#FFXIV Endwalker Spoilers
nagunkgunk · 1 year
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if nhazaa jaab so much as looks in the direction of the baby dwagons or miw miis he's dust
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pollywog-art · 1 month
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henceforth, he shall walk.
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granmasaya · 2 years
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Close in the distance.
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mariyekos · 1 month
It's been almost 3 years but I'm STILL not over how the stars aligned in Endwalker and the weather changed to Umbral Wind right after Estinien sacrificed himself.
Like, Estinien and the dragons went on about how the young had no winds to guide them and how this was tied to the dragons' doom (the eggs just broke me, man), so when he sacrificed himself to help us by creating a vortex/wind plume to guide us forward, it hit really hard because man! Though the dragons' future had been stolen from them, Estinien didn't give in to the defeat or resignation that had captured them and helped us forward in a way that resonated with the dragons he'd come to hold so dear. Where they saw what they had lost and gave up, Estinien paved the way to the future himself, using their dreams and his dream both.
But then I looked up at the weather for the first time and just crumbled to dust. Because there in the corner was the bright green circle of Umbral Winds and I just. Broke.
From what I understand the weather changing at that point was actually complete chance, but I didn't realize that and to me it seemed like Estinien sacrificed himself not only to guide us forward, but to bring back that most precious thing that the dragons lost and remind them of what happiness and hope felt like. The dragons had lost the wind to guide them but Estinien wouldn't let them stew in their sadness. He didn't just reprimand the dragon who'd given in to despair by telling them of the survival of their kin through Midgardsormr; he brought back the wind that was so essential to their lives, the thing they loved the most (save the children whose lives could never be recovered). He changed the weather of the entirety of Ultima Thule so the dragons could feel the touch of the wind that they'd treasured but lost and had mourned for an age. Think how much power that would take? How much emotional strength? How much devotion? How much love and care?
It also hit me hard because it was like Estinien wasn't really gone. Thancred had sacrificed himself to create the air we breathed, meaning he was constantly around us, and Estinien had sacrificed himself to be the winds that guided us, the weather following us throughout the region.
In the end, yeah, that second one was actually just the result of really convenient timing for a weather change afaik, but I didn't know it at the time and man did it crush me in such a good way. Endwalker, man. Estinien, man. The dragons, man. Ahhh!
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estinininininen · 7 months
FFXIV fans this is your daily reminder that if Estinien has even a tiny fraction of Nidhogg's memories he knows a hell of a lot more than he's letting on.
Nidhogg remembers at least three Umbral Calamities, and probably four or five. Safe to assume he defended Coerthas from Allag, and that he heard Vrtra looking for Azdaja and the primal-ification of Bahamut through dragon song. The DRG 80 quest states Nidhogg considered himself guardian of the star after Midgardsormr. At his prime, Nidhogg may have even known or been trying to learn his father's abilities - the changing form, the crystals, possibly even the ability to speak with Hydaelyn. Theory time: Hydaelyn may have even rejected him for being a dragon supremacist.
Estinien's shortcomings (if you don't have another silly explanation for them) have to do with mortal knowledge and interactions, like niceties, coin, and bluffing immigration officers. He asks for the Scions to explains things because they have discovered stuff nobody knew before this, or they were using vocabulary he doesn't know.
In Shadowbringers the idea of Ascians doesn't phase him, but the different shards and time travel nonsense throw him for a bit of a loop, coincidentally things Nidhogg wouldn't know. He is very tense at the idea of the WOL seeing his memories, and leaves immediately, but after telling you he shares Nidhogg's memories in 5.5 he chills out and hangs around more. Like he saw the writing on the wall about joining the Scions and covered his own ass in case of an Echo vision.
In Endwalker the reason I think he said "At least I will not pretend to understand this talk of ancient primals or the Final Days" and the like is because he has to constantly sort out if what Nidhogg knew was correct. He is remarkably chill staring up at Hydaelyn like "ya bitch let's go let's fight God." What Hydaelyn said to Estinien about hate becoming love is ambiguous enough it could also apply to Nidhogg.
And you are still the only person he has directly told he shares some memories with Nidhogg. He is deliberately not sharing this with people. He doesn't want to be Nidhogg. Most of the information is pointless outside of Coerthas in the 7th astral era. He makes an exception when he is the only one who knows something important - there's a Great Wyrm behind the curtain, how to motivate depressed dragons, the Eyes of Nidhogg are active again better find them, Omega? wait the thing that chased Midgardsormr? if not me better make sure someone handles it, oh shit Zenos is standing back up that's not Zenos anymore-
Then he just wants to have a drink and some dried squid and chill out. Not get interrogated about past kingdoms, or have his brain and eyes poked at when he dies ( . . . if he's even mortal anymore.)
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berrybooze · 6 months
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making new friends
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ooeygooeyghoul · 7 months
A Reunion at The End
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ambalambs · 3 months
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"Ah, but there's an idea! I have a matter to attend to at the Agora. Please go inside - I will join you shortly."
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lululeighsworld · 2 months
wanted to see what 7.0's emet's eyes no longer glowing in endwalker looked on my own pc AND LIKE. BEFORE:
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(wrow the lighting looks so good) BUT PLEASE MAKE HIS EYES GLOW AGAIN............THAT WAS ONE OF MY FAVOURITE CHARM POINTS. THEY WERE SO BEAUTIFUL AND CAPTIVATING!!!!!! YOU COULD GET LOST IN THEM............now they look so dull :(((((
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ryoplicaisherenow · 1 year
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Just had to do this
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13. Butte
On my island, way up in the sky,
Is a hilltop that's terribly high,
If you're awfully astute,
You'll know I love a big butte,
And it's something about which I can't lie.
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Ffxivwrite2024 has risen to new levels of silliness...
(Also I was surprised that butte rhymes with flute, rather than shut, but it's just as well I checked. And apologies to @spotofmummery whose screenshot I borrowed to illustrate the island hilltop - it was what came up when I googled "FFXIV Island hilltop", which just goes to show how famous Amon is!)
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nagunkgunk · 10 months
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just take a wild guess if you don't understand what people are saying
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rosebunnys · 2 months
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maybe the real myths of the realm was the friends we made along the way
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littleredborb · 2 years
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I also made the elpis gang + solus emet + our boy haurchefant
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estinininininen · 9 months
cackling at how fandaniel and zenos must have been gently manhandling the unconcious wol into place at the dinner table and getting everything set up perfectly for The Moment™️. like two idiots putting shaving foam on a sleeping person's hand. fandaniel could NOT stop giggling and zenos was about to throttle him worried he'd ruin it. for a moment the only sound is varis-anima's EURGHs muffled in the background then fandaniel goes back to muttering under his breath about the timing of serving a proper baked alaska. fandaniel heals the wol of sleep but it takes a minute to actually wake up and so he and zenos just stare for a second while the wol twitches then hit their marks like nervous first-time shakespearean walk-ons. the looney tunes level of petty derangement
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sleepysoren · 1 year
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"I birth a world of suffering to mire and plague. In one fleeting moment, lives come and go. Ever moving towards the unknown. And in that fleeting moment, they cry for the answer to the question; Why given life, are they meant to suffer. To die..."
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