wndmxmffs · 5 years
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Pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
Word Count: 1.6K
Warning: basically none
Summary: the reader has a huge crush on Natasha but she’s not entirely sure about the redhead’s feelings, so she’s been trying to keep it a secret which might not work out in the end... I used prompt 29. Shut up and kiss me.
A/N: this is for #Emma’swritingchallenge (@retrobhaddie)! thank you for the chance bby, hope you’ll like it <3 
It all started with the first glance you took at her. She was there to welcome you when you first entered the compound, when you officially became an Avenger. You, of course, had already heard a lot about the mysterious redhead called Black Widow as she was one of the most important members of the famous Avengers who had already saved millions of lives several times. You had seen pictures and drawings of her but none of them showed her actual beauty, the one you saw in front of you when you first met. It wasn’t love at first sight, but you definitely did develop a tiny crush on her which had just grown and grown throughout the years you’d spent together fighting the evil and lingering around in the compound. You soon found yourself fantasizing about having Natasha as your girlfriend and that was the moment when you realised you were actually in love with her. You had always tried your absolute best to keep your feelings from ruining something so amazing as your friendship with Natasha because you had always felt like your feelings would never be mutual. A woman like her would never love someone like you, right? Well, wrong. The truth was and had always been, that Natasha did feel the same about you but she was one of the worst when it came to feelings, so she usually just bottled them up and hid them from you, afraid that you wouldn’t reciprocate her feelings which would lead to the end of your friendship and Natasha would be hurt just again. She thought it was better this way, so she continued suffering silently, just like you, until one day, she asked you if you were down for a sleepover in her room: staying up until the birds start chirping while watching anything that popped up on Netflix and stuffing your faces with all the junk food you could find around the compound. This was something you both needed, since the last mission was real hell and you had to let go of all the stress and anxiety inside. So, you said yes with a heart racing as fast as a sports car at maximum speed and you had to escape to your room not to pass out right on the spot.
So, the day was here and you were trying your best to keep your hands from shaking while you were changing into your pyjamas, taking more time than any human being should during this process. Finally, you were all ready and closed the door of your room before you headed to Natasha’s. She told you not to worry about the snacks, because she would make sure you had enough, but you still brought some popcorn you had put in the microwave earlier as you didn’t want to attend this ‘sleepover’ with empty hands. Natasha was sitting on the edge of her bed, searching for something at least slightly interesting on Netflix to watch when you entered her room. She gave you a lovely smile before turning back to the TV, complaining about how many stupid rom-coms were in her recommendations while you tried not to stare at her gorgeous body for too long.
“You know, it’s not a coincidence that those movies show up…”, you commented, making Natasha get all defensive because she was afraid her ‘bad bitch’ image would crush into pieces in front of her crush.
“Hey! It happened once, okay? And it’s because of Wanda, she told me it’s not like the others! I normally wouldn’t watch any of this garbage.”
You just smiled to yourself, chewing on a piece of popcorn before replying.
“Okay, sorry-sorry, Miss I’m-Way-Too-Badass-For-Rom-Coms”, you said, putting your hands up in defence, smirking at the redhead who just rolled her eyes at you and continued searching for a movie to watch. You were slowly chewing on some popcorn, looking at the never-ending list of films while offering some of the snack to Natasha who just shook her head but told you to feel yourself at home and eat as much of the snacks she found as you’d like.
“They’re mostly Tony’s anyway”, she said, followed by a cocky grin which made you laugh and shake your head in fake disappointment.
“Wow, so you’re a thief now. I have to say, I was expecting better from you, Miss.”
Natasha just chuckled before happily turning to you, announcing she’d found something you’d both enjoy. You both climbed onto the bed, opening all the snacks and started watching the movie after everything was settled. You shared a blanket with Natasha which made the butterflies in your stomach come alive once again, even more because of how close she was to you. You found yourself totally forgetting about the storyline of the film, so you’d lost track almost halfway through when Natasha turned to you and raised her eyebrows. You could feel how flattered you were turning within seconds, so you cleared your throat while looking down at the now empty bowl of popcorn you were holding in your hands. Natasha just smiled to herself before turning back to the TV screen and pointing at the protagonist while chewing on some jellybeans.
“She’s kinda hot, you know…”, she stated, waiting for your jealous reply and once she got it, she knew the game was on. She did feel somewhat guilty for playing with you, but she had a slight suspicion regarding your feelings and she needed to make sure.
You simply furrowed your eyebrows in your confusion and embarrassment, looking at the blonde girl on the screen, slowly getting jealous.
“Umm, I mean… yeah. I mean, she looks lovely but… She’s not really my type, to be honest…”, you muttered, making Natasha smirk even harder and encouraging her to continue.
“Oh, truly? And what is your type?”, she asked, blinking at you totally innocently but it freaked you out more than anything ever had. You were glad you weren’t eating anything right then, because you were sure you would’ve choked on it.
You replied while trying to calm yourself down and trying not to think anything into this simple question. After all, Natasha might have been just trying to get a conversation started without any further intentions. Although, as you were thinking, trying to ignore your racing thoughts, you came across one which was clearly not as strong as all the panicky ones, but gave you some kind of hope. What if she was asking because she was into you? Maybe it was time to actually get your shit together and finally confess. After all, it was almost the finish line and there was basically nothing to lose now. So, you decided to join her little game.
“Well, you know, I’m not really into blondes… I prefer redheads”, you said with your sassiest grin on your face, looking at Natasha from underneath your eyelashes. You saw her smirk vanish and it made you feel incredibly proud of yourself. You put two jellybeans in your mouth while keeping up the eye-contact with Natasha, asking her if she had a specific type. She flashed a fake smile at you, knowing full well that her little game just turned the other way and she was the target now.
“Oh well, you know… I like the kind of eyes you can get lost in. But there is one specific colour that I truly love.”
You looked deep into her eyes, suddenly becoming all serious when you felt your stomach lifting up and down. You truly had to have perfect control right then, otherwise you would’ve been fucked.
“Truly? And what is it?”, you asked all casually, not caring about your anxiety getting more and more intense.
Natasha simply smiled at you before replying, taking a sip of her diet coke. Both of you had forgotten about the movie you were watching but neither of you actually cared.
This one simple word was all it took to make your eyes widen and your jaw drop to the ground. You saw Natasha’s proud smirk and it made your heart beat even faster than earlier. You honestly couldn’t believe that Natasha, the woman you’d been in love with for ages basically just confessed her feelings for you.
You cleared your throat before trying to gather your thoughts and form them into words. Natasha was watching you, clearly enjoying how flattered you were just again before grabbing the remote control and turning off the volume on the television.
“What do you mean mine? Like… Are you trying to tell me you like me? Because… I really like you. Like really really like you. And I only like one redhead and that would be you. But I’m sorry if that’s not what you actually meant and I’m making everything awkward and ruin our friendship. You can tell me if –“
But you couldn’t finish, because Natasha cut you off while rolling her beautiful eyes.
“Oh my Lord. Just shut up and kiss me.”
You looked at her like you suddenly couldn’t understand English and it took you some long seconds before you could actually open your mouth. But Natasha didn’t let you speak; she simply leaned in, cupped your cheeks and placed a sweet peck on your lips. You didn’t know if it was because Natasha was the one who kissed you this time, or you just simply couldn’t remember your earlier kisses, but this moment felt magical and you felt better than ever before. Natasha’s lips were smooth and sweet because of the chocolate she ate a few minutes before, and the feeling of her skin against yours made your whole body all weak and shaky. When you pulled away and she smiled at you, you couldn’t help but lower your eyes with a muffled chuckle, your fingers gently wrapped around Natasha’s wrist.
“Yes, Y/N, I do like you. Like really really like you”, she whispered before leaning in for another kiss which got longer and more passionate than the first one. At this moment, you could swear you were the happiest person alive.
Please, leave your feedback in my comment section or my inbox. It would mean the world to me. Thank you!
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adoringsteverogers · 5 years
Make A Bet
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For @retrobhaddie‘s Writing Challenge
Pairing: steve rogers x fem!reader
Word Count: 896
Warning: things get heated in the training room, but no actual smut; some bad language words
Summary: it’s a tradition that the reader and Steve start the mornings off with training sessions. so is the competition between the two. prompt used: 14. “Wow that was...new.”
A/N: thank you for letting me take part in this writing challenge, bby! hope you’ll like what i’ve come up with and sorry for being late
The morning started with Steve running a ridiculous number of laps in the park with you barely jogging behind him, trying not to spit your lungs out. When he lapped you for the sixth time, you grabbed his right bicep and pulled him back, making you both stop. He was smirking at you as you were leaning on your knees, trying your very best not to faint.
“Stop showing off your incredible supersoldier abilities. Your ego is enough for the two of us”, you breathed out, in desperate need for a bottle of ice-cold water. Steve simply laughed at you and put his right arm around your waist, helping you get yourself together and walk back to the Avengers compound to have a shower followed by a 15-minute rest before you would get back to training. You’d already decided that you would show off your much better fighting skills in front of boyfriend and his awful ego. This had been kind of a competition between the two of you ever since you started dating: you woke up early in the morning and started with running miles, during which Steve always lapped you. When you had got enough of this, you decided you two should train together, only because you wanted your boyfriend to know that you were better than him. This had grown into a tradition and the others even made bets on who would win each day. When Steve found out about it, he wanted to shut it down, but you enjoyed the show and it helped to keep you motivated to embarrass your boyfriend.
“Okay beautiful, are you ready?”, Steve asked, leaning down to give you a peck on the cheek and you jumped up from the couch with the smirk of a driven woman on your face.
“Let’s do this, Mr America. But I warn you: I won’t be gentle today.”
You headed towards the training room, your boyfriend following you with a chuckle leaving his lungs, putting up his hands in defence.
“Oh no. I’m so terrified already. Please, have mercy on me, my lady!”, he sighed, grabbing your wrist while pleading, making you roll your eyes and leave him kneeling on the floor.
“Get your ass here, Rogers. At least try to fight. Don’t disappoint those who made a bet on you. Oh wait. No one did”, you smirked, winking at your boyfriend before entering the training room to warm up and get yourself ready. You put your filled water bottle down on one of the benches when you heard the disbelieving laugh of Steve’s from the door behind you.
“Oh yeah? The game is on, Y/L/N. And watch out for your lungs. They don’t really seem to endure much”, he replied, making you turn your head towards him with your eyebrows furrowed. You let out a chuckle and cracked your knuckles before telling Steve to get in the ring and hold his hands up. You knew you still had to work on your punches and this was the perfect timing: you were determined and kind of pissed which is a flawless combo. Steve blocked all your punches while smirking at you, his comments getting on your nerves even more, making your fists hit harder and precisely. When you moved onto kicks, Steve’s smile suddenly vanished and you knew you had improved a lot through the months. You were driven to prove him wrong and you kept forcing him towards the corner until he had no room left. Then you stopped and breathed out, grinning at your boyfriend who was trying his best to get his shit together. You gave him a pat on his massive shoulder before reaching out for your bottle of water and chugging it, then wiping your head with a white towel and returning to the training session.
Once you get back into the ring, Steve stepped quite close to you, looking at you with an expression that basically said he had never been so in love in his life. He stared down at your lips before his eyes finally found their way back to yours with wrinkles in their corners, letting him know that you were enjoying making him speechless.
“Where did you learn all that?”, he asked whispering, getting even closer to you until the distance between the two of you decreased to a couple of inches. You knew that you had broken him but you didn’t want to stop just now: there was still plenty of time to enjoy your success.
You stepped closer and looked at your boyfriend from under your eyelashes, making sure he would totally lose it and ignore your right leg slowly wrapping around his left one.
“You know, I’ve been taking training a bit more seriously. Natasha’s helped me a lot”, you replied before kicking his left calf, making Steve lose his balance and end up on the floor with his blue eyes wide and you sitting on his thighs, a finger gun pointing at his forehead.
“Wow that was…new”, he blurted out, placing his hands on your waist. You flashed a huge smile at him before leaning in to kiss your quite shocked boyfriend. The surprise didn’t stop him from kissing back, but before he could actually start enjoying the moment, you pulled away to whisper in his ear with a proud smirk on your face.
“I won.”
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retrobhaddie · 5 years
Marvel writing Challenge
A/n: Hey welcome to my marvel writing challenge. It contains multiple characters but not all, first read the document and if you’ve nay questions after just ask me. I hope you’ll join!
Wordcount: The minimum is 600 and max is 6k
Style: You can choose yourself it could be a headcanon, one-shot, two-shot, beginning of a serie (do not put it in the middle of one though) etc.
When is it?: It starts right now and ends 30th of June
restrictions on what you can and can’t write: No smut! You can have implied smut. No glorification of abuse and depression. Those topics can be in your story line but don’t act like it’s a good thing. Angst, fluff and au’s are welcome. The fics have to be x reader. You are allowed to ship other characters but no pedophilia or sincest like th*rki or st*rker. No self insert fics they have to be x reader. No dark fics!
Note: Tag everything accordingly and follow the rules! Don’t forget to say the word count and pairing in a place where I can easily see them.
How do you join?: Simply say which prompt and who, send me in my ask inbox
Who can you write:
Peter Parker
Ned Leeds
Michelle Jones
Harley Keener
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Loki Odinson
Thor Odinson
Natasha Romanov
Clint Barton
Carol Danvers
Bucky Barnes
Bruce Banner
Prompts: Every prompt can be used once
“Was it worth losing me?”
“This is the end.”
“If you walk out that door you can’t come back.”
“You look beautiful.”
“Do you want to go to prom with me?”
“Please be my boyfriend/girlfriend/partner.”
“I love the sound of the ocean.” @luckysam78
“Since when do you have glasses?”
“We’re more than friends and you know it.”
“Did you ever love me?”
“Come cuddle.”
“You look like you could use a hug.”
“Dance with me.”
“Wow that was... new.” @adoringsteverogers
“Can I stay with you tonight?”
“They can’t hurt you anymore.”
“Are you wearing my hoodie?”
“Am I your lockscreen?” @mega-trash-cringe
“I can take care of myself!”
“Don’t try to fix me. I’m not broken.”
“That’s so sappy I might even vomit.”
“You made your choice.” @idiotwithabowandarrow
“I told you not to fall in love with me.”
“You should go.”
“Don’t say that.”
“I’m better when I’m with you.”
“I love you too much to let you go.”
“I never thought I would marry.”
“Shut up and kiss me.” @cant-control-their-fear-imagines
“You’re my soulmate.” @themarvelwriter
If you’re done: Tag me in it, enter your fic in a document I will make a materlist with all the fics. Make sure to say that this is for the #Emma’swritingchallenge and tag is as such.
The document: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1-nRJPCH6kXg8h91Exu1-0JMSL-1sY7o26fyNtg7RBFY
I will read all the fics and reblog them.
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