#Eng vs WI
ginerva-mollyweasley · 7 months
have we….have we ACTUALLY WON A GAME!!
and seeing jossy get some runs 🥰🥰
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fitsportsindia · 7 months
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sportsryders · 7 months
Romario Shepherd’s Heroics Seal Historic Win for West Indies: Clinch 2-1 Series Victory Over England Breaking 25-Year Drought
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the hero of the day was none other than Romario Shepherd, whose explosive innings of 41 runs in just 28 balls sealed the deal for the home team.
debutant Matthew Forde shine with both bat and ball. Forde’s impactful debut, where he claimed 3 wickets for 29 runs and contributed 13 crucial runs, earned him the well-deserved title of Player of the Match.
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myauditionfordrphil · 5 months
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newsfeedbiz · 2 years
Recent Match Report - WI Women vs ENG Women 1st T20I 2022/23
Recent Match Report – WI Women vs ENG Women 1st T20I 2022/23
England 106 for 2 (Wyatt 59*) beat West Indies 105 for 7 (Williams 23, Bell 3-26) by eight wickets Lauren Bell followed her star turn in England’s successful ODI campaign with a three-wicket haul as West Indies’ batting struggles carried over into a heavy defeat in their first T20I and Danni Wyatt reeled in an easy target with an unbeaten half-century. Bell, who took a crucial 4 for 33 as…
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sakiye · 3 months
i have standards to which international cricket teams i support (none of them when they go against india ofc). for example,
NZ - i like them, cute, i want them to win a tournament soon but also no bc 2019 made me cry
AUS - makes me want to kms every five seconds when they go against india but they're so good u have to respect them (also im kinda obsessed with pat cummins so take of that what you will) but also travis head jfc
WI - so cool. so many legends so cool im so excited for their comeback
PAK - the pakistan/india rivalry is bs we're all desi at the end of the day but i want to go to a pak. vs. ind match just for the vibes bc u know the fans will go all out (india better win)
SL - they're cool, i like malinga, also lowkey i want to see sl and ban. go again. just to see what would happen
BAN - same as above, they're cool
SA - Also sooo good i have to respect them but still no
AFG - so cute i support them always (non india games ofc)
NED - cuties im excited to see them grow
USA - very curious to see cricket's rise in the us but also i need to look at the players more bc if i was on the us team i would be supporting india no matter what im curious to see the idols of these players
CAN - same as USA let's be fr i don't really know either team
IRE - whatever happens here england loses so i win either way, excited
ENG - you will never ever get me to support them. hate them on principle may they be last in every icc tournament
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horn-of-leo · 1 year
i feel like i talk too negatively when going on rants here so i wanted to share good news :D
I rewatched the whole series again with my sib and it was honestly great to sort of go through the rollercoaster again, especially because she's never watched past the Sanctuary arc(I'm the only one who's watched it full through) so it was cool to experience it again with someone reacting for the first time plus we've made so many funny jokes out of the whole run
I'm gonna just be talking about the whole experience in here of what we've watched (cuz it will be the whole series)
Sanctuary Arc:
The good ol '80s anime, my sibs and I grew up with the English dub(the ADV one), and sometimes I see people saying it's bad but I don't think so, honestly tho this dub was probably the reason I had no clue everyone was supposed to apparently be young teenagers/adults since everyone voicing in this ver is obviously a 30+ year old man, I mean some characters do sound like they recruited the first guy they found at the office to fill in for the role and probably only told them the name of the character but never showed them what the actual character looked/should sound like(*cough* Camus) but other than that I think everyone does a great job. idk probably bias since I grew up with it but I'm telling you that no other dub will go as ham as the ADV one. It's such a shame they didn't at least get to finish the Sanctuary arc and only got up to 60 episodes. I actually got a little sad when we finished out the eng dub episodes too lol and I know there's the other one but I ain't watching it
ANYWAYS, it's honestly very funny to look at all of the fillers for this arc and just know the anime did not know what type of series it was going to be since the beginning, it's like they tried to do a villain of the week format since they had the basis of the mad grab for the Sagittarius helmet that was also apparently the most powerful cloth in the world and it turns you into a super saint that could destroy the world if taken into the wrong hands, and it's the only gold cloth in the world...until like another 20 eps in where they have to start writing around what they had and go with the manga continuity as best as they could
I really do enjoy the fillers that they have for this tho, because it not only gets the main five to like chill from doing the main plot for five seconds but it gets to add more character/bonding between them. One thing I really liked is that there is more development of Saori reaching out to them and making up for how she's treated them in the past since they're all already on edge with her since she was so spoiled and treated them like garbage when they were all kids. So to see them all gradually warming up to each other is great and it makes it more plausible that they'd want to still keep fighting for each other (as compared to the manga where they still hate her even into the Sanctuary arc and they only arrived to fight for their own personal reasons and tolerate her at best because she's Athena, it's so disheartening to read actually, like WHAT'S THE ACTUAL POINT THEN IF THEY DON'T EVEN LIKE HER???)
Another thing is that I really like is how they handled Shiryu's character arc when he lost his sight. As compared to the handwave from the manga, he's greatly affected by what's happened and might have to come to terms that he'll never be able to fight again beside everyone when something like the fight against the Sanctuary is so near. And it's a huge blow to the team as well that they basically just disband right there for a couple of seconds (but then get back a few eps later since the Algol vs. Shiryu fight was earlier and they still had a few more silver saints to get through).
So when the anime cuts back to Shiryu, it's shown he can't adapt to his life right away and is still suffering from ptsd of both losing his sight and the fear of being left behind that he's honestly lost hope that he'll ever recover. But after having his fight with Ohko(anime-only guy he's trained with as a kid) it kickstarts him find his drive to fight again and that even if he is blind, he's found out that it's not the end for him as a saint and his life in general too.
I did enjoy the other fillers about the others doing stuff too, though poor Shun having nothing to his name tho😭(he deserved to have something at least but I guess his character arc is a slow burn since he doesn't really develop as a character until near the end of the arc itself/later arcs)
Anyways on to where the ball really drops at the 12 houses arc:
No need to individually talk about every single battle lol cuz that would get so long and I don't really have anything else new to add while rewatching.
Personally, I think there's quite a dip to where the arc kind of peaks the first time around the Leo-Virgo temple where I start to tune out then basically get interested back around the last three houses where everyone starts to die for real. It doesn't help really that before Shaka's fight, we just have two long episodes of Ikki getting his ass beat and Shaka personally making sure Ikki is getting his ass beat which is a little funny and he was so petty for that.
But anyway after Shaka, it starts to drag a little going on with the Libra house then with Milo having the best anime original fight against Seiya/Shiryu to having the ugliest episode of the whole series.
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Also sorry, I only liked the part where Seiya and Shiryu fight him, the actual fight between Hyoga and Milo I start to tune out. Honestly though, while the Milo vs. Hyoga is definitely one of the most disconnected fights of the arc, I did appreciate the fight cause it still is good for Hyoga's development (plus its probably to make up for him doing basically nothing the whole arc until now).
Skipping ahead to the fight against Saga, I remembered that Seiya has basically checked out since Aioria's fight(which I cannot blame since he did get super fucked up during so) but that last hour really hangs on for a good 6 episodes.
I think it was sad we didn't actually get to have the flashback where Saga turns evil since the anime team(godbless them) had to make up the craziest shit to fill in for the story, only for Kurumada to cancel out every single story plot they wrote so they couldn't possibly ever really try to even say it was Saga who was the pope for the last 13 years. Since they introduced Pope Ares as the first Pope's evil brother who has just recently took over shortly after Seiya left after earning his armor and was straight up evil for no good reason that it seems almost stupid any of the Gold Saints could even think he was a good person when the first thing acknowledged by both Aioria and Marin when he was introduced is that he was pure evil. Which isn't even the start of how they tried to write around that plot point for the anime afterwards where it gets even more confusing of where Saga really comes in the picture and basically settling that since it was a good 60 episodes ago, you'd basically have forgotten the lore they've written up to let it slide, which is fair tbh.
Also, I think the anime has a better conclusion to this arc since everyone joins up together to jump Saga at the end. Plus Saori got to roast him too so that was cool.
Asgard Arc
It felt very bittersweet to move on from the Sanctuary arc into Asgard. I wanted to give this arc a chance, unfortunately I still couldn't find myself really getting into it. Plus the subs are very bad around this part so it was hard to know what the characters names were and ultimately we just skipped around until there was scene that was either originally in the manga/final parts of the arc that carries on into the next one.
I guess it's not great for group watching when none of us are really interested since the changes of the artstyle/armor designs is a little disheartening to see. Plus the pacing was kinda of not great(?) like the cuts were way too fast or skipped to a wildly different scene from the last that we couldn't tell if we like missed an episode or it was the opposite where we just sat simmering at a scene of the characters acting like dragon ball characters for a good 5+ minutes for padding.
Personally, I do think the character designs are super great though and probably the only thing I wished that happened was that they all lived so their back stories wouldn't be completely useless to know (tho ig Siegfred could die since it had some reason to it, tho it's still kind of dumb how it happened) but I'd maybe have to go back to watch it myself to maybe appreciate it more but who knows? I just wish there are better subs out there that I could probably stand watching it.
Poseidon Arc:
Kind of a lukewarm arc tbh, I don't feel like I have anything else to add really on this rewatch.
I have my gripes about certain characters/stories in this arc and they've made some changes I definitely don't like. Main offender is the scene where Seiya take Poseidon's trident to shield Saori when this scene was originally supposed to be Kanon's redemption scene and ultimately it adds nothing because Seiya just walks it off. Though the only reason why I can guess they made this change was because I assume it would confuse people when Kanon comes back in the Hades arc and it turns out he survived but it wasn't known then and that arc wasn't animated until a good 10 years later. And I'm pretty sure the anime already knew it was wrapping up by then, so they chose to have Seiya take the blow and not seemingly kill Kanon and instead just left it more ambiguous if he was able to make it out of Atlantis or not when they sealed Poseidon. Though it's just my speculation.
It was a little sad to finally finish the whole 80s anime but I think it's good they at least got to finish up til the Poseidon arc. But other than that I think that they had a good wrap up with everyone being happy in the end and they gave Shaina great drip when they're all out in their normal clothes again, so bonus for that ending.
Hades Arc:
Man, this one was super long to get into. Gotta divide them up for each OVA. We're getting into the 2000s babey!
Sanctuary OVA:
I'll be real this one is literally so good. The opening, the animation, added scenes are super cool. The op definitely has that sad 2000s vibe but that's what makes it really good and it really captures the feels of the whole arc too and the song slaps so hard. I'll be real the 3D is a little cheesy and off-putting but they tried so I'll give it to them. I wish the OVAs all had the same quality as this one, it's really such a shame this one was basically as good as it gets Hades arc-wise. Personally, I think everything was done really beautifully during this arc, and I guess it helps that this part is mostly Gold Saint-focused. I really liked watching this part honestly, idk why it has this sentimental value to me, I guess it was just the opening lol. All the scenes just hit and its sad to me ;w;
It was a great comeback tbh, though I guess it's too bad that it's only downhill from here...
Inferno + Elysium OVAs:
I'll just combine the last two OVAs together, because not much good things to add afterwards. It's more of just getting through with it unfortunately. By here, I really can't get invested since technically everyone's character arcs are basically over other than just pointlessly fighting because they need to do so.
I think it was said that the animation studio changed or at least it wasn't the same one like in the first one, and it's super noticeable with how static everyone is and it really only gets worse in the Elysium chapter with its cheesy ass google slides transitions.
Personally though, I like the new voice actors (even if it's kind of sad we don't hear the old ones) but I don't think there's really a problem they've recasted them. I just think there is a point where it's very noticeable that the voice actor is too old for a role and it really doesn't fit anymore. Though the only one I actually have a problem with not fitting at all is Takahiro Sakurai as Shiryu(plus the guy sucks now apparently, but his pitch never fit Shiryu in the first place and that's my main argument).
I thought the opening is great and goes hard. I think it was good they decided to go for at least one upbeat song since most of the tracks are all basically ballads. Also the ending song for the Elysium OVA is so amazingly good, it's such a shame they didn't actually make a real animation to go with a song like that until the last episode(I mean if you just kind of count the slideshow of the characters as animation). This one plus the Inferno one didn't get an ending either unfortunately.
Maybe this was still kind of critical lol but it doesn't mean I hated it or anything, and honestly I think it's good I've found myself invested in something again after a really long time. I think honestly this show has really influenced a lot of stuff about my interests/my own art style too so I'm glad to rekindle my love for this series again!
Overall is the ending of Saint Seiya good? Absolutely not. But did I enjoy rewatching the series again? Absolutely :)
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a2zsportsnews · 14 days
T20 World Cup 2024 Super Eight Group 2: Qualification scenarios explained for England, South Africa and West Indies before ENG vs USA
All teams have played two matches in the Super Eight stage of the ongoing T20 World Cup 2024 and are left with one more fixture. In Group two of the Super Eights, South Africa (SA) has won both its games and sits on top with four points while England and West Indies (WI) have two points each. USA is yet to open its account after losing its games to SA and WI. Here is how the points table looks…
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manishkumar1999 · 17 days
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Cricket fever! 🏏 ENG Vs WI & AFG Vs IND today. Bet now, get 1.5% up to ₹30L on 1st deposit via bank transfer. Only valid today!
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ginerva-mollyweasley · 7 months
10 runs 😭
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fitsportsindia · 7 months
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247bettingid · 2 months
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batbricks7 · 7 months
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Hope aces tricky chase as West Indies complete rare double. Having already clinched the ODI series, West Indies managed to win the T20I series as well by a 3-2 margin.
. . #batbricks7 #news #cricketlovers #bestodds #westindiesteam #bestplayer #champion #t20
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cricketfun · 7 months
Today's Morning News Headlines from Cricket World 1. WI vs ENG: Shimron Hetmyer excluded ... #usa #uk
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newsfeedbiz · 2 years
Recent Match Report - ENG Women vs WI Women 2nd ODI 2022/23
Recent Match Report – ENG Women vs WI Women 2nd ODI 2022/23
England 260 (Jones 70*, Dunkley 57) beat West Indies 118 (Williams 54*, Bell 4-33) by 142 runs A devastating opening spell from young seamer Lauren Bell propelled England to victory and an unassailable 2-0 lead in their ODI series against West Indies after Amy Jones and Sophia Dunkley set the tourists up with half-centuries in Antigua. In an improved performance with the ball and in the field…
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izafoodie · 7 months
West Indies vs England 3rd T20I Highlights: England keep series alive with Salt's ton ...
WI vs ENG 3rd T20I Live Updates - Stay updated with Times of India to get all the live cricket score updates, scorecard, and ball by ball ... http://dlvr.it/T0GNwD
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