ogadaedwine · 1 year
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taarifaleo · 1 year
Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority Raises Fuel Prices Effective September 15, 2023
The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has announced an increase in the retail prices of petroleum products in Kenya. The new prices will take effect from midnight on September 15, 2023 and will be in force until October 14, 2023. EPRA said, the maximum allowed retail prices of petroleum products in Nairobi are as follows • Super Petrol: Kshs.211.64 per litre (up from Kshs.194.68…
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radiohalisi · 2 years
Nandi senator under fire over "significant drop" comment
Nandi senator under fire over “significant drop” comment
Nandi senator Samson Cherargei on Friday evening kicked up a storm, hours after the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) announced changes in fuel prices. EPRA announced a Sh 1, Sh2 and Sh1 drop in retail prices of petrol, diesel and Kerosene respectively. According to Senator Cherargei, the slight changes will help lower the cost of living. “The prices of petroleum products has…
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jobskenyaplace · 17 hours
ENERGY & PETROLEUM REGULATORY AUTHORITY TENDER SEPTEMBER 2024  INVITATION TO TENDER SUPPLY, INSTALLATION, CONFIGURATION AND COMMISSIONING OF VIDEO CONFERENCING TENDER NO. EPRA/SCM/4/2/24-25/024 The ENERGY & PETROLEUM REGULATORY AUTHORITY invites sealed tenders for the Supply, Installation, Configuration and Commissioning of Video Conferencing. 1. Tendering will be conducted under open competitive…
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brandliaison2023 · 11 months
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marcia06 · 3 months
BOM DIA!☕️♥️
Epra hoje só quero um dia bonito. Aquele que floresce aqui dentro da alma, que irradia que transmite que contangia paz.
Quero pra mim, pra você, e para todos nós que acreditam que hoje pode ser diferente!!!
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rjzimmerman · 2 months
A whole lot of environmental organizations and environmentalists are opposed to this bill, primarily because it benefits the fossil fuel industry as well as the renewable energy industry. The Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee approved a bipartisan energy permitting bill in a 15-4 vote on July 31, 2024. My view: let it be, pass it. Renewable energy has proven to be cheaper to consumers than fossil fuel generated energy. The costs of installing renewable energy facilities will continue to decline. If all this is true and happens, then giving the fossil fuel industry a break in the permitting process should make no difference, we are the consumers and we want to save money. The politicians will listen, in most places. The problem isn't infrastructure, it's how out political financing works, giving way too much power to the big buck oil companies and friends.
Excerpt from this story from the Bipartisan Policy Center:
pdating our nation’s energy infrastructure is vital for the U.S. to ensure affordable, reliable energy while reducing emissions, but our current, lengthy permitting system makes it difficult to achieve these goals. On July 22, 2024, Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Joe Manchin (I-WV) and John Barrasso (R-WY), released their long-awaited bipartisan permitting reform agreement.
The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 (EPRA) presents a crucial opportunity to accelerate and streamline the energy infrastructure permitting process that is vital for the U.S. to ensure affordable, reliable energy while reducing emissions.
As with all compromise bills, stakeholders will probably like many provisions but dislike others. Luckily for those on both sides of the aisle, the legislation has more to like than to dislike.
If you care about:
energy affordability and reliability, the leasing and transmission provisions will help achieve that
supply chains for clean technology, the mining provisions will help accomplish that
reducing emissions, the provisions on transmission, geothermal resources, and renewables, along with the categorical exclusions, will help with that
project certainty across the board, the judicial review provisions are important
This explainer summarizes the key provisions in the EPRA and contextualizes their importance.
[Clicking on the caption of this post will deliver this story to you, where you can read as much detail as you want or need to learn about this proposed legislation.]
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silvershadoww · 4 months
diciamo che epra sono punatata verso una visuale piu calma e 'minimalista? quasi infantile, ho uno stle molto vario che si espand in varie cose, non voglio limitarmi in qualcosa, ma voglio fare cose che siano piu spicifche , rappresnetativee d iconiche e che si focalizzino tute su un unica energia, se spendi le energie in troppe cose poi si disperdono, quindi io voglio spenderle su qualcosa di specifico ,la mia arte è molto visionaria ed ampia e voglio sia lasciare qualcosa nel fumetto, intso come illustrazione / disegno ma anke ualcos che abbia a che fare con la moda, le subculture undegound per intenderci, ma devo ancora trovare una chiave , un qualcosa di fisso in tutte le cose mutvoli che ci sono, non mi piaciono le cose eccssvamnete profonde psicologche cc eccc , io voglio rimanere sempre in qualcosa ke sia leggro spensieratoe soft funny un po come la mi infanzia, la chiave un po goth rimane sempre, ma anke quella street . sn tutte varianti ke hnno fatto parte di me . e anke la spititualità ke mi spinge a fare le cose, nn voglio perdere troppo tempo nell'analisi della mia perosna pk io sono smplicemente quetsa , mi sono gia analizzata abbastanza. nonotante io sia una erosna che tende ad isolatsi abstnza, ho bisogno di connessioni, i amiciize e cogloo oltivare queste . diciamo ke un po come tutti, ho il mio mondo introspettivo (che ono i disgenie l poesia, la scrittura , che sono come miei diari perosnali, esposyi alle persone . 9 e poi c'è la me sociale e sinceramnete io voglio splednere nn mi poace stare siolata u knowww .. in raltà in mezzo a utto questo caos sn una perosna abbastanza simpy che si accontenta delle cose semplici, mi basta un tramonto, il mare, stare on persone che mi vogliono ebne , having fun ,a pprezzare ed amare la vita momento per momento per quella che , vale sempre bene sognare in grande ma a volte si guatrd un po troppo lontano da dove si è . ho disprezzato tanto la mia sicily ma andarsene dalla sicilia è difficle, diventa la tua acsa il tuo mondo, è vero che l'isola ti risucchia, ma in ondo m pice , so che fuori c'è il mondo e c'è di piu, e pi persone interessanri , ma è bene anke costruire qui una rete di persone . dicevo questo. è ebne curare il perosnaggio, non posos negar, nikolebka è un perosnaggio, ma sono io, è la mia estenzione !! e curare un personaggio per farlo splendere, nn si puo negre, belelzza carattere perosnaltà e vai dove vuoi ... isolarsi nn fa bene , essere un perosnaggio misterioos è ok .. ma isolaris troppo mmmmhh..... najh! io voglio avere una bella rete di amiciize ! sono una perosna di cuuore, e voglio esser e amaa dalle perosne e mare ! creare dei blocchi e mettere l'ofio è solo un osa infantile, io voglio poratre l'ampre e la lice 11 voglio stare bene me e anche li altri . nel mondo c'è talmente sofferenza etalmnte falsità e ipocrisia , che e-è veramnete brutto... basta vedere cio che sta succedendo in palestina .. e noi siamo povelgiati che posismo almentarcie stare male per problemi futili .. io sono stata male molto spesso per i miei stessi porblemi mentali, per undo mi sono tarscurat , e tutta l'energia e la voglia dentro i me accumolata che doveva esplodere, ma guarre al passato con ebene e male non ha senso .. ogni periodo aveva le sua diverse sfaccettature, ma si va sempre vanti come sempre. anke guardare alle persone in quel modo è stupido. io non riesoc a farti stare male perchè se pensoa te che stai male sto male io . ma non posso iusare troppa della mia empatia ni tuoi confronti, posos solo perdonarti perhcè ti capisco. ma prenderoati . coem perodno me stessa. sono smepre stata io, ma a n preda alla confusione , alla trsitezza a pensieri ed emozioni difficili da gestire .. ma quetse espieinze ti sevono per espanderti ed essere di aiuto all'altro.. quando dico che voglio essere io l'opera d'arte intendo io, il mio aspettofuori edentro e la mi vita .. (poi i dipinti ecc sn solo le mie lttle visioni)nnn sono una punkabbestai. i dont even like smoking cannabis or getting drunk till bad . ma lo dico sempre, alla fine sono solo una little girl..
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patricbensen · 6 months
Licenses One Can Apply through EPRA Online Services Portal
https://wp.me/pfjobt-YY EPRA is the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) previously operating under the name ERC – Energy Regulatory Commission. The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) is ...
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ryajada · 6 months
by RYAN BROWN The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory (EPRA )has announced a reduction in the fuel prices as at 14th April. Pump attendant Fueling a vehicle. FILE PHOTO |NMG The prices of fuel is expected to drop within atleast 20 shillings compared to the current fuel prices.This wide extent of reduction is seen after a very prolonged period,the last 9ne was in May 2020. The new fuel prices as…
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dailybreakingnewzz · 8 months
Petrol, Diesel Prices Reduce by KSh 5 per Litre as Kerosene Drops by KSh 4.82 in Latest EPRA Review
It is further relief motorists and households in Kenya after EPRA announced another cut in fuel prices for the next one month. The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has announced another reduction in the maximum retail prices of petroleum products for the next one month. According to a statement issued on Sunday, January 14, 2024, the prices of super petrol, diesel and kerosene…
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taarifaleo · 1 year
Nairobi Senator Hon. Edwin Sifuna's Bill to Reform Energy Act Receives Approval
Nairobi Senator Hon. Edwin Sifuna has achieved a significant milestone as his proposed bill to amend the Energy Act has been granted approval. This pivotal legislation, aimed at addressing the soaring costs of electricity in Kenya, encompasses three major objectives. The bill includes provisions to prevent the Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) from granting generation licenses to…
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radiohalisi · 2 years
Reprieve for motorists as fuel price set to drop
Reprieve for motorists as fuel price set to drop
Fuel prices are expected to ease for the first time in nearly a year, easing pressure on motorists. This is after the cost of refined fuel imported into the country nosedived. Business Daily reports that the cost of imported refined fuel that will be used to determine prices in the monthly cycle starting Friday midnight has dropped 10 percent to $105.96 per barrel down from the $117.53. The fall…
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jobskenyaplace · 12 days
ENERGY AND PETROLEUM REGULATORY AUTHORITY TENDER SEPTEMBER 2024  INVITATION TO TENDER The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) is a state corporation established under the Energy Act, 2019. The Authority is the energy sector regulatory agency responsible for econom­ic and technical regulation of electric power, renewable energy, petroleum and coal subsectors. The Authority invites…
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thedailywhistle · 11 months
Super Petrol Likely To Retail Ksh.300 Per Litre
The Cabinet Secretary for Energy Davis Chirchir has said that the price of fuel is likely to rise to Sh 300 in the coming EPRA review
The Cabinet Secretary for Energy Davis Chirchir has said that the price of fuel is likely to rise to Sh 300 in the coming EPRA review Chirchir said that the price increase was due to the war between Israel and Hamas could see fuel rise to 150 USD per litre if the situation in the Middle East persists “Price of Super Petrol is likely to rise to Ksh. 300 a liter in the coming EPRA fuel prices…
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emunenen · 1 year
Kenyan highways will have EV chargers every 25km
The Energy and Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) says electric vehicle (EV) public charging stations shall be introduced on highways, one station every 25 kilometres. Under new guidelines on EV charging and battery swapping effective September 1, the energy regulator says the stations will be on both sides of the road. “For long-range EVs (like long-range SUVs) and heavy-duty EVs such as…
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