#Duraxxor's guild
duraxxor · 5 years
Myotis is now Recruiting!
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“ Does your restless soul that yearns for chaos in the world vying for peace? Are you willing to go beyond the limits of society’s morality to accomplish your goals? Do you hunger for the raw, untapped potential to accomplish your heart’s desire? Or maybe, just maybe, you are reviled by those around you for the creature you truly are? A monster forced onto this path for the sake of self-preservation. The night beckons your call, my friend. “  
<Myotis> is a private organization that specializes in the paths less taken in society. Whether you are a cutthroat seeking to murder for fortune and glory, a cultist seeking refuge from the eyes of those who would see your work undone, or a creature created by the hardships of the atrocities committed around the world, you are welcome. And while our themes may be on the dark side of the abyss, we are an adult RP guild that offers an open-minded, light-hearted environment. 
I am a tauren paladin, am I allowed to become a member in your guild? Why yes, my friend, you are. All races of the living, deceased, and everything in-between are welcome to join within the ranks of Myotis. We are not elf-sclusive.  All I ask Is to be sure your character’s goals align with the guild’s darker theme. 
What is sort of policies do you have in place to hold your members accountable for any sort of negative actions? This is primarily based on the severity of the behavior, warnings/consequences will be doled out where it is required. Decisions are made by a council of your peers, and not just the guildmaster alone. What a person does under the guild name affects everyone, both outside and within our ranks. Harassment is not tolerated within Myotis and we favor conversation over confrontation on the OoC level. 
I’m not really much of one to fight, can I still join and participate within events? Of course! Myotis will be a home to all sorts of interesting characters. Some who will be adept in fighting with their weaponry, magics, and skills. But just because one chooses not to fight doesn’t mean they have the inability to participate. Other types of events may include excavation, tutorials, investigations, and sometimes even comedy! Social interaction will always be encouraged amongst your peers.
What faction is your guild considered? While we are a Horde-based guild on Wyrmrest Accord, the majority of members are more on the lines of neutrality where they serve only the loyalties within Myotis along with their own personal agendas. Do not be surprised if there is ever cross-faction based interactions.
I noticed that you have labeled your guild as an adult RP guild, what does that mean?  You must be 18 years of age to join Myotis. While most believe this is due to sexual content, it is primarily because Myotis is an organization that harbors the more violent and morbid characters. We are all adults, and as such, our writing should remain unfiltered. If one finds themselves in a position of discomfort, we will always discuss how to safely continue the story without making the situation unpleasant should the need arise in the case of triggers.
Is there a Discord or website? How do I join? The Myotis Discord is exclusive to those that join, whether it be OoC or IC. However, continued entry will only be given to those that plan to RP within the guild and during it’s events. No website currently but we are hoping to change that in the near future. If you are interested in joining Myotis, please send a message to Duraxxor or any of the members that are online within the game, through @duraxxor​ via Tumblr, or Duraxxor#2359 via Discord. There are currently no acting Officers but will change as time passes. 
Thank you all for reading and have a spectacular day!
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safrona-shadowsun · 4 years
🤩 Are there people in the RP community that you admire?
Random ask meme
{Doesn’t everybody? Hehe. 
I have a lot of people that have left a deep, lasting impression on me that do not write as much, or may not even play Warcraft anymore that I still really do admire, like @elibraddock, @sanguinesorceress, @calaglin-iarian. I feel like they have taught me in their own way to improve upon my own writing with their immersive, marvelously written characters, and through inspiring Rp. There are others that I am not even sure have an active Tumblr anymore that really hit this A-game of writing for me, and I miss them very much for how they inspired me, or my characters. 
There are guilds that put together amazing events in-game that I admire, even if I have interacted very little with them, such as @atc-wra Alliance-side and @succulent-tart Horde-side that I admire just for their ability to organize and entertain. As someone that remembers helping put together community rp events for a home server many years ago, and all the hard work and need for cohesion that goes into it all, I applaud the skill. 
There are people that I send prompts to just in hopes to see them write, because I admire it when they do, even if we may never interact, such as @videtur-existentia, @theveiledprophet, @duraxxor @halforc-mercenary @nixalegos @theconstructsworld and @silvertonguedaggermaw. All of these writers just have me glued to what they will write next.
And there are supporters to the Tumblr Rp community that I applaud like you, @unabashedrebel and @stonestridernerd, who deserve all the good things. <3 }
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thalsianiii · 5 years
Object of Odyssey - Percival
theXal’atath, Blade of the Black Empire. Aluneth, Greatstaff of the Magna. Thal’kiel, Skull of the Man’ari. In Legion we were blessed with weaponry that still has an impact even to this very day upon Azeroth. Objects from which whispered of promised powers, dark desires, and even extra sass. But what exactly would your independent characters do if they were to come across such an odyssey? What would they use the personified artifact for? Why don’t we find out with the use of your own imagination?
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1. What is the name and lore of this object? 
Skull of the Pit Lord; Tormaaz the Gargantuan
Sometime after the Purging of Stratholme by Prince Arthas, a large slaughterhouse was constructed where Baron Rivendare commanded the forces of The Scourge in the Eastern Plaguelands. Heroes long ago have since routed out the scourge and dethroned the Baron and his usurping descendant. But there is a greater secret, not known to the mortal world, that dwell within the ruined city. A gate to the west of the Slaughter house still remains unopened for years after the retaking. Beyond it is a portal no living soul had ever crossed, save for one.
It was rumoured that this man, a Kaldorei, walked through the portal years ago, when the War on Outland first took place. He formed a guild of would be heroes that donned the title, “Obsidian” and they ventured forth into the world. Stories say they braved the depths of Karazhan and Serpentshrine Caverns. They fought the Lich King atop the Frozen Throne, and slew Deathwing amidst the maelstrom. They conquered the Thunder King Lei Shen and freed Orgrimmar from the Prideful Garrosh. Claiming powerful relics and forging great weapons from these cataclysms. Befriending kings, dragons, and gods alike.
These are all rumours, of course, with no basis of proof as the guilds name and each of these heroes have not been heard from in years. Save, perhaps, for one.
If you go to the inn of Anvilmar, during the worst of blizzards, you might meet him; a gnome. With vanilla cream hair and a mustache, he sits alone and drinks. His one good eye looking around suspiciously at any who approach with a hand on his fang-like daggers. If you listen close, and listen hard, you can hear him whisper:
“Banished to the razor blade lakes of salt. Punishment for speaking his name aloud. One week and three days he would leave us. But he was returned, for Tormaaz is great, Tormaaz is good, All moan the great, good, Tormaaz.”
To most, these are the ramblings of an old soldier who had long since lost his mind in one of the many great conflicts that have damned Azeroth over the years.
But to those with an inquiring mind willing to gamble with their life and the fate of the world, it’s the beginnings of and adventure to untold power...
2. What is this object’s classification? What are it’s abilities?
Similar to the Skull of Thal’kiel, The soul of Tormaaz the Gargantuan has been bound to his skull, damning him to never return to the twisting nether unless it is destroyed entirely. Though it wouldn’t have the same level of sass and subtlety as Thal’kiel, Tormaaz was a calculating commander and master of creative brutality. Where Thal’kiel once drained the power of near by demons to create a blast of power, the mere presence of Tormaaz’s soul empowers demons around him to go into a frenzied rage. A demonic evolution that brings out even the meekest of demons innermost savagery. But those that prove weak, would be sacrificed to further empower his armada.
4. How did this object come to possess a will of it’s own?
Because it always had one! it’s not an object given sentience like the staff of the guardian, but a living demonic soul trapped in it’s own skull like a prison.
5. How did you character come into contact with such a find? 
If he ever did follow the clues. It would be from the ramblings of that gnome. Only one versed in the Eredun tongue would recognize Tormaaz as a demonic name. Once that was heard, the hyper-fixation would be very real until the source of this power was discovered.
6. Would they use it? 
100% yes.
7. Are there any memorable quotes from the object’s will?
“I will redefine your understanding of pain and agony, whelp!”
“Yes, yes, yes! Burn in my glory!”
“You think you have the power to contain me forever? I am infinite, you are temporary.”
“You command the demons well, but you still lack imagination.”
“The Nathrezim think they are masters of infiltration, but they never achieved as much as I did to claim this world.”
“To command the Twisting Nether requires two things: power, and presence. You have neither.”
“I’ll throw you into the Razor Lakes of Salt for your disobedience!”
“All moan to Tormaaz the Gargantuan!!”
tagged by: @duraxxor thank you so much for this prompt!
tagging: everyone he tagged and also @cypris-thalsian @caedera-mendenhall @nadia-summerset @darthea-the-demon @sailynthesayaad @opliscadumere @summysparklesprocket @the-eve-of-twilight @analuria-silverspyre​ aaaaand uhm... anyone else who likes to do creepy shit. Please even if you’re not tagged steal this from me and say I tagged you because talking weapons are best weapons!
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duraxxor · 5 years
💭 Favorite memory of the muse?
Oh god, there’s just so many fond memories I have. I don’t even know which one I would even consider my favorite. There is one that I hold dear I suppose I could speak of. It’s been a couple of years but the time sort of spans directly to the beginning when I first participated with Duraxxor.
I was walking around Silvermoon, seeking to roleplay since the guild I was in was quiet and most of the players were offline. So I came across a face I have become quite familiar with. Her MRP spoke to me in many different ways and I just couldn’t help but be inspired by what was written inside. Yet, due to my inexperience and shyness, I never approached. 
A few years passed and I joined the Tumblr community because it was highly recommended by @bloody-loyalties whom I had just met in my second guild that Duraxxor became affiliated with. And then, not even a few months had passed before that same individual appeared on my feed. I froze, I could not believe my eyes as they were consumed by that which is sanguine. Yet, I was still too afraid to approach her. But as I read into her blog, I became more and more infatuated with how she portrayed her own character. But my time had not come.
Finally, after a few extra years, I made my approach to her on Tumblr. It took the courage driven by the need to push forward and the desire to seek them out that I plunged myself into the abyss. We began on Tumblr and then rendezvoused inside the game at the large, dead looking tree near the graveyard in Brill. I’ll never forget how the interaction went from an introduction of trials to the Sorceress putting my shithead of a man in his place when he made his attempt to peer under that hood. One of his biggest lessons was learned that day. 
“ One does not need to see something to know what may lie beyond the veil. “ 
From then on, she has supported Duraxxor since and the mun behind it turned out to be just like me in several ways. I couldn’t ask for a better friend from an online encounter. So while this is me answering one of my fondest memories, I would like to also thank @sanguinesorceress for not only being a wonderful memory, but a close friend, as well. 
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[ Thank you @mai-takeda for the wonderful ask <3 ]
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