#Don't usually divulge this stuff on art platforms but hey!
veresidae · 9 months
i was going to ramble a whole lot in my actual upload but i was getting sooo rambly. Either way another 'read more'. Discussing the hopeful future of my portfolio and whats been happening, even if I know I'm not obligated to discuss! 10 Year reflecting !
That piece was meant to be done a month ago LOL. There has been a very obvious art block on my blog, and to be honest taking a community college course for animation just ruined a lot of drive and relationship with art.
I mention this because it turned me into such a perfectionist that no piece I attempted has been good enough! For the first times ever , I was actually scrapping pieces I was a good ways into! Nothing felt good enough, so I was hardcore studying and grabbing courses, and then crashing and burning from that. Improvement has been alright, but woof!
That being said, I want to make the next year to be.. a lot less of that! I have gotten a lot of advice that helped and snapped me out of that, which is nice. The last piece was a good thing for not needing to 'show off' too much, and sticking to what I prefer to do!
I hope in the next year to do a lot more! Maybe a month-long challenge, I don't know. I'd love to draw more consistent finished pieces, I need a proper portfolio but it's also just good for practice!
My only for sure plans are Fallen Rose cover redraws, Character profile sheets, and updated Character refs (AGAIN!!!). Maybe hopefully club 66 covers as well.. Everything else will be a surprise oooo who knows I'll get myself another magenta or twogami and draw them like no tomorrow. Or just get into another fandom lol.
If you read this hugs love treat yourself kindly and don't pressure yourself too much it will not bode well!
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