#Eko's Edits
ekyom · 2 years
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Hmm, I don’t remember talking to this one the first time around...
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limeinaltime · 2 years
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Some Eko doodles to celebrate the second episode coming out tomorrow
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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‘eko [ˈʔ·ɛ.k·o] vtr. attack
Anonymous Request: Can I request a Neteyam x Omatikaya female reader where he gets caught by the RDA in the forest whilst they are out hunting and she saves him with her bow and arrows making a teasing comment about who’s the mighty warrior now. They arrive safely back at high camp he is shaken up by his near-death experience and she calms him down? Jake enters their home asking if he’s okay, she nods and tells him what happened and that none of them survived but he decides to send out a patrol anyway saying he’s glad they are okay. (Edited for length)
With a thwack, my final arrow flies, sinking into the chest of the demon avatar. He staggers, exhales, and falls straight backwards, gone to wherever their demon souls go when they die.
He is the 8th and final RDA demon I have killed in the last few minutes, but this one was special. This one held a gun to Neteyam's head, a hand wrapped around his braid, and this one watched all of his friends die before I killed him.
I rush over to Neteyam, who is trying to stand up after collapsing, and pull him up by his elbow.
"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I ask, looking him over. There are cuts - on his chest, his throat, his face. They cut off some of his braid, leaving his hair lopsided, and he's bruised, as well.
To his right, I see his bow, broken in two, and his knives on the ground.
They would have killed him if I hadn't come along. Panic at the thought squeezes at my chest, and I push his arm up over my shoulder.
"I'm okay," he says, but his voice is hoarse, and tired, and I know he must be in shock from coming so close to death.
"Come, let's go home. Your mighty warrior will escort you."
Though he is scared, he manages a smile and the smallest roll of his eyes, and it makes me laugh.
Back in our home, I clean Neteyam's wounds while he's slumped against the wall, and he tells me how they surprised him on a hunt, and he knew he was going to die, until my first arrow flew.
"I owe you my life, Y/N," he says in a whisper, and I stop cleaning, and slowly place my hands on his chest.
I lean forward, looking into his eyes. "I would give my life for you ten times over. I would kill anyone who means you harm."
He reaches up, running his fingers down my cheek, and smiles. "I love you, Y/N."
A powerful force pushes through our archway, and we look away from each other to see Neteyam's father, Jake, rushing towards us, demanding to know exactly where the altercation occurred.
"You'll find them all there," I say once Neteyam has described the exact hunting spot. "Dead, every single one."
He nods to me. "Good girl. I'm sending a patrol anyway, just to see if anyone might've got away. You okay, son?"
Neteyam nods, and Jake leans down in a surprising gesture, pressing a quick, firm kiss to the top of my head. "Thank you for saving him."
He turns on his heel and is gone, and I turn to Neteyam, smiling.
"I am his favorite child now."
Neteyam sighs and rolls his eyes. "You always have been."
Reaching out, I take his cut braids into my hands. "Tomorrow, I will fix these. If we shave off the sides, it will be even."
Neteyam nods, and falls suddenly forward, his head hitting my chest. I think he's fainted at first, until he wraps his arms around my waist. Slowly, I lean back, until we are laying down. I hold my mate tightly, listening to him breathe, and I know he is overwhelmed with the events of the day.
"I'm supposed to be the one protecting you," he whispers after a while, when the air is calm and I feel like falling asleep.
"We are supposed to protect each other," I reply, squeezing him tight. He seems content with this, and slowly fads away in my arms.
I would do anything to keep him safe.
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ithilien-bjd · 1 month
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Shot and edited this photoshoot a total of three times, twice yesterday and once today with my camera settings fixed. Still too dark and didnt like most but much more reasonable. Also experimented with drawing in some stuff on procreate to give it a different vibe than my usual dioramas, despite using the same couch.
Also, very rare for my photoshoots- significant pose alterations! Tried to give the vibe that Eko is chatting and gesturing while Jameson is listening and getting up to futz with the skateboard.
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canyouhearthelight · 2 years
The Miys, Ch. 229
So... Kind of gave myself an anxiety attack.  Opened my current master doc (for those who are curious, this story fills 3 documents to the point of locking up my computer. Insert eyeroll here), and only saw this week’s chapter in the outline.
Scrambling to write the next chapter within the next week is NOT how I want to this to end. Everyone has been so patient with the chapters where I had to do that, and I. Am. Not. Ending. It. Like. That!
And then I saw that I just hadn’t added next week’s chapter to the outline. So all that frustration was for nothing.
This week’s recognition! Obviously @baelpenrose for sticking in here so long... geez it’s been years. @gingersnap126126, welcome aboard! @dierotenixe, because I can’t not appreciate Nixe... A character so incredible I had to figure out how to put a mermaid on a space ship!  And this week’s recognized speed runner, @mike-ks-66502-blog. As of posting you are up to chapter 53 as far as I am aware, but quite possibly beyond that, because every time I turn around you are 10 chapters past where I thought you were.  I am SO happy that you are enjoying the story... please feel free to tell me who your favorite character is so far!
Edit: And @mustachebatschaos... omg how could I forget!  You literally changed the entire course of this story!
Parvati and I were finalizing the phrasing on the dispatch to the ship and about to send it over to Hannah for one last check, when the pilot team suddenly started swearing loudly.  Launching to my feet, I saw everyone else was doing the same. “Maverick, Tyche, what - “
Klaxons started sounding, forcing me to cover my ears. “What is going on?!” I shouted.
“Weapons fire!” Evan yelled as she strode into the center of the room. “Firing from the Eko-mari fleet, away from the Ark!”
Over her shoulder, I could see Maverick slamming himself into his seat and pulling down the restraint system. “Noah! Turn that damned sound off, dude! No one can hear directions over that racket!”
My ears rang for a moment at the quiet before I was brave enough to remove my hands. They weren’t completely off, but at least quiet enough to talk over. “Parvati, start pulling up maps for people on recreation,” I ordered before trotting over to Tyche, who was swapping places with Evania. “Can you keep sitrep running with Xio?”
“On it,” she nodded. “Maverick and Evania are prepping for manual piloting and getting a better view of the field.”
“The Eko-Mari are firing at what appears to be a cloaked ship,” Noah announced from above. “Nothing indicates anything has been hit.”
Charly was halfway to the exit before she realized she had to stay put. She started pacing frenetically and held her hands to her ears. “Coffey, Nixe, we need Teeth in suspension yesterday. The Eko-mari are firing at something, and we think it’s the S’crirs or one of the other pirate ships. They have a right to know, but be prepared to sedate them.  If they leave that medbay, there’s no telling what they’ll do.”
“Alice! Are the checks done!?” I shouted, turning back towards the pilots.
“All…. most…. YES!”
“Conor!” I shouted into my databand. “Escort Derek to the nearest med bay - wait, no. Signal Sam to see which one he is closest to, then Derek to that medbay.  Bonus points if it’s - ” I cut off and whipped back around to Charly. “Twelve?”
“Twelve!” she shouted back before continuing to issue orders.
“Bonus points if it’s twelve. That’s where Charly’s family is. I’ll signal Simon and let him know, see if he’s close enough.”
“Do I need to come in and get Derek?” he asked, his tense enough that I knew he was ready to force the door if he had to.
“Noah should let him through without issue,” I responded, walking as briskly as I could without jogging to where Derek had squatted against the bulkhead, hands over his ears. “Hey,” I said softly, line still open and unmuted. “Conor is going to take you to a medbay with Sam, so it’ll be quiet. All you gotta do is make it to the door. I’ll walk with you.”
He nodded, so overwhelmed by the sudden noise and all the shouting that signing was out of the question. Instead, he rose to his feet and walked around the hand I held out.
Okay, no touching, got it, I thought, instead just making sure to walk where he could see me and getting him to the exit as quickly as possible. “Connor, we’re here.”
The door started to iris open, and before it was even halfway there, a hand thrust through with a pair of noise canceling headphones. “Here, bud.” When the door opened completely and he could see my confusion, he gave a short laugh. “When you said I may need to escort Derek away, I went and grabbed them just in case.”
“Good call,” I approved softly before handing the headphones off to Derek and kissing Conor’s wrist. “Be safe,” I whispered. “Charly filled in Nixe and Coffey, so they can give you the details.”
He dragged my hand up and kissed my palm before sweeping his arms wide to create a buffer for Derek. “Let’s go. Same drill as always - if you need to grab my shirt to stay close, go for it. I’ll big-guy my way through the crowd.  Hell, if we run into Jokul, we can practically create a bubble.”
Derek weaved past me, hands trembling while he tried to sign. “Jokul big,” he said, nodding that it was a good thing.
“Yeah he is! And he’s almost as scary as Tyche when he tries.” Conor carefully escorted Derek around the curve in the corridor. 
A high-pitched, semi-hysterical giggle echoed eerily behind them, and I forced myself back to the situation at hand. “Status?” I asked as calmly as possible.
“Additional shots fired, still none have landed,” Tyche rattled off. Her hands flew in a bizarre combination of dancing and conducting. “But the area is getting more focused, and if they hit one of the pirates, we’re going to be in a tough spot.”
“Evan!” Xiomara barked. “Which side of the ship is the fleet firing from?”
“Port, thirty degrees from our x.”
“Charly! Is the S’crirs on that side?”
Charly scrambled to contact, but received no response. Her eyes widened. “I am taking that as a yes.”
“ ‘Sorry, we can’t talk right now, we’re being shot at by your stalkers’ is pretty universal,” Arthur agreed. “Evan, Tyche, anyone with an engineering degree - how hard would it be for us to veer to starboard, and are micro jumps a thing?”
“Incredibly, and not for the Ark,” Tyche droned, focused on her invisible screens. “We may be able to drift pretty hard that direction, though.”
Before anyone could think of any other options, I saw Maverick brace himself and nod once, barely visible over Tyche’s shoulder. “Hold on to your butts, we’re bowling for buzzards!”
I had just enough time to splay flat on the floor before the entire Ark pitched hard to one side and dropped out from under me.  Vibrations rattled through the deck and into my teeth for several minutes before the rocking and falling feeling stopped.
Rolling to my side, all I could do was gasp desperately for air while screeching came over the speakers. “Hujylsogox Vessel Yjq! You have declared an act of war against the Galactic - “
“Our sincerest apologies,” Noah’s voice cut them off. I realized, not too far behind nearly everyone else, that Noah was playing the audio solely for our benefit. “We were attempting to maneuver away from the threat you detected, in the event of stray return fire. There is still a partially healed breech in the hull on the port side, and we cannot risk our cargo being exposed to vacuum. We were unaware it could be taken as an offensive maneuver, as we only detected debris in the navigatory direction.”
A quick tap to my ears showed no blood, and the resultant ringing was significantly less annoying than Tea-Kettle’s shouting, so I just rested my cheek against the floor.
“We only detected debris,” Noah repeated distantly. “Threat assessment indicated that the asteroids would do less damage to the Ark than stray fire, with eight nines of certitude.”
A very muffled, repulsive noise filtered through my poor hearing. “Your unapproved change in course has damaged several of our vessels. You will return your ship to its correct bearing, immediately, and schedule the Yjq for maintenance once this folly is concluded.”
“We fear the Yjq may need to be decommissioned due to age, but will take your assessment under advisement,” Noah agreed before cutting audio.
“The Ark is returning to original heading,” Maverick announced. “On auto-pilot, so to speak.”
“Pilot Okima, there is nothing automatic about how I navigate the Ark, especially when you have created such stress on the drives,” Noah scolded.
“You’re more automatic than I am. And the drives shouldn’t be too bad off - I used the forward momentum to make the curve.  No braking, I swear.”
“Our ideas of breaking are very disparate.”
Everything settled into a kind of dull roar, and I started pushing myself up from the floor. I managed to get on my hands and knees before scuttling to a table for leverage. “Why is this in the same spot?” I wondered inanely.
“It’s part of the deck,” Tyche groaned as she forced herself to her feet.
Awesome. Good to know.
“I have the S’crirs!” Charly screamed. “Noah, can you patch them through so we can all hear them!?”
Rather than the buzzing answer I expected, a mellow alto voice started. “ - for the distraction your people provided.”
“This is Xiomara Kalloe. Do you know how they found you?”
“Warrior Kalloe, one of our tugs experienced a drive malfunction and the captain would not abandon their freight. It is shameful.”
“Far be it from me to reprimand someone trying to ensure they get paid,” Xio assured. “Are your people safe?”
Brol’s baritone filled the air next. “All who were willing to abandon the tug have been evacuated, yes. Any vessels able to do so have relocated to follow in the wake of the Ark.”
“Can you send Charly the current locations of your ships along with expected flight paths?” Maverick called out. “I don’t want to bump into anyone, and we’d all be grateful to know how badly the birds are aiming.”
“Who is speaking.” Ix’al wasn’t asking. She was demanding.
“This is Maverick Okima, human pilot, Your Grace. Consort to Sophia Reid, and one who loves Teeth as my own.”
Consort? I mouthed, scowling.
He grinned unrepentantly and wiggled his wrist at me.
His message was waiting for me on my datapad. “They’re matriarchal, and I’m not arguing with someone big enough to kill me by accident.”
“This will suffice.” Hell, from Ix’al it was a glowing approval. “Are any other humans piloting, or are we to give you sole credit for such…unexpected maneuvers?”
“Evania Josue, Xiomara’s second, is also piloting. Tyche Reid - “
“Charly and Sophia, you neglected to inform us that your other sister is a pilot.”
“In training,” Tyche offered, fighting a feral smile. “I am navigating, currently. When Miys is not.”
“Well met.” The filter over Brol’s voice sounded like it was laughing, which I took as a good sign. “And this Evania Josue?”
“Evan, sir and Grace,” she responded for herself. “I… am not directly affiliated with Teeth’s family.”
“She stabbed you, Ix’al,” Charly added to the utmost horror of several of us. “She’s the one who removed - “
Shouts attempted to drown her out. I stared down Xiomara and did my damnedest to develop telepathy so we could figure out where to hide Evan. Pranav actually tried to tackle Charly, but failed horribly when he underestimated her agility.  The antics drew everyone’s eyes to Charly, thankfully, so we noticed when she stopped dodging and just pointed up.
That’s when we heard it.
Ix’al was laughing.
“Oh, the one who gouged out her ears!” the alien Queen crowed. “Yes, you were quite fierce! Has your leg healed fully?”
Evan’s eyes widened and she instinctively bent her left leg a few times before rubbing her thigh. “It aches now and then, but I am far fitter than I would be without the Ark’s technology.”
“Scars are trophies that last the rest of our days,” Ix’al advised.  I could almost imagine her nodding.
Pranav brushed off the front of his shirt nervously, and rocked his head side to side. “Your Highness, my apologies for the interruption. I am Pranav Ranganathan, head of data security and programming.”
“The clever one who stole the squeaking vermin’s data, yes. We recall.”
He ran a hand over his scalp in relief. “We believe we have a possible weapon to assist you. How secure is this communication?”
“As secure as it can get with pirated technology and a theoretically mythical being hiding the data,” Charly answered.
“Quite secure then, superb.” Another inch of relaxation hit him. “We solicited the population for ways to block the fleet without killing them all, to ensure we were doing the right thing.”
Brol spoke up. “Yes, a rare act of conscience for a predatory mammalian species.” A thumping noise broke through before he spoke again. “Xale, do not pretend offense. You have often chided your sister for the same thinking.”
Pranav looked confused until Charly whispered something in his ear. She must have explained Xale’s job and relationship to Teeth, because he nodded in understanding. “One of our own provided an idea that we only feel confident in half of, but it is a half that you can leverage.”
Grey, in a rare moment, raised their voice. “Pranav, biological warfare, even under the GeeCee, is considered a war crime.”
“Of sorts,” Brol agreed. “There are exceptions, but your tone indicates that this is not one.”
“It is not,” Pranav confirmed. “But that isn’t the half I’m talking about, thankfully. Derek, our…. Our Teeth, if you will allow the comparison, has suggested a computer virus.  He has even supplied the code within the proposal.  Can we send it to your people, with the express advisement not to actually run the code outside of a sandbox?”
After a brief but heavy silence, Brol spoke again. “And this is the half you are not concerned about?”
“May we ask what the half you were rejecting involved?” Ix’al broached, tone more curious than cautionary.
“Oh, sending over a load of Terran bacterial infections and viruses,” Pranav assured. “I do not approve of bioweapons, however, so I would never relay such a suggestion.”
Splashing overruled any attempt at a response from the S’crirs end, before the line went suddenly quiet. Charly glared at Pranav in accusation, but he only held his hands up and shook his head. “I said it was off the table!”
“The line is not disconnected,” Noah advised. “Merely silenced temporarily.”
“Sorry,” Charly whisper-shouted at Pranav, who nodded in acceptance.
“Our apologies,” Ix’al’s voice broke through. “We needed to calm Xale. Xe once contracted a Terran sinus infection from Teeth and was comatose for several months.”
Tyche’s head whipped over to me, and I couldn’t blame her. My eyes crossed as I stared at my own nose in accusation. Months? Really? I had been prone to sinus infections my entire life… Poor Xale.
“At least they were comatose through it,” I thought out loud. “They’re hell to be awake for.”
“We will run the program in a sandbox,” Brol advised in a rush. “If Terran computer viruses are anything like their biological ones, a quarantine is simply a prudent measure.”
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daily-kohane-azusawa · 10 months
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Day 243! This is not an unpopular opinion but I hate the edition of ads to pjsk (EN Global? I know it’s not on JP severs but not 100% sure who does get ads)
It feels like if you’re not starting your play session watching 8 ads that ur not getting all of the resources available to you, and that sucks.
Art by Eko iXima
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illicien · 1 year
Okay time to do a collection of my fucking List I guess. This is for me. But also for anyone who wants to harass me and ask how far along another project is. Bah. Organized from most likely to be done to least likely tbh. This'll just be a post I keep editing with new info.
If you want the finished stuff:
WinterBaron Fics Here IronStrangeFrost-adjacent Fics Here
Third Time's the Charm
Rating: E Ship: WinterBaron Key Points: "Counting On It" A/B/O Finale (unless I write that EKO-Scorpion/Zemo bit I've had in my head, but that's in the same universe rather than a necessary part of the series) Length: 2/5
When an absence of Zemo for their infiltration missions results in injuries, Bucky puts his foot down and makes it clear that they do actually need his help and whatever's keeping the man locked up in the RAFT needs to be dealt with.
Of course, that means it's time for him to make some serious changes, and figure out how to explain his feelings.
The Devil is a Gentleman (working title)
Rating: E Ship: Hydra!Steve/WS!Bucky/Zemo Key Points: It's just this that I'm blaming on Winter Length: One-Shot
(this will exist properly when I decide whose PoV this'll be in.)
HS/"Mafia" AU (working title)
Rating: M-E Ship: WinterBaron Key Points: WinterBaron meeting in High School, separated by circumstances and reunited as very different men. Length: Multichapter & Series
(This'll be two long ass fics and I'm not ready to summarize this one any more than I did in the key points tbh.)
War Child (Series Title)
Rating: E Ship: WinterBaron Key Points: Young Zemo. Secretary Barnes. Length: One-Shot Series
The Sokovian Gov't needs assistance in its ongoing civil war, and Heinrich might just be able to make a deal with someone in the U.S. Gov't to assist.
Move With Glory (working title)
Rating: E Ship: WinterBaron Key Points: War-prize Bucky as a part of EKO-Scorpion; semi-fantasy setting. Length: Unknown
Having recently won the war against Winterlund, the Queen of Sokovia has granted her cousin, Colonel Zemo, his pick of the prisoners of war as a prize for his 'rehabilitation project'.
Black Jewels AU (working title)
Rating: E Ship: WinterBaron Key Points: Black-Jeweled Warlord Prince Bucky aids a jewel-broken Purple Dusk Warlord Zemo, and now he can't quite get rid of him Length: One-Shot
Warlord Princes are frightening enough without being a recently released one with a known history of violence. However, there's something about a rather bold little Warlord who has decided this particular Warlord Prince might not be as violent as people have made him out to be.
Trouble Is A Friend Of Mine (working title)
Rating: M (for violence more likely than smut tbh) Ship: WinterBaron Key Points: Dead Dove 'selling' of Zemo to track a group that goes WHOOPSY SIDEWAYS. Length: One-Shot
As the only one of them with a built-in tracker - courtesy of the RAFT - and a long history of infiltration, it's decided that sending Zemo into the hornet's nest is the best way to find the nest itself. When that tracker fails them, a question must be asked: did Zemo plan his escape, or is he in more danger than they prepared for?
All The Ways I Died (working title)
Rating: T-M (undecided) Ship: WinterBaron Key Points: It's Hanahaki Disease with Zemo. That's it. Length: One-Shot
Zemo's fucking pissed to realize that he's in love with someone again; he'd ignore it, if it wasn't literally killing him.
Seeing Double (working title)
Rating: M-E Ship: WinterBaron (maybe WinterStrange, too, we're undecided babes) Key Points: TWO BUCKY FOR THE PRICE OF ONE HEADACHE. Length: One-Shot
The multiverse opening up has resulted in a wide assortment of undesirable things. When one of those things involves Sam, Bucky, and Zemo finding themselves a still brainwashed Bucky Barnes, it's time to go have a talk with a wizard sorcerer.
Hunter's Moon (Series Title)
Rating: E Ship: WinterBaron Key Points: Hunter x Werewolf, knotting, general supernatural chaos Length: One-Shot Series
Zemo is a hunter of all things supernatural, and when he captures Bucky his intention is to find out where the rest of Bucky's pack is - unfortunately, Bucky has no pack, and Zemo just doesn't believe that. It means he'll have to keep him around until the full moon comes calling - or the pack does.
To The Victors
Rating: M Ship: WinterBaron Key Points: Charity event to rebuild Novi Grad after the fall of the Avengers? :3 Length: One-Shot
(why did I decide to put summaries on any of these, I hate writing summaries...)
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lboogie1906 · 8 months
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Tiwatope Omolara Savage (born 5 February 1980), known professionally as Tiwa Savage, is a Nigerian singer, songwriter, and actress who has been called the Queen of Afrobeats. She sings in English and Yoruba; her music is a blend of Afro beats, R&B, Afropop, pop, and hip-hop. Her contributions to the Nigerian music industry have earned her several achievements.
Born in Isale Eko, she relocated to London at the age of 11 for her secondary education. Five years later, she began her music career doing backup vocals for artists such as George Michael and Mary J. Blige. After participating in the UK edition of The X Factor and graduating from Berklee College of Music, she signed a publishing deal with Sony/ATV Music Publishing. She moved back to Nigeria and signed with Mavin Records. She made an appearance on the label’s 2012 compilation album Solar Plexus.
Her debut studio album Once Upon a Time was released (2013). It was supported by seven singles: “Kele Kele Love”, “Love Me (3x)”, “Without My Heart”, “Ife Wa Gbona”, “Folarin”, “Olorun Mi” and “Eminado”. The album was nominated for Best Album of the Year at the 2014 Nigeria Entertainment Awards and Best R&B/Pop Album at The Headies 2014. Savage’s second studio album, titled R.E.D, was released (2015). It yielded two singles: “My Darlin” and “Standing Ovation”. She signed a management and publishing deal with Roc Nation. She released her debut EP Sugarcane. R.E.D and Sugarcane (2017) have both been nominated for Best Album at the Nigeria Entertainment Awards.
She won Best African Act at the 2018 MTV Europe Music Awards, becoming the first woman to win the category. Her third studio album Celia was released (2020). It produced four singles: “Attention”, “Dangerous Love”, “Koroba”, and “Temptation”. Her second extended play, titled Water & Garri, was released (2021). Described by Savage as the “most spiritual journey through music so far”, the EP blends Afrobeat with soulful R&B. She received an honorary degree from the University of Kent during a graduation ceremony. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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pasinmusiclimitedcom · 53 minutes
Kay Wonder is set to host the 5th edition Invasion Praise at Eko Hotel Feauting Beejay sax, Adeyinka alaseyori Neon adejo & Others
 Kay Wonder is set to host the 5th edition Invasion Praise at Eko Hotel Feauting Beejay sax, Adeyinka alaseyori Neon adejo & Others Nigerian gospel music minister, Kay Wonder, is set to host the 5th edition of his annual gospel concert, Invasion Praise, on October 13th, 2024, at the prestigious Eko Hotels and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos. The highly anticipated event promises to be an…
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streetreporters · 26 days
OpenLife Summit: Experts Gather to Tackle Nigeria's Security Challenges, Boost Economic Growth
The maiden edition of the OpenLife Annual Summit held recently at the Eko Hotels and Suites, Victoria Island, Lagos, brought together stakeholders from various fields to deliberate on Nigeria’s security situation and its impact on economic growth. The summit, themed “Creating Enabling Environment for Economic Growth Through Strategic Tackling of Insecurity,” featured prominent speakers,…
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audrelileikaitecsa · 2 months
Computer Generated Imagery - Interactive Graphic Novel part 8
After realising that I had no way of publishing or showcasing my final interactive graphic novel, I thought I would just showcase the email I got from customer support and be done with it, hoping I would receive enough trust for partial marks. However, I decided that I would show as close to the end of the project as I could, screenshotting the project in Eko Studio and showing the development itself, but also trying to show how one of the potential paths would have looked. I already had all the footage for the graphic novel that I needed, so I decided to go into premiere pro and edit together how one of the paths in the graphic novel would have looked like. This is the closest I could get to a proof of concept, and thought it would be a relatively easy solution in showing that I've done my work. I've used premiere pro before, so luckily had a very easy time compiling footage. Overall, I am proud of how smoothly I managed to complete this project up until the final stage, I kept consistent and managed to complete everything I needed, and managed to achieve some much needed time management skills. I were to undergo a project like this again, I would probably work on staying a bit more organized, as when lots of files are together at once it can be difficult to manage. Despite the issues I faced that were out of my control, I believe this project was a success.
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limeinaltime · 2 years
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New design for Eko, now with 20% more added baggage
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touchaheartnews · 2 months
Akmodel Group MD Wins Outstanding Humanitarian Award At Maiden Eko Mi Award Night
Akmodel Group Managing Director, Builder (Dr.) Abdulhakeem Odegade and many other distinguished personalities at the maiden edition of Eko Mi Award 2024, were honoured with awards for their efforts in making Lagos State (Eko) better. The event which held at the prestigious Sheraton Hotel in Ikeja, Lagos State played host to different individuals that cut across different strata of the…
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 4 months
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2024 Africa Magic Viewers Choice Awards
The Africa Magic Viewers’ Choice Awards (#AMVCAs) are not just about celebrating excellence in African film and TV entertainment but also a night where fashion takes center stage. This year’s edition, held on Saturday, May 11, at the Eko Hotel Lagos, was no different.
From dazzling gowns and avant-garde ensembles to intricate designs and bold reinterpretations of traditional attire, celebrities brought their A-game, solidifying the AMVCAs’ place as a premier African fashion event. Fits on the international carpet were a fashion lover’s dream.
Find more incredible looks on #HelloBeautiful.com
📸: @felixcrown @tooamplestudio @praizikechukwu @mydadsboss @photokulture @chuchuojekwe @praise_that_photographer @emmyrald_visuals @officialphotofreak @goldenpixelinc
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Chapter 52: Pushing It To The Other Person
Eko is kicking Hiroshi's ass at video games. Eko wants to play again but Hiroshi needs to go shopping with Ryu tomorrow. So he loses again and keeps going all night.
The next day, he's too tired to show up. Turns out Ryu was looking for a cell phone of his own so he has to shop by himself. He reaches for one and brushes hands with Shizuka, who was reaching for the same phone. She wanted a phone so she wants the limited edition one he was reaching for, which she gets when she reminds him he's still holding her hand. Ryu says he'll let her have it because he still owes her for the glasses. Shizuka then hands it back, saying she owes him a favor. Then he hands it back. Then she hands it back. Then he hands it back...
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Then they break it.
The guy who sees it is disturbingly understanding and says he'll send it in for repairs. That's when Ryu gets an idea: he asks him to take the parts from the broken phone, make two phones and give it to each of them. Because apparently you can just do that.
That night, he has a dream where he drops his phone into a fountain and a Fairy!Eko pops out with a gold one and a silver one. He asks for a normal one...and a giant Cell Phone!Eko falls on top of him. He wakes up and realizes his phone is coming today. The chapter ends with him and Shizuka getting big boxes.
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witekspicsbanknotes · 6 months
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FINDHORN / SCOTLAND - 5th edition / serie of local fantasy notes named EKOS.
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