shima-draws · 8 months
The fact that Scarlet died without even knowing who Kyros was I'm.
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dzvelinaskebiyars · 2 months
hi i would like to make a request (headcanons or one shot, what do you like more) with baji x fem reader (where he is 14 years old), she is his girlfriend, and also she lives with a neglectful father and has to raise her younger siblings on her own. (maybe if you watched "shameless" you can make the father look like Frank, and the reader like Fiona, if you don't know it's okey but I will make a note that even though Frank was a bad father, Fiona was still his favorite daughter) and how Baji would treat her in this situation, maybe help her with siblings or chores, also please make it so that they know each other since childhood
Hello! Yet another request that I'm doing way too late lol. Thank you so much for requesting tho! And no I haven't watched Shameless but I've seen enough Tiktok of it to get the idea.
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You and Baji have known each other since childhood and your families are very close. It wasn't much of a surprise for your family when you two started dating, considering how much time you two have spent together.
Though, starting a relationship was extremely big choice for you and you've been very hesitant in that because of your family's situation. And Baji has been nothing but understanding towards your situation.
He's very aware of what kind of family you have and he's genuinely very understanding and comforting to you because of that.
I feel like he'd take you to amusement parks and etc a lot because he wants you to enjoy your childhood. Since amusement parks are kids' favourite and you just...didn't get to enjoy any of it before.
Yes he'd come over a lot, especially when you need help, and would help you out even if it's with chores.
His home's door is ALWAYS open for you. If you just don't want to stay at your house and need a break from all of it, you're more than welcome to stay at his place.
Genuinely gets so angry when your family, especially your parents, don't appreciate you and your efforts. Yea he wouldn't get too involved since at the end of the day, it's still family business. But he'd say things like "Don't you think you're just being selfish? I mean, if I had a sister who would give up her entire childhood just to raise me well, I'd go as far to kill for her and die for her." or "You're asking her to support you when you have never in your life supported her?" to your siblings after they'd complain about absolutely stupid shit that you didn't do for them.
When you seek any kind of comfort, he'd gladly comfort you. For example cuddle with you and calm you down when you're crying, telling you how he's proud of you and etc.
But seriously, there has been times when he just snapped and told you to pack your things up and live with him because he can't stand to see you suffering.
Just say what you need and he'll do it. He'll help you. Your siblings are being piece of shits? He'll talk sense to them. Your father is drunk asf and starts a fight? He'll take you away to a date or to his place. You need a shoulder to cry on? He's right here, pretty. You need financial support? He'll help you out. You need help with housechores because there's sm to do and you need s hand with it? He's coming over rn to help you out!
He purposely doesn't beat tf outta of your father or siblings because he knows it'll upset you and he doesn't want that. But, trust me, all he wants is to bash your family's heads on the wall and take you far away from those monsters and make you happy.
If your father or any of ur family member gets physical, he'll absolutely lose it. I swear he'll make them regret that forever.
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celestemona · 3 days
HIIII BEA I AM BACK WITH MORE HEADCANONS (A distraction from my language homework that's due tomorrow morning smh)
Kazuha's kids love to listen to him playing his leaf tunes. They're like a lullaby to them. Perhaps his son Kazumi tried to imitate him multiple times but failed and Kazuha's just all chuckles
Since Marie has a brother that's like 14 years older than her, she has that aura ykyk hehe. Imagine having a much older brother and a father who's the boss of a prison be the family of your crush. Like anyone who's pinning on her will have nothing but nightmares getting through Cameron and Wrio. The two would team up to be Marie's bodyguards and when she calls out on them they'd play dumb like "whaaaat haha wdym"
At one point Marie also gets a bit hardcore as she gets older. She's still a daddy's girl, but she's also her father's daughter ykwim? Perhaps she also learns how to box like her dad??
Since Eveline is the Hydro dragon offspring and can naturally wield hydro, she spent her childhood being so confused as to why other kids can't wield hydro like her. Imagine her hanging out with kids and they're like "Wow you can wield Hydro without a Vision?" and she's like "You can't???"
Game nights are always playful war for Lyney's household. Both Lyney and mama reader try to play nice for the twins but always end up victorious and somewhat competitive. In a way, they think it's a way for the kids to nurture their strategizing skills. They make sure to treat Corinne and Quentin some treats tho after every game night hehe.
Heizou. His kid(s). Unknown Case Files game. Imagine.
Fontaine mama readers having mother's group sessions twice a month because why not
The other Harbingers are quietly very fond of Kimi. Every once in a while, Scara would bring her to Fatui Headquarters for work to look after her. The other Harbingers secretly look forward to seeing Kimi as she seems to be the only bright and warm thing in the cold halls of the Fatui Headquarters. Kimi also likes them and sees the Fatui as her home somewhat!
Kimi and Mama reader ice skating in Snezhnaya!!
Okay yapping over I hope you have a wonderful day/night Bea!!
Hi Yessu, my dear ♡ How have you been aside your studies?
I loved the last headcanons you sent me but these… I think I even got a bit emotional lol Some of them are more canon than you'd imagine...
I mean. How could I disagree with a scene of a little Kazumi trying to imitate his dad by blowing a leaf and ripping it? He's so used to listen his dad's music since he was just a baby that isn't strange he wants to copy him too. His son's shenanigans amuse Kazuha but you can see the love and joy shining in his eyes too. It'll take a while for Kazumi to learn how to play a leaf correctly because he's a bit hasty but eventually he's gonna achieve it <3
One of the million things I love in Marie is her aura hahahah It's also quite funny that Wriothesley's constellation is Cerberus because only it can explain the three "dogs" from the Fortress who are super protective over her: Papa, Cameron & Mama hahah
I absolutely LOVED and agreed with the hc about Heizou's children and Lyney's.
Though Heizou's daughter isn't as interested in police stuff as her parents and older brother are, Ren, on the other hand, can become a bit too competitive when he's playing board games with Heizou. To this day he hasn't beaten his dad or his mom lol
Lyney and Mama!Reader giggling at their twins' pouty AAAAAA <3
By the way. Now that you've mentioned the harbingers meeting Kimi (which is true since she was still pretty small back when he was in the Fatui), I remembered Arlecchino's voice line telling us about those days la Signora used to visit the House of Hearth and rejoy in the kids' attention.
These two had some good times together ♡
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