#Elwin vc: I'm gonna go get drunk and pretend our family tree isn't a fucking circle
phoenix-flamed · 1 year
eavesdrop -uncle ardyn :3
"... Are we certain that he is related to us? I know that our family has numerous branches, but --
I suppose it is not out of the realm of possibility that he could be estranged. But shouldn't there be mention of him somewhere in the archives, in the family records, anywhere? It's as though he simply... appeared one day out of nowhere.
Which is ... not incorrect, as far as I recall. He just... showed up. That seems to be a constant with him -- he comes and goes, showing up unprompted then disappearing again just as abruptly. Why did my parents never mention him? Whose side of the family is he from? Is he even from the Rosfield line, or is "uncle" no more than a title that's been extended to him despite his relation being more further out than our main branch?
W...why am I puzzling over this? By the Flames, let's just get a few drinks and leave this mystery for another day -- or another century."
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