#Doe-eyed babyface
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zeiat · 2 months ago
i have a coworker who i'm pretty close with as far as work buddies go, not least because we're both queer, but she's 26 and she has forgotten at least 3 times now that i'm fully 7 years older than her and every time she remembers she makes me feel like the oldest bitch on the planet. two days ago we had this conversation:
coworker: did you ever have a bieber phase when you were a kid?
me: bieber? nah, i was a little too old for that i think.
coworker: really? everyone loved bieber.
me: yeah, no, he was like, slightly after my time.
coworker: i was a huge one direction girlie.
me: some of my friends were too, but one direction definitely also felt like it was after my time. oh but you'll love this: when i was little, all my friends had picked backstreet boys to be in love with, so i--
coworker: backstreet boys?!
me: wait, no, fuck, it was nsync. but they were all saying they were in love with nsync guys so i just picked one at random and pretended--
coworker: holy shit, you are dating yourself. remind me, who the fuck were the backstreet boys???
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churomo · 2 years ago
do you think scara is aware that he is cute
and has perhaps used that to his advantage once or twice?
or do you think he Does Not Know. Simply hadn’t noticed on account of all the Angery and Sad.
i meannn canonically he has been referred to as beautiful (plus a ton of other synonyms www i think hyv just likes talking abt how pretty he is) so imo he’d be super aware? especially in the fatui era like i think i can see him utilizing it
the only thing coming to mind is when he met the traveler in unreconciled stars? but he wasn’t using “cuteness” to his advantage per se … idk at the very least he Can canonically act all unassuming to his advantage sooo shrugs
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cottonlemonade · 9 months ago
Hello, may I please get a ramune and soke dorayaki from menu B for tendou
Please, and thank you
Here, meney
How You Met
word count: 997 || avg. reading time: 4 mins.
pairing: rival!Tendou x chubby!Reader (feat. Semi and Ushijima as wingmen)
genre: fluff, rivals to lovers
warnings: mentions of having a nosebleed?
request: fluffy, detention with rival Tendou, as manager
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Tendou loved riling people up. To him, volleyball was as much about psychological warfare as it was about physical abilities and he particularly enjoyed testing out a new person’s limits. So when the local university’s volleyball team announced that they brought their newly appointed manager, he was delighted to have a fresh study subject. Did he think you were cute? Absolutely. Being quite a bit shorter than him, as well as plump and squishy looking, he immediately focused his attention on you and tested how much teasing it would take to get you to snap at him. He was a simple boy that way. What he didn’t expect, however, was a bloody nose and being shoved into an empty classroom with you.
“You can’t just give me detention! He started it! And I don’t even go to this school!”, you called through the closed door but no one answered.
“Yeah, old Washijo has quite the trigger finger.”, Tendou shrugged, slumping on his chair and leaning his head back to stop the bleeding.
“You pack quite the punch, little plum.”
“Don’t call me that unless you want me to have another go at that nose.”, you grumbled, slumping down on a chair two desks away from him. He just laughed and sighed. It really hadn’t taken long for him to be completely in love.
“So, is that guy your boyfriend?”
“That guy I talked about that made you sucker punch me.”
“That was hardly a sucker punch.”
Tendou tensed a little that you avoided the question but he kept poking further.
“Then… That big beefy guy with the babyface - you aren’t together?”
You looked at him, arms crossed.
“No. We’re friends. - And I’m protective of my friends.”
“Yeah I could tell.” He stretched his face and removed the whatted up piece of tissue from his nose, tipping back his chair on its hind legs.
It seemed you were quite hellbent on ignoring him until the 30 minute timeout was over. Meanwhile, the red haired boy studied you openly, finding more things he liked about you with every minute. Like the way you scrunched your nose in annoyance when you noticed him staring.
“What?”, you barked.
“Nothing. Ever considered dating someone younger than you? I’m perfectly legal, organic and grass-fed.”
“Organic and grass-fed…? Do you want me to eat you?”, you frowned confused.
“We can start with a normal date and see where the night takes us.”, he said with a wink.
After that you pretended he was air until the captain of the varsity team came to collect you.
“Uuuuugh!”, Tendou repeatedly bonked his head against the table at lunch the next day. His friends regarded him with questioning looks.
“Grass-fed! What was I thinking?”, he lamented with a muffled voice.
“Yeah, what were you thinking?”, Semi asked with a raised brow.
“I don’t know! My brain just… stopped working. I couldn’t control what I was saying.” The middle blocker turned his head to the side, looking up at his friends, cheek still smooshed against the table.
“So, you can’t flirt. You’ll get better and the next girl might not even punch you.”, Semi said encouragingly but Tendou pouted.
“But I don’t want another girl. I want this one.”, he sat up, eying Semi who just lifted a spoonful of soup to his mouth but stopped.
“How do you get girls to go out with you, Semi-Semi? You dress horribly and it really can’t be your personality.”
Semi ignored the slight and just raised a hand to gesture at his face.
“Does it all for me.”
“Ugh.” Tendou dropped back onto the table.
“May I make a suggestion?”, Ushijima offered, setting down his water bottle.
“Like with many things in life you could draw inspiration from nature. So I suggest, you do it like animals.”
Goshiki choked on a piece of tofu and Semi let out a scandalized, “Ushijima-san!”, patting the first-year next to him on his back.
Tendou straightened again and raised a hand, “Wait, let’s hear the man out. - Proceed.”
“A lot of animals bring gifts to their potential mates such as rocks or even food as courtship. You don’t have to bring her rocks unless she finds them fascinating but food seems like a reasonable start.”
“See, it was nothing weird. Dirty mind, you!”, Tendou teased and Semi put a hand to his chin in thought.
“As crazy as he sounds, that is actually a good idea.”, the setter agreed.
One week later when the varsity team came for another training match, Tendou waited for you by the entrance of the gym, rolling back and forth on his heels in nervousness.
You scowled when you saw him.
“Can I talk to you for a moment, y/n-chan?”
“I don’t remember ever offering you to drop formalities.”
“Alright, little plum-san. Do you have a minute?”
You sighed and nodded to the captain who led the team into the gym, leaving you behind.
After taking a deep breath he brought his hands out in front of him and presented you with a box of chocolates.
“They’re not poisoned.”, he said.
“Well that’s reassuring.”, you carefully took the box into your hand and opened the lid.
They looked a bit crooked like they had been a factory mishap.
“I made them.”, Tendou added and your eyes widened. Okay, so far so good. He just had to stick to the script he and his friends came up with.
“I’m sorry for last week. I’ll make sure not to annoy your players verbally anymore. Or insinuate that one of them looks like a third grader in the body of an accountant. But… I really did mean it when I asked you out. I think you’re really pretty and”, he chuckled and brushed the tip of his nose, “really strong.”
You considered him for a moment, then looked down at the chocolates again. It must have taken him hours to make those.
“Fine. One coffee.”
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a/n: the way you wrote your request made me laugh xD thank you so much! I hope you liked it - this one got a bit wild 🫠
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boinin · 1 year ago
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official release of chapter 240 is out!
I swear, when I first saw this panel, I was thinking huh, the goalkeeper's got a cute design, wonder why they're focusing on hi—ohhhhh.
Dumb baby chick *facepalm*
Without his noodle bang, I found it hard to identify Nagi.
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I really like both these panels, even if I'm questioning the translation choices. Not Rin calling Nagi a goddamn zit 😭 But both of them look amazing. I enjoy doe-eyed Nagi.
Isagi being so happy to crush Kaiser 🔥 Talk about consistency. He's the same as he was when he beat Team Y and Niko, but even worse somehow.
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It was a good week for those of us that like side characters. Nanase! Tokimitsu! Zantetsu! Growly Wanima brother! They look great in their respective team uniforms.
The bottom Nanase panel has me convinced he's the blursed lovechild of Isagi and Yukimiya /s not really but he looks sooo like them both here
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Look at this underrated lil Moomin 💓💓💓
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Another panel of Rin serving ✨ Nomura must have missed drawing him lmao. He gives serious Sae vibes with his hair pushed back.
Rin's always been pointier-featured than his brother though. Isagi looks so babyfaced next to him.
Honestly, so many of the panels this chapter rock. Like, the Kaiser ones are all chilling. But of course, filthy shipper that I am, this is what I was waiting on from the official release. I'm clearly not the only Kunigiri enthusiast in town:
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PO2 scanlation on left, official translation on right.
There's many ways they could have phrased it, but they went with this🫡 between this and "Prince Uncharming", they're not subtle about their agenda.
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xenodile · 9 months ago
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Shepetto is the most doe eyed babyfaced catboy I've ever seen.
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cataclysmiceuphemism · 2 months ago
23 dolenzmith🤠🥁
Send me a Ship and a Number and I will Write a Kiss number... in relief
Mike had known, in his heart, that they'd taken Micky home from the police station, not his criminal mastermind doppelganger. He'd known it without thinking at all, when it came right down to it. Babyface and Micky had been yammering no I'm the real Micky Dolenz! over top of one another for a while, and Mike had said, "Hey, Mick."
Only one head had turned. Micky looked at him with big brown doe eyes and asked, "Yeah, Mike?" like Babyface hadn't mattered at all. And Mike had known that the reaction had been sincere, had been his Micky turning to look his way and not some guy who happened to share his face.
Mike had been so certain that he'd strode over, grabbed Micky's wrist, and hauled him out of the police station. He implemented a new rule once they all climbed into the Monkeemobile: "No helping the cops capture guys who look like us." Then he considered it and waved a hand to scratch that comment, amending, "No more being undercover, or none of that. The police haven't paid us once, anyhow, and we haven't got a thing out of it." He'd probably take it back, the next time the cops came asking them for help. But right then he was very aware that he'd take all of The Monkees being safe, happy, and healthy, over doing the right thing in keeping a violent criminal off the streets.
The guys had all agreed without complaint.
Then Peter said, "You know, Micky, you were really good at being Babyface."
And Micky had gone all squint-eyed. He'd nodded his head a bit, grinned crooked, and patted Peter on the cheek. "You got an eye for talent," he commended in Babyface's rough voice, "Keep it up, Kid. You'll go far."
Peter smiled wide.
That was when Mike was hit with the 'what if?' of doubt.
Micky had, after all, spent days slipping in and out of Babyface's shoes. He'd only done it sporadically, the way he would with any of his characters, but he'd do it fully, and as easily as changing clothes. He'd switch to a sauntering sort of walk. His eyes would all of a sudden go sly, shrewd, calculating. He'd even once said, "Hey, dollface," grabbed Mike by the collar of his shirt, and kissed him rough.
Then he'd laughed, bashful, and apologized, like it had been an overstep.
It hadn't been, though Mike had accepted the apology without saying he hadn't needed it. The fact of it was that it had been Babyface who'd grabbed him but Micky who had kissed him— that though the kiss had been rough, forceful, it had been so in the ways Micky kissed him at the end of a long day, or when they'd been apart for a while. It hadn't been the kiss of a gangster who took what he wanted, but of a man who loved what he had.
But soon enough he was back to being Babyface. He'd done a good job of it, actually impeccable, for having only met Babyface for only a few minutes. And Babyface had been just as good at playing Micky Dolenz. And it occurred to Mike, that maybe he hadn't accounted for it all. That maybe Micky hadn't quite slipped out of character, or that Babyface had slipped in to character all too well. That maybe he wasn't as smart as he thought he was, that maybe he didn't know Micky as well as he thought he did.
He was sure, he was positive, that he was right.
Except with Micky play-acting that way, he became all too aware of the weight of being wrong. Micky would be in jail for the rest of his life, and a bloodthirsty criminal would be sleeping in their bed.
"Mick," Mike said, "Do me a favor and kill the bit."
Micky obliged with a "Sure thing, Mike!" and a pantomime of slicing his throat with his hand.
And, well, it was probably his fault for asking that way, but it still made Mike think of a gangster threatening a hit. He tried to focus on the drive home, but found his eyes going up to the rearview to catch sight of Micky's face. Like it would be seeing him unawares that would do it. It did make him think That's Micky, all right, seeing Micky talk animated to Peter in the backseat, seeing him catch Mike's eyes in the rearview and go crosseyed and stick his tongue out. But fear did a funny thing, of taking something a person knew for fact and turning it into doubt.
When they stepped into the pad, Micky took off his suit jacket and hung it over the back of a chair.
He didn't just toss is in the general direction of their loveseat.
That was funny, wasn't it?
"I'm bushed!" Micky declared. He stretched, yawned, said, "Man, a life of crime really takes it outta you. I'm goin' to bed."
Maybe that should've done it on its own; Babyface wouldn't know where their bedroom was. But he also wouldn't know they all shared one— maybe that's what would make it smarter, to go up first, when he could have time to look around the place, instead of following the guys up later.
Mike heard a chorus of four 'good night's, including from his own mouth, two from the kitchen as Peter and Davy looked to fix themselves a quick dinner. Mike wasn't sure the last time any of them had eaten.
Micky came up to him, repeated, "Goodnight, Mike," and kissed him sweet before turning away to head off to bed.
Just like that, any doubt subsided, and relief flooded Mike instead. Mike grabbed Micky's arm and yanked him back, kissed him so forcefully that it bent him over backwards, making Micky reach up to keep the hat he'd been wearing all night on his head. Micky's eyes went wide, startled, and then he settled into it, eyelids fluttering shut and smiling against Mike's lips. When Mike pulled back, Micky looked up at him, dreamy, and that surely would have done it if nothing else had.
"G'night, Mick."
The dreamy expression turned right back into shock. "Well, now I'm awake!" he yelped, giving Mike a swat.
Mike laughed a little and gave Micky one more kiss, almost as an apology for getting him worked up. Or maybe as an apology for being worked up, himself, in a way Micky hadn't known a thing about. "I'll meet you upstairs," he promised.
"You better," Micky teased, blowing a kiss as he disappeared up the stairs.
Mike looked up the stairs after him. Then he looked to Peter and Davy hunting around the kitchen, banging around their empty cupboards, raiding the just-as-empty fridge.
He pulled out his wallet. He had more money than mothballs, so he went to Peter and gave him his cash. "Order us a pizza, huh, Pete?"
Peter grinned wide. "Thanks, Mike!" he said, grabbing the money and running to the phone.
Davy looked at Mike, let his gaze drag from Mike's eyes to the spiral staircase and back again. "Planning to work up an appetite?" he asked, almost managing to keep the teasing grin off of his face even if he didn't hide it from his voice.
"Oh, well, I wouldn't say that." Mike cleared his throat. He put on his best country bumpkin affect, "But it'd be silly for all four of us to wait for the pizza. So you and Peter wait here, and me and Mick will come down in about half an hour."
"Sure, Mike," Davy agreed, a placating 'whatever you say' underneath his words.
"Sure, Mike!" Peter agreed happily, taking a moment to pause his conversation with Shakey's Pizza by tipping his head away from the phone.
And Mike headed up the stairs to revel in all the things he knew were his.
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darlingkisses01 · 5 months ago
1, 5, 6, and 9!! (for da ask game uwu)
ask game
1. what song makes you feel better?
ahhhh feel better? not sure in what sense to answer here... duvet by boa makes me feel calmer. and zettai koakuma coord by ano makes me feel more energized. something like that
5. who do you feel most you around?
my partner marc and my best friend selena :)
6. say three nice things about yourself (three physical and three non-physical).
uhhhhhh ummm uhhhhhh
i like my babyface cheeks, very cute
my mom said one time that i have really nice nails and i was like oh shit you're right
i think it's very funny that i have this dead-eyed stare when combined with my small stature and funky fashion sense lmaoooooo. gap moe or something
i've gotten some compliments on my voice, which i was like ??? didn't think it sounded particularly nice... though it does help with gaining more confidence in how my voice sounds, cus i was afraid that it sounded uncute.
speaking of which, i've been considering doing character and other media-related analyses in video essay format, and i think i can have a real sharp eye for things if i get invested enough in something.
ummmm uhhhhhhhhh. i think i'm good at drawing and writing sometimes. or something idk i struggled with this question so bad
9. what calms you down?
being with marc when we're both low energy tends to feel nice i think. also being wrapped up in blankie and holding my taco plush close to me
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sukunaspinkyfinger · 1 year ago
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ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ꜰᴀᴅᴇ ᴀᴡᴀʏ - ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ɪɪ - ɢᴏᴊᴏ ᴏᴡᴇꜱ ᴍᴇ ᴍᴏɴᴇʏ!
ꜱᴏɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ: ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀʟʟᴀᴅ ᴏꜰ ʙᴜᴄᴋ ʀᴀᴠᴇʀꜱ - ꜱᴀᴍᴜʀᴀɪ
ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴꜱ: ᴠɪᴏʟᴇɴᴄᴇ, ꜱᴡᴇᴀʀɪɴɢ, ᴍᴇɴᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴏꜰ ꜰɪʀᴇᴀʀᴍꜱ
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Fresh raindrops fall on my flushed cheeks as I exit the car. I finally arrive at Shoko's clinic, though not without almost hitting somebody's grandmother.
My lips curl into a slightly surprised smile as I notice her wobbling in my direction alongside a pink-haired kid and her trusty walking cane.
Age: 32
Affiliation: Civilian
Bounty: The criminal record does not exist, or you do not have permission to view it. 」
"Hey, N." she greets me with an unamused gaze while offering a cigarette from her somewhat bloody case. "Want one?"
"Nah, thanks, I'll puke. What's that?" I curiously point at her walking cane. "New lungs? Again? What is it, like...the fifth one?"
"Yep, Kiroshi's new tech." Her body trembles from the sudden wave of coughs.
"Uh-huh, well, since it's Kiroshi hopefully they'll last you a couple of decades unlike the previous four. Who's your friend?"
"This is Yuji, he'll fill you in on the job." She hisses, then lets go of the boy's broad shoulders and switches to mine without asking. Shoko's always been somewhat frail despite her being tall, though my heart breaks a little thinking how easy it'd be even for me to pick her up and carry her around like a bag of feathers. "I'd love to chit-chat outside but my hip hurts."
I hold her as we walk down the clinic's stairs, afraid she might shatter once I let go. Has she been eating? Even though I've seen Shoko plenty of times after surgery, her ghost-like face and glassy gaze never fails to scare the shit out of me.
"So..." Shoko's weak voice echoes through her clinic as she puts up a fresh batch of coffee with a cigarette in her trembling hand. "Yuji is here on behalf of Sukuna, but you've probably guessed that already."
"Sup', choom." The boy sits down across me and nods as I thoroughly scan him.
Age: 17
Affiliation: The Unwanted
Bounty: 160 Eurodollars
Wanted for: vandalizing a corporate building」
Could've guessed he was underage the minute I laid eyes on him at the top of the clinic's stairway. Regardless of Yuji's babyface and shy gaze, he wears top-tier, expensive cyberware along with gorilla arms - preem work, probably from a preem ripperdoc. Definitely one of Sukuna's men.
"Riiight, choom. I'm all ears, tell me about the job."
Yuji hesitates for a second before putting his hands and iron on the table. The drastic change of demeanor and the desperate attempt to mask the panic in his voice tells me this gig must be personal on some levels.
"So, um, we need you to track down a person that went missing a week ago. One of Sukuna's pro netrunners, um..." He pauses mid-sentence to collect himself, then pulls out a shard from his pocket. "All the deets are on the shard, all you need to know...well, almost."
As I insert the shard in my neuroport on the back of my head, information starts flowing through my brain. 
----Gig type: search and recover ----Priority: HIGH
----Item/Person to recover: KAMO, CHOSO - Age: 27 - Netrunner with an NCPD bounty of 2,400 Eurodollars
"Woow.." I mumble out loud as I open the attachment of a picture, which reveals the stoic face of a brown-eyed man with a lengthy tattoo on his porcelain face. Never seen or heard of him, but not much of a surprise, really, since netrunners never tend to operate in the spotlight.
"...Choso Kamo, one of Sukuna's netrunners, was supposed to encrypt a shard that contains top secret information about a shipment of high-grade Militech equipment that has ties to a warehouse at the docks in Little China, Watson district. However, all contact was lost on 16th May, exactly seven days ago. Choso's last known location is unknown, it is highly unlikely he went to investigate the warehouse on his own..."
"Mhm, netrunner boy probably stuck his nose where it didn't belong, unaware of the location tracking malware that temporarily sent him into a deep slumber, enough time for whoever set up the trap to get to him. I personally don't think Militech is behind this, but it would be a start if you'd tell me where you got the shard from." 
As I pull out the shard, I turn to the mildly agitated Yuji who seems terribly unamused by my theory.
"Uh-uh, nah. M-my brother would never, he's smart enough, one of the smartest people I know!"
Ah, so that's where the wind blows from.
"Look, choomie, I get it. Trust m-"
"No, the fuck you don't!" 
The boy suddenly jumps up from his seat, hyperventilating at this point. His gun viciously preys on my sweaty forehead, my ear starts to ring as my gaze wanders to Shoko, who's ready to put a bullet into the kid if she has to. 
"Hey, kid, calm down. When I say I get it, I do." My gaze desperately looks for his as I try so hard not to piss myself on the spot, though I doubt he'd actually want to shoot me. "Even the best get outplayed sometimes, it's inevitable. Just calm down, tell us where you got the shard from so we can start searching for him."
Seconds pass, which seem like an eternity, but eventually, his iron drops to the floor followed by a cold sound of cling. Yuji defeatedly plops down on his chair, still sobbing.
"'m sorry, 'm sorry." He pleads with deep breaths. "I dunno what's gotten into me. Been trying to tell him something's not right, he didn't listen until finally he did. But it's been a week and he's all I got. It's all my fault!"
"A fucking week ago?! Jesus Christ..." Shoko shrieks, understandably. I have no desire to say it out loud, but if someone's been missing for over a week in Night City, - a someone who's a pro netrunner under a big-shot gang leader -, is most likely decomposing in a fridge or a dumpster, stripped of all their money, cyberware and perhaps organs. My gaze turns to Yuji, who looks like he's seen a ghost upon connecting the dots.
"Wow, thanks, Shoko. Big help!" I scoot over to him and give him an encouraging pat on his sweaty back. "Look, kid. Nothing's been set in stone yet, 'kay? We'll find your big bro."
Shoko apologetically serves him a glass of cold water, then sits down and lights another cigarette. 
"U-um, thanks M-miss Shoko." The boy gulps down every last drop before he starts talking. "It happened two weeks ago, not long after Choso finally allowed me to join the gang, take on small gigs, and earn some eddies. I k-kept nagging him, wanted to impress Sukuna so bad, just didn't know how, y'know."
"Uh-huh, get to the point."
"R-right, long story short, I got the shard from a guy at a downtown bar. He seemed nice enough, so we drank a couple n he just gave it to me for free. Since I dunno shit about hacking, I gave it to Choso, thinking it'd go smooth."
Shoko begins to massage her forehead as she looks at me, clearly thinking the same thing as I do.
"Wow, your brother must love you a shitton if he decided to jack in a random asshole's shard just because you asked him to. Any idea who he might be?"
Yuji thinks hard, so hard that the sound of cogwheels in his brain almost echoes through the clinic's dusty walls.
"I didn't get his name but I remember that he was very tall, um, he smelled like an old lady from a soap opera...ah, he wore sunglasses inside the bar and...right, he had white hair, so he kinda looked like a rat."
Shoko's mug lands on the floor at the same time as my jaw once Yuji's description connects the dots in our brains.
"Could it be-?"
Age: 31
Affiliation: Civilian
Bounty: 150 Eurodollars
Wanted for: disturbing the peace, public urination, public drinking, vandalizing a corporate vehicle, minor theft from a gas station, kidnapping, arson, assaulting a corporate rep.」
"Fucking hell, Shoko, call him! But don't tell him I'm here, cuz' that bastard owes me eddies, got it?"
"Yeah, yeah, already on it."
"W-wait, you know 'im? Just like that? Do you think he knows where my brother is? I-is he willing to help?" 
Yuji jumps up, his hopeful expression is like a ray of sunshine that sends a wave of guilt down my stomach as I continue to ignore him due to my massive headache caused by the ten-plus shots of Amel earlier this evening. I grip my forehead in vain as I desperately try to keep it from exploding upon hearing the arrogant, annoying sound of Satoru's high-pitched voice.
"Heyyyyy, Shoko! 'm busy, ya know, but never too busy to talk to my fav' ripperdoc in Night City. So, what can I do for ya?"
My cold hands signal the boy to keep quiet as he gathers the sad remains of Shoko's favourite cup from the floor.
"Come down to the clinic as soon as possible, I need to talk to you in person. It's really important."
"Iughhh, do I really have to? Tsk, fine. I'll be there in 20."
"'Kay, see you soon." She finally hangs up, then turns her exhausted gaze to me. "Don't murder him."
some time later, 3:56
The late-night adrenaline and Shoko's kindly gifted, headache-reducing airhypo help me gather my mess of a self as I hide behind the door. Yuji and Shoko have already prepared a chair along with some surgical rope, then as a couple of minutes pass by, we finally hear the obnoxious sound of screeching tires of a Rayfield Caliburn. 
I ready my fists, my gaze never leaves Shoko as I impatiently wait for her signal.
"Shoko?" Satoru calls out as the outline of his newest, high-fashion, faux leather shoes approach.
"Hey, I'm over here! D'you mind coming a bit closer? Ol' me just had surgery, hee-hee."
Satoru walks over, a pitiful pout decorating his face hidden behind his signature sunglasses, then pats Shoko on the head.
"Aww, Shoko, new lungs again? I told you I'd hook you up with a therapist friend of mine. You'd quit smoking in no t-"
Yuji swiftly pulls out the chair,  which creates an opening  for me to make my move. I ready my fists once again and smack the unsuspecting man, who then falls to the ground, wailing. The boy grabs him and manages to tie his hands behind the chair. 
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oplishin · 8 months ago
hey, I’m really enjoying your charlotte flair/becky lynch fics! I don’t know a lot about them though and I haven’t seen any primers or descriptions of their whole deal or things like that that I’ve seen for other feuds/pairings. I’m not asking you to make one, that would be a huge amount of work, but I’m curious about your favorite charlynch moments!
hi anon! :D lucky for you i love rambling.
charlynch guide
kind of a timeline w/ a lot of rambling discussion of moments i like. i'm sure i left out a bunch of things because this is a NINE YEAR long feud + some more nxt stuff on top of that. if anyone has corrections/ further input please say so.
NXT (2013-2015)
this era is COMPLICATED: the 4HW's alliances changed constantly, and i don't have a great handle on it. there a couple of moments i think are relevant for both of them, though.
charlotte debuted as a perky pink volleyball player, which is farrr from what The Queen gimmick is today. (fun fact, she debuted in a match against Bayley!) there are 2 bits that i feel like crystallized her character. 1) being the first person to turn on bayley 2) beating natalya in a harts v flairs match to crown the first NXT women's champion. that's about when she started using a remix of thus spake zarathustra, ric flair's theme. these moments are important to Me because they show that charlotte's a cutthroat nepo baby, but she's also a very emotional/sensitive person. she cries and thanks nattie after the match, and it's very sweet.
her most important feud from NXT is against Sasha. it continued onto the main roster. these two specifically were presented as the very top of the division, only matched by each other. charlotte's nepo baby status is very relevant to all of this.
becky debuted w/ the irish jig gimmick, which SHE does not want to remember, so we'll move past it! she kind of floundered until she stumbled into a steampunk rocker gimmick. an important match is one she had against sasha even though she panicked about screwing something up, the audience got majorly behind her. she's just always had this natural connection to the audience that's hard to define and analyze. babyface magic idk
Main Roster Call Up (2015)
Sasha, Becky, and Charlotte got called up in mid 2015 (bayley got left behind in NXT because otherwise, the women's division there would just not exist). Becky and Charlotte aligned with Paige to form the creatively named team PCB. I honestly don't find most PCB stuff very interesting. The moment where they debut is great. Paige gets really, uncomfortably mean before she eventually turns on charlotte and becky. it's a moment i think probably shouldn't have happened but i'm happy to include in my charlynch canon lol. i've fudged the timeline on this a bit, don't mind me
actually, there are a million cute charlynch backstage promos from 2015 (this is a bad example). becky is bright-eyed and punny, and charlotte begrudgingly loves it. the fact that they were real life best friends seeps through all of it. their best friendship is also so, so real. they rode together everywhere, shared hotel rooms, took a million cute selfies that are all over the internet. there's a very cute wwe ride with me episode with them.
Post Paige (2015)
charlotte gets the diva's championship and soundly defeats paige in their feud. as always happens in wrestling, her ego starts getting the best of her. the charlynch backstage promos get uncomfortable. ric flair starts showing up everywhere, and he drives a wedge between the two of them. like he would in real life a few years later! i hate ric flair. eventually, becky wins a match against charlotte, and instead of supporting her friend, she turns on becky. theyyyy. honestly did not have much a feud after this. they had a smackdown match + a royal rumble one and That's It
becky and sasha had a number one contenders match, which charlotte interrupted so she could have a facedown with Just Sasha. there are photos of becky crying next to the ring because honestly, such a dick move from the writers.
she eventually got written into the WM 32 match, and it became a triple threat.
for some reason, charlotte won that triple threat! and that's when the charlotte-hatred from the fandom really starts. the perception from the audience is that she gets stuff just because she's ric flair's daughter. i... agree, like she's a 14 time women's world champion and no one's even CLOSE to that record for a reason. however, i will go to the grave saying that charlotte is a very good wrestler.
in becky's book, she describes a moment where she and charlotte promised to never let the business get in the way of their real friendship which 🥹 i'm going to fumking cry. they did NOT succeed lmfao
Post WM 32 (2016-2018)
they both go off to do their own thing, mainly. charlotte feuds with sasha, becky becomes the inaugural smackdown champion and gets given a garbage reign. becky is consistently shunted off to the side by the writers, and the audience picks up on it. she becomes a fan favorite underdog, while the criticism against charlotte grows. especially when she's the person who ends asuka's undefeated streak at wm 34
Their proper feud!!!!! (2018)
at some point, they become friends again. i don't think it's. really explained lmao. becky has a match at summerslam against carmella for the world title. to becky's chagrin, charlotte enters that match, and she wins it. after the match, becky turns heel on her, only, she doesn't really because the POP she gets???? insane. generational moment from a generational babyface.
the writers cannot get the audience to boo her despite their best efforts, so they're forced to write them both as tweeners. they build off of the real life frustration with charlotte's neverending push. Becky tells Charlotte she's gotten everything handed to her, etc etc. they have some really good matches together, my favorite of which is the last woman standing match at Evolution 2018. their promos in this time period are all FIRE, and you should check them out. becky is an incredible mic worker.
The Man
in the build to survivor series, nia jax famously shoot-punches becky in the face and breaks her nose. Becky gets covered in her own blood and just fuckin grins into the audience, and that's a crystallizing moment for her. the audience loves her, and she's an awesome fuckin badass. the man is a much more serious character than her previous character, and i will always mourn her puns. The Man forever changed Becky's career and made her the most successful/famous female wrestler Ever.
A big part of the Man's character was being deeply snarky on twitter. this unfortunately included a lot of body-shaming Charlotte in now-deleted tweets. both of these women have very fraught relationships with their bodies. of course, wrestling's primarily male audience ate that shit up, as they always do. their friendship fell apart in real life, and becky cites that as one of Many reasons. real life rebecca quinn is a complicated person, and she's very candid about that in her memoir.
Oh god, the build to Wrestlemania 35
the writers originally wanted to build to charlotte v ronda at wrestlemania, but becky's momentum was sooo undeniable at this point. a lot of convoluted bullshit happened. it started as becky v ronda, then she started feuding with the authority, then she randomly became friends with charlotte again (a story decision neither of them liked), then she got kayfabe injured, then charlotte replaced her in the match, then she ??? idk fanagled her way back into the match. it's a triple threat now. no one is happy that charlotte is here. if i've fudged the timeline here it doesn't matter because honestly the WRITERS did too
for some reason wm 35 is 7 hours long, but at the end becky wins in the motherfucking main event of wrestlemania. fuck yeah. ronda did botch the ending, but what can you do.
they feud a little bit because becky pinned ronda to get charlotte's title, then they move on from that. Becky's run continues until she gets pregnant in june 2020 and vacates the raw title. charlotte does a lot of very cool NXT matches. Becky returns and takes the title of Bianca in about 7 seconds flat, which no one (including becky) is happy about lol!! she comes back as a heel, now with the gimmick "big time becks." big time becks is my absolute favorite character from her. it's during this time that you can really tell she and seth have the same stylist. at some point, ric flair tries to sue becky. it's complicated and stupid.
there's a deeply bad and uncomfortable storyline from 2021, where ric starts flirting with lacey evans. charlotte has an uncomfortably real argument with him backstage, and it's honestly. God, even though the storyline is Conceptually Rotten and they should not have done it, it's an interesting kayfabe way for charlotte to reckon with Ric flair's real life crimes. Charlotte's acting in that segment is Way Too Good. i have a lot of feelings about her relationship with ric, but. whatever!!!
oh, there's also this cute moment from 2020. they're cute.
we're back (oh god, we are NOT back)
in november 2021, both of them hold a world title, but for the opposite brand. therefore, WWE has them do a dumb, convoluted title switch. during this, charlotte drops her title on the ground in an unscripted moment. it's deeply awkward, and both becky and sonya (the gm organizing this moment) become visibly frustrated with her. like, the implication is that she wanted becky to get on the ground and pick it up in a humiliating moment. they had a backstage altercation, and now they real life hate each other. charlynch is fucking DEAD
wwe did a very good video package about this. it includes my favorite ever becky promo, where she tells charlotte she's going to beat the living piss out of her. i can't find the actual promo because youtube search is useless, but! yeah.
but at least this results in my favorite match they've ever had!!! survivor series 2021 is a deeply emotional match. after winning, becky gives this really sad backstage interview, where she cries and talks about their friendship falling apart. it's a promo that makes ME cry tbh.
nothing charlynch related really happens lmfao. they do not fuck with each other anymore. at least, nothing happens in kayfabe. becky turns face again, returning to The Man character. (her feud with bianca is so fucking good!!!!) Charlotte also ends up as a face by the end of 2023, which is where things happen again.
Survivor Series 2023
charlotte asks becky to join her team for survivor series. they do the can I trust you rigamarole, and i'm so invested in it. they have a moment where they pinky promise, like they did way back in those old PCB 2015 promos. charlotte's bright-eyed delight at being forgiven vs becky's sober mistrust. god.
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and they win at survivor series, and they hug, and it's sooo fucking awesome seeing this 9 Real year old friendship rekindle through forgiveness and communication. i'm emotional about it.
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at the post SS media scrum, they talk about their relationship, and describe it as "we're dating again" because they hate me specifically. they're so fucking cute i cannot handle them
wow, what happens next???
charlotte explodes her knee and gets put on the shelf for 9 months, and she's still out now. :( she actually has the exact injury seth got in 2015 lol. also, becky is currently out on hiatus, so who knows when they'll interact next. at least we ended on a good note
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otsukare-katsukare · 10 months ago
i sometimes have difficulty understanding exactly why sami apparently does it so, so much for me when he's such a whitemeat babyface at his best, brave and good hearted and furiously optimistic. when all my previous favourites have generally been pathetic, morally grey at best, and riddled with depression and/or suicidal ideation. and i think it's a couple of things.
one is the existence of his relationship with kevin cause it necessarily complicates all of that and makes it 10x more compelling. this sweet charming guy who just wants to do the right thing is also in a codependent mutuallly obsessive soulmaterivalry with his best friend, and you can very easily make the case that he's weirder about it, too.
and the other is that, i think i might just be a human being that got caught in the path of an energy beam that simply cannot be resisted. on the assumption that i was apparently getting into wrestling anyway, especially as a completely fresh eyed fan with no prior jading, of course i would not be immune to the sami zayn charm, it literally won over the whole wwe fandom in 2022. and if it was that i had to get into one of a few extremely over wrestlers whose charisma is undeniable, maybe makes sense if it was the one whose speciality is making you feel sorry for him while he gets the shit kicked out of him.
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thekrows-nest · 2 years ago
Lmao Mary is meant to be in her late 20s abouts. We'll just say she has major baby face and not that I am a failure of an artist. /lh dnmfzzvbf
Nooo don’t self deprecate! I’m not good at guessing ages. Also adult babyface is a thing, she just has this wide eyed naive look that reads much younger. (Girl, what’s your skin routine)
Hmmm, that is the question isn't it? Why DID she move? What regrets does she have? I'm sure you'll develop some Krowspiracy theories in no time anon.
I’ve been holding off because there isn’t a lot on Mary yet, plus I’ve been spamming you with asks lately (asjsk). But if you were interested I could cook something up in my Krackpot. I’ve got a few ingredients.
Oops, didn’t realise Luke was more a father figure to Krow. That changes things a lot. Kicking myself for not assigning him the father of the spouse role at the wedding
eeeee okay anon I will (try) not to self deprecate! Honestly, that's always been a problem for me too. A lot of people tend to look much younger to me than they actually are ha ha.
To answer part of the naive look, and leading into the next part, I'll give some more deets on Mary. And it'll help fuel your lil Krowspiracy theories lol. - She does have some naivety; she grew up in a pretty restricted environment. - Which leads to one of the reasons why she has stepped out of her comfort zone to live out away from her family and be with her girlfriend; to gain some experiences for herself. - Speaking of her girlfriend, her name is Camila, and she's first generation Mexican-American (her parents had immigrated from Mexico). Mary has been learning a lot about Mexican culture from her girlfriend, and also other things. - Mary is Christian, and one of the things she has been grappling with is her faith. She's been unlearning a number of things that she considers hateful and not very Christ like that came from her previous environment. - Even so, there is someone from her past she longs to see again. If anything, to just say she is deeply, deeply sorry for failing them.
And lol yes, Krow sees Luke in a fatherly light. No worries anon. I'm not against the crackship of Luke x Krow lmao. Luke has done things for Krow he never expected anyone to really do, especially someone who had been a stranger. Luke is known to be someone that is very compassionate, warm and friendly. There's a reason hardly anyone has quit the job, despite how gruesome it is, with Luke in charge of the small team, as well as why people often put in 110%; it's for Luke.
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naritaren · 2 years ago
Thoughts on the face turn for elp that no one asked for but you're getting anyway.
First off, this was planned for a bit. Obviously, he got over with the fans naturally, but the signs were all pointing towards this happening. If you didn't know, he wrestled face for his entire career until he joined NJPW, so this will be fun. He's still gonna be an annoying shithead while face. That part won't change. As for how he was turned, I know there is some people iffy about Kenta and Taiji being the main ones to turn on him, but if you've watched the backstage comments for both of them, they've been side eying elp this whole time. Like they were of the belief that he should just fall in line. He kept suggesting the three of them lead and they weren't on board with the idea. In the end, his loyalty to who he thought were his friends cost him. As @eldesperadont pointed out, he was so loyal to Jay and stressing that Jay got a good send off that he ended up taking the hostile sendoff himself instead of Jay. As for where he goes next, I don't know. I think him saving Tama and Hikuleo before getting destroyed was a good clue of someplace he could land. I don't think GoD needs another heavy, especially with Tanga Loa coming back relatively soon. That being said, a LIJ could use a heavy after Sanada leaving. You need someone who can tag with Naito or Shingo for tag matches (more likely it's Naito tbh) and his very annoying shithead style would fit way too well there. I don't think many other factions will be up for dealing with his bullshit if we're honest. GoD would work because the Tongans are used to his nonsense and LIJ seems to find his nonsense funny. We'll see. I think the face turn worked very well and made a lot of sense in how they did it. The signs were there with Kenta and Taiji and it's more impactful that the people he cared about the most were the ones to turn on him. It also does a good job of making sure that it's clear that neither of those two are turning face anytime soon. Overall, it made a ton of sense and was done well IMO. I'm excited for babyface elp because it's something that is so special to me.
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artemisia-black · 15 days ago
I’m really not sure who Beatrice would look like! I have a very clear picture of her in my mind, maybe a little bit like Elle Fanning, face wise? I did imagine her having slightly darker and slightly curlier hair. I also imagine her having a bit of a babyface.
Oooh I do also imagine her as having a baby face and doe eyes - Sirius thinks he sees her innocent mask slip when Aeliana is being aggressive towards her.
Elle Fanning is so gorgeous so I wouldn’t call her forgettable but yesss the type of ‘innocent wide-eyed’ beauty is exactly what I’m imagining. I do so picture a curly hairstyle.
Sirius only finds her bland because he likes fire. Whereas Regulus appreciates someone who isnt as quiet as they seem.
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investingestincest · 1 year ago
hate it when a dude is turned into an ikemen them they get rid of all of his cute charms. give me my beautiful doe eyed babyface twink BACK❗❗❗
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finely-aged-dragons · 2 years ago
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huzzah! I finally found Cilan’s old Da2 save file so I was curious how good my memory was when I remade him in DAI. Not too terrible. Looks like he’s been eating a bit lean and growing his hair. Worried eyebrows and doe-eyed babyface is still there tho :3
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askaniritual · 1 year ago
doe eyed jensen ackles telling sam to leave him and let him die. babyfaced jared padalecki sitting alone in a hotel room talking to his dad’s voicemail. the grainy overexposed eye searing color grade. sam’s total lack of remorse when they find out some random gay guy died so dean could live. the part where sam whips out a tarot card to explain his theory. THIS is cinema
like. watching s1e12: faith is fun in exaxtly the same way that eating preserved lemons straight out of the jar tastes good that’s all i can say abt it
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