#Elly Lucas Photography
steddieasitgoes · 10 months
@steddiemas Day 15 Prompt: Spread Holiday Cheer
Tags: Established Relationship, Future Fic, Christmas Fluff, Sending Holiday Cards, Eddie Munson Loves Steve Harrington
wc: 1554 | Rating: G
Read on ao3 | ao3 collection
Eddie’s perched on the kitchen counter, two fingers deep in a jar of peanut butter when the front door creaks open and shut. Barefoot patter across the reclaimed wood floor until Steve appears in the doorway. He has a  stack of mail tucked under his arm. An open card clutched between his hands.
“Did Dustin tell us Suzie was pregnant again?” Steve asks. He swats Eddie off the counter as he walks to the corner they’ve designated for unopened mail. Dropping the mail on the stack of overflowing flyers and magazines they’ve yet to get through, he squints at the card in his hands.
“I talked to him yesterday and he didn’t mention anything,” Eddie mumbles, mouth full of peanut butter. “Why?”
“She definitely looks pregnant.”
“Sweetheart,” Eddie chastises as he winds the lid of the peanut butter back on the jar. “You can’t assume she’s pregnant just because she looks a little…”
The words fizzle out as he rests his head on Steve’s shoulder. His eyes take in the Christmas card in his hands. Henderson’s are always his favorite. The boy’s always had a thing for dramatics, something that hasn’t waned with age. Or the growing brood of kids he’s acquiring.
This year's card is Star Wars-themed. Dustin dressed as Han and Suzie in Leia’s white costume. Their oldest son is Luke, lightsaber held high. The twins in homemade R2D2 and C-3Po costumes.
The youngest has been painted green, channeling Yoda if Eddie had to guess. And of course, their dog rounds out the eccentric bunch in a homemade Chewbacca costume.
One glance at Suzie’s growing belly, stretching the fabric of Leia’s dress is all it takes for Eddie to confirm Steve’s suspicions. The message at the bottom of the card also helps.
“You really should read these with your glasses on,” Eddie teases, fingers reaching over Steve to tap at the message printed at the bottom. “Says here their “galaxy” is growing in spring.”
“Christ,” Steve says, shaking his head. “He’s building a damn sports team over there.”
Eddie snorts. “More like a D&D group. They’re going to be the Von Trapps of the Dungeons and Dragons world one day.”
With a snort of his own, Steve shakes Eddie off of him and crosses the room to their fridge. It’s not uncommon for the yellowing white door to be flooded with messages and cards, but it’s ten times worse during December. Eddie can barely get into the freezer without a card or two falling, taking their magnets with them.
Still, Steve doesn’t let the cluttered fridge stop him from hanging Dustin’s card up there amongst the rest. Eddie watches as he takes a step back, hands coming to rest on his hips as he admires the holiday spread in front of him.
Dustin’s card sits towards the top, sandwiched between one from the Sinclairs — a back shot of Lucas, Max, and their daughter Ellie hand in hand on a beach in California — and one from the Byers-Hoppers — Hop and Joyce sat in their matching rocking chairs on their porch with dopey smiles on their faces as they look out on their hoard of grandkids.
There’s a card from the Wheeler-Byers, too — a caricature of their family, the boys, and their army of dogs no doubt drawn by Will himself. It sits beside the one from El and Erica, a joint holiday postcard from Italy where they’re studying abroad.
Nancy and Jonathan are the most professional of the bunch — no surprise given Jonathan’s photography skills and Nancy’s perfectionism. The one of Jeff’s kids is one of Eddie’s favorites, the trio screaming on Santa’s lap while Jeff and his wife smile at the camera. A close second is Gareth and Freaks who decided to hit up the local JcPennys for awkward family portraits with their girlfriends.
Robin and Chrissy’s is front and center, the two of them kissing under the mistletoe while their daughter rolls her eyes in the background. Beside it is one from Wayne and Scott, a grainy shot that Steve took himself the last time they visited Hawkins. There’s one from Eden and Argyle from Missouri, which was news to everyone when it arrived.
A handful from Steve’s past students tacked up over each other along with ones from their coworkers. Fleeting faces in their lives, along with permanent fixtures.
In the center of it all is their card from this year. They took it back in July when prices were cheaper and Steve could order them in bulk without breaking the bank. They’re smiling at the camera on the couch in their living room, a silly Santa plush sits between them. Both in godawful ugly sweaters with Santa hats perched on their heads despite the sweltering summer sun peaking in from the bay window.
Maybe he’s biased, but he thinks theirs is his favorite.
Eddie’s pretty sure it’s the best one they’ve ever taken which is why he feels the wind knocked out of him when he spots Steve frowning at it.
“Everything okay, Stevie?”
Steve hums, prying his eyes away from the fridge to look at Eddie. He offers him a soft smile and a curt nod before excusing himself. Eddie’s pretty sure he hears him mumble something about needing to start this week's lesson plan.
Eddie knows it’s a lie — it’s the final week before winter break and Steve never teaches during it — but he doesn’t call him out on it. Instead, he lets his boyfriend slink out of the room. When he’s gone Eddie shifts his attention back to the fridge, eyes squinted as he tries to puzzle out what has Steve so bum hum bug all of a sudden.
He doesn’t get it at first. There’s nothing different about this year's cards than the hoards they’ve received in the past. Everyone who should be up there is up there, smiling wide at what this year has given them. Happy parents and smiling kids, wild pets, and even wilder adventures.
His eyes are making a third pass over the cards when it clicks. Eddie knows Steve’s not disappointed with the way their life has turned out, but it's clear from the cards littering their fridge that something is missing. 
Every card screams family, except theirs.
Well, Eddie thinks, that simply won’t do.
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It takes three days for Eddie to pull everything together. The minute Steve leaves for work on the fourth day, he gets to work setting everything up. In a matter of hours, their living room gets transformed from a moderate Christmas room to one that belongs in those cheesy movies Steve always has on.
He’s relocated the tree to the middle of the room, decked everything out with garland and twinkling light, and hand-painted the Santa’s workshop sign he stayed up late making last night. After an hour-long call with Jonathan, he manages to get the camera and tripod set up.
Getting their pets dressed takes the longest, but after chasing everyone around and bribing them with a shit ton of treats he gets all 3 dogs, 4 cats, Parrot, snake, and bunny in their respective holiday attire. He’s putting the finishing touches on his own look when he hears the familiar creak of the front door.
“Eds?” Steve calls, voice tinged with curiosity. “What’s going on?”
“We’re taking our Christmas card picture,” Eddie says, appearing around the corner in a red Santa suit.
Steve blinks before slowly looking around the room. The dogs and cats all match in elf costumes. Pierce the Bunny and Ozzy the Parrot are somehow keeping elf hats on their head and Sizzle the Snake has a ribbon wrapped loosely around her body like the world's most delicate Christmas present.
Eddie watches as Steve takes everything in, lips parted in that cute confused look he always gets. Fish out of water, he likes to tease.
“Don’t worry, I have your costume here too,” Eddie says, holding up a matching red Santa suit.
“I’m confused, we already sent our cards out for the year.”
Eddie hums. “We did, but we forgot to include some very important members of our family in the card. Don’t you think our friends deserve to have all our beautiful faces on their fridges?”
“I mean, I guess? It’s going to cost a fortune though this late in the game.”
“Our family is worth it.”
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It costs them an arm and a leg to get the cards printed and sent out in time, but it's worth it to see the smile permanently etched on Steve’s face as he tacks it up on the fridge, replacing their original card.
This time when he steps away there’s nothing but pure happiness on his face.
“I know it’s not the big family you dreamed of,” Eddie says, wrapping his arms around him as he admires the display. “But it’s still pretty great, right?”
“It’s perfect, Eds.”
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The following year, Dustin’s isn’t the only card with a new face on it. Steve, Eddie, and their army of pets are joined by a pair of timid smiles. A brother-sister duo whom they’ve been fostering since February. If all goes as planned, they’ll be permanent fixtures on the Munson-Harrington card for decades to come. 
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tsaritiz · 1 year
All Identity V references (or easter eggs) to popular culture found.
Some are taken from theories of fandom others are found by me.
Martha Remington as the surname taken from the typewriter brand "remington" (also curious beacause in the game you have to decode typewriters)
Doctor, Emily Dyer is inspired by Amelia Dyer a british serial killer who killed lots of young children while beyond her cares.
Helena Adams references to Helen keller, a blind def woman who were a full-time activist.
Priestress (Fiona Gilman) references to HP Lovecraft's story "The dream in the witch's house."
The Magician references to Servais le roy, the creator of the illusion technic of levitation.
Naib Subedar, in his backstory makes reference to the british invasion of india.
Thief, Kreacher Pierson references George Müller, a Christian evangelist and the director of the Ashley Down orphanage in Bristol, England. He was one of the founders of the Plymouth Brethren movement. His surname is named after Arthur Tappan Pierson, a friend of George Müller who wrote his biography.
The explorer references to Gulliver's Travels.
William Ellis references William Webb Ellis, the alleged inventor of rugby. He also shares the exact same name as him
Norton Campbell's background story references the author H.P Lovecraft's short story titled The Transition of Juan Romero.
Enchantress, Patricia Dorval's adoptive mother references Marie Laveau a Louisiana Creole practitioner of Vodou, herbalist and midwife who was renowned in New Orleans.
Wilding, Murro's Deductions mentions Kasper Hauser, a German youth who claimed to have grown up in the total isolation of a darkened cell.
Female Dancer, Margaretha Zelle references both Mata Hari, a Dutch exotic dancer and courtesan who was convicted of being a spy for Germany during World War I and Natalia from The Last Circus.
Acrobat, Mike Morton's appearance references both Arlecchino from Commedia dell'arte and Vander Clyde Broadway an American female impersonator, high-wire performer, and trapeze artist born in Texas.
"Prisoner", Luca Balsa references Nikola Tesla a Serbian-American inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.
Entomologist, Melly Plinius references Pliny the Elder (Gaius Plinius Secundus) the Roman author/naturalist/natural philosopher.
Batter, Ganji Gupta's background story references the British Colonization of Indian Subcontinent (1858-1947).
"Psychologist", Ada Mesmer's Surname references Franz Anton Mesmer, a German physician who developed the theory of animal magnetism. She may also be inspired in Ada Lovelace the matematician
Soul Weaver, Violetta references Aloisia 'Violetta' Wagner, a famous German freak show performer from the early 20th century. She was renowned for having tetra-amelia syndrome.
The Ripper, Jack references Jack the Ripper an unidentified serial killer active in the impoverished districts in and around Whitechapel in the East End of London in 1888. His background story references Walter Sickert, a German-born British painter and print maker who was a member of the Camden Town Group of Post-Impressionist artists in early 20th-century London and was suspected of being Jack the Ripper.
Geisha, Michiko references Chōchō-San from Madame Butterfly. She may also reference Yosano Akiko or Higuchi Ichiyo, both famous writers and geishas. But not only, she may reference the play of Fukuchi Ochi "Mirror Lion" .
Hastur is based on The King in Yellow from H.P. Lovecraft novels (Cthulhu Mythos Franchise).
Wu Chang, Xie Bi'an and Fan Wujiu references Heibai Wuchang (黑白无常, Black and White Impermanence) the two Deities in Chinese folk religion in charge of escorting the spirits of the dead to the underworld.
Photographer, Joseph Desaulniers references both Nicéphore Niépce a French inventor, usually credited as the inventor of photography and a pioneer in that field and Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray. His background story also mentions the French Revolution.
Mad Eyes, Burke Lapadura references Edmund Burke, a highly regarded Canadian architect best known for building Toronto's Prince Edward Viaduct or "Bloor Street Viaduct" and Toronto's Robert Simpson store.
Dream Witch, Yidhra references Yidhra from the H.P. Lovecraft novels (Cthulhu Mythos Franchise).
Bloody Queen, Mary references both Marie Antoinette the last queen of France and a controversal figure during the French Revolution and the abilities based on Bloody Mary.
"Disciple", Ann's background story references the Salem witch trials.
Violinist, Antonio references Niccolò Paganini an Italian violinist and composer. He was the most celebrated violin virtuoso of his time, and left his mark as one of the pillars of modern violin technique.
Sculptor, Galatea Claude possibly references Camille Claudel a French sculptor known for her figurative works in bronze and marble and her name references to the statue carved of ivory by Pygmalion of Cyprus of the same name from Greek Mythology.
"Undead", Percy references Victor Frankenstein from the author Mary Shelley's novel Frankenstein.
The Breaking Wheel, Will Brothers references the Breaking wheel with their trailer also referencing the Execution of St Catherine.
Naiad, Grace references Naiads, fresh water nymphs presiding over fountains, wells, springs, streams, brooks and other bodies of fresh water from Greek Mythology. She also appears to reference H.P. Lovecraft's novella The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
Wax Artist, Philippe is based on Philippe Curtius a Swiss physician and wax modeller who taught Marie Tussaud the art of wax modelling.
Hermit, Alva Lorenz references Thomas Edison, a famous inventor.
Night Watch, Ithaqua is based on Ithaqua from H.P. Lovecraft novels (Cthulhu Mythos Franchise).
"Big Daddy" is likely a reference to "Big Brother" from 1984 by George Orwell, the leader who keeps all citizens under constant surveillance and controls them.
Allen, while little is currently known about him, is likely based off Zadok Allen from The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
Andrea may be based on Antonia Bianchi, a singer and the long term lover of Niccolo Paganini.
Arthur Byers is likely based on Ambrose Bierce, the author of “Haïta the Shepherd” in which Hastur first appeared.[1]
Catherine is based on St. Catherine of Alexandria who was executed using a breaking wheel.
Christina's death scene in Philipe's character trailer is an allusion to The Death of Marat by French painter Jacques-Louis David.
Claude Desaulniers is based on Claude Niépce, the older brother of French inventor Nicéphore Niépce.
Damballa is based on the benevolent spiritual intermediary in Haitian Voodoo of the same name.
James Reichenbach's last name is a reference to Reichenbach Falls, the name of the location where Arthur Conan Doyle's character Sherlock Holmes had his fight to the death with his greatest foe Professor Moriarty.
James Whistler is based on the real life painter James Abbott McNeill Whistler who was the mentor of Walter Sickert.
Papa Legba is based on trickster spiritual intermediary in Haitian Vodou of the same name.
Princess Lamballe is based on Marie Thérèse Louise of Savoy (Princesse de Lamballe) who was one of Marie Antoinette's closest friends.
Robert is likely based off Robert Olmstead, the main character and narrator of The Shadow Over Innsmouth.
Sullivan is based on Anne Sullivan Macy, an American teacher and lifelong friend of Helen Keller.
The currently Unnamed Cat God is likely based on the short stories Nyarlathotep and Cats of Ulthar by H.P. Lovecraft.
Blue Aladdin references to Aladdin from Aladdin and the Wonderful Lamp.
Violet Peacock's Chinese description references to The Peacocks Fly Southeast.
Both Poseidon's Crown and Poseidon references to Poseidon the god of the sea, storms, earthquakes and horses from Greek Mythology.
Caged Butterfly's description mentions Madame Butterfly.
The 1st Essence of Season 2 is based on several Fairy Tale Stories on each Costumes.
King's Tailor references to one of the Swindler from The Emperor's New Clothes.
Both Lazy Mr. Bunny and Mr. Turtle references to The Hare and The Tortoise from The Tortoise and the Hare.
King Arthur references to the character of the same name
Merlin references to the character of the same name.
Black Swan is based on Odile (The Black Swan) from Swan Lake.
Anubis is based on the god of the same name who is the god of death, mummification, embalming, the afterlife, cemeteries, tombs, and the Underworld in Egyptian Mythology.
Ancient Soul references to the Ankh an ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol used in Egyptian art and writing to represent the word for "life" and, by extension, as a symbol of life itself.
Soul Catcher references to Day of the Dead a holiday traditionally celebrated on November 1 and 2, though other days, such as October 31 or November 6 from Mexica.
Golden Touch is based on King Midas a king of Phrygia who is known to turn everything he touched into gold from Greek Mythology.
The 1st Essence of Season 6 has several references to Greek Mythology.
Icarus is named after and based on the hero of the same name who is the son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth on Greek Mythology.
Apollo is named after and based on the God of the same name who is the god of oracles, healing, archery, music and arts, sunlight, knowledge, herds and flocks, protection of the young and the Member of Twelve Olympians.
Leonidas is named after Leonidas I a king of the Greek city-state of Sparta.
Pam possibly is based on Pan the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, rustic music and impromptus, and companion of the nymphs.
Captain Hook is based on Captain James Hook.
Eversleeping Girl is based on Wendy Darling.
Forgotten Boy is possibly based on Peter Pan or one of the Lost Boys.
Siren is possibly based on the Mermaids from Mermaids' Lagoon.
March Hare is based on the Character of the Same Name.
Alice is based on the Protagonist of the Same Name.
Mr. Bunny is based on The White Rabbit.
Bill is based on Bill The Lizard.
Caterpillar is based on Hookah-Smoking Caterpillar.
Knave of Hearts is based on the character of the same name.
Executioner is based on one of the Queen of Hearts' Card Soldiers.
The Mad Hatter is based on the character of the same name.
Queen of Hearts is based on the character of the same name.
Serpent is based on Quetzalcoatl the god of life, light and wisdom, lord of the day and the winds from Aztec Mythology.
Lady Thirteen is based on Yu Mo from The Flowers of War, portrayed by the actress Ni Ni.
Sophia is based on Sophia Palaiologina a Byzantine princess, member of the Imperial Palaiologos family, Grand Princess of Moscow as the second wife of Grand Prince Ivan III.
Ivan is possibly based on Ivan III of Russia a Grand Prince of Moscow and Grand Prince of all Rus'.
Maroon Crystal is based on Dorothy Gale.
Princess Ozma is based on the character of the same name.
The Wicked Witch is based on both Wicked Witch of the West and Dorothy Gale.
Emerald City Coachman is based on the Coachman.
Oz, the Wizard is based on Wizard of Oz.
The Tin Man is based on Tin Woodman.
The Spookcrow is based on Scarecrow.
The Toothless Lion is based on Cowardly Lion.
Golden Ratio references to the Philosopher's Stone a mythic alchemical substance capable of turning base metals such as mercury into gold.
Electrolysis references to the technique of the same name that uses direct electric current (DC) to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction.
Ouroboros references to the ancient symbol of the same name that depicts a snake or dragon eating it's own tail.
Choir Boy has a The squared circle symbol an alchemical symbol (17th century) illustrating the interplay of the four elements of matter symbolising the philosopher's stone on his back.
Mutation represents Chrysopoeia an artificial production of gold, most commonly by the alleged transmutation of base metals such as lead.
Sulfuric Acid has a tattoo on chest resembling the symbol of the same name based on Dalton's Law of Atomic Weights.
Vine references to the Elixir of life a potion that supposedly grants the drinker eternal life and/or eternal youth.
Philofelist possibly references to Necromancy a practice of magic or black magic involving communication with the dead – either by summoning their spirits as apparitions, visions or raising them bodily – for the purpose of divination, imparting the means to foretell future events, discover hidden knowledge, to bring someone back from the dead, or to use the dead as a weapon.
Judge represents Pride.
Deputy represents Greed.
Clerk represents Envy.
Court 3 Commissioner represents Wrath.
Court 5 Commissioner represents Sloth.
Court 6 Commissioner represents Gluttony.
Court 7 Commissioner represents Lust.
Narcissus is named after the character of the same name who rejected all romantic advances, eventually falling in love with his own reflection in a pool of water, staring at it for the remainder of his life, his name is the origin of Narcissism.
Clio is named after the goddess of the same name who is the goddess of history, lyre playing and a member of the Muses.
Talia is named after Thalia who is the goddess of comedy and a member of the Muses.
Hebe is named after the goddess of the same name who is the goddess of eternal youth, prime of life, forgiveness
"Succubus" is named after a demon of the same name they are female demons that appears in dreams to seduce men, usually through sexual activity.
Rainmaker's Beauty Form is based on both Lady Shizuka, one of the most famous women in Japanese history and literature and Ameonna, a yōkai thought to call forth rain while the Prajna Form is based on Kuchisake-onna, that appears as a malicious spirit, or onryō, of a woman, that partially covers her face with a mask or other item and carries some sort of sharp object.
"The Prince" is based on the titular character of the The Happy Prince.
Feathered Cloak is based on Freyja, a goddess associated with love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold, and seiðr (magic for seeing and influencing the future) from Norse Mythology.
The 3rd Essence of Season 17 is based on The Masque of the Red Death.
Man in Red is based on The Red Death.
Runaway is based on Prince Prospero.
The 1st Essence of Season 18 is based on The Marriage of Figaro.
Fury is based on both Count Almaviva (Philippe) and Countess Rosina (Christina).
"Susanna" is based on the character of the same name.
The 1st Essence of Season 20 is based on And Then There Were None.
The 2nd Essence of Season 20 takes place on The Crystal Palace on a fictional setting.
Lockheart is shown to be a fictional daughter of the in real life historical figure Joseph Paxton an English gardener, architect, engineer and Member of Parliament, best known for designing the Crystal Palace.
The 1st Essence of Season 21 is based on Bacchanalia, an unofficial, privately funded popular Roman festivals of Bacchus, based on various ecstatic elements of the Greek Dionysia.
Spring Heated Wine is based on Dionysus, the god of the grape-harvest, wine making, orchards and fruit, vegetation, fertility, insanity, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, festivity, and theatre and a Member of the Twelve Olympians from Greek Mythology.
Bai Ze is based on Bai Ze itself, a mystical Chinese beast connected with spirits.
The 3rd Essence of Season 22 is based on insects and also the seven virtues.
Winter Cicada represents Humility.
Frozen Butterfly represents Chastity.
Ant represents Charity.
Scorpion represents Kindness.
Mayfly represents Diligence.
Centipede represents Temperance.
Worker Bee represents Patience.
Boudoir Dream is based on Child Jane Hudson from What Ever Happened to Baby Jane which is a film adaptation of a novel of the same name, portrayed by the child actress Julie Allred
Iron Lady is based on Harriet Craig from the film of the same name which is a film adaptation of Craig's Wife, portrayed by the actress Joan Crawford.
Samara is based on Samarra from The Prodigal which is a film adaptation of Parable of the Prodigal Son, portrayed by the actress Lana Turner.
Rhythm of the Rain is based on Kathy Selden from Singin' in the Rain, portrayed by the actress Debbie Reynolds.
Recluse is based on Jef Costello from Le Samouraï, portrayed by the actor and filmmaker Alain Delon.
Hamlet is based on the titular character of the 1948 film which is the film adaptation of the play of the same name, portrayed by the actor and director Laurence Olivier.
Colonel Dax is based on the character of the same name from Paths of Glory which is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name, portrayed by the actor and filmmaker Kirk Douglas.
The Red Shoes is based on Victoria Page from The Red Shoes which is a film adaptation of a fairy tale of the same name, portrayed by the actress ballet dancer and actress Moira Shearer.
The Black Tulip is based on both Guillaume de Saint Preux and Julien de Saint Preux from The Black Tulip which is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name, both portrayed by the actor and filmmaker Alain Delon.
Just Around the Corner is based on Penny Hale from Just Around the Corner which is a film adaptation of Lucky Penny, portrayed by former child actress, singer, dancer, and diplomat and diplomat Shirley Temple.
Zouzou is based on the titular character of the 1934 film, portrayed by actress, French Resistance agent, and Civil Rights Activist Josephine Baker.
Ben-Hur is based on Judah Ben-Hur from Ben-Hur which is a film adaptation of Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ, portrayed by the actor and political activist Charlton Heston.
Dorothy is based on Dorothy Gale from The Wizard of Oz which is a film adaptation of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, portrayed by actress and singer Judy Garland.
Salome is based on the titular character from the movie of the same name, portrayed by actress, dancer, and producer Rita Hayworth.
Da Vinci is based on Leonardo da Vinci from The Life of Leonardo da Vinci which is a miniseries about the real life artist, portrayed by actor Philippe Leroy.
Svengali is based on the titular character of the 1931 film which is a film adaptation of Trilby, portrayed by the actor on radio, stage and radio John Barrymore.
Rashomon is based on the Samurai's wife from Rashomon which is a film adaptation of two Ryūnosuke Akutagawa novels "In a Grove" and "Rashōmon", portrayed by the actress Machiko Kyō.
Broken Blossoms are based on Cheng Huan from Broken Blossoms which is a film adaptation of The C**** and the Child, portrayed by the actor Richard Barthelmess.
Scarlet is based on Scarlett O'Hara from Gone with the Wind which is a film adaptation of the novel of the same name, portrayed by the actress Vivien Leigh.
Faust is based on the titular character of the 1927 film which is a film adaptation of the play of the same name, portrayed by the actor, director and singer Gösta Ekman.
Million Dollar Mermaid is based on Annette Kellerman from the film of the same name which is a biography about the real life swimmer, portrayed by swimmer and actress Esther Williams.
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nicoverhaegen · 9 months
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Milk of Lime 'Dozen'
“The fly is marking a mundane and uninvited companion of our human life. Its sudden appearance evokes a strange sense of familiarity while carrying heavy symbolism for our fleeting existence. It is an animal on the fine line between revulsion and beauty. Portraying the black iridescent body of this seemingly profane insect repels and attracts the eye equally and is forgotten with one incidental gesture of our hand.” A huge thank you to everyone who was involved in the making of this show. Your support means the world to us
Models in order of appearance: Lotta, Lisa-Marie, Augustina, Frederik, Daria, Lea, Kingsley, Martin, Soleil, Vanessa, Jonathan, Lafayette, Jonte, Anna, Subin, Laura, Luca, Artyom, Thalo, Polina
Creative Direction: Julia Ballardt & Nico Verhaegen
Styling: Charlotte Buchal
Casting: Moritz Alte
Soundtrack: Adriaan De Roover
Camera operator: Leon Moss
Choreography & Runway: Rozalie Klimesova
MAKE-UP TEAM (Tools provided by ELLIS FAAS)
Lead: Jenneke Croubels
1st assistant: Maria Ovejero
Assistants: Naomzz, Samantha Pottmaier, Darja Crainiucenco, Eva Herbohn, Mai Anh
HAIR TEAM (Products: Balmain Hair Couture)
Lead: Sanne Schoofs 1st assistant: Robbe Vermaeten
Assistants: Evara Collin, Liesbeth Cobbaert, Sinan Salihovic, Eavan Derbyshire, Taiga
BACKSTAGE PHOTOGRAPHY Kaj Lehner, Oriane Verstraeten, Lucinde Wahlen, Theresa Huber, Saeeda Shabbir, Lewin Berninger, Kevin Duong, Hieronymus Ahrens & Eva Weinkötz
Ceramic Jewelry: 3sechzig
Floral Styling: Studio Linné
Special thanks to: Viktoria Ballardt Sanne Schoofs Robbe Vermaeten Jenneke Croubels Maria Ovejero Moritz Alte Charlotte Buchal Adriaan de Roover Michael Cashmore Thomas Maria Stoehr Pauline Moos Kaj Lehner Oriane Verstraeten Lucinde Wahlen Kerstin Geffert Sara Springer Eva Weinkötz Marie Giselbrecht Alexis Mersman Jana Heinemann Bavo Verhaegen Lauren Bouden Alex Weinkötz Julia Geissler aka 3sechzig Daniel Ohlhäuser Larissa Ballardt Annick Peeters Gery Verhaegen Amina Shabbir Manuela Garcia Daimy Van Caudenberg Jacob Griffith Moritz Schlesinger Nicklas Jendryke Eva Degols Lalo Gonzales Victoria Huisman Zoë Derks Kim Peers Frederik Lovric Liederley Sasha Yatsiuk Maurice Thys Nele Visschers Doron Beuns Magdalena Balkowski & the Zeiss Großplanetarium Team Andreas Baßler Thijs Faas & the Ellis Faas team Balmain Hair Couture Scott Lipinski Christiane Arp Stefan Brunner & the FCG team Elke Timmerman Jasmien Wynants Polina Gribanova Rozalie Klimesova Lisa-Marie Krakehl Emma Krakehl Pia Ulrich (…)
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maslue90 · 1 year
Standby from Charlotte Regan on Vimeo.
Gary and Jenny share the same cramped “office space” as all beat cops: the front seat of a patrol car. Their evolving relationship is an emotional rollercoaster ride that stands in often-comedic contrast to the procession of thugs and criminals filling the back seat.
Written & Directed by Charlotte Regan Produced by Jack Hannon
Cast - Andrew Paul, Alexa Morden, Leon Cunningham, Margaret Towner, Richard Sherwood & John Layton Director Of Photography - Bradley Stearn 1st AC - Ellis Doig 2nd AC - Lucas Campain Spark - Sal Redpath Electrician - Graeme Condon
Production Manager - Alice Groves 1st AD - Jared Peysner Sound Recordist - Nick Grant Sound Design - Michael Ling Editor - Charlotte Regan Colourist - John Layton Credits - Asad Denova Production Designer - Elena Muntoni Hair & Make-Up - Rose Redrup Music - Skepta 'Shutdown'
BAFTA Nominated Winner of Sundance Ignite Winner of BFI Future Film Festival Lab Award Winner of BFI Future Film Festival New Talent Award Winner of Lifetime Shorts competition Winner of Excellence In Women's Filmmaking at ECU Film Festival Winner of Best Director at ASIFF Winner of Best Screenplay at ASIFF
Official selection Toronto International Film Festival Official selection London Short Film Festival Official selection Whistler Film Festival Official selection Foyle Film Festival Official selection LOCO Film Festival Official selection ASIFF Film Festival Official selection ECU Film Festival
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kitsunetsuki · 3 years
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Dress by Simon Ellis, Hat by Otto Lucas (Vanity Fair 1968)
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ellylucasmodel · 7 years
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Self-portrait, taken on the Isle Of Skye in May 2017.
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smexymodels · 6 years
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Philip Ellis by Jamie Luca
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ellylucas · 7 years
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Right, well, where the heck do I start here? This year’s weddings have been, in a word, spectacular. I’ve photographed wedfests, funfairs, snow, unicorns riding on dodgems, big hounds, little hounds, alpacas, tears, giggles and more beautiful people than I could ever possibly have imagined. Thank you SO, SO MUCH to all of my incredible clients this year, it really has been an absolute joy working with you. After an awful end to 2016 for my family, this year could have been a particularly difficult one for me – but you guys have helped put my heart back together in the most wonderful way. With everything I have, thank you.
Now, to the photos! (If you’re a Spotify user, I’m going to go right ahead and recommend you pop this playlist of loveliness/pure cheese on while you’re browsing.)
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The wedding location and detail game was pretty excellent again this year. I travelled all over the UK and, I’ll not lie, delighted at all the northern & nerdy details. Ten points, couples!
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Dogs at weddings was a much-welcomed theme again:
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And this year I got to play with goats and alpacas too! Oh my days, it was amazing. Here’s what beautiful Charlie & Steve looked like surrounded by their new pals:
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Annnnd here’s what was going on behind the scenes (big thanks to Sam Houghton for these!):
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My couples were bloody gorgeous and I love them forever for humouring me as I played with prisms and fairy lights and hid behind bushes and othersuch madness:
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The way you all looked at your loved ones melted my heart on more than one occasion:
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And we had a whole lot of fun too. Y’know, in between the emotional carnage:
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I think we can safely establish that these guys all had an absolute whale of a time:
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The force was strong in the ol’ group photo antics:
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(Pose level: HEROIC.)
I turned into a soppy whatsit every time this happened:
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Annnnd what’s left? Oh. Oh I know.
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Thank you so much again to all the lovely folk at this year’s weddings; couples, guests, venue staff, suppliers and all – I hope you know how much you, along with my wonderful second-shooters, brightened up my year. Huge love to the lot of you!
If you’re getting hitched in 2018/19 and like what you see, get in touch! If you’re getting wed in Derbyshire / South Yorkshire, I’ll even give you 15% off the full-day package. ***If you’re eloping or having a tiny intimate ceremony and would like to arrange some custom hours, I would especially love to hear from you! Give me a shout here for some special rates.***
All the very best for 2018,
Elly xxx
The 2017 Round-Up: Wonderful Weddings Right, well, where the heck do I start here? This year's weddings have been, in a word, spectacular.
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pixie88 · 2 years
Enough - Meet the characters.
Here are the face claims and the back stories of each character of Enough. I will update as new characters appear 💜
Ellis Beck
Ellis (Joseph Cannata) was the older brother of three, he had two younger brothers Zack and Jason. Ellis met Shane at primary school at first the two didn't get along, but soon became good friends, their parents knew if they weren't at home they were at the others' house. In Secondary school they had girls falling over them, no one caught his eye until Shane's sister Domenica brought home the new girl in her year group Dana Lucas.
He was smitten from the start, but she didn't make it easy for him, when they finally got together they were inseparable. With Ellis being a year older he left school a year before her and enrolled with the police, six years later he finally finished his training.
Dana Beck (Lucas)
Dana (Nina Dobrev) moved to Hastings when she was fifteen with her younger brother Harley and her parents Daisy and Jonah, after her dad Jonah got promoted to area manager of the major supermarket. She met Selina in art class, she introduced her to Domenica, Melissa, Nancy and Kellie, Dana quickly became a part of the group.
Dana always had a passion for photography, she only agreed to go on a date with Ellis if he agreed to let her take photos of him for her final exam. She went on to study photography in college before she got a job as a photographer for the local newspaper, soon her career took off, and she started taking photos for weddings.
On her nineteenth birthday Ellis got down on one knee and she said yes. Six months later the two of them ran off and got married in secret with just Selina and Shane as their witnesses. Daisy had taken over the whole wedding and turned it into one either of them wanted, so a secret wedding was the perfect idea.
Nine months later she gave born to their first son Myles, six years later Arlo came along completing their family. The following year Dana decides to set up her own business, which was a success clients were coming in thick and fast.
Arlo was four years old when the unimaginable happened, this lead to Dana rethinking their lives. She thought Ellis was on the same page for two years, then his lie caught up with him and she found out the truth that torn them apart.
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Myles Beck
Myles (Joshua Colley) is the eldest child (thirteen), the split of their parents' hit him hard. At first he blamed his mum for kicking out his dad, but Ellis sat him down and talk to him through why they were splitting and that he would still see him as much as he did when he lived in the family home. Coming into his teenage years, he is growing into a young man and wants to be the man his dad will be proud of.
Arlo Beck
Arlo (Sonny Kendall) is the baby of the family (six), he causes mischief, he even set his parents up on a date hoping this would bring them back together. Arlo is pretty much a mummy's boy, he can wrap her round his little finger. The split didn't faze him much until a boy in his class teases him about it, when he came out of school crying that day Myles had a word with the boy that upset his brother and the teasing stopped. Arlo loves football, Ellis is even the towns under elevens football coach.
Daisy Lucas
Daisy (Michelle Pfeiffer) met husband (Jonah) at her own engagement party, she said yes because she didn't want to upset Brian, but their relationship had become stale and when his work friend Jonah arrived he flirted with her at the bar not realizing she was in fact the bride to be.
A few weeks later she called off the wedding, and just by chance she ran into him in a small cafe in Brighton, a year later they said their I do's while Daisy was five months pregnant with Dana. Once the kids started school, she went back to work as a dinner lady in the kids' school, Dana hated it, but Harley saw the plus side to it - extra servings.
She went on to work in a few of the top restaurants and eventually opened her own cafe in Hastings after the move where the kids used to hang out after school.
Jonah Lucas
Jonah (Shane Richie) he's always been a lad's lad and a bit of a joker, him and Daisy are like chalk and cheese, but there was something about her that hooked him. After Brian found out about the pair he changed job's and never spoke to Jonah again, but he wouldn't change a thing.
Having his bambino's was his greatest achievement, he adores his kids and even helped deliver Arlo on Dana's kitchen floor. He climbed the management ladder in one of the biggest supermarkets in the UK.
Growing up was hard, his dad used his Mum Pauline as a punching bag, and it wasn't long after he turned ten he was his next target until his Uncle Steve found out what had been happening over the years. He knocked seven bells out of his brother before he left Pauline with Jonah, Jonah wanted to be a Dad, Roy never was, when he hit thirty's he found out Roy was serving a twenty year sentence at his majesty's pleasure.
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Harley Lucas
Harley (Daniel K Palmer) has never been one to play by the rules, he calls himself a free spirit, he plans on never growing up never settling down because that is for people like his sister and friends not him. He's in and out of jobs all the time when he isn't traveling.
Domenica Dawson
Domenica (Julia Goulding) is a female version of Harley, she tried the whole marriage thing once because of her Italian boyfriend at the time family pushed for it, but a few months in, it was all too much for her. She was her own person, but they wanted to be a woman that looked after her husband, gave him children and give up her career while he went to work. She ran away and filed for divorce, two years later she came back to Hastings a newly divorced and free woman.
Cohen Beck
Cohen (Craig Fairbrass) married his first wife at eighteen years old, more through convenience because it helped his family business image. He was married to Pippa for ten years before he met twenty year old Stella, what she didn't know he had never actually slept with his wife and even caught her cheating on him a handful of times. Every time she would remind him, they were married for an image and any time she would try to seduce him, he just wasn't interested.
But with Stella things were different he fell hard for her quickly, he knew she wouldn't put up with being the other woman for long and once he told his parent, she was expecting his child something they were longing for from Pippa there was no going back. They would favour Stella over Pippa, he never told them about Pippa's endless affairs and made it look as if he was the one doing the dirty all along.
Stella Beck
Stella (Claire King) she met Cohen at work he was her married older boss, when she fell pregnant with Ellis two and a half years later she gave Cohen an ultimatum he either left his wife of ten years or he'd never see her or their unborn child again. She knew he loved her and how much he wanted a child his wife couldn't give him and used it against him, he called her vindictive, but she called it making a choice. Once he divorced his first wife, Stella quickly popped the question on a leap year, which he said yes before the had Jason and Zack.
Out of the two of them, she is the more stubborn and strict one.
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Zack Beck
Zack (James Farrar) believes living a single life is the best life with a few one night stands to throw in now and again. His advice is to "hump em and dump em!" being a barman he pretty much doesn't need to make much of an effort other than throw them a free drink now and again.
Jason Beck
Jason (Michael Trevino) is the opposite to his brother Zack, he wants what his older brother Ellis had a soulmate. He thought he found that in his girlfriend Molly, but when he got down on one knee she turned him down flat. He wanted answers, so he chased after her to find out she was in love with his brother Zack, and she had admitted her feeling to Zack in a panic earlier that evening after finding the ring in Jason's coat pocket, but Zack had told her, he didn't feel the same even if he did he wouldn't do that to his brother.
Six months later he met his Fiancee Priya.
Kellie Franks
Kellie Franks (Kimberly Hart-Simpson) grew up with a alcoholic mother, she never knew who her Dad was, she only knew he worked on the buses what her Mum remembered from that drunken shack up. On the surface she acts as if she doesn't care, but the girls know her too well she has a soft centre. Not growing up with a real family, she saw her friends as the family she never had. Each of the girls would have her over most nights knowing she would go home to nothing to eat while her Mum was necking a bottle of vodka on the sofa.
One day she came home from school to find they were homeless, her Mum hadn't been paying the rent, "it's a dog eat dog world, sweets and it's about time you learned that!" her Mum hiss tapping her on the back as she walked off.
With nowhere to live the Domenica's parents took her in, she hoped her Mum would come back sober for her but she never did.
Five years later she got a phone call to say her Mum had been involved in a hit and run and didn't make it.
She felt lost and alone, her life has been up and down ever since.
Priya Bailey
Priya (Ella Balinska) moved to Hastings from Sheffield to live with her Aunt when her parents moved to Portugal. She met Jason on route to work, waiting for the bus each morning, six months after Molly turned him down. The pair got talking, and he took her number down, four years later the pair are planning their wedding.
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Liam Norris
Liam (Taylor John Smith) met Selina on a girls night out, Selina kept giving him the eye, but was too scared to go over herself. Eventually Dana got fed up with her friend not making a move and went over to him ask him to buy Selina a drink and take it over to her since then they have been together seven years, married for five and have been trying for a baby for over two years.
Selina Norris
Selina's (Selina Chhaur) parents moved to Hastings from Australia when she was eight years old, after her Nan on her Dad's side became ill. He moved back to take care of her, Domenica was the first girl Selina spoke to when she started school. She went on to study hairdressing in college, even though they are best friends Dana has never told her the real reason for the split.
Jacob Sullivan
Jacob (Dan Holmes) is Melissa's latest husband, he owns his own car dealership in Hastings, or though the girls felt sorry for him when he first got involved with Melissa but they quickly saw he could handle her and stand his ground when he knew she was in the wrong.
Melissa Sullivan
Melissa (Jacqueline Jossa) always had a crush on Ellis, she would endlessly ask him out, but he would always make the excuse he didn't want a girlfriend at the time then Dana came along and Melissa could see he was smitten. Upset, she took a disliking to Dana believing her arrival stole her chance with him. Since then, she guarded herself from fall in love with anyone so went after guys for power or money, her marriages never stuck until Jacob.
He brought down her walls and she fell in love, she still loves to wind up the girls now and again.
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Shane Dawson
Shane (Michael Karim Malarkey) met Ellis in primary school, where ever Ellis was Shane wasn't far behind. They are more like brothers than best friends, they would cover for each other, no questions asked. Shane owns a small estate agent in the town, he met Nancy when she came in looking for a flat to rent, that evening he asked her out for drinks, he fell for her and hard.  
Nancy (Maddy Hill) grew up in Hastings, she comes from a big family with four older sisters she knows how to stand her ground. She was flat hunting when she walked into Shane's estate agents, she fell for his charm and the pair married a year later. She quickly fitted in with the girls, so when she lost her job Melissa quickly found her one at Jacob car dealership, the pair are looking to start a family soon.
Nancy Dawson
Cherry Attwood
Cherry (Debby Ryan) was looking for work experience for her college photography course taking a chance she strolled into Dana's studio confident. Wanting to test her Dana let her take on her following photo shoot, she quickly impressed her.
When the two weeks work experience was over Dana offered her a permanent job which meant Dana wasn't a one woman band anymore so she'd have more time with the kids.
Emily Newport
Emily (Arielle Kebbel) she met Dana on Tommy's first day of school Dana handed her a tissue when the pair stood outside their little ones class room crying that their babies have grow up.
Amelia and Grace befriended the pair, but they both learned the hard way that Amelia and Grace were the "mean Mum's" of the school runs.
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Annabelle Palmer
Annabelle (Kat Graham) is Jacques fiancée she worked the first desk at the police station. When new trainee Jacques start she thought he was just another cocky newbie quickly she leaned there was more behind the confident copper. She met Dana at the first works Christmas party she went to, she sat at the end of the table next to her quiet, Dana was used to these police do's she had been to enough by then. She could tell she felt out of place amongst a table full of copper, so Dana asked her if she wanted to get a drink at the bar.
By the time Ellis found the pair, they were drunk and everyone had gone home, that was Dana party trick she could make friends anywhere.
Jacques Fraser
Jacques (Austin Butler) enrolled with the police at twenty years old, wanting to break the mould from his criminal family. It was a fight he had to proud him self a little more because the name Fraser was a well known name with the police. He showed confidence and resilience when he passed his police trainer which got him noticed. Within three years he was a DC working along side Ellis who at first thought he was a pain in the arse, but he soon saw potential that the DCI did.
The two soon worked more and more cases together.
When everything went down two years ago, it was Jacques who wouldn't go home and who was by Ellis's side until the end.
The situation made him realize what he wanted in life, a week later he got down on one knee, thankfully Annabelle said yes!
The two have been planning their wedding, but with the death of Jacques Dad it was push back.
Tag squad (tagging those that asked): @secretaryunpaid @aussieez @munstysmind @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @palmaviolet @pixie-b
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fearsmagazine · 3 years
Filming Is Underway On WARNER BROS. PICTURES’ “WONKA,” Directed By PAUL KING And Starring TIMOTHÉE CHALAMET In The Title Role
Principal photography has begun on Warner Bros. Pictures’ “Wonka,” with Oscar nominee Timothée Chalamet (upcoming “Dune,” “Call Me By Your Name”) in the titular role, under the direction of award-winning filmmaker Paul King (the “Paddington” films).  Oscar-nominated producer David Heyman (“Once Upon a Time… In Hollywood”), who produced the “Harry Potter,” “Fantastic Beasts” and “Paddington” films, Luke Kelly, who produced the recent feature adaptation of Roald Dahl’s The Witches as well as the upcoming “Matilda,” and Alexandra Derbyshire, who executive produced the “Paddington” films and the upcoming “Jurassic World: Dominion,” are producing “Wonka.”  The film is based on characters by Roald Dahl, inspired especially by one of Dahl’s most beloved characters, Willy Wonka, and takes place before the events of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
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Starring alongside Chalamet are Rowan Atkinson (the “Johnny English” and “Mr. Bean” films, “Love Actually”), Mathew Baynton (“The Wrong Mans,” “Ghosts”), Jim Carter (“Downton Abbey”), Oscar winner Olivia Colman (“The Favourite”), Tom Davis (“Paddington 2,” “King Gary”), Simon Farnaby (the “Paddington” films, “Rogue One: A Star Wars Story”), Rich Fulcher (“Marriage Story,” “Disenchantment”), Oscar nominee Sally Hawkins (“The Shape of Water,” the “Paddington” films, “Spencer”), Kobna Holdbrook-Smith (“Paddington 2,” “Zack Snyder’s Justice League,” “Mary Poppins Returns”), Paterson Joseph (“Vigil,” “Noughts + Crosses”), Emmy and Peabody Award winner Keegan-Michael Key (“The Prom,” “Schmigadoon”), Calah Lane (“The Day Shall Come”), Matt Lucas (“Paddington,” “Little Britain”), Colin O’Brien (“The Mothership”), Natasha Rothwell (“White Lotus,” “Insecure”), Rakhee Thakrar (“Sex Education,” “Four Weddings and a Funeral”) and Ellie White (“The Other One,” “The Windsors”).
King is directing from a screenplay he wrote with “Paddington 2” co-writer Simon Farnaby (with prior writers including Simon Rich, Simon Stephenson, Jeff Nathanson, and Steven Levenson).  Michael Siegel and Rosie Alison are serving as executive producers.  King’s behind-the-scenes creative team includes Oscar-nominated director of photography Seamus McGarvey (“Anna Karenina,” “Atonement”); Oscar-nominated production designer Nathan Crowley (“Tenet,” “Dunkirk”); editor Mark Everson (the “Paddington” films); and Oscar-winning costume designer Lindy Hemming (the “Paddington” films, “Topsy-Turvy”).  Neil Hannon of the band The Divine Comedy is writing original songs for the film.
Filming in the UK, “Wonka” is set to open in theaters March 17, 2023 and will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures.
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noemifm · 4 years
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(  twenty-three,  cis female,  she/her  )    ✉   ―   hey  babes,  have  you  met  𝑵𝑶𝑬𝑴𝑰  𝑪𝑶𝑹𝑫𝑨𝑺𝑪𝑶  ?  they’re  𝒗𝒂𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈  𝒉𝒆𝒓𝒆,  a  few  villas  down  from  where  you’re  staying.  you  might  hear  𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭  𝐜𝐚𝐥𝐥  𝐦𝐞  𝐮𝐩  𝐛𝐲  𝐦𝐚𝐛𝐞𝐥  playing  from  their  villa,  it’s  their  favourite  song.  yes,  they  hear  that  they  look  like  𝒅𝒆𝒍𝒊𝒍𝒂𝒉  𝒃𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒆  alot,  actually   –––    it’s  really  uncanny.  their  friends  back  home  in  𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐧,  𝐧𝐞𝐰  𝐲𝐨𝐫𝐤  say  that  if  they  were  on  a  tv  show,  their  trope  would  be  𝑻𝑯𝑬  𝑨𝑴𝑨𝑹𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑯  how  funny  is  that?    ✎    ellie,  21,  she/they,  gmt.
hi,  my  angels!  it's  me,  ellie,  back  at  it  again...  this  time  bringing  my  troublemaking,  chaotic  daughter,  noemi  to  stir  up  the  pot.  if  i'm  not  here  you  can  find  me  over  at  jadon  mosley  (  @jadonfm  )  but  down  below  is  a  few  basic  stats  of  my  daughter,  her  bio  and  wanted  connections  that  i’d  die  to  have  filled.  anyway,  i  love  her  and   all  should  too.  ♡^▽^♡
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⟨     *    𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑬.    →    layer  i   𝄪   basic  info   .
𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐀𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌����    →     noemi  aida  cordasco. 𝐊𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐍 𝐀𝐒    →     emi,  mimi. 𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘    →     italian,  english,  scottish. 𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑  +  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒    →     cis-female  +  she,  her. 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘    →     bisexual,  with  no  preference. 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍    →     manhattan,  new  york  city,  new  york. 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒    →     alexander  cordasco,  father.  aliyah  cordasco  ( neé  kennedy  ),  mother. 𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒    →     francesca  cordasco,  older  sister;  aged  27.  juliette  cordasco,  older  sister;  aged 25.  luca  cordasco,  twin  brother;  aged 23. 𝐄𝐃𝐔𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍    →     private  school  education,  high  school  graduate  &  graduate  of  parsons  school  of  design. 𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍    →     model,  aspiring  fashion  designer.
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⟨     *    𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑬.    →    layer  ii   𝄪   background  information   .
okay  i'm  not  going  to  lie,  i've  had  no  time  to  write  an  in  depth  bio  like  i  did  for  jadon    –    however,  down  below  is  a  few  pin  points  until  i  have  time  to  write  something  that  i  actually  like!  triggers:  n/a.
→    born  into  a  big  family  of  fame,  it  comes  almost  naturally  to  be  drawn  to  attention  and  live  in  scandals.  not  necessarily  her  scene,  but  somehow  still  manages  to  get  dragged  into  anything  her  siblings  do  and  often  has  to  defend  the  cordasco  name.
→    speaking  of  family,  her  mother  was  a  big  name  in  fashion  during  the  80's/90's,  and  her  father  was  a  designer  in  italy.  they  met  on  set  of  a  photoshoot  and  the  rest  is   honestly  history.  they're  still  pretty  prominent  in  the  industry  and  all  of  the  cordasco  children  have  taken  an  interest  or  have  had  a  gravitational  pull  towards  design,  modelling  or  photography.  (  for  inspiration  /  comparison,  think  of  the  crawford-gerber  family  )
→    was  essentially  born  into  the  world  with  it  paved  out  for  her    –    usually  seen  as  something  negative,  but  she  took  to  it  like  a  baby  to  a  bottle.  from  as  long  as  she  can  remember  she's  been  surrounded  by  cameras,  paparazzi  and  people  asking  her  personal  questions.  she  doesn't  necessarily  love  the  negative  attention,  never  has,  but  will  still  continue  to  deal  with  it  due  to  her  last  name.  
→    her  childhood  was  pretty  standard,  it  became  clear  early  on  that  she  had  to  keep  certain  things  to  herself  if  she  wanted  to  succeed.  her  parents  and  siblings  all  have  a  very  supportive  relationship  between  each  other,  not  a  single  drop  of  maliciousness  or  toxicity  in  their  household.  it's  healthy  and  that's  how  we  like  it!  she  attended  a  private  school  in  new  york  and  went  on  to  get  accepted  into  parsons  school  of  design  to  hopefully  follow  the  footsteps  of  her  father  and  make  her  mark  on  the  fashion  world  like  he  did.
→    had  a  rebellious  stage  when  she  was  eighteen  but  got  it  sorted  out  by  the  time  of  twenty.  she  was  the  girl  who  would  leave  the  club  at  6am,  dilated  pupils  and  all  as  she  attempted  to  pick  fights  with  anyone  who  looked  at  her  the  wrong  way.  it  was  easily  one  of  her  lowest  points  and  she  saw  that  would  affect  her  the  most  during  her  future  years;  code  for  her  growing  out  of  it    –    mostly.  
→    parties  when  she  can,  slips  up  every  so  often  when  it  comes  to  substances  and  will  instantly  regret  it  the  next  day  but  it's  all  in  good  company  with  her  friends.  has  various  outbursts  when  under  the  influence,  but  that  would  boil  down  to  being  an  aggressive/angry  drunk  (  takes  after  her  mother  on  that  one  )  more  than  anything  else.
→    is  honestly  rather  self  aware  and  doesn't  take  anything  for  granted  when  it  comes  to  her  wealth  or  status.  she's  always  sure  to  show  her  gratitude  to  her  name  when  it  comes  to  opportunities  that  come  to  her,  and  is  currently  signed  to  IMG  models  international  (  she's  got  a  pretty  face,  can  you  blame  her?  )  along  with  working  on  a  fashion  label  with  her  twin  brother,  luca.
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⟨     *    𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑬.    →    layer  iii   𝄪   personality   .
self  aware  bitch.  knows  her  worth  and  won't  let  anyone  tell  her  different.  she  sometimes  has  a  god  complex  in  thinking  she's  better  than  anyone  else,  but  is  quickly  humbled  by  either  her  friends,  siblings  or  parents   –    and  when  that  fails,  tabloids  knock  her  down  a  few  pegs.  
she's  naturally  flirty  and  it's  probably  gotten  her  into  trouble  a  few  times.  accidentally  lets  people  think  something  might  happen  between  them  even  99.9%  of  the  time  it's  just  friendly  conversation.
the  amaranth  because  she's  hard  to  forget,  for  one  way  or  another  she'll  stay  imprinted  in  your  mind    –    her  personality,  looks,  etc.  and  she  thinks  that's  pretty  neat  :)
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⟨     *    𝑭𝑰𝑳𝑬.    →    layer  iv   𝄪   wanted  connections   .
MY  MIND  IS  DRAWING  A  BLANK  SDKFJSDFHSDFD  .  hmu  for  wanted  connections  /  plotting  <3
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abwatt · 5 years
The Lost Words: Spell Songs — Blessing The album concludes with The Lost Words Blessing. It is offered both in hope and light, and in grief for the losses and dark times yet to come. We are proud and delighted to share this beautiful video of the creative journey. Filmed by Elly Lucas Photography and edited by Ben Davis. Karine Polwart suggested the idea of a blessing that borrows images and phrases from many of The Lost Words spells by Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris (Bluebell, Dandelion, Fern, Heather, Heron, Kingfisher, Lark, Otter, Raven and Starling), as well as from new spells (Goldfinch and Grey Seal). The form is inspired by blessings in Scottish Gaelic, particularly from a beautiful collection of charms and incantations called Carmina Gadelica. The album will be released on 12 July 2019 Enter the wild with care, my love And speak the things you see Let new names take and root and thrive and grow And even as you travel far from heather, crag and river May you like the little fisher, set the stream alight with glitter May you enter now as otter without falter into water Look to the sky with care, my love And speak the things you see Let new names take and root and thrive and grow And even as you journey on past dying stars exploding Like the gilded one in flight, leave your little gifts of light And in the dead of night my darling, find the gleaming eye of starling Like the little aviator, sing your heart to all dark matter Walk through the world with care, my love And sing the things you see Let new names take and root and thrive and grow And even as you stumble through machair sands eroding Let the fern unfurl your grieving, let the heron still your breathing Let the selkie swim you deeper, oh my little silver-seeker Even as the hour grows bleaker, be the singer and the speaker And in city and in forest, let the larks become your chorus And when every hope is gone, let the raven call you home
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owlways-and-forever · 6 years
The Head, The Eye & The Heart
A/N: Wishing a very, very happy Christmas to my lovely secret santa recipient, @hookedonapirate! It’s been such a pleasure talking to you for the last few weeks, and I hope you like your gift. A huge thank you as well goes to @cssecretsanta2k18 for organizing this wonderful event this year! Happy Christmas everyone! Summary: Emma Swan admires Killian Jones much more than she would like anyone to know. A few drinks, some karaoke, and a little matchmaking at the office Christmas party gives her the opportunity to get to know him better, but can Emma give Killian a chance, or will she close herself off to the possibility of romance? Word Count: ~7000 Links: ao3 | FFnet
To photograph: it is to put on the same line of sight the head, the eye and the heart. - Henri Cartier-Bresson
Emma scrolled through the images on the screen, her heart stuttering with each shot she saw. As usual, the images that had been uploaded were phenomenal, and she couldn’t decide which one was her favourite. Killian Jones, the star photographer of The Storybrooke Photography Co., was more talented than anyone Emma had ever seen, and she couldn’t resist looking at his photographs whenever he uploaded a new assignment to their server. There was just something about them that made her feel... magical. She often found herself jealous of his ability, when all she could do was sign paychecks for the staff (and privately think that, despite the large sum that Killian raked in for his photos, it wasn’t nearly enough).
This particular assignment was a series of photos of Ellie Goulding, recording acoustics in Abbey Road Studio. The setting itself would have been iconic, but Killian had managed to capture the emotion in her eyes, and somehow Emma seemed to know exactly what songs were being sung in each photo. She hovered over one, clicking to enlarge the image. Somehow she just knew it was Dead in the Water. Her favourite song. She could see the anguish written plainly across her face, etched in every muscle. It was just a photograph, but somehow it seemed to move with emotion.
“Hey Emma!”
Mary Margaret startled Emma out of her daydream as she poked her head through the door to Emma’s office. She quickly closed out of the photo server, pulling up her accounting sheets and trying to look innocent. She didn’t want anyone in the office to know how much time she spent looking at Killian’s photos.
“What’s up?” Emma asked curiously.
“I was wondering if you could give me a hand organizing the office Christmas party this year,” Mary Margaret answered with a sheepish grin.
“Oh, I don’t know, I’m not that into Christmas and I’m definitely not a party person,” Emma protested, starting to shake her head.
“Please Emma!” Mary Margaret pleaded. “Usually David helps me plan it, but he’s home with the baby and –“
Emma sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing. Mary Margaret was able to convince her to do just about anything when she mentioned her husband and their cute little son. David was another photographer with the company, though he mostly focused on animals and wildlife rather than people, capturing stunning shots of nature. They had gotten married a little over a year ago, and then had their son in September. Mary Margaret had come back to work when her maternity leave ended, and David had decided to take a sabbatical to stay home and take care of the baby.
“Okay, fine, but let’s not go too crazy with the party this year,” Emma said, raising an eyebrow. Mary Margaret had a tendency to plan very elaborate parties, especially when it came to Christmas.
Mary Margaret rolled her eyes and laughed lightly in response.
“Christmas parties should be at least a little bit crazy,” she joked as she turned to leave. “Coffee later to start planning?”
“Sure,” Emma agreed, turning back to her work.
Around 4’o’clock, the post-lunchtime lull started to really hit Emma, and she found herself struggling to keep her eyes open. She had finished most of her work for the day, and what there was left on her to do list could wait until the morning. She quickly threw her belongings in her back, and grabbed her favourite red leather jacket, heading out the door. She stopped by Mary Margaret’s office, tapping lightly on the frame of the door as she peered around it.
“Wanna duck out a little bit early and grab coffee?” Emma asked when Mary Margaret had looked up.
She looked hesitant for a moment, and Emma knew it was her rule-abiding nature telling her that she couldn’t leave work early, but then she grinned.
“Absolutely, just let me finish this email,” Mary Margaret answered.
Five minutes later, the two of them were walking down the sidewalk, heading in the direction of Granny’s, the little mom & pop coffee shop they frequented. They both got oversized mugs of hot chocolate, adding a dash of cinnamon to them – a trick Mary Margaret had taught Emma early in their friendship.
“So, I was thinking,” Mary Margaret said, diving straight in, “there’s this renovated warehouse bar downtown that specifically does events like this. It could be a good place to have the Christmas party!”
“Really?” Emma sighed, wrinkling her nose. “You don’t just want to have it in the conference room or something?”
“No!” Mary Margaret exclaimed, scandalized. “Emma, it has to be special.”
“Okay, fine, fine, the warehouse bar thing sounds good,” Emma said, holding up her hand in surrender. She had a feeling that a lot of this party planning would just be agreeing with whatever Mary Margaret wanted to do.
“What do you think the theme should be?” Mary Margaret asked, pulling a notebook and pen out of her bag and beginning to scribble meticulously neat notes in it.
“I don’t know, winter wonderland?” Emma suggested half-heartedly.
“That’s not very original,” Mary Margaret replied, her expression souring at Emma’s apparent disinterest.
“Are you guys talking about the office Christmas party?”
Ruby Lucas, the receptionist and organizational assistant for Storybrooke, walked toward them, a to go cup of hot coffee in her hand. Elsa Fisher-Arendelle, a junior editor, was not far behind, her intricate blonde braid nestled in front of her shoulder.
“Yep,” Emma answered unenthusiastically, and Mary Margaret flashed her an exasperated look.
“We’re trying to decide on a theme,” she said, inviting the two women to sit down with them.
Ruby promptly took the proffered seat, tossing her jet black hair over her shoulder and setting her cup down on the table. Her bright red lipstick had left a perfect print on the edge.
“You know what you should really do,” Ruby said, leaning in conspiratorially, “is throw a Killian Jones-themed Christmas party.”
“Why?” Mary Margaret asked, confusion written all over her face.
“I heard he’s kind of a Grinch, so it’d be funny,” Ruby shrugged, taking another gulp of her latte. “And isn’t this Christmas his 5-year anniversary with the company or something?”
“Yeah, it is,” Emma answered, her cheeks flushing pink and warm, embarrassed to know any details about Killian Jones, let alone as many as she did.
“So that’s perfect!” Ruby said, clapping her hands together. “Five Christmases with Killian.”
“You could do five little stations,” Elsa suggested quietly, “and put some of his photos from each year around them.”
“I actually don’t hate it,” Mary Margaret agreed, her eyes glazing over as she grew lost in thought. “I think we could make that work.”
“Glad to have solved your problem,” Ruby said, standing and blowing them a kiss as she bounced away.
If Emma were writing a Christmas movie, she might have thought Ruby was a Christmas angel or something, the way she popped up and disappeared so suddenly, after achieving whatever task she was destined to complete.
“So what should the five stations be?” Mary Margaret asked Emma, pulling her out of her dreamland.
“Um... food, booze...” Emma began, ticking off the options on her fingers, “...snacks, water, and...Christmas tree decorating?”
“Okay, well the Christmas tree thing is not a horrific idea,” Mary Margaret said, laughing at her friend’s antics. “But what if we made it like a wishing tree? So we would half decorate the tree, and then leave some baubles and sharpies on a table for everyone to write their Christmas wish on the bauble and then hang it on the tree.”
“I don’t know how I feel about everyone in the office being able to read my Christmas wish,” Emma countered, frowning a little.
“Okay, that’s fair,” Mary Margaret agreed, nodding. “What if you wrote the wish on a slip of paper and put it inside the bauble? We could get those clear ones and then have a few other decorative things – glitter, lights, etc. – to put in the bauble with the wish.”
“Yeah, I actually like that,” Emma conceded, a smile starting to spread across her face as she felt the Christmas spirit begin to bloom inside her.
“Okay, so that’s one station down, any ideas for the others?” Mary Margaret asked, jotting the idea down in her notebook.
“Um, we could do a little photo booth thing?” Emma offered hesitantly. “Get some props – maybe a mix of Christmas and Killian-related – for people to hold, and a backdrop of Christmas lights.”
“Emma, are you sure you aren’t a photographer? That sounds perfect!” Emma smiled in gratitude, glad Mary Margaret liked her idea. Sometimes she secretly longed to be behind a lens, but she didn’t think she really had the talent for it.
“So what else?” Emma asked, changing the subject.
“What about making Christmas cards for the kids at the local children’s hospital?” Mary Margaret suggested, and Emma nodded.
“That’s cute, it’ll be sweet,” Emma agreed, and Mary Margaret added it to the notebook.
“Okay, two more,” she said, and Emma thought carefully.
“Would it be too messy to decorate Christmas cookies?” she asked cautiously.
“Maybe, but who cares!” Mary Margaret answered enthusiastically.
“’Okay,” Emma laughed, sipping at the last of her hot chocolate. “Last one.”
“Christmas karaoke?” Mary Margaret suggested, and Emma wrinkled her nose.
“Do we have to?” she asked, frowning.
“It’ll be fun!” Mary Margaret answered. “You don’t have to sing if you don’t want to, Emma, but I guarantee, people always love karaoke.”
“Okay, if you insist,” Emma agreed, and Mary Margaret beamed.
“If I take care of all the Christmas-related decoration and such, do you think you can take care of all the Killian-related things?” Mary Margaret asked Emma, already making lists of decorations to get or bring.
“Why? It’s not like I know him,” Emma said, blushing lightly.
“I know, but you’re not a big Christmas person, so I figured of the two...” Mary Margaret shrugged. “Why, is that a problem?”
“No, no, it’s fine,” Emma answered hurriedly. “What kind of things do you want?”
“Mostly just photos that he’s taken, a few from each of the years that he’s been here, preferably Christmas shots. And maybe a few photos of him as well if there are any.”
“Okay, I can do that,” she nodded. It was a simple enough task.
“And see if you can find out some details about him – favourite foods, favourite colours, that kind of thing,” Mary Margaret added, chewing on the end of her pen absentmindedly.
“I’ll see what I can do, but I’m not sure anyone in the office knows him that well,” Emma said.
Emma stepped back from the Christmas tree, examining her work. The ornaments – gold and shades of red, a few so dark they almost looked black – were spaced out, leaving gaps for her coworkers to hang their Christmas wishes, but it didn’t look empty. Satisfied, Emma began laying things out on the table, first the ornaments, paper, pens, and stuffing options, and then the five photos she had picked out from Killian’s first year with the company.
Killian had taken three Christmas assignments that year – the Boston Ballet’s annual production of The Nutcracker, a day at Boston’s annual Christmas Market, and the Blink! Holiday Light Show at Faneuil Hall. He had also attended Midnight Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, and Emma had learned that Killian never went anywhere without his camera, assignment or not. That gave her four Christmas photos taken by Killian that year. A ballerina alone on stage, standing on pointe, with fake snow falling all around her; a young woman looking at handmade glass blown ornaments; a little boy laughing in the glow of the flashing lights; a black and white photo of the priest in full Christmas garb, waving the thurible, thin tendrils of fragrance wafting from it. The last picture for that year was one of Killian that David had taken in black and white at their Christmas party that year. He was holding a Santa had, long fingers wrapped around the puff of white at the top, and he was looking down at it seriously, like the weight of the world was on his shoulders. Emma picked up the framed photo, resisting the urge to run her thumb over printed Killian’s sad looking face.
“It’s a pretty good picture, if I do say so myself,” David laughed, stepping up behind Emma and giving her a side hug.
“For someone who doesn’t take pictures of people much,” Emma teased, putting down the photo and returning David’s hug.
Baby Henry was snug in a little Baby Bjorn, blinking up at Emma and looking much wiser than a mere three months old. He was a serious baby, crying rarely and not often babbling like other babies did. It was almost like he was listening and watching, cataloguing everything in his memory so he would have stories to tell later.
“Think he’s gonna like all this?” David asked, nodding at the decorations around the room.
“Probably not,” Emma shrugged, “but I barely know him. You’re his friend, what do you think?”
“I don’t know that Killian really has any friends, to be honest,” David answered seriously. “He keeps himself pretty isolated. I’m sure he’ll be a little embarrassed by all this, but I don’t think he’ll be upset. He just doesn’t like to be in the spotlight.”
“Photography was a good choice for him then,” Emma smiled.
She turned and saw that a number of people had arrived while she had been talking to David, all milling about and looking at the stations they had set up. It was a bit early for karaoke, before anyone had any drinks, so there was some Christmas music playing lightly, but all the other stations were in full swing. She drifted through the room for a little while, chatting with her coworkers and fulfilling whatever duty she might have as co-planner of the party.
When Emma had made the rounds and spent a sufficient amount of time talking to people, she found herself back at the wishing tree table. A few baubles had been hung, filled with beads and glitter and the hopes of her coworkers. Emma grabbed a pen and quickly scrawled two words on one of the little slips of paper. She folded it carefully and stuffed it into the bauble, adding some gold tinsel and sprigs of holly berries. She checked to make sure that the paper couldn’t be read, and when she was satisfied, she closed it, and hung it on the tree. Her eyes wandered to the photos on the table once more, transfixed by their beauty.
“So, what’d you wish for?”
Emma jumped a little at the voice, and turned to see Killian standing unnervingly close. She could feel his warm breath on her neck, and see how many different shades of blue there were in his eyes.
“If I tell you, isn’t that bad luck?” she asked, avoiding his question.
“Only if you believe that,” Killian answered with a smile.
“Better not to risk it,” Emma said, stepping to the side so Killian could write a wish if he wanted to.
Killian moved toward the table bending over it to write his wish, and then crumpling it into a loose ball for his ornament. He carefully threaded a short strand of battery-powered lights through the opening, and then dropped some red and white ribbons inside. Satisfied, he hung the ornament on the tree, just a few branches over from Emma’s. He stepped back and seemed to notice the framed photos on the table for the first time.
“Your pictures are great,” Emma said, breaking the silence and nearly wincing at how lame it sounded.
“Thank you,” Killian replied automatically, as he reached for the one David had taken. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one before.”
“Your first Christmas here,” she answered, though she was sure he knew that. “David took it at the Christmas party I think.”
“Aye, I remember it,” he mused, lost in thought. “He captured the moment well, though I can’t say I’m glad he did.”
“Why not?” Emma asked, confused by his words.
“It wasn’t a particularly good year.” He didn’t explain for a few moments, his eyes glazing over as he reminisced. “My wife was killed, earlier that year, so it was my first Christmas without her.”
“Killian, I’m so sorry,” she said, reaching out and touching his arm tentatively.
“It’s been a long time,” he answered, as if saying that it didn’t matter anymore.
“Some losses never leave us,” Emma replied, and Killian smiled slightly.
Mary Margaret watched Emma and Killian talking from the cookie decorating station, and she could practically see electricity sizzling in the air. She knew Emma hated meddling, but sometimes everyone needed a little push. So Mary Margaret excused herself and went over to the karaoke table, quickly editing the sign up sheet.
“So I was thinking,” Mary Margaret said sweetly, cozying up to the pair of them, and looping an arm around each, “that it would be really good if the coordinator of the party and the subject of it opened the karaoke with a nice little duet.”
“That’s a great idea, you should do it,” Emma answered sarcastically, not at all keen to get up and sing in front of her coworkers.
“I was thinking it should be you,” she replied innocently, as if it weren’t the most blatant set up.
“But you’re the party’s planner,” Emma argued, even though she knew it was useless. The whole coordinator thing was just a charade, an innocent excuse to push them both together.
“Oh, I don’t think David would like it if I did karaoke with someone else,” Mary Margaret scoffed, flapping her hand in dismissal. “He can be very jealous sometimes.”
It was a huge lie and Emma knew it, though maybe Killian didn’t. David had been engaged to another woman – Abigail something – when he and Mary Margaret had met, and he’d broken things off three months before the wedding to be with her. For Emma, it reinforced how fickle and fleeting romantic feelings could be, but for David it had quite the opposite effect. He always said something in him had just known that Mary Margaret was the other half of his heart, of his soul, and no one else could ever be as right for him. He was so confident, so sure in their relationship, that Emma didn’t think he had ever experienced a moment of jealousy.
“Come on,” Mary Margaret pressed, pushing them both towards the little stage that was set up along one wall. “The song is going to start any second now.”
With a light chuckle, Killian shrugged and hopped up onto the platform, grabbing one of the two mic stands and adjusting the height like he was a real professional who cared about everything being just right. Emma sighed heavily and shot a glare at Mary Margaret before joining Killian and trying to mentally prepare herself for what was surely about to be a very embarrassing episode.
Emma stood next to Killian on the little stage feeling very awkward, a spotlight warming her skin to an uncomfortable degree. Music began to play, the sound of drums and maybe a violin, and words began to scroll across the screen in front of them. She didn’t recognize the song, but from the smile that flitted across Killian’s face, he did, and she wasn’t about to let him show her up. Still, she let him start them off, so she could get a feel for the tune.
“Stockings are hung with care, the children sleep with one eye open,” he crooned, his voice as smooth as good whiskey, and Emma’s jaw nearly hit the floor at the sound of it. Damn, he was good. “Now there’s more than toys at stake, ‘cause I’m older now but not done hoping...”
He looked at Emma and winked subtly as the music continued between verses, and she readied for her cue.
“The twinkling of the lights, the scent of candles fill the household,” Emma sang, clear and high, reading the words as they came up in front of her. What the hell was this sappy song? “Old saint Nick has taken flight, with a heart on board so please be careful.”
More music twinkled between them and Emma took a deep breath, ready for the chorus and whatever sappy love lyrics Mary Margaret had chosen for them.
“Each year I ask for many different things, but now I know what my heart wants you to bring,” they both sang, perfectly harmonized. Emma couldn’t help but toss Killian an incredulous look at just how good they sounded together (which was mostly his doing). “So please just fall in love with me this Christmas. There’s nothing else that I would need this Christmas, won’t be wrapped under the tree. I want something that lasts forever, so kiss me on this cold December night...”
Emma felt like the words of the song were starting to weasel their way into her mind, because suddenly she couldn’t help but stare at Killian’s lips, trying to imagine how soft they must be.
“A cheer that smells of pine, a house that’s filled with joy and laughter... the mistletoe says stand in line, loneliness is what I’ve captured...’ A fleeting look of pain crossed his face, and it occurred to Emma that maybe Killian had a very good reason not to like Christmas. Perhaps he was just as lonely as she was, if she let herself be honest. “Oh but this evening can be a holy night. Let’s cozy up on our fireplace, and dim those Christmas lights...”
Killian smiled at Emma and waggled his eyebrows suggestively, but Emma was learning to see through him, and she could see how the smile was forced, how his eyes lacked the brightness that he was able to capture so well in other people. She coupled her voice with his, until it sounded like they were doing an intricate dance together, lilting and tumbling in unison.
“So please just fall in love with me this Christmas. There’s nothing else that you will need this Christmas, won’t be wrapped under the tree. I want something that lasts forever, so kiss me on this cold December night...”
The second time around, the chorus came out more like a prayer than the meaningless words of a silly Christmas karaoke song. Emma felt every second of her silly crush on Killian rising up within her at once, crashing over her like a tsunami of emotion and desire. Her heart was racing, and she could feel a flush spreading across her cheeks, as Killian stared at her with intensity.
“They call it the season of giving, I’m here, yours for the taking,” Emma breathed, her eyes fixed on Killian’s. “They call it the season of giving, I’m here ,I’m yours...”
“Just fall in love with me this Christmas. There’s nothing else that we will need this Christmas, won’t be wrapped under a tree,” they sang, finding a rhythm together. “I want something that lasts forever, ‘cause I don’t wanna be alone tonight. I’m wearing our Christmas sweater, while talking to the mistletoe tonight. I want something that lasts forever, so kiss me on this cold December night...”
The music danced and turned into something magical, like the sound of snow falling and a sleigh sliding silently through it, before slowing for the final words.
“They call it the season of giving, I’m here, yours for the taking,” Emma repeated, finding more meaning in the words than she would have liked. She felt the intensity in her own gaze, matched in Killian’s blue eyes. “They call it the season of giving, I’m here –“
“I’m yours,” he joined in, and Emma couldn’t help but wonder if the words were real or just prescribed by the song.
Emma felt like she had a lump in her throat as the last notes of the music drifted into nothing, and the spotlight on them began to fade. Something in the words of the song had awaken in her feelings that she frankly would have preferred stayed dormant. As she looked at Killian, she felt her heart beat more quickly than she thought possible, and it seemed impossible that no one else could see it pounding away in her chest.
They stepped off the stage with everyone’s eyes on them, and Emma felt the immediate need to be somewhere more private. She strode quickly toward the back hallway and pushed open the heavy metal door that served as an emergency exit (though she knew the alarm wasn’t turned on). The air had cooled off significantly, so much that it felt like it might even snow before dawn came. It felt good on her skin, which was far too hot from the spotlight and maybe also because of Killian and they way he made her heart beat fast.
“Swan!” he called, bursting out of the door behind Emma and almost colliding with her. “Are you alright?”
He reached out to brush his fingers lightly along her arm, and she felt like her skin was electric where it met his. She turned to face him more fully, and quickly found herself drowning in his blue eyes, looking at her with entirely too much emotion in them.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Emma replied, shaking her head lightly to clear it and conjuring up a smile. “Just a little hot, that’s all.”
“Are you sure, love?”
Killian took a step closer to her, his eyes flicking to her lips, and Emma’s breath hitched. Her imagination was running wild again, and she was so tempted to act on it, to make one (or more) of her fantasies come true.
“Swan?” he prompted, bringing her back to reality.
He was even closer now, enough that she could feel his body heat radiating off of him like a beacon, and she gave a little involuntary shiver, wishing that she had a coat.
“I just... needed some air,” she reaffirmed, swaying into his space slightly. “It was all... the song, and the lights, and... it was just too much.”
“Aye, it got a bit intense,” he replied, smiling radiantly. “But I didn’t not mean it. We don’t know each other very well, but I very much would like to change that. Emma, I –“
Emma closed the distance between them, her fingers wrapping around the lapels of his jacket as she crashed her lips into his. It took a second of surprise before he was responding, his lips moving against hers while one hand tangled in her hair and the other drifted across the contours of her back. He pulled her close to him and turned slightly, forcing her to follow, never breaking their kiss, and then walked her backward, until her back met the hard surface of the building’s brick wall. She gasped slightly, and Killian used the opportunity to slide his tongue across her lips, dipping inside. Emma hitched her right leg up around Killian’s thigh, enough to allow him to settle between her legs, pressing deliciously against her. His hand slipped under her shirt, fingertips running across her skin tentatively, until Emma squeezed her leg tighter around him in encouragement, a soft moan escaping from her mouth into his, and then he palmed her waist, fingers pressing into her skin. Killian’s hand trailed upward, cupping her breast and drawing out another moan from her.
They flew apart like caught teenagers, Emma quickly pulling her shirt down and trying to look anywhere but at the stranger who had just opened the door and found them in the middle of making out.
“L-Liam?” Killian stammered, his expression changing from purely shocked to shocked and very, very happy. “What on earth are you doing here?”
“I was told this party was to celebrate you, little brother,” Liam answered, and his tone sound angry, or maybe disappointed. “I came all the way from Ft. Bragg for this, had to ask permission for a special leave and everything.”
“I didn’t know,” Killian whispered, looking every bit like a small child being scolded.
“And I get here to find you ignoring the lovely party that’s been put together in your honor, all to take up with this... this...” Liam was starting to pace, his hands gesticulating wildly.
“Emma,” Killian provided, hoping to prevent Liam from calling her something he couldn’t take back.
“I don’t care about the latest in your long line of dalliances, brother!” Liam nearly exploded.
Emma took that as her cue to leave, and she slipped away into the shadows, moving through the alleyway toward the front of the warehouse as quickly as she could.
“Liam, if I had known you were coming,” she heard Killian plead from a distance. “Can’t we just forget about this and enjoy the time we have together?”
If Killian wanted to forget about this, Emma could certainly oblige him. It would be easier than peanut butter and jelly to avoid Killian, and Emma felt sure that in a few days, she could completely erase this incident from her memory. She felt embarrassed and angry and about fifty other things, but the general gist of it was that she felt like shit.
Emma didn’t hear what Killian said to his older brother as they turned to go back inside. He put a hand on Liam’s shoulder, stopping him with one hand on the door, holding it open.
“Emma’s not a dalliance,” he insisted, blue eyes brimming with sincerity. “She’s different, special, substantial.”’
“Yes, she seemed like it,” Liam answered, dryly.
“Liam, I mean it, she could be... I don’t know, she could be something,” Killian said, looking off into the alleyway. “She makes me feel again.”
“I’m sorry, little brother,” Liam replied, having the decency to look ashamed of the way he behaved.
“Let’s get inside, perhaps you can meet Emma more... properly,” Killian suggested, grinning at his brother, now that they had made peace. “And you can apologize to her.”
Inside, Emma found her coat as quickly as possible, shoving her arms through the sleeves violently and wrapping her scarf around her neck. She spotted David nearby, chatting with Elsa, and she made her way over to them.
“Hey, I’m going to duck out early,” Emma said to David, shifting uncomfortably under his gaze. “I don’t think the eggnog agreed with me, so I’m gonna head home.”
“Are you okay?” David asked, his eyes laced with concern. “Do you need a ride?”
“Nah, I’m fine, I’ve got the bug,” Emma answered, pasting a smile on her face. “Just let Mary Margaret know?”
“Of course,” he answered, nodding. “Do you want us to bring you anything?”
“No, seriously, it’s nothing, I just need to lie down and maybe have some water,” Emma insisted, starting to back away.
“Okay, well feel better!” David called as Emma turned and walked away, tossing a wave goodbye behind her.
She felt absolutely awful, but it wasn’t indigestion, or anything to do with eggnog. She felt like her heart had just been pounded with the world’s heaviest mallet, and it was entirely her own stupidity that had led to it. One silly song and an ill-advised make out session and Emma had been ready to swoon for Killian. In a way, she was grateful that his brother had interrupted them, and prevented something even more regrettable from happening.
Emma felt irritable and keyed up as she made her way back to her apartment, cursing herself and Killian for being stupid, Liam for interrupting, and Mary Margaret for interfering in the first place. She slammed the door of her apartment shut behind her and collapsed in her bed, groaning in frustration. Half of her already regretted that she had made out with Killian, but half of her wished she could have taken him home to satisfy her the way she had no doubt he could. She closed her eyes and reached down, fingers trying to relieve some of the tension built up inside.
At the party, Killian led his brother around, halfheartedly introducing him to the people who he was most acquainted with, all the while looking around for Emma. He thought he saw her for a moment, but it was Elsa, and Killian couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his chest. He wasn’t sure why he was so attached to Emma, after all, he barely knew her, beyond the occasional email they exchanged when his paychecks were ready. But something in him just called out for her, and he felt a kind of attachment to her that he hadn’t felt for anyone in a long time.
“David!” Killian called out to his friend (or at least the closest person he had to a friend these days). “Have you seen Ms. Swan?”
“Yeah, Emma left about an hour ago, why?” David asked, narrowing his eyes in suspicion.
“We were just having an interesting conversation that got interrupted, that’s all,” Killian answered, before excusing himself politely.
He wandered through the party, lost in his own thoughts. Had Emma left because she regretted what had transpired between them? Had she been offended by Liam’s words? Was he reading too much into her sudden disappearance? Without meaning to, Killian found himself by the wishing tree, eyeing the many ornaments that were hung. Throughout the night, it seemed that almost the entire office had hung ornaments with wishes in its branches. He reached out and ran his fingers over the ornament he had seen Emma hang earlier, thinking intently about her.
Without thinking, but careful to make sure that no one was watching, Killian carefully plucked Emma’s bauble from the wishing tree, and tucked it in his pocket for safekeeping. He had resolved to do his best to make Emma’s wish come true, however small or large it was.
Forgetting about the incident at the Christmas Party proved much harder than Emma expected. At night, she couldn’t help but feel Killian’s hand trailing along her sides, ghosting over her breast. She could recall the feel of his kisses, and she never failed to get lost in the memory, particularly at the most inopportune times. She felt like she’d become a ghost when she was at the office, barely interacting with anyone, as she was so lost in her own mind.
Days passed, and Emma did her usual work, processing payments and tracking photograph sales. So close to the end of the year, there was not much to do, other than prepare the last paycheck of the year for all the staff. It would be busier once the new year had begun, and she could begin to process everything from the holidays. But as it was, the final days of the year were dull and tedious, allowing Emma to spend her time lost in thought, and filling her heart with regret.
Killian had tried to see her once since the party, stopping by her office at the end of lunch, and Emma had seen him as she’d been coming back from the little diner down the street. She’d stopped and hidden from him, only returning to her office when she was sure he had gone. Mary Margaret had mentioned that Killian had come to talk to her twice, both times asking her about Emma and whether she was alright.
On New Year’s Eve, Emma agreed to go out with Mary Margaret and David. It was nothing fancy, but the pub down the street from their townhouse was having a special party, and it was one of their favourite locations to hang out, so they had thought it might be nice for a night. Emma didn’t really feel up to partying, but the idea of spending New Years Eve alone at home seemed too sad, so she had agreed to tag along. The one encouraging thing about it was that Emma knew for sure that Killian wouldn’t be there, so perhaps she would have a chance to find some handsome stranger and erase the feel of Killian from her mind.
Emma indulged in a few drinks before she left her apartment to meet Mary Margaret and David, hoping that it would keep her mind from drifting to people she most definitely did not want to be thinking about. But the party at the bar was a mistake, because everyone at that bar seemed to have showed up with a spouse, fiancé, or partner, except Emma. She was beginning to regret her choice to go out, and was contemplating how best to excuse herself without hurting her friends’ feelings. Maybe she would just go to bed early and wake up in the new year, hoping that her heart could leave its feelings behind in the old one.
“I never had a chance to give you your Christmas present.”
Emma spun around so fast, her drink slopped over the sides of her tumbler, spilling onto her shoes, not that she noticed one bit. Because standing right in front of her, looking impeccably – and impossibly – good, was Killian Jones. If Emma believed in magic, she would have thought Killian was some kind of fairy or something.
“What gift?” she asked, curiosity getting the better of her. Maybe they could pretend nothing had happened in that alleyway during the Christmas party.
Tentatively, Killian pulled his left hand from behind his back, a small rectangular package in it. At first glance, it looked like a book, but when he handed it to Emma, she could feel that it was something different.
“Go on,” he encouraged, giving her a curt smile.
All things considered, Killian didn’t look as happy to see Emma as she might have expected. He hardly said more than he had to, and though he had sought her out, his smiles seemed tight and his muscles tense.
She pulled the wrapped paper – it was simple and classic, cream coloured paper with crimson deer arrayed across it, taped so perfectly it looked professional – off, to reveal two photo frames, complete with photos. Both were black and white, and Emma immediately recognized them as being from the Christmas party. The first was of her and Mary Margaret decorating the Christmas tree – they had baubles in their hands and both were laughing hysterically at something. It was crystal clear from the photo that the two of them had a strong bond, far beyond just coworkers. The second picture was of Emma talking to David, baby Henry’s hands reaching out from his little carrier to grab at Emma’s fingers. Her eyes were sparkling and happy, David’s face sincere and earnest in their conversation. Emma felt a little teary just looking at the images.
“I didn’t even realize you had your camera with you,” Emma whispered, running her finger delicately over the photographs.
“Never go anywhere without it, love, you never know what beauty you might see,” he answered with a grin.
Emma smiled shyly in return, a soft and special thing, and Killian wished he could capture that on film. She was so beautiful with a strength and fierceness that positively radiated from her.
“I have a confession to make,” Killian said, leaning in to whisper in Emma’s ear, and the feel of his breath on her neck brought back steamy memories of an alleyway at Christmas and unfinished business. She drew away slightly, giving him a quizzical look. He took a deep breath, steadying himself. “I read your wish, from the tree.”
“You did what?!” Emma reeled, feeling something like angry. It certainly felt like a violation, but then, something in her said that Killian was the one person she could trust to understand the wish, and she couldn’t find it in her to be truly mad about it.
“I wanted to grant it, whatever it was,” he said, his blue eyes positively melting her. “Look at the back.”
Emma flipped the frames over, finding Killian’s neat writing scrawled across the backing. On the back of the photo of her, David, and Henry, he had written Never forget, you have a family, and on the other it continued With love, K. Emma was speechless as she read the words, unable to even begin to express how special a gift he had just given her.
“Emma, I would very much like to make all of your dreams come true, or at least I’d like to try,” Killian said, stepping closer and reaching out his hands to tentatively brush against her waist.
Vaguely, Emma was aware of people counting down to the new year, but it didn’t matter. She reached out and tangled her fingers in Killian’s hair, pulling his lips to hers and fitting them together perfectly. This kiss was much more intimate than the one they had shared in the alleyway, both taking time to read everything the other was feeling. Finally, Emma understood what David had always said about knowing you’d found the other half of your soul. In Killian’s arms, Emma felt her walls, her doubts and misgivings, all melt into insignificance. Her scars would always be with her, but she knew with inexplicable certainty that Killian could see past them, and that letting him into her heart wouldn’t be a risk in the least.
“Happy New Year, Emma,” Killian whispered, pulling away every so slightly and running his thumb across Emma’s jaw.
“Happy New Year, Killian,” she echoed, before closing the gap between them once more.
Thank you for reading! If you liked this, and would like to donate to me Ko-Fi account, please go here! If not - I love and appreciate you anyway!
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thelucasexperiment · 5 years
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greetings, my name is amber, i’m new here, of course. i’m happy to be here and supply tom ellis here lol. but let’s cut right down to the chase, shall we? take a peek under the cut for all the pointforms and wanted connections for the rather devilish professor here.
— someone told me that Morgan Parrish was connected to TOM ELLIS, but I think they meant LUCAS DAMON, that 35 YEAR OLD, MALE, VISUAL ARTS PROFESSOR. I heard that they are CONFIDENT and CHARISMATIC but also STRICT and FLIPPANT, which is why people call them THE HEDONIST. Someone in the library was saying that they SLEPT WITH A STUDENT IN HIS CLASS, but I highly doubt that’s true. I do know that they WERE MORGAN’S VISUAL ARTS PROFESSOR, so I wonder if the police are looking into them. 
born and raised in New York.
known in college as the professor with the strict but rather hipster, suave and laid back way of teaching visual arts, where he specializes in photography.
his laid back ways would extend to his personality out from the classroom, where his sociable, chatty, affable, laid back and quite easygoing with his life leads him to lucas never worrying too much about what he’ll be doing in the future, only caring about the now.
he teaches morgan in one of his classes and he never seemed to notice or pay her any attention, only stating that she was a good student in his class. it was even more surprising and a little bit disheartening to find out that she was gone, even if it did not affect him quite as much. 
lucas is a professor without his flaws, though, as his easygoing ways led him to becoming quite the hedonist. being a divorcee, he was put in that place after cheating with his wife with another woman; and even with that, he’s still unrepentant about doing so, thinking that his ex was dull, boring and stupid.
at least, in the divorce, he was set free to do whatever he wanted to do with his life, as he lived it freely once more. the duality was quite something he kept privy to himself. he was a responsible professor to his class, but can be irresponsible the next, even with his students.
women are his vice, and he has been sleeping with even the college students at one point.
lives on his own in a loft apartment downtown.
sex-wise? he’s sexually experienced and is always up to trying something new, that won’t hurt him or make him feel iffy with his own sexuality. loves the opposite sex, although always takes compliments about his good looks from the same sex as a compliment.
is well endowed. 
he’s a dominant in bed, if lucas ever classed himself that way; he’s more a taking the lead and tells you what to do and is quite sexually aggressive in bed too. expect some roughness involved, with spankings, teasings and hair pulling.
basically more of a “let’s fuck” than a “make love” or “have sex” kind of guy. but he can switch between the three whenever need be. 
has tried a lot of things; but will never try things that his mind cannot comprehend or he doesn’t understand, such as food fetishes. 
platonic relationships wise, lucas is the sociable guy, so he could definitely make friends with the people in the society, and he could even accidentally make rivals and enemies with his rather outgoing persona and his open mindedness, that could sometimes rub him off the wrong way, portraying him as the cocky guy at times. 
romantic relationships wise, lucas is not looking to settle down anytime soon (why would he, at this point in time in the RPG? lmao). he is always up for a fun time in bed or out from it sexually speaking, and is a straight forward guy whenever he is in the mood to fuck; if he wants to fuck you, he will ask you, and if you say no, he will acquiesce and back down. his reasoning for his is two-fold: he was not looking to settle, and that the last time he settled down, he got his heart broken. 
students from his class: this is a given, of course.
students who like him from afar; hate him from afar as well. go for it.
the bio does state that he is secretly sleeping with one of his students. make it one that he has, or a couple. go ahead!
other than that, I’m open to other connective ideas!
and other than that, like this post to have a wild amber pop in your DMs for your plots and stuff and me saying hi to you!
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ellylucasmodel · 7 years
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Self-portrait, taken on the Isle Of Skye in May 2017.
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gone-cotta · 6 years
ST/IT crossover headcanons
Mike H, Ben, and Dustin becoming super close, always talking about Derry’s history and the weird shit that happens in Hawkins
Eddie and Will becoming friends, with Will bringing Eddie to his house sometimes and shows him his drawings, and Eddie’s all like “can I try?” and ends up being super good at drawing
Bill and Mike both becoming like co-leaders of the two groups
Stan and Lucas becoming like moderators of the group, always getting tired of the shit the others pull and talking to each other about it. “Can you believe this-!”
Beverly becoming friends with El instantly, thinking she’s the most precious thing on earth. Keeping their hair short and curly together
Richie and Mike initially not getting along because of Richie’s humor, but after an encounter with Troy or Henry they bond and start hanging out
Will being super patient with Bill’s stutter, knowing what its like to lose confidence and be shy over something you can’t control
They would swap styles, where Mike would wear a flower print shirt and Richie would wear stripes, and pranking the others
Steve having 7 new kids to take care of, and loving them all
Teaching Stan how to play D&D and Dustin and him would get into heated arguments about it all the time
Bev and Max fangirling over eachothers hair and about being Tomboys together
Bill being apprehensive at first about Mike’s basement because of how terrified Georgie used to be about their cellar
Jonathan showing Ben his photography, and Ben being super into it. Jonathan sometimes showing him around the school photography area and taking him to all the picturesque places to take photos.
Richie sometimes Catcalling Nancy when they hang out at Mike’s place, and she thinks its especially weird because of how much he looks like her brother
Mike H and Beverly learning how to skateboard from Max
Eleven sometimes staring at Richie because she’s confused at how him and Mike look so alike, and he will wink to make her flustered and more confused
Will covering Eddie’s cast in beautiful drawings surrounding the “LOS(V)ER” in the center, and Eddie almost crying because of how pretty it is. He proudly flaunts the cast the other Losers
Joyce becoming a mother-figure for both Bev and Eleven (fight me on this)
Hopper being constantly fed up with all the kids shit, and is overwhelmed one day when he gets home and Eleven has all of them over at once:
 (”Richie, Beverly, stop smoking indoors.
 Max, Lucas, Stan, Dustin...stop yelling its just a game.
 Ben, please stop taking so many pictures of me, I know you like photography but I’m literally wearing just pants.
 Mike, no, other Mike...ugh whatever. 
Jane, we know its exciting that you learned how to make paper boats, but Bill doesn’t need to see every single one you make.
 Eddie, Will please be careful with the paint this time! Last time you did watercolors it soaked through onto the table” )
Stan being super confused about Mike because he looks so much like Richie but acts like Bill and UGH
Eddie and Will gushing over how cute Richie and Mike are together when their alone
Lucas and Eddie getting along suprisingly well, bonding one day after yelling at Richie for something dumb he did
Richie giving Eleven the nickname “Ellie” instead of El because its sounds like “Eddie” and Mike gets upset because of how much she likes it
Max and Beverly and El all braiding each others hair sometimes
The Losers showing the Party the Quarry
Max being the first to jump out of the Party
Dustin yelling “SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHI-” all the way down
Eleven using her powers to splash Richie after he teases her about how much she is staring at Mike
Mike H showing Will the rocks because its super chill and shady there
Bev, El, and Max all teaming up to prank the boys sometimes
Steve’s favorite of all the new kids being Mike H, because he acts so mature and doesn’t cause as much trouble and isn’t invested in girls, but his favorite will always be Dustin
Everyone being super cute and stuff all the time and having fun
(now i wish this was real :/ )
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