#Elias howls
theood · 3 months
Actually. If anyone also had extremely terrible driving anxiety when they got their permit, can y'all share any tips that helped you manage that? Or even just your experiences? Even if it's "no yeah my anxiety got worse bc x/y/z". Everyone I can talk too irl have had their licenses for like 30+ years and I feel like I'm the only one who got their permit and didn't immediately feel a sense of freedom at having it.
I don't expect my anxiety to go away bc it's paired with the fact I Don't Want To Drive Period. And if I could I would never drive but I'm getting sick to my stomach about the constant burden I am on my family and I need to Get Over myself bc in like a not-so-distant future I'm going to have to shuttle everyone in my family around so I have to Suck It Up
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hyperionshipping · 2 years
I love loving my partner. I talk a lot how I don't know what my love language is, and in many ways I still don't. (Is it a mix? Acts of service? Words of affirmation? Touch....?) And it really doesn't matter much in the end.
I know that when he looks at me, and I smile at him my eyes say it all. And being able to touch, feel his skin under my fingers is enough to keep me going for the future we will write together.
I don't think I could describe my love language other than I truly do love loving him. And I want it to show in everything I do, and say, and how I promise him the world, and how I reach for him, how he makes me laugh till I'm crying and how he holds secrets and I keep the things he's said close to my heart where it hurts but I'll mend what I can, and soothe what I cannot.
I can only hope every I love you carries the same feeling. The same warmth, the same impact. Because I want it too. I try to say it everytime I think it, so, even when we're apart he can remember it and maybe the words will hug him when I cannot, and squeeze his hand and hold him until I can do it again
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theood · 5 months
Take my permit test today wish me luck y'all
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theood · 3 months
I miss John and Arthur so much. I neeeed to see how the fuck they get outta this one. Because like, I know Arthur has survived A lot but this feels extreme even for him
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theood · 3 months
My favorite way to consume media is going "well if that was me I just wouldn't have done that" which is really fun in horror settings. I just wouldn't have gone to the scary house. I would've replaced my flickering bulb. I'd have passionate gay sex with the killer. Easy. Next genre
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theood · 4 months
Hi people in my phone what should I eat for supper. Just list something and whoever says something closest to what I can find, I'll make that
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theood · 25 days
While I'm at work can you guys pray that the birthday gift Bev bought me gets found and isn't actually lost? It might be in Atlanta so just hope it gets to Me
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theood · 4 months
Hot honey pepperoni pizza
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theood · 7 days
I went to no one's mad at you island and all your friends were there and they told me they all love you and could never hate you and they don't mind that sometimes your emotional responses are bigger than the actual problem and they asked where you were. They miss the shape of you in the group and how your laugh and smile and the way you speak weaves the group together. They wanna see you again soon and hope you call.
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theood · 9 months
Feeling like this rn
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theood · 6 months
Mmmm He's a thirsty little flower *injects him with his entire bottle of testosterone*
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theood · 4 months
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I still think these are gonna cause unique drama. Like, drama you'd only get from shared blogs. Is anyone in one? What's it like
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theood · 2 months
Siren call of picking my lip
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theood · 19 days
I'm not feeling as ??? As I did yesterday so I don't. Actually know about moving anymore -_-. I really just wanna delete my blog all together but I'm not gonna do that this time around
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theood · 2 months
Sorry you can't appreciate David Bowie's bulge for almost 2 hours. Do you want an award? Should we clap for you? Hold a dinner in your honor? GET OUT!!!!!!
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theood · 2 months
Think samefood stuff is happening
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