#Eddie isn't as hot as 80s Patrick Swayze but honestly who is?
artaxlivs · 2 months
Nobody's Baby: A Steddie Dirty Dancing AU where Steve "Baby" Harrington meets jaded dance instructor Eddie and finds out that love and trust are dance partners.
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“He’s cool. He helped me carry a watermelon,” Robin chirps, heading toward the tables of food.
The guy looks at Steve again, he’s got a toothpick in the corner of his mouth and he chews on it, rolling it from one side to the other. He’s like, insanely sexy.
“I carried a watermelon,” Steve repeats, dumbly. The man raises his eyebrow and Chrissy snorts a laugh behind her hand.
“Steve, this is Eddie, my dance partner. Eddie, this is Steve. He’s a guest but he’s a nice one,” Chrissy tugs on Eddie’s hand but not to leave, just to signal to him maybe? A reminder to be nice and not eat the guests.
Steve ups the anti on just how stupid he can look but finger waving. Eddie huffs out a scoff and turns away, tugging Chrissy with him back to the dance floor.
Steve mouths, “I carried a watermelon?” at their backs, slapping himself in the forehead as he follows where Robin had gone.
He finds her at the table, not cutting the watermelon. There’s a guy there loudly reminding her she’s not allowed near the knives and she says, “yeah yeah yeah, shut it.” Before turning to Steve, “Hey Dingus, I added two more tallies for you. One in the You Rule column for helping me with my melons.” She leers and he balks. “And the other in the You Suck column for drooling over Eddie. Gross.”
“I was not!” He hisses even though he totally was. Whatever.
Read the entire thing on Ao3: Nobody's Baby
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