#Eddie Munson x dustin older sister!
sweet-villain · 2 years
Lending A Hand ~ E.M
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@haileighboi asked:
Here is another fluff one shot🤭
Ok so the reader is Dustin’s older sister. (Who is a cheerleader but is not popular she is more to her self always hangs in the library with her best friend Liz, who has been her only friend for years) When Dustin was going through her room look for quarters for the arcade (like mike did in season 2) he find her diary and reads it because he sees his DMs name in it a find out his sister has been in love with him so Lil dusty buns plays match maker. It works!!! Eddie feels the same they go on a date everyone is happy until it hits Dustin. Eddie is now dating his sister so now Dustin is in over protective little brother mode when Eddie comes around to see his sister. When ever you guys sit together he squeezes himself in, when holding hand he breaks it. Reader and Eddie find it hilarious especially when Dustin tries to intimidate Eddie by deepening his voice and has the little brother talk. 🤣
Sorry it is so long but I thought it was a cute idea.
Tags : : @ceriseheaven @josephquinnlover0 @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @stillfalling30minslater @alyisdead @witchy-munson @e0509
My Master List is in This Area
" Do you know the meaning of chewing?" you stared in disgust as Dustin scarfed down his breakfast like he hasn't eaten in days. Your nose twitched as he grin full mouth of food.
" Thank you for breakfast, mom! But Liz is already waiting for me as it is" you scrambled out of your chair bringing your half eaten breakfast to the sink. Your mom put her hand on her hips, waving the spatula at you. " At least grab some to go, hunny. I don't need my little cheerleader to starve" you shook your head, kissing her cheek.
" Let's go butthead!" you shouted towards Dustin who groaned with food in his mouth as he slide on his backpack. " Bye mom!" he shouted as he raced out the door with you. The both of you shoved each other through the doors as Liz stared in amusement watching you both.
" We're going to be late, move it Dusty bun" he groaned as he slipped out the doors first and ran towards Liz's car leaving you to mutter underneath your breath fixing your pony tail as you waved to your best friend.
" Took you long enough, Henderson" she playfully rolled her eyes. " Oh be quite you, start driving or we'll be late."
" Oh that's right, Miss I'm A Cheerleader, I need good grades but I'll stay in the library to be a nerd and shut myself from everyone else forgot I had such a dork for a sister" you reached to the back to flick your brother in the nose.
" I'm not one that plays a fantasy game and has a girlfriend that's miles away and sing-" you were cut off by Dustin tugging on your pony tail.
" That's rude! You little-" you started to say when Liz screamed causing you and Dustin to look at her while she drives.
" Henderson's I will kick you out of my car. I swear" she warned. You huffed in your seat mocking Dustin in the back who mocked you back.
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You walked through the desks to get to your seat in English plopping down near the window over looking the outside. The chair next to you scraped against the ground and you knew who sat in that seat. It was your crush, Eddie Munson. He was your little brothers Dungeon Master too.
" Hey Henderson, you look a little spaced out. Everything going okay in there?" he asked tapping on the back of your head. You turned your head meeting his gaze. He had a small smile on his lips as he slouched in his chair with his legs out, spread.
" Yeah, I'm good. Let me guess you forgot to bring your notebook and a pen?" he pursed his lips as he put a finger on his chin and tapped it like he was thinking. You giggled at his expression. The sound brought his heart racing as he offered his hand to you.
" Would you, m'lady be so kind to give the young bard a piece of paper and a pen of your liking?" he asked.
" The lady would" you ripped out a piece of paper from your notebook skipping over the paper that had his name on it with little hearts around the eye before giving it to him. You offered your pen to him too and he took it with a brush of his fingers against yours. The touch caused your breath to hitch.
" Something wrong?" Eddie asked, catching it. You shook your head burying your face into your notebook as you flipped it to a clean page. He chuckled as the teacher walked in but Eddie couldn't help it but watched as you took notes. The way you were so focused in writing everything down.
He couldn't help but feel his heart race every time you'd look at him at the corner of your eye.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
He looked at me today like I've given him a whole world into the palm of his hand. His smile made my heart flutter, the way his hand brushed over mine. I felt it. The spark that was there. Maybe I am overthinking it. Eddie Munson doesn't like me like that. I mean, look at me. Look at Chrissy Cunningham. She looks more like his type.
" Hunny! Time for dinner!" your mom shouted. You closed out your diary and stuffed in behind your pillow. Inside your pillow case where you were sure no one would find it.
" Coming!" you shouted as you looked at yourself in the mirror, fixing your hair. You hadn't notice Dustin standing outside your door pretending to fix his own hair like he was imitating you.
" What are you doing?" you asked with your eyebrow raised.
" I'm you" he says, " I'm pretty." His hand brushed down his shirt like he was smoothing it out. You groan, " You're so annoying."
" Look who I'm related to" you squinted your eyes, " you better run or I'll make-"
" Kids, dinner!" your mom shouted.
" Coming!" the both of you yelled back. Dustin ran down the stairs before you could say anything else and you followed him, plopping in the seat across from Dustin.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You were studying with Liz in the kitchen for one of the tests that were coming up. She had made flash cards while you were making something to eat, she wanted a sandwich. Meanwhile Dustin was frantically searching around in his room for coins. He wanted to go arcade with the others.
A light bulb went over his head remembering you had a piggy bank in your room full of coins and some cash. He listened over in the halls of your voice and Liz, hearing you ask if Liz wanted some cheese on her sandwich. He rolled his eyes, you and your famous turkey sandwiches. They were good. One of his favorites but you gushed about to everyone.
He slowly opened your room fearing the door would crack and when it didn't, he sighed in relief and walked inside. His eyes roamed until they spotted the purple piggybank on your dresser next to a music box that had some of your jewelry in it.
" Yes, I knew you where here" he mumbled to himself grabbing it with his hands as he shook it. Our slipped more coins that he ever imagined. Why did you need all of them? Where you saving up for something? He shrugged and grabbed some stuffing them into his pocket.
In the corner of your bed, in the slip behind you pillow laid the small notebook that catches his attention. He looks back into the hall to hear you return to studying with Liz.
" Nerd" he mumbled to himself before plopping down on your bed. He jumped on it a little as his hand reached for the small notebook that was hidden behind your pillow. It had your name on it, the words " do not open" and diary all together on the front.
Dustin was skimming through it until his eyes landed on a name. Not just any name. His dungeon masters name. His eyes grew wide at what he was reading. You liked Eddie Munson? His mouth dropped open as he closed the notebook with a small thud.
He stuffed into where he found it before racing over back to his room grabbing the radio.
" Mike, Lucas. Come in, Will. Do you copy? I need all heads in"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You yawned as you pull up picking up on your way to pick up Dustin from Hellfire tonight. Steve had some sort of excuse saying he had a date of some sort. Your fingers tapped on the steering wheel as you waited for them to come out. The door opened minutes later, you snorted watching your brother jump over the steps with Mike being goof balls.
You pressed in the middle of your steering wheel scaring them with a honk of your car. They screamed, clutching each other as if something was about to get them. You threw your head back in laughter as you stepped out of the car.
" Get in goofballs" you said through your laughter. Eddie had emerged last as the rest started to leave but you waited to wish him a good night. Dustin nudged your side, " Quit gawking at him."
" At who?" you asked. Dustin didn't utter a word as Eddie walked closer. " You're still here?" He took notice Mike in the car already with a bored expression on his face.
" I'm guessing your taking those two sheeps home?" He asked, bouncing back and forth on his feet. Dustin takes notice on how Eddie kept nervously looking away.
" what gave it away?" you sarcastically say, with a playfully eye roll. He chuckled, shaking his head. " Sarcasm is pretty on you just like you" he flirts.
Your cheeks flush red, " oh my god, will you two just admit to each other that you like each other and go on a date?" Dustin mutters out throwing his hands up. " I mean look at you two, your both nervous to even look at each other and your always smiling wider whenever the both of you are around each other. Look at you, Eddie. Your eyes a partially shining."
Eddie shoots Dustin a glare, " Shut it Henderson."
" I think it's cute" you mutter catching Eddie's attention. He turned his head back with his eyebrow arched up hidden behind his bangs. " You do?"
"Yes, you're very pretty Eddie" his cheeks flushed red as he took a piece of his hair and chewed on it acting shy.
" How about a date, Munson? Tomorrow?" he released his hair from his mouth as he agreed. " I'll pick you up at 7"
" Sounds like a plan"
A honk of the car startled the three of you as Mike waved, " Can we go home now?"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You twirled around in the mirror pressing your hands down on the skirt you were wearing.
" Aren't you glad I opened my mouth and now you have a date with Eddie" Dustin says as he plops down on your bed with a comic book in his hands.
" How did you even know I had a crush on him?" A beat of sweat appears on Dustin's forehead. Your eyes were in slit thinking he was going to make up some lie to you about this.
" I just knew" he says with a shrug, " you've made it obvious."
" Oh... well thanks" you shrugged.
" You're welcome. You know I do want to see you happy even if you're the most annoying in the world" you smiled down at him as you sat down on the edge of your bed.
" Thank you, that's the most nicest thing you have ever said to me" Dustin playfully shoved his shoulder into you as you shared a laugh with him.
" If he does anything stupid, I will hunt him down" Dustin tries to sound threateningly but fails as it brings laughter to you. The doorbell rang, " I'll get it!" you both shouted as the two of you raced downstairs.
" It's for me, Dusty bun" you shouted.
" It's my friend" he shouted.
Your hand lands on the doorknob, " Ha!" Dustin huffs as you opened the door revealing Eddie holding flowers in his hand as he eyes the two of you.
" Were you two just fighting over who opens the door?"
" I won" you happily said while Dustin stuck his tongue out at you. " Are those for me?" you gasped seeing your favorite flowers in his hands. His cheeks tinted red as he nodded, rubbing the back of his neck as he offered them to you.
" This is so sweet, let me go put them in a vase. I'll be right back" you sent a small smile Eddie's way making your way into the kitchen where your mom was.
" Who are those from?" She asks, " they are so pretty."
" They are from Eddie" you shyly tell her. She smiles widely seeing your reaction. " Does my little cheerleader like Eddie?" you nodded.
" I'm happy for you, hunny. Is he at the door?" you nodded again. She set her things down as she made her way to the door to say hello to Eddie.
Eddie took notice of your mom making her way over to him. He has been over the house a couple of time to drop Dustin off, to drop things for Dustin, stay for dinner and hang out with Dustin.
" It's good to see you, Eddie" your mom greet him.
" Good to see you too Mrs. Henderson" he smiles at her.
"Take care of my little girl, you hear me?"
" okay, mom we're going" you grabbed onto Eddie's wrist dragging him out the door.
" Have fun you two!" your mom shouted, " Not too much fun!" Dustin shouted as your mom closed the door. Eddie opens the door for you, " m'lady" and bows.
You giggle, " thank you kind sir."
You slide into the passenger seat as he closes the door making his way to the other side where he gets in, shooting you a grin. " Ready, sweetheart?" he nickname throws you off balance making your heart flutter.
" R-ready" Eddie starts the van, putting his hand on your thigh as he drive off.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Since the date, everything was going so well. You've became officially Eddie's girlfriend. But Dustin now came to terms that you were dating Eddie now. He huffs when Eddie comes over and sits besides you on the couch.
" Excuse me" Dustin making his way over in between you and Eddie, " Scoot over" he looks down at Eddie. " This is my usual spot" he points to the couch.
You look at your little brother with amusement watching him put himself in between you and Eddie. You look over to Eddie to see he had the same look on his face.
" Could you pass me those chips?" He asks Eddie, " can't seem to reach" Eddie reaches over to toss the bag of chips into Dustin's lap and puts his arms around the couch but Dustin leans back and feels Eddie's arm.
" Man, not right now. I don't need a cuddle" you snort watching the two as your boyfriend glances down at Dustin with amusement written on his face. He shoots you a look saying are you seeing what I am seeing.
You gotten up to grab yourself something to drink and Eddie follows you wanting to have a moment with you. But, to your disappointment Dustin walks into the kitchen to squeeze in between you and Eddie.
" Sorry just need this cup right there" he grabs the dirty cup off the counter top and puts it in the sink. Eddie grabs a hold of your hands about to bring your hands up to his lips to kiss them when Dustin grabs a hold of your hand and Eddie's.
" It it cold in here? I need some warmth" he holds your hand in his while the other in Eddies. This is the funniest thing you have had seen your brother do. He was having his own fun getting in between you and Eddie.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It's been like that for a whole week where Dustin didn't want Eddie to touch you or be near you. You decided it was time to confront your little brother and ask him what's been going on.
" Hey" you knocked on his door. " It's me, can we talk?" you asked through the door. The door opened to reveal Dustin.
" Is something wrong? Did you get hurt? Did Eddie do something? I swear I'll kill him" Dustin muttered.
" No, no nothing like that" he nodded opening the door wider as you stepped in looking around his room. You have been in his room maybe four times. He didn't like it very much when you were in his room.
" Is everything okay? I mean you've been acting more weirder than usual" you mumbled plopping on his bed. Dustin sighed as he sat down next to you.
" Why won't you let me be near Eddie? Are you afraid he will hurt me?" He shook his head with a small pout.
" No, not that" Dustin looked away feeling upset over the real reason why he kept doing what he was doing. " Please tell me, I'm worried" you moved closer to him and wrap your arms around him.
He looked up at you with glossy eyes, " Hey, what's the matter?' you shifted to face him. " What's got you like this?"
" It's just, I feel like Eddie will take you away from me. You're my big sister and I love giving you shit"
" Language" you warned, poking his nose. He scrunched it.
" I'm also your brother, I just feel very protected over you. You know? If he hurts you, I want to be the first one to land a punch on him. If he says something to hurt you, I want to be the one that bites his head off. You know?"
You nodded, " Listen to me. Eddie isn't taking me away from you, I'm always going to be your big sister. We're always going to have the bond that we have. I know you'll always be there to take care of me whenever I need you. The same thing I would do to you, and if Eddie will hurt me. You'll be the first to know, I promise you."
" I love you" he says throwing his arms around.
" I love you too, dork" he chuckled as he hugged you tighter. There were rare moments like this with your brother but this felt different. Because he never was like this.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was silence at the dinner table as Eddie looked between you and Dustin and then at your mom. She was aware the moment you had between Dustin and how Dustin felt about you being with Eddie.
Eddie was a little scared of the silence then he was startled as Dustin cleared his throat. He stood up from his chair as he turned to Eddie.
" I have some words I need to say" he runs a hand through his curls and puts his cap back on his head. " To you" he points to Eddie. You pause your fork grabbing onto the chicken focusing your attention on your brother.
" Dustin, what are you doing?" he puts a finger up to shush you.
" That's rude" you mumble. Your mom reached over the table and tapped your hand. " It's okay, hunny. He means well" you huffed in your seat crossing your arms over your chair.
" You listen good, Munson. This is my sister" he points to you. Eddie nods, but continues to listen. " If you even think about hurting her in any way possible. I will hunt you down, I will come into your trailer and I will take your guitar and I will throw it into Lover Lake. Do you hear me?" your eyes widen as Eddie eyes did too, but he nodded.
" I don't plan on hurting her, no. way' Eddie says as he looks over to you reaching for your hand. Your hand slide into his, lacing his fingers with yours.
" If you do anything to upset her, I will take Steve's bat and make your van look extra pretty" As Dustin continued to act protective over you, he pointed a finger at Eddie's face.
" Just please don't hurt her" Dustin begs him. " She's been through a lot as it is" you look down at your plate when Dustin says that. Eddie gives your hand a squeeze.
" Also, please don't make be barf whenever this happens" he motions to your hands. " Almost forgot" he walks around the table to unlace your fingers from Eddie. His one hand in yours and the other is in Eddies.
" I got cold" you chuckled, shaking your head.
" yeah got cold, got it" Eddie snorted.
" Dusty bun please sit down, we didn't finish dinner" you stuck your tongue out at Dustin as did Eddie.
In response, Dustin stuck his tongue out at you and Eddie.
This was a start of something good.
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wonderlandwalker · 5 months
First Impressions | Eddie Munson x Reader
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Stranger Things Masterlist / Inbox Summary: Eddie learns that Dustin has a recently reunited sister, and from the moment he meets you he's a goner. (read part 2 here) Content Warnings / Tags: Pure fluff, henderson!reader, tiny mention of a fight but nothing descriptive, not edited, no use of y/n Word Count: 1.4k A/N: Eddie brain rot cause I couldn't keep it in. Don't know if this is my best work but I'm planning to write more chapters on this so it's just a start, hope you like it
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“You need a ride home after this?” It was more of a formality than an actual question, he always drove Dustin home after a session.
“Oh that’s okay, my sister is picking me up.” Dustin didn’t even look up from packing his things away, but Eddie’s head shot up.
“Your- you have a sister, since when?” As far as he knew Dustin was an only child, but now he was wrecking his brain trying to think if he had ever mentioned you before.
“I know you’re bad at math Eddie, but I just told you she’s driving so try and put the pieces together.” Dustin was looking up at him now, challenging him.
“Alright smartass, it’s time for you to shut up.” He told him as he ruffled through his hair, leaving behind an agitated Dustin trying frantically to fix it. 
The others had already gone home, but Dustin stayed behind late to help Eddie finish up, a habit that became more and more common as the two grew closer. When they finished packing up Eddie locked the door behind them, and while walking to the parking lot decided he wasn’t quite done interrogating Dustin.
“If you have an older sister, how come I've never seen her around before?”
“I mean she’s been around during holidays before, she lived with dad though but they had a big fight so she’s moved here.” It seemed like a sore topic, so Eddie dropped it for now.
As they got to the entrance of the school and felt the cool air on their skin Eddie indeed noticed another car in the usually empty lot, and you were sitting on the hood of it, a book in your hands as you patiently waited. The last rays of sunshine graced your figure as if the heavens themselves were blessing you, and Eddie had never been so sure he’d seena goddess in his life. It was just like the tales he knew so well, the ones he still devoted his life to, it was as if they were becoming true. You looked up when you heard them approach, smiling at the sight of them and giving Dustin a quick side hug as they reached you.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot of good things.” You held your hand out for Eddie to take, but all he could do was look at it, staring ahead as if hitting pause in a game, he stood still. He wanted to react, to not make the most horrible first impression possible, but the longer he looked at you the worse it got, getting lost in sight of your smile. “Alright, not a fan of handshakes, notes.” You chuckled as you withdrew your hand, and Eddie cursed himself for not having taken the opportunity to feel how soft your skin must’ve been. You looked at him again, your eyes piercing straight through his soul and he wondered if maybe he had found himself in one of his fantasy worlds, he must have. But the next second he shook himself out of it, because you were real, you were real and in front of him and expecting him to say something.
“I’m Eddie.” he said, nodding his head as if to confirm his own statement.
“So I’ve been told.” Another giggle slipped past your lips, and Eddie wasnt sure if it was from nerves or entertainment, but he was dying to hear more of it, even if he had to make a fool of himself to do so.
Dustins head kept going back and forth as if watching a tennis match of idiocracy. He had never seen Eddie so flustered, so used to the man flaunting with every opportunity that presented itself that this seemed quite out of character. In full disclosure, it was kind of freaking him out to see Eddie so beside himself, and it was freaking him out even further that he couldn’t figure out why. It was probably blatantly obvious to anyone else, but maybe it was for the best that Dustin couldn’t place where the tension originated from, either way, his patience had run out
“Can we go home now, I still have to call Mike to discuss our net strategies” You tore your eyes from Eddie, deciding that maybe it was for the best to head home.
“Yeah alright, maybe I’ll see you around Eddie.” You gave him one last smile as you got in the car with Dustin and drove off, but it took him another minute to pick his shambled ego up from the concrete ground as he berated himself for not being able to utter one coherent sentence. As he got in his van and drove home as well he decided he’d have to grill Dustin for more information on you the next time he’d see him. As he got to the trailer he grumbled a hello to Wayne before disappearing to his room, ignoring the backhanded comment he got about his grumpy disposition. 
He wondered if he’d ever be able to convince you he was cool, whether he’d be able to get you to agree to see him again, but after what just transpired he figured the odds were slim. Not that he’d give up so easily, he didn’t have much of a reputation to lose and if he’d be able to get you to laugh again that would be more than enough. But he didn’t get to wonder for long as Wayne knocked on his door, he was ready to tell the man to leave him alone, but the next sentence was one that confused him immensely
“Someone on the phone for you.” Wayne held the phone out to him, expecting him to get up from the bed and take it, but Eddie didn’t move an inch.
“For me, you sure?” He was still not quite sure what to do. “Unless another Eddie is living here I’m pretty sure.” He moved his hand again to accentuate the phone that was still on hold, but once again Eddie just sat there.
“If you want I can tell her to call back-” That’s when he sprung into action, snatching the phoen out of Wayne’s hand 
“No! No, I got it. Thank you.” The old man simply chuckled as he left again, closing the door behind him to give his nephew some privacy.
Eddie cleared his throat once before picking up the line put on hold. 
“Hello?” he asked, still not quite sure what to do.
“Hi, Eddie it’s me, just wanted to see if you were doing alright.” your sweet voice blessed his ears once more. He doesn’t know what he did to get the universe on his side like this, but he was grateful for it nonetheless.
“Yeah I’m good, listen-” Eddie figured this time he shouldn’t waste his chance, and he probably had some making up to do. “- I’m sorry if I freaked you out earlier, just never seen anyone that pretty before.” You were giggling again, and it brought the biggest grin onto his face. “You didn’t weird me out at all, it was kinda cute. I had to bribe Dustin to let me use the phone so I don’t have much time but I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go out this weekend?” Maybe he should’ve waited a beart before answering, but he was too eager to care.
“Go out, as in a date?” It got him blushing, the red creeping up on his cheeks as he wondered if that’s really what you were asking
“I mean, kinda, if you want to.” He could almost see you blushing on the other side of the line as well, and he decided it was now or never.
“I’d love to.” 
“That’s great, I’m still kind of new around here, do you know any good places?” Your smile was present as you spoke, and he was already looking forward to seeing it again, now knowing he wouldn’t have to wait long.
“How about I come and pick you up, we can go to the mall.” His confidence was growing with the minute now, absolutely elated by the turn of events.
“Im looking forward to it” He wondered what you’d wear, knowing whatever it was it would look beautiful on you, and he knew he’d spend the entire date amazed at your presence. 
“Me too” he said before the both of you hung up the phone, he had already started planning the most amazing evening out, and maybe, he thought, maybe this year really would take a turn for the better.
[part 2 here]
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catherinnn · 4 months
I thought of this at work today and I couldn't stop laughing: Imagine Dustin having an older sister who's back from college. So when they need a sub for Hellfire, he asks her because she's the one that taught him how to play in the first place. As soon as she walks in Eddie's brain short-circuits because "Jesus H. Christ Henderson, why didn't you tell me your sister was my dream girl?!?!? I would've at least brushed my hair!"
Que Dustin not sure whether he should be disgusted because his sister keeps flirting with his DM all night or excited because there is now a very strong possibility Eddie could become his brother-in-law now.
Roll for Initiative eddie munson x henderson!reader warnings: nothing much really, just fluff overall. eddie self-doubts for just a second, no use of y/n, cursing. a/n: thank you so much for requesting! I really hope you like it. reblogs and comments are very very appreciated. 2.2k words masterlist
“So,” Mike starts talking, Dustin takes notice of his sarcastic tone. “Who the fuck do we know that secretly plays D&D and would want to sub for Lucas”
“Um, well…” but before Dustin can get a word out Mike interrupts him.
“I mean, we’re fucked! Eddie’s gonna hate us and kick us out of Hellfire!”
“No Dustin, I’m serious! I’m gonna kill Lucas and all his stupid new friends”
“Mike! Do you remember what I told you earlier? About my sister?”
“Uh… no?” he confesses.
“Honestly! Do you ever listen to me?!” Dustin claims angrily. “What I told you is that she’s coming back home. And she used to play, dude!”
“Are you serious?” Mike exclaims, unable to believe their luck. He asks “When does she get here?”
Dustin's heart pounds with anticipation as he waits at the doorstep. It had been months since he last saw you, and he couldn't wait to catch up.
And as your mom’s car pulls into the driveway, Dustin cannot contain his excitement. He rushes to greet you, nearly stumbling over his own feet in his haste. You step out of the car, a weary smile on your face as you spot your little brother.
"Dustin!" you exclaim, opening your arms for a hug. "You've gotten even taller since I last saw you."
“You think so?” he asks with hope.
“Oh right? He’s turning into a whole handsome tall man already!” your mom butted into the conversation and you both cringe at her choice of words.
“Ugh, I missed you!” you hug him again and he laughs.
Once you’re inside the house, Dustin wastes no time in bombarding you with stories of his D&D campaigns. He told you about the epic battles and the incredible DM the club has. You make a mental note to tease Steve as soon as you see him since he’s no longer Dustin’s coolest older friend.
“That club sounds so fun!”
"Do you think... would you want to join our club as a sub?" he asks eagerly. "We're short one person since Lucas joined the dark side”
You frown in confusion and he explains. “He’s in the football team”
“Really?” you ask surprised.
“Yeah…” he sounds disappointed. “Anyway, would you help us? Please”
“You’re sure they won’t mind?”
“They would be so thankful if you help us beat Eddie’s ass”
“Okay, sure then” you agree laughing.
“Come on! We’re gonna be late!” Dustin shouts from the living room waiting impatiently for you.
“I’ve been ready for like ten minutes, you’re the one who’s taking so long” you answer calmly, not knowing what all the fuss is about.
Meanwhile in the drama room in Hawking’s High…
“Alright gentlemen, are we ready to start?” Eddie says as he walks in.
“Umm no, Dustin’s not here yet” Mike stops him.
“Well, where is he?”
“He’s probably arriving any time now”
“Wheeler, we don’t have all day-“ Eddie starts complaining but the door opening abruptly interrupts him. An agitated Dustin walks in and starts apologizing, but Eddie’s not listening to him.
The club leader still frozen mid-sentence, his brain seemingly short-circuiting as he laid eyes on you, standing by the door. He stumbled over his words, his thoughts are silent but screaming at the same time. Suddenly, the room seemed smaller, the air thicker, as if a spell had been cast upon him.
However, you’re still oblivious to the effect you had over him.
“Soo, who’s this?” Gareth finally asks after waiting for Eddie to ask that question, but he was not even moving.
“Oh, this is my sister” Dustin starts introducing you. Eddie’s trance is broken when he hears your name, the prettiest name he’s ever heard. “She’ll sub for Lucas”
“She will?” Eddie asks with a hint of hope in his voice. All of the sudden hoping Lucas won’t be able to join Hellfire ever again.
The rest of the boys are waiting expectantly for Eddie to ask you all types of question until he finds an unsatisfying enough answer and he’ll decide you can’t sub. But he never does. So Gareth starts asking if you even know how to play D&D.
“Sure she does, she was the one who taught me how to play in the first place” your brother steps in.
You tell the boys your level in the game and for some reason they all seem surprised. They start murmuring among each other. But you notice how the boy on the big throne leans over to your brother to whisper something. You play dumb and walk closer to them.
"Jesus H. Christ Henderson, why didn't you tell me your sister was my dream girl? I would've at least brushed my hair!" He whispers-shouts and a smile starts forming on your face.
You’d be lying if you said he hadn’t called your attention. His big puppy eyes, all the rings on his hand. You don’t know why he says that about his hair, you thought it looked really good like that.
At any rate, you take a seat next to your brother, which just so happens to also be next to Eddie. Happy coincidence. And you start playing, Eddie sets the scene. He makes you imagine every single little detail so you feel like you’re actually there. He makes different voices for each character which makes you giggle. He even stands up, or leans over on the table, he talks to every single one of you, not forgetting about anyone. It’s mesmerizing to see him like this.
“I love how passionate you get” you comment and it makes him smile so hard.
He noticed before, every time he would change the tone in his voice to imitate a character, you’d laugh, and now he keeps changing voices just to hear it again.
“Give me the gold! He says. Or I’ll set my hungry wolves free, right this second!” Eddie acts and without failing he’s able to hear your snorts. It distracts him in the best way possible. “You have an adorable laugh” he tells you with a smirk.
This obviously makes you giggle once more, this time with a pink blush decorating your cheeks. “Thanks, it’s just- you’re cute making all the voices”
Now it’s Eddie’s turn to blush and smile once more.
Dustin notices this exchange —all of the other boys did— but he can’t decipher how he feels about it. On the one hand, he feels a little jealous and uncomfortable that you two keep flirting. But on the other hand, it would be really cool to have Eddie as his brother in law.
However, the game continues and so does the places Eddie takes you all to in your minds. So much so that at one point you start getting dizzy.
“Wait, where are we again?” you ask.
“In the mountains near the lake” Gareth answers.
“Are we close to the palace?”
“No no, the palace is behind the woods” Mike explains now. They have more of an advantage than you do, they've been playing this campaign for weeks now.
“Wh- Do you have a map?” You finally ask Eddie and he nods passing it to you.
“Here’s the palace” he comes closer and signals on the map, “and here is where you are”
“Oh, okay”
“You know, if you’re still lost I can stick around to guide you” he whispers giving the closeness.
“Well, you’re the bad guy here,” you argue imagining you’re still inside the game. “How do I know you won’t try to kill me?”
“Me?” he gasps acting offended. “I would never!”
“You already killed Jeff!” you accuse him.
“Yeah, but he’s not half as pretty as you are. I’d miss you too much” he makes sure he’s whispering very close to you now, just because if Jeff heard him he’d start acting offended. Just because of that… no other reason.
“Can we keep playing now? My mom will be here in like ten minutes to pick me up” Mike complains.
Those ten minutes fly by. Before you even realize it, Mike’s mom is honking in her car to hurry him up. And so you finish for the day, starting to gather all your things.
“You know, you owe me a pencil” you tell Eddie.
“Oh really? Why’s that?” he asks playfully.
“I only borrowed it to you! I did not gift it!”
“So you’re calling me a thief? First a killer and now a thief? Glad to know you think so badly of little old me”
“I didn't just called you that!” you say in you defence and he makes confused face, signalling you to continue talking. “I also said you’re cute. You’re a really cute thief and killer”
He starts laughing. “Are you always this charming, or is it just when I'm around?"
“I could ask you the same thing”
“Oh only with you, sweetheart” he promises.
“Me too” you admit a little shyly.
“Yeah?-” he tries to keep flirting but Dustin cuts him off.
“Are you ready? Let’s go”
“Wow, since when are you so eager to leave hellfire?” Eddie notices.
“No reason” he lies, he’s still not sure if all this flirting between you two would be something good or not.
“I think he’s a little jealous his sister is taking all of Eddie’s attention” Gareth teases him.
“No, I’m not!”
“Aw Dusty bun!” Eddie joins in the teasing.
“I’m not jealous! Ask her out for all I care!” he says but regrets it as soon as it left his mouth.
“Really?” Eddie checks in but Dustin is a very proud person, he’s not one to bend. So he nods encouraging his friend.
Good thing you know him like the palm of your hand.
“Let’s go dingus, mom’s probably waiting for us”
Eddie feels this as punch right on his chest. Did he read too much into this? Were you not actually interested? Was it just some playful flirting?
As you walk out the school and into the parking lot. You open the car so your brother can get in but tell him to wait a second, and you walk over to Eddie who was about to get in his van.
“Wait! Thief!” you call him and he turns around. “I think you should, you know… ask me out”
He feels the happiness creeping back into his body. “Yeah? I should?” his playful tone back in his voice. “Would you want to go out with a thief and a murderer?”
“If he’s as cute as you are, then I’d think about it” you make him laugh again.
“How about tomorrow night? I’ll pick you up at eight” he proposes.
“I’ll be ready”
“Yeah, good” you walk closer to him. “See you tomorrow then” and before leaving, you give him a kiss on his cheek. Hiding your need to kiss him more after seeing his flushed face. You’ll have plenty of time for that tomorrow.
Dustin sees you getting in the car with the biggest smile on your face. “Did you ask him out?”
“Um, yeah… listen-“
“It’s fine, really”
“No, listen. I know that maybe it’s a little uncomfortable to think of one of your best friends going out with me. But I promise I would never do anything to hurt him and make it weird between you two-“
“I know that, and I know he wouldn’t do that either” he interrupts you. “I’m just- I’m worried that I won’t be a priority to you or to him anymore”
“Dustin, are you kidding? You could not be more wrong about that!” you argue. “Imagine this date goes well, we’ll start hanging out at home and watch movies with you, we could go out to eat all together, go to the cinema, anything! You name it!”
And the more he thinks about it that way, the more he loves that idea.
So the next day, he helps you choose your outfit, he tells you which hairstyle will look better and then hurries you up when it’s 7:50 pm and you’re still putting mascara on.
“You look fine already! Amazing even! Grab your jacket cause he’ll be here any minute now!” and as soon as he says that, he recognizes that car outside with the loud metal music, seconds later he hears the door knocking.
“I’ll get it, mom!” he yells so his mother won’t embarrass you.
“No, you won’t. I will” you stop him before he can open the door. “Go back to your comic-book. I’ll be back in a few hours”
And he waits until you get back. 
When you finally do, he’s on the couch watching TV but mutes it as soon as he hears you.
“Hey” he notices the big smile on your face is on again. He also notices your lips are a little puffy and he cringes at that thought.  
“You can go to sleep happily now, the date went amazing” you explain. “God, I think I’m love with him!” you comment as you go up to your room.
“Already?” he judges a little.
But as you promised, the three of you hang out together most of the time. And as long as he looks away when you two kiss or ignores the fact that Eddie’s spending the night in your room after you all catch a movie and order some pizza. He’s really happy that you two found each other.
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blue-blue-blooms · 5 months
Eddie Munson Headcanons
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Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader Headcanons
You and Eddie meet because Dustin asks you to sub for Lucas for their DnD meeting.
Your first official meeting with Eddie isn't that great. He's apprehensive of letting you play with them because he thinks you're not well versed on how DnD works. But you surprise him with how well you can play, and he asks you to join the Hellfire club.
You don't attend every single meeting. Unlike Dustin and Mike, you actually have a life outside of DnD. Surprisingly, Eddie's fine with you missing these meetings, which surprises everyone else since he refuses to be this lenient with them.
But the others aren't you. They don't have your soft smile, the mischievous glint in your eyes, the lilting tone in your voice that you often use to tease him. It's safe to say, he's incredibly obsessed with you.
He asks about you often when you're not around. What does she like? What kinda music is she into? What do you think her thoughts are on people who play guitars? Does she ever mention me? What's going on with her and Harrington? Dustin finds it only mildly nauseating.
The both of you rarely get to hang out alone so he's always devising different ways he can get alone time with you. He'll tell you the wrong time and arrive early so he can get 10 minutes with you. Or he'll linger in the back and ask you to clean up with him after a DnD meeting.
He's incredibly soft around you, borderline shy. Sometimes, he even stumbles over his words. I heard you and Harrington are pretty close. I mean, Dustin mentioned it in passing. We talk about you a lot-I mean he! He talks about you a lot. He thinks really highly of you, it's actually kinda annoying how obsessed he is. Not that you're annoying! It's just, I mean, I've never seen someone, like, that close with their older sister before. So...you and Harrington?
He finds every excuse he can to touch you. His hands linger a second too long when he's passing you something. He always puts his hand on your back when you're walking, gently guiding you. He'll pretend there's something in your hair so he can touch it.
Yeah, he's pretty smitten with you.
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hippiegoth97 · 6 months
Into The Fire: An Eddie Munson x Reader Story Masterlist
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moodboard by the lovely @rafescurtainbangz
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divider by @strangergraphics
Story Description: The year is 1989, and you’re Dustin Henderson’s older sister. The story begins with your younger brother begging to host the latest Hellfire Club campaign at your house. With express permission from your mother, the game is set in motion. Which means the one and only Eddie Munson will be staying in your home for three whole days. You’ve been attracted to him for quite some time, though your proximity to one another has shrunken since you both graduated in ‘86, not that you were all that close to begin with. But this particular weekend, and a surprise accident, brings you two closer than either of you could have ever anticipated. What comes after is a relationship which fulfills you both like no other, with ups and downs to last you multiple lifetimes.
18+ WARNING, MINORS DNI: This story will contain smut, swearing, blood/violence, mentions of sexual assault/child abuse/similar subjects, parental death, kinks of various kinds, anxiety, use of drugs/tobacco/alcohol. I will post warnings on each individual part’s post so no one is taken by surprise, but you read at your own risk! 
Other things to note: Eddie is 23 and still dealing drugs, Reader (Use of Y/N) is 20 and attends Hawkins Community College (yes, I’m pretty sure I made that up). The upside-down is never mentioned, though its existence isn’t denied. Essentially, the events of season four (and Hopper’s fake death at the end of season three) never take place, except for the boys joining Hellfire, and The Byers/Hopper clan living in California. Everything else is plausible, but explained as something non-supernatural if the subject comes up, i.e. Billy’s death, Mews being eaten, etc.
Story Parts: Pt.1 Pt.2 Pt.3 Pt.4 Pt.5 Pt.6 Pt.7 Pt.8 Pt.9 Pt.10 Pt.11 Pt.12 Pt.13 Pt.14 Pt.15 Pt.16 Pt.17 Pt.18 Pt.19 Pt.20 Pt.21 Pt.22 Pt.23 Pt.24 Pt.25
Tag List: @rafescurtainbangz @voyeurmunson @xxbimbobunnyxx @taintedcigs @mediocredreams
@slowandsteddie @angel-munson @eldermayfield @munsonsbtch @babygorewhore
@rattkween86 @violetpixiedust @bimbobaggins69 @purplehazed-h @morning-rituals
@eddie-van-munson @msgexymunson @munsoneightysixx @impmunson @mysticalstar30
@jenniquinn @oneforthemunny @succubusmunson @ddeadly-succubus @prettyboyeddiemunson
@sanctumdemunson @stalactitekilla @s6raphic
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idyllicwillowtree · 7 months
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God Eddie, You're So In Love With Me. (part 2)
Genre: Eddie Munson x Henderson!reader, fem!reader, angst/fluff, hurt/eventual comfort, friends to lovers
Summary: Being in Hellfire, you’ve been exposed to your fair share of bullying. One day, Jason takes it a step too far.
Word count: 1.8k
Warnings: bullying, anaphylaxis, poisoning, no physical descriptions of Y/N so you don’t have to look like Dustin, reader uses she/her, reader has a peanut allergy, swearing, angy Eddie, hospital
Author’s note: Thank you so much for the positive comments on part 1! I was feeling insecure about this fic so that was very nice y'all are so sweet <3
Main Masterlist
Part 1
Eddie looked to you, hoping to see you looking up at him and smiling that way you do whenever he uses his renaissance voice. Instead he met your panicked eyes.
“Hey Henderson,” Jason called from across the cafeteria. “What happens now? Should we call an ambulance?” Andy shoved at his shoulder playfully and chortled alongside Jason.
Panic gripped you as you connected the dots.
“Yeah,” you wheezed, “call an ambulance.” 
All the Hellfire members whipped their heads toward you, witnessing an angry rash spreading across your skin and your breathing becoming audible as you tried to suck in as much oxygen as possible.
Eddie’s heart clenched painfully as he looked down at you, remembering the severity of your allergy after Dustin explained it to him one time. Still, Eddie was taken aback by the speed at which your symptoms were progressing.
You reached a hand out to Eddie as the choked coughs took over. He ignored your hand in favor of catching your body before it hit the ground. With trembling limbs he carefully lowered you to the grimy tile of the cafeteria floor.
“Fuck,” Eddie cursed, “Dustin! What do we do?!”
Dustin had froze. Panic set in as he watched his older sister struggle more and more to take in a full breath. A small crowd began to gather and the excited chatter of the cafeteria simmered into hushed whispers and gasps. Everyone was watching, and not in the way Eddie was used to.
“Henderson!” Eddie snapped. 
At that, Dustin went to work. “Mike, go call 911! Lucus, see if the nurse has an epipen. GO!” The sheep dispersed. Dustin picked up your bag with trembling hands and began digging through your books and school supplies, searching for the epinephrine injector he swears you kept in there.
Eddie turned his attention back to you, trusting that Dustin had the rest handled. At the look of panic in your blotchy and swollen face he almost froze too. A chilling dread spread through his veins as you began clawing at your throat, doing everything you could to open your airways. 
“Hey, hey, hey, look at me princess. You’re gonna be alright, gonna be just fine, you hear me? D-Dustin will getchu your meds and you’ll be good to go,” Eddie rambled, trying to convince himself just as much. He gently cradled your warm face and stroked your hair to try and soothe you.
With every second passing you became closer and closer to death. Eddie looked up in desperation. His red-headed neighbor (Max, he thinks her name is) snatched the backpack out of a distraught Dustin’s hands and turned it upside down, emptying its contents. Robin was there too and put a comforting arm around your brother while Max took over the search for the injector. Eddie was vaguely aware of a teacher trying to pry him off of you but he’d risk getting expelled for shoving a teacher if it meant staying by your side. 
“Got it!” Max exclaimed, holding the orange and clear tube triumphantly. She slid to her knees on your otherside, not hesitating to jam the needle into your leg and holding it there.
Eddie flinched at the force it took to inject you. You took your first full breath, allowing him to take one as well. Your eyes were drooping slightly as the medicine was introduced into your system.
“Hey, there she is,” Eddie said gently.
Your tired eyes met his and he could’ve sworn the corners of your lips twitched upwards.
The paramedics arrived and Eddie hesitantly let you go so they could treat you. It was a blur of navy blue and red as they hooked you up to numerous tubes and slid an oxygen mask over your head. 
You became slightly more alert at the sight of strangers surrounding you as the stretcher clicked into place, raising you a couple feet off the ground. You moved your head tiredly trying to catch sight of anyone you knew. Anyone to comfort you.
“Dustin, go with her,” Eddie told the curly haired boy. He looked up at him with wet eyes that clenched at Eddie’s heart. “She needs you, go on.”
Eddie watched the determination emerge on the freshman’s face as he walked through the paramedics declaring that he was your brother, allowing him to be by your side. 
Swallowing thickly past the dryness in his mouth, Eddie watched you get rolled out on the stretcher. 
He turned numbly to see that Lucas and Mike had returned and started digging through your lunch, in an attempt to find out what it was that could’ve caused your reaction. As the two predictably began to bicker, Eddie grabbed the cup of applesauce and slowly brought the spoon out. To his horror, he scooped out a few small round nuts mixed with the smooth texture of the applesauce. 
His darkened eyes snapped up, immediately finding Jason. He at least had the decency to look scared, his skin white as a sheet. True terror shining through as he came to realize the severity of what he did. He shook his head slightly, pleading with Eddie. For what, he wasn’t sure. But he could give a shit.
The grip on the applesauce tightened, causing it to tremble, before he launched it in Jason's general direction. A fire of rage lit up Eddie's entire being, consuming any reason or restraint within him.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?! You could’ve killed her!!” Eddie roared, the words ripping from his throat like a thunderclap.  Every fiber in his being screamed for justice, determined to ensure that no harm would ever come to you again. 
“I-I-I didn’t think…I didn’t mean to-” Jason blubbered.
“Not good enough!” Eddie snapped. He charged forward, driven by the need to avenge your pain. Just when he was closing the distance between them a thick arm wrapped around his upper body. “LET ME GO!”
Eddie struggled against the firm grip that held him back from doing to Jason what he should've done a long time ago. If Eddie was strong enough, he could've saved you, stopped all of this bullying in its tracks before Jason had ever even looked in your direction. His strength never came from muscles or brute force, but from his anger—the primal need to protect those he loved. He was so consumed by his rage that a red haze blurred his vision. Or were those his tears?
“Eddie, man, don’t do this,” Doug said, doing his best to calm his friend.
“Please,” Eddie pleaded, losing some of his fight. “Just let me go.” 
“Dude, if you get into a fight you won’t be able to see Y/N in the hospital,” the bassist whispered in Eddie’s ear. He looked over and saw Principle Coleman closing in on them, there wasn’t much time left. “We can handle it, just go while you can.”
A wave of overwhelming frustration washed over Eddie as the struggle against Doug’s hold diminished. Tears welled up in his eyes as his chest released his rage and tightened back up with helplessness and despair.
He didn’t let it consume him though, taking off in the opposite direction of the principle, his sheep following close behind.
When the van ripped into the hospital parking lot, Eddie finally took notice of how many stowaways he had. Lucas, Mike, Max, Robin, and even Nancy all burst through the double doors at the back of his skunky smelling van and made their way to the emergency room entrance.
Eddie was the first one through the doors, eyes scanning the waiting area for his curly haired friend. What he wasn’t expecting to see was the one and only King Steve sitting with the boy. 
Steve noticed them first, taking the lead on letting them know what’s going on. He explained that you’d be fine but the doctors are running some tests and getting you hooked up to the necessary machines. It’ll be a little longer before Eddie gets to see you with his own eyes.
Eddie turned on his heel and walked through the doors he just came through as Steve explained that your mom was called but was on a trip with her girlfriends and won’t be able to make it back until tomorrow.
The disinfected smell of the hospital only offered to heighten Eddie’s desire for a cigarette. He finds solace in the only coping mechanism he has under his belt, even if he knew it was bad for him in the long run. The stress of the day weighed heavily on him as he leaned on the brick wall of the hospital outside. The familiar routine of lighting up offered a good distraction, the only way to momentarily ease his anxiety.
That was until your brother found him. He silently stood next to him, not feeling the need to fill the silence with anything but the gentle breeze and the birds chirping in the distance. But it made Eddie feel uneasy.
“I’d offer you a smoke, but I don’t want to corrupt you more than I already have,” Eddie said with a sad laugh.
Ignoring Eddie’s comment, Dustin asked, “you remember that one time when Hellfire came over to my house for a session? When the theater kids needed the drama room at school?”
Eddie nodded his head slowly, releasing the smoke from his lungs as he did so.
“I was still in middle school so I had only heard about you from Y/N. She had this weird way of speaking about you. It was in a way I had never heard her speak about anyone before.”
Eddie’s heart punched against his ribs painfully, his insecurities taking over.
“She was nice enough to let me watch your campaign so I could get ideas for the campaign I was doing with Mike and Lucas, and our other friend Will. I think she regretted it because of the Reese's Pieces incident.”
Eddie couldn’t help but start chuckling embarrassingly at the memory. “God, that was so stupid,” he smacked his forehead in an attempt to stop his mind from reliving one of the most embarrassing moments of his life. 
The Hellfire members flooded into your home, bringing chips, candy, and drinks to share. Your first time hosting the club was going great, until Dustin noticed the bag of Reese’s Pieces in Eddie’s hand.
“My sister is too nice to say anything but-” Dustin started.
“Stop, Dustin-”
“-we can’t have those in the house.”
Eddie’s eyebrows pinched beneath his bangs, “what? Why not?”
“She’s allergic to peanuts.”
Before you could roll your eyes at your little brother and reassure him it was fine, Eddie turned and chucked the bag out your kitchen’s open window leaving you standing there in shock and Eddie horrified by his own impulse.
“I think that’s when she fell in love with you.”
Eddie’s head whipped over to Dustin. The kid had the audacity to look smug after completely shattering his world view. His mind spun with the revelation.
Love, a word so potent, was now intertwined with his thoughts of your relationship. Eddie knew he liked you, a lot, but his brain never brought him to love. He replayed moments from your friendship in his head, searching for the signs, trying to decipher if Dustin was telling the truth. If the sentiment was truly real. A mix of surprise and uncertainty overwhelmed him, but there was also something warm and hopeful there. It was both exhilarating and terrifying.
He needed to see you and hear it from you directly. A million thoughts and memories raced through his mind, but one thing was clear–he needed to be with you, to tell you how he felt.
part 3
tags: @beeblisss @fishwithtitz @leah-loves-lilies
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baddiewiththebook · 10 months
-> It's Thanksgiving, and the gang is all together under one roof: the Henderson house. While Mrs. Henderson and Wayne battle the turkey in the kitchen, Eddie fights his own urges with the older Henderson sibling. You're home for the holidays, and Eddie's hungry. . . but, not for turkey.
-> eddie munson x you (she/her)
-> hookup to lovers, angst, smut
-> warning - explicit content [18+]
a/n -> This is reuploaded and heavily edited from last year.
-> <-
"You keep looking in that mirror and I'll break it," Dustin warns.
Robin's hair stands on end. "You can't be serious? That bad luck is transferable, you know?"
Dustin rolls his eyes at her superstition because honestly they've all come to an agreement to help set the table for Thanksgiving dinner party that his mother has offered to host this year. And, with Eddie's lack of partaking because he's too busy blotting down his hair in the mirror, Dustin doesn't understand why Eddie's come to his house in the first place.
The older boy fidgets with the end of his shirt, and not long after Robin comes to his ear to tell him that you'll love how he looks tonight. That's right, you're coming. He's totally forgotten that Dustin's sister is in town for Thanksgiving. Eddie's hair dangles over his cheeks, so that hopefully no one sees him blush.
"When does your sister get here?" Max throws herself onto the couch next to Steve, whom scoots a seat over from her. Lately, he realizes, she's been a bit too clingy to him.
"She's late," Dustin checks the clock that hangs high above on the wall ticking the time away. "She should have been here an hour ago- Eddie!"
Eddie abandons his task once again to dash over to the front window facing the street. Frost makes the drying grass and the limp trees appear shiny like glass. Foggy car headlights grow larger as they near. Seeing your Honda pull up the short drive brings back memories from the summertime.
Last summer was a record high in heat, which left you with barely any clothes to wear that didn’t leave your skin sticky and hot. Especially when Eddie was bent over the hood of your car and knuckles deep in your engine. Greased up hands and all, he wiped the sweat from his brow to tell you that your car was fixed. When you offered him cash as payment, he declined to the manor of being friendly not as the professional Eddie Munson - mechanic. You chewed on your bottom lip while batting your lashes in his direction.
Eddie’s unsure how you can make him melt, while simply being you. But, eventually, you worked out a payment that both of you were happy with. And, you continued that payment damn near every week. In his office. In his garage. In his van. In his kitchen. In his shower. In his bed.
No space in his shop or in his apartment are left sacred to either of you. And, when the summer was done, you were off to college. No calls or texts from either of you.
“She’s here!” Max spins in the front hallway. You are her idol. She swears you are the coolest person she’s ever met (aside from El).
Dustin shoves Eddie out of the way to observe for himself that in fact his sister has come home for the holidays. Not long after, their shared mom runs out of the house with her apron around her neck like a cape in her sprint.
“Hi, baby!” Your mom peppers your face with her kisses.
You whine. “Mom!”
“Okay, okay!” She pinches your cheeks until they’re glowing, but she does let you go.
Following her is your little brother, Dustin, who grabs you around the waist and he pulls you in tight. He’s gotten much taller since the last time you’ve seen him, but that can’t be right. You’ve only been gone for a few months!
“Hi, Dusty!” You ruffle his hair.
He grins. “What did you bring me?”
“I barely have enough money for books!” You snort.
Dustin drops his grip and then he fans you away. The little sucker grumbles, and avoids helping you with your suitcase despite your mom’s request. But, Steve and Robin dogpile you with warm greetings and Steve offers to help with your bag.
“I need all the dirt on college,” Robin whispers. “Are there really stains on all the sheets?”
What she means to ask is much raunchier. But, your mother is still picking at your clothes because you haven’t ironed this shirt. She’s got this look upon her face like you’ve been away at sea for years and years, and not like you’ve spent two months away at college.
Steve lugs your suitcase inside with you in tow. The rest of your brother’s little friends have also crowded around to get a piece of you. You’re like a celebrity in your own home. Even Wayne’s got his arm around you, whom you didn’t expect to see (but, you’re not complaining - you love Wayne).
Wayne’s got himself stuck in the kitchen with your mom to help her with the turkey. You’re the top subject right now, but soon he dashes off to make sure the bird isn’t drying out in the oven. Conversation begins to swirl like normal, and you’re on the lookout for the one person you might have missed a little more than you should.
You sit on the living room couch between Nancy and Steve with Robin at your feet, and the kids are running about the home hiding a can of whipped cream from your mom and Wayne (who are the only adults capable of reprimanding them of course).
“Do you have any plans while you’re in town?” Nancy asks.
You hope she doesn’t see your neck crane over her curly head. “None, but I’m here for the weekend and Monday since I don’t have classes.”
“What’s your schedule like?”
Nancy overloads everything she can while you’re around. No offense to the other people in your friend group, but they didn’t invite intellectual conversations like you and she did. She’s got too many questions for you, while you’re overthinking that the mid-length skirt you wore is too much.
“Have either of you seen Eddie?” Wayne poses the eye opening question that has the whole gang bobbing their head back and forth like meerkats.
“I saw his van outside, right? I’ll check there,” you stand away from your spot on the sofa.
Robin wants to make a sly comment about your willingness to brave the cold for this shaggy man, who seems to have taken a full shower, shave and added cologne to his washed outfit for the evening. She bites her tongue.
“Bathroom?” Nancy suggests that she go upstairs, and Robin will check this floor.
Steve hauls himself from the couch. “I’ll check outside.”
Steve secretly wishes that Eddie be there smoking a joint that he could bum off of. Holidays aren’t Steve’s favorite because his family isn’t around either. He’s here because he can’t say ‘no’ to Mrs. Henderson.
To no knowledge of Eddie, however, is anyone looking out for him. He’s snuck out to his van while everyone else stays distracted by your arrival. Watching your chest bounce while you laugh, or your skirt flutter while you twirl - you’re a God damn tease and you know what you’re doing.
Knock, knock.
You wrap your knuckles against the glass of his van’s driver’s side window. This must be Eddie’s lucky day, and you’re thinking the same by the way you twist in front of him.
“What’s up?” Eddie nods.
You pout. “Well, you didn’t even say ‘hi’ to me and you’re already bailing?”
“I’m not bailing,” he assures. “Besides, do you think that the way we greet each other is appropriate to do in public?”
A part of you is quite offended that he hasn’t addressed the elephant in the room. Not only did he neglect to call you in the past few months, nor did he greet you at the door like the rest of your friends had done earlier. But, the other part of you is winning over this tug of war. You haven’t had sex in months, and shining your own shield only goes so far.
During the summer, you got what you wanted. You and Eddie screwed like rabbits. When you left, a nagging itch was left that couldn’t be scratched. Admittedly, you got cozy in his apartment. Your sleepovers became ‘Good Morning’ with a side of eggs and toast. Soon began you washing the dishes after, and Eddie asking about what you’re studying for school.
After a while, his apartment became a second home and you no longer had to ask where the bathroom was. You pretended that this little game was to keep Dustin’s watchful eye out of sight, but sipping your morning brew without asking Eddie to add anymore cream or sugar became a bit more than you bargained for.
You’re leaning forward now to press a soft kiss on the corner of his mouth. But, before you have a chance to pull away, Eddie slots his lips to yours like he’s made his way home.
“You want to take advantage that there’s no one parked behind me? Like old times?” Eddie pinches your chin with his index finger and his thumb.
It just so happens that the Beyers family is running a tad behind schedule. Will couldn’t find his Christmas sweater, and Johnathan had to second his shower because according to his mom, he still stunk like a skunk had run through their house. But, as they finally do pull up to the lively home with Christmas lights twinkling on the roof, Joyce Byers spots the eldest Henderson twisted in close conversation with the Munson boy.
Joyce parks their car halfway onto the sidewalk because Johnathan is jolting out of the car murmuring something about the food smelling so good. This leaves Will to juggle the grocery bags full of potatoes and Mac and Cheese into the house. But, Joyce stops to interrupt the conversation you’re having.
“Hi, Miss. Byers,” you pull away from the conversation to greet her warmly.
“Joyce, honey! Joyce!” She corrects. “I didn’t mean to- oh, I’m sorry. Hello, Eddie!”
Eddie waves his hand in her direction. That’s not to be rude, but he would rather not have Joyce see him in a pair of tight denim with his dick as hard as it is right now.
“We’re just going out for a last minute grocery run,” your lie leaves a sour note on your tongue.
Joyce knows very well that the last grocery store to stay open on Thanksgiving has closed about thirty minutes ago. But, she doesn’t tell them that she knows this. She quite fondly looks back to her own memories of when she snuck out of her family ‘s Christmas party with her boyfriend at the time.
“Be safe,” Joyce winks, then turns on her heel to go inside.
You’re quick to hop into the passenger seat of Eddie’s van. An old bitter cigarettes scent stains the interior of the vehicle like a thick layer of butter on toast. You buckle up, then kick your feet out in what little room he has under the dash. Eddie’s abused the passenger side of his van for fast food wrappers and travel mugs he hasn’t taken inside for however long.
Aside from a tire whining, Eddie cuts the headlights to sneak out of the drive without anyone noticing from inside.
Eddie places one of his hands across your thigh, “Grocery shopping?”
"What was I supposed to say?" You shake your head
You’re biting at the edge of something wonderful here. Looking on to your left, Eddie’s got his lip tugged between his teeth. His eye on the road. His mind in the gutter. The hand he’s got squeezing against the fat of your inner thigh dances dangerously across your skin. Your spine arches straight back. Eyes shut blissfully as you let a whine escape you.
Then, he dares flick your awaiting clit while driving solo with one hand on the wheel and an eye on the road. Not to be crude, but he’s been here before with you. Tight on time. Sneaking about like high schoolers still. You’re on his mind most of the time these days because he wants to know if what you did with him all summer is what you would do in college with other people. He’s subjected himself to exhausting torturous hours at work just so he doesn’t have to think about you in your back getting railed by a random dude.
Somehow he’s got you here now, and your putty under his fingers. Your eyelashes flutter. Brows furrow. Your chest rises and falls at the lightest touches from him.
Clenching your legs against his large grip he's got on you, Eddie pulls off to the side of the road. He’s waited far too long to revisit this little charade. Pulling in behind a few trees, he doesn’t have to ask because you’re already climbing into the back.
You land on a set of blankets he hasn’t taken out since you left.
Eddie crawls into the back after you. Kisses like he never left. Nostalgia makes your heart skip inside of your chest. He keeps you there under his touch, and squeezing at your sides as you sink deeper into his embrace.
“Fuck, I’ve missed you,” Eddie breathes onto your neck, before attaching himself there and nibbling into your flesh.
Your whines acknowledge that he’s got just the right spot - like he could have forgotten. The embrace is so familiar that your chest burns for him.
“More,” you beg into his hair, while gripping your hands into fists of the fabric on his back.
If there was more time, Eddie would have stayed there all night just to hear your heart beat against his eardrum. Yet, he’s undoing his belt, the button on his jeans and pulling the zipper down to match you flipping up that sinful little skirt you wore just to tease him. Wetting his fingers, he then hooks his pinky in your underwear to move them to the side. Rubbing your clit, Eddie hears your moans bounce from each side of the van. You’re on full display. Deliciously beautiful and all for him.
You’re both aware of this, so there’s no need to say anything.
“Eddie,” except you do. “Please. I need you!”
“I’ll never stop needing you,” he finds your lips again, as he pushes himself deep inside of you.
Groaning together, your core aches a familiar feeling. Tightening your grip against him like you’re scared he’ll run away. He’s got his eye not on your eye, but on your soul. Reaching far beneath the depths that anyone could ever fall into, and at its core is you. Your being is the only part he’ll ever need - the only thing he longs for. And so, as he’s fucking you at a punishing rate, he holds on tight for he’s afraid to let go.
You break the eye contact when you toss your head back. Stars form in your vision, as you topple over the edge of bliss. Following soon, you hear Eddie groan one last time and he’s spilling inside of you.
“Shit,” he rolls onto the blankets trying to catch his breath.
You’re doing the same, and with one long exhale, you swing yourself over so that you’re laying across his body. Eddie drowsily opens his eye to see the most beautiful creature he’s laid his eye on. Lipstick smeared. Mascara smudged. Your heart sounds as though it’s going to burst from your chest.
“Hi,” you say breathlessly.
Eddie chuckles. “Hey, beautiful.”
Beautiful. That’s an unspoken word between you two. Usually, after sex, the two of you either dress in silence or roll over and go to sleep. You miss the feeling of being wanted, and you’ve got your fingers crossed that he’s not just playing his cards.
Eddie’s hand finds the small of your back to bring you closer.
“What are you thinking about?” He touches your forehead with his index finger.
You nibble at the inside of your cheek, before bravely making the leap to ask. “Did you mean it?”
“That you’ll never stop needing me,” you swallow thickly.
Eddie’s fingers make patterns along your bare back. Eyes locked onto yours, he studies your face through the shadows of the arriving evening. All this time you’ve been away, you’ve been on his mind. If he knew what dorm you live in, he’d be there in a heart beat to keep you warm during these cooler months.
“I’ll never,” he folds your fingers in with his just so he can bring your hand to his mouth, and so he can kiss every knuckle on your hand, “stop needing you.”
“Oh, Eddie,” you lean in for a kiss.
Someone bashes a fist against the back door to the van, and you know your screwed. Red and blue lights flicker and flash outside the window.
"Shit!" You scramble to pat down your hair, and your skirt.
Eddie tucks himself into his pants, while muttering curses to himself.
“Police!” Jim Hopper’s voice is easily recognizable. “Come on, Munson. Don’t make me come in there.”
With a few run-ins with the law, and making a reputation as the “freak” of Hawkins High School, Eddie’s van became a staple around town. Even the police knew just about where ever he is at any time.
Tumbling over each other, you’re sure the guilt is written all over your faces. Nearly blinded by a flashlight to the face, you shield your eye away from Jim Hopper, who squints at you two. Clearly caught in the act of a wild youthful fantasy, Jim clicks off his flashlight and speaks to you both;
“I was on my way to your mom’s house,” he makes a point to stare you down, before continuing, “when I was radioed that there’s a suspicious van lingering off the side of the road. Care to explain?”
Not like there is much explaining to do. The story is pretty black and white, but that doesn’t discourage Eddie to come up with an aching bumble of lies.
“We were just on our way to the grocery store when we ran out of gas,” he began with your earlier plot. “We ran out of cranberry sauce.”
“Right,” Jim grunts. “I better give you a ride back.”
Walking back into the house to explain why you and Eddie disappeared has been mute to your ears. All of the funny faces from the younger kids, or the suspected glances from the older friends. God, you’d never hear the end of this from Robin. She’s been on your behind about fixing you up with Eddie for a while.
“You okay?” Eddie nudges you.
Jim says with his back turned, “Come on, kids. No use standing around a dead car. I’ll see what I can do about getting you back here with a gas can in the morning.”
“I’m fine,” you're embarrassed, but you're warm knowing where you stand with Eddie.
You’re crammed in the back of Jim’s Chevrolet with Eddie. Also stuffed between you two, is a sizable Tupperware full of mashed potatoes. El twists around in the front seat to let you know that she made them this year.
Bumps in the road weigh heavy against the beating inside your chest. You’re not speaking a language that Eddie totally understands, but he knows where your head is at. He touches your pinky with his sending a few jolts straight to your heart and your stomach flips. You continue to manage the Tupperware from tipping all over the seats.
The Sheriff spins the wheel to turn down your street. That empty spot Eddie left has Jim’s name written all over it.
Somehow the home has become busier than when you left earlier. Sounds of laughter bubble through the chill of the evening. The blinds are drawn, so you can see the Christmas tree in the living room lined with a calamity of decorations that have been collected over the years. Tinsel shines against the living room lamps draped across doorways, and the window frame. Your mom insists on putting the decorations up the day after Halloween.
You can almost hear Wayne’s boyish laughter that he’s never quite grown out of, while he tortures the young kids. He’s cornered Lucas and Max with a fake bushel of mistletoe in his hand. Max squirms when Lucas kisses her on the cheek, but later blushes while no one is looking.
The car tilts as the group climbs out and down onto the driveway. You’ll never understand the love for a lifted truck like this.
Despite wanting to be useful, El takes the mashed potatoes from you.
“I’ll be taking that!” She announces proudly.
With El and Jim both taking the lead, Eddie sneaks in to tug at your hand.
The front door swings open.
“Jim Hopper,” Wayne announces. “And- erm, Eddie?”
You poke your head around Jim’s back, and Wayne’s mouth draws agape.
“Their grocery store run ended on a flat tire, so I brought them back here,” Jim says.
“Thank you for rescuing them,” he replies. “Well, come in. Dinner is just about ready.”
Jim, El and yourself enter the home without too much inquiry from Wayne. But, you hear a thunk and Eddie’s protest, so you can imagine Wayne just knocked some sense into the back of Eddie’s head.
“You must be cold, darling,” Wayne snaps his finger. “I’ll bring you some hot chocolate. Go on and sit by the fire in the living room. Your friends have been waiting for you.”
Pinching Eddie on the ear, Wayne drags him away to the kitchen where you just know he’s getting scolded.
You bite the bullet, and find your friends in the living room surrounding the fireplace. Steve’s fought for and gotten the prime spot, so that his back is to the flame and he’s heating up in the knitted sweater that Nancy made for him.
Johnathan is still unhappy about the exchange by the way, even if she knitted him a pair of socks later. You can’t imagine a world where Johnathan and Steve might get along anyway. Nancy has false hopes.
“There you are!” Nancy worries like a mom who’s lost sight of her kids for more than five minutes. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you!”
“Really?” You plop down next to Robin on the couch, who’s got this grin that you beg won’t start talking.
“Won’t you enlighten us?” Robin bats her lashes.
Steve clears his throat. “Don’t think she’ll have too.”
“Warm up with this,” Eddie’s come from the kitchen with hot chocolate in hand. He hands it to you, and kisses the top of your head.
“Shut up!” Robin yells. “Really?”
“Really what?” Dustin pokes his head from around the corner before Eddie can snake his hands away from you. “Oh, damn.”
-> <-
tags: @ali-r3n
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munsonsmixtapes · 1 month
hiii im wondering if i could put in a request?? 💕
something like you’re dustin’s older sister and you’ve always despised eddie no matter how hot you thought he was and you two were always bickering at eachother and you guys are like enemies right, one night at a party there’s like this crazyyyy sexual tension between the two of you and you guys can’t help but look at each others lips while arguing with eachother like normal and you guys crash lips and it’s like angry sex and soooo hot!!!
Eddie Munson x Henderson!fem!reader
cw: MDNI (18+) smut (p in v) both Eddie and reader are very degrading towards each other, grinding, Eddie receives a hickey, spanking, anal
You had hated Eddie the moment you laid eyes on him. And he didn’t like you either, telling you as much with absolutely no shame. Too bad you could also dish it out. For once, someone was actually putting Eddie Munson in his place and he just couldn't stand that. Because he was the dungeon master for every campaign, everyone just let him say and do what he wanted because without him, there wouldn't have even been a game. Not you, though.
You were always able to get him right where it hurt and he just couldn't stand it, because for once, you were someone who was hating him for exactly who he was and not who everyone thought him to be. You knew he wasn't some evil devil worshiper who was running a cult and that got under his skin, that you were calling it just like you saw it.
Things between the two of you had gotten really bad when you had started a rival DnD club. The other players wouldn't let you back in because all you did was argue with him and ruin the campaign for them, so what else were you supposed to do, not start your own group?
And when Eddie caught wind that you were trying to convince Dustin to join your club? Well, you might as well have stabbed him in the back because that would have hurt a lot less. Dustin might as well have been his younger brother and now you were stealing him away? Sure, you and Dustin were actually related by blood, but that didn't make it hurt any less.
"I'm not doing it, y/n," Dustin told you as he got into your car as you picked him up for school. You didn't even have to speak for your brother to know exactly what you were going to ask. You had been asking for weeks and every time it was the same answer. You weren't really that upset and you understood that it was because he had a special bond with Eddie, but you were his sister, didn't that count for something?
"Making me choose between one of my best friend and my sister is really unfair, you know that?" He asked, throwing his backpack into the floorboard.
"No one's making you choose, Dustin," you shook your head as you put the car in drive. "You have a special bond with Eddie and he made his club first so I guess I can let it slide."
"So you'll stop with your stupid feud?" You didn't think it was that serious, but maybe you weren't seeing the big picture like Dustin. You were only seeing it from your point of view and it seemed like Eddie was the one who was always instigating your arguments.
"Yeah, Dustin," you looked over at him for a brief second before tuning back to the road. "We'll stop."
You hadn't lied when you said those words, but the second you spotted him across the room at a party that Robin had invited you to, your blood was boiling. You didn't think he even knew Steve like that, so you had no idea why he would have been there. Probably the free booze. Definitely the free booze.
You wanted to say something to him, but you weren't sure what. You had promised Dustin, but he wasn't there, so you could say whatever you wanted to Eddie and your little brother never would have known.
"Please don't," Robin whined as she saw what you were about to do. She grabbed onto your arm and tried to hold you back, but your mind was already made up.
You downed the rest of your drink and slammed the cup down onto the coffee table before making a beeline for the metalhead. God, you hated him. And how could you not with his stupid perfect hair and he stupid pretty brown eyes and his stupid pink lips that you wanted to kiss?
You wiped the thought out of your head and continued to walk towards him. It was as if everything had happened in slow motion. In the time you had gotten to the party and gotten your drink, one of your shoes had come untied and you had stepped on it, causing you to fall right onto the floor in front of everyone.
Eddie didn't know what he was doing, but he was quick to help you to your feet. You didn’t know why you were wearing heels when you knew that you’d be drinking, but the damage was already done.
“I don’t need your help,” you told him, trying to push him off of you, but he wouldn’t let you go as your legs were giving out once again.
“Yeah, I can tell,” he rolled his eyes and you hated how you could feel the heat of his hands through your shirt and how his warm brown eyes were filled with concern. “Falling for me, hm?”
“Not even close.”
“Right,” he nodded. “You just can’t hold your liquor.”
“Right on the money, Munson. Guess you’re not as dumb as you look.”
“Can we move this little conversation somewhere else?” Robin asked, appearing by your side. “It’s a little disruptive.”
“The conversation is over,” you grumbled, finally getting Eddie to let go of you. He was about to walk away, but Robin grabbed him by the arm, preventing him from getting too far.
“But it’s not,” she said, also grabbing hold of your wrist. “I think I speak for everyone when I say that you need to talk whatever this is out.” She rested a hand on each of your shoulders and led you up the stairs to the nearest room which just so happened to be a guest room.
“Robin, what are you-” you both said in unison, but she shoved you into the room and both she and Steve stood against the door so neither of you could open it.
You tried to opened it but it wouldn’t budge. You then let Eddie try, but he couldn’t get it either, the effort being no use. You were now stuck until they let you out and you knew that you would have to stay there until you worked things out.
You couldn’t believe you hadn’t seen it sooner. You fell right into your friends’ trap and now you were going to have to stay with the metalhead who you despised.
You sat down on the bed with a sigh then collapsed onto your back, accepting defeat. If you couldn’t get out without reconciling, there was no use in fighting. The bed was actually kind of comfortable so you could have stayed there for quite a while if Eddie didn’t start yapping.
He stood by the door, sipping on the beer that was in his hand and you found yourself letting your eyes take over his body. He was dressed in a cropped band t-shirt and pair of short shorts. He looked good and you almost wanted to tell him as much, but you didn’t want to feed his ego.
He turned to you, setting his beer on the dresser before making his way towards you. He stood in front of you, giving you a view of his great legs and you he to tear your eyes away from him.
“Like what you see?” He asked, his tone becoming very flirty. His pink lips twisted into a smirk and you almost wanted to kiss him. Almost.
“Not in the slightest,” you grimaced. But you did like what you saw. Maybe a little too much.
“Oh sorry, here. Let me give you a better view,” he turned around and purposefully dropped his keys, slowly bending down to pick them up, wiggling his ass as he did so. And damn did he have a great one. Why did you want to look and why did you kind of want to give it a slap? It was right there. All you had to do was reach over and-
“I caught you looking, l/n. You can touch it if you want. I won’t tell anyone,” he winked as he set his keys next to his beer. He then crossed the room and planted himself right next to you so that your thighs were touching. "I bet you've even thought about me naked," he teased his face a little too close to yours for your liking. You could see his brown eyes perfectly and could count every single eyelash if he had stayed there long enough.
And the thing was, you had thought about him naked. Even though you never would have admitted it. Sometimes when you couldn't sleep, you'd use your fingers to entertain you and maybe sometimes your mind would wander to Eddie. Maybe he was hot. But only maybe. There was no way in hell you were going to tell him as much. He didn't deserve to know how much you thought about him.
"It's okay if you have," he assured you. "Because I've thought about you naked. And believe me, in my dreams, you look hot as fuck."
"You're disgusting," you grimaced, but really, it was kind of turning you on. You felt your cheeks getting hot and you turned away from him. "I wouldn't sleep with you if you were the last man on earth."
"Woah, sweetheart," he put his hands up in defense. "No one said anything about us sleeping together. I was just talking about fantasies."
"And that's all it's going to be, because in case you forgot, Munson, I don't like you." You stood from the bed and stepped away from him, knowing that you only needed one more push and your lips would be on his.
"I don't like you either sweetheart, but I'm just trying to get along with you because of Dustin, because unfortunately, you're related to him."
"What do you have against me? What did I do?"
"Nothing, actually," he replied, leaning back on his hands, crossing one leg over the other. He was looking hotter by the second and you needed to turn away before you did something stupid. "I just like pushing your buttons. But you clearly seem to hate me. Wanna share with the class?"
"You're arrogant," you said, crossing your arms over your chest. "You think your hot shit because you play DnD, but guess what, Munson? So do a lot of other people. I think you're just mad because I'm a better DM than you." That seemed to unleash something in Eddie because before you knew it, he was standing from the bed and making a beeline for you.
"Hey, no one is a better DM than me," he jabbed his finger into your face. You kind of liked when he got angry. There was something about it that made you want him even more.
"Oh, I beg to differ," you chuckled, stepping closer so that you were toe to toe with him. "Even Dustin says I'm better than you."
"No he didn't." You could see his gaze moving down to your lips and you mimicked his actions, trying your best to be more subtle than he was.
"No, he didn't," you shook your head. "But you believed it for a second, didn't you? God, you're so easy to rile up, you're so-"
Before you could finish your sentence, Eddie grabbed you by the neck, pressing his lips to yours in a messy kiss. You gasped into his mouth, but quickly responded by moving your lips with his. Your hands quickly wound into his hair as his went to your waist, wrapping around it tightly as he tried to remove any space between the two of you.
Just as his tongue swiped along your bottom lip, you pulled away, not wanting things to get too heated. You pulled your bottom lip between your teeth and Eddie desperately wanted to nibble on it. Now that he had gotten a taste, he felt like he could kiss you for the rest of his life and never get bored.
"We can't do this," you said, stepping away from him, but he just followed you, backing you up until your back hit the dresser. You wanted him to kiss you again, even wanted to let him go all the way, but there was something about it that felt wrong. Mainly because you were Dustin's sister. Not that either of you would have told him.
"Why not?" He asked, licking his lips and he didn't miss the way you were looking at them, like they were a glass of water and you were absolutely parched.
"Be-because of Dustin."
"He doesn't have to know, but if you don't want to kiss me, then that's fine," he turned towards the door. "We can just go downstairs and tell Steve and Rob that we made up-"
But before Eddie could get to the door or finish his sentence, you turned him around to face you, throwing yourself into his arms before pressing your lips to his in a messy kiss. He was quick to respond, moving his lips with yours, his hands slowly moving up to your waist again.
He licked into your mouth and you moaned as his tongue swirled around yours, backing him up to the bed. He collapsed onto it, taking you with him and you were quick to straddle his waist. You kicked off your shoes then pulled away before pressing a kiss to his cheek, moving his hair out of the way before leaning down, your lips hovering over the shell of his ear.
"I'm gonna show you who the real master is," you whispered and Eddie could feel his dick hardening at your words.
You then pressed a kiss to his neck, peppering the spot with them before adding in your tongue. You could feel his heart racing against your lips and almost wanted to laugh. Good. You had him right where you wanted him. 
You began to suck on the skin, wanting everyone to see exactly what you had done to him. He laid there, pliant to your touch as you marked him up, wanting to let you do whatever you wanted to him. The woman he had been fantasizing for months was on top of him, giving him a hickey so who was he to deny you? This was just a wet dream come to life. 
His hands moved up the back of your shirt, his fingers digging into your back as you continued to work, a moan escaping his lips as he did so. Your teeth grazed the skin and his heart rate skyrocketed, another moan falling from his lips, his fingers digging even further into your back.
Once you felt like your work was done, you pulled away, smiling down at his neck that was now shining with your spit and the hickey that was forming. You had given multiple in your lifetime, but thinking about the fact that Eddie Munson was now going to be walking around sporting the mark that you gave him suddenly made you feel very wet.
He pulled you in for another kiss and you were the one to dip your tongue into his mouth, slowly grinding against him as you did so. You could hear a whimper in the back of his throat and let it die on his lips as you continued to kiss him, still grinding against his cock that was getting even more hard by the second. 
You pulled off your shirt and Eddie stared at your chest, his eyes filling with lust. You stared down at him and continued to grind on him, knowing that he needed just a little push to get the little whimper to pass through his lips. 
“l/n, please, can’t take all the teasing.” His whining was so hot and making you even more wt as you thought about him actually needing you that bad. 
“Gonna need a bit more, Munson.” You were grinding even harder now and Eddie swore that he was going to lose his goddamn mind. “C’mon, beg me.” 
“Please,” he whined again, more passion in his words. “I mean, do you need to see my cock to see how desperate I am?” You knew he was exaggerating, but you actually did want to see his cock, wondering if it looked anything like you thought it did. 
“I do, actually,” you nodded and his hands moved to his shorts and seeing how his dick was tenting in his pants, you could already see what a mess you had made of him. You got off of him and let him get the shorts off, followed by his underwear and you couldn’t help but stare at him, lying there with his cock in full display, the thing much bigger than you had anticipated. 
You followed his lead and stripped your underwear before your skirt and you could see Eddie’s mouth fall open as he stared at you, lust clouding his eyes even more. You then pushed him onto the bed before retrieving a condom from his pocket, opening the packet then rolling the thing onto his cock.
“Don’t think this is because I like you or anything,” you told him as you straddled his waist again, slowly placing yourself onto his cock. “This is just because you’re here and you’re hot.” Eddie had no problem with that. Why you were fucking him was none of his business. He was perfectly happy with you using him for his body. 
“I don’t care,” he shook his head. “Use me.”
“Oh, I intend to.” You leaned down and pressed a hot kiss to his lips before you began to ride him, bucking your hips against his in a slow motion to get used to it before picking up the pace. Your hands found his shoulders and they dug into his skin as his moved to your waist, the same treatment given to your hips.  
You watched him as you continued to ride him, seeing the way he was already coming undone doing something to you. Your movements got harder and faster and clearly that was what Eddie was wanting considering that he was more responsive to you, moans and whimpers falling from his lips. 
“Knew you’d look hot underneath me,” you said, your breathing getting labored, but Eddie only thought that made you even more attractive. “I mean, look at you, I’ve barely even done anything and you’re already fucked out.” Eddie almost wanted to see what he looked like to know if you were telling the truth or messing with him because he thought that he had been pretty nonchalant up until then, Okay, maybe except for the begging. 
“Gonna need for you to beg for me again,” you said and you were getting too cocky for Eddie’s liking. You were so confident that you were driving him crazy, and you were, but he didn’t want you to know just how desperate he was for a fuck. 
In one swift move, he sat up and pushed you onto your back so that he was on top. It was about time he taught you a lesson, making you moan so loudly that the rest of his house could see just how well he fucked you. 
“I’m the master now,” he said, pinning your arms to the bed. Your mouth was wide open and for once, you didn’t have anything to say. You were shocked by the sudden movement that you needed to catch your breath, but Eddie pounding into you made your brain short circuit. 
He was going so fast and hard and all you could do was moan, loving the way he wasn’t being gentle. He was whispering the most filthy things into your ear and you felt so overstimulated, but didn’t want it to stop. This was easily the best you ever had even though you never would have admitted it. Eddie’s ego didn’t need to be fed anymore. 
“Now you’re the one who’s going to have to beg,” he said, stopping his movements completely. He just stared down at you with his big brown eyes, a hint of mischief behind them just like always. He leaned down, pressing his lips to yours, his moving slowly against, giving you just a taste, but not the full thing. He didn’t want to spoil you, after all. 
“C’mon,” he urged against your lips. You needed him, but there was no way you were going to beg. You didn’t beg. If it came down to it, you’d just finish the job yourself and make Eddie watch, punishing him for what he had done.
“Not a chance,” you replied. “I can stay here all night.” Eddie didn’t like that response. In retaliation, he sunk deeper into you, fitting all of himself into your cunt and he had to hold back a laugh as he watched you gasp. You just needed a little push and you’d be whining his name in no time.
You couldn’t hold on any longer, very close to giving in, the feeling of his entire cock inside of you getting to you. You thought you could take it, but you really couldn’t. It was more painful than you would have thought and it was driving you crazy that he was trying to make you seem like you wanted him more than you did. You both were just fucking each other because you were there. And maybe you were attracted to him a little bit, but that was beside the point.
“Eddie, please,” you begged, your voice much more whiny than he would have expected. “Eddie, please fuck me.” This was exactly what he was wanting and it really wasn’t that hard to get you to submit. 
“That wasn’t so hard, was it sweetheart? All you had to do was beg daddy.” 
“You’re disgusting.” 
“Oh, don’t start that or else I’m going to have to punish you.” He pounded into you once more which elicited another delicious moan from your lips. Your grip on him was becoming more rough and he wanted you to hurt him, wanting to be able to see your marks when he looked in the mirror. 
“You say that like this wasn’t already a punishment.” You were giving it back to Eddie and every response almost made him short circuit since the women he usually slept with submitted so easily, obeying his every command, just wanting to impress him. But you, you were different and he liked that. He liked how bratty you were behaving and was going to have fun punishing you. 
“Turn over,” he commanded, his eyes growing dark. 
“Eddie, what-” you were trying to ask him what he was meaning, but he just cut off. 
“I’m not speaking fucking gibberish, y/n, I said. Turn. Over.” He pulled out and you flipped over onto your stomach, a gasp leaving your mouth as his hand made contact with your ass with a loud smack. He did one more, harder this time and you were becoming concerned about how much you were enjoying it. 
You moaned as the smacks continued and before you could even process what was happening, the spanking had stopped. You tried to turn around to see what he was doing, but he pushed your face into the mattress and pounded his cock into your ass, his movements fast and hard. You turned your head to the side so you could breathe and your fingers dug into the comforter as he continued, another moan slipping from your lips. 
You knew that Eddie was a freak in the bedroom, but not this much of one. And did it make you a freak that you were enjoying what he was doing? Definitely. And now you weren’t sure how you were going to go on knowing that this was what you could have had all along if you had stopped your stupid feud. 
“See what happens when you talk back?” He asked, giving one more push and now you were coming undone, an orgasm ripping through you as he removed his hand from your face. You screamed his name and he chuckled to himself as he had you exactly where he wanted you. He then pulled out and disposed of the condom before helping you to your feet. 
You both got dressed, the tension having died down and now you couldn’t look each other in the eye after what you had just done. You cleaned yourself up then put on your clothes, turning your back to Eddie as you did so, suddenly feeling exposed. This was definitely a one time thing and now you were going to have to masturbate for the rest of your life since none of your other hookups would ever compare, Eddie always on your mind as you got yourself off.
Once you were dressed, you turned around to see him grabbing his keys and shoving them into his pocket before reaching for his beer. He stepped closer and tilted the bottle towards you as if he was offering you some. You took a sip, grimacing at how warm it had gotten then handed it back to him. 
Eddie then grabbed hold of your waist and pulled you to him before pressing a kiss to your lips, this one soft and gentle. Just as you were getting into it, he pulled away, pecking you then turning to the door. He rested his hand on the handle then turned to you for a brief moment.
“Don’t be a stranger,” he winked then fled the room, leaving the door wide open. You quickly followed him, stopping in the doorway just in time to see him bound down the stairs to join the party where everyone was hopefully oblivious to what you had just done. 
You waited a few seconds and followed, heading down the stairs just in time to see Robin handing Steve a twenty dollar bill who pocketed it. They both caught your gaze and waved you over, both wrapping an arm around you.
“So how was he?” Steve asked and you tried your best to hide your smile. 
“Oh, we didn’t do anything,” you shook your head, hoping that they would buy your terrible lie. 
“Oh please,” Robin knocked her hip against yours. “We could hear the two of you fucking like bunnies up there. Now come on, let’s get you some water, looks like you need it.” She led you to the kitchen to get you the water and you turned your head in just the right direction to catch Eddie staring at you. He raised his bottle to you and you nodded in response. 
“Same time tomorrow?” he mouthed and you nodded enthusiastically, fully prepared to give him your number after you got your water. Maybe you didn’t hate each other as much as you thought. Maybe all of your attraction to each other was hidden by your supposed hatred. Well, now you supposed you were enemies with benefits and you had absolutely no problem with that.
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corroded-hellfire · 9 months
Like it’s 1999 - Eddie Munson x Reader
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An As You Wish Story
Collaboration with the peanut butter to my jelly @munson-blurbs ✨
Summary: Your first New Year’s Eve as Eddie’s girl comes with meeting all his old friends at the Harrington’s party. It turns out to be great fun, but losing track of time leads you to miss out on something you’ve been looking forward to.
Note: Wishing a Happy New Year to all of you lovelies!
Warnings: older!eddie, alcohol consumption, drunkenness, talk about shitty parents (gee, I wonder who)
Words: 4.3k
[As You Wish masterlist]
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Walking up to the Harrington house shouldn’t be as daunting as it feels right now. You work here three days a week, bringing Ryan and Luke over to babysit the Munson and Harrington clans together. But you’re not coming here to work today; you’re coming for the New Year’s Eve party Steve and Nancy are throwing. 
The house is now filled with friends and family of the Harrington’s, most of whom you haven’t met. And of the ones you have met, it’s only been a handful of times or in passing since you started babysitting for the Munsons. You’ve been lucky enough to become acquainted with Steve and Nancy over the past months and feel honored enough to call them not just your boyfriend’s friends, but your friends now as well. Max and Lucas will be here and the handful of times you’ve met them have been nice. You’ve had entertaining conversations with Max and even got to spend time with their daughter Tiffany a few times. 
Dustin is another of Eddie’s friends who you’ve seen here and there, but never for long periods of time since he lives too far away to visit regularly. He’s bringing his new girlfriend, Jennifer, tonight, who Eddie has said is great, but this is the first time you’ll be meeting her. And she is just the first one on the list of people you’ll be meeting tonight for the first time. 
Nancy’s little brother Mike and his wife El will be here tonight and you’re just hoping that Mike is as easy to talk to as his sister is. A high school friend named Will is bringing his boyfriend named Cody, but you at least are in the same boat with Eddie on this one because he hasn’t met Cody yet either. And then there’s Robin and Vickie, who you’ve been told have been together since high school. Luckily, Eddie has assured you that Robin can do enough talking for the both of you, so not to worry about any awkward conversations—well, ones with awkward silences, anyway. 
Your slightly uncomfortable, yet enviably cute shoes click as you come to a stop in front of the Harrington’s door. Eddie’s hand squeezes yours and the feeling of his larger hand holding yours so safely has some of your anxiety abating. Eddie had known the moment you two had received the invitation that you would be nervous about this. He left the choice up to you if you wanted to attend or not. Being with Eddie meant getting to know those who are important to him, though. A little discomfort is nothing when you think about it like that.
“We can go, sweetheart,” Eddie tells you now that you’re at the literal threshold of the party. “We don’t have to do this.”
You don’t have to do this is what you know he means. 
With as much fake courage as you can muster, you shake your head and give Eddie the best smile you can manage. “I want to.”
And you do. It’s certainly better than the party your friends from school invited you to tonight. Being in a crowded and smoky bar where you can barely hear yourself think is not your idea of fun. It’s really just an excuse to find someone to kiss at midnight, then take home for some fun for the next few hours until someone gets kicked out and is forced to do the walk of shame. Not something you’d ever been interested in, really. Besides, why be there when you can be with Eddie? 
Your boyfriend knocks on the door and a few moments later a grinning Steve opens it, sporting a pair of novelty “2000” eyeglasses, his hazel brown eyes peering out from the second and third zeroes. There’s music coming from the living room, and you can smell the different hors d'oeuvres that must be set out around the party area. Conversations and laughter float down to the door as well and the prospect of joining in on that makes your tummy do a little flip. 
“Hey, Munson! Lady Munson! Come on in.” Steve’s clearly already gotten into the alcohol. 
Eddie ushers you into the house before him and helps you out of your jacket. Steve takes both of your coats and hangs them in the closet near the front door. The host leads you further into the house and to the room where adults are milling about, glasses of different colored liquor in most hands, and smiles on almost every face. Stepping into this room without any of the children feels odd. This is where you usually wait with the younger ones while the big kids finish up their homework. Part of you wishes the kids were there because they’re always good to use as a bit of a buffer if you need one in social situations. 
Tonight, all Munson and Harrington children are having sleepovers at a grandparent’s house. The Harrington girls are staying with Nancy’s parents, while the boys are with Steve’s. Ryan and Luke are spending the night at Wayne’s, as it’s one of his few precious nights off. 
“You don’t mind that your New Year’s Eve plans are watching the boys?” Eddie had asked.
“Plans? Only plan I have is to take advantage of the night off and get as much sleep as I can.”
“Eddie and the lovely lady that is far too good for him have arrived,” Steve announces to the room. Your cheeks heat up at Steve’s words, but Eddie just rolls his eyes and pushes his friend out of his way. 
It feels like every eye in the room lands on you and it’s making your nerves creep back up. Not everyone is looking at you, you try to assure yourself, but the jitters have settled in and have you feeling self-conscious. What if they don’t like me? you think. These people are practically Eddie’s family. I need them to like me. They’re going to think I’m not good enough. That I’m too young. Too stupid. That I’m just some young girl Eddie decided to have a fun fling with after getting divorced—
Max comes over to your side and it shakes you out of your spiraling thoughts. 
“Hey!” The redhead greets. “It’s so nice to see you again.” She pulls you in for a hug that has your anxious thoughts starting to abate. 
“You too!” you say. “How’s Tiffany?” Can't seem to stop talking about the kids, can you?
“She’s great. Talking and walking now, so a complete handful. Oh!” Max catches the attention of a woman about her height with chin length brown hair who stops and smiles at you. “Have you met El?”
“Nice to meet you.” El timidly but kindly extends her hand and you shake it, beginning an evening of greeting new and familiar faces. 
By the end of your first lap of talking with everyone, you’re pretty sure you remember everyone’s name, but not necessarily how they all relate to one another—-except Mike. The way he and Nancy bicker at one another occasionally keeps it fresh in your mind that he’s her little brother. Not to mention, the drunker Steve gets, the more he begs Mike to call him ‘big bro.’
“You know,” Robin says, nudging Eddie’s arm with her own, “I don’t think we’ve all been together for New Year’s Eve since ‘92.”
Eddie thinks for a moment, rubbing a hand over his mouth and chin. “God,” he says with a laugh. “That was before Luke.”
“And Corroded Coffin performed!” Dustin adds, flashing a smile that seems to be missing a few teeth. 
“You ever see your boyfriend being a rockstar?” Lucas asks, raising his eyebrows at you.
That certainly piques your interest. “I have not.” You turn to Eddie with a giddy smile on your face. 
Sheepishness pinkens Eddie’s cheeks. “I wasn’t a rockstar,” he mumbles, shoving his hands in his pockets.
Max almost chokes on her vodka cranberry and lets out a scoff. “Since when are you modest?” she asks with a cocked brow.  
Eddie narrows his eyes at Max and opens his mouth to speak, but you interrupt first. “Eddie, shhh, I wanna hear about my rockstar boyfriend!” you tease. “Did you have lots of groupies?”
He groans but drapes his arm over your shoulders as his friends begin to tell you about the band.  
“I don’t even like metal, but they were good,” Robin pipes up from where she’s pouring herself another drink.
“They were weekly regulars at this bar,” Dustin explains. “They would sneak us in because we were too young to get into the bar.”
“Actually,” Max says, turning to Eddie, “so were you.”
Eddie shrugs. “I never questioned it.”
“Anyway,” Dustin continues, practically shaking with excitement, “they could play any metal song you could think of. He learned Master of Puppets in a week, and that song is like twelve minutes long.”
“It’s only eight,” Eddie protests, but his friend ignores him completely. 
“Whatever. The point is, Corroded Coffin was probably the best band this town has ever seen, and it’s all because of Eddie.” He nudges him with an elbow to the ribs. “Hey, do the move!”
Eddie coughs, face fully red. “Henderson, I don’t know what you’re—”
“Yes, you do, because you’re totally blushing right now.” Dustin cackles, turning to you. “It was like this hip thrust thing, but to his guitar—”
“Okay, enough!” Eddie’s face is beet-red, burying his head in his hands. Dustin starts in again, but a glass drops in the kitchen, drawing everyone’s attention. 
“Eddie Munson,” you murmur in his ear, taking advantage of this moment alone, “did you go on stage and hump your poor guitar?” Before he can respond, you tug him by his belt loop. “Can I get a private show later?”
He smirks. “Only for you, baby girl.” 
As it typically goes at parties, people mingle around, always popping in and out of different conversations throughout the evening. You and Max sit on a loveseat off to the side of the room, watching Steve, Eddie, Lucas, and Will take shots. The pair of you shake your heads as you observe the men, watching in amusement as Will tries to pour more shots for everyone, no matter how much they decline. 
Max isn’t quite drunk but is definitely past tipsy.
“How are you feeling hanging around with this ragtag bunch of weirdos?” she asks once the entertainment of watching the men has worn off. 
You chuckle and shake your head. “It’s not as scary as I thought it would be, honestly. And I definitely wouldn’t call you guys weirdos.”
Max pauses, biting her cheek. “It’s really nice to see Eddie with someone who actually appreciates him. Who genuinely loves him, y’know.” She lowers her voice. “I’m not trying to turn this into a bitching session about his ex, but—”
“I am!” More than a few drinks in, Nancy slings one arm over your shoulder and the other around Max’s. The scent of vodka wafts from her mouth. “God, she was the worst! I don’t even know what he saw in her.” She wrinkles her nose. “She wasn’t even that pretty. Like, yeah, maybe a little bit, but not enough to make up for being a total hag!” She cackles like it’s the funniest joke in the world. 
Your mind flashes back to how beautiful Brittany actually is, but Nancy’s true drunk feelings warm your heart.
“Yeah, she’s definitely a piece of work,” you say with a humorless chuckle.
“Oh honey,” Max says, “we all know that’s the understatement of the century. She’s a grade A bitch and any time you want to shit talk her, you’ve got a house full of people here ready to chime in.”
“Really?” you ask, raising your eyebrows. “Everyone here hates her?”
“Well, I’m not sure if Cody or Jennifer ever met her, but everyone else, yeah,” Max says with a shrug.
A warmth blooms in your chest. Even though you know Brittany is horrific, and Eddie knows it as well, it’s different to hear it from an outside source. His friends could see the relationship from another perspective, and it seems they came to the same conclusion: Brittany is a spawn of satan. It’s validating and it also makes everyone’s kindness tonight mean that much more to you. 
“One time,” Nancy slurs as she perches herself on the arm of the loveseat, “the four of them were gonna drive to Lake Michigan for a long weekend. Luke was only like…I dunno, maybe 18 months? Anyways, poor little thing had a cough, so Brittany took him to the doctor. She comes home and tells Eddie that Luke’s got the sniffles and they’re all good to go. Turns out, Luke had goddamn pneumonia, but she didn’t want it to ruin her getaway.”
The outrage that is coursing through your veins has you gripping your glass so tightly that you start to lose feeling in your hand.
“How have none of you killed her?” you ask, making sure to keep your voice even when you really want to scream.
“Cause that moron,” Max says, nodding across the room at Eddie, “hadn’t come to his senses yet. Or at least, hadn’t let us know that he had.”
“Thank God he found you,” Nancy says. “For him and the boys.”
“I thank God I found them,” you say, the alcohol you’ve had making you a little more sentimental than usual. Though it’s something you always feel, it’s not something you’d always say out loud to people that aren’t Eddie. 
Across the house, the guys are having their own little meeting. Steve leans against the counter in an attempt to look mysterious and suave, but his swaying gait gives away his inebriated state. 
“Munson, could you stop staring at your girlfriend for two seconds and help me with this tray?” he asks, fumbling with a platter of cheese cubes and crackers. 
“Huh? What?” Eddie stutters, Steve’s words registering after a beat. Heat creeps up the back of his neck: caught red-handed. 
Will slings his arm around Eddie’s shoulders, pulling him close enough that Eddie can smell the alcohol on his breath. “Aww, you found your Cody!” Will coos. 
Eddie’s nose scrunches in confusion. “I’m not following, Byers.”
Will rolls his eyes as though this is obvious information that Eddie should already know. “You found someone who makes you feel happy and warm and loved. Someone you wanna marry someday.” He waggles his eyebrows. 
“Yeah, okay.” Eddie tries to play it cool; inside, butterflies flutter in his stomach. Marrying you? Sounds like a dream, one that he’s not sure will ever come to fruition. 
Will is undeterred by Eddie’s sudden shyness, doubling down on his statement. “Hey, listen,” he drunkenly slurs, “I don’t need to be into women to know that she,” he points to you, “is a total upgrade from, well,” he lowers his voice, “y’know.”
Dustin swoops in, sensing that the conversation might nosedive from playful banter to pure discomfort. “Okay, let’s get you some water.” He leads Will away, shushing him as they walk. 
Eddie takes a swig of beer, grateful that the interrogation is over, but then Steve gently adds, “Not to focus on the ex or anything, but you really do seem…I dunno, more like yourself lately. In a way that you didn’t with Brittany.”
“Is that a good thing?” He’d like to think so, but his insecurities often cloud his judgment like a dense fog. 
Steve laughs. “Despite my better judgment, yeah. It is.” He claps him on the back. “She’s a keeper, dude. Don’t fuck it up.”
Eddie chuckles and gives a sheepish shrug of his shoulders. “I’ll try not to.”
Both men look up as they hear footsteps approaching them. Eddie’s brow furrows in concern when he sees tears in your eyes as you walk up to him. He reaches out a hand and you place your smaller one in his.
“What’s got you all upset, Sweetheart?”
You’re too tipsy to properly articulate your emotions after talking with Max and Nancy about how lucky the two of you are to have found each other, so you just murmur, “you.”
Steve laughs and scratches the back of his head. “Guess I spoke too soon.”
You let your hand fall from Eddie’s so you can snake your arms around his middle. Letting your eyes fall closed, you rest your head against your boyfriend’s chest.
“I love you so much,” you mumble.
“I love you too, princess,” Eddie says against your hair before pressing a few kisses there.
Steve can’t help but smile at the interaction between the two of you. It’s so nice to see his best friend in a relationship where he’s appreciated and loved for who he is. The way you both look at one another leaves Steve with no doubt about how happy you make each other. Wanting to give the two of you your privacy, Steve quietly slips away. 
Joy buzzes in your stomach, only amplified by the alcohol in your system. You lift your head from Eddie’s chest and lean up to press your lips against his. The kiss is soft and sweet, with no urgency. When the two of you finally part, your boyfriend chuckles and licks over his lips.
“Had vodka, huh?” he asks.
“Do I taste like it?” You giggle. “You taste like beer. And a little like rum.”
“That’s ‘cause I had a shot of rum and have been nursing my beer for an hour,” he says, fingers tracing patterns over the soft fabric of your sweater covering your back. 
“‘N you’re not drunk,” you state.
“I’ve got a pretty high tolerance, baby. Plus, need to be able to drive us home later. Got some precious cargo right here,” he says as he pulls your body up against his. “Are you having fun?”
“Yeah,” you tell him, grinning as you think about the good time you’re having with Eddie’s old friends. “I like your friends. Will’s funny.”
“Will is plastered,” Eddie says with a chuckle. 
Before you get a chance to respond, Robin is tugging on your arm and whining about how you can kiss Eddie anytime. Eddie reluctantly lets you go, playfully rolling his eyes as you’re pulled away. It makes you giggle before taking control of your own feet again and following Robin toward an empty spot on a couch.
Robin asks you about school, how you like it, what classes you’re taking next semester, and what you’re studying. At first, it seems like these are generic questions that someone asks of a college student, which confuses you because you’d thought you and Robin would be past that stage by now. But as she keeps talking, Robin reveals that she’s been thinking about going back to school and wants to know more about what it's like. Once you know that, you’re able to give her more detailed information about what it's like on campus rather than give the stilted, robotic answers you tend to give when asked the basic questions. 
Vickie slips into your conversation at some point, followed by Mike, Dustin, and Jennifer. Your drink keeps getting refilled to where you’re not sure how much you’ve had to drink by the time the conversation peters out. The only thought that can get any traction in your brain is how badly you need to use the bathroom after drinking so much.
You excuse yourself from the group and make your way towards the hallway where the kids’ rooms are. This area of the house is as familiar to you as the back of your hand from working here so much, which is a good thing as you stagger with next to no coordination. Once the bathroom door is shut behind you, it takes all of your concentration to focus on what you have to do. That leaves no brain power to pick up on the cheering that’s coming from out in the living room. 
Out amongst his friends, Eddie’s asking where you are, and Vickie is the one to tell him that she saw you headed towards the bathroom. Eddie thanks her and heads towards the back of the house, eager to get to you as the time until midnight shrinks by the second. Your boyfriend turns the corner and is about to knock on the bathroom door when he sees that it’s wide open. He pokes his head inside and it looks like the room hasn’t been touched the whole evening. Realization hitting him, Eddie groans and rubs a hand over his face.
“God damn it, Harrington. Why is your house so big?”
He makes his way back towards the front of the house, figuring out that you must be using the bathroom in the front hallway, the one you’d be most likely to use when you’re here watching the kids. The buzzing house makes it difficult for Eddie to navigate his way to you as quickly as he wants, knowing how upset you’ll be if you miss your midnight kiss. Eddie swears under his breath as he looks down at his watch and it tells him it’s 12:01. Finally arriving at the right bathroom, he knocks on the door.
It swings inward and you step out, grinning when you see Eddie there.
Even in his frustration, Eddie can’t help but smile at your excitement at seeing him—alcohol-fueled or not.
“Sweetheart,” he starts, taking your hand and pulling you close to his chest. “It’s after midnight.”
“No, it’s not,” you say with a shake of your head. “Cause at midnight we gotta kiss.”
“We missed it, princess,” he tells you, keeping his voice soft.
It takes your brain longer than normal to process his words, but once it does, a frown pulls at your mouth and your eyes get wide. Eddie shouldn’t think it’s as adorable as he does.
“It’s my fault,” you say. “I-I was in the bathroom. I didn’t know what time it was!”
“Hey, hey, it’s okay,” Eddie says, wrapping both of his arms around you. He rubs his hand up and down your back, soothingly. “It’s not your fault. “I tried to come get you and I was late, too.”
“We missed our first New Year’s Eve kiss.” With a whine, you bury your face in Eddie’s chest as tears begin to fall. Strong arms hold you tightly and the weight of Eddie’s head rests against the top of your own.
“Do you want to go back out to the party?” Eddie asks after a few minutes of just holding you.
Sniffling, you shake your head.
“M’sorry, Eddie.”
“Hey.” Eddie cups your face in his hands and tilts your head up. “You have nothing to be sorry about. You and I are going to have New Year’s kisses together for the rest of our lives. And I plan on kissing you every day for the rest of forever, even after we’re dead.” Eddie feels the tightness in his chest lessen as you let out a small giggle at his joke. “So, one late kiss is nothing, sweetheart.” He leans in and presses his lips gently against yours, trying to convey the love and adoration he has for you as he cradles your face. When you pull back, Eddie raises his eyebrows at you in question—did that help?
Much to Eddie’s relief, you nod and wipe your eyes. They’re still sore and puffy, but that will fade. Plus, that’s easy to blame on alcohol consumption. 
“Do you want to go home?” Eddie asks.
You shake your head.
“We can stay a little longer,” you say.
“We don’t have to.”
“Wanna have more fun with you.”
That has a small smile growing on your boyfriend’s face.
“I like the sound of that.”
The party winds down now that midnight has passed, and you and Eddie stay for a little while longer. As guests start to leave, you find yourself mingling with everyone and sharing last laughs with his old friends. Eventually, you and Eddie bid those who haven’t left yet goodnight and head back to his apartment. 
By the time you arrive home, it’s almost one in the morning. Eddie tosses his keys down on the counter while you shuffle into the kitchen for a glass of water. Sleepily, Eddie follows in behind you but perks up with a smile when he glances at the clock.
“Hey, princess?”
Body just going through the motions in your tired state, you put the glass down and Eddie tugs you up against his body.
“It’s almost one,” he whispers.
“Okay,” you say, though it sounds more like a question.
“It’s about to be the New Year in the next time zone. So, if we kiss at one, I think that counts as a New Year’s kiss. Don’t you?”
Understanding fights its way through your hazy brain until it clicks. A small smile lights up your face as you nod.
“That sounds like a good plan to me.”
Eddie turns his head to look at the clock on the wall, the second hand racing around towards the nine. Your eyes track the ticking of the thin black line as well, holding your breath as you wait for the hour to strike.
Just as the second hand lands on the twelve, Eddie tilts your chin up and catches your lips with his own. A warm and fuzzy feeling that has nothing to do with your drinking envelops your body as you wrap your arms around his neck. Eddie’s hands rest firmly on your waist, holding onto you as if his life depended on it.
When you part, you rest your foreheads against one another’s. The small, dark apartment shrouds the two of you in shadow, only a sliver of the moon shining in the window giving you enough light to see each other by. The night is quiet around you, no movement breaking the peace as you and Eddie simply gaze into one another’s eyes.
“Happy New Year’s, baby.”
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ashwhowrites · 10 months
Eddie Munson part 3
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Cindy Lou Who🎄 - Y/N can't help but feel blue as she watches Eddie fall in love ( angst )
Baby on board - requested- Y/N has been fwb with her older neighbor, and finds herself pregnant ( angst to fluff )
The line between love and hate- requested - Eddie and Y/N hate each other, but that doesn't stop them from constantly hooking up. ( Angst to fluff )
Hairspray - requested - Steve believes Eddie is sneaking into his house to steal....but he's there for his sister?
His gift🎄 - requested - Eddie and his best friend exchange gifts for Christmas, Y/N plans to admit her feelings ( angst? Fluff, smut )
Oh neighbor - requested - Eddie can't keep his eyes or hands off his young neighbor ( fluff, smut, angst? )
Billy's daughter - requested - Y/N needs a job and finds herself crushing on her manager. They flirt, they sleep together, and like each other. But fear takes over when Eddie finds out who she is.
Shy game - requested - Y/N and Eddie are too shy to talk to each other. Their friends try their best to make it happen ( fluff )
Hideout jealousy - requested- Y/N finds herself jealous when she feels Eddie is into another girl
Work crush - requested - Eddie falls for his younger coworker. A holiday party brings them together
Rich girl, poor boy- requested - Eddie and Y/N introduce each other's families, not knowing the downfall it'll cause ( angst to fluff )
The mother of it all- Eddie finds himself crushing on his girlfriend's mom ( angst, fluff, smut. ⚠️age gap, perv!Eddie, Eddie is legal (18) reader is 35 )
If the van is shaking, don't come knocking- requested - Eddie finds himself jealous over the jocks who flirt with his girlfriend ( smut )
Love vs popularity - requested - Y/N Harrington falls for Eddie, a relationship that puts her relationship with Steve on the rocks ( angst to fluff )
Young girls and trust don't mix- requested - Eddie falls in love with a younger fan, and Wayne is suspicious ( angst to fluff )
Rockstar baby- requested - Eddie's one night stand leads to a future of parenthood
Dustin's babysitter - Eddie catches himself having the hots for Dustin's babysitter
Rockstar love- requested - Y/N finds herself opening for the one and only Eddie Munson. But he isn't what she expected him to be....in the worst way possible ( angst, smut, fluff )
Cheerleader Cupid - requested - Y/N has a crush on Eddie but doesn't know how to say it. So she wrote it
Daddy- requested - Y/N gets drunk and lets a little nickname slip ( fluff, tiny smut)
Cute but an asshole - requested - Y/N's dad is best friends with Eddie, and she cannot stand him. Until she's drunk and needs a ride home ( angst to fluff )
No cash, no problem -Y/N can't afford to pay Eddie for the night, but he has a different payment in mind ( smut, milf reader! X babysitter! Eddie)
Billy x Eddie x reader headcanon
Scared?- requested - Y/N and Eddie watch a new horror film. Eddie assumed Y/N needed the protection, but maybe he did. ( Older Eddie )
Weekend nights - requested - Eddie doesn't get along with his neighbor, Y/N Hargrove. Eddie has enough and confronts the issue ( older Eddie, smutty)
Project?- requested - Y/N and Steve are paired for a project and it sends Eddie in a spiral
The look- requested - Y/N finds her boyfriend and Chrissy talking, and she sees a look in Eddie's eyes that breaks her apart
Wingman vs wingwoman- requested- Max wants to set up her babysitter with Eddie. And Dustin wants to set up Eddie with his student council president
Dustin's friend- requested- Y/N Henderson has been keeping a secret from her brother
Who's your girlfriend?- requested - Eddie let's a girl get too friendly with him and Y/N doesn't take it well
2 boyfriends 1 girlfriend - requested- Billy doesn't realize how badly he's hurting his girlfriend until Eddie makes him
Wrong Cunningham - requested - Y/N likes Eddie but he likes her sister, so where does that leave her?
Don't yell- requested - Eddie makes the mistake of yelling at his girlfriend
To die for- requested - Y/N is a quite nerd who falls for the popular Eddie Munson, it turns sour when she asks him out in front of his friends. Then the upside down turns everything around
Wrong name - requested - Eddie wants to be set up with Y/N, but Dustin thought Y/N liked Steve
Daddy's girl- requested - Y/N knows her dad and Eddie have a bad past so she keeps them apart. But Eddie likes to cause trouble
Push away- requested- Eddie likes to run when he starts to feel
Tutor Turor- requested- Y/N is new to school, and becomes Eddie's tutor. He wants to ask her out but he has to pass a test first
Bedtime whispers - requested - Eddie thought Y/N was asleep when he confessed his love. After she heard it all, she wanted to hear more.
Lose it all for something more? - requested - Eddie and Y/N have been together for 6 months, but a certain cheerleader won't leave Eddie's mind
College boys - requested - Eddie is older than his girlfriend, he gets insecure when the young college boys want a taste of her. Instead of lashing out, he fucked her until he was the only thing on her mind ( ⚠️smut )
Happy again because of you- older rockstar Eddie x nanny reader (⚠️smut)
Friends? Or something more?- requested - Eddie feels like he's losing his girlfriend to Steve
Wrong story- Y/N has a crush on her teacher, filled with inappropriate thoughts she needs a release. So she writes it out...and accidentally sends it to him. (⚠️ Smut)
The first time - requested - Y/N is an inexperienced virgin and nervous for the next step. But she's ready for her and Eddie's first year anniversary (older Eddie ) (⚠️ smut)
She's different - requested - Eddie is known as the hideout fuck boy, but then he meets a girl that changed it all
A bit of daddy's help- requested - Y/N has been pregnant for too long and she needs Eddie's help to induce labor (⚠️ smut)
Frenemies - requested - Eddie and Reader have a weird relationship. They hate each other but still protect each other
Her attention - requested - Eddie is a simp for his girlfriend and wants her attention 24/7
No words - requested - Eddie falls for the new quiet girl ( deaf! Reader )
The friend- requested- Eddie is in love with his best friend, and when an opportunity knocked, he took it
All grown-up- requested- Eddie and Y/N are enemies with benefits until she finds out she is pregnant
The older woman - requested - Eddie is crushing on his hot older neighbor
His smell- requested - Eddie reads that a pregnant woman's smell can change and dislike the smell of their me
Both of you- requested- Chrissy and Eddie finally get together, but where does Y/N fit?
Baby talk - requested - Y/N finds out she's pregnant, and worried for Eddie's reaction
Runaway girl- requested - Steve doesn't realize what he has until she's Eddie's
Hawkins Princess - requested - Eddie is shocked to see the Hawkins princess in dentition, even more shocked that they seemed to get along
Gomez and Morticia - requested - blurb based on Gomez and Morticia
Daddy issues- requested- Y/N meets Eddie at a bar, turns out they have more in common than she thought
Poking- requested - Eddie doesn't want to have sex with his wife because of the baby ( fluff )
Ring thief - requested- Eddie and his partner always switch up rings (gn!reader)
Bet on me- requested - Eddie finds himself in a bet...but falls in love in the process
Prom dress- requested - Eddie doesn't know how to express his feelings so he drives the girl he likes away
A quiet place blurb
To believe in him- requested - Y/N came from a very religious background, and her parents don't accept her relationship with Eddie ( older Eddie )
Stutter- requested - Y/N Henderson is back in Hawkins, and she talks to her crush Eddie Munson. She begins to stutter with all the nerves, leading Eddie to think she's no good (angst to fluff )
Involved - requested - Y/N is a single mom who falls for Eddie. She lets her secret out and Eddie steps back ( angst to fluff )
3? Give me four- requested - Steve admits he's slept with Eddie's girlfriend in the past. Making Eddie feel like he needs to prove himself (smut)
Pick me, choose me, love me- requested - Eddie gets a girlfriend and it puts a strain on his friendship with his best friend. A fight breaks out and Y/N learns the truth ( angst )
Around her finger- Even though Eddie is older than his girlfriend, he's wrapped around her finger (smut)
Rebounds - requested - Eddie doesn't know his relationship was based on a rebound
Secret girlfriend- requested- The Hellfire boys had no idea their master had a girlfriend
Our secret- Dilf! Eddie x daughters friend reader!
Dungeons and Revenge - Eddie finds out the new guy in Hellfire is his ex's new boyfriend
Rumor has it- requested- A rumor spreads around the school that Eddie and Y/N are sleeping together. It gains popularity for Eddie, but the opposite for Y/N
Different- requested- Eddie falls for Dustin's alternative cousin
Runaway daddy- requested- Eddie runs when he finds out he is going to be a dad
Tickets to Con - requested - Y/N has tickets to a con, but no one will take the extra ticket, until her best friend and crush step up
No PDA- requested - Gareth is worried Eddie's girlfriend isn't into him
515 notes · View notes
sunflowergirl522 · 2 years
The Other Wheeler 1
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Wheeler!Reader
Summary: you’re normally the forgotten Wheeler to anyone other than Mikes friends but Eddie is captivated by you upon first glance.
Word Count: 7600
A/N: This series is just gonna be updated whenever I can get myself to focus on it. I was gonna wait till I had at least part 2 finished before posting it but Lea really wanted me to finally post it and who would I be if I kept my biggest fan waiting.
Eddie Masterlist
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“Mike, come on, let's go!” Nancy yells for your brother who’s waiting for his waffles to pop out of the toaster. This is how almost every day of school has gone so far because Nancy has to get there early to do stuff with the school's paper. “I swear to God I’m going to leave you here and you can bike to school!”
“I’m coming!” He yells back through a mouthful of Eggo.
“I could always drive you.” You offer watching him wince as he grabs his newly toasted waffles. You’re just now getting yourself breakfast since you don’t have to leave for another twenty minutes. You’ve offered the same thing almost every morning and each time you’ve gotten the same response.
“It’s fine, thanks though.” He smiles at you before shoving a waffle in his mouth.
“I’m coming!” He slings his bag over his shoulder as he runs out the door following your sister to her car. You’re not shocked that he picks Nancy again, it’s what everyone seems to do. To everyone other than Mike's friends you’re the forgotten Wheeler. Even your parents seem to forget you exist unless they’re comparing you to Nancy or other kids your age. You sigh before turning your attention back to the bowl of cereal in front of you. When you leave you make sure to grab the textbook Mike forgot on the counter again.
“Who’s that lost sheep over there?” Eddie asks after a while of watching the girl sitting alone bobbing her head along to whatever is playing through her headphones and doing what looks like homework while picking at the little food in front of her. He had seen her in a couple of his classes this year already and she intrigued him because she always was just listening to music or doing the work assigned. He’s not sure he’s heard or seen her talk until earlier that day when he spotted her talking to Mike and handing him a book. “Wheeler, you know her don’t you?”
“Huh?” Mike follows where the older man's attention is before turning back to him and shrugging. “Oh, yeah. That’s my sister Y/n.”
“I didn’t know you had a second sister.” Eddie leans forward and the rest of the club nods along, a little surprised to hear that. 
“Y/n’s the best, Mike doesn’t talk about her for whatever reason though.” Dustin chimes in, glaring a little at his friend. “If she was my sister I’d talk about her all the time.”
“You do talk about her all the time.” Mike rolls his eyes going back to paying attention to his food. “I’m shocked you haven’t told Eddie about her yet.”
“She never came up in conversation.” Dustin shrugs, turning back to look at Eddie. “She’s been driving me here in the mornings.”
“She’s been driving you to school? And you let her?” Mike sputters out not being able to believe this. But really he shouldn’t be surprised because from the first time you came down to the basement to offer the boys freshly baked cookies during a dungeons and dragons session Dustin and even Lucas and Will had all but claimed you as their own. Dustin even had a crush on you for the longest time before it faded away.
“Yeah, you should really take her up on her offers to drive you y'know, or you’ll be stuck coming in early with Nancy all year.”
“Y/n’s car is being held together with duct tape Dustin, duct tape. I’m not getting in that death trap.” Eddie smiles a little as he watches the two freshman bicker before turning his attention back to the Wheeler he didn’t know existed until now.
You’re oblivious to the attention you’re getting. You’re too focused on getting the math homework that’s due next period done that you didn’t have time to do after closing Elixir Records last night. You loved working at the little music store in town, it’s why you were so okay with working right after school till close, but sometimes you had to rush last minute to get your school work done because of how busy it could get. Normally you get your homework for that night done at lunch or at work with the rare time of having to stay up when you got home to finish it. Last night was one of those once in a blue moon times that you still had some to do but you were so tired from running around the shop trying to get the stock done that your coworker who walked out the day before, your day off, was supposed to do that you had passed out at your desk.
You’re distracted by finishing up the worksheet and the music flowing through your ears so you don’t notice Dustin walking up to you. His presence is so sudden and unexpected that when you glance up and see him standing in front of you you jump a bit in your seat. You pull your headphones down to sit around your neck and drop the pencil in your hand so he knows he has your full attention.
“Jeez Dustbunny give a girl some warning before popping up out of the blue.” 
“Sorry, I thought maybe you would’ve noticed me coming.”
“What do you need, bud?”
“I was just wondering if you were still willing to take me home after school? If not that’s fine Eddie offered to give me a ride since he wanted to talk to me about this new campaign he’s planning for Hellfire.” The boy in front of you points with his thumb over his shoulder at the older boy who ducks his head down when you peer around Dustin to look his way. 
You knew of Eddie Munson, it was hard not to have at least heard of him before. He was in some of your classes this year and Dustin’s told you about him and their club during the drive to school. You admired how he took your brother and his friends under his wing almost immediately. You’ve never interacted with him yourself but you knew he wasn’t the freak everyone wanted to see him as.
“Yeah I can still drive you home, I told Lucas I’d give him a ride too. But if you wanna go with Eddie that works for me. It’ll give me a smidge more time to get ready for work.”
“Okay, I’ll let him know. Are you closing the shop again tonight?”
“Yeah, you want me to see if there’s anything good in the clearance section for you again?” He smiles wide at the offer. He loved when you presented him with music you thought he’d like that you found on sale at work. Sometimes you’d even hand him a tape of an album that just came out.
“If you have time, yeah. I’ll let you get back to your work.” He motions to the almost complete worksheet in front of you. “I’ll see you tomorrow Y/n!”
“See ya Dustin.” You smile at the boy before he turns and heads back to his table. You put your headphones back on, giving Eddie a small wave when your eyes meet, and get back to finishing up the last two problems before you can move on to the work you’ve been given for tonight. 
“Tomorrow we’ll be picking lab partners for the first big project of the year.” Ms. O’Donnell rushes out after the bell rings and everyone starts collecting their things. Picking partners is your least favorite thing and you wish she would’ve just assigned them like most other teachers. You have no idea who you’d pick with not really making the effort to become friends with anyone anymore. After Barb ditched you to be better friends with Nancy you stopped trying, you figured anyone else would just do the same thing. As you make your way out of the classroom you see Eddie in the corner of your eye finishing up a doodle in his notebook, something you’ve noticed he does a lot instead of paying attention. Maybe you’ll see if he wants to be your lab partner because you doubt anyone is going to be fighting to be his. You don’t even care about doing all the work if you have to.
You rush down the hall knowing that Lucas is probably gonna beat you to your locker. His last class is right next to his own and that’s down the hall from yours. You dive around people in the halls who are moving slowly distracted by talking to their friends instead of hurrying to get home. You smile when you see Lucas walking up to your locker unlocking it for you.
“You ready to go?” You ask, grabbing your bag and shoving your notebooks into it.
“Yeah, are we waiting for Dustin and Mike?”
“No, Dustin’s getting a ride with Eddie and Mike told me he’s going home with Nancy again.” You both make your way down the hallway towards the entrance of the school. “How were basketball tryouts yesterday?”
“They were alright, I think I made the team but I won’t be sure until next week.”
“Well if you didn’t make the team they’re dumb. You’re a great player, I mean you always beat me when we play together.” You bump your shoulder into his own and he laughs at you.
“Yeah that’s because you suck at sports.” You send him a mock hurt face over the roof of your car.
“That’s the rudest thing anyone has ever said to me.” Lucas just rolls his eyes getting into the car and you shoot him a smile once you’re seated next to him. “Seriously though Lukey I’m sure you made the team you’ve been practicing since you found out about the team.”
“Stop using that nickname Y/n, I’m not a little kid anymore.” He groans out but turns to look out of the window so you can’t see the small smile on his face.
“I’ll never stop. Now let’s go get your sister and blow this popsicle stand.” With that you pull out of the parking spot and start over to the middle school.
You make it to work twenty minutes early but after getting home and changing your dad started going on about how you need to do stuff for college already and how Nancy already filled out college applications. All you wanted to do was scream about how that’s because Nancy knew what she wanted to do after high school and the only thing on your radar is moving out as soon as you graduate. You didn’t though, you had stopped responding to his tangents with anything other than ‘yeah I’ll get right on that dad’ since the first time you got held back in the eighth grade. 
You searched through the cassettes on sale deciding on the Eagles first album to get for Dustin before checking that you can clock in. You spend the first hour of your shift restocking the vinyls that are getting low. Once that’s finished you switch out the album that had finished playing over the store's speakers for a new one before moving behind the counter for the next six hours of your shift. After checking out the two people that were in the shop you pull out the book assigned for English to get the next chapter read for the day after tomorrow. You’re halfway through it when the bell above the door chimes once more and you glance up from it to find Eddie Munson himself entering the store. You giggle at his wide eyes from the sound of the new bell and his head snaps from where it’s tilted up to examine where the chime came from to where you’re sitting behind the counter. His mouth parts slightly as you give him a friendly smile before looking back down at the book and continuing reading.
Eddie stumbles a bit at seeing you here. He’s been buying albums from this store almost exclusively since it opened and he’s never seen you here. He never would’ve thought that the intriguing girl he just found out was Mike’s sister would be working at his favorite music store the night he came for a fucking Abba album. His eyes keep finding their way to your slouched over figure as he makes his way over to where he knows he’ll find their Super Trouper album. On his way to the counter he grabs a Megadeth album that he definitely already has to make this situation less weird.
“Did you find everything okay?” You ask putting in the bookmark and shutting the book before placing it off to the side.
“Yeah.” He so badly wants to say something else to you but his mind blanks as he hesitantly places the tapes on the counter.
“Do you wanna be my lab partner in Ms. O’Donnells class?” You blurt it out as you ring him up.
“We’re in the same science class and she said we’re picking lab partners tomorrow.”
“No, I know that. You want to be mine?”
“Well yeah. Why not? Unless you already have one of course. I just don’t really have anyone else I’d want to do it with.” Your voice softens near the end and Eddie can see a hint of loneliness flash across your face before you try to cover it up with a smile. He can tell that’s what it is based on your words, tone, and the fact that he’s felt the same way before. It’s not often people want to hang around the town freak.
“Nah I don’t have one yet. So if you’ll have me Y/n I’ll be your partner.”
“You know who I am?”
“Yeah, I noticed you sitting alone at lunch today and Mike and Dustin told me about you.” He rubs the back of his neck a little embarrassed to admit that he was watching you.
“Mike was talking about me? Willingly?” The disbelief is strong in your voice and it shocks Eddie because as soon as the two boys had started talking about you they couldn’t seem to stop.
“Why do you sound so shocked about that?” Eddie leans his elbows on the counter resting his weight on them.
“Oh, it’s just I don’t know, Mike never seems to be all that interested in being related to me I guess. It’s not that we have a bad relationship or anything, he just seems to want to be around Nancy more. Probably because they’re closer in age.” You add in the last part more to reassure yourself.
“Really? He seemed to have nothing but good things to say about you and I’ve never seen him talk about Nancy with the sort of excitement he had today. And Dustin seems to absolutely adore you.” You can feel yourself getting flustered at his words and his scrutinizing gaze.
“Oh I love Dustin, he’s my little Dustbunny.” You look away as you begin to bag up his items and he chuckles at the nickname.
“Oh shit, don’t tell him you know that. As much as Mike's friends enjoy my nicknames for them, they hate when I use them in public for everyone else to hear. You should see Lucas’s face when I use his, he’s slapped a hand over my mouth before.” You laugh just thinking about it and Eddie finds himself hoping to hear the sound again. “Their friend Will gets absolutely blushy when I say his a little too loudly.”
“Oh I definitely need to know what all of their nicknames are.” You shake your head and mimic zipping your mouth shut and throwing the key over the counter. “You can’t just tell me they hate them and not tell me!” Eddie complains before diving to act like he’s searching for the key and jumping up victoriously and acting out unlocking your mouth. “Please, you’re killing me here Y/n.” You ignore the feeling of his fingers on your lips as he unzips them and laugh as you knock his hand away.
“Fine I’ll tell you Will’s since he’s all the way in Cali and it’s unlikely you’ll meet him anytime soon.” You let out another round of giggles at how he perks up at hearing that. “I call him Yam Yam. It started as just calling him Will Yam since his full name is William but then I discovered how much fun it is to call out Yam Yam instead. Now that’s it, forget you heard his and Dustins, no one needs to know that you know alright?”
“I’m not promising anything.” He holds his hands up and shakes his head before pointing at you. “You shouldn’t have fallen into my trap and told me.”
“That’s not fair, how's anyone supposed to deny your big puppy dog eyes?” The bell above the door chimes again and you quiet down since someone else has entered the store. “How about this, you don’t bring up the nickname thing to them and I won’t tell everyone about how our resident metalhead is a secret Abba head?”
“Fine, you drive a hard bargain.”
“Your total is thirteen dollars by the way.” He places a ten and a five dollar bill on the counter while taking the bag from you.
“Keep the change.” He motions towards the tip jar next to the register. “I know all about your taped together car.”
“Get out of here I will not tolerate disrespect towards my sweet sweet car. I’ll see you tomorrow Eddie.” He laughs as you shoo him away and listens to you greet the next customer on his way out the door. He can’t seem to shake his smile the rest of the night.
The next day you’re a little shocked when Eddie takes a seat next to you in your shared third period English class. As he pulls out the chair next to you he also pulls your headphones down to rest on your neck. It causes you to immediately straighten up not sure who it was at first but relax when you see the brunette take a seat next to you.
“So, do I get a fun little nickname now that we’re friends?”
“Who said we’re friends now?”
“Uh, you did when you asked me to be your lab partner. You signed a contract and everything. Is that Motley Crue playing?” He takes the headphones you’ve placed on the table while you went to stop your walkman and places them on his head just before the music cuts off.
“I don’t remember signing any kind of contract, you'll have to talk to my lawyer. And then maybe we’ll see about that nickname you want.” You smile at him, taking the headphones back and turning to face the teacher as he starts to speak. Eddie’s attention stays on you for a little bit longer before pulling out his notebook and starting to doodle instead of paying attention.
At lunch Eddie spends the first half of it with his attention drifting from the guys over to where you’re sitting doing the same thing as yesterday. His legs bounces up and down as he fights the urge to get up and go bother you. In the end he loses the battle and pushes away from the table the screeching of the chair on the floor causing Dustin to stop mid sentence as the group watches him walk over to you.
“So, I’ve spoken to your lawyer, sadly the contract is binding and you’re stuck with me.” He says after knocking your headphones down over your face. You let out a fake sigh of disappointment as he sits next to you spreading out.
“I guess I am, you sure he couldn’t find some sort of loophole? He’s normally so good at that.”
“Nope. What are you working on?” He pulls your notebook to sit in front of him instead of you. “This doesn’t look like a list of nicknames for you to choose from.”
“It’s my psych notes. I gotta study now for the test tomorrow because I probably won’t have time tonight after work. Don’t worry though Eddie I had a nickname picked out for you from the very beginning.” You pull said notes back to you watching how his face lights up at your words. You can’t help but match his smile with one of your own.
“What is it?”
“You’ll find out when you’ll find out.” You shrug and look away from him back down at your notes.
“What kind of an answer is that?” You laugh as his arms flail around with his question.
“Looks like someones cozying up with Y/n.” Dustin teases Mike as they watch the two of you laugh together.
“Shut up Dustbunny.” Mike grumbles to his friend as he turns away and focuses on his food again in a mood over Eddie seeming to be into his sister.
“You’re not supposed to call me that Mikey Mouse.” Dustin kicks Mike under the table. “You gonna go all overprotective little brother mode on him?”
“Pft no why would I?”
“Because you do that. You don’t notice how you start acting towards people who seem to want to get close to her? You come off real standoffish and try to seem tougher like that’s possible.”
“I do not, just shut up Dustin.”
“Dustin! Are you coming or what?” You yell out seeing him across the parking lot at Eddie’s van. “We gotta pick up Erica!”
“I’m coming!” Once he’s in the car with you and Lucas you drive up next to Eddie and stop. “If you were coming here anyway, why'd you yell for me?”
“Because you should’ve already been in the car.” You lean over the middle console and Lucas to stick your head out the window. “Hey Eddie, you coming over to work on the project still?”
“Yeah, do you want me to follow you?” He leans down so your heads are closer together.
“No you can just head straight there since I gotta drop Dustin off first. You remember which house it is right? I know you’ve given Mike rides home after club meetings before.”
“Yeah, I remember where it is. So I’ll meet you there?”
“You guys done throwing goo goo eyes at each other over me?” Lucas complains and you give him a side eye.
“Shut up Lukey Poo-” You’re cut off as Lucas throws a hand over your mouth wide eyed and pulls you back in the car.
“Okay bye Eddie she’ll see you in like not even twenty minutes! Y/n go, drive, Erica’s gonna be all crabby if we’re late again.”
“We’ll just blame it on Dustin again. See you soon Eddie!” Eddie laughs as you peel out of the parking lot turning into the middle schools. He’s pretty sure he was about to find out your nickname for Lucas if the kid hadn't pulled you back into the car. His mission is to find out your nicknames for each of the freshmen at some point.
“See you tomorrow Dustbunny!” You yell getting the middle finger in response from where he is on his doorstep. You laugh as you watch him get inside before pulling away and heading home. As you drive up your street you spot Eddie getting out of his van and Lucas groans.
“Y/n please do not yell that goddamn nickname as I walk away. Not with Eddie right there.”
“No Y/n do it.”
“Erica shut up, you’re just lucky for not having one yet.” You laugh at the Sinclairs pulling into the spot in front of the house sitting between your house and their own. You weren’t planning to use it before but now you think you will just because he complained about it. You let the kids get out first, giving Lucas time to walk away and feel safe before getting out yourself.
“Hey Eddie.” You step out of your car and give him a wave. “Hold on just one minute. Bye Erica, bye Lukey Pookey, see you both tomorrow!” Eddie laughs as the younger kids groan is loud enough that it reaches his ears.
“Lukey Pookey?”
“I normally just use the first part but when he annoys me or I can tell he’s really upset I use the full nickname. Now c’mon you get to meet the parents on our way up to my room.” Eddie’s head swims with thoughts of being a disappointment to your parents and immediately not getting an approval from them. Meanwhile you’re getting ready for whatever it is your father might say to you in front of your new friend. He’s sitting in his normal chair when you enter and you give him a wave and a smile. Your mom isn’t anywhere to be seen but you’re sure she’s in the kitchen making dinner. “Hey dad, this is Eddie, we’re gonna go work on our science project.”
“Nice to see you actually put in the effort. Maybe you’ll actually graduate this year instead of failing again.” Your heart drops at the same time that your eye twitches and your smile falls for the fraction of a millisecond, both things that Eddie catches. He doesn’t even look up from his paper to greet Eddie as he speaks.
“Yeah, that’s the plan.” You grab Eddie's wrist and quickly make your escape from the living room and into the kitchen where your mom is getting ready to make dinner it seems. “Mom this is Eddie, we’re gonna be upstairs working on a science project if you need us.”
“Is he staying for dinner?” You look at Eddie expecting him to answer the question while your mom straightens up.
“Uh, no that’s fine Mrs. Wheeler, I don't want to be a bother.”
“You wouldn’t be a bother. I normally make more food than I should in case one of Mike's friends stops by out of the blue. Not that I would need to worry about not having enough, Y/n barely ever eats with us anymore so her portion goes uneaten.” You stop the eye roll that wants to happen at how she’s trying to guilt trip you again. It’s not your fault you have to work all the time in order to pay off your car when they just straight up bought Nancy one. And you wouldn’t need to save up to get a place of your own if your dad wasn’t awful to you.
“Eddie would love to stay for dinner mom. We should really start working on our project now though.” You pull Eddie away and up the stairs pausing in your journey only to wave to Mike who’s jaw drops at seeing Eddie trail behind you.
“So, they seem interesting.” Eddie says about your parents once your door is shut and you’ve collapsed face first onto your bed. You wish you could scream into your pillow right about now. 
“Yeah, interesting is definitely a word for them.” You roll onto your back and Eddie sits next to you.
“What did your dad mean about failing again? If you don’t mind me asking, that is.” 
“I’m two years older than Nancy. The first time I got held back and failed was in the eighth grade because I had a hard time getting myself to get out of bed most mornings so I just didn’t go to school. My mom helped me get through a lot that year actually. And then I failed sophomore year because I kept skipping in order to go to work to get my car. My dad refuses to let me live either of those times down, always bringing up how pretty perfect Nancy never had to get held back.”
“Well failing isn’t that bad, I mean look at me I’m going on try number three on senior year. Schools tough, especially when you’ve got other things distracting you from it. Besides, you're not gonna fail this year because everytime I see you, you're busy working on something for classes since all your free time is at the shop. So you’ll be off to college and out of here in no time.” You smile at his words and sit up to kiss his cheek.
“Thanks Eddie, I’ll make sure you graduate this year too.”
Dinner has an awkward vibe around it that night. Eddie sits next to you, the both of you across from Mike and Nancy, the two of them not seeming to know how to act with your guest around. Nancy keeps side eyeing him while Mike just stares into Eddie’s soul. Your parents both sit at the heads of the table silently eating until your dad clears his throat.
“You wouldn’t happen to be that Munson kid would you?” His words cause you to choke on your food and Eddie sends you a worried glance before looking at your dad.
“Yes sir, that's me.”
“Didn’t you flunk out of high school?”
“No sir, I just failed senior year twice because I was too focused on my club. I’m graduating this year though my friends are helping me stay on track.”
“Y/n are you sure this is the type of person you want to surround yourself with?” You nearly spit out your drink.
“I’ve heard some rumors about this kid and colleges aren’t going to want to accept you if you’re friends with freaks.’
“Ted!” Your mom exclaims while your siblings look at him wide eyes and mouths gaping. They haven’t seen the two of you in a fight in a while but Mike knows that this is definitely going to start one either between the two of you or with him and his dad.
“Eddie’s not a freak! I can’t believe you would call him that when Mikes into the same stuff that gets him called one. Eddie’s nothing but a sweetheart, you should see how he stands up for Mike and his friends and how at home they are with him. And who cares what colleges think of my friends, I don’t even think I’m going!” Your mom gasps along with Nancy. Mike is busy moving his eyes between you and your dad and Eddie places a calming hand on your knee. 
“Mrs. Wheeler, this meal is just delightful. I think it might be the best food I’ve had in a while.” Eddie says smiling towards your mom to try to break the tension a little bit. It’s not a lie either, with Wayne going to the plant early lately he’s mainly just been eating scraps.
“Oh! Thank you Eddie, feel free to come by for dinner whenever you like.”
“Sure thing!” With that everyone goes back to eating and Eddie leans over to whisper in your ear. “Next time, let’s do this at my place.”
“Yeah definitely.” You whisper back to him before focusing on your food hoping if you eat quickly enough you can escape with Eddie without another comment from your father.  
You walk Eddie to the door and wait until he gets into his van later wanting to kill time before having to go in and deal with the consequences of your words earlier. Hopefully you can avoid him altogether and go straight to your room but you can feel the storm brewing from outside. You just know he’s waiting inside getting ready for a screaming match. Something the two of you haven’t had since your second year as a sophomore and you started picking up every shift you could so as to avoid him as much as possible. 
“Y/n.” His stern yelling but not a yell voice reaches your ears as you start to walk past the living room making you wince before backtracking. 
“What?” You cross your arms standing in the entrance refusing to look away from him to glance at Mike and Nancy on the couch. You refuse to let him think he makes you even a little bit nervous by breaking eye contact first. 
“You really are stupid if you think we’re not talking about what you said at dinner.”
“I’m not stupid, I just don’t want to talk about it with you.” You grit your teeth feeling the anger boiling up inside you. 
“You’re going to college Y/n. You’re not going to be a burn out working at the music shop and living at home the rest of your life.”
“I won��t be. As soon as I graduate I’m gonna find my own place to live and you won’t have to worry about me anymore.” Mike’s eyes go wide at hearing this information, he didn’t know you were planning on moving out. Were you going to stay in town, or were you going to get the hell out of dodge? Was this year his last year to have a relationship with you before he only sees you on major holidays? Is he going to lose his big sister because his dad is that big of an asshole? He starts to get anxious at the thought and gets stuck in his head for a bit tuning out the fight in front of him.
“And I don’t want you hanging around that Munson kid anymore, he’s a bad influence on you. He’s probably the reason you think you don’t have to go to college.” You force out a fake laugh at his words and Mike’s attention goes back to the two of you.
“That’s rich, you never cared about who my friends were before so don’t try to care now. Why don’t you just open up and tell me exactly what you want to say about him.”
“No daughter of mine is going to be hanging around a known satanist!” You actually laugh at his words this time feigning wiping tears from your eyes.
“That’s funny, really it is. Because even if that were true, which it’s not, that means a satanist takes better care of your son than you do. And you should be embarrassed about that regardless of what religion Eddie may be. You’re supposed to be the protector aren’t you? So why is Eddie the one batting away the bullies and building up his self esteem and doing your job for you?”
“Get out! And don’t come back until you have a head back on your shoulders.” He points to the door and you put your hands up in surrender.
“What?” Nancy and Mike both look at each other in shock.
“Fine, I guess I won’t be coming back.” You turn on your heel and run to your room in order to pack up some clothes and buy you some time to figure out where you’re going to go. Worst case scenario you could see if Steve would let you crash at his place for a few nights. Sure the two of you aren’t the best of friends but you’re close enough after everything you’ve been through together to know that he probably wouldn’t say no. By the time you’re heading for the door you’ve decided on trying Eddie’s first, knowing where he lives because of seeing him here and there when you’ve gone to Max’s to pick her up.
“Hey, Y/n?” Mike stops you before you can leave. 
“What’s up Mikey Mouse?”
“Do you think you could drive me to school tomorrow?” Your heart swells at him wanting to spend time with you. 
“Of course I can bud.” You ruffle his hair. “Can you tell mom I love her when she gets home? I was hoping she’d be home before I left so I could say bye.” She had taken Holly out for ice cream after dinner and hasn’t gotten back yet. 
“How long do you think you’ll be gone?”
“I’ll be back when he stops being an ass. So probably in a couple days after mom reems him out and makes him apologize.”
“Where are you going to go?” He follows you out the door towards your car and you can’t help but smile at his worry.
“Don’t worry about me kid, I'll figure it out. I’ll see you tomorrow morning okay? We’re driving the Sinclairs and Dustin too.” You get in the car and start it before thinking about it and winding down your window to stick your head out to look at your brother. “I love you Mikey Mouse.” 
“I love you too Y/n/n.” You beam at him and drive off towards your destination.
“Y/n?” The sound of Max’s voice calling out to you causes you to spin around to face her trailer instead of Eddie’s. She’s crouched outside feeding her dog and straightens up as she realizes it really is you waving and walking towards her. She meets you halfway letting you give her a hug, something she hasn’t really been letting anyone do. “What are you doing here?”
“Pops kicked me out so I’m gonna see if I can crash at Eddie’s.”
“Do you wanna just crash here? My mom won’t mind, I think she’d even be excited that I had someone over.” You can hear the worry in her voice at the thought of you being kicked out.
“Nah, I’m good, Eddie and I gotta work more on this science project anyway.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah don’t worry Max and Cheese, if I can’t stay or I get uncomfortable at all I’ll come running right back over.”
“You better.” You nod at her letting go of her shoulders and heading back over to Eddie’s.
“Hey!” You yell out as she turns to head towards her door. “You want a ride to school tomorrow? I’m getting the others too. It can be like old times when I’d drive the clown car full of all of you down to the arcade.”
“Is there gonna be room in your car for that?”
“Even if there isn't, we'll make it work, we always have in the past.” There’s something on your face making her want to finally say yes to the question you’ve been asking her all year.
“Well then yeah sure. I’ll take a ride.”
“Great, see you tomorrow!” You’re smiling despite everything when you knock on Eddie’s door. Even if Max just has her headphones on and ignores everyone the whole way to school it’s still a win in your book.
“Y/n?” Eddie’s voice is full of shock as he opens the door to find you standing there with a duffel bag thrown over your shoulder. 
“Hey Eds, can I come in?” He holds open the door and steps to the side before smirking in your direction. Upon seeing him in his pajamas you worry that you may have caught him right as he was going to bed but then he probably wouldn’t have let you in so quickly.
“Eds? Is that the nickname you came up with? I thought you’d be more creative than that.”
“Oh don’t worry, you just have a couple of them.”
“What are you doing here Sweetheart? How did you even know where I lived?”
“Um well, funny story actually,” you offer up a sad chuckle, “my dad kinda kicked me out tonight. We really got into it after you left. I saw you over here when I helped Max and her mom move into the trailer across the street.”
“Do you want to talk about it?” He steps closer to you wanting to scratch the itch he has to pull you into his chest.
“Not really, I basically told him he should be embarrassed that you’re doing a better job raising Mike than he ever did and that seemed to be the thing that crossed the line. So that’s that. Do you think I could crash here for a night or two until my mom eventually figures out where I am and convinces me to come home?”
“Yeah of course. You can have the bed and I’ll sleep out here on the couch.”
“What? Eddie no I couldn’t take your bed. I’m the one intruding, I'll sleep on the couch.”
“Nope, can’t let you do that besides Wayne might get weird if he sees a pretty girl asleep on the couch when he gets home in the morning.” He gently grabs your wrist and pulls you through the little space there is to his room. “Sorry it’s a bit of a mess, can’t say I was expecting company.” He’s quick to kick the magazines laying on the floor under his bed while ducking down to grab the dirty clothes strewn across the floor to throw them in his hamper. He’s blushing up a storm as your eyes drag across the poster covered walls.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve seen messier. I mean I live with Mike. Is this a lion costume?” Your eyes snag on his open closet and you reach out to touch it. And here Eddie thought he couldn’t get any redder.
“Yeah, I was the cowardly lion in the school's production of The Wizard of Oz a year or two back.”
“Oh yeah, I remember going to see that. Corroded Coffin’s your band right?” Eddie watches as you step up to look at the ripped poster he and the guys had made before one of their first shows. 
“Yeah it’s just me and the older guys from Hellfire.” 
“Are you the reason Mike’s been eyeing up the guitar in the music shop lately? I think I’m gonna get it for him as a really early Christmas present when I get paid next.”
“He’s asked me a few times about playing and I told him I would teach him how to. He doesn’t even need to have his own guitar; he could use one of mine while he learns.” Speaking of guitars Eddie grabs the one he left on the bed before going to get the door and leans it in the corner of the room. “So the bathroom is right out there, hopefully you brought your own toothbrush because we don’t have extras just laying around.” Eddie walks to the door and points to the small room hoping it wouldn’t make you claustrophobic or anything. “Feel free to use the shower if you need to.” 
“Thanks again Eddie.” You stop to place a kiss on his cheek for the second time tonight on your way out. He stands there frozen for a hot minute before rushing around his room and cleaning up some more making sure he gets all the junk, like his notebooks and his copy of Lord of The Rings that he’s rereading again, that he normally just leaves on the side of the bed is put away.
You glance at the shower wondering if you should but decide against it since you did last night and you didn’t even think to bring shampoo or conditioner or anything. You had barely remembered your toothbrush and toothpaste. So you just brush your teeth and get dressed before sitting on the edge of the tub with your head in your hands. Sure you’ve been kicked out before, it’s how you know your mom will come looking for you, but something about this fight feels like your relationship with your father will forever be changed. You sigh and stand up ready to just pass out and leave the day behind you. You walk back into Eddie’s room to find him organizing his desk like a mad man. The room is a lot cleaner than it was when you first walked in.
“Did you do all this cleaning just for little old me?”
“Can’t have a princess sleeping in a pigsty.” He straightens up and smiles at you while you drop your bag onto the floor and sit on the bed. “I’ll leave you to it, come get me if you need anything.”
“Why don’t we just share the bed? It’s big enough and I promise I don’t snore.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course I’m sure it’s your bed anyway and I’m not gonna lie your couch doesn’t look too comfortable.”
“Okay fine, stop begging me to sleep with you, I’ll do it.” You laugh at his over exaggerating and he smiles in accomplishment at getting the dark cloud you came back into the room with to disappear. He turns off the lights before getting into the bed next to you making sure to leave you space instead of taking all of it up like he normally does. You take him by surprise though when you shimmy your way next to him.
“Sorry, I’m a cuddler. I can go back to where I was if you want.”
“No, you’re fine. I can be a cuddler.” With that he stretches his arm out so you can rest your head on his chest.
“Thank you for everything Angel Eyes.”
“Angel Eyes?”
“It’s your nickname, since your eyes are so pretty and you like Abba too.” Eddie never felt so grateful over the darkness as he is in this moment. He can feel how red his face is at your comment about his eyes and he’s nervous you can still tell and he’s glowing like a light bulb. He clears his throat before speaking.
“Pretty unoriginal to just steal the title of a song isn’t it. You should just come up with a new one.”
“Don’t worry Eddie Bear I still have a few different ones up my sleeve. Goodnight.” You place a kiss on his chest before nestling your head into it and closing your eyes.
“Goodnight Y/n.” Eddie beams up at the ceiling and wraps his arm a little bit tighter around you.
Eddie Taglist: @sadbitchfangirl​​ @notbeforelong​​​ @munsonswhore86​​​ @navs-bhat​​ @emotionaldreamer​​ ​ @fromasgardandback​​ @rockchickrebel​​ @yourdailymemedelivery​​ @magicalchocolatecheesecake​​ @watercolorskyy​​ @awesome-badass-cafeteria-sauce​​ ​​ @fangirling-4-ever​​  @gaysludge​​ @audhd-dragonaut​​ ​​ @eddiethesexy​ ​​ @mazerunnerrose​​ @tvserie-s-world​​ @redgetawaycar​ @eddies-lover​​ @alexis6699​
Everything Taglist: @bejeweledmastermind​ @matchamunson​ @bubsonnobx​ @practicalghost​ 
5K notes · View notes
jimraisedmeup · 5 months
TICK // 0.1 Eddie Munson
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: what did your parents think of you? did they worry what strangers on the street might perceive? did they wake in a cold sweat, unable to sleep over fears of their community whispering behind their backs? did bile rise in their throats as they smelled sweat, cigarettes, and fornication on their eldest daughter?
good. clutch those fucking pearls.
"that Buckley girl is going to hell, what a waste of life."
(While this prologue takes place in Season 4 of Stranger Things, the majority of TICK will be set in the years prior, cause I mean for the love of all that is holy, Eddie deserves a backstory)
Rating: Overall this is an explicit slow-ish burn, but each chapter will be labeled accordingly!
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Fem!OC (Robin's older sister)
A/N: I posted this a couple years ago on Wattpad, took it down because I was in a terrible place in my life. Of course, being the sadistic goblin that I am, here you go... that haunting year of my life actually spawned something beautiful. 21 chapters of TICK are already written out, ready to be revised & reborn. I am open to comments/suggestions/requests.
☾ TICK // 0.1 - prologue
Robin sighed, rubbing her left temple and looking around the video store.
"Guys… my sister might know where Eddie is hiding."
Dustin raised an eyebrow as Max scoffed, hand on her hip.
"Since when do you have a sister?"
Exasperatedly, Robin grabbed one of the phones and handed it to Max. "Since forever,” the brunette explained with a grimace. “She graduated last year. But she won't help us if I call her. One of you better do it. She isn't… she's a very private person."
Drumming his fingers on the countertop, Dustin pressed Robin. "And why exactly do you think your sister knows where Eddie is?"
“Umm…” Robin’s voice reduced to a mumble as she coughed out the last bit: “he's her... ex… boyfriend?” 
Two pairs of young, wide eyes stared at her. “What?”
"They kinda used to date, or whatever. A couple years ago."
Max snatched the phone from her, annoyed with the wasted time. "Just give me her number. I doubt she's that bad, if she fell from the same tree as you."
Frantic, Robin's hands were in the air. "That's the thing! I swear she was actually raised by wolves or something." 
"Just dial, Robin!"
The phone rang three times as Robin and Dustin stared at Max in anticipation.
"Hi, is this… uh… Ms. Buckley?"
You hesitated, suddenly feeling feral and defensive, as an instant layer of sweat formed on your palm that was holding the phone.  
"Might be. This better be a damn good reason to bother me in the middle of a perfectly good Saturday."
Max felt a little intimidated by the tone in your voice. "Well, I was wondering if you had seen or heard from Eddie Munson recently?"
On the other end of the line, you snorted rudely at Max's question.
"Why? Does he want his virginity back?"
TAGLIST for this series if you would like to be notified when I post new chapters!
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xmasterofmunsonx · 3 months
Got Your Number
Summary: You’re Steve Harrington’s older sister and after a rough and tumultuous breakup, you’re back in Hawkins, Indiana. 🌶️
Pairing: Harrington!reader x Eddie Munson
Author’s notes: hi hello!!! long time no update. been sitting on the first half of this for months and wrote the second half over the last two days. I love this story and honestly at this point I’m writing it for myself and everyone else enjoying it is just a plus. If you’re still hanging in there with me, thanks 🩷
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI!!), language, drinking, weed, mentions of past abusive relationship, body image issues, shitty parent relationship, smut
Word count: 8K
Two weeks had gone by in a flash while working full time at your dads office. It really wasn’t all that bad, and everyone that worked there had either known you your whole life, or they knew your dad well enough to not give you a hard time- whether it’s because they figured he gave you a hard enough time anyway, or they were afraid of him, you weren’t too sure.
Eddie and the guys seemed to have moved on from the record deal and decided to not sign it, and you were thankful because you were afraid they’d be making a huge mistake in doing so, but you didn’t miss the lack of spark that your boyfriend had shown the last two weeks- he’d canceled Hellfire one night, and was threatening to cancel it now at 4 pm, a few hours before it was supposed to start.
“C’mon, what else are you going to do?” You asked him, the work phone between your shoulder and ear as you were busy with some paperwork.
“Practice, and maybe practice some more. We’re having a really hard time nailing down Maiden’s ‘Wasted Years’ for our show.” You heard him sigh, and tapping his fingers on something at his work through the other end of the phone line.
“Babe, the song just came out a little while ago. I don’t think anyone expects perfection, and you don’t have to play it until you’re ready to.”
He was quiet for a moment before speaking, “I just can’t stop thinking about what if another scout is out there at the next show and we don’t blow them away? We could’ve just missed our chance to make it big.”
“Eddie, you didn’t. I promise.” You twirled the phone cord, “Steve said Dustin is driving him insane because he’s been bugging him since all you’ve been doing is practicing with the band or seeing me- you need to spend some time with them.”
“I don’t need the guilt from you too.” He said quickly.
“I’m not guilting you- I’m just trying to help you keep things normal as you… your brain adjusts to the meds.” Eddie had taken the doctors orders and actually complied with taking the medication he needed for two weeks straight. The first week was the worst- the mood swings were a little more unpredictable, and the anxiety was heightened but you could tell he was starting to level out a little now by the end of the second week. He was even getting better sleep already, and he hadn’t woken up from a nightmare since the third night.
“I’m doing better already. Do you want me to take you on a date or something instead?”
“Eddie, why don’t you want to have Hellfire tonight? You do every single Friday night.”
“I just… I don’t wanna feel different for that. I don’t wanna lose my spunk with it.”
“Do you really feel like you’ve lost it in other ways?” This was the first he’d mentioned any of this, and you really wish you weren’t having this conversation over the phone, but you knew it was probably easier for him to tell you these things without being face to face.
“I mean, kinda, I can’t get the riffs right on that goddamn song to save my life.”
You laughed, “Eddie. That song is a completely different sound from almost any other Maiden song, I heard you playing it the other morning before I walked out of your bedroom. You’ve got it. If anything, I think you’re focusing and you’re trying harder than you ever have before. Plus, this is Hellfire we’re talking about here- you are the most dramatic person I know, including right now, you could never lose your flair for dramatics. Do you want me to DM tonight, or something? I can pull out one of my old campaigns if you haven’t already stolen them all.”
“Would you?” He sounded sheepish as he asked the question.
“I may need some assistance in refreshing on actually how to properly be a dungeon master but I think I can swing that for once. If everyone’s okay with it.” You scribbled down some ideas you’d had as you listened to Eddie go on about how the guys usually played out the campaigns and you knew exactly which one you wanted to try out on them tonight.
“Never thought a Harrington would grace the table of Hellfire Club. Welcome.” Dustin spoke to you as you sipped on a glass of whiskey over ice.
“Henderson, who do you think Eddie got some of those twisted campaign ideas from? His little pea brain?” Gareth quipped at Dustin immediately.
“Hey!” Eddie said from the corner of the room, as you blew a kiss at him.
“I told you, we started Hellfire together back in middle school. Were you even born then?”
“What?! I’m not that young.” He shrugged.
You rolled your eyes, “Good luck. You’re gonna need it.”
“She’s not joking.” Gareth nudged Dustin- who’d looked all too confident when he learned you’d be the dungeon master tonight. “I almost cried once.”
You had to turn away to keep from laughing and avoid spitting out the alcohol in your mouth. You were feeling warmed up, but nervous as you waited for everyone to get to Eddie’s music store where he hosted the games in the back room. You loved the cozy feeling of it versus using a room at your school that you had to beg and plead for, and Eddie had told you it had been a fight to keep it going during high school without you being in the club to be the representative for it. He claimed they would’ve let you have any room in the schpracticeool if you asked for it, while they were begrudgingly given the drama room and even then sometimes they had to move a campaign night because of play practice running over. The back room was decked out with band posters, show flyers- new and old, and some odds and ends mounted on the wall.
“Ready, my love?” Your heart swooned at Eddie who’d also been sipping whiskey all night, his ringed hand was clutching a glass similar to yours, except his was a little more empty than yours. You loved how into character he always got, and you felt butterflies as he wrapped his other arm around your waist and kissed your temple. “Thanks for being willing to step up tonight.”
“I can’t say that it’ll happen often, but you owe me big time, Munson.” You locked eyes with his crazy wide brown ones.
“Oh believe me, I know how I’m paying you back tonight.”
“Then you better stop drinking now before you get whiskey dick, babe.” You whispered in his ear, and kissed his earlobe, your teeth lightly biting it- thankful his curtain of hair could hide your actions. Okay, maybe you were two glasses of whiskey deep now. But you didn’t have the energy you used to and you needed everything you could to pull tonight off.
Everyone had taken a seat at the table, Eddie had lent you his seat at the head of the table, and he scooted a chair up beside yours to help you if you needed it. You were excited, nervous, but mostly you were just happy that Eddie had decided to not cancel tonight. You could tell that he was really in his element here, and this normalcy was what he really needed.
“Alright everyone. Get nice and cozy, because we’re gonna be here all night long.” You sat down and rifled through your notes, smiling at a few of the add ons Eddie had scribbled down, god only knows when, as you started the campaign. You took a sip of your half refilled glass, then cleared your throat and started speaking. “Tonight, we’re in the kingdom of Evercrest.” You heard Gareth groan across the table and you shot him a look, he knew that you had many campaigns written for this kingdom. You remember that some of these used to take two or three sessions to finish, but they were some of your best work, honestly.
“Never heard of that one.” Mike quipped as he crunched on a Pringle.
“Shush.” Eddie snapped beside you, and you held back some giggles.
“Tonight we’ll be playing the Shadows of Evercrest. One of the darkest and most mysterious kingdoms of all- it’s a kingdom on the brink of being completely engulfed by darkness brought on by dark magic and ancient curses. Most recently, there have been many disappearances in the kingdom. Each disappearance has brought the kingdom closer and closer to being overthrown.”
Everyone was dead silent as they looked at you in shock as you felt yourself returning back to your old ways of being a dungeon master. You had the entire attention of the whole table, and you started to get sweaty hands. Eddie placed a gentle hand on your leg and squeezed it, you looked at him- his eyes were full of admiration as he encouraged you to continue on.
An hour into gameplay, you had another drink and you were feeling bold enough to reveal the first twist of the night.
“Elara’s influence in the kingdom is growing stronger, but how? When you’ve all been so successful so far.” You sipped and placed your glass down to your left. “There is a traitor among the allies.” Gasps were heard from all around.
“No! Absolutely not!” Dustin exclaimed, slamming his fist down, “that’s-”
“That’s how it goes, my friend. Elara has enchanted an ally, with her dark magic.” You waved your hand over them as if you were a witch yourself, pretending to cast a spell over them. “The illness that swept over Evercrest took her sister, and now she has plagued the kingdom with these disappearances seeking revenge in the name of her sister. The ally has been enchanted by her.” You kept on, “Will you confront your former ally and try to redeem them, or will you cut ties and focus on stopping Elara’s plans?” You sat back in the chair and watched as the group was talking amongst themselves and deciding what to do.
“Can we break?” Will asked as he raised his hand, almost afraid of what you were going to say.
“Absolutely.” Eddie answered for you, grabbing your notebook from the table so no one could peek, then clutching your hand and dragging you out the side exit door of the breakroom into the dark alleyway. “You. Have. No. Idea. What. You’re. Doing. To. Me.” He pinned you against the brick wall kissing your neck between words, the coldness was a harsh contrast to the warmth from his mouth. “Fuck, you’re such a goddamn nerd too, driving me crazy when you’re like this.” He nipped at your neck and worked his free hand over your body as you bit back moans.
“Never knew I did this to you, Eddie.” You chuckled as you entwined a hand of yours into his curls, letting him continue to scatter kisses over your exposed neck and chest. “Don’t leave a mark, they’ll know.”
“As if my raging boner isn’t enough of a hint, fuck.” He was out of breath as he pressed his forehead against yours. “That, t-that’s my girl back there. Not that bullshit cheerleader who was a fucking bully in high school.” You kissed him on the lips and he pulled you close by your neck. “I don’t wanna go back in there, ‘wanna take you right here.” His hand slid down to your lower back, then to your ass where he squeezed it and pulled it to meet his groin where he was very obviously hard.
“Eddie, we can’t. I promise as soon as we get back to your place we can, we’ve still got another few hours left.”
He quickly shook his head as he smothered you with more kisses, “can’t wait that long.”
“You’re gonna have to.” You pushed him off of you gently, grabbed the book from him and opened the door, walking back into the room, grabbing water and sitting back down in your chair. The rest of the room were gathered in separate groups, probably discussing game plans, and your absence didn’t seem to have been a problem for anyone to bring up thankfully. A few minutes later, a more calm (and obviously now high) Eddie returned to his seat beside you and winked at you, giving you a sinking feeling in your stomach that felt like butterflies mixed with a bit more of a tornado feeling.
“Alright, everyone ready to keep on?” You interrupted their quiet discussions.
“Question is, can you two kids keep it in your pants till we’re through?” Dustin joked as he sat down.
“Ask her, she’s the one who-” you lightly slapped Eddie on the chest to shut him up.
“Excuse you.” You fussed at him and everyone groaned. “It was all him, I swear.”
They all settled down and got ready, and the next two hours flew by. Finally you were getting to the end, and you were really proud of how everyone had handled your twists and turns to the campaign. You stood up to announce the next twist, “As you’ve now successfully uncovered all of Elara’s tragic past, you’ve all ended your quest at her lair, of all places. Hundreds of undead minions are waiting for you to cross her. Will you turn around now, after all of this? Or will you fight?”
“We’re going to fight.” Dustin answered for the group.
“Your death.” Erica chimed in and you held in a little laugh.
You went to sit back down, only to be met with the lap of your boyfriend instead of the chair, and he wrapped his arms around your waist. No one let out a groan of grossness at this show of affection, so you leaned into it.
The game continued, “Elara summons even more undead creatures to attack you in her lair.” Everyone fought on, played their hardest that they could to defeat Elara, and you could feel Eddie beaming proudly behind you. “In a moment of redemption, Elara hesitates, a flicker of doubt crossing her face as she gazes upon those who have fought so bravely to stop her. In a final act of sacrifice, she uses her remaining power to banish the darkness that has consumed her and restore peace to the kingdom, her spirit finally finding peace as she fades into the shadows. Thanks to all of you heroes for bravely planning along tonight, and saving the kingdom from an eternity of darkness.” You raised your last sip of your glass at everyone as they cheered triumphantly at their win, and you felt Eddie place a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You could feel his hips slowly moving underneath your ass as you wrapped an arm around his shoulder and sat sideways. “Munson, calm down.”
“Can’t, gotta get some relief. I had to use you to hide it.” He pulled you in for a kiss and you heard a few of the younger “kids” groan out their ewws at your sign of affection, to which you both held up your middle fingers as you continued to kiss each other.
“Alright, we’ll meet again next week.” Eddie pulled back from the kiss abruptly, and loudly announced to the group. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “I forgot to close out a few things for the store tonight because I was too excited about having a guest DM so we’ve gotta stay back and do that anyway. You all can go.” He pushed you off of his lap, quickly, and everyone left the room in groups or pairs, the same ones they arrived in. You were browsing the dark music store that only had a few neon lights and lamps on as everyone seemed to have disappeared.
“Could you have been any more obvious, Munson?” You asked as you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind.
“I reaaaaally don’t give a fuck what they know, or think.” He pushed your hair to the side and started kissing behind your ear and you leaned back into him. His hot breath tickled and you shivered, “I also reaaaaally don’t think I can wait till we get home.” His hand was traveling down your stomach and you felt his fingers playing with the hem of your mini skirt. You didn’t stop him as he danced it up higher on your thighs, your body weight leaning more and more into his chest. Your arms were hanging onto his neck as your skirt was now bunched up at your waist, and he was playing with the waistband of your panties.
“Here? S’dark in here but what if someone sees?”
“Don’t give a damn baby, it’s my store, my rules. Now bend over.” He smirked into your neck and pulled your ass against his hard dick, you could feel how thick he was through his jeans already. One of his hands was pulling your lace panties to the side, while his other was skillfully undoing his belt buckle. “You wore these tonight, were you expecting something?”
Honestly, you weren’t. You just hadn’t done laundry to have any other of your more normal underwear clean. “No, promise.”
His hand grabbed at your bare ass cheek and he pulled back and slapped it, “anyone could’ve seen these, you know that, right?” You smirked at his possessiveness, it felt different than when your ex had been possessive. You knew Eddie was proud of you, and you also knew how talkative he was when he was this turned on, so you just let him keep going. You nodded to go along and felt his fingers tease your entrance. “Oh fuck, you’re so wet. I’m surprised you didn’t leave a mark on my jeans.” He lazily rubbed his fingers between the lips of your pussy, and you arched your back to beg for more than what he was giving you, pressing your hands into the wooden record display for support.
“Fuck, stop teasing me.” You looked back and saw him smirking, as he unzipped his jeans and let them slide down his thighs. He started lazily stroking up and down his dick, matching the pace of his slow fingers that were touching you earlier.
“You should know all about teasing, shouldn’t you? Grinding your ass on me, leaning over that fucking table tonight so I could just almost see what I wanted. Wanted to shove that skirt up and lick you clean tonight.” He stroked himself quicker and quicker, “You ready for me, babe?” He asked as he teased your entrance with his hard length, and you whimpered as he teased you with an inch or so, then pulled back out. He kept on a few times until you’d had enough and you thrust your hips back to take his whole length, making him grab onto your hips. “Fuck yeah,” Eddie grunted as he fucked into you and steadied your hips. The store was quiet except the low humming of the neon lights, and your quiet, low moans.
He pulled your hair in a makeshift ponytail with his hands and yanked your head up to his. “You drive me crazy, baby, do you know that? Can’t believe you’re mine after all these years.” He was relentless as he pounded into you, a skilled hand snaking around your front and circling your clit to bring you to your height of pleasure.
You felt yourself clenching around him as he kept a steady pace, and you came quickly before he followed suit, and allowing himself to collapse onto you.
“Goddamn, I can’t last more than a few minutes with you ever, can I?” You could feel his cheeks warm against your back as he chuckled and twitched inside.
“It’s fine, really. You’ve made up for it plenty of other times.” He let out a sharp sigh as he pulled out of you, and helped you fix your outfit and then his own. You both were smirking at each other as you wandered around the store.
“Ready to go?” He asked as he swung the keys around his pointer finger.
“I thought you had to- you’re such a bullshitter, Munson.” You realized he’d lied to everyone about needing to do something at the shop to get everyone to leave earlier.
“Maybe so, Harrington, maybe so.” He opened the door for you and you followed out after he finished locking the doors to the music store.
“They trust you with this?” You eyed your brother as you helped him scoot the grill out onto the patio around the pool.
“Mom and dad barely use it, so I taught myself how to a while ago.”
“Shocked that you haven’t burned the house down yet.” You muttered to him and he rolled his eyes back in return. It was an oddly warm fall Sunday, so you (Steve) had decided to have everyone over for a pool party, which you were sure would turn into a night party too. Absent parents were a plus sometimes, and you had Monday off of work because your dad had decided to close for the day.
You were both busy setting up the food and drinks in the kitchen when someone rang the doorbell, so you jogged to the front door to let them in.
In a line, all of the “kids” walked in, Dustin being last and giving you a high five as if you were Steve. You could tell they felt comfortable here as they piled in and made themselves comfortable before heading out back.
“We just… let them party?” You asked, coming around the kitchen corner to your brother.
“Nah, maybe a beer or two but they know the rules. I’m still the babysitter a little bit. Where’s Eddie?”
You shrugged, he was supposed to be here early to help you two get ready but he was either early, or late- never on time, but it was unusual that you hadn’t heard from him. “Must be running late.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at you as he sliced tomatoes. “What?” He asked as you eyed him.
“Just, not like him, that’s all.” You watched as he arranged the tomatoes and lettuce on a plate for burgers. “Alright, what do you know? You’ve never been so precise about where toppings for a burger go on a plate. I really don’t see anyone who’s coming even putting a vegetable on their burger.” You crossed your arms and leaned your hip against the counter.
“Nothing.” He moved on to cutting up an onion, and you snatched the knife from his hand.
“Steve.” He said your name back to you in the same sassy tone. “What do you know?”
He sighed, “He didn’t wanna come because it’s a pool party, and he’s nervous about everyone seeing his scars. So he said he was gonna say something came up with the store so he didn’t have to come, then come later tonight.”
You frowned, you felt bad for Eddie because he was so sensitive about his appearance. Everyone knew what they were from, but you guessed that no one had seen him since the wounds had healed, he didn’t strike you as the shirtless guy at a pool type even before, but especially now.
“I’m gonna go call him really quick, can you handle everything for a minute?” You asked Steve as you handed him his knife back, and he seemed to be finishing up any prep work that needed to be done.
The phone line rang three times as you sat on your bed waiting for someone to pick up.
“Hello?” It was Wayne, which took you by surprise.
“Hey uncle Wayne, it’s me. Is Eddie there?”
“Yeah, he’s practicin’ right now. Want me to get him for you?”
“Please.” You chewed on your lip, debating telling him it’s an emergency to hopefully have a better chance at getting him on the phone but you didn’t want to add to any anxiety he already has. You heard multiple footsteps before you heard the phone cord clinking against the plastic phone.
“Hey baby.” He sounded sweet and… oblivious?
“Hey, are you coming over? Steve’s about to get the grill going I think, and I’m kinda worried that he’s going to set something on fire, or give us all food poisoning.”
“I’m uh, I’m gonna come over later. Still practicing some today, and not really feeling like I wanna swim. Wayne’s home too and-”
“Steve told me you’re worried about everyone seeing your scars.” You blurted it out, immediately regretting it.
“I-I… yeah.” He sighed. You couldn’t see him, but you were willing to bet he was running his hand over his face and through his hair right now. “I know everyone’s got them, and they saw me all fucked up but, you know how I am.”
“Eddie, they’re your friends. And you don’t have to even swim, just come hang out with everybody. No ones gonna pressure you to swim.” You paced your room and looked out the back window of your room that overlooked the pool. Robin had arrived and was wearing a button up top, unbuttoned over her swimsuit. Steve was of course shirtless already with his swim trunks on, and all the younger kids were in the pool swimming. Nancy was in a cute striped one piece, and Jonathan had on shorts and a t-shirt. “Not everyone is swimming, and no ones gonna care if you don’t.”
“You really don’t think they’ll care?”
“No, Eddie. Come on over.”
He sighed, “Alright, give me a few minutes and I’ll leave. If I get pushed in, I’m blaming you.”
“Okay, you can fully blame me if someone else pushes you into the pool.” You laughed at him.
“Don’t wanna mess this hair up either, I’m actually having a really good hair day today.”
You giggled again at the thought of his mop of a mane getting wet from the pool, “I’m sure you are, every day is a good hair day for you.”
“Alright, Harrington.” He said, emphasizing the “hair”, “I’ll see you soon.” You hung up and ran down the stairs, and headed straight for the backyard.
“He’s coming but he’s not gonna swim, and please don’t push him in.” You said to your brother as he was crouched down getting the grill going, or at least attempting to.
“Thank god because I have no idea how to start this stupid thing.” He stood up and you were seeing his scars for the first time, too. The one on his face was obviously there and you were used to it, but it was so much smaller. You guys had been night swimming a few times since you had been home, but you hadn’t paid much attention or seen them like you could right now. He had one on the left of his abdomen that still looked pretty gnarly.
“I didn't realize how bad-”
“Yeah, it’s pretty bad, I know. Well, it was. I think just pretending they’re not there is the only way I can act like things are back to normal now.” He spoke softly as he pushed his sunglasses back up on his nose. “Gonna go grab a drink, you want one?”
“Just a water is fine for now.” You said as he walked away, the scars on his back just as pink as the ones on his front. You found Robin settled in on a pool chair and sat at the foot of her chair. She had already found a beer and was watching the kids play a game of chicken. Max and Lucas were very clearly about to win against Mike and Will.
“Your lover not gonna make it?”
“He’s on his way, he was a little hesitant to come over to swim.” You said, and Robin nodded, thankfully understanding what you were meaning without saying anything.
“I think he has the hardest time with it all because he thinks he should’ve died.” She said very bluntly, sitting back in the lounger. Steve walked over and tossed you a water, then returned back to the grill. “Like, he actually did. And the scars are just another reminder- as if any of us need one, and I don’t think he wants to be a burden and make anyone remember it anymore than we already do, you know?” You nodded, realizing again how little you had understood about what everyone had been through while you were gone, despite hearing so much about it all from them. “He had it the worst of us, but you know that. Steve was pretty fucked up too. He waited until Eddie was even somewhat stable before he got himself looked at, they could have patched him up way better but he wouldn’t leave his side.”
“Oh yeah. Days. He spent days after we’d all been evaluated, cleaned up, stitches or whatever we needed before he said that he needed any medical attention other than what we could see on his face. Nancy finally told him he smelled like blood and sweat and needed to go before he ended up with an infection. I'm still not convinced he didn’t get rabies from those bats... She had to pry him away from Eddie’s bedside. Steve said he felt responsible for him dying, because Eddie sacrificed himself to save him for you.” She was staring out at the pool still, talking about all of this as if it were some lighthearted conversation, and you were left speechless. “When the doctors got their hands on Steve they couldn’t believe how much pain he was in for that many days and didn’t even flinch because he was so good at hiding it, but when they asked him to lie back on the hospital bed to get looked at, he was crying in pain. It was pitiful.”
You still didn’t know what to say as you fumbled with your water bottle. “I hate that I wasn’t here.”
“No, don’t say that. I mean, I hate that you were where you were, but you didn’t want to be here. In Hawkins, or the upside down.”
“I just wish I could’ve been there for them more. Anyone. You guys are so close and I feel like I’m just invading on this, and adding more to it all.”
“No, you’re good for everyone. You being back has helped Steve, and obviously Eddie too. That idiot is crazy about you. When he woke up and found out what had happened to the town, the first thing he asked about was some book in his trailer that none of us knew what he was talking about until Wayne got there after Steve called him to tell him his vitals were improving drastically.”
“What book was it?” You asked, not sure what he could’ve been talking about.
“We all thought he meant his copy of The Hobbit but he was talking about some dungeons and dragons notebook.” Your heart stopped as Robin rambled on longer, for minutes before you realized you weren’t listening at all.
You two settled into a normal conversation, but you kept thinking about the notebook that Eddie was worried in the back of your head until he arrived, he made a quiet entrance versus his usual display of dramatics. He was dressed in a ripped up, sleeveless Slayer tshirt and a very holey pair of black jeans, and a pair of black converse that you rarely saw him in. His hair was tied back loosely and he had a black bandana around his head too. You stopped mid sentence with Robin as you watched him gravitate towards Steve as if he automatically knew he needed help.
“Man, you’ve got it bad for Munson, don’t you?”
“Shut it, Robin.” You slapped her ankle playfully and she laughed at you.
“Have you guys said the l word yet?”
You looked at him again before looking over to her, “No, it hasn’t been that long yet.” You knew Robin was such a romantic at heart- she thought your story of two best friends torn apart, then reunited as “lovers” was the best plot for a romantic story.
“Hasn’t been that long?! You guys were friends for how long before this? And you both knew you had something for each other this whole time?! Come on!” She threw her hands up in the air. “Just say it and see what he says.”
Except, you knew how Eddie felt about the word. There were some things some people- most people actually, didn’t know about his life before he was living with Wayne full time. The only time he heard the word love and it actually meant something was his mom, and he didn’t hear it but a few times from her. And if his dad ever said it, it was when he was quite literally beating love into him. It was a subject you weren’t really ready to introduce into your relationship yet, and you didn’t want to be the one to push it on him either. You were following the cracks of the concrete around the pool until a pair of unlaced shoes caught your attention.
Eddie squatted down to your level of the pool chair and lifted your chin up with his two fingers before placing the most gentle kiss on your lips. “Hi.” He said, his cheeks rosy, and his eyes were a little bit bloodshot to match.
“Hi.” You giggled back, “You okay?”
“Smoked on the way over here, never been better.”
“I’ll leave you two alone, have at it.” Robin got up, abandoning her chair. Eddie replaced her at the top of the chair and motioned for you to scoot up between his legs. You settled with your back on his chest, as his arms wrapped around your body.
“Glad you decided to come. I missed you.” You said as you traced the faint scars on his forearms that were showing.
“Just saw me last night at the show, Harrington. But thanks for making me come here, I think it’ll be good.”
“I didn’t make you come here,” you defended, “I was just trying to get you out of the house and that head of yours for a bit.”
“I know.” He kissed the side of your head, “and I’m thanking you for it.” You’d half expected him to retort back with some type of a half argument comment like he was actually trying to say that you did force him to come here, but you could tell he genuinely was glad to be there. You snuggled in closer to him.
“I think your meds are working, you normally would have said something a little smarter than that back to me.” You said out loud.
“Yeah, I feel less on edge all the time now. ‘S kinda nice.” He hummed.
“Should you be smoking weed while you’re taking it?” You feel him shrug against you. “Guess we’ll find out.”
“Guess we will.” He said.
“I need to run upstairs and change, keep an eye on Steve to make sure he doesn’t burn anything, please.”
“You sure you don’t need any assistance?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you rolled your eyes as you made your way back inside to change into your swimsuit.
The first one you grabbed was an older black one that was a two piece bikini, you were a bit less curvy back in high school but you figured it would still fit. You slipped the bottoms and the top on and stared at yourself in the mirror. Your shape had changed so much, not necessarily for the worse by any matter, but you could hear the comments from your mom or Charlie in your head as you took yourself in from every angle in the mirror.
A soft knock rapped on the door, then it slowly opened and you weren’t one bit surprised to see Eddie there. His jaw was slack as he stuttered out a compliment. “Y-you look great.”
You blushed and tucked your arms in front of your tummy, attempting to hide your few pounds, suddenly feeling ashamed.
“I mean it. You look healthy. I know what you’re thinking. I haven’t forgotten what your mom used to say to you. I haven’t either.” He closed the door quietly behind him, then walked over towards you.
“How come I have to be the one confident about my body, but you get to hide yours?” You asked him as he enveloped you in a warm hug and rubbed your soft back.
“That’s a conversation I’m willing to have another day, sweetheart. You don’t have to swim either.”
“But I want to. All I have are bikinis though.”
“And you look fine in it.” He hugged you tighter, but then his arms dropped, “what’s that?”
“What’s what?” You pulled back to look at him and he was focused on your closet. “Oh, that’s just some old high school crap. C’mon, let’s go down to the pool so they don’t think we’re up to something.”
Eddie shook his head as he made his way over to your closet. He didn’t have to stand on his tiptoes to grab the shoebox from the top shelf of your closet. “I know exactly what this is.” He made himself comfortable on the floor of your room, and opened the lid. The laugh that escaped his lips almost sounded like a bit of a cry as he started to pick through the papers and pictures.
“C’mon, Eddie. I’m not in the mood for reliving the past right now.”
“Oh I am. Look at how cute we were.” He showed you a photo of the two of you, and some of your old friends from middle school. “God, I was such a nerd.”
“Was?” You asked as you sat down beside him and watched him carefully dig through your possessions. You watched as he pulled out each picture, most of them had a tiny hole in the corner from a push pin where they’d been displayed in your room. “Had to take all these down in 9th grade when I had my first sleepover with Grace. I didn’t want her to make fun of me. I don't think I’ve looked at any of them since.”
Your slightly shaky hand started to sift through the box too, finding a picture from your birthday party in 8th grade- the year your parents had the pool put in. Eddie was beside you, his arm loosely around your shoulder, and you were both grinning from ear to ear, everyone else at the party had smiles too, but none as bright as the two of yours. There was a picture stuck to the back of that one, and it was of you blowing out your birthday candles. Eddie was staring- yes, staring at you with nothing but admiration in his eyes. You realized then that Robin really was right about the two of you. Eddie had found a letter that you both would pass back and forth between classes and was smiling behind his hand as he read it, his eyes seemed to be shrink wrapped with tears ready to fall.
“Man, we were fucking clueless, weren’t we?” He said out loud.
You took a deep breath, “clueless to what?”
“Each other. I’m pretty sure I was in love with you back then.” He continued on, not realizing what he’d said.
“Back then?” You asked, picking at the corner of the picture in your hands.
“Yeah, back then. Look at this,” he pointed to a part of the letter and read it aloud to you as you giggled along. You didn’t want to ruin the moment so you went along with him as you continued pulling out old pictures and letters, some DnD notes, and random little trinkets.
Your heart was aching to say something to him but you didn’t want to press it, so you abruptly stood up and grabbed the box from him, putting the lid back in it.
“That’s enough for right now.” You stood on your tippy toes to place the box back in the top of your closet, where dust had settled around the edges of it for sitting in the same spot for so long.
“I can’t believe you kept all those. Even after the years you were so mean to me.” Eddie came up behind you and took the box from your hands and effortlessly returned it to its place.
“You know me, I keep everything.” You were a little nervous now, not sure where the conversation was going.
“What about pictures of him?” Eddie asked, his voice laced with disgust.
“Eddie, come on. You really think I’d keep any of him? I threw all the ones I had out in Chicago, and Steve got all of the ones out of the house before I made it home.”
“I’m shocked he didn’t make you burn your pictures with me.” He scoffed, pacing around your room.
“He didn’t know I had those.” You watched him scratch at his neck as he kept pacing. “Hey, Eddie?”
“While we’re on the subject of keeping things… Robin told me that my DnD notebook was one of the first things you asked about after you woke up.”
“Yeah, I was worried that you would kill me if we ever talked again and I’d lost it.”
“Lost it? Eddie, I didn’t even know that thing still existed until you showed it to me.”
“Well. It’s the one thing that I had of you, of yours that was still… you. You know? You just switched in freshman year to this completely different girl desperate to fit in. I tried calling you, but your mom always made up whatever excuse you told her. Cheerleading practice, or at Grace’s house, or whatever it was. Finally I just gave up after you started looking at me with disgust at school if we saw each other. Then your sophomore year I knew I was never going to get you back, you were long gone.”
“But I’m back now.” You said quietly.
“Yeah, but at what cost?” He let out a disparaging smile, “You were with that abusive piece of shit for all of those years, and I was here rotting in Hawkins, being the freak of the town and then almost dying. Now you’re back, and you’re just… you’re back in my life again. But nothing is the same.” He sounded defeated.
You looked at him with tears in your eyes, and you felt your heart crumpling down.
“Eddie, I’m sorry.”
“Everyone is. Everyone is so sorry about what happened, aren’t they?”
“Eddie, please.” You grabbed his arm as he tried to walk out. He pulled it away from you, then turned to face you.
“I loved you, but you didn’t see it. You didn’t care, you just wanted to be the popular girl, you wanted everyone to love you. Sweetheart, none of those people did, except me.”
“I never told my mom to make up lies about where I was. I didn’t know you ever tried to call me. I thought you hated me for joining the cheerleading team.”
“Hate you? I could never hate you. Fuck- all of that bullshit you said to me in high school and look where we’re at now.” His chest was heaving, and you were feeling woozy from the emotional whiplash of the conversation.
“Where are we now?” You asked, afraid of the answer. Eddie’s hands slowly reached up to your face, and he didn’t miss the tiny flinch you made as you realized he was about to touch you.
“I think you know where I’m at.” His hands were resting on either side of your jaw, and his thumbs were slowly moving in circles as he looked you in the eyes, searching for something. “I said I could never hate you, didn’t I?” You nodded slowly at him, “it’s because I never stopped loving you.”
He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips before pulling back and resting his forehead against yours.
“Eddie, I love you too.” You said, placing your hands over his and squeezing them. You watched as his eyes squeezed so hard that tears started falling.
“Don’t say it just because I said it. Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, you know-” he started getting himself riled up the more he spoke.
“I do know, and that’s why I’m saying it. I love you.” His eyes were still shut and he was breathing through his nose. “Look at me.” You grabbed his face to move it to yours and watched as his eyes opened up. “I can’t say it enough, I love you, Eddie.” He leaned in after he accepted your confession and kissed you again, still a quick kiss, but so much feeling behind it. “And I promise you, all of those people out there love you too. But not… not as much as I do.”
He smiled at you before grabbing your hand and leading you downstairs, and back out to the pool. To your surprise, no one made any comments about the two of you being gone together, and not as much time must have passed as you thought because Steve was just putting burgers and some chicken on the grill. Eddie kissed the side of your head before he went to the cooler for a beer and resumed his stand beside your brother.
Alright, you confessed your love to him, so why do you feel like you could hurl up the last 3 days worth of food as you stared at him?
“Grabbing a beer, you want one?” Nancy placed a hand on your shoulder and asked as she walked by you standing on the hot concrete, and you nodded a quick yes to her.
“Thanks.” You said as she handed one back to you.
“You alright? You look a little bit sick to your stomach.”
“Yeah, just hanging in there. We had another one of those big conversations and I feel a little off.”
“C’mon, walk it off and come sit over here with us and forget about it for a minute.” You followed her over to where Jonathan and Robin both were talking in depth about some movie ending and why it should’ve ended differently.
“Hey guys.” You sat down, sharing a chair with Robin again. You started drinking your beer quickly as they changed the conversation and you joined in as you heard laughter and splashing in the background. Minutes later, it all stopped. Everything. The laughing, the splashing, and any noise other than the few birds that were still around.
You four looked to the pool. Everyone’s head was accounted for, and then you looked over at the grill where Steve was laughing as he flipped a burger. Steve, just Steve. Where was Eddie? Suddenly you were being lifted up by a very cold, wet body and were getting thrown into the pool, beer in hand and all.
“What the fuck?!” You said as you came up from the water. Eddie was also… in the pool with you. Shirtless, but his jeans on.
“Dustin made a bet and I had to follow up on my end.” He swooped an arm around your waist and pulled you into him. “Love you.” He kissed you on the lips before he let go of you and swam to the side of the pool. He pushed himself out of the water, making a show of his wet hair, then pulled his jeans off to be left just in his boxers.
“Hey man, put some trunks on.” Steve yelled at him before putting the lid down on the grill and running inside. He jogged back out with a pair of his red ones and tossed them at Eddie’s chest, “for your decency.” He said with a smirk, and Eddie put them on and hopped in the pool with everyone else, and a fresh beer for you.
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rip-quizilla · 2 months
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There Will Be No Tenderness (Band Politics)
@corrodedcoffinfest Day 8: Band Politics
A/N: This is a two-part story. Both parts can be read as one-shots, but together they create one complete narrative. Part 2 will be posted for Day 12: Ow! and while this post does not contain any mature content, part 2 will be a strictly 18+ smutty story.
WC: 985
Tags: Eddie Munson X Henderson!Reader, backup singer!Reader, female!Reader, enemies to lovers, bratty reader, arguing counts as foreplay, strong language
Summary: You've been stepping on Eddie's toes ever since you joined Corroded Coffin, and he's finally had enough.
Divider was created by @strangergraphics
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Eddie wouldn’t call you an enemy. 
He might call you an adversary. A rival. He’d most certainly call you a pain in his ass. 
He told himself he had the power to kick you to the curb if he finally decided he’d had enough. All it would take was one ‘you’re out!’ from him, and you’d be gone. That’s what he had to tell himself. 
Because he knew the rest of the band loved you too much to let him simply kick you out without consulting them first. 
He hated it. Hated how quickly you’d gotten on their good sides.  
His word used to be law around here- the most argumentative band member had always been Gareth. At the most, he’d grumble a bit when Eddie disagreed with him but he’d never contradict him. 
Then you came along.
When Eddie had mentioned to Dustin that they were looking for someone to do some backup vocals on a track, he’d laughed when the twerp suggested his older sister since she “had a background in musical theater”. He’d still been laughing when you showed up to one of their practices asking them to give you a shot. The laughter had only stopped when you’d suggested they play Flash of the Blade, and you’d known every word. Hit every note. Given him fucking goosebumps. 
It wouldn’t have been so bad if you’d assimilated into the band’s culture without any discord. If you’d been just as agreeable as the rest- but you had a lot of opinions, and they always seemed to contradict Eddie’s.
“We were a little flat on the second verse,” he would say, to which you would reply, “I thought we were perfect!”
“You came in too early on the chorus.” he would tell you, and you would bite back, “I was on time, you were late.”
Then you’d had the gall to suggest staying in the band as a permanent member- in front of the entire band- without consulting him first. 
The guys had all been so happy to agree- fuck yes! They’d exclaimed. About time! They’d cheered. Nobody asked Eddie if he thought it was a good idea. Which he didn’t. 
You were too argumentative. Too quick to disagree with him even though this was his fucking band. You were insubordinate. Fucking mutinous. 
The last straw was that gig in Bloomington. 
The band had been asked to play a college party. Eddie hadn’t established any kind of uniform for the performance- he wasn’t a drill sergeant. He’d simply told the band to dress casual.
And then you had shown up in an outfit that was so slutty, it looked like it jumped out of a porno. 
A black skirt made of pleated black pleather, just long enough to skim the bottom of your ass. A tiny black baby tee that was so ripped, he could see the black lacy bra you wore underneath. Black combat boots with platform heels. Lipstick red as fresh blood. 
“Absolutely not.” Eddie had declared, turning his back on you within seconds of laying eyes on your ensemble. 
“What do you mean?” you scoffed, incredulously. Already arguing, Eddie noted. Not surprised. 
“I’m wearing exactly what you told us to wear!”
“I’d hardly call that casual.” he countered.
“This is my casual.”
“Yeah, for casual Fridays at the brothel you look like you came from!” 
“Haven’t you heard the phrase sex sells? Eddie, rockstars put girls in bikinis onstage all the time, why is this any different?” 
Eddie rolled his eyes. Of course you didn’t get it. “If we resort to selling sex, it’s like we’re openly admitting that we think our music isn’t good! It’s saying that we don’t think our music is worth paying attention to, so hey! Let’s put some tits and ass up on the stage, that’ll get people’s attention!”
“Oh, and I’m the tits and ass?’
“You said it, sweetheart, not me.”
“Fuck you!” you spat. 
“Yeah, right back atcha.”
He half expected you to walk away, but he should have known better by now. 
“Why don’t you like me?” you asked, blunt and demanding as you took a step closer to him. 
Eddie blanched. “I like you just fine.”
“God, you always have to argue, huh?”
You scoffed. “I do when you’re wrong. Or lying to me, which you’re doing right now because you most definitely do not like me.” 
“God, you’re infuriating.” Eddie raked his fingers through his hair, searching for somewhere more private to hash this out before you caused a scene in the middle of this party house. Spying a nearby bathroom, he grabbed your wrist and hauled you to it before closing the door and locking it behind him. 
“Fine. You wanna hear it?” Eddie seethed. “No, I don’t like you. You’ve never agreed with me, not once. You always have something to say, and-”
“Are you saying I’m not entitled to an opin- mmph!”
Eddie silenced you with a hand to your mouth, launching your eyes from angry slits to saucers. 
“No. For once in your goddamn life, you’re going to listen to me without arguing.”
You made no motion to move him off you. You simply watched him, eyes wide and waiting. 
“Everyone likes you. They used to listen to me, but now they also listen to you. That would be fine with me if you would just fucking agree with me once in a while. Don’t just oppose me outright every time.”
Slowly, he removed his hand from your mouth. You were silent, eyes still wide as they followed his hand when it left your skin. Your breathing was heavy, cheeks heated and body language shifted- where there was usually brash confidence, Eddie now saw coy submission. 
This would have seemed out of place, but the look in your eye told Eddie all he needed to know.
“You… liked that… didn’t you?”
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Read the sequel, Love Me Mercilessly (Day 12: Ow!)
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blue-blue-blooms · 5 months
A Little Crush   
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Eddie Munson x Henderson!Reader
Part 1
Summary: In which Eddie develops a crush on the Henderson sister.
You weren't sure exactly when your life had gone to absolute shit. Was it when you found a strange, superpowered adolescent girl living in Mike Wheeler's basement? Was it when you walked in on a baby demogorgan eating your cat? Or was it when you were drugged by evil Russians operating under Starcourt Mall? You couldn't even remember a time when life was normal. If someone had told you that you would become best friends with Steve 'The Hair' Harrington and fight literal monsters from an alternate universe alongside Nancy Wheeler and Jonathan 'The Creep' Byers a few years ago, you would've laughed in their face. Now? You'd survived the most traumatising events of your life alongside these people. You were bonded for life.
The last few years had also made you closer with Dustin. You loved your baby brother and his weird friends, especially since you'd spent so much time babysitting them. But no amount of love could make you say yes to what they were asking of you.
"Please?" Dustin begged, following you down the hallway as you made your way to Ms. O'Connell's class.
"No! I have, like, three essays due this week, Dustin. I don't have the time to sub." You respond.
"It's only for tonight! Lucas can't make it and we really need a sub. We're nearly done with the campaign and Eddie will kill us if we make him reschedule!" Dustin pleads.
You were really happy that Dustin and Mike had found a safe space in high school. Lord knows those two idiots needed it. Freshmen year is probably the toughest of them all. You're new, scared, and lonely. You were really glad that they'd found friends, a place where they could be their nerdy selves and feel accepted. Hell, even you'd dabbled in their interests when you'd babysat them. DnD wasn't half bad, and not nearly as hard to undertand as you once thought. You'd spent many nights in Mike's basement playing with them. The first few times, you'd get your character killed in the first fifteen minutes. But after a while, you started making progress (even though you're convinced that the party was exceptionally lenient with you after you once burst into tears over getting killed off).
"I'll do your half of the chores for a week!" Dustin exclaims.
That makes you stop.
"A week?" You turn around to look at him, "Make it two weeks and I'll sub."
"Two? Are you insane!?" Dustin yells, making a few people lingering in the hallway turn and look at you both.
"Two or no deal, Dusty Buns," You tease, "And be quick, I'm late for my class."
"Fine!" Dustin says, "And stop calling me 'Dusty Buns'"
"Why? Is that nickname just for Suzy Poo?" You tease.
Dustin glowers at you as you walk off.
"So, who's the DM?" You ask as you walk alongside Dustin and Mike.
"It's Eddie, Eddie Munson. He's a senior. Long hair, wears a hellfire T-Shirt, I talk about him constantly. God, do you ever listen to me?" Dustin claims exasperatedly.
"Oh! Eddie as in your new favorite older male best friend who Steve's weirdly jealous of?" You ask, "I've seen him around. Is he the one who jumps on lunch tables and yells a lot?"
"Yup." Mike responded, "He's a bit scary when he's revved up. Just warning you beforehand in case he comes off...a bit intimidating."
You nod.
"Hasn't he been held back, like, three times?" You ask.
Before either of the boys could answer, you reach the room. The first thing you see is the table where the game is set. There are three boys sat around, all with Hellfire T-Shirts on. Your eyes fleet from one to the other until finally landing on Eddie. You recognise him immediately from the amount of times you've seen him yelling in the cafeteria.
Dustin and Mike failed to mention how cute he was, you think.
His hair was long and wavy. He was wearing multiple rings. And he was covered in tattoos. You're pretty sure you saw a few bats peeking from under his sleeve.
"Who's this?" One of the guys asks, making all three turn around and look at you.
"This is Y/N! She's subbing for Lucas!" Mike says, the words spilling out fast and nervously.
Why the hell are they so jittery?
"Yeah, she's my sister! The one I mentioned a couple days ago." Dustin adds.
"Does she even know how to play DnD?" The other boy asks.
"Okay, excuse me, I wouldn't have come if I didn't know how to play," You finally speak, waving your hand a little to get their attention.
"So, this is your infamous sister?" Eddie finally speaks, his eyes landing on you, "You know, I thought he made you up. What's your class and level? Level One Elf?"
Elf? Is he mocking me?
"Are you mocking me?" You ask incredously.
"Is he mocking me?" you turn towards Dustin and Mike who immediately start gesticulating, probably asking you to shut up.
"My name is Aeren Sirenfall and I'm a level 14 chaotic good half-elf rogue. I will sneak behind any monster you throw my way and stab them in the back with my poison-soaked kukri. And I'll smile as I watch them die a slow...agonising...death." You say, your voice slow and hard as you glare at Eddie, "So, are we gonna play this stupid game or not?"
You're pretty sure you hear one of the boys mutter a 'she's terrifying' to Dustin.
You watch as Eddie's eyes slowly soften and a grin emerges on his face, "Welcome to Hellfire Club."
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i-hate-people-1 · 7 months
~Mid to west~
Part 2
Eddie Munson x Henderson reader road trip au
Pairing: Eddie Munson x Henderson Reader
Word count: 3,782
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An hour into your trip, you hear the first dreaded “I have to pee.” Of course, it came from Dustin.
"Really, come on, man, we’re barely even a town over,” Eddie groaned, pulling into the next gas despite his sentiment.
“I’m sorry,” he whined, dashing out of the car the moment Eddie put it in park.
“Maybe we should all try to and we can grab some snacks” Steve suggested Ever, the mother of the group.
"Ugh, fine,” Eddie groaned, throwing his head back. “But no drinks!” He yelled as your friends dashed out of the vehicle. “I mean it!”
“There’s no way they actually listen,” you told him, giggling as you got out of the car Eddie close behind.
“My lady,” Eddie said, smiling brightly as he opened the door for you, bowing slightly.
“Why thank you, kind sir,” you said, giggling and curtsying as you walked in.
After using the restroom, you were scanning the isles for a snack. Indecisive as ever, you finally settled on a bag of Cheez-Its, a pack of gum, and a nougat bar Dustin’s favorite for when he inevitably complains about being snacky (when he’s hungry but doesn’t want real food).
"This all,” the teen at the counter asked. Well, you think she was asking, but her deadpan tone made it hard to tell.
"Yup,” you said, smiling.
She looked up from your snacks, her unamused glare fixed on you.
“Hey sweetheart, spot me a pack of smokes?" You felt his arm before you heard his voice as he hung it lazily over your shoulder.
Casual touches like this almost fooled you enough to think that the boy you’ve been crushing on since you saw him perform at the middle school talent show actually liked you, or at least thought of you as more than his friends older sister, but then reality would always come crashing down on you when you remembered that Eddie was like that with everyone the pet names, teasing remarks, and touching. I mean, the boy was a walking ball of love to give, constantly looking for a new friend or a new lost sheep he could take under his wing.
No matter how many people teased him, judged him unfairly, or called him the most unspeakable things, he never gave up and always kept that signature Eddie Munson smile that simultaneously lit up the room and made you weak in the knees.
“Y/N?” Eddie asked, his concern-ridden face pulling you out of your thoughts as his arm slid awkwardly off your shoulder.
“Oh, yeah, I can,” you said, turning back to the unamused teen. “Uh, and a pack of Malboro Reds, please,” you told the cashier, surprised that the frown she was wearing could get deeper.
“You know my brand?” You could practically hear the shock in his voice—a deep blush taking over your cheeks.
"Yeah, I guess,” you mumbled as you paid for your things, purposely avoiding his eyes that were boring into you. “What?” You asked, turning back to look at him and handing him the cigarettes.
His doe eyes were soft, and there was a remnant of a smile he was holding back on his face.
"Nothing,” he answered through an awkward cough. “Come on, sunshine, the ass crack of America awaits.” He finished turning around to grab the door for you.
You quickly followed, telling the teen at the counter thank you and to have a nice day.
As you made it outside, Eddie broke off to go lean against the wall to smoke. As you finally made it back to the van, your cheeks were still ablaze from your interaction.
Everyone but Steve had made it back to the van, already getting settled in, to hopefully not stop for at least a couple hours.
After about 5 minutes, Eddie and Steve returned, Steve having two huge bags of snacks, so you wouldn’t have to get any more, hopefully.
"Alright, hellions, buckle up. We’re not stopping for a while,” Eddie said, pulling out of the gas station. “I’m just kidding. Of course, my van does not have seatbelts.”
"Eddie, I’m hungry,” Lucas whined, poking the boy in the cheek. “Can we please stop? You made us skip lunch.” He finished continuing to poke him.
"Sinclair, you poke me one more time, and I’ll cut your hand off and make you eat it. How’s that sound for dinner?” Eddie said it through clenched teeth and crazy eyes.
Lucas stopped his finger inches away from the boy's cheek cautiously after a moment of testing the waters; he seemingly gave up pulling his hand back.
Eddie let out a sigh of relief, unclenching his jaw, and everything was peaceful for about two seconds until Lucas decided that poking the bear was the best idea he could think of, poking Eddie’s cheek once more, smirking mischievously.
“That’s it!” Eddie yelled, pulling off to the side of the road, making all of you tussle in place as he abruptly stopped the car out of his seat as quick as lightning to tackle the younger boy to the ground. He was so quick, you almost missed the smirk fall off of Lucas’s face and the horror take over his eyes.
Which is how you found yourself in the driver's seat, looking out for a place to stop for dinner, with Eddie in the passenger seat slumped down, arms crossed over his chest as he pouted.
"Alright, let’s all get some food in us and stretch our legs, yeah?” You asked as you pulled into the first dinner you’d spotted.
Lucas and Dustin rushed out of the vehicle, the former fully recovering from the tackle he’d taken.
Robin Max and Steve took more time getting out, following the two rambunctious boys.
You, however, stayed in the van, waiting for the boy in the passenger seat to look anywhere but out the window quietly.
"Oh, come on, Ed's, you know you're hungry too,” you said, turning in your seat to face him fully. “And maybe your a tad hangry, and that’s why you tackled Lucas?”
"No, I tackled him because the little shit wouldn’t stop poking me,” Eddie snapped, finally turning to you, and while the vicious gaze of Eddie Munson was terrifying for most people, you thought it was adorable. He looked like a puppy trying to threaten you like a teddy bear with a knife.
“So you’re saying if it had been Steve in the driver's seat and he wouldn’t stop to get you food, you wouldn’t have done the same thing?” You challenged him, raising a brow. His frown softened a bit, a mischievous glint in his eyes, you assume, at the thought of annoying Steve Harrington.
"See, you’d think it was hilarious if it were Steve; your little sheep was just following in your footsteps.”
"Yeah, but they’re supposed to annoy other people, not me,” he grumbled, though you could tell he was starting to come around.
“Oh well, now you’re just asking too much,” you teased. “Now come on, I’ll buy you a milkshake,” you told him, hopping out of the driver's seat.
“Chocolate?” Eddie asked, head-whipped, to look at you.
"Ugh, fine, but I’m going to judge you for it,” you said, rolling your eyes as you shut the door and walked inside, Eddie following closely behind.
“Woah woah woah, sweetheart, are you trying to tell me you don’t like chocolate milkshakes?” Eddie asked, dramatic as ever, his hair whipping around as he shook his head.
“I mean, they’re fine, but vanilla is definitely better,” you said, shrugging. Eddie gasped loudly, clutching a hand to his chest.
“I can’t believe you just said that to me,” he said quickly as he pulled out a seat, gesturing for you to sit down.
You sat down flustered as Robin raised a brow at you, which only made your blush deepen.
“What’d you say to him?” Max asked.
“Get this, Red; she thinks vanilla milkshakes are better than chocolate,” Eddie scoffed before you could get a word.
Leading the table into a lively debate, with some taking your side while others took Eddie’s.
“You guys are all wrong. It’s obviously strawberry." Steve cut in your heads, all turning to him with disgusted looks.
"Okay, everyone can at least agree that Steve’s wrong, right?” Robin asks, eyes darting around the group as you all nod, “All right, it’s unanimous, Steve’s an idiot.” She finishes, and Steve looks offended while all of you laugh.
"Alright, I need to go smoke. You guys stress me out." Eddie shook his head, smiling.
“Those things will kill you,” you said, popping a fry into your mouth.
"Hey, you’re the one supplying me, so don’t get all high and mighty on me now, princess,” Eddie smirked as you rolled your eyes.
“That was a temporary lapse in judgment; I was distracted,” you shrugged, trying to play it cool, though the obvious blush on your face was giving you away.
"Aww, you saying I distract ya doll face?” Eddie asked, leaning in close.
"Ew, dude, are you really flirting with my sister right now?” Dustin interrupted, gagging immediately after he got the question out.
“See what I mean? Little fuckers are so annoying, I’m surprised I don’t smoke more,” he groaned, placing a cigarette between his lips as he stood up and made his way to the door.
“I’ve got to go to the bathroom,” you announced, getting up and speed-walking to the bathroom flustered.
"Really, Dustin,” Max scolded, smacking him in the back of the head.
"Ow, what was that for?”
“You totally just ruined their moment. Eddie was finally growing some balls, and you just stomped on them,” Lucas explained.
“What?” Dustin asked again, and the poor boy was obviously very confused.
"Really, Dustin, do we have to explain everything to you? You’re not a child,” Steve quipped sarcastically.
“What these doofuses are getting at is that Eddie has just now started shooting his shot, and you might have just deterred him for another what is it like nine years?.” Robin explained hoping the young boy would catch on.
"Wait, are you guys saying Eddie actually likes Y/N?”
“Oh my gosh, look at those boys. Sherlock finally figured one out,” Steve said, slow-clapping.
“Shut up, Steve,” Dustin seethed. “So Eddie likes Y/N? Does she like him?”
"Obviously,” Max yelled, quickly apologizing when most of the eyes in the restaurant turned to her.
“So all those times he’s called her hot, he wasn’t just doing that to annoy me?” Dustin asked, still bewildered by the new information.
“While I’m sure that is a perk,Steve started sitting up in his chair to pat Dustin on the back. “He’s got it; he's had it bad since his first senior year,Steve finished shrugging.
“I can’t believe one of my best friends has a crush on my sister, and none of you told me,” Dustin pouted.
“We thought you knew it was pretty obvious,” Max said, rolling her eyes.
“I don’t want to think about that; it’s gross.”
"Well, you better get used to it because our mission this trip is to get them together,” Robin told him as the group nodded in agreement. “And it was working perfectly without us having to do anything but put them in seats next to each other, and you might have just ruined it,” Robin grumbled.
“How am I supposed to know if you don’t tell me?!” Dustin argued.
“Tell you what?” Eddie asked, making the group jump and turn to look at the boy.
"Umm, uh, that there’s been something in his teeth for a while,” Lucas said as casually as he could.
"Nice,” Max complemented under her breath.
“Okay?” Eddie said, taking a seat and continuing to eat his food, “Hey, where’s Y/N?” He asked through a mouth full of food.
“She went to the bathroom,” Steve shrugged, sipping his milkshake.
Eddie’s head instinctively snapped towards the bathroom door, a deep frown falling over his features. When he was met with the beautiful sight of your smile and the crushing feeling that washed over him, he saw a guy, the one making you smile.
Eddie’s glare made everyone’s eyes shift to the bathroom as you giggled behind your hand at something the boy said.
And before the smart part of Eddie’s brain could even think of telling him to stay seated, he was on his feet, speeding faster than he could think.
You noticed him before he could even get a word out, turning to smile at him. “Hey Eddie, what’s up?” You asked, brows furrowed, man; he was so screwed if all it took was you smiling at him to turn him into jelly.
"Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie said, composing himself to smirk at you. “Who's your friend?” He asked, glaring daggers into the man in front of you.
"Oh, this is Chad; he saw me looking at maps and said he’s traveling west too,” you told him, smiling.
“How convenient,” Eddie bit out, his voice lashing in sarcasm.
"Yeah, man, a total coincidence,” Chad said, returning Eddie’s glare.
The two men stood in unmoving silence, glaring daggers at each other. You furrowed your brows, looking between them, rolling your eyes as far back into your head as they could go at your realization. “Oh my, are you two having a staring contest right now?” you asked, shaking your head in disbelief.
You took their unblinking silence as an answer: “Stop it, you doofus!” You exclaimed, smacking his arm lightly.
“Hey!” Eddie shrieked, “You made me lose!”
“Lose what exactly? What would’ve happened at the end of that contest? What would you have won?” You asked, arms crossing over your chest.
“I’m not exactly a hundred percent on the rules, but I’m pretty sure he gets you now,” Eddie deadpanned.
“Dude, I thought we were just asserting dominance.”
Eddie looked at the man with an expression somewhere between shock, disgust, and anger. “And that’s who won, thanks to you, sweetheart.”
“I’m not some prize, Munson,” you scoffed, walking back towards your friends.
"Yeah, no shit. I was joking that dude never would’ve beat me fair and square anyway.”
“I don’t need you to fight my battles or win me, and also, I was just talking to someone new. What is your issue?” You asked, turning to face him as you made it out in front of the diner.
“What’s my issue?!” Eddie challenged, “I don’t know, haven’t you ever heard of stranger danger? The guy was practically eye-fucking you the whole conversation.”
“So?” You asked, making Eddie scoff.
“So? So?” He asked back in unbelief, “You know what? Fine, whatever have fun getting murdered in the back of some creeps van!” Eddie exclaimed, arms waving, as he turned on his heels to stomp to the van.
“You’re unbelievable, you know that,” you said, stomping after him, “and stop walking away.” You grabbed his hand, making him turn to you and ask, “Why do you care so much?”
Eddie pulled you towards him effortlessly, pinning you up against the back of the van out of view of your friends.
His breath was hot and rugged as it fanned over your face, his doe eyes peering into your soul as he examined your face, his gaze darting between your lips and eyes.
“I care because I want you to be mine,” he whispered in your ear, his hand coming up to cup the side of your neck as you sucked in a breath. “You want that, baby?” Eddie teased biting your earlobe, and you whimpered.
"Oh, don’t worry, pretty girl, you will soon enough,” Eddie told you, inches away from your face, lips so close to touching as your body tingled in anticipation. Just as Eddie was about to close the gap, you were abruptly pulled out of your false reality by the very person you made it for. As he shook your shoulder gently, “Hey, wake up, pretty girl, we’ve got to get back on the road,” he whispered, moving some hair out of your face.
A deep blush set in at the pet name—the same pet name he had just used in your dream—coming into the front of your mind—that little voice telling you he knew but there’s no way he could know, right?
The existential crisis must have been showing on your face because Eddie was looking at you concerned. “You okay, sunshine, you look a little dazed. Nap that good?” He asked, quirking a brow.
"Yeah,” you said almost too quickly, "um, I didn’t even realize I felt asleep.”
“Oh yeah, you feel asleep on my shoulder a few minutes after you came back from the bathroom,” he shrugged.
"Well, you have a comfortable shoulder, thanks, pal,” you said, froging him in the arm, quickly getting out of your seat and speed-walking to the van.
“That was painful,” Robin said as she exited the diner behind you.
“Did I just call him pal and punch him in the arm?” You asked, your head falling on her shoulder.
"Yeah, it was pretty hard to watch,” she deadpanned. "Robin,” you whined.
“Right, sorry,” she said as she started to run a comforting hand through your hair. “What even happened to get you that flustered?”
“I kind of had a sex dream about Eddie,” you mumbled, your voice muffled by her shoulder.
“You had a sex dream about Munson, while you were napping on him,?!?” she said a bit too loudly for your taste.
“Shhh Robin”
"Right, sorry, you had a sex dream about Munson?” She repeated it in a whisper.
"Well, kind of, I was woken up before any actual sex happened, but that’s where it was leading,” you told her, finally lifting your head. “What am I going to do? I feel like a perv.”
"Okay, first of all, it’s completely natural, and second, maybe that’s your subconscious way of telling you to, you know, make a move,” Robin said, biting her thumb nail.
“You think I should make a move on him? Does he even like me?” You asked, pulling Robin's thumb away from her mouth.
“Are you kidding me? You were totally just drooling all over him in your sleep, and he didn’t even bat an eye at the guys.”
“I drooled on him.” You half asked, half whined, her head failing back into place on her shoulder.
“Did she just call me Pal?" Eddie asked through a dejected sigh, slumping in his seat.
"Yeah, she also drooled on you a little bit,” Dustin pointed out, poking a spot on his shoulder over the table.
“And I find that unbelievably adorable. I’m so fucked. I just got pal zoned. I think that’s worse than the friend zone,” Eddie whined, beating his head on the table.
"Oh, stop that. She didn’t mean anything by it. She just got flustered. She likes you, okay. Stop stressing and dancing around it flirtatiously and just ask her out.” Dustin told him, his eyes rolling as far back into his head as they could go.
“She said that?” Eddie’s head perked up like a puppy who had just been offered a treat.
“Not exactly, but I’m her brother, and a brother knows." Dustin shrugged, standing up. “Just go for it, man, she’s into you. I promise, just you know, maybe don’t do it in front of me because gross.”
“When did you get so wise?” Steve asked, hands on his hips, sassy as ever.
“I’ve always been wise; you deepshits just never notice,” he said, sticking his chin high as he walked off.
“No wonder his head is so big; it’s got to fit that massive ego.”
It’s been two hours since you stopped for dinner and 12 since you started the trip as a whole. Eddie had driven for another hour after you stopped before you made him stop and let Steve drive before he felt asleep at the wheel.
Steve and Robin were now in front. Robin passed out until Steve would shake her awake to ask for directions.
And other than the sound of Steve’s quiet humming and soft snores coming from the kids, the van was quiet.
Eddie was out cold the second his head hit the makeshift pillow of his waded-up leather jacket, stirring occasionally to find a more comfortable position.
You were in the limbo between resting and actually sleeping, not completely awake and not completely asleep, when you felt something touch your side. You turned your head, smiling sleepily at the sight in front of you. Eddie, who was already close due to the big group and limited space you had in the back of the van, had moved to lay on his side, one arm curled under his arm to replace the jacket that was now thrown over his body lazily, his other hand poking out just barely grazing your side. You could feel the coldness of his fingers through the thin material of your tank top.
You sat up frowning on the lookout for another blanket, but it seemed that every one was being occupied. After a few minutes of trying to plan in your sleepy state, you finally decided on just sharing yours with him. It wasn’t huge, but you think it could fit over both of you if you shifted a little closer.
You gently pulled the leather jacket off him, setting it aside, grabbing his hand, and moving it closer to his own body as slowly as you could, smiling proudly when you managed to do so without disturbing him.
After shifting as close as you could without actually touching the boy, you took your time situating the blanket, making sure it covered him as much as possible. You finally laid back down yourself, too tired to be anxious about the little amount of space between the two of you.
You had just closed your eyes when another touch pulled you out of your almost-sleep. This time it was more than a few fingers. Eddie was now curled into your side, arm thrown over your waist, head resting on your collarbone without even thinking you started lazily ruining a hand through his curls, making him snuggle into you further. You felt your body relax against him, starting to pull you down into sleep, finally letting it take you. You lay there with a sleepy smile on your lips, content to lay like this the rest of the night. Even if you weren’t really sure where this would leave you, when you wake up, you couldn’t find it in yourself to care. Relaxing in the heat, his body was now suppling, finally closing your eyes to let sleep take you.
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