 21′ 36.871″ W 71º 57′ 51.628″ Elegant Bow—Annual WoodenBoat Show held at Mystic Seaport Museum is a festival, which is hosted in partnership with WoodenBoat Publications, celebrating the design and craftsmanship of wooden craft. The three-day show offers wooden boat enthusiasts and marine history buffs wooden boats of every type—large and small, old and new, power, sail, oar, and paddle on display. Seen at Mystic Seaport Museum, The Museum of America and the Sea in Mystic, Connecticut is the largest maritime museum in the United States. It is notable for its collection of sailing ships and boats and for the re-creation of the crafts and fabric of an entire 19th-century seafaring village. >>>FMG>>>> Like. Comment. Share! https://www.fmgphoto.com/Lifestyle/Events/i-WL5DX6j https://followingmygps.com/mystic-seaport/ #bow #WoodenBoat #MysticSeaportMuseum #MysticSeaport #sailboat #boat #seafaring #museum #sail #marine #Mystic #Connecticut #sea #craftsmanship #DailyWaypoint #dailyphoto #sights #fmgphoto #followingmygps #fmg #fmgbear #photography #travel #lifestyle #LifeWellLived #travelmagazine #roadtripping #exploring #roadtrip (at Mystic Seaport, Connecticut) https://www.instagram.com/p/B60fyJWhtsL/?igshid=tzd4fvb6ym21
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darkmaga-returns · 3 months ago
The U.S. House of Representatives has issued its report on COVID propaganda from the federal department of Health and Human Services (HHS) throughout the "pandemic," and the findings are damning.
When all the dust settled, the regime of Joe Biden spent nearly $1 billion – all that money came from U.S. taxpayers, by the way – to propagandize the country into wearing masks and getting jabbed and "boosted" with all of the latest experimental drugs from Operation Warp Speed.
"If a pharma company had run the campaign, it would have been fined out of existence," writes Jayanta Bhattacharya for the Brownstone Institute about how serious the Biden regime's offenses were.
We know from the new report that HHS utilized a public relations (PR) firm called the Fors Marsh Group (FMG) that led the propaganda campaign. Its primary goal was to maximize COVID jab uptake by lying about COVID mortality risk and downplaying the fact that no solid evidence exists to show that COVID jabs do anything to stop disease transmission.
"Based on reports shared with the Committee, FMG spent an average of over $20 million per month for the design and execution of the Campaign," the report states. "In its proposal for the task order, the company asserted that it could benefit ASPA by using a strategic mix of paid and earned media with exclusive radio partnerships, research-based messaging, and reinforced messaging from trusted influencers, celebrities, and sports figures."
"FMG's Campaign strategies were grounded in several theories of behavior change and communication, 'with the expectation that exposure to Campaign messages prompts change in cognitions antecedent to Campaign-targeted behavior.' The health belief model, used by the Campaign, posits that 'a person's belief in a personal threat of an illness or disease together with a person's belief in the effectiveness of the recommended health behavior or action will predict the likelihood the person will adopt the behavior.'"
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years ago
Markets rattled on hot inflation data out of the US.
The S&P/ASX 200 is down 1.4% on Monday morning, trailing the US losses on Friday. Markets remain sensitive to inflation and interest rate policy. The international housing rental market remains stubbornly high and is the last piece of the inflation puzzle to overcome before interest rate policy can be eased. Hangover Friday’s US sell-off is dragging the S&P/ASX 200 lower on Monday, with technology stocks bearing the brunt. A higher-than-anticipated inflation reading on Thursday weighs on the macroeconomic outlook, with the market’s pricing in further interest rate rises. Interest rate-sensitive growth and technology stocks continue to be loss leaders. ETFS Morningstar Global Technology ETF ASX:TECH (TECH) is down 33% YTD. Pressured by higher rates on credit lines and an anticipated retracement in retail sales, Block Inc’s Afterpay continues its struggles this year on a reduced outlook for the uptake of its services. ASX:SQ2 (SQ2) is down almost 7% in Monday trading. Concerns over the Chinese banking sector are doing little to assuage investors’ fears about iron ore, with the price for the steel input hovering around 24-month lows of 95 USD/MT. Fortescue Metals Group ASX:GMF (FMG) and BHP Billiton ASX:BHP (BHP) are off 1.6% and 2.9%, respectively, at the Monday open. Bright spot A bright spot for the markets is the Lithium sector. Lithium Carbonate is stubbornly clinging to multi-decade highs with no sign of abating. Lithium Carbonate landed in China attracts over 520,000 CNY / MT or 72,500 USD. The resilience in the metal’s price has pushed listed Australian producers Liontown Resources Ltd ASX:LTR (LTR) and Core Lithium Ltd ASX:CXO (CXO) higher by 6.3% and 5.6%, respectively, in the morning trade. Demand for energy storage solutions due to the continued public and private interest in wind and solar power installations, plus the massive ramp-up of international electric vehicle production, is keeping the current lithium supply lines ultra-tight. The week ahead in data Tuesday reveals the minutes of the closely watched Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) meeting, Chinese economic output through September and Chinese retail sales. Chinese economic data will indicate the direction for our largest exporters in FMG and BHP. A stutter in productivity may well spell out a speedbump to the demand for iron ore and the presently overheating labour market. The RBA minutes will be pored over for guidance on inflation at home. Though house prices in the key markets of Sydney and Melbourne have declined, the nationwide rental market remains very tight. Inflection point We are likely nearing an inflection point in global inflation, with the international rental market the biggest hurdle to overcome. Returning or shifting labour forces due to pandemic restrictions and increased demand from expanding resource sectors have ramped up housing demand. A sharp rise in raw material prices to complete projects have affected developers. Movement restrictions under COVID stifled project progress, as has backlogged bureaucracy required for commencement and completion. The perfect storm has driven rental markets from Singapore to the UK, the US and Australia to record highs. As these factors begin to unravel in late 2022, we can expect the 2023 rental markets to subside internationally and global inflation to return to policymaker targets of 2%. The wrap Fuel, transportation, and shipping costs are nudging in the consumers’ direction; however, those struggling to find a rental or an affordable mortgage might have to wait a little longer. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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Starting out as a Childminder
Childminding is not as easy as it may seem thinking about it. I decided to become a childminder after having my second baby, because i wanted to go back to work and after becomming a mum it is very difficult to find a job to fit around your schedule. 
below i have listed the pros and cons of becomming a childminder. 
Can work the times and days you want 
Can charge what you like 
Can spend more time with your own children 
You have to stick to ratios and include your own children
You have to consider child care on sick days and won’t be paid for them
Your home will not feel your own 
It's exhausting
Like any other job there will be good days and bad days. Some days you will love your job and some days you will be stressed and cannot wait for theday to end. Childminding is very unappreciated in some aspects and we don’t always get the thanks that we deserve. You need to be organised, prepared, and patient. And remember that your not on your own. there are always people to talk to when you need to ask questions or have a rant. 
To set up your business there are a lot of steps to take and it is a vey timely process ranging from 1-2 years. 
Childminders care for children on a domestic premesis this would usually beyour own home. 
You need your qualification. You can take a course specifically in childminding or take a level 3 course (1 year) which is the one i took. Keep your options open, if you take the level 3 you can use this to go into a nursery if you was to change your mind. 
You need to apply to go on thechild care register, which there are two of: 
The Early Years Register is compulsory for you if you are planning on caring for young children (until the child has reached the end of the reception year in school)
The Childcare Register has 2 parts:
The Compulsory part of the Childcare Register is for you if you are planning on caring for children aged 5-7 years.
The Voluntary part of the Childcare Register is for childminders caring only for children over 8 years.
You don't have to apply with Ofsted if you are only looking after children over the age of 8, look after children less than 2 hours a day, are the child's parent/guardian, care for children in their own home, babysitting between 6pm and 2am, only tutoring.
i applied for both, because i offered holiday care i could look after children of school age as well. 
If you live in a rented property:
If you live in rented accomodation you need to check with the terms of your rental/leasehold agreement to see if you are allowed to operate a childminding business from home. You will certainly need your landlords/leaseholders written permission.
There may be a clause in the agreement that states you can't operate a business from the house, but the landlord/leasholder can change this clause if they choose to. Sometimes a proffessional conversation explaining the registration requirements, risk assessing etc. alongside what insurances are in place can help a landlord/leaseholder to see that there isn’t an huge increased risk to allowing a person to childmind from the property. It is recommended that you discuss this directly with the landlord/leaseholder and not their agent.
If there is a mortgage on the property, there may be a clause that says a business can’t be run from the property, but childminding businesses are often looked at slightly differently to any other business and may excluded from this.
There is tenants insurance for fixtures and fittings that a childminder can purchase to help reassure a landlord/leasholder their property is covered by insurance and allay any fears about extra damage to the property.
If you are allowed to childmind from the property, expect to provide any extra safety equipment needed such as fire blanket, stair gates etc. yourself and make good any fixing holes etc. before you move out.
If the landlord/leaseholder still insists you can't childmind from their property, there is nothing else you can do as it is their choice whether they allow childminding or not.
Once you have done all of the above you will then need to: 
Do a child protection course (you can do this online, some councils like you to have this done face to face aswel. But i went by what Ofsted advised and only done mine online) Refresher every 6 months.
Do a safeguarding course (online) Refresher every 3-6 months.  
Food safety and Hygene Level 1 course (online) 
Female Genital Mutilation Course (online) Refresher every 6 months. 
Some of these courses cost (£20-£40) it’s worth looking around for the best price and that you get a certificate once completed. 
be registered on the Early Years Register and/or the Childcare Register. (£35) for under 5′s. And (£104) for 5-7 years. 
hold an up to date paediatric first aid certificate. To renew every 3 years (around £90)
Be on Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked. Find out more information (£52.10, anyone over 16 who lives or works with you needs a DBS). Update service is not a requirement anymore but costs £13 per year if you choose to do this (handy if you want to go into a nursery). This could take a few months to complete.
You also need your documents checked by a professional or if the post office check them this costs around £10.50.
You will need to show the professional your ID documents, like a:
driving licence
utility bills
bank statement
Get your Health deceleration booklet filled in by your doctor (£35) Do this asap, this could take a few weeks to get done. Download the form here:  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/become-a-childcare-provider-health-declaration Email and post to Ofsted. Always keep a copy as they tend to lose it.  [email protected] 
complete a childcare course (£250-£400)
Pacey Membership (£59.50)
have appropriate insurance cover, including Public Liability Insurance. (£28.90) with Pacey, but haeto be a member. 
ICO registration (must have for data protection) (£40)
Deliver the Early Years Foundation Stage for children on the Early Years Register. Keep upto date with the Early Years Foundation Stage 
Let your local council know. give them a call find out who deals with childminders in your area. 
Have your policies and procedures in place. Do not necesarrily need them printed but kept on a computer when needed. I use Twinkl for this as they have them all. Always double check them to make sure they are up to date and have allthe relevant information. 
Ofsted will come out to you to do an audit, make sure you have everything you need and test your knowledge. This could take 2-5 hours nd will mark you Met or Not Met. All inspectors are different and have there own way of doing things. 
Some of the things they are hot on are: 
Female Genital Mutilation (FMG) 
Safeguarding Procedures, what to look out for and what to do. 
DBS certificate 
First Aid certificate 
Course Certificate 
Home insurance (business) 
Car Insurance (business)
Utility bills (last 3 months, showing address)
3 planned activities covering all areas (Ofsted will tell you the age ranges you are required to cover) - Good actiivities that cover all areas are, Playdough, sensory baskets, sand and water play. 
Know the EYFS from the back of your hand. 
Doing a SEF is not a requirement anymore, but always worth having so you are prepared and can go back on your notes if you need to. 
Childminder First Aid box
Fire blanket / Extiguisher 
Accident and Incidents, Medical procedures 
Procedure for Lost child on outings (Emergency cards, alert staff etc)  
Keeping parents upto date with day to day routines and activities (Diaries, newsletters, meetings) 
Keep alcohol and harmful substances locked away
Make sure garden is child safe 
Fire alarm risk assessments 
Diversity in childcare (books, dolls, posters, toys etc) 
Toys, arts and crafts, books, outdoor equipement
How do you plan on children keeping physically active (3 hours a day) park, garden, outings etc. 
Keeping doors and gates locked 
drop of and collection precedure 
Consider Sleeping areas 
Data Protection ( where will you store your data and files) 
Register self employed with HM Revenue 
You cannot start childminding until you have recieved your certificate from Ofsted. 
Apply for childcare grant through the government. You could be entitled to £500 (Not looking after SEN children) - £1000 (SEN children) include this is finances as a wage. 
The start up costs of Childminding can be between £1500 - £2000. 
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studymbbsaborad · 3 years ago
Study MBBS In Philippines | MBBS in abroad for Indian students at low cost
Job Opportunities After Studying MBBS In Philippines
The Philippines is the fifth-largest English-speaking nation in the world. For Indian students interested in pursuing a career in medicine, the Philippines has long been a popular choice. The medical schools in the Philippines are well-known around the world, and as a result, the country's MBBS graduates have many options after graduation. You can work as a doctor in many English-speaking countries around the world if you have an MBBS degree from the Philippines. The following is a breakdown of the career options in the Philippines after completing an MBBS in Philippines :
l In the Philippines, after completing an MBBS (MD) degree, you are eligible to enrol in a Postgraduate degree programme and a Hospital Management degree programme.
l A clinical practise or a career in clinical research are two other options.
l After graduating from the MBBS (MD) programme in the Philippines, you can also practise medicine in the country by passing the Licensure Exam.
l A Master of Public Health, a Master of Health Service, or any other Master's degree programme in the medical field can be pursued while still in the Philippines.
l If you pass the Medical Council of India's FMGE screening test, you can return to India and work as a practitioner (MCI).
l You can also practise medicine in the United States after passing the ECFMG Certification and the USMLE Examination.
l However, if you want to work as a practitioner in countries like Canada and Australia, you will need to pass the Canadian or Australian Medical Council Licensing and the relevant State Registration Exam.
l Because it is based on the US educational system, completing an MBBS programme in the Philippines opens up a wider range of career options. Jobs in healthcare, medical foundations and hospitals, biomedical companies and laboratories, and as a medical professor are all possibilities in many countries around the world.
A Career in India After Completing an MBBS in Philippines
The National Medical Commission (NMC), India, recognizes medical schools in the Philippines that offer MBBS to international students. Consequently, an MBBS graduate from the Philippines is eligible for a medical licence in India if they meet the requirements of the National Medical Council of India (NMC). In order to practise medicine in India, foreign medical graduates (FMGs) must pass the National Exit Test (NExT), which was recently released by the National Medical Council (NMC). The NExT will go into effect in 2022 if the draught is approved. An FMG currently needs to pass the FMGE exam in order to practise medicine in India until further changes are implemented. Foreign Medical graduates who have completed their MBBS degree from MCI approved medical colleges in Philippines are eligible to appear for this exam.
Part-time jobs for MBBS students in the Philippines
If you study MBBS in Philippines, it is highly recommended that you focus solely on your MBBS course and only apply for a part-time job in the event of financial constraints. In order to graduate from an MBBS programme, students must put in at least 8 to 10 hours of study per day. As a result, you won't have much time to work on a part-time basis. For those who still need a part-time job while in the Philippines for their MBBS studies there are several options:
l Looking for part-time jobs on campus, such as working in the cafeteria or front office, is a good place to start looking for work. By eliminating the need to drive, this will save a significant amount of time and money.
l As a medical student, you can offer private tutoring to people in the area who need help with science or standardized tests.
l Depending on your expertise, you may be able to find online part-time jobs such as data entry or video editing.
MBBS Students in the Philippines can apply for a Work Permit
Candidates who wish to work as doctors in the Philippines after completing their training must first obtain a Philippines medical licence (board exam for doctors of the Philippines). This test is also given by the Philippines Board of Medicine, a professional regulatory body under the control and supervision of the Philippines Professional Regulation Commission (PRC).
In most cases, long-term workers in the Philippines apply for a 9(G) visa. An Alien Employment Permit request must be submitted to the Bureau of Immigration by the applicant's employer in order to be considered for this visa. Before a 9(G) visa can be issued, the request must be processed. The following documents must be submitted by all applicants:
ü Passports that are updated, are required.
ü A certificate issued by the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.
ü An image of a passport (3.5- 4.5 cm).
ü A copy of the contract of employment.
ü Curriculum Vitae of the Applicant.
ü Copy of the Alien Work Permit.
ü Form I-94, the Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement's standard application.
ü All of the company's official papers such as the articles of incorporation, registration certificates, and tax returns.
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detective-jay · 3 years ago
Search the web for a press conference – media/public relations – dealing with a
Search the web for a press conference – media/public relations – dealing with a
Search the web for a press conference – media/public relations – dealing with a topic related to criminal justice – FMG access through library for students, YouTube, segment in the news. Addresses the following: Dissect the communication occurring during the press conference – from the perspective of leadership behaviors. Assess the leader’s behavior, words used, emotions present, and the content…
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fredgeorge123 · 3 years ago
Search the web for a press conference – media/public relations – dealing with a
Search the web for a press conference – media/public relations – dealing with a
Search the web for a press conference – media/public relations – dealing with a topic related to criminal justice – FMG access through library for students, YouTube, segment in the news. Addresses the following: Dissect the communication occurring during the press conference – from the perspective of leadership behaviors. Assess the leader’s behavior, words used, emotions present, and the content…
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moodblog71 · 3 years ago
Black Conscious Dating Sites
Conscious Dating Network (CDN) is the oldest, largest, exclusively 'Spiritual/Conscious' and 'Green/Eco-Friendly' network of online dating sites with almost 20 years experience. Many of our sites are marketed by us, CDN, and by allowing third parties to market 'Privately Labeled Sites' it leverages our marketing efforts and attracts more.
In earlier days, no one could have imagined that white women will be obsessed with black men and its vice-versa but now the things have been changed completely. In this World Wide Web edge, young generation peoples have become so conscious and sincere about their relationships along with their career that they are capable to take any critical and sensitive decisions.
Meet Black Christian Singles is part of the dating network, which includes many other general and christian dating sites. As a member of Meet Black Christian Singles, your profile will automatically be shown on related christian dating sites or to related users in the network at no additional charge.
Bragging Rights: make every day earth day. Green Singles is a go-to dating site for.
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Black Conscious Dating Sites
Black Conscious Dating Sites Online
020 was a rough year, but despite its shortcomings, the desire for companionship has not been more intense. If you're tired of searching through dating apps and would instead prefer a professional touch, we've compiled a list of the top Black matchmakers and dating coaches in the country.
This list is in no particular order and includes experts with several years of experience and whose expertise has been highlighted in numerous publications. As such, be sure to do your diligence when connecting with a service provider.
Fisher Gilmore Matchmaking (FGM.) is an exclusive agency of heart hunters led by The Matchmaking DUO™ (Kelli Fisher & Tana Gilmore). FGM provide matchmaking services personally designed to accommodate busy, successful professionals who are seeking long-term love. In searching for one’s compatible match, FMG pride ourselves on giving our clients a lot of what they want, and even more of what they need.
Website: thematchmakingduo.com
African American Passions is a stand-alone free African American Dating Site and if it isn't 100% clear yet, African American Passions has been designed specifically for the African American community. Separately, it is also part of a much (much) larger network of niche dating sites.
Features: ESSENCE, Steve Harvey Show, Madame Noire, Chicago Tribune, NY Post, NBC
Julie Wadley started Eli Simone to help others who are successful professionally, but feel that they were missing something or someone in their lives to make it complete. She challenges successful professionals to get back to basics on building a fulfilling life. Her mission is to empower individuals to find and keep love by accessing their life’s purpose and vision, using it to create goals, and customizing a strategy to achieve them.
Website: elisimone.com
Features: CBS, Madame Noire, Elite Daily, Chicago Tribune
‍Jasmine Diaz - Diaz Dating Group
Jasmine Diaz is a renowned dating strategist, matchmaker, Founder of RELASH, Diaz Dating Group, and Co-Creator of the award-winning SmartMatchApp whose clients include some of the nation's greatest celebrities, athletes, and C-Suite executives. She has worked with high-profile and successful professional singles for over 15 years, and believes that matching is less of a numbers game as it is about strategy. Matchmaking clients undergo a discovery period where we discuss your dating preferences, relationship history, and future goals.
Website: lovebyjd.com
Features: Marie Claire, Cosmopolitan, ESSENCE, Washington Post, Galore, OWN, FOX, VH1
The world's most influential matchmaker, founded and exited three businesses, hosts two television shows, spent nearly a decade working directly for a billionaire. Named as a Top Voice on LinkedIn, Oprah said herself, 'Paul is more than a matchmaker.' He is currently co-host of Celebs Go Dating and Married At First Sight.
Website: paulcbrunson.com Plenty of fish dating site.
Features: Today Show, Good Morning America, ESSENCE, OWN, Celebs Go Dating (E4), NBC, USAToday
‍Coach Cass - Inspire Many / Real Love Network
Coach Cass has a master's in public health and an honorary doctorate in philosophy. She is a certified dating and relationship coach, also trained under and certified by John Gottman's Seven Principles Program to Making Marriage Work. She is a certified life coach, matchmaker, TEDx speaker and more. She has worked with thousands of women over the last 11 years as a certified life, business and love coach.
Website: inspiremany.com
Features: Tamron Hall Show, Black Enterprise, ESSENCE, Woman's Daily, Washington Post
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Monique Kelley - Cocktails and Confessions‍
Monique Kelley is the blogger behind the popular site, Confessions Of A Serial Dater in LA. She initially chronicled the trials & travails of her post-divorce dating life. Monique is currently the resident dating expert on NBC’s hit day time syndicated show, Access Live, NBC’s regional show California Live and Fox LA’s number one morning show Good Day LA. She has also been a guest on The Talk and has previously been featured in Essence Magazine, LA Confidential Magazine, and TV One.
Website: confessionsofaserialdaterinla.com
Features: E! Daily Pop, The Real, Tamron Hall, Good Day LA, Access Live
Angela N. Holton is an International Coach and Speaker, Author, and Founder of Love Sanctuary, an online spiritual and personal development site centered on helping individuals create success and transformation through Self-Empowerment and Self-Love.
Website: lovesanctuary.com
Features: The Daily Beast, Fox Soul, BET, Huffington Post
Brittany Jenkins, better known as Bree to her clients, has been working in mental health, life coaching, and counseling services since 2002. A graduate of both Pepperdine University’s Graduate School of Education and Psychology and Dillard University’s Bachelor of Arts in Psychology program, she has extensive training in the mental health field. Bree is a marriage and family therapist and dating & life coach specialist that focuses on couples, and adults with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and a multitude of mental health, social, and emotional problems.
Website: thegatheredlife.com
Features: Good Day LA, Fox Soul, People, Bustle
Damona Hoffman is the dating expert of the new generation. An online dating early-adopter and success story, she has been showing singles how to harness the power of technology to find love for over a decade.
A former TV casting director and executive, Damona always entertains while she teaches about celebrating your own unique experiences and personal story and learning to LOVE AS YOU ARE instead of conforming and compromising your individuality to find love.
Website: damonahoffman.com
Features: People, ESSENCE, LA Times, Washington Post, Madame Noire, FYI, CBS
As a certified relationship coach, a speaker and author, Stephan seizes every opportunity to help both men and women overcome the challenges that hinder their relationships. From understanding the opposite sex, to navigating the paths and avoiding the pitfalls of relationships and self growth, Stephan’s relationship advice and insight helps countless individuals achieve an authentically amazing life.
Website: stephanspeaks.com
Features: GQ, Men's Fitness, Huffington Post, Match.com, ABC, Black Enterprise, Rolling Out
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Dating is for busy people too! Because you are a busy person that does not mean that you should not have a dating life! If you are really interested in meeting a single black female and put her in your life, then you have all the chances to have that in your life! The only thing that keeps you away from doing that is joining our website and getting the opportunity to date from the comfort of your own house! Here at AfroRomance, we want to make it easy for you to get to know single African American women. In addition to that, since we want to create the best experience possible for our users, we also optimized our website to be fully compatible with mobile devices in order to take your dating life on the go as well. If you want you are able to find single African American women right from your phone even if you are away from your computer. And if things go well, you will also be able to meet black single women away from your computer as well.
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Free local asian singles. If you want you are able to join our website for free and start your new and upgraded online dating game with us here at AfroRomance. Become another success story! Meet black women today and find the woman of your life right here with us!
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