#Electric Slurry Pump with Cutters
mstow · 3 years
Part One: The Day the Markets stood still…
Published at M.Stow11.Wordpress.com
1. She.
‘It is like living in a rabbit hutch’ She often said emphatically and metaphorically, and He replied with
a shrug, nothing to say in reply. It was; and it would take long enough to pay for. Four rooms. Eight-floors up,
eight flights of long turning concrete rubbish chute and stairs, and fire escape, for when the elevators did not
function anyway, which was often and took days sometimes to repair. A balcony open passageway at the front,
looking over the street below, now starting to become busy with traffic. They had lived with his parents for a
time, and then after they were married, in a small rented flat in The City, before they needed to afford
somewhere to live together, and to bring-up their two small children.
Both saved, and with some financial help from a relative (deceased) they had managed to get this
place. When the housing market was ‘buoyant’, and mortgages easy to get. The Home was bought with a loan, a promissory note, deposited and co-lateraled together with their combined lives and the home itself. They were
Both worked to pay-off the loan, which although it was supposed to re-duce each year did not seem ever to keep up with pay and prices. The loan would anyway be paid-off many times over if they were ever to pay off the debt.
If this place was ever to become their own owned nothing to pay-back; then, if they managed to keep paying-off the loan for the ‘Shelter from the Storm’ as they called Home.
That they did not actuarily now own, and may not ever, actually own, lose-lose. To sell-back at Market Price, the difference between the paid-back buying-price and selling-price, and of which they would have lost completely to The Bank…The Mortgage Company.
TheirHome-Mortgage@rent no(t)()-insurancetheir assured-pension against dire-poverty and homelessness.
No social-recourse and be homeless, to parents and over-crowding again, or with friends similarly fixed, sofa-surfing their home, such as-it-was de-faulted, re-possessed. A two-bedroom apartment, she thought of: kitchen, lounge, shower-bathroom toilet and tiny balcony onto the world below, between them and the sky above. Each day, each month, and each successive year into the unthinkable future; two-thirds of two-lifetimes at least, two-thirds every month of what they were both paid-in wages-for-work earned.
She did the household accounts, and she knew.
The Home. The Loan. Would have been paid for several times over by the time if ever it became theirs
and The Childrens’; and perhaps even their Grandchildrens’ by the time the shared-property many-floored building was un-inhabitable, de-molished land let-again, built-on freehold not-leasehold extended for-bonus payment un-earned…re-build in the new style, in a traditional place, or otherwise breaking into farmland and ocean beyond.
But that is the nature of the human animal, is it no? To do over, and be done-over to again and again she thought: want more and more, for less and less and in the quiet mind wandering moment of pillared door, a room, a table, a bed let go and a bed sheet left behind ready to be buried with perhaps as they did in the olden- times shrouded as now by thin curtains pulled-back.
Each-Day: like a two-step forward and quick-step fox trot later backwards one-step…
Home and Away worked to pay-off the loan on the house and to pay for and cook food, with bills and
extras, clothes, and nights-out occasionally.
Maybe once a month, or not at all.
Then He had been laid-off work at The Bakery.
Three-day-week and three day’s wages.
The Home mortgage was re-negotiated and they continued struggling to pay-off the loan and other
loans, credited and directly debited debt from what they both earned together.
There was never an issue of who would earn more, and be the main breadwinner, they both earned
more or less the same low wages as most the people who worked and they would do the most caring, of each other, and the children: the unpaid responsibilities shared around the home, and in the world of work.
Shopping and holidays and other friends and family out there. All indebted, or in credit day2day.
Week to week, month to next month, years, minute-by-minute.
They were equal, without even having to think about it or confront societies and others’ false
expectations of gender and families. They were equal in debt and credit, and supported each other’s frail and fragile egos with a natural equanimity respectful and loving…
Each contributing their best and differently, in-differently to make the whole, whole.
It’s not all doom and gloom She did often think, and he tried not to think on it. The homily homely
claustrophobia only had to be relieved by going out. To the cinema, to a bar or restaurant. But that was not very often de-finitely now there were children as well.
Sel-dom. did extras make their mark, clothes bought carefully a piece at a time, re-placement rather
than extravagance. The cupboards filled with groceries and emptied by the time the next weeks shopping is
needed and the next week’s earnings…already spent.
She was awake, first this morning, and she got up from the bed on which he still lay awake but not yet awake enough to leave its’ nigh-time warmth. She went through to the next room. The bedroom led across the narrow-passage to the living room, which led directly to the tiny gallery kitchen and balcony on one side and door to the front room, on the other side balcony corridor and more doors along.
Except it wasn’t the front-room, exactly; only, unlike the ‘front-room’ of her childhood playing on the
street and door directly to the rugged ragged matted smell of cooking from the stone wall white-washed country kitchen.
Upstairs two bed-rooms and on the gallery landing for the children and a closet room to flush away with a basin of water from the kitchen sink-tap and toilet-well into the slurry sump, where you could hear it ‘slurry’ all the way down, filtered to spray on fields all around; and then back downstairs to replace the water from the kitchen-tap and outside clean-well.
Pumped-up from the well, refilling the fired china clay bowl for washing and zinc-metal bucket, ready
for the next use.
Log grabbing toughened steel plasma-cutters hydraulic-ram chassis panel welded together. Expertly Put-together giant wheels axle brake.
Pumping-oil to cool the engines’ turbo diesel s-carbed grapple telescopic arms the claw car-crusher
mattress-shredder then the skid-board tracking carbon-fibre e-road automobiles solar panels settled wind farming blades and wave-machines generating heat&power and swimming in clean-air&water:
> Low-No: installation& maintenance-cost yr/yr.
Apparently, free.
At her first childhood home, bed-time children first, then the adults. Rats nested runs, beetles and
cockroaches were kept away by the domesticated cats and dogs that shared the yard and house with horses at the local stables for the carts and filed machinery; to ride, at week-end day-off, and many Holy Days.
Each week, several times into the market town for food supplies, and the children’s treats.
Their whole world a Living Market Place, of Work Trust and Play.
Now, great enclosed parked superstores and supermarkets and factory outlet warehouse. Where goods
are now transported she thought of: to&fro and by foot and horses’ hoofs carried and motor vehicle, train and massive tanker and container-ship electric like cutting through the air or the hydrogen&helium of outer-space a one-metre flight through nothingness baited
> One-click:Low-No-cost subscription no-way out…
< N/nnn…paid-up…again&again.
From the docks and airport, at the city harbour hub humming away, remote yet directing everyday life, everywhere.
Media: Holiday Passengers, and Freight Cargo.
The affordable flight, to get-away from-it-all: a change; a charge necessary move, once in a while, and
not at-all.
Every year; but, to visit family here and there and elsewhere, or else you’d go stir-crazy.
Do a night-time flit, flip! leave the rent, the mortgage, un-paid.
Only, to otherwise keep on fighting for the bargains: cheap-est with-in budget, to get through to the
Next-day and the day-after-that.
When debts and fines could not be paid, the debt collector.
Bailiffs, The-Auctioneer: selling- off of the personal possessions; sometimes, on the Global Markets;
and then sold-out: the personal; and, T.V. public…
The laptop computer on-sleep and awakened, opened, placed on the table, booted-up and She blogged
instantaneously her-thoughts:
#We all need a roof over our heads…and to: put Food on the Table! without any other word or contextual continuity that did not remain obvious to this early morning.
Everyone, and anyone in the same and similar circumstances getting the same hastily tapped-out
messages excluding, those without tablet, home or food; and those with patently far too-much.
Those who had an Administration to do that for them and her-thought continued in the context of the
mindful moment and that which we all have to pay extortionately for over and again even when the food is eaten and the crap washed away there remains a nasty stain, a nasty taste.
Original wages sweated over day upon day, and loans ever in negative equity to who?
Income-Tax&Corporation-Tax paid/un-paid through government-deal(s):
Extortionate debt-interest credit-profit and volatile prices, losses on last-accounts records ever higher BINGO! and pay…ex-terminating…prices collapsed…looking up, and down again now, not in dejection, but circumspection against ever apparent possible failure, with desperate optimism, toward un-realistic perfectionism.
Only mechanized buffer-traffic building-up as soon as into a busy rush-hour congestion be-low… Cars and buses, bicycles, motorbike and motorized delivery truck from here, only another view.
two-sides; and every side… the bedrooms along the passage corridor, the sleeping children slept, earlier peekedinto soundless in beautiful dream or dreamless seemingly startling worrying death-checked for breathing.
Crossing from night into daytime TV remotely automatically turned on, confirmation, that
life goes on…
The living-room she entered bore all the chatter and the silence of one who listens.
Still and safe, cosy and secure. The other rooms took over the emotions and needs: sleep and food, love and arguments. The central room, the central chamber, looked on and awaited eventual, almost inevitable, but never certain re-conciliation, and rest. Indulged-in social-(e) vents, noisy chatter and quiet evenings indoors. The furniture was adequate and filled the room. Table, chairs, television, a drawer and shelved cabinet standing against a wall, displaying various special icons; plastic flowers family photographs in frames, a portrait of a film star, or a print of a famous oil painting.
Ornaments, statuettes, figures of worship and of novelty. The furniture, the infrastructure, from the
livelihoods and eventually the roof over our heads…’in over our heads’ heard as if originally spoken.
There were unopened envelopes and cajoling leaflet advertisement:
Kill your debts! Die debts!
she thought of letters and bills for payment, propped up behind a ticking clock. There was a picture postcard from someone-else’s holiday forming a picturesque frontage to hide the stack of demands for reply and payment which lay beyond.
She-drewback the curtains and looked out of the window across the balcony, with its unflowering
plants growing in flower-pots. There was a real still rising mistinessoutside from the early morning warming; and she gazed over an area where many lived, and it seemed to her, this morning, where they too just only lived
-out their lives: day to day, week to week, minute-to-minute…
They too thought to-themselves as she looked-out onto the dawn of a gradually opening new day that
the world must have always been this way.
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levelnzexpert · 4 years
In the present day mechanical situation, self leveling laser is a basic part of time and financially savvy improvement. Streamlined and productive machines like force driven cranes, earthmovers, generators, infrastructure supplies, oilfields pieces, transport and other recognized ornament are extraordinarily crucial in assembling goliath structures. This engage diverse infrastructure bunches and combinations to complete their centered work in a less demanding way. The previously stated machines assist in diminishing the normal work and moreover the risk component, which is ordinarily an unfaltering anxiety. It comes to be incredibly central to enlist the latest landings solicit to offer assistance. Nowadays various associations are looking for streamlined machines with the best worth. Each one of these machines has its specific importance and uniqueness. These days, it is not tricky to find distinctive sorts of present day contraptions that may be needed in the business. For benefit in any business, it is fundamental to have different sorts of value machines. 
You can find different bunches which urge to buy or to rent used machines. A rate of the typically used mechanical machines are winches, metal cleaning supplies, Industrial Vacuum cleaners, hacksaws, wrapping machine, reacting compressor, laser cutter et cetera. For the development of exceedingly thick and thick mud, deposit or digging, settled tails pumps are used significantly encompassing the globe on account of its novel features. They are normally positive uprooting kind of contraption. This best laser level is planned in very an awe inspiring way that it decreases the measure of water with the clearing of mud making it thicker. Furthermore, it has a less tarnished development as stood out from other same kind of moved contraptions. This pressurized water administered machine embodies two food wood screws, twin chambers and a system which balances solids from dropping in the interior channeling system. Depending on the situation, it could be associated with an excavator arm or could be mounted off a crane. Prepared in both electric and diesel accommodation, it is fit to move the fluid at raised compel and elevated rate. 
For the underground mining for the mine, trim, dewatering, water driven mineral lifting, mineral converting, power business wanders, pipeline transportation, waste solution and sewage tailings disposal pumps and best laser level is used crosswise over countries which include utilizing pressurized using pressurized water maintained twofold cylinders. This machine is primed to function at to a great degree towering release constrains. Likewise, they are furnished with the end goal of preparing consistent stream, regardless of discharge line energy. They can move the concentrated solids and slurries. For infrastructure wanders, trailer pumps are likewise utilized as they might be towed to the legitimate zone hinging on the prerequisite of the situation. This device is remote regulated. It has mechanical lubing and interior water pumping gadget divided from adjustable set of steel hoses associated at the outlet of the best laser level. The most striking quality is contacting the careful spot where it is needed. There is no preventing that the utilization from claiming these units has altered the development business.
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helloarlene · 3 years
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Hydroman™ Electric Submersible Mud Agitators Pumps are three phase slurry pumps, in cast iron, with a built-in agitator and installed extra two side cutter heads to stir sand, silt and pulverized solids into suspension for pumping. E-mail: [email protected] | Web: www.tobeepump.com | Web: www.slurrypumpsupply.com | Web: www.tobee.cc | Web: www.hydroman.cn | Web: www.tobee.store
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googlerankfaster · 4 years
boron carbide
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Boron Carbide Nozzle
Boron carbide nozzle has the characteristics of high wear resistance and high hardness,high compressive strength, strong impact resistance,does not react with acid and alkali.Sintered by pure boron carbide powder,improves sandblasting efficiency, and sandblasting jet is stable,service life is very very long,wear resistance life of boron carbide nozzle is 5-10 times longer than that of tungsten steel.The boron carbide nozzle is gradually replacing the cemented carbide (tungsten steel) and silicon carbide, silicon nitride, alumina, zirconia and other materials.
We can supply series of boron carbide ceramic nozzle for sandblasting,such as Boron carbide straight bore nozzle,straight bore nozzle with screw thread,venture nozzle with screw thread, lead-in nozzle and so on.Also we can make boron carbide nozzles according to your design.
Boron Carbide Ring
Boron Carbide Ring has a wide application scop and high interchargeability. It is compact in structure. The drive collar is clamped by the drive lug to prevent the spring from dropping. It is reliable in performance and widely used in petrochemical pumps.
B4C bullet proof ceramic
B4C Ceramic bullet proof plate is widely used in heavy armored protection in planes/tanks/ships, and high-class physical protection
High Hardness is about HV3300,low density is about 2.5g/cm3 Boron carbide bullet proof ceramic is much better than Silicon Carbide and Aluminum Oxide material
B4C Ceramic Liner
Just send us your drawing.We make for you.
The boron carbide ceramic lining also can be according to your tolerance,flatness and so on
  Boron carbide ceramic is one kind of technical ceramic,also can be called advance ceramic and engineering ceramic.We are professional for providing boron carbide ceramic solutions for you in shanghai in china.
We are professional for providing boron carbide ceramic solutions in shanghai in china.
Boron carbide commonly known as man-made diamond, is a kind of very high hardness boride.Boron Carbide Ceramics is very light technical ceramic material (about 2.5 g/cm3) as well as the hardest (be next only to diamond).Boron carbide is more stiffer and more hard than silicon carbide or tungsten carbide
Boron carbide, B4C, is one of the hardest materials in the world, ranking third behind diamond and cubic boron nitride, and it is the hardest material produced in tonnage quantities. Discovered as a byproduct in the production of metal borides during the 19th century, it is produced by reacting carbon with B2O3 in an electric arc furnace through carbo-thermal reduction or gas phase reactions. Boron carbide must be milled and purified to remove metal impurities prior to commercial use.
Boron carbide, the molecular formula B4C, usually of black powder. Commonly known as man-made diamond, is a kind of very high hardness boride. And acid, alkali solution can not react, easy to manufacture and relatively cheap price. Widely used in hard material grinding, grinding, drilling and other.Mohs hardness is 9.3.
It is widely used in ballistic armor systems, Nozzles,Seal ring, Shaft sleeve, Nuclear Industry Materials,Grinding Materials,wear resistant lining and so on.Also we can make according to your requirement.
Indicators for boron carbide ceramic
Mico Hardness≥3500(kgf/mm2)
Bending Strength≥400(Mpa)
Melting Point   2450℃
Operating environment  High temperature,high grinding,high pressure,strong acid and alkali
 boron carbide
Boron Carbide Machining & Grinding
Boron Carbide can be machined in green, biscuit, or fully dense states. While in the green or biscuit form it can be machined relatively easily into complex geometries. However, the sintering process that is required to fully densify the material causes the Boron Carbide body to shrink approximately 20%. This shrinkage means that it is impossible to hold very tight tolerances when machining Boron Carbide pre-sintering. In order to achieve very tight tolerances, fully sintered material must be machined/ground with diamond tools.  In this process a very precise diamond coated tool/wheel is used to abrade away the material until the desired form is created. Due to the inherit hardness of the material, this can be a time consuming and costly process.
 Boron Carbide Applications
Due to its high hardness, Boron Carbide Powder is used as an abrasive in polishing and lapping applications also as a loose abrasive in cutting applications such as water jet cutting. It can also be used for dressing diamond tools.
The extreme hardness of Boron Carbide (B4C) gives it excellent wear and abrasion resistance and as a consequence it finds application as nozzles for slurry pumping, grit blasting and in water jet cutters.
Nuclear Applications
Its ability to absorb neutrons without forming lived radio-nuclides make the material attractive as an absorbent for neutron radiation arising in nuclear power plants. Because of its B10 isotope Boron Carbide applications include shielding and control rod and shut down pellets.
Ballistic Armour
Boron Carbide (B4C) in conjuction with other materials also find use as ballistic armour for personal and military use, the combination of high harness, elastic modulus and low density give the material an exceptionally high specific stopping power to protect high velocity projectiles.
Combustion in Solid Fuel Ramjets
boron carbide ceramic
The effect of bypass air momentum on the combustion efficiency of a Boron Carbide fueled solid fuel ramjet has been investigated theoretically. A 3D model of the flow in the aft-burner has been developed and solve numerically. The theoretical results indicate that combustion efficiency can be increased by employing bypass air with low dump momentum, in agreement with experimental results. High bypass air dump momentum was shown to enhance extinguishing of particle combustion through increased collisions with the motor walls.
Other Applications
Boron Carbide evaporation boats for material testing mortars and pestles, ceramic tooling dies, precision toll part.
 Visit our website for more
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primepump · 4 years
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Dredging and solids reclamation are energy intensive operations. The main challenge for manufacturers of dredging equipment is to develop efficient machines that can reduce the use of energy and thus contain the operating cost of projects.
Dragflow has been fully concentrated on submersible dredge pump technology since the beginning and is now able to provide the widest range of electric and hydraulic submersible pump on the market. The presence of a double blade agitator together with pump suction directly in contact with the material make Dragflow pumps able to move slurries with solid content up to 70% by weight. Higher solid concentration means using energy to move solids instead of water!  It means possibility to work with smaller diesel engines and reduced discharge pipe diameters.
The result is a considerably reduced operating cost per cubic meter while keeping total daily production at the same level of bigger size cutter suction dredges
For more info visit:
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seokingstar · 5 years
boron carbide ceramic
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Welcome To Boron-carbide.com
B4C,Tetra boron carbide,boron carbide,boron carbide ceramic,Boron carbide ceramic nozzle,boron carbide nozzle,advance ceramic,engineering ceramic,boron carbide ceramic lining
 Boron carbide
Boron carbide ceramic is one kind of technical ceramic,also can be called advance ceramic and engineering ceramic.We are professional for providing boron 
The constant quality control for boron carbide ceramic during manufacturing is the guarantee for the good quality and for the satisfaction of our customer. Meeting the specifications and drawings of our customers are the basis of our quality control. We use many ways and equipment to inspect for our B4C ceramic products. Also we control every step for producing.After production we discuss the feedback from productive department and clients.We will store quality data for traceability purposes.
Boron Carbide Machining & Grinding
Boron Carbide can be machined in green, biscuit, or fully dense states. While in the green or biscuit form it can be machined relatively easily into complex geometries. However, the sintering process that is required to fully densify the material causes the Boron Carbide body to shrink approximately 20%. This shrinkage means that it is impossible to hold very tight tolerances when machining Boron Carbide pre-sintering. In order to achieve very tight tolerances, fully sintered material must be machined/ground with diamond tools.  In this process a very precise diamond coated tool/wheel is used to abrade away the material until the desired form is created. Due to the inherit hardness of the material, this can be a time consuming and costly process.
Boron Carbide Applications
Due to its high hardness, Boron Carbide Powder is used as an abrasive in polishing and lapping applications also as a loose abrasive in cutting applications such as water jet cutting. It can also be used for dressing diamond tools.
The extreme hardness of Boron Carbide (B4C) gives it excellent wear and abrasion resistance and as a consequence it finds application as nozzles for slurry pumping, grit blasting and in water jet cutters.
Nuclear Applications
Its ability to absorb neutrons without forming lived radio-nuclides make the material attractive as an absorbent for neutron radiation arising in nuclear power plants. Because of its B10 isotope Boron Carbide applications include shielding and control rod and shut down pellets.
Boron carbide ceramic
Ballistic Armour
Boron Carbide (B4C) in conjuction with other materials also find use as ballistic armour for personal and military use, the combination of high harness, elastic modulus and low density give the material an exceptionally high specific stopping power to protect high velocity projectiles.
Combustion in Solid Fuel Ramjets
The effect of bypass air momentum on the combustion efficiency of a Boron Carbide fueled solid fuel ramjet has been investigated theoretically. A 3D model of the flow in the aft-burner has been developed and solve numerically. The theoretical results indicate that combustion efficiency can be increased by employing bypass air with low dump momentum, in agreement with experimental results. High bypass air dump momentum was shown to enhance extinguishing of particle combustion through increased collisions with the motor walls.
Other Applications
Boron Carbide evaporation boats for material testing mortars and pestles, ceramic tooling dies, precision toll part.
 We are professional for providing boron carbide ceramic solutions in shanghai in china.
Boron carbide commonly known as man-made diamond, is a kind of very high hardness boride.Boron Carbide Ceramics is very light technical ceramic material (about 2.5 g/cm3) as well as the hardest (be next only to diamond).Boron carbide is more stiffer and more hard than silicon carbide or tungsten carbide
Boron carbide, B4C, is one of the hardest materials in the world, ranking third behind diamond and cubic boron nitride, and it is the hardest material produced in tonnage quantities. Discovered as a byproduct in the production of metal borides during the 19th century, it is produced by reacting carbon with B2O3 in an electric arc furnace through carbo-thermal reduction or gas phase reactions. Boron carbide must be milled and purified to remove metal impurities prior to commercial use.
Boron carbide, the molecular formula B4C, usually of black powder. Commonly known as man-made diamond, is a kind of very high hardness boride. And acid, alkali solution can not react, easy to manufacture and relatively cheap price. Widely used in hard material grinding, grinding, drilling and other.Mohs hardness is 9.3.
It is widely used in ballistic armor systems, Nozzles,Seal ring, Shaft sleeve, Nuclear Industry Materials,GrindingMaterials,wear resistant lining and so on.Also we can make according to your requirement.
Address: Lane 300, Xuanhua Road, Changning District, Shanghai, China
Phone Number : +86 21 31135268
Visit for More information:-http://boron-carbide.com
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slurrypumpparts · 7 years
Hydraulic Excavator with side cutters for sand dredging
Hydraulic submersible slurry pumps are one kind of hydraulic submersible pumps driven by hydraulic. They are ideal for applications were electric power is not available, or variable speed is needed for the slurry application.
The hydraulic submersible pump can be also install agitator to work like submersible dredge pumps, and in some place it also called hydraulic dredge pump. No matter where you are, if there is hydraulic supply the pump will work well.
Our Hydraulic submersible pumps wet wear parts use high chrome 27% material to match good wear resistance performance, the parts hardness can up to HRC62. If you have special material request for your condition, we accept customize material.
It is good choice of industries that face the most difficult pumping: Sewage By-Pass • Lime slurries • Mill scale • Coal runoff sumps • Wash down sumps • Ash transfer • Tailings ponds • Slag pits • Food wastes • Silt removal • Sand & gravel dewatering • Barge & tank cleanout
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tunisie-annonces · 7 years
Nouvelle annonce en Tunisie
4000 Dredging installation Dredge pump type AH, AHR, HH, L, LR, M, SP, SPR, ZGB, ZGBP Pump flow 4000 cbm/h Pump capacity on dry soil 800 t/h Pump slurry head 70 m Maximum dredging depth 7 m - 25 m Slurry transportation distance 1200 m Suction / discharge pipe diameter 32 in Dredger main body characteristics Suction ladder length 12 m - 30 m Board height 2,0 m Minimum steel thickness of dredger hull Central pontoon - side, deck, bulkheads S = 10 mm - bottom S = 12 mm - transom S = 16 mm Side pontoon - bottom S = 8 mm - side, deck, bulkheads S = 6 mm Dredging pump drive - diesel engine Engine brand Russian origin or Caterpillar, MAN, Cummins, Weichai Engine power - minimal 630 kWt (857 h.p.) - optimal 900 kWt (1224 h.p.) - maximal 1170 kWt (1591 h.p.) Gearbox hydraulic Fuel tank capacity 6 cbm Diesel power station Engine brand installed Russian origin or any on demand Power station capacity - minimal 300 kWt - optimal 400 kWt - maximal 500 kWt Fuel tank capacity 4 cbm Hydraulic auxiliary engine Engine brand installed Russian origin or any on demand Hydraulic station diesel engine capacity - minimal 300 kWt - optimal 400 kWt - maximal 500 kWt Fuel tank capacity 2 cbm Ladder winch Rated pull 250 KN (20 t) Rope speed 18-35 m/min Wire rope capacity 150 m Swing and spud winches - 4 pcs Rated pull 50 KN (5,0 t) Rope speed 18-35 m/min Wire rope capacity 150 m Soil milling equipment types and parameters 1. Waterjet Water head 125 m Water capacity 630 cbm/h 2. Cutter Diameter 2,0 m Hydraulic motor power 500 kWt Auxiliary water pump Water head 80 m Water capacity 300 cbm/h Onboard slurry pipeline fittings Check hatch before slurry pump Flexible suction corrugated tube 1 pcs Turning stern device rubber cloth Rubber expansion joint for slurry pump 2 pcs Installed dredging systems and vessel equipment Counter-landslide setup YES Slurry pump rinsing system YES Outboard boxcooler Double-circuit Ejector nozzle for waterjet milling YES Improved assembly YES Machine room ventilation extract and input Side pontoons drainage system YES Machine room drainage system YES Fire extinguishing system YES Electrical equipment Elcetric rack 1 Dredger control panel 2 pcs Machine room light points 4 Otside spotlights qt. 2 Optional equipment Electric version dredger with electric driven motors, engines and equipment Dredging efficiency control system Video surveillance system Alarm and equipment malfunction warning system Digital equipment state monitoring system Consistent equipment work automatization Deck crane Piling spuds Elctric based drives Ergonomic operator's seat Strengthened hull from marine steel Anticorrosive hull coating from polyurea PHONE ME: +79517915168 PHONE ME: +79517915168 PHONE ME: +79517915168
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donnazhang · 3 years
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Hydroman™ Heavy Duty Electric Submersible Slurry Pump with Head Cutters
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donnazhang · 3 years
Hydroman™ Soft Starter Control Cabinet of Submersible Slurry Pump
[email protected]    www.hydroman.cn
 Hydroman™ Submersible Slurry Pump, Submersible Electric Pump for Removal of  Sediments and Boards, submersible cutter pump, Submersible Centrifugal Dredging Electric Pump, submersible sand pump for river dredging, Excavator Mounted Hydraulic Suction Pump for Sea-Marine Work, 8" submersible dredge pump, 10 inch slurry sand with water mixture   pump, Submersible mining silica sand pump, Submersible sludge pumps with control panels, submersible hydraulic pump complete with diesel engine hydraulic power pack, Submersible Pump 16" and 18 " who operate by Hydraulic and with power Pack
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donnazhang · 3 years
Hydroman™ Electric Submersible Dewatering Pumps are designed with an agitator attached to the impeller to stir up the solids, preventing solids from settling near the suction, widely used for many construction sites that require the excavation of materials, such as soil, rock, sand and clay. These sites can be in the form of trenches, pits, caissons, cofferdams and more. For all of these forms, one important environmental factor to consider when managing a job site is water.   
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donnazhang · 3 years
Email: [email protected]      Web: www.hydroman.cn
Hydroman® CutPro™ Electric Dredging Side Cutters is designed for improving suction concentration of the submersible slurry pumps, CutPro™ Cutters are mainly mounted on the submersible pumps for varies applications, like Minerals processing, Tailings discharging, Dredging, Channel & pond cleaning, Mine dewatering, Sand & Gravel excavation, Deslagging, Sediment mining, Underground mine, Bentonite recycling, Clarifier sludge, Fly ash sumps, Dewatering, Sewage treatment and other industries. CutPro™ Electric Dredging Cutter is a kind of novel K-H-V type of planetary transmission with small tooth number difference, showed in the following picture. The difference of teeth number between ZZ Sun gear(pin gear) and ZB Planetary gear(Cycloidal gear) is 1, which is: ZZ-ZB=1.
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donnazhang · 3 years
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Hydroman™  Electric type Submersible Dredging Pump with Side Head Cutters [email protected]
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donnazhang · 3 years
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Hydroman™ Electric Submersible Dredging Pump with Side Agitators [email protected] 
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donnazhang · 4 years
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Hydroman™ Electric Submersible Agitator Sand Pump with Head Cutters. Email: [email protected] Mob: +86-18031340097 Web: www.tobeepump.com | www.slurrypumpsupply.com | www.tobee.cc | www.hydroman.cn
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donnazhang · 3 years
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Hydroman® Submersible clay dredging pump with water jet ring and cutter rings is extramly suitable for disaggregating andpick up sediments in a slurry of high density andhigh specific gravity, becasue optional water jets and cutter heads are all designed for compact, very dry,clay materials or thick slurry and sand. Submersible clay dredging pumps are equipped with cutters and jet ring, which coupled with the agitator (fixed on the main shaft) stir up the solids settled on the bottom in order to be easily pumped out and creating a homogeneous mixture with higher percentage of solids, getting a higher efficiency. 
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