#ES Bee is very very good and I can't wait to see more of him
honestlyvan · 1 year
Van, I'm bored, you must entertain me, give me an unpopular opinion about, uh, Bumblebee!
Why would you set me up to fail like this? My Bumblebee opinions are notoriously milquetoast, I like pretty much every iteration of him and actively think that if we have to have an Autobot who is in every thing ever, I'm glad it's Beepy Boy.
The one thing I'm sad only seems to exist in fandom is "Autobot PR frontman" Bumblebee. He'd make a great political animal, being able to talk his way around every situation he's ever put in and mastering the art of lying by telling the truth. It would also produce a cleaner break for Bee out of the role of being the default audience surrogate bot, I think, if he was made sneakier and more practiced at playing social games. As far as extroversion goes, the ability to doctor that spin and maintain control of a narrative is rare as far as heroic traits go.
Failing that, someone should give him a knife and let him start stabbing. He'd make a good spooky murder gremlin also.
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eldritch-araneae · 1 year
So; I finally finished watching earthspark; and I truly want to hug Bee; like a lot; my bot does not deserve all that happened to him. I also need more information about breakdown and brawl. Also where was Optimus. Also megatron gets a hug. And Tarantulas and hashtag!
Where is grimloc?
Bee needs a medic, by the way.
There are many more questions and feelings.
But I will end this here.
You also get a hug!
I have a lot of thought about this! Earthspark Spoilers under cut!
1)Bumblebee def needs a hug and I really hope he will receive some, poor guy! That's a great set up for his character arc as well, which I thinking will happen in second season. His struggles with the alt-mode, agent Schloder being so obsessed and incredibly angry as Bee, and the whole thing with Breakdown. Can't wait to see how this gonna play out.
2) Yeah I also wonder who will treat Bumblebee's injuries? Will it be one of Autobot medic? Or one of Terrans will take this role?
3) About Optimus it's very interesting how he was absent, there are mostly theories how he's being mind controlled by GHOST and such so I wont repeat those, bc I have an additional thought that maybe Optimus is working on better solution. Perhaps with work with some government people to get legal protections for cybertronians on Earth, but he must do this in secret bc GHOST might find out ( and lets face it, Megatron is unreliable in current state).
The reason why no one think of this is bc everyone projecting IDW, and I sincerely hope the ES writers didn't go the exactly same path as comics. Decepticons being oppressed while being the military faction, and Autobots being the oppressors while they are mostly represented by civilians and workers never sits well with me. Besides there an an official continuity where the roles are reversed and it's called Shattered Glass. Ofc there is still big possibility that writer still copied the IDW formula, which would be super disappointing to me, but I'll live. As long as they butcher Bumblebee ahaha. But so far I do like it what I see in the show in current state. GHOST being corrupted organization ( and we don't know if it was always corrupted or it got corrupted over years) but it's the only somewhat support Autobots had and Optimus knows it and he also knows it will affect everyone (which why he hides a lot of Autobots and Terrans in first place). And he's know there is some shady shit on, but doesn't know what exactly (and same with half of GHOST bc Schoder isn't aware either) that's he's trying to find a better way. (Side Note: Tbh, I think about how Croft's possible end goal is got get full control over cybertronians ( and even over humans, we saw how immediately she gain full control over Mandroid and he fails to see it bc of his own hatred) to use them as war machines to her army! Even Optimus kinds implied it when he said "I'm afraid GHOST might use them (Terrans) as asset", like asset for what? There is only one answer for it and we all know military do with those assets.)
Optimus is very interesting, he's really in bad situation right now, and he tries his best to solve it, but its really difficult and he often has to morally compromise just to prevent another war from starting.
And Megatron, even tho he good intentions to break down the oppressive system on Cybertron, he failed, and the main reason why he failed bc he surrounded himself with enemies like Shockwave (which I'm surprised on one else pointed this out yet). So his faction turned into yet another tool of oppression, bringing the war to Earth and trying to conquer it. And what I find interesting is just the fact Megatron isn't there yet!
Right now to me he appears to be someone, who only started to accepts his mistakes, but he doesn't take full responsibility yet. He doesn't realize that his movement was doomed to fail bc of ppl like Shockwave and the fact his still call him a friend after how badly Shockwave treated Terrans really screams it.
And if this gonna be a story not how Megatron isn't actually a traitor of Decepticons, but he was surrounded by traitors and Megatron finally realising it - this would be very cool and thousands times better than whatever it was in IDW!
And I much prefer the situation that a lot of cons joined the cause bc they were ether lied to, or were in desperate situation and Shockwave took advantage of this. This would make perfect sense for "not all cons are evil" and "cons are evil and they choose to be".
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