#FE16's growing to be my least fav FE game
randomnameless · 2 years
Seeing another point about Lonato’s rebellion and how “Rhea BaD” for killing civilians -
Uh, if you give a gun to a “civilian”, and said “civilian” is pointing that gun on your head, I do not call the person who armed this civilian and who told him to put that gun on my head a nice guy.
I know there might be different cultural values at play - but Lonato marching on Garreg Mach with his army of civilians armed to demand “justice for Christophe” isn’t, imo, leading being reasonable. 
Next what, Rhea doesn’t give him the answer he wants, will he shoot her? If she refuses to give him Catherine, will he shoot Flayn in retaliation?
In his battle, Lonato pretty much tells why he is marching, it is not to politely ask Rhea what happened to Christophe, but to bring jugdment to the Central Church and its followers :
The fog has cleared. There's nothing left to hide you or the filthy Central Church from the judgment of the goddess!
Lonato wants to “destroy” the people of the Central Church - he armed his peasants for this goal, I cannot see how this would not have ended in a bloodbath.
Claude explains it himself, had they not stopped Lonato’s merry band of friends, all villages on the road to Garreg Mach would have been burnt :
If we hadn't done what we did, the rebel army would have followed this road all the way to the monastery.
And they would have crushed all the little villages along the way. We stopped that from happening. You should be proud.
Lonato is asked multiple times, even by his son (the non biological one) to put down his weapons and cease his foolishness. His very own Prince can also ask him to stop his nonsense -
But he refuses to back down, to put down his (and his people’s) weapons and ultimately resolves to strike both down for his cause.
For anyone who is familiar with the series, putting down armed civilians who want your head is a clear throwback at FE10′s Elincia’s arc - Elincia does not want to fight and hurt her own people, but her reticence at doing so cost her her dearest sister, and hurt more villagers than she thought. She ultimately defends her castle against the “rebels”, after having asked them to drop off their weapons and being ignored by the same “rebels”, who see her reticence at bringing them justice a “weakness”.
Back to FE16, this event does not happen because Rhea is evil and wants to “terrorise poor uwu students in obeying the Church else they die”, the students were tasked to stay in the back with the rearguard and deal with the “aftermath”.
To show students - without putting them in the blood bath that is the main battle - that raising their swords against the Church Goddess (thanks Treehouse!) is foolish and will be met with force.
Just like, say, you don’t try to storm the Capitol with guns else you will be gunned.
Tl; Dr : Lonato fodderized his civilians to get Rhea’s head - Rhea had them slapped before razing villages and her monastery -> i.e. Lonato was not a hero, and definitely not a heroic rebel trying to defend himself against an unjust situation.
And, funny how some people completely forgot who included Lonato in their plans to create a distraction in the Monastery to sneak around and steal Sothis’s spinal cord.
Is Rhea BaD for fighting back not wanting to be killed, Lonato BaD for getting his people killed in his own delured quest of vengeance where he targets everything affiliated with the Central Church even villages, or the Mole Men and Flamey BaD for fueling Lonato’s head with nefarious ideas, and ultimately using him to create a decoy?
It must be Rhea BaD, the game says it’s very sad, Lonato was fighting for his “ideals”, and planting the tone for the ultimate Supreme Leader washing program, i.e. you’re free to do whatever you want as long as it is to reach your “ideals” or bring a more “just’n’fair society ~”.
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