existbeing · 26 days
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Next live is 20241013(Sun)
rem time rem time"key" Release Tour
OPEN / START 18:00 / 18:30
ADV / DOOR 2,500(+1d) / 3,000(+1d)
rem time rem time
Last Place You Look
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odessa-2 · 4 years
E.B.I could also be an acronym. When I first read your Anon, I immediately thought of an acronym. Or maybe a typo? There are many possibilities. When he said the children are with the father, I think he read on another blog that someone thinks he saw sam with a woman who had children. There is a lot of confusion in the fandom. We cannot even be sure the Anons are the same person.
That is the nature of an Anonymous submission; unverified info with a concealment of identity. Many that drop such info are trolling or trying to stir up interest. It's funny how pics are never provided alongside assertions or various sightings 😏
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rickfermocsantos · 3 years
7 dicas para fazer um jejum que agrada a Deus
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wu-tamu · 5 years
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tomorrow🔥 . 「AMBUSHBELT!!! in青森」 2020.1.11 (SAT) @B.B.Cafe OPEN & START 22:00〜 ADV ¥1,500(1D) DAY ¥2,000(1D) -GUEST DJ- ・PINO -GUEST NAGESEN LIVE- ・RAP MARUYAMA -LIVE- ・ATHLETIC RHYMERS ・KUTURO ・F8C -DJ- ・K-ZY ・DAISMOQUE ・WU-TAMU ・E.B.I ・BOWYA . ゲストプロフィール . ■RAP MARUYAMA ラップ丸山氏とは何者か。 ラップをしたり、札幌のソーラン節のチームに入ったり、ネパールに行ったり、自転車で日本縦断したり、被災地でソーラン節を舞ったり、東京でソーラン節の普及活動したり、一言で表せない多彩なアーティストです。 人間味溢れる詩とライブパフォーマンスの高さに定評があります。 人生は一度と聞きました。気になった方はどうぞお調べください。 . ■DJ PINO プロフィール 1979���東京都練馬区生まれ。 選曲・ミキシングに於いて独特のセンスを持ち、ダンスフロアからラウンジまで、場所に合わせたプレイスタイルは"ロマンチック"と称される。 17歳の時に池袋MADAM CARRASでDJTATSUTA主催のパーティ「DYNAMITE」に感銘を受け、遊び仲間だったSEAPENT、DJJUNKOと共に同MADAM CARRASでDJデビュー。 2000年にROCK-Tee主催の渋谷Family「FG Night」、 DJTATSUTA主催の池袋bed「DYNAMITE」のレギュラーDJに抜擢される。 2001年に渋谷Family「神の足元」や新宿izm「龍」に出演。 2つのイベントを中心としたメンバーと、同年代のユニット「54(Fiftyfour)」を結成し2枚のアルバムをリリース。 徐々に東京以外の出演依頼も増え、青森「CONTROL」には8年間レギュラーとして参加する。 2006年にニューヨークで「Zipblock」を結成し、2枚のアルバムをリリース。 そのメンバーとYing Yang、EGO、GASHIMAなどとFourd Nkay主催の新宿izm「HOTTTBLOCK」にレギュラー出演。 2007年にはISH-ONE主催の青山Velours「GENERATIONZ」や、DJ MASTERKEY、DJ YUKIJIRUSHIなどと「BLACK CANDY」にレギュラー出演。 現在も都内外、問わず音をデリバリー中。 ●レギュラーイベント● 池袋 KNOT「SOUL JAMAICA」(毎月第三火曜日) 阿佐ヶ谷 Cafein「Royal Blend」(偶数月第三土曜日) 2019.12現在 #source_crew https://www.instagram.com/p/B7H5vCjFnSz73XPzpNV7Sa_UvPcsOPKiTrE22Y0/?igshid=maeiibog0tkm
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MA Fashion and Textile Practices Major Project Path - 20th August
My final T-shirt was initially based on the concept of silence vs expression, I liked the idea of confliction between the need to be expressive and the need to be secretive. I had done some prior research into folds and pleating, and had developed a Pinterest board on concealing words/text within folds. It was the idea that as human beings there are parts of us which we wish to keep hidden and aspects of ourselves we wish to show to the world that I liked, essentially we are contradictory. I thought that using the text I had developed previously - ‘Space is the fold’ would emphasise this notion because the text could be utilised as my expressive side - the part I want people to ‘read’, but yet it discusses the fold - the part I want to keep to myself.
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I didn’t want to create a T-shirt which looked like the other ones, this was meant to be a personal piece. I began to think of how, after completing this MA where I would fit in this world, deep I know, but taking this MA has been challenging in many ways and has forced me to consider what I want to do next in life. I’ve been involved in design in one form or another since I was 16 and had some really positive experiences. I love design, although my love of it has been challenged at certain points in my career, and my confidence knocked because of negative experiences.
I worked at a company in Leeds called E.B.I from October 1993 to December 2005, almost 13 years. I began as a confident designer - having just come from a company working up from design assistant to designer within 6 years - designing mainly men’s, women’s and children’s lingerie and nightwear. I loved my job and the small design team we had. It was incredibly varied work, I was involved in designing everything from the garment itself to the packaging and labelling. I was quite high pressure, we had to ensure deadlines were met and the manufacturers critical path was adhered to, often working late to make it all happen. After a few years I was promoted to senior designer - from starting out as a design room assistant on a Y.T.S training programme back in 1987 this was a big achievement for me.
It was during this time that things started to go wrong for me creatively, and our design team as a whole. This was partly due to company expansion and the way they viewed us as a creative team, and partly because they had employed a design director who was controlling and manipulative. There is no other way of putting it - we were bullied in the workplace. There are many instances I could recount here but it would be a very long introduction to my final T-shirt piece! I think on a whole we were made to feel worthless, undervalued and that the creative aspect of our jobs was the least important. The term ‘cad monkey’ was bandied about, of which the Urban Dictionary (2009) states:
‘Somebody who has gone through years of difficult and strenuous education in engineering, architecture, or a similar field only to wind up with a mindless and repetitive job where they do one task on a computer drafting program over and over again.’ 
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Miragestudio7, n.d. (2019). Dilbert Cad Monkey And The Truth Of Sitting At Your Desk For 9 Hours A Day. [Illustration]. Retrieved from https://blog.miragestudio7.com/dilbert-cad-monkey/301/.
With myself in the role of senior designer I was answerable to the design director and company directors, so I took on an incredible amount of stress which I didn’t pass on to the rest of the team because it would have been unfair. I was the one being paid the most, so I took the brunt of it. In the end I was looking for a way out. My husband and I decided we needed a fresh start - from each other, but I didn’t realise that at the time - and moved, or was that escaped? to Spain. We bought a property north of Granada in a traditional Spanish town called Iznalloz.
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This is our house in Spain, with my (ex) mother-in-law at the front door. 
We were relatively happy there for around a year - our initial settling-in time and getting used to our new environment, it was hard but fun. I think nobody really knows what it’s like moving to another country unless you experience it yourself. It is wonderful, yet terrifying! My husband had planned on becoming a DJ in Spain, he had a huge vinyl collection of dance music and all the equipment required, it would have been a good source of income if he had managed to get work out there. I set up a little freelance design business making greetings cards to sell to locals and customers at home, which was doing OK and kept the creative juices flowing whilst I worked out what else I wanted to do. 
Living in a country where you don’t know anybody else apart from the person you are with for 24/7 puts an incredible strain on the relationship. My husband became frustrated with the lack of work, and resentful of me managing to generate some  - albeit small - amount of income. He was nursing his own demons, suffering from depression since he fell ill with a sudden brain tumour a few years before - it had affected us both deeply. He became increasingly verbally abusive towards me and then to my friends and family - some of whom were very worried for my well-being miles away in another country. So after a visit from my mum in February 2006 I decided to leave him and Spain and move back to the UK. Unfortunately this didn’t happen until the August that year as I had to save any money we had, as well as my mum putting together some funds for me to return home. The time in-between was incredibly stressful, we lived together but had separated, it was a surreal situation but we had to make it work. 
I had lost any impetus to be creative at that point and was just counting the days and weeks until I could come home. Looking back, I think that I associated that time in my life to creativity being a bad thing. Maybe I subconsciously blamed it partly for the breakdown of my marriage, when I knew in reality it was the abuse that was the contributing factor. When I eventually got back to the UK, I lived with my mum in Lincoln and got a part-time job in BHS as a Christmas temp. In the August of 2009 I was thrilled to land a job as a senior lingerie designer at a company in called Crew 2000 in Bradford. It meant moving back up to Yorkshire, but it was the best for me and my mum to enable us to start living our lives for ourselves once again. I moved in with my best friend Mel - who I had been friends with since our days as designers for E.B.I and began this new chapter in my life. I felt I had fallen in love with design again, it had been present in the good and bad parts of my life, it had been the constant throughout.
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One of the repeat prints I designed for Miss Selfridge whilst I was at Crew 2000 in Bradford.
I was at Crew 2000 for around 11 months before I was made redundant. I hadn’t been made redundant before and it was a huge shock. The company had employed me knowing the lingerie department was in trouble. They decided to dissolve the department and move any further lingerie business to the swimwear department - as the two were seen to be similar in approach. I felt my final chance at having a successful career in lingerie design had been taken away. The industry had been increasingly utilising the talents of in-house designers at overseas factories, thus the need for a ‘middle man’ designer like myself was significantly diminished. I worked in retail for a few years afterwards, trying to find work within design but I found employers were, and still are, very blinkered in their requirements for creative employees. I found I had to fit their specifications exactly or I didn’t get to the interview stage. Using creative agencies proved to be fruitless as they themselves became the middle man between the designer and the employer. They had the power to dismiss your CV before the employer got the chance to see it, regardless of how many versions you developed!
In September 2012 I began a BA (Hons) in graphic design at the Batley School of Art. I had managed to secure a place on my previous experience alone and felt that this was another new start - maybe this was what I was meant to do! I had already had experience in branding and packaging design whilst at E.B.I and had thoroughly enjoyed it, so thought that a career in this area of design was the way forward. I had gone straight into work after leaving school at 16, so had never experienced the whole ‘student thing’. I loved my years at Batley School of Art, I was the only mature student in our group of 12 but I loved mixing with younger people. I was never made to feel old or excluded, they felt like my contemporaries. I graduated in 2015 with a first class BA (Hons) in graphic design - the only one in the group - so felt confident I would land a job in the industry within months. Sadly, this was not meant to be. I applied for numerous jobs but to no avail. What was wrong with me? The rest of my group had secured jobs within graphic design soon after graduation, so why hadn’t I? Was it my age?
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My winning design chosen to represent the Batley School of Art End of Year and Degree Shows for 2015.
Fast forward a few years and here I am almost at the end of an MA in Fashion Textile Practices at the University of Huddersfield, which again has been a fantastic experience. The thing is, I still don’t really know what I want to do once I leave university, and at 48 years old you think you should. I have been knocked back many times and have picked myself up, but how much more experience and qualifications do I need to have a career in the creative industries? Sometimes I have wondered whether it is design I love or because it’s the only industry I have known since I was 16. My love for design is so strong some days and then other days I couldn’t give a monkeys, I suppose it’s like any other long-term relationship, it has its highs and lows. 
The Space is the Fold T-shirt is meant to represent the conflict of silence vs expression, but it is also indicative of the struggle I have regarding my own abilities and creativity. It’s a representation of ‘self’, so I thought keeping the text almost unreadable against the background would represent how I am currently feeling at this point in my life, I feel like I’m fading into the background, that I’m being replaced by something better, more talented and younger. But the fact that you can still read the text is a sign that I haven’t totally gone, that I’m still here trying to figure myself out. Hidden messages within the folds reflect my insecurities regarding my creativity. They say ‘No confidence in my abilities’ and ‘Am I too old for a creative job?’ because that is how I feel. I wanted the fabric to look aged, also a representation of my status - a mature creative - so I ran it through a strong mix of tea to achieve a yellowed tone.
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Strong tea mix in the fashion spray bottle. Tea is a surprisingly good dye, although it can be hard to judge how the finished results may be. I felt lucky with the mix I did and then used the remainder once cold to spray over the top of the finished T-shirt.
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I had quite of a lot of white and off white leather pieces to use, so used the same font a before as the main body of the text. I did want this T-shirt to look different than the others, but still have some of the same features - such as this font - to link it to the other pieces.
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I had cut out the patches prior to sewing on the T-shirt then folded and pressed  them to see where the fold lines would be. After stencilling it was easy to see where to re-fold and sew on the patches.
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Front and back views of the finished T-shirt. I sprayed over the top with the tea and it had mixed slightly with the black that had previously been in the bottle. It gave like a dirty tea effect which I liked, it added to the worn and faded aesthetic I was after. 
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sophierender · 7 years
This is the improved GIF of my final character I am animating. I simply made him rotate without his little fingers moving. In my previous attempt, I wanted to make his little fingers move, but this didn’t work out. I have now made him just rotate in a full circle, whilst moving his eyes and his mouth.
I almost forgot to post this GIF and now I have a name for this character Rotating Rani. In my rogh book I wrote down names that would suite each of my characters. I wanted to be more diverse and Googled names from around the world so children from different cultures could relate to my characters more.
This character was fairly easy to do animate, but very time-consuming because I had to make 71 frames to make him do one full turn. I also had to adjust the pupils of the eyes and the shaping of the mouth at every frame. I also had to move the whole shape of each eye in some frames because otherwise, they would stick out of the body of the character.
I didn’t rotate this character’s face with his body, like I did in my first attempt with him. This was because of the tutor feedback I received about the face stating in the same position, the fact that it looked interesting. This also saved time roaring the eyes and mouth with the body, with me also having to make the pupils and mouth move.
W.W.W- Making this character’s facial features move has made him look more comical and given him more personality.
E.B.I- Even though on my first attempt I couldn’t get this character’s fingers to move in one complete rotation, I still would have liked to have achieved this.
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umamoruniverso-blog · 7 years
Hoje eu acordei me perguntando como seria Se fosse só nos dois E como o povo reagiria  Se a gente assumisse toda essa fantasia  Por que eu quero acordar e ter você do meu lado Eu sonho em ser o seu namorado Eu nem ligaria pro que os outros vão dizer  Por que meu coração só bate  Se for pra amar você...
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existbeing · 3 months
NEXT live is NIJI ROCK FES 2024
DAY :2024.8.18(sun)
PLACE: 黒石市 虹の湖公園 特設会場
START: 10:00
Bic Bavooom
Cash Number
Dalmatian Rudie Club
R Complete
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deflik · 3 years
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Is de oprichting van een European Bureau of Investigation (EBI), naar analogie met de Amerikaanse FBI, misschien een (mede) oplossing om te reageren op de, momenteel, ongrijpbare en onbegrensde cybercriminaliteit?
Geografische grenzen hebben weinig betekenis op het internet. Populaire en succesvolle sociale media worden over het algemeen gerund door grote internationale bedrijven en de landen van waaruit ze gerund worden volgen niet noodzakelijk dezelfde wetgeving als België. Willy Bruggeman, voorzitter van de federale politieraad, heeft al vele malen de terechte vraag gesteld : “Heeft een aangepaste of nieuwe Belgische wetgeving hierover eigenlijk wel zin?” Hij stelt de vraag of een Europese of globale aanpak geen betere manier is om deze vragen te beantwoorden. Ik volg hem volledig in zijn redenering en opnieuw wil ik een stukje verder gaan.
Bijna iedereen is er van overtuigd dat de grootste bedreiging voor de komende (?) decennia cyberaanvallen kunnen zijn. Veel netwerken en de grenzeloze internationale verbondenheid die ons vrijheid, entertainment, informatie en toegang tot de wisdom of the crowds geven, zijn dezelfde media die de ondergang van de netwerkmaatschappij kunnen betekenen. Cyberterroristen met de juiste knowhow of met hackers in dienst, kunnen de elektriciteit in hele naties afsluiten, het telefoonverkeer lam leggen, ziekenhuisgegevens wissen of bankrekeningen plunderen. Dergelijke aanval kan tot algemene chaos en opstand leiden. Vergeet de atoombom – draai de digitale kraan dicht en we werken onszelf wel de vernieling in. Cybercrimebestrijders wereldwijd krijgen nu groen licht.
Een E.B.I.
Bij het opstarten of verderzetten van gerechtelijke onderzoeken en opsporingen moet de politie vaak terugvallen op zogenaamde Service Level Agreements (SLA). Daarbij worden, naar vorm en inhoud, afspraken gemaakt rond (samen)werking en neergeschreven in een ‘contract’. Heel anders dan in de Verenigde Staten, waar de FBI een zaak van a tot z kan behandelen, kan het zijn dat verscheidene Belgische politiediensten soms in kluwen van structuren moeten samenwerken. Lokale recherchedienst, federale gerechtelijke politie en andere partners worstelen onderling met de vele taken en verantwoordelijkheden die door regelgeving opgehoopt worden. Hierdoor staat de deur op een kier voor gestoorde procesgangen, foute beoordelingen en risico’s voor de goede afloop.
Globalisering van criminaliteit dwingt politiemachten om samen te werken over de bestaande taal-, lands- en cultuurgrenzen heen. Daarvoor zijn twee soorten bijstellingen en aanpassingen nodig:
De organisatie zal zich een nieuwe vorm van diplomatie moeten eigen maken en zich cultureel moeten voorbereiden om in internationale netwerken te opereren.
Nog eens, het politiewerk ziet zich geconfronteerd met moderne criminaliteitsvormen en misdaadstructuren die om innovatieve technologieën, permanente bijscholing en een algemene flexibele inzet van het politiewerk vragen.
In grote gebieden van de wereld worden wetgeving en vrij verkeer van kapitaal, goederen en diensten op elkaar afgestemd. Terwijl naties steeds meer autonomie afgeven aan supranationale organisaties zoals de Europese Unie, stijgt de vraag naar gelijklopende wetgevingen binnen de schillende lidstaten. De Europese Unie heeft al sinds 1993 als fundamentele doelstelling om voor haar burgers een ruimte te creëren van vrijheid, veiligheid en rechtvaardigheid zonder binnengrenzen. Het afstemmen van al die verschillende juridische systemen van elke lidstaat maakt het haar niet gemakkelijk, en al zeker niet het bijkomende problematiek van online grensvervaging en virtuele criminaliteit.
Bijkomende vraag : dienen politie, defensie, douane,.... elk afzonderlijke ‘cyberdiensten’ te creëren of maken we één sterk netwerk, in het belang van de burger ? #dtv
Onderwerp voorde ‘Staten-Generaal Politie’ ? #veilig2030 #denieuwepolitie
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brumelcostah-blog · 7 years
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phantomcreates-blog · 7 years
Evaluation of Converse Advert
The advert is the first project I have ever edited and filmed so of course there are going to be areas of improvement within this video however, I feel that although it is as I stated my first project, it is still more advanced than other projects that you would see from someone from the same position as myself.
W.W.W. (What Went Well):
I feel that the concept of the advert itself was a great concept, it all melded together well, this is due to the script and the arrangement of how the advert was shot. I also feel that the backing track to the video also added to my voice over of the advert as it sets the tone and engages with the viewer. In addition to this, I also feel that the use of the local area (Dovercourt), also added to the advert, this is due to the many different areas of Dovercourt such as, beaches, built-up housing, parks and a high street; these all helped make the video as it made the advert seem it was filmed in separate areas.
E.B.I. (Even Better If):
With that being said, I however felt that a large portion of what was filmed was filmed was not filmed correctly, this is due to the camera work all being handheld. This could of been improved if a dolly troll & tripod was used, this would then make the shots angled correctly and give the advert more of a professional look.
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rickfermocsantos · 3 years
Procura apresentar-te a Deus aprovado, como obreiro que não tem de que se envergonhar, que maneja bem a palavra da verdade (II Timóteo, 2.15).
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wu-tamu · 5 years
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あけましておめでとうございマス🍶㊗️ 今年もよろしくお願いしマス🎍🌅 新年一発目のDJは,1月11日(sat)の『AMBUSHBELT』! 場所は青森市B.B caFeデス! 青森のグッドプレイヤーに加えて, 東京からゲストも来るので楽しみデス🎤🎧 みなさんお待ちしてマス🙌🏽✨ 12日は三沢市BACBLOCKでもイベントがありマスのでそちらも要チェックでありマス🤙🏼🤟🏼👌🏼 . 「AMBUSHBELT!!! in青森」 2020.1.11 (SAT) @B.B.Cafe OPEN & START 22:00〜 ADV ¥1,500(1D) DAY ¥2,000(1D) -GUEST DJ- ・PINO -GUEST NAGESEN LIVE- ・RAP MARUYAMA -LIVE- ・ATHLETIC RHYMERS ・KUTURO ・F8C -DJ- ・K-ZY ・DAISMOQUE ・WU-TAMU ・E.B.I ・BOWYA #source_crew (B.B cafe) https://www.instagram.com/p/B69opqhlmnq-E1nFhR6KygEF7JVit71hlM1yzs0/?igshid=1udoxb2q8pjwf
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Today Delaware's #1 Blogger Antionette Blake #DelBlogger DelBlogger presented at Seeds Of Greatness Bible Church #sogbiblechurch Seeds of Greatness Bible Church E.B.I. Entrepreneurs Business Institute. #willyvargasphotography #vargasphotography #vargasphotos #delaware #delawarephotographer #newark #newarkphotographer #newarkdelaware #newarkde #portrait #portraitphotography #portraitphotographer #portraiture #headshot #headshots #delawareheadshot #newarkheadshot #newarkdelawareheadshot #newarkdelawarephotographer #canon #canonusa #canonusaimaging #photoshooting #portraitpage #portraitmode
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sophierender · 7 years
This is my first attempt at animating my pink alien character. My plan was to have him move in a snail-like movement to match his look. I wanted him to uncoil and then as he re-coils, he moves forward a bit.
This was definitely the most challenging and time consuming of my characters to animate. This was because I had to animate the entire coil of my character unravelling and then stretching out fully, which took 35 frames! This is a lot compared to most of my characters that only took 5-8 frames to animate.
I created my frames on Illustrator using the curved pen tool to adjust the shaping of my character’s coil at each frame. I had to delete a small section of a time and use the pen tool draw the line back in to create the edge of the shape that had been deleted through editing. I was also able to stretch the coil outwards as the pen tool allowed me to re-create the coil stretched out. I then put my complete frames into Premiere and altered the timing of them so they would all play for 2 milliseconds. For some unknown reason the last few frames of animation where my alien uncoiled, he also gradually moved forward. I did want my alien to move forward, but at a particular distance that I wanted. I corrected these last few frames so they would stay still, by putting the wrong frame above the right frame in the timeline. In the viewing area I could then see that the wrong frame was quite a distance away from the right frame. I gradually moved the frame in the viewing area until it was in the exact position and lined up with the correct frame. I repeated this process with all the other incorrect frames. I then had a complete animation of my pink alien character in one position, but uncoiling smoothly.
My next step was to make my character move. I wanted him to move as his coil stretches out. The coil only stretched out in the last 6 frames, so I only made my character move in these frames. To make my character move, I anchor pointed the first frame of my character uncoiling at the position I wanted him to start at. I then moved this frame five frames forward. I then put the second uncoiled frame above the first uncoiled frame in the timeline. This allowed me to see both of the uncoiled frames at once in the viewing area, so I could line up the second on coiled frame with the first uncoiled frame. I repeated this process on all the other on coiled frames and then play this as an animation. From watching this animation, I realised moving my character four frames along was way too slow.
I decided to move my character 10 frames forward to see if this would be any faster. This was still ridiculously slow, so I have come up with a better idea. Instead of counting how many frames I moved my character, I simply moved him to the distance I thought was appropriate and then calculated how many frames I had actually moved him. I did this by looking in the editing panel to see what position my character started at, which was a particular number. On my first attempt the stating point number of my character was -846 and the end point number was 675. This meant my calculation was -846 + 675. This gave me the answer 171, so this meant I had to move my character 171 frames forward. When I watched this as animation I thought it was a massive improvement on my first few attempts. I have exported this as my first attempt on my new technique (video above). I chose not to export my first few attempts because they weren’t worth exporting with them being so slow and very similar to each another.
W.W.W- Using my new idea has improved this animation a lot. My character now a more normal looking movement.
E.B.I- I still feel this character could be sped up a bit, so I will create another development where I have adjusted the the speed slightly.
The quality of my GIFs aren't very good because the higher quality versions won't work properly on Tumblr.
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my E.B.I in my peer assessment
i was told my dance was great theres nothing i really have to improve on except my pointed toe at one point i forgot besides that it was great i used all sills, posture was strong musicality ands timing was there and i used a lot of different techniques and levels for each one.
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