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bennyshoots · 3 years ago
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Paraíso . . . . . . . . #photo #photography #photooftheday #phototheday #photos #photoshoot #photonature #naturelovers #naturephotography #nature #paradise #sunset #sunsetphotography #Maracay #Mcy #ElLimon #OcumareDeLaCosta https://www.instagram.com/p/CdebkC4LRd1/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lunahappydog · 5 years ago
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Hay muchos animales extraviados producto de la crecida rio El Limón, en Maracay, Edo. Aragua. Por favor, apoyemos a la Red de Apoyo Canino @reddeapoyocanino y otras organizaciones animalistas a lograr el reencuentro con sus familias humanas. Ayúdanos a difundir este mensaje. #ElLimon #mascotasextraviadas #reddeapoyocanino #mascotaslimon #maracay #aragua https://www.instagram.com/p/CE-bLvnnqaQ/?igshid=o43lour4w2nr
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natkin007 · 2 years ago
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Atención Bailadores de Bachatas en #sfm #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscodemacoris #nagua #naguanagua #cotui #ellimon #pimentel #clubdemayoristassfm @anthonysantos @lafuerteradio @lafuertecom #lafuerte #lafuertecom #ngproduccion2022 #altosonidord2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmXqVCfOABH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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honbudojodelnegro-blog · 3 years ago
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XXI Aniversario Honbu Dojo Del Negro.@fvkarate @fvkaratedowk @parakaratevenezuela @wkf__videos @wkf.edits @wkfofficial @wkfkata @wkf_karate_2024 @wkfkata @_wkf_kumite @_wkf_best_videos_photos @covofficial @honbudojodelnegro #dojodelnegro #honbudojodelnegro #fvkd #wkf #karatewkf #wkfkarate #pkfr #pkfrtv #pkfrworld #pkp #karate #oss #sensei #kumite #kata #shotokan #venezuela #aragua #maracay #ellimon #elpaseo #mbi #girardot #paisajes #fotografia #japon #almamater #deporte #olimpiadas https://www.instagram.com/p/CXrwKN6tTaP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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lorenty · 3 years ago
#cerrosanto, #genocidio, #lavega, #valledelavegareal, #ellimon, #cibao, #vidasimple, #rural, #sinprisa, #lorenty (at Santo Cerro, La Vega, Dominican Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUP3RheA6NE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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aventuradojd · 4 years ago
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SAMANA With Limón Waterfall and Cayo Levantado Embarking by Muelle de Las Cañitas $169pp 10 hours Enjoy a real adventure through the Coastal Plain of the Eastern Dominican Republic, departing from the different hotel zones in modern and comfortable buses. We boarded the boat at the Pier of Las Cañitas, to go to Samana.  There the Safari type truck awaits us to make the tour of the town, continue to the Typical House or Peasant House, and know the preparation of Chocolate and Café Criollo, as well as taste them, also know their fruits and plants such as mango, orange, pineapple, cassava, banana, Higüero, Auyama, avocado, among others. We continue our journey to the Ranch. Once there, we rode the horses about 40 minutes to visit La Cascada Limón. This Limon Waterfall is one of the most important falls of the Antilles and the Caribbean, both for the amount of water it has, as well as for its abrupt fall of 67 meters high. After about 40 minutes, we return to the Ranch and Restaurant to enjoy a delicious Typical Lunch. After lunch, we take the Safari Truck back to the Pier, and head to Cayo Levantado or Bacardi Island, to enjoy its white sands and crystal clear waters or simply sunbathe under its coconut trees. There you can also take a souvenir of the typical crafts of the area. After enjoying the island, we take the boat back to Las Cañitas, bound for their respective hotels. #samana #ecosafari #HORSEBACK #waterfalls #saltos #ellimon #puntacana #dominicanrepublic #travelaventuradojdtravel (at El Salto Del Limon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CTkVxbDsgrO/?utm_medium=tumblr
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tucanesdetijuana · 4 years ago
"MIS 3 ANIMALES" a Dueto con @oblsl La Original Banda El Limon Ya está disponible en todas las plataformas digitales #mis3animales #mistresanimales #lostucanesdetijuana #laoriginalbandaellimon #corridosoriginales #corridos #tucanes #laoriginal #banda #ellimon #eheleprimo https://www.instagram.com/p/CQSt5G0h4JC/?utm_medium=tumblr
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damianicolecciones · 4 years ago
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bennyshoots · 3 years ago
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Amarillo Araguaney . . . . . . . #photo #photography #photoshoot #photooftheday #phototheday #photonature #nature #naturephotography #naturelovers #araguaney #maracay #mcy #maracaycity #ellimon #torreonellimon (en El Limon Maracay Edo Aragua) https://www.instagram.com/p/CdB-n-0LnpX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natkin007 · 2 years ago
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Atención Bailadores de Bachatas en #sfm #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscodemacoris #nagua #naguanagua #cotui #ellimon #pimentel #clubdemayoristassfm @anthonysantos @lafuerteradio @lafuertecom #lafuerte #lafuertecom #ngproduccion2022 #altosonidord2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmXqCOIOKxE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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schmanguss · 3 years ago
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#enchiladas #mole #rice #beans #ellimon #mexican #fooding #eats #nomnom (at El Limon Morton) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb5EsPSO3zH/?utm_medium=tumblr
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honbudojodelnegro-blog · 3 years ago
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XXI Aniversario Honbu Dojo Del Negro.@fvkarate @fvkaratedowk @parakaratevenezuela @wkf__videos @wkf.edits @wkfofficial @wkfkata @wkf_karate_2024 @wkfkata @_wkf_kumite @_wkf_best_videos_photos @covofficial @honbudojodelnegro #dojodelnegro #honbudojodelnegro #fvkd #wkf #karatewkf #wkfkarate #pkfr #pkfrtv #pkfrworld #pkp #karate #oss #sensei #kumite #kata #shotokan #venezuela #aragua #maracay #ellimon #elpaseo #mbi #girardot #paisajes #fotografia #japon #almamater #deporte #olimpiadas https://www.instagram.com/p/CXrt0W6lQb2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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noticiasdelcibao · 5 years ago
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El Limón de Samaná En este precisó momento ocurre un accidente de tránsito en El Limón un camión de materiales ferretero y un carro, según nos reportan una persona herida y daños materiales. Desconocemos como se originó el accidente, y de dónde es la persona lesionada. Chofer de camión que transportaba materiales pierde el control y se estrella contra un vehículo que estaba parqueado e impacta con la pared del local que está frente a la PN #news #ellimon #samana #accidente (en El Limón, Samana, Dominican Republic) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBZgD4JjPcF/?igshid=hcc8js6wuisz
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bennyshoots · 3 years ago
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Atardecer Mata Seca #photo #photography #photooftheday #phototheday #photoeveryday #photoshoot #nature #naturephotography #natureyellow #naturelovers #nationalpark #sunset #sunsets #sunsentlovers #atardecer #atardeceres #parquenacionalhenripittier #MataSeca #Mcy #ElLimon https://www.instagram.com/p/CbBU_xOLFdy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mannyvaldez · 2 years ago
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Pasando un buen rato con mi amigo #felipe dandole una buerta por jarabacoa city !! Visitando la casa de mi tio el cuavero & luz #jarabacoacity🇩🇴 #ellimonal #saltojimenoa #cafecolao #laguasarajarabacoa #laconfluencia (at Jarabacoa, Republica Dominicana) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClkRE6-DKcuBZm2xgmoWdPADZRxXfVgysgoDQg0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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natkin007 · 2 years ago
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Atención Bailadores de Bachatas en #sfm #sanfrancisco #sanfranciscodemacoris #nagua #naguanagua #cotui #ellimon #pimentel #clubdemayoristassfm @anthonysantos @lafuerteradio @lafuertecom #lafuerte #lafuertecom #ngproduccion2022 #altosonidord2022 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmXpg41PdGv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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