#Edith crawley defense squad
outofthe-underwoods · 8 years
I was tagged by  @bethgreenewarriorprincess to do the fave 10 characters for 10 fandoms challenge.  Tag 10 people when you’re done.  
I’m also copying @bethgreenewarriorprincess because I’m only a part of like, four fandoms lol (I’ll just list 10 favorite characters)
Also, I’m forcing myself to make this super short because I could write a novel about my love for all of these babies <3
1-2. Anna  & John Bates -  Downton Abbey; Anna- Actual love of my life. Stood her ground and insisted that they would be married so that she could stand by his side no matter the cost, spent a year doing her own investigation so that her husband would be freed from prison. Kind, caring, tells it like it is, witty, selfless, stands up for herself and others, loves with all her heart, strong, and so incredibly brave. Mr. Bates -  My quiet, brooding bby who walks with a cane but could probably kill you with it. Willing to leave the love of his life so that her good name, as well as the Crawleys’, wouldn’t get slandered?? And then, years later, he confesses to a crime he didn’t commit and goes into hiding in Ireland for months so that his wife would be freed from prison??? Honestly I’ve never seen two characters more selfless and self-sacrificing, nor more fiercely loyal, loving, protective, and absolutely devoted to another person than Anna and Mr. Bates.
3. Alex Romero - Bates Motel; My cinnamon roll. He doesn’t love easily or often, but when he does, it’s forever. Agreed to marry Norma because he was definitely 178% already in love with her and have her his mother’s ring ARE YOU KIDDING ME Also, he and Mr. Bates share the whole would-commit-murder-for-my-wife thing :’)
4. Beth Greene - The Walking Dead; I think I first became attached to Anna because she reminds me so much of Beth. Like Anna, Beth is brave. So incredibly brave. She stood up to Daryl when he went off on her, and to Dawn when she said she wasn’t strong enough. She is strong. She made it. She still sings. 
5. Severus Snape - Harry Potter; Snape wasn’t a nice man, but that will never take away from my belief in him being one of my favorite characters of all time. I mean, we all know how hateful and snarky he was. and how immature he was in the fact that he could never bring himself to let go of something that happened when he was a teenager, but his ability to devote every minute of his life for twenty-odd years in repentance for the death of his only and dearest friend is unparalleled. To me, Snape will always be brave. 
6. Norma Bates - Bates Motel; I can’t properly express all the love, frustration, exasperation, empathy, and adoration I feel for Norma without going into a super duper long rant, so I’ll just say this: she went through too much and she deserved so much more.
7. Daryl Dixon - The Walking Dead; My lil baby. One of the first characters I fell in love with almost seven years ago <3. His loyalty is unrivaled. I’ve loved watching him grow and mature as a character over the seasons, as well as his jump from outsider to the heart of the group. Also the Ear Necklace™  
8. Mary Crawley - Downton Abbey;  Oh, my lovely Lady Mary. Tbh it took a little while for her to grow on me, but now that she has, she’s latched onto my heart and isn’t letting go :’) Even though she doesn’t let just anyone see it, she’s truly a good person, and she’s fiercely loyal to those she’s deemed worthy of it (her family, Anna, Carson, etc.) She’s an absolute brat to Edith at times (though Edith is to her as well), but for whatever reason I find it really easy to forgive her lol She doesn’t let life break her, and somehow she always finds a way to dig herself back up to the top.
9. Sybil Crawley-Branson -  I loved Sybil from the very beginning. She was such a kind soul, and it showed in the way she never failed to treat people kindly. I admire the way she stood up for her beliefs no matter what her family or others thought, and wanted to make her own way in life. She chose Tom, even though it could’ve meant giving up her family’s wealth and name. Idk man, Sybil is just a magical sugarplum who ended up being the only character from DA that made me cry.
10. Eddie Janko - Blue Bloods; MY DAUGHER. 10/10 would put on my zombie apocalypse team. Captain of the Jamie Reagan Defense Squad.
I tag anyone who shares my unhealthy love for fictional characters lol
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