#Ed's left arm tattoos are the bane of my existence
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I want a Sunday kind of love A love to last past Saturday night And I'd like to know it's more than love at first sight And I want a Sunday kind of love
"A Sunday Kind of Love" by Etta James
I finally broke down and did a watercolor painting of a sketch I did ages ago. It's not exactly what I had in my head, but it's still nice and soft all the same.
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talesofpanem · 5 years
Tattoo Fixers : Panem
Author: @thegirlfromoverthepond
Rating: T
Summary: Katniss needs someone to fix a bad tattoo.
AN: Deepest, deepest thanks to the amazing @xerxia31 who beta-ed this piece.
Even though I liked the prompt, it took me times to find the idea for this story - until I watched my TV, which prompted an episode of Tattoo Fixers - London. Maybe some of you from the EuroClub know about it ? Anyways, here is my take at this week’s prompt.
Hope you have fun.
She would be fascinated by the ballet of assistants running around the shop if she wasn’t embarrassed to be sitting there, being prepped by a team of make-up artists and a hairdresser. 
Just looking at the people putting mascara on her eyebrows or trying to tame her hair was a spectacle in itself, with their tattoos poking out from under every bit of clothing, along with piercings or blue hair. 
Katniss felt utterly out of place, waiting for her turn to appear on a television show she didn’t even want to go on. Alas, it was the only free way to fix something she had regretted since she had woken up after a particularly drunken night with her cousin Gale.
It was all Gale’s fault. It had been the day of her father’ funeral, the day after Gale buried his own. After the ceremony, after everyone had gone home, Gale had taken Katniss out. She hadn’t asked, just silently nodded when he had grabbed the keys of his father’s old pickup, heading out to their favorite spot in town, to get drunk.
In the hopes they could forget the void left by their fathers.
They had spent hours in that bar, drinking until they couldn’t drink anymore, until everything faded into blackness. The next morning, however, they’d woken up together in the bed of the pickup truck, each sporting the mother of all hangovers and a lovely souvenir of their evening
Apparently, they had somehow found their way to a tattoo parlor.
Since that night, Gale had sported a wonderful peacock on his biceps, which he still found funny all these  years later.
Katniss wasn’t as lucky. She all but hated the cartoonish, badly drawn bow and arrow on the inside of her forearm. The only good thing about it was its size - tiny, so a wristband could cover it easily. She took to wearing one everyday. Solid. In leather.
Arrow. Her father’s name, had been inked forever on her arm. She would have loved it if she had been able to choose the drawing properly, instead of having been branded with a cupid-ike tattoo design.
Hence her presence on the set of Tattoo Fixers, a reality show where talented tattoo artists helped people cover up their tattoo disasters with gorgeous works of inked art. 
Removing the tattoo was way too expensive for her bank account. But Prim had convinced her to share her story with all the whole country, risking the humiliation of being branded as a drunk crazy woman on cable TV.
“Katniss? You’re on in five,” a young assistant told her, making the team of preppers buzz around her like there was a breach in a beehive. One man, Flavius she thought his name was, because why not, was complaining about the state of her nails, how chipped they were, how he couldn’t do miracles, how he couldn’t find time to fit in a manicure in the remaining five minutes.
“I’m a botanist. It would be destroyed by tomorrow anyway.” She shrugged the thought away, almost taking pleasure in the disgusted look on his face. Take that, Flavius.
When the assistant came back, all smiles and happy mood, Katniss followed her out of the parlor and onto the street. Just like any other participant, she would have to walk to the shop, entering as if she was a totally random client.
The only random part was which tattoo artist she would choose. At least she would be surprised by their drawings.
This was staged TV, reality-TV. She usually couldn’t stand it. 
She sighed, taking her place ion the street.
“Remember, start walking when the director shouts ‘Action!’” 
Katniss resisted the temptation to roll her eyes.
She started walking as casually as possible when she was told to, entering the shop as naturally as she could manage, trying to avoid laughing at the host’s attire of the day. Nobody ever bothered telling Caesar Flickerman that he might be colorblind. Today, he was mixing  a flashy orange shirt with beautiful purple bermuda shorts. No doubt the episode would air in summer.
“Here is our next client!” Caesar sounded a little too enthusiastic at her entrance into the parlor. “What’s your name, darling?” He took her hand, helping her sit on the couch facing the one where the three tattoo artists were sitting.
She took a deep breath before answering, hoping her voice didn’t falter. 
As she explained why she was there, Katniss took a good look at the three people in front of her, mentally thanking Prim for the briefing she’d given Katniss before she left that morning.
There was the woman, Jo, whose body was almost fully covered in tattoos and piercings. Only her face remained pristine, making her red hair stand out. She was sitting next to Finnick, who as the star tattooist of the program was sitting between his two colleagues. Finnick’s body was a work of art. Prim had swooned over it for much too long when she had briefed her sister, showing Katniss pictures of the man who appeared to live his life shirtless. Katniss had then been privy to the numerous tattoos that adorned his back, a chinese setting, dragon included. 
She had seen several shots of him, of his so perfect body that made women of all ages swoon over him. Of course, Katniss was well aware of the dispatch of muscles, the Greek-god physique Finnick had, and fully expecting to be struck with lust as soon as she laid eyes on him in person. Yet nothing happened.
Nothing. At. All.
She was much more intrigued by the third tattooist, sitting next to Finnick. If Jo was a picture of the bad girl, Finnick the perfection, this third person was something else. He screamed “normal”, standing out from the two others, in Katniss’ opinion. Maybe it was because she couldn’t see a single tattoo on him, not even the required tribal band around his biceps.
There was something about his blue eyes, about his messy blond air that made her look at him more than the two others. Something that attracted her.
“This is Peeta, but we call him Peet. He’s the newcomer as Cato decided he needed a year off,” Finnick said and Peeta smiled. “So, how do you want us to cover the tattoo? Any specific request?”
“Well, nothing arrow-esque, or cupid-like. I’d like something that’s more inspired by nature,” she said. She just wanted the stupid bow and arrow to be covered.
Both Finnick and Jo grabbed their sketchbooks and started to draw. But she could feel Peeta’s eyes on her, lingering for a few seconds before he in turn, dived in.
“Well, tell us about you, Kathy?” Caesar said,making idle conversation to allow the tattooists time to finish their drawings.
“It’s Katniss, actually. Nothing thrilling, I’m a botanist and I live with my sister, Primrose.”
“Oh, that’s nice, she’s named for a flower!”
Katniss couldn’t help rolling her eyes. She knew this part would be cut because nobody really cared about the chit chat between a host and someone they would forget as soon as she left the office. 
“Just like I am, it’s kind of a family tradition.”
“And you’re a florist! Isn’t it amazing.”
“I’m a botanist, but not far away.”
She was already over her talk with the host. A talk she was quite sure only lasted a few minutes, still felt like two long days. 
“We’re ready, Kitty Kat. Here’s my drawing.” Jo handed over her sketchbook, on which a beautiful cat was displayed. With red fun, he would have been a striking copy of her sister’s cat, Buttercup, aka the bane of her existence. “You strike me as independent and very focused, hence, the cat.”
“It’s beautiful, Jo, thank you,” Katniss said, as she took in the beautiful shape of the cat’s ear, the detailed eyes. The woman had talent.
“I went for something more… natural,” Finnick said. “ I hope you like it!” He handed her his sketchbook, then leaned back on the couch, taking a sugarcube out of his pocket before popping it in his mouth.
On the page in front of her was a display of gorgeous intertwining orchid flowers.
 “I can do them in different shades, like a watercolor painting, you know?” Finnick added, as Katniss stared in awe.
“It’s lovely, wow, I wasn’t expecting that, Finnick.” Between the two drawings, her choice was made. She wasn’t even sure Peeta would be able to compete.
“She’ll pick mine, guys, I’m ready to bet ten bucks!” Finnick lifted his arms in victory. 
“It doesn’t have to be a big one, right?” Katniss asked, hoping his answer would be a no.
“It can be whatever you desire, sweetheart.” Finnick’s voice was sugary, and his green eyes sparkled as he winked at her.
Which made Katniss roll her eyes.
“Well, Finnick, this one’s immune to your charms.” Peeta’s voice, amused, chimed in. “Katniss, here is my take for your tattoo.”
She put down Finnick’s sketchbook to take Peeta’s. There were no words to describe her feelings when she looked down at the drawing on the paper. She had expected something somewhere between Jo and Finnick’s like an animal in nature, or just a drawing of a beach, absolutely not what she had before her eyes.
Peeta had drawn a wave.
A single, simple wave.
Yet, the closer she looked, the more details she could see. The wave was made entirely of flowers.
Primroses and katniss were braided together with such precision, with such attention, it was mesmerizing.
From two feet away the drawing looked like a wave.
But to her, for the closer her eyes got, it was a flower wall.
She opened her mouth to talk, to express how incredible she found the drawing.
No words came out.
She had to take a deep breath before gathering her thoughts before she was able to talk again.
“This. This is what I want.” 
“Shall we go, then?” Peeta asked, rising from the couch.
She nodded her agreement before following him to the back.
She was glad the cameras didn’t filming the whole process. They were busy filming other segments with other “clients”. 
“What prompted you to draw this? I mean I had no idea that was what I wanted until you showed me…” she asked.
“Your talk with Caesar. You told him you were a botanist, that it was a tradition to have flower names in your family. So I checked what Katniss was. It came up with sagit-something…”
“Sagittaria sagittifolia.,” she said under her breath.
He laughed, as he charged his machine with ink.
“Yes, that. You said you live with your sister, and I remembered you told us you got this awful thing after a funeral so I added one and one… You must have a pretty close relationship with your sister.”
“Yeah, we do …..” She was watching him come closer with his machine. She had a question, though. “How do I know you can tattoo? I mean, you don’t even have any of your own?”
“I do have one tattoo, but it’s hidden. I’m not as extrovert as Finn and Jo.”
“I noticed.. Could I see it ?”
“Well, it would involve you seeing me at least half naked… “
She blushed. “Oh, my, sorry…”
“No need to apologize. I did Finn’s dragon, and can show you pictures of previous works I’ve done,  if you need references …. “
“It’s okay, I trust you.”
He smiled, a gentle, kind, warm smile at her words.
As soon as he started working on her forearm the cameras returned. He explained the steps he was taking, using the shape of the bow for the wave, the body of the arrow to line up the braids of flowers.
“It’s done. You can look.” His voice took her by surprise.  She looked down, finding herself at a loss for words, again.
There was no way she would hide this one under a wristband.
After the mandatory shots for the TV, Peeta was wrapping her arm in cello, when he asked.
“I kinda won twenty bucks earlier, thanks to you. Want to share it with a tea?”
“No,” she answered. As his face fell, she added, “But I’d love a hot chocolate with whipped cream, if you know a place.”
He knew a place.
(Turned out he had a tree of life tattoo along his ribcage. She could spend hours tracing it with her fingers. Or her tongue.)
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domestic-harry · 7 years
hiii lisa! so i really love how you've been linking fics to songs and i was wondering if you could do a rec list based off of your top 25 most listened to songs! (i know that's a lot so you don't have to if you don't want to lol)
Iris by Goo Goo Dolls
And I’d give up forever to touch you 
Where Your Heart Is: Louis is ready for his brand new adventure. So what if he suffers from a genetic condition that prevents him from being touched? College is going to be awesome. It has to. Karma kind of owes him right now. Forget about his overprotective mother, or Liam– his entirely too chipper step brother– or his mess of a roommate. Forget about the gloves he has to wear at all times. He’s here to expand his knowledge, write and drown himself in books – No matter how distracting ‘Hallway Boy’ may be– The obnoxious, flirty frat wannabe determined to become the bane of Louis’ existence.
Don’t Let Me Go by Harry Styles
Seems like these days I watch you from afarJust trying to make you understand 
Emperor’s New Clothes : Harry’s a pop star and Louis isn’t, and there’s a non-disclosure agreement where there used to be a relationship.
Somebody to Love by Queen
I just gotta get out of this prison cellOne day (someday) I’m gonna be free, Lord!
Atlas At Last : He doesn’t know what he had been expecting out of the road trip itself besides burping contests and too much shitty gas station food with Oli and Stan, but in the brief moment before Harry ambles up his driveway, Louis idly wonders if this is about to become some sort of Gay Coming of Age story.Maine to California in ten days. In which Zayn’s an open-shirt hippie they meet somewhere in Ohio, Liam’s the pastor’s son running away from home, and Niall’s the number they call on the bathroom wall.It’s 1978. Harry and Louis are just trying to get to San Fran in time for the Queen concert.
Right Now by One Direction
You know I can’t fight the feelingAnd every night I feel itRight nowI wish you were here with me
Love Is A Rebellious Bird : AU in which the boys still make music. Louis is the concertmaster of the London Symphony Orchestra, Harry is the New! and Exciting! interim conductor/ex-cello prodigy who “has made Mozart cool again” according to Esquire Magazine (Louis hates him immediately, which is definitely why he internet stalked him in his dark bedroom late at night that one time), and Niall is the best. Zayn and Liam are around too.
Tiny Dancer by Elton John
But oh how it feels so realLying here with no one near
Never Gonna Dance Again : Louis is a spy and Harry is a dancer. The only real thing they know is each other. 
Wait by M83
Give your tearsTo the tide
Into the Blue : AU. In which Louis is Harry’s scuba instructor and quite happy to provide the requested special treatment, pun fully intended. It can’t be all that difficult to convince Harry that they’re on the same page, right? Also, Niall and Liam may or may not be dating, and Zayn is surrounded by emotionally stunted idiots. He bears it with dignity.
Just Hold On by Louis Tomlinson
If it all goes wrongDarling, just hold on
You Are The Blood : A seventh-year Hogwarts AU in which Niall gets all the girls, Liam goes on a journey of self-discovery, Zayn falls in love, Harry wants something more, and Louis tries to figure out once and for all why he, a Muggleborn, was sorted into Slytherin. 
What Kind Of Man by Florence + The Machine 
And with one kissYou inspired a fire of devotion that lasts for twenty yearsWhat kind of man loves like this?
Baby Heaven’s In Your Eyes : A sixth form!AU where Harry is the fucked up bad boy with too many problems, Louis is the perfect rich boy with too much money and their schools are right across from each other. They meet at a party and that’s the last (and maybe the only) thing they need.
I’ve Just Seen a Face by Jim Sturgess
I’ve just seen a face,I can’t forget the time or placeWhere we just met
Nameless Night : For their 18th birthday, every person receives a letter that reads a simple date. That is the date you’ll meet your soulmate. Harry and Louis have different beliefs, live in different worlds and have different dreams, hopes and fears. Yet, they’re not so different from each other when it comes to love. When their paths cross, there is no doubt they belong together. Except for that one, essential difference: they didn’t receive the same date.
If I Could Fly by One Direction
I’ve got scars, even though they can’t always be seenAnd pain gets hard, but now you’re here and I don’t feel a thing
Butterfly Gun : Harry has never been much of a fighter, but—as always—where Louis Tomlinson is concerned, a lot of things stop being true.1940’s AU. Even after six years apart, they can’t forget their shared wartime childhood. 
Jumpin’ Jack Flash by The Rolling Stones
I’m Jumpin’ Jack Flash
Escapade : In the grand scheme of things, finding a date for a wedding should be no problem for Louis Tomlinson. He’s rich. He’s handsome. He’s reasonably well behaved. But when the wedding is for his lifelong best friend (and former boyfriend), and is happening in under a month, finding a date for the ceremony and accompanying festivities becomes more of an adventure than he ever could have planned for. 
18 by One Direction
Long before we both thought the same thingTo be loved and to be in loveAll I could do is say that these arms were made for holding youI wanna love like you made me feel when we were 18
Red Brick Heart : Uni AU. Harry had turned up at the halls of residence expecting fun, new friends, and maybe a life experience or two. What he doesn’t expect is a surprise roommate who’s loud and dramatic and obsessed with tea and is maybe, actually, all he’s ever wanted.
Half A Heart by One Direction
I’m half a man at bestWith half an arrow in my chestI miss everything we doI’m half a heart without you
Never Be : The one where Harry Styles moves to Connecticut from England for nine months as a part of a study abroad program, and he just so happens to move in with Louis Tomlinson and family.
Fallingforyou by The 1975
I don’t wanna be your friend,I wanna kiss your neck
Relief Next To Me : AU. What happens when a baker and a graphic designer meet via a very specific Craigslist post? Fate, friendship, food, and maybe more. 
Closer by Tegan and Sara
Here comes the breath before we get a little bit closerHere comes the rush before we touch, come a little closer
The Night Sky is Changing Overhead : Harry is a tattoo artist, Louis is a drama professor, and they meet during an argument at a café.
Wild Horses by The Rolling Stones
Faith has been broken, tears must be criedLet’s do some living after we dieWild horses couldn’t drag me away 
Soft Hands, Fast Feet, Can’t Lose : American Uni AU. Harry Styles is a frat boy football star from the wealthy Styles Family athletic dynasty. A celebrity among football fans, he knows how to play, he knows how to party, and he knows how to fuck (all of which is well known among his legion of admirers).Louis Tomlinson is a student and an athlete, but his similarities to Harry end there. Intelligent, focused, independent, and completely uninterested in Harry’s charms, Louis is an anomaly in a world ruled by football. A bet about the pair, who might be more similar than they originally thought, brings them together. Shakespeare, ballet, Disney, football, library chats, running, accidental spooning, Daredevil and Domino’s Pizza all blend into one big friendship Frappucino, but who will win in the end? 
No Control by One Direction
PowerlessAnd I don’t care it’s obviousI just can’t get enough of you
Switch Out the Batteries : Two years after meeting in a sex shop, Harry’s just returning to Louis from a month-long tour in the States, and they come up with a wholesome bonding exercise.
Ship to Wreck by Florence + The Machine
Did I drink too much?Am I losing touch?Did I build this ship to wreck?
Young & Beautiful : Louis, to his horror, attends an elitist university in which the name Zayn Malik means something, Niall Horan doesn’t stop talking, there are pianos everywhere, and Harry Styles, only son of a drug-addled, clinically insane ex-rocker, has a perfect smile and empty eyes.
Asleep by The Smiths
Deep in the cell of my heartI really want to goThere is another worldThere is a better world 
Here In The Afterglow : 1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger. 
From the Dining Table by Harry Styles
We haven’t spoke since you went awayComfortable silence is so overratedWhy won’t you ever be the first to break?Even the phone misses your call, by the way
These Inconvenient Fireworks : Future AU in which nobody tries out for X Factor but the boys end up finding one other eventually anyway. Louis is a jaded bastard who owns a cat named Duchess and teaches drama to teenagers, Harry is an idealistic aspiring photographer/part-time footy coach, Zayn teaches English lit and wears leather jackets, Liam saves people from burning buildings, and Niall is Niall.
Skinny Love by Bon Iver
And in the morning I’ll be with youBut it will be a different kindAnd I’ll be holding all the ticketsAnd you’ll be owning all the fines
Pull Me Under : AU. As the first British footballer to come out at the prime of his career, it helps that Louis Tomlinson is in a long-term, committed relationship. Even if that relationship is fake.
He’s a Pirate from the Pirates of the Caribbean Soundtrack
Resist Everything Except Temptation : The one where Louis is the commodore’s son who is forced to become a part of Harry’s crew when he is captured.
Sunburn by Ed Sheeran
You scarred and left meLike a sunburn 
Empty Skies : For three years, Harry has been running from his past. Now, he is moving to London and pledges to fulfil his only dream – making it big in the music industry. Not everyone has a place, though, and the competition is tough. As is his past catching up on him.Louis is part of the biggest boy band of the world, and getting there had meant a lot of hard work, as well as sacrificing parts of his heart and soul. He’s still happy. Maybe not as happy as he could be, but who is he to complain?
Pine Trees by Jake Bugg
You can sit in the pine treesYou can feel at homeYou can breathe a sigh of silence in the woods
May We Stay Lost On Our Way Home : On March 31st, Harry Styles disappears. Though many speculate, only two people know where to find him: Niall, his former guitarist, and Zayn, who follows where Niall leads.The fact the biggest boy band in the world broke up two weeks earlier might be related to the disappearance. The fact Harry meets a fairy named Louis in the woods is a whole other matter.
Colors by Halsey
Everything was greyHis hair, his smoke, his dreamsAnd now he’s so devoid of colorHe don’t know what it means
Gods & Monsters : The instructions were simple: seduce and destroy Harry Styles. Not once did they discuss the option of Louis actually falling in love. So, naturally, that’s exactly what he did.
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