#Ear Gauge
cringiestcroissant · 11 months
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mossmx · 3 months
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Quick, while bbc merlin is trending!! have this random old study sketch I did of florist!Percival with tattoo-artist!Gwaine!!!
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lexilapis · 3 months
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Can you make me purr?
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falmerbrook · 8 months
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Some old Morrowind character design stuff I was doing before my hands started acting up and nuked my ability to do nice line art. I might redo these (but just headshots) now that I have a more clear picture of these characters in my head since I don't vibe with all the choices I made in these anymore. Not my best art but there's enough ok stuff in these to warrant posting I think.
(the Vivec one is here btw)
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gerbiefarted · 3 months
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Mistral from MGR....i remembered that i like that game cuz i watched my brother play it
I had the idea for like 2 years to draw her sideshave as locs and i just never got around to it....excited to draw the other characters at some point. Trying to draw more fanart to build an audience for my comic
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jordanjump-scare · 7 months
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artistfingers · 9 months
sorry. can i have your gender . sorry. can i. i mean. sorry i like uour gender can .i have your gender
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blognkodeeter · 6 months
sum stuff from my pinterest board
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fox-guardian · 9 months
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[ID: A digital drawing of Tim Stoker walking Poundcake the pit bull while wearing purple cat ears, no shirt, red and white heart patterned boxers, and purple thigh-high platform boots. He is a chubby Latino trans man with light brown skin, lilac hair pulled into a tiny ponytail, a goatee and stubble, a lot of body hair, and faint top surgery scars on his chest. He is also wearing black plug gauges, rectangular glasses, and black nail polish. Poundcake is a brown and white pit bull wearing a purple collar and matching chain leash.
Tim is standing with a vague expression, absently scratching his back with one knee bent, looking somewhere off-screen while Poundcake lifts her leg to pee on a tree. She is also smiling and licking her lips. The background is a tree and vague shapes of bright green foliage. end ID]
when the early morning walk's pre-walk zoomies keep you from assembling an actual Outfit but you're too tired to care about the neighbors' opinions
outfit pieces chosen from this poll here (thank you everyone for voting) and in case you're wondering Yes poundcake is a girl dog, she's just doing that because she's butch (source: my dog does this and she is also butch)
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buglaur · 1 year
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two of my sims if they were in mysims
credits to centrixe the dodo on models-resource for the base models
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creek-ink · 1 year
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lps customs I made when I was like,,, 13
I found these bad boys tucked away in a closet in my parents' house this weekend, and omg. omfg. I knew I made a few, but I didn't know I had THAT MANY!! also this proxy room?? wtf?? when did I make this shit??
regardless- I am taking a l l of them home w me <3 <3
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galactica7071 · 5 months
the last human in the galaxy
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...and he's a total bum (with really good fashion sense)
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eastbaynightt · 4 months
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cannibalgh0st · 11 months
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fudgecake-charlie · 11 months
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wanted to be silly and goofy with my art yesterday so i gave cleo bat nest goth hair (ty gammagoop) and put ten million images and textures and gradient maps in it
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shelovesplants · 6 months
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These scallop shell gauges, are giving off Venus vibes🐚🩷✨️
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