#Eury's OTPs
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kindred-spirit-93 · 4 months ago
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Follow-up to this post
This doodle is completely unserious but I needed a continuation of their storyline before my next comic, so congrats to Eurylochus and Ctimene on their wedding
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taamlok · 10 months ago
guys i will not lie i miss astarion and eurydice so much... otp hemoakglobin... eury and ass as they have been called
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lazaretskies · 4 years ago
👄 okay but hear me out. At first I thought about a rough 'shut your mouth' kiss. BUT What about a sensual kiss instead? Eury strikes me as the person to chat a lot when in a good mood (possible adventure stories, recent events or interests all the way to horrible puns). And then there is Ty, being a quiet mouse, drifting into a certain ease the more she listens to the sound of Eury's voice. Doesn't matter if Eury is being too loud or reverted to making feral noises for no apparent reason. Tyrael merely smiles in a gentle yet affectionate manner. Not too long after she leans against Eury, beckoning her to lean just a little closer. And just gentle kiss
(yes, hello, welcome to my brainrot)
For this post! (Which is still open for request cause I'm obsessed) THIS IS THE KIND OF BRAINROT I'M IN TUMBLR FOR. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS. I'm also so very sorry if Tyrael is out of character, I'm winging this as I go. XD
Answer is once again under the cut because I have no self-control for length. ✨
'Perhaps it was not the best idea to give her coffee…', Tyrael thought to herself as Euryleia told her a rather loud and quite animated story of her latest escapade to Nopal with Asra and Julian. The three were there for barely a week but Eury was retelling everything as if it was a year-long journey. And, of course, it was Ty that the Amazon would go to the moment they got back, running straight for her home instead of unpacking.
Though Eury did have the common decency to knock first, Ty was still immediately swallowed in a hug the second the door was opened. As any polite host, she offered Eury a drink but is now regretting her decision since the caffeine had certainly doubled the Amazon woman's enthusiasm.
Euryleia's travelling cloak was long forgotten over the chair that she was supposed to be sitting on, the tall female now standing and moving around the room as she told Tyrael literally everything with exaggerated gestures and a wide grin. Most people found this trait of Eury to be both annoying yet adorable, similar to having a child tell you how their day went for an entire hour even though all they did was play in the mud. It was nice to see her so excited over the smallest things but it was somewhat painful to the ears, especially because of her echoing voice.
Tyrael, on the other hand, found it quite endearing. Eury saw the world as an adventure just waiting to happen and that made everyday exciting in its own way. Once, Eury had fallen into the canal but instead of fussing over a ruined dress or a near death experience like a normal human being, Ty found herself with soaking wet magician who excitedly told her what Vesuvia looked like underwater.
Eury, on the other hand, found herself attracted towards the sorceress, the calming aura Tyrael had giving her a sense of comfort and, most of all, acceptance. She never sneered at her antics or looked at Eury like she was a sort of freak. It was easy to notice that the wild woman had grown attached and won't be leaving Ty's side anytime soon.
During her storytelling, Ty had noticed that Eury ended up telling some scenarios backwards or repeated a conversation she had already said thirty seconds ago. Still, she didn't have the heart to correct her. Smiling to herself, Ty placed down her own cup of tea and with a one finger, gestured for Eury to come closer to where she sat at the other side of the table.
"So, there we were, wearing the ceremonial crown and about to sacrifice Julian to the Nopal gods—", Eury stopped mid-sentence, tilting her head when Ty beckoned her closer. "Yes, Ty? Is something wrong?", she asked but walked towards her nontheless. "Oh? Are you confused on the part where Asra fell off the horse and we only noticed 30 minutes after? It was a funny story really–mmph?!"
Eury was effectively silenced, Ty pulling her down by the back of her neck and connecting their lips in a slow and warm kiss. Both their lips had the lingering taste of their respective drinks but, for the entirety of said kiss, Eury merely remained still as a board, eyes wide. When Ty finally pulled away, she could only chuckle at the stunned expression at the other's face. "Wha... What was that for...?"
"You talk too much...", Ty whispered against her lips, finger tangled in the Amazon's wild tangerine hair. Eury's expression became somewhat ashamed, about to apologize but Ty beat her to it. "I love it."
At this, the taller of the two flushed pink. Eury knew how annoying she can be and she was used to people either faking interest or avoiding her altogether. The simple gesture that Ty just did meant more to the Amazon than the other realized. Eury's brain had stopped functioning for a good ten seconds before she suddenly jumped the other woman, kissing her again and again.
"...W-Wait, Eury! The chair–", Ty tried to say between kisses but her warning was too late as they both come crashing down the floor, an overly infatuated Amazon atop of her.
Yep, she certainly shouldn't have given her coffee.
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renatoram · 4 years ago
Aggiungo un altro vettore di attacco perche’ non ci pensa nessuno... se l’OTP ti viene mandato via SMS (qualcuno ha detto “quasi tutti i servizi pubblici e banche italiane?”) allora, sempre nel caso di un attacco mirato a TE (cosa improbabile, in generale, ma utile a sapersi)... beh non e’ cosi’ difficile ricevere i tuoi SMS, turns out.
L’attaccante va in un negozio Vodafone (o equivalente), esce 100 euri al commesso, e quello gli fa un clone della tua SIM. Ora ricevete entrambi lo stesso SMS.
Oppure, e l’hanno scoperto da poco, ancora meglio: l’attaccante usa un servizio comodissimo creato per i sistemi di pubblicita’ massiva (Spam) via SMS (che come tutti questi servizi e’ creato direttamente dall’operatore telefonico) e per una spesa molto contenuta puo’ ridirigere altrove gli SMS mandati a una lista di numeri.
Nel primo caso, e’ ovviamente una mariuolata quasi a livello della chiave inglese (efficacissima, ti espone all’arresto per reati molto meno rarefatti dell’hacking, colpisce 1 sola persona), nel secondo caso e’ un madornale “errore” nel sistema, e si spera che venga chiuso, ma esiste e permette di fare il truccone comodamente seduti nel proprio sgabuzzino a Vladivostok.
Ah si... e se non ti prende il cellulare, sei in roaming su un operatore stronzo (estero, navi, colline liguri...) come ricevi l’OTP via SMS? Non lo ricevi, o lo ricevi pagandolo a peso d’oro.
Questo per dire... 2 Factor con OTP bene, con applicazione sul cellulare (o chiavetta tipo Yubikey, per carita’) meglio. Via SMS... solo se non c’e’ alternativa. 
Potenziale argomento di lezione: dal momento che l'autenticazione a due fattori con one time password usa strumenti e 'identità' differenti tra di loro (indirizzo web+utenza telefonica mobile), non è da considerarsi pressoché sicura da bucature hackeraggi? Da non addetto ai lavori, immagino che un mariuolo digitale possa solo clonarmi il numero di cellulare e così ricevere/confermare la seconda password per potere accedere al mio home banking, al mio conto bancoposta, al mio profilo Inps o al mio fascicolo sanitario elettronico... o sto sottovalutando la mariuolaggine digitale?
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Ad oggi è una delle armi migliori.
Come già anticipavi via audio, ti protegge sicuramente dal tipo di attacco “sparare nel mucchio e catturare il pollo”, poiché distribuisce la password in più luoghi non correlati tra loro. Sei in teoria protetto sia da attacchi Man In The Middle (che vorrei tanto iniziare a spiegare, se il karma mi lascia un giorno libero), sia, per fare un esempio, da keylogger che sniffano i tasti digitati. Il fatto che sia one time è fondamentale, perché anche se qualcuno stesse spiando i tuoi tasti, potrebbe usare solo una parte delle credenziali che hai inserito. Dico volutamente una parte, perché dipende come è fatto il sistema di accesso: con i miei due conti correnti, uno su Volksbank, l’altro su Sparkasse, la password one time generata sul cellulare/token è solo dispositiva (i.e. fare operazioni), ma quella che serve per accedere al conto è comunque fissa, quindi catturabile ed utilizzabile. Ovviamente tutta sta’ manfrina protegge te, ma se il sito dell’INPS o delle Poste è vulnerabile perché bacato (chissà perché ho un déjà vu), allora salta tutto il ragionamento.
A questo punto, non rimane che il malintenzionato che ti ha preso di mira, vuole colpire proprio te, e preferisce fare queste cose da nerd anziché rigarti banalmente la portiera dell’auto con un cacciavite al tungsteno.
Ma anche in questo caso stiamo parlando di una persona che:
a) ha catturato la parte fissa delle tue credenziali, spiando il tuo hardware, con un aggeggio elettronico oppure un malware che ti è stato recapitato in una email con l’allegato “AIFA: ultimi aggiornamenti tropp sicret sul John & John”. E fin qua, diciamo pure che è facile.
b) è riuscita ad avere una copia dell’algoritmo generatore più il seme iniziale (anche su questo punto verrà fatta una lezione! 😍) da un dipendente traditore dietro compenso (pagare un altro per rubarti dei soldi è una genialata), oppure ha catturato tante di quelle password one time da essere riuscita a trovare una correlazione statistica e quindi aver sgamato la sequenza (ora, non ti conosco da una vita, ma penso di potermi sbilanciare dicendo che non sei tipo da 1000 operazioni dispositive al minuto).
Dato il tuo cognome assolutamente insipido come il mio, l’opzione “colpo in testa con la chiave inglese” resta l’unica opzione praticabile per avere un accesso sicuro in un tempo ragionevole.
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lazaretskies · 4 years ago
👄 Eury to Morgan? (DM me if you need help or anything)
For this post <3
This is so cute to write oml. I went overboard and didn't even ask cause I was too excited hehe. Sorry if anything's off point. :V I'm just gonna but it under the cut cause it got too long.
I'm currently working on other asks! I just got carried away with this one. ✨👉👈
When Nadia allowed Eury to ride with her in the carriage on their way to welcome home their friends, it's mostly because she didn't want the Amazon running over roofs and people again. The last time that happened, a very unlucky merchant of cabbages found himself two crates short after Eury ungracefully fell on his carriage and sent an entire mount of vegetables rolling down the streets of Vesuvia. It was chaos getting everyone to stop panicking and Nadia had to scold Eury herself. The female was an excellent addition in the Vesuvian army but her actions were far too untamed and she often chooses to let her emotions decide her actions.
Right now, for example, Eury very carelessly jump out the royal carriage before it even came to a full stop. Nadia called for her but the woman was already shoving her way to the docks and towards the familiar ship already into port, the crew debarking cargo off the vessel. Using her height to her advantage, Eury looked over the crowd for one particular person. When she didn't find them in the docks, she continued to maneuver closer. And once the familiar shade of blue finally caught her eye, Eury immediately went and stepped over a couple crates and maybe a few people to close the distance between them. This earned her a multitude of shouts and curses, half of which she didn't even know the language. All fell into deaf ears, however, as Euryleia only continued to use them as stepping stones on her way aboard the ship and towards one person.
Fresh from two months long travel at sea, Morgan was now in the middle of a conversation with an overly animated Julian and with Portia who looked way too tired for his nonsense. The doctor only continued, "What I'm saying is if we just went through the strait earlier the next time we visit—"
"—We'll come crashing into the nearby cliffs and sink into sea!", Portia exclaimed, cutting her brother off. "Ilya, that's a stupid idea."
"Actually, if we maneuver with a smaller ship, it isn't as impossible–", Morgan added to which Julian beamed at, however, the female wasn't finished. "–but what's the point of a cargo vessel if it's too small? We'll just waste supplies and manpower."
"That's why we can also–"
Jumping over the wooden beam instead of taking the ramp, Euryleia finally landed on the ship's deck with a solid thud. When the trio heard the sudden noise, all three stopped to check if someone had accidentally dropped a crate or something. Multiple stares turned to the sudden passenger's direction but Eury only met eyes with one particular gaze. Both Julian and Portia called to her but she only cared for one person at the moment.
"Eury! Over here!", Morgan waved to her from the other side of the ship. Instead of waving back or answering at all, Eury only made her way directly to her direction with a somewhat determined expression. The blue-haired sailors smiled at the approaching female. "Here to welcome us home? I have so much to tell you! We also brought home quite a lot of souvenirs! You remember that particular candied fruit you've wanted? We found a merchant that–mmph!"
The moment she was at arm's reach, without hesitation, Eury had wrapped her arms around the shorter woman's waist and cut her off by pulling her in for a long-awaited kiss, eyes closed. The kiss was somewhat too rough but Eury eventually found the common sense to relax. Morgan's eyes were wide open from surprise at first but eventually closed in bliss, kissing back and placing her toned arms atop equally strong shoulders. The immediate she felt the other kiss back, Eury went further and turned her head slightly to the side as she dipped Morgan, arms still supporting her waist and back. Salty winds brushed against their skin, their hair flowing with the breeze as both of them just sink into each other's warmth.
The kiss might've lasted longer than normal though because Julian had awkwardly cleared his throat and tried to speak, but Euryleia blindly raised a hand at his direction to shut him up. Offended, he tried to speak again but it was Morgan this time that raised a finger and told him to hold it until they're done. With a huff and a snicker from his sister, he finally decided to wait.
When the need for air became too much, Euryleia reluctantly pulled away. The bright afternoon sun casted above her head as she gazed down at her partner. Eury placed one last kiss on her lips before fully hugging Morgan, burying her face in the other's neck. "...I missed you."
"I can tell.", the other's laughter was music to her ears, Eury nuzzling her further because of it. Oh how she missed the sound of her voice. "I missed you, too, Eury."
"You know... We came back home, too.", Julian suddenly slides in with one of his usual grins, completely ruining the moment. "Do we not get a welcome home kiss?"
Eury sent him a glare and growled. Julian raised his hands in defense. "I was kidding!", he laughed, earning a jab at his side from his sister as well. "-Ow! Fine, fine! But you should probably continue that at home or maybe in the Captain's quarters. You're making everyone here jealous."
"Don't be ridiculous.", Morgan playfully scolded, straightening her back to stand properly again. Eury still refused to let go of her though,  now hugging her waist from behind and nuzzling her hair like a lost puppy. "The bed in the quarters won't fit Eury~"
"...my new room in the palace can fit both of us.", Eury suggested to which Morgan chuckled at, turning around in the embrace and reaching up to ruffle the taller's bright orange hair.
"Then, why don't you show me?", she asked. "I'm also quite tired. I also brought home some Nevivon salts if you want join me for a bath?"
At the prospect of a shared bath, Eury immediately perked up, her lips stretching to a wide grin. She nodded with a childlike enthusiasm and was already pulling Morgan off the boat, the other laughing at the sudden excitement.
Meanwhile, Julian watched as the two walked away, sighing. He turned to his sister but was met with nothing but empty space, Portia already running towards Nadia who welcomed her home with a kiss of her own. The doctor groaned.
"...I'm definitely too single for this."
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lazaretskies · 4 years ago
For this post here!
Also, Eurack sounds like 'You rock.' and I'm here for it. 💕💕💕 Sorry it took so long. :V
Mild Warning: mentions of alcohol and a very much wasted Amazon.
"Seriously…. How much did you even drink?", Zack sighed, looking down at the mop of orange hair that draped allover Eury's face. The woman slowly lifted her head, a giggling expression on her flushed face. She then stared at the evening sky, one arm draped over Zack's shoulder as she steadied herself. Eury lifted her free hand, raising one finger at a time as she counted.
"Only three…", Eury slurred, nodding in affirmation from her very much hazy memory.
"Three what?", Zack dared, raising a brow as they walked out the Rowdy Raven, him supporting Eury before the Amazon falls flat on her face on the stone path again. Only her gods know just how many times this woman had hit her head when she's drunk, whether from falling or from not looking at where she's going. The only good thing is that Eury doesn't get hangovers in the morning, though it doesn't stop her from being a complete buffoon when wasted.
The drunk woman grinned proudly back at her companion. "Three...BARRELS!"
She beamed, laughing like a child. Zack shook his head, already exasperated as a handful of evening passerbys sent them odd stares. Euryleia was no lightweight, often winning bet after bet with the Devorak twins during drinking competitions. So seeing her drunk as hell to this point was an odd occurrence. Nadia would definitely be glad she asked Zack to fetch her because anyone else would've long fallen on the pavement because of the drunk woman's size alone.
"Zackkkkkkkkk…!", Eury dragged in a childish voice, poking the man's face over and over. "Hey hey hey hey hey! Are you listening to meeee??"
"I am, Eury.", he gently grabbed and pushed away the finger. "But it's the dead of the night, you have to lower your voice. People are already looking."
Seeming confused, the female tilted her head, reached her hand up again and then flicked the other's forehead. "Don't be sillyyyy! Of course they'll look! They have eyeeessss! Like you—"
Eury went to poke at his eye but Zack pulled his face away. "Eury, stop it—", he scolded, the Amazon pouting angrily at him and proceeding to aim her pointer finger at Zack again. "I'm serious—", he stated, halting their steps while he tried to stop the childish royal guard/magician.
Eury, on the other hand, only kept going with her antics but was repeatedly being dodged or blocked, the alcohol making her vision hazier and her movements slower. But that still didn't stop her from annoying him and after a couple minutes of arguing in the middle of the road, Eury had enough and exclaimed.
"—Hey, what's Iwel doing over there?", she suddenly asked, gesturing on the other side of the road. Perplexed, Zack looked at the direction she pointed at but only saw an empty street. He let out a low frustrated groan at the obvious prank and turned back to Eury, an unamused expression on his face.
"Did you really just—mmph."
Zack blinked in surprise, his question cut off. Her lips lingered on his for only a few seconds, Eury's drunken self pulling away from the sudden kiss with a proud grin. The male's eyes eventually went back to focus, looking at the woman in front of him with confusion. Euryleia snickered, sticking her tongue out playfully at the taller man.
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lazaretskies · 4 years ago
👄 I am dying to know how Eruy would approach this w Iolas 😭
'I should've just stayed in my room.', Euryleia thought to herself as she undid the braiding on her hair, pulling on the multiple pins and ribbons and then putting it all up in her usual ponytail. Eury was initially grateful that Portia had earlier fixed her hair in order to match her outfit but now she feels like a complete fool for thinking she can somehow fit in. The Amazon was now sitting atop the roof of the Veranda, a place away from any more aristocratic judging stares, her feet dangling along the edge as she stared towards the dark evening sky above.
It was yet time for one of those many parties that the palace hosted each year. Unfortunately, after a series of endless mishaps in this type of social gatherings, Eury stopped attending any more events even if her friends asked her over and over. Yet here she was, wearing an elegant crimson dress, joining and once again ruining a completely perfect evening. She can't even begin to explain the miscellaneous accidents that took place the moment she stepped into the ballroom, but by the time Consul Valerius was covered in lobster sauce and with Lucio's albino peacocks running wild on the dance floor, Eury decided it was about time she took her leave. Why did she even agree to attend again?
"Eury!! Where are you?!"
Ah, right. That's why.
"Eury!", Iolas' voice broke through the woman's sulking, the silver-haired court magician standing and looking around the Veranda right below the ledge she was sitting on. "I know you're around here so come out! I'm starting to look like an idiot screaming like this!"
"…Hey, Iolas.", Eury, in an uncharacteristically meek voice, called back with a small wave. Honestly, Eury wouldn't have attended if Iolas wasn't the one asking her. Nadia gave him the authority for this party and Eury wanted to support him even if it means having to put on a corset and suffocating in expensive perfumes circling the palace halls.
The moment Iolas heard someone answer, he immediately looked up and gave Eury an exasperated look. "What– What are you doing up there?! Come down! We're about to light the–"
"– I-I think I'll stay up here…", Eury awkwardly laughed, scratching the back of her head. "Don't wanna accidentally set the ballroom on fire.... again…"
Eury grimaced as she watched Iolas' expression changed from confused to concerned to 'I can't believe we're having this conversation again.'.
"Eury…", Iolas groaned, closing his eyes and pinching the bridge of his nose. "Don't tell me you're up there because of what happened?"
"…Okay, I won't tell you.", the tangerine-haired female muttered, looking away when Iolas gave her a deadpanned glare. "I'm alright, really. You guys enjoy the party.", she tried to put on a smile but it looked way too forced and very far from her usual carefree grins.
Iolas sighed, planting his hands of his hips and refusing to leave. "If I remember correctly, I came to this party with the Junior Captain of the royal guards and I don't plan to come back inside without her.", he stated matter-of-factly. "Plus, are you really letting those pompous high-class wannabees make you feel insecure? Have you looked at yourself? And did you even see the look on Valerius' face when the doctor slipped and flung his food at the guy's face?", the silver-haired magician snickered, his tone easing from annoyed to amused. "It was golden! This is exactly why I invited you! Don't tell me you take me for some boring, mediocre party-planner? What's a party without watching those narcissistic sociopaths run around with their wigs on fire? Oh and don't get me started on the part where…"
Iolas only continued to talk about how he was enjoying the night, how everything was exceeding his expectations and, most of all, how much he enjoyed having Eury here with him. What the male failed to notice though was Eury's expression of pure shock as he spoke and her complexion matching the color of her dress with every compliment. 
"Oh! Did you see when one of those expensive peacocks run into the Chamberlain's skirt?! It was a riot!", the male laughed wholeheartedly, wiping the tears brimming his eyes from amusement. "Eury, to be honest, I should've asked you to help me plan from the sta—hmm?!", Iolas was cut off mid-sentence, a pair of lips suddenly pressing against his and capturing what was left of his speech.
Eury could no longer help herself. She had hooked her ankles around one of the lamps above, dropped upside-down, and gave Iolas a firm kiss on the lips while she hang like a bat. After a few seconds, she pulled away, flashing a genuine smile at Iolas' surprised face.
"Thank you, Iolas.", she laughed softly, slightly swinging forward to kiss his nose. "I think I'll come back inside now."
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lazaretskies · 4 years ago
(idk how to ask w a sideblog, lol)
🤛 - for Enna (@averagearcanasimp )
"You need to widen you stance a bit more.", Eury instructed, shifting to her side and swiftly avoiding Enna's punch. "And straighten your back a bit or you'll–Woah!", the Amazon had to pull away, barely avoiding an unexpected strike for her jaw. She was taken aback though a proud smile was quickly stretching across her face.
"Surprised?", Enna winked, pulling her arms back to a defensive stance.
"…Impressed.", Eury answered, chuckling and finally took a more serious stand, actually considering to strike back. Euryleia usually never entertains the idea of a sparring session with anyone at all, mostly because Eury herself sometimes forgets her own strength, but also because she didn't want to hurt anyone, especially the much smaller woman before her.
In a somewhat offended state, Enna dared her to atleast give it a chance. If she loses, she leaves Eury alone but if the dark-haired woman lands a blow, then Eury has to become a regular teacher. Truth be told, it'll be beneficial for both. Enna would learn to defend and fight for herself physically and Eury could train in better self-control.
Unfortunately for Enna, Eury still has a long way to go.
All it took was a single strike from Eury, one that she initially planned as a warning but ended as a disaster because she miscalculated her own arm's length. Eury's fist collided with Enna's face and the Amazon was absolutely mortified when she accidentally sends her to the ground, unconscious.
"OH GODS—ENNA!", Eury panicked, scrambling down at her fallen companion and, without thinking, picks her up and runs for the palace. They had borrowed a spot in the gardens and now Eury was basically jumping through the hedges, taking three steps at a time in the stairs, and barging through the halls towards Julian's office. 
"–DOCTOR!", her voice echoed harshly against the marbled walls, Julian quite literally flinging his cup and spilling his tea allover himself from surprise. 
"Eu-Eury, please! What have I told you about knockin–"
"I THINK I KILLED ENNA!", the Amazon cut him off, approaching the medical bed and placing the still unconscious woman gently down. "I promise it's an accident! We were sparring and I was very proud of her so I thought it's only right that I take her seriously but then I forgot I was taller and now Enna's dead and I haven't even confessed yet–"
"Eury, she's fine.", Julian laughed, smiling to try and ease Eury's panic. The auburn-haired doctor then noticed the swelling around Enna's eye and grimaced. "She just fainted but I might need to check if she has any fractures and do you mind getting some ice–"
"–I'm on it!", before Julian can say anything more, Eury was already out the door and sprinting down the hall. There was distant yelling and Julian swore he heard something - or someone - crash. 
Well... at least the entire palace knew she felt guilty, right?
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lazaretskies · 4 years ago
I'VE BEEN SIDETRACKED AND THIS TOOK SO LONG. I'M SO SORRY. ;—; But I'm kinda happy how this turned out cause it's so cute whenever it's Morgan that Eury is with <33333
Euryleia was and always had been an early riser, her eyes peaking open even before the break of dawn in the far horizon. Her body had always told her to move, to be active, and to never be complacent of where she already is.
But not today. Because, today, Eury could not think of any other place she would rather be than right here, right now.
Her eyes opened to the gleam of dawn at the ocean's neverending horizon, the sun painting a bigger canvas of bright light across its surface with each passing second. She yawned but almost fell short of breath when she tried to sit up, the blanket over her body slipping off and revealing bare skin. And that wasn't even the biggest surprise.
What... What was she doing half-naked with Morgan?
In the ship's deck?!
Normally, the situation wouldn't be a problem considering their relationship, but with their current location in the middle of the ocean and on a diplomatic voyage towards Prakra on Nadia's boat, Eury lose her shit.
The Amazon felt her companion shift and she froze. Morgan was laying on her side, back turned to Eury but was reaching for something behind her. Blue eyes widen by a fraction when the half-asleep magician blindly grabbed Eury's hand and pulled her arm around Morgan's waist, the smaller one immediately calming down again when the other didn't pull away.
It was safe to say that Eury died.
The rest of her blood all went to her face and made the Amazon's skin brighter than her hair. In an attempt to calm herself, she tried to recall the memories of last night.
If she remembers correctly, the crew had a small celebration for the first night of successful travel, starting off with sea shanties and laughter. That is until one of them broke out liquor that wasn't supposed to be in the boat in the first place. There was heavy drinking and the crew was sent to bed before someone ends up falling off into the water.
And, as obvious as it seems, two members of said crew didn't exactly go back inside. These two members were left behind to clean up, had a little too much to drink, "wrestled" on the deck and fell asleep right behind the wheel.
'...But where did the blanket come from?', Eury asked to herself, brows furrowed. Their clothes were folded right atop their heads, serving as makeshift pillows. Was the blanket something left on the deck? Or did someone on watch found them bare under the evening sky and took pity?
She prayed to the gods that it was not the latter.
But nevertheless.... Eury looked down at the woman in her arms and sighed. A soft smile made its way to her face, her lips reaching down and placing a gentle kiss atop her companion's bright blue hair.
It was a surprise, yes, but a very welcomed one. And, to be honest... Eury could not think of any other other place she'd rather be than right here, right now.
...but they should probably put on some clothes before everyone else wakes up.
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lazaretskies · 4 years ago
☄ Zack
BASED ON THIS! I tried to limit my responses this time because I take fuckin forever to respond. XD
If you're wondering, yes, I'm still accepting because I have no self-control at all. Also, I'm going straight to hell for this, but I have a feeling these two are prone to threesomes like for real— 👀👄👀
As per usual, Euryleia found herself waking up earlier than the day, the female stretching her arms above her head as she sat up from bed. Eury had always been a morning person, the kind of roommate that will get up before dawn, beat the sun in its own game, and shove it into its face by an early morning training in the palace yards or the docks.
Hearing the satisfying crack of joints melted into rest by the night before, she shifted, opting to get out of bed and wash up. Her movements pulled the covers off her body, cold air meeting bare sunkissed skin. Eury didn't mind since it was rather typical for her to sleep naked, especially if she slept drunk the night prior.
Wait... She was drunk last night?
The groggy expression on the Amazon's face was immediately dropped on the floor her feet was already planted on. Sky blue eyes blinked into focus, the messy heap of hair on her head whipping left and right as Eury took in her surroundings.
This was not her room.
It was still definitely a room in the palace, that much was obvious. The high ceilings, the silk curtains and the expensive carpet was proof enough that she at least managed to get back home last night. But whose room was it?
The rustling of sheets behind jolted the female guard to action, Eury snapping her head to look. Her mouth opened, then closed, then opened again, words lost as her mind tried to make sense of the newfound fact that Zackary Acciaio was asleep right next to her with just as much clothing as Eury had: nothing.
If she remembers correctly, it was normal for him to sleep naked. It was normal for her to sleep naked. But was it normal for them to sleep naked together?
Her train of thought was cut off when the blanket over Zack's body fell on the floor when he turned over, showing far too many marks over the man's skin that was definitely not there before. Bites, scratches, and— was that dried blood?
'What... What in the gods' names did we do last night?!'
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