#Do you want more fluff from Lena's recovery?
thatonebirdwrites · 4 hours
Cheating Death Part 4 - End
Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3
Finally, after weeks under intensive medical care, she was cleared to go home. Her recovery was far from over. Lena didn't look forward to the intense physical and occupational therapy in store, but at least she could rest in a more comfortable space. Have a bit more freedom.
Alex had insisted on taking her home, though Kara had walked with them until she received a Supergirl call. Lena understood now why Kara randomly took off, and with that understanding came a slow acceptance.
The door swung open at the press of her thumb against the keypad. Alex pushed her wheelchair, and shut the door with her foot behind them. They made it almost to the sofa when the shouts erupted around them.
Lena nearly fell out of her chair at the sudden noise. People leaped out from behind the sofa, tumbled out of the kitchen, and poured in from the hallway. They were all there: Kara, Brainy, Nia, J'onn, Kelly, and even Sam and Ruby.
"Welcome home!" Alex said with a grin, meaning she was in on this too.
Lena had no idea what to make of this. She'd never had a surprise... anything before in her life. "Um, thanks?"
Ruby nearly bounded into Lena's lap with her fervent hug. "I'm so glad you're home! We were so worried when we found out." She pulled back with a teary smile. "You gotta stop almost dying on us. Because we need you here, you're family, and Mom and I sort of just got here today, so all I have is this card." She handed it over and put her hands behind her back.
Lena opened it to the words, "We love you. Please try not to die again. Or we'll drag your sorry ass back to the world of the living." The asterisk after 'ass' had a note at the bottom that read, "Ruby was allowed this one curseword in honor of you."
Lena smiled and ran her fingers over the handwriting, some of it Ruby's and some Sam. Why they bothered, she didn't know, considering how she'd ghosted them. She took a deep breath to try to stop the urge to cry. "Thank you, Ruby. I love you both too."
Sam walked up behind her daughter and smiled, her eyes glistening. "Kid has a point." She leaned forward and gave her a half hug, planting a kiss on the side of her head. "I'm glad to see you up. We've been so worried."
She handed Lena what looked like a phone at first glance, until she saw the hinge. Opening it revealed a note that read: "Answer your phone! <3 xxxoo Sam." Under it was one of her guilty pleasures, a very specific hard candy only sold in Ireland.
"Sam..." Lena didn't know what to say. She wiped away tears, frustrated with herself. Since her near death and disablement, she'd become a weepy fool. "Thank you. I'll be better about staying in touch. I promise."
As the others moved forward, one at a time to greet her and welcome her home, Lena found herself smiling and dissolving into tears yet again. She wasn't used to this much care, and it still felt unreal. Like the shoe could drop at any moment, and yet it didn't.
Alex had continued to care for her, Kara and the others had continued to visit, and now that Lena was cleared to rest at home? Here they all were being the sappiest people she'd ever met.
"Make sure you kiss your beefcake," Nia whispered as she dropped a box of chocolates on Lena's lap. "She set this up, and I kind of have money on the line, so give a girl some help?"
Lena laughed, but she couldn't stop herself from sneaking a look at Kara who stood, swaying back and forth on her heels, as she waited impatiently. "Sure, Nia."
Alex gave her a backpack of all things. "Hey, don't give me that look," the director said with a cluck of her tongue. "Think of all the science-y things you can stuff in this thing and loop onto your wheelchair. Nothing will stop you now."
She lightly swatted Alex's arm. "Maybe if I was five, but really, thank you." At least the bag was black, so it matched the chair's coloration.
Kelly's gift was perhaps the most useful. A tool to grab things from afar. Lena immediately snapped it in Alex's direction, who danced out of reach with a scowl. "It's perfect," she said with a grin.
"I know you have a long recovery in store," Brainy said with a bow of his head. "But I will give you access to my favorite..." he glanced at Nia, "... toys as Nia calls them." He held out a small, palm-sized square. "Press your thumb and a holographic interface, encrypted for our communication and projects, will appear."
Lena couldn't resist. She pressed her thumb, and the interface swirled around her, filled with all sorts of delicious programs. "Holy shit, Brainy. Thank you. This is a delight." She pressed her thumb again, and it vanished.
J'onn stepped forward and bowed his head. "I wish to apologize for my actions in not bringing you in sooner. You've always been one of the best of us, and so I offer you the aid of my community. We have had many soldiers wounded in battle, and I will gladly aid in your recovery. So that you may find the mobility that fits your needs."
Lena studied the stoic man and thought back to something Kara had said to her. "You're a good swordfighter?" When he nodded, she smiled. "I was nearly an Olympic fencer. That's my goal. To recover enough to challenge you to a duel."
He bowed to her. "I accept."
Kara came last, of course. "Hey you." She knelt and wrapped Lena in a tight hug. Lena leaned her head against Kara's shoulder and breathed in her usual vanilla scent.
The pain hadn't full healed between them, but they were taking little steps. And with each one, Lena settled into the reality that Kara wasn't some omnipotent do-no-wrong-god, but a trauma-filled, messy alien who feared loss almost as much as Lena did.
That's one thing the past few weeks in Alex's medical ward taught her: perfection didn't exist, and that's okay. It was okay to be imperfect. She'd still be loved for who she was, even despite her sometimes bratty, petty nature.
Kara pulled back and kissed Lena's forehead. "I made this." She handed her a cylinder with lines and dots on all sides. "It's a puzzle box like what my father made. Give you something to do as you heal."
"Kara," she leaned her head against Kara's shoulder. "God, I love you so much," she whispered. "Thank you."
"I love you too." Kara carded her fingers through her hair. Lena gladly took the brief moment to recalibrate herself for more people interaction. Alex's words hovered in her head, "I need you to recognize your limits."
She took stock of her pain, her emotional bandwidth, and decided she could handle an hour. Then she'll ask to go to the bedroom. Plan in place, she pulled back from Kara with a smile.
She blinked away her tears. "Thanks to all of you. Now, I'd like to sit down on the sofa, if you don't mind?"
Kara chuckled and gently scooped Lena into a bridal carry. Her face flushed, likely as pink as her own. "As you wish, milady."
Alex groaned at that while Nia cackled.
Settled on the sofa, Lena leaned back into the cushions in relief. Fatigue plagued her still, and the pain simmered despite the pain meds. Still, she was much improved than a week ago. This ordeal had taught her that even small steps were worthy victories.
"So you ready for cake? Because all welcome home parties need cake." Kara practically hopped from foot to foot.
"Sure, Supergirl," Lena drawled. "Better fly me the best."
"Oh, you betcha. Straight from Belgium." Kara sounded quite proud of herself.
"Kara..." Alex pressed her palm against her face.
"Supergirl?" Sam echoed, her eyebrows raised.
"Wait a second," Kelly looked around, surprised. "Kara is Supergirl???"
Well, it was nice to know she wasn't the last one told after all.
Six months later
Lena gripped the bars, most of her weight on her arms. Her legs trembled beneath her, her right foot turned slightly to the left. Kara stood at the other end of the torture session with a grin. "Come on, Lena, you can do this."
"Oh shut up." Lena growled, but there was no heat in her words, only a deep affection. She carefully took a step, and her leg held. A tingling sizzled up her leg muscles, but she didn't crumple. Slowly, she lifted and plopped her other foot down. That one proved weaker than the other, so she leaned into the bars more.
"Remember to breathe." Her physical therapist stood behind her ready to catch if she fell.
She took a deep breath and managed another step. The rhythm of walking felt strange, like a foreign language she'd forgotten after months of using a wheelchair.
Since the attack, she'd kept a low profile. Sam returned as temporary CEO, and Alex proved to be just as protective of her as she was of Kara. Nia's article of the attack won the public's favor for Lena, which had been a nice, short boost for L-Corp.
So she slowly made her way down the bars, each step mores stable than the last. Her muscles screamed at the effort, but she pushed forward, determined.
Kara, as always, lived up to her promise and stayed at her side. Assisted her lab work. Accepted with grace the occasional microscope she threw at her head. Since becoming an independent writer and science consultant, Kara spent more and more time at her penthouse, and it had started to fill up with knickknacks, paintings by Kara, Kara's clothes randomly strewn over chairs, and a kitchen full of enough food for a hungry Kryptonian.
Lena knew she wasn't always the best partner. Sometimes Kara and her fought bitterly, but they'd learned to come together and talk it out. To share space for one another's feelings. To tentatively explore what being together really looked like.
All a step at a time.
Her trek reached the end of the bars, and there Kara stood, her arms out stretched.
"You did it! I told you so," Kara said with a delighted laugh.
Lena leaned forward and let herself fall into Kara's embrace. She looked up and smiled at her lovable dork. "I suppose I owe you that ice cream, my love," she said, wryly.
Kara nodded and brushed her nose against Lena's. "You sure do."
Lena placed her hand on Kara's cheek and kissed her lips. As she pulled back, she smiled at the goofy dazed expression Kara always wore when Lena sneaked a kiss.
"I'll make it two, for being such a good motivator." Behind her the physical therapist cleared her throat. Lena chuckled and for the first time in her life, she actually felt happy.
She'd cheated death yet again and won a girlfriend from it. Quite the bargain when all was said and done.
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Make wise Choices Part 1:
Hold me (baby Danvers)
Never have I ever written something in my life (except for Christmas cards for Santa when I was a kid or you know the regular affidavit when I lose a ticket for my expenses report from work, and that should count like poetry itself 🤓)
Anyways after reading for a while in different platforms I became quite curious about writing something myself. I noticed a lot of Baby Danvers fics and developed a sort of attachment to the concept of a third sister. Also I’m a sucker for fluff and sick fics. Even though I do have a dark side I wanted to try something tame first.
I have no idea if its any good and also take into consideration English is not my native language, I’m sleep deprived and using an iPhone because I’m too lazy to get my laptop and it’s like 3 am and I’m supposed to be at work in 3 hours LOL 😂
Without further ado I leave you my first story with baby danvers going through some painful wisdom teeth surgery recovery (so not an original idea but this actually happened to me and I can relate, impacted teeth sucks big time )
You had to get your wisdom teeth removed and you knew it was perfectly normal to experience some anxiety prior the procedure. In your case, your anxiety levels were through the roof. Your sisters knew this and of course they wanted to be there for you, and you couldn’t be more grateful for that; However, you were very nervous. Because of your anxiety you had to be sedated for the procedure and the effects very rough on you. You felt just awful and very loopy. Kara had to carry you from the dentist office to the car and up to her apartment. You were practically a rag doll in her arms, drooling saliva and blood on her sweater, because of course you were disgusted by the gauze and you took it out. Kara didn’t mind that at all, she felt bad you were feeling poorly after your surgery. You just cling to her like a koala and nuzzle your face in the crook of her neck.
Kara: “Careful there little one, don’t press your cheek into me so hard or you will hurt yourself” - Your sisters felt awful to see you like this, but you knew they were going to care for you during the following days after the procedure. Even thought you are a big baby when it comes to pain and doctors, the procedure was indeed very difficult, your teeth were impacted and required surgical extraction.
You just grunted in response and kept rubbing your face into your sister’s neck and shoulder. Until you did it too hard and felt a sharp pain in your mouth. Y/N: “Ow Ow Owie!” -You cried out and tried to move into a more comfortable position in her arms, you felt exhausted and wanted to sleep, but due to the weird feeling in your mouth and the odd sensations due to the medication you couldn’t quite find a proper spot to feel comfortable.
Alex: “Come one Y/N, don’t press your face like that and just hold on a few more minutes, we are almost home, and you can take your pain meds and sleep for a while. Don’t fall asleep before that, just hang on a little longer baby”
The three of you were in the elevator waiting to reach the apartment your shared with Kara.
Y/N: “Nooooo! I want to sleep now and eat a corn dog” – once again you rubbed your face into Kara and again, it hurt. – Ow Ow Ow!” You cried once again and tried to pout miserably, feeling just bad. You had tears in your eyes and you just looked like an overtired toddler with your big hazel teary eyes and rosy cheeks.
Alex: “Damn it Y/N, be careful you’re going to reopen the stitches and we will need to take you back to the dentist so she can patch you up. And no, you can’t have a corn dog just yet. It will hurt trying to eat something hot and solid”
Apparently, that was the worst thing to say because you just looked at her with big scared and hurt eyes and started to cry. – Y/N: “I’m sorry, but I just feel so awful and can’t get comfortable I just want to sleep. This suck! Dentists sucks, stupid wisdom teeth and stupid stitches! And I really want a corn dog Alex, pleeeease!!!!” - Moving your mouth to complain and speak your discontent made your incisions to bleed more and that of course made you cry more.
Y/N: “ugh blood taste awful!” – Kara tried to adjust you into a more comfortable position in her arms and rubbing your back in a soothing way to calm you down.  While Alex tried to clean the slobber and blood from your lips and Kara’s shoulder with a handkerchief. Both gave you a sad smile and just felt sorry for you. You were clearly in pain and felt just awful.
Alex: “Oh sweety please don’t cry, we’re almost there. Damn elevator it´s taking forever!” – she gave a frustrated sigh while trying to keep you from falling asleep and avoided mentioning the corn dog in order to make you forget about eating one.
Kara: “I know, I think there’s something wrong it, but we are almost there. Shhh… little one, we are almost there, and you can rest after your taken your meds. Ok?, Lena is waiting for us already with lots of cold juice and ice cream so you can feel better pretty soon”
You perked up at the mention of the green-eyed woman. Y/N: you sniffled and asked your sister- “Lena is here?”– It was no surprise for the Danver sisters that at the mention of the younger Luthor you would cheer up. You were very loved by your sisters and their friends, but it was no secret that you had the young CEO wrapped around your little finger. Lena was your sister Kara’s girlfriend, but she was enamored with you and she was very protective of you as well. She is like a hero to you; you admire and look up to her so much. Not that your sisters weren’t amazing as well, but the relationship you have with Lena is very special and strong.  She is always pampering you and spoils you rotten. You never take advantage of the way Lena is with you and her affection. You are not a brat, you are a very easy-going person, a ray of sunshine and everyone was smitten with you. But when your feeling down or sick you get cranky and you can be a little annoying. You know that, but you feel no shame whatsoever.
Kara: “Yes! She is waiting at the apartment and she said she was going to be prepared with lots of yummy things you can drink, and some things you can eat. We can watch movies after you rest for a bit if you want. What do you say?” – your bubbly blonde sister said while stroking you back and trying to make you stay alert for a bit more until you reached the apartment.
Y/N : You just gave her a tired smile and rubbed at your eyes with a fist and said- “Ok, that sounds nice.”
The elevator dinged and the door opened in the hallway. Alex and Kara, with you in her arms, stepped out of the elevator and walked to the apartment door. Lena was already waiting at the door with a big smile on her face, however she frowned a little when she saw your pained face and teary eyes. Your cheeks were starting to swell, and she knew the first couple of days were rough after that specific dental procedure. She also hated to see you in pain, so she just holds the door wide open to let Alex and Kara walk into the apartment.
Lena: “hi sweet girl”- she presses a kiss to your forehead while greeting Kara and Alex as well. She gave Kara a peck in the lips and asked her to put you in the couch. She walks to the kitchen to grab a bowl with cold water and a cloth to help reduce the swelling to your cheeks while Alex read trough the indications given by your doctor and sort your meds at the table.
Meanwhile Kara tries to lay you down on the couch, but you refused to let go of her and you just cling harder with your arms circling her neck and your legs into her hips. Kara just chuckles and rubs your back: “come on little one, let me set you down on the couch, you will  be more comfortable laying down and I’m just going to bring your blanket and some pillows and bring a pair of comfy pajamas so you can be more comfortable.”
But you, feeling poorly and cranky, shed some tears and asked to be held by your sister. You just felt so clingy. Y/N: “Noo… please Kara don’t go. Just stay with me I don’t need a blanket or pajamas.”
You were beyond exhausted and being up since early in the morning and since you didn’t get that much the sleep night before, you were just so nervous about the whole thing. Now that it was over, you felt all your energy drained, and in addition the pain meds were staring to wear off and that made you feel even worse.
Alex: “Sit down with her Kara, I’ll bring the blanket pillows and pajamas. Let me just grab the meds, and hey Lena can you bring a glass of water and – oh you already have a bowl of water and cloth that’s perfect, thank you. Go and sit down with Kara and set those on the coffee table. I´ll just change real  quick and we can give Y/N the meds and make her more comfortable so she can take a nap.”
Lena just nods and walks to the couch carrying the tray with a bowl with cold water, a few clean hand towels and a glass of water with your meds on it. She set the tray on the coffee table and takes one of the smalls towels and dips it into the cold water in the bowl to make a cold compress for your cheeks. She then turns to Kara and speaks softly to you.
Lena: “Y/N is it okay if I hold you for a little while so Kara can go change into more comfy clothes? What do you say, want me to sit with you for a bit?” - she gives you a big smile and you just nod and make grabby hands toward her. Kara chuckles once again at your antics and transfers you to Lena’s lap making sure you are settled alright and gives you a kiss to your forehead.
Kara: “I’ll be right back”- you just hum in approval and rest you head into Lena’s shoulder while the green eyed woman smiles down at you and brings the cool towel to your fast swelling hot cheek to make you feel better.
Y/N: “That feels nice”- you say in a sleepy voice while clinging to Lena.
Lena: “This will help with the swelling, I’m sorry you feel so poorly sweet girl. But don’t worry we are going to make sure you are comfortable, and you can take a nap after you take your pain meds. Look, Alex is here, come one just sit a little bit so you can take the pill.  Alex walks into the living room carrying several items in her arms.”
Alex: “Y/N come on kiddo I have your comfy jammies. Please sit for a bit for me baby.”  You sit with your back to Lena’s front and you hold your arms up while Alex works fast removing your current top and bra and pulls the button-up pajama top on you, while Lena keeps a hold of you supporting your hips and shoulder so you don’t fall from her lap. Next are your jeans, you let yourself fall backwards into Lena and she just chuckles and holds you close so you don’t slide down to the floor while Alex works on removing your jeans and putting the pajama short on you. Once you are  in your pajama set, Alex smiles at you and helps you try to lay in the couch, but once again you refuse and you move sideways on Lena’s lap so you face is nuzzled on her upper chest and sitting on her lap with your legs in the couch. Alex is about to try and make you move, but Lena just holds up her hand: “Its fine Alex, she is not heavy I can hold her and once she is asleep, we can move her to the couch or switch turns, because I think someone is  going to be very clingy for the next couple of days.”-  She says while looking down at you and giving you a soft smile.
Alex sighs but knows what you are saying its true, when you don’t feel good you turn into a koala bear and refuse to let go from your sisters or Lena’s arms. But you’ve been like this since you were little,       and your sisters love to provide any comfort you need. And right now, you want to be cuddled and sleep. So, Alex gives you a nudge and brings a small pill to your lips and hold a glass of water so you can swallow the medication. Alex: “Good job baby, now close your eyes and rest for a bit.”  
You let you head fall back into Lena and close your eyes mumbling something about corn dogs being soft. Alex smiles down at you while giving Lena the cool towel so she can press it down to your cheek and walks to the kitchen with the tray and to  figure out diner for Kara, Lena and herself and something soft and easy to drink for you. You won’t be able to eat anything solid for a few days, so that’s going to be a challenge. You love food as much as your alien sister. You don’t really like bland food nor drinking smoothies but that’s a fight for after you wake up from your nap. To say you are going to be an unhappy and very grumpy camper it’s the understatement of the century.
Kara took the opportunity to take a quick shower and walks into the living room in sweatpants and a lose top.  She smiles when she notices that you’re almost asleep with a small smile on your face while resting on top of her girlfriend. She spots your favorite blanket next to Lena in the couch, she drapes it over you and Lena and presses a quick kiss to your forehead and a kiss to Lena. Kara sits next to the both of you while surfing for something to watch on Netflix while Alex is busy in the kitchen. Lena is watching you fall asleep and still holding the cool rag to your cheek. After few minutes you are completely passed out and a little bit of drool and blood starts to spill from your lips.
Lena: “Kara, honey can you pass me one of those clean towels on the coffee table, please? Kara notices the little bit of blood and takes the clean small white towel and tenderly cleans your lips and chin. Kara takes away the other wet towel Lena was using for your cheek and leaves the new one so Lena can put it in between her shoulder and your chin. You sleep peacefully while being hold be Lena and Kara in the couch. Alex finally returns to the living room announcing she made diner, actually she made a phone call to order take out because she didn’t feel like cooking or cleaning dishes. She brings refreshments for everyone, a glass of wine for Lena, a glass of chocolate milk for Kara and a beer for her. She also brings a sports bottle with juice and ice, the ones that have a little rubber tip so you can drink easily and can keep the liquid cold. So once you´re awake you can drink something cool and remove the taste of blood from your mouth.
Yes, the next couple of day are going to be a little hard on you, but you have your sisters and Lena to keep you comfortable and dot on you while you recover.
 Next chapter: Y/N wakes up from her nap. And so, it begins…
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quiverwingquack · 4 years
10 and 19 if you're still doing it!
((Send me a writing ask?))
10. How would you describe your writing process?
In one word? Disorganized. I come up with a LOT of ideas. A lot of my day, I’m doing something else but I come up with stories to keep my brain going, keep focused, y’know? Most of them I end up just talking about with friends or making little headcanon/idea posts for here, but the ones I actually write, I add to a list I have in my phone’s notes app and when I want to start a new wip cause I finished one or I’m stuck on the ones I’m working with, I’ll pick the most dynamic one. Whichever feels like I can write the most out of, right then and there. Then I just create a doc and hop between active wips as I feel inspired to do them, generally on my phone bc I tend to write more when it’s not showing me an active page/word count. Some of my AO3 fics took a single afternoon, two days, a week, and then I have ones that took like five or nine months. But when I finish them, I rarely do a lot of edits, just a quick sweep if at all—when I get lucky and someone agrees to beta read, I do more—then I drop it to AO3, edit the italics for here(they format differently) and then post. All in all, not counting actual writing time, I spend probably a month on the shortest ideas because I rarely focus on one at a time enough to just do them, so the process for me is a mess. It’s fun tho!
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing? (favorite verb, something you describe ‘too often’, trope you can’t get enough of?)
Trope-wise, I almost always do fluff or hurt-comfort. I write what I need to read and 9/10 times it’s happy endings or soft stuff. And found family, but that’s a given. I tend to not like to repeat words as much, though? I tend to find it kind of annoying to myself when I write a word that I’ve just used or if I use too many like, pronouns in a scene rather than names, and while I don’t have that problem reading, when I write I try to vary the way I word stuff or use like, nicknames and descriptors when I can rather than “he did this, he said that.”
I tend to describe the same scenarios a lot too, also because it’s what I want to see more of. One of the big ones is physical closeness without any sort of like, expectations? A lot of times there’s this sense in media where hugs, kisses, cuddles, that comes with this idea that nsfw content’s gonna be attached. And as an ace person I think we should maybe not do that so much? I like to show that love can be just as strong in tender moments as it can in intimate ones.
Another thing I like to do a lot is part of my love of hurt/comfort, but specifically trauma or abuse recovery? Part of it is because I’m personally on that journey of sorts but I like to write Drake recovering from years of isolation(og-verse especially) or transphobia-based conflict, and Lena’s arc with leaving Magica and learning to be, like, a whole person, just as she is. I did it with Gos before LGD too, a sort of AU-origin about her going from her loving grandpa to having nothing, nobody, to finding home with Drake and LP. I still stand by the concept that she was for SURE homeless for a while between the first Ramrod incident and her running into DW, because she & Lena? The same exact self-reliant, “I always do it myself” kind of attitude. Not like I’d know the feeling or anything. I like giving characters that second chance, that space to grow and become better than their past and to learn what love feels like, because everyone deserves at least a little more love than they have.
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kassies-take · 5 years
Tumblr media
Warning: Self-conscious, angst, fluff
Danvers Sisters x B!Danvers, Maggie x Platonic!Reader, Sanvers, slight supercorp
Word Count: 1716
You entered the elevator to your apartment and received a call from Alex.
“Hello?” You answered.
“I’ve got news, you might want to sit down,” Alex sounded a lot happier and bubbly than normal. You however looked down at your prosthetic left leg and glared.
“A little hard to do right now.”
“Actually you should come here!
“Where is here?”
“Kara’s place. Mom has the tickets for you already.”
“I’m only going for mom.”
“Okay, bye. Love you!” A kiss was blown on the other end.
Once the call ended you loosened you grip on your phone as your hand fell by your side. Good news hasn’t came to you in the past year.
No one in your family knew about your leg, well Eliza knew. You grew distant with your family after a certain incident. You were working in the facility when a newbie didn’t know what he was doing and caused his area, yours included, to explode.
You had expected the other guys to help you out but they only groaned in pain. Your head had hurt too but you couldn’t feel your leg either. The guys stopped groaning but you didn’t.
Your vision blurred into the darkness before you were wheeled into bright lights. Eliza hovered over you.
“Don’t tell Alex or Kara,” you managed to squeeze out before you fell unconscious again.
You were surprised when Eliza didn’t tell either of your sisters. She was there the whole time during your recovery and your therapy. Eliza always wanted you to tell your sisters but you just focused on your prosthetic.
You arrived at Kara’s place the next day. Eliza has picked you up from the airport and immediately grabbed your luggage.
“My darling (y/n), how was the flight?”
“Oh you know the ‘can you walk any faster’ jerk then the ‘oh I’m sorry I didn’t see your... nevermind’. Other than that... it was uncomfortable.”
“Have Alex told you anything about what she wanted to tell everyone?”
“It’s probably better than my news.”
“Be happy for Alex.”
“I am happy for her, I just want good news in my life for a start.”
You were climbing the stairs to Kara’s apartment, slowly. Eliza was right next to you the whole time. She insisted on using the elevator but you’re as stubborn as Alex. It took a little getting use to from step-over-step to step-by-step, it took double the time it usually took to climb the stairs.
“So this is how it feels to be an old lady,” you looked at Eliza.
You laughed as she sent a warning glare at you and knocked on the door. A second later Kara swung her door open. Eliza blocked your leg from Kara’s and Alex’s view. Kara hugged Eliza before she gasped at your leg. Another gasp came when Alex moved to hug you.
“What happened?” Alex questioned as she moved to take off your left shoe and led you to the couch where a Latina woman sat.
“Lab explosions,” you said nonchalantly.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Kara stuck her hands on her hips.
“You’ve got bigger problems to handle. Like your evil uncle,” you pointed to Kara.
“How is it not a big problem when you’re hurt,” it was Alex’s turn to raise her voice.
“You’re jobs are to protect the world not just me. I can handle myself.”
“Alex you wanted to tell us something?” Eliza covered.
“Oh, oh yeah. Everybody this is my girlfriend Maggie!”
Maggie’s dimples appeared as she waved around. Eliza hugged Maggie as you punched Alex in the arm. She groaned and held her arm as you gave her a cheeky smile.
“I knew it, my gaydar is so on point!”
“You knew?”
“Please, you wouldn’t stop talking to and about Vicky.”
“I’m sorry whose Vicky?” A hint of jealousy came from Maggie.
“Alex’s first female crush,” you smiled.
“You were twelve.”
“Kara liked romance, a lot.”
You, Kara and Eliza took turns embarrassing Alex as she tried to correct your stories. Alex almost threw herself across the coffee table when Kara started to explain about the broken lamp. She covered Kara’s mouth but you took the lead and finished the story.
Alex has gotten home from a party late and drunk. She was sneaking back into her room when she knocked over a lamp. You and Kara turned on the light and when Eliza came down Kara took the blame to try to get Alex’s trust.
Both Eliza and Maggie sat agaped with Alex pouring another drink for herself. In the middle of storytelling you had got up to head to the restroom. Kara stood up with you and guided you.
“Kara, I’m okay.”
“I’ll still want to help you.”
Once you reached the bathroom and closed the door behind you, you groaned as your forehead leaned against the door. A small knock came afterwards along with Kara’s worries voice.
“(Y/n)? Everything okay in there.”
“I’m fine.” You exhaled and braced yourself against the sink.
You were always babied by Alex and Kara and being babied with one leg made you feel kind of worthless and incapable. You finished whatever you needed to do, washed your hands and opened the door. You were surprised to see both Alex and Kara there and tried to walk past them.
Alex stopped you with her hand extended in front of her. She draped your arm over her shoulder as Kara did the same thing. They moved you to the couch.
Maggie noticed your slumped shoulders and suggested to take a walk with you. You smiled gratefully at her, Alex was about to stand once again but stopped as you practically hopped towards the door.
You and Maggie walked right out of the apartment building when Maggie wrapped her arm around you.
“Don’t get the wrong idea. I’m not helping you, it’s just what I do,” Maggie smiled. “I know what you’re feeling kid. I had a partner who lost his leg too. He got tired of everyone treating him as if he couldn’t take one step. Your sisters don’t know how to help you in this suituation, they are doing the best they can and the only way they can is by being there for you.”
“You’re dating Alex you know how stubborn she can be,” you huffed. “And it’s upsetting cause the few things I can do is taken away from me. I’m just tired of people looking at me with pity or like I’m an alien.
Maggie stopped as you both reached the end of the street. She placed both hands on your shoulder. “Kara and Alex spent their whole adult life hiding something. The more you push down your feelings the more it is going to hurt. Like I said with your sister, your days of pushing your feelings aside are over, talk to your two sisters.”
“I’m happy Alex has you,” you hugged Maggie.
“Yeah, I’m pretty lucky. You can always come to me if you don’t ever feel comfortable saying something to your sisters. Let’s get you back before Big and Little Danvers send out an Amber Alert.”
The moment you reentered Kara’s apartment Alex and Kara were bouncing around with smiles on their faces. From Kara it was an everyday thing, from Alex we’ll not so much.
“No, no what did you two do?” You looked between the two.
“You tell her,” Kara squealed. The moment Alex opened her mouth Kara jumped in. “Eliza is letting you stay over!”
Your eyes widened. “Wait wait, did mom agree to this... or or did you bubble your way through.”
“Mom practically threw your suitcase at us.”
“A-And she just left? I need to sit down.”
Alex and Kara frowned as they led you to the couch. You pressed a button on the socket, you waited till it no longer hissed and pulled the prosthetic off.
“Hey tell us what you’re feeling?” Kara rubbed your back.
“Alex I’m gonna head out first,” Maggie kisses Alex’s temple and headed out the door.
You pulled off the seal-in ring, that kept your stub from blistering, as fast as you possibly could.
“Hey, Hey take it easy.” Alex helped.
You placed your elbows on your thighs and sighed. “I was waiting for you, I was waiting for both of you.” Your voice cracked.
“Last year, when it happened. It was when Myriad hit. T-this guy in the lab caused an explosion in my area. I was hoping and waiting for Supergirl to come. B-but you never came,” you cried.
Kara hugged and squished her cheeks against her. Alex did the same on the other side.
“I’m sorry (y/n). I spent so much time protecting Kara that I didn’t have any time for myself or you.” Alex comforted.
“I’m so sorry I wasn’t there for you,” Kara kisses your cheek.
The three of you sat in silence for a bit before Kara spoke again.
“Is there anything we can repay you with?”
“Anything?” You questioned with a raised eyebrow
“Anything. I promise.”
“Can I have your potstickers?”
Kara froze almost as if a part of her was ripped apart.
“You did promise her,” Alex smirked.
“Can I have your lab at the D.E.O?” You turned to Alex.
“I’m going to throw your leg out the window,” Alex threated as she sat on you.
If you could change one thing it would’ve been to tell your sisters before to have them by your side during the recovery. After the talk with Maggie, and expressing your feelings to Alex and Kara you felt as if a huge weight was lifted off your shoulders.
“You know if you want, I can call Lena to see if she has a spot for you at L-Corp. Huh maybe I’ll do that,” Kara pulled out her phone and ran across the room to call Lena.
“I’m betting my other leg that Kara likes Lena,” You whispered to Alex.
“How about $20 bucks, that they’re just friends?”
“I just called Lena,” Kara jumped onto the couch. “And Lena said and I quote ‘we can always squeeze in room for a Danvers’ what should I do to repay her?” Kara paced.
“Another 20 bucks that Lena likes Kara,” you whispered to Alex.
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tiffanytheweirdo · 6 years
Silver Linings (Ch. 7)-- Supercorp
I am sorry it took me so so long to make an update of this fic, just that my muse didn't wanna work on this for some time :P I try to make this chapter longer as a compensation, so please enjoy! I will try my best to update more frequently!
Ch. 1: First Meet
Ch. 2: Sapphire and Emerald
Ch. 3: Falling
Ch. 4: Slowly
Ch. 5: A Mother Always Knows
Ch. 6: The Night Before
The next morning, Lena shows up at Kara's apartment with a box of donuts. She lets herself in with the spare key Kara gave her a few weeks before.
"Who is it?" Kara's voice comes from the bathroom, muffled.
"It's Lena! I come bearing donuts!" Lena announces, placing the box onto the kitchen counter.
Moments later, Kara emerges with her crutches in hoodie and sweats, hair tied up into a messy ponytail.
"Hey Lee" Kara's heart swells with warmth as she greets her best friends with a faint smile.
"Hey Kar" Lena waits at the counter for Kara to join her instead of going up to help Kara, knowing her friend would like to do things herself.
"You don't have to come, we can meet at the hospital" Kara says once she sits down beside Lena.
"I want to. And I think donuts will just be the perfect breakfast for a day like this"
Lena had decided to come over after their call last night, wanting to check on Kara and be with her.
Kara knows Lena's worry about her, she did sound desperate in last night's call. And she appreciates Lena's thoughtfulness so much.
When they share the donuts and talk about causal things, Kara can feel the domesticity settles into her bones and she likes it. She looks at Lena, who has some icing on her cheek, and reaches out absent-mindedly to wipe it away with her thumb.
Lena freezes when Kara's hand touches her face, her eyes widening with surprise.
"Sorry-- I just-- there's icing" Kara blushes and removes her hand from Lena's face the second she feels the doctor freezes.
But Lena catches Kara's hand with her own, placing it back on her cheek.
"It's okay, I like it. I like this" Lena says, also blushing, with a determined tone.
Kara tears up a bit upon Lena's words. She knows what Lena means by "it" and "this".
"Me too, Lee. Me too"
If not for Kara holding her crutches, Lena would like it very much to hold Kara's hand on they way to the hospital. She can see Kara's knuckles turn white with the force she's gripping the crutches.
She can see Kara's hands shaking, now they're sitting in the waiting room at the hospital.
"Hey" Lena starts softly, hand hovering above Kara's.
Kara lifts her shaking hands and captures Lena's warm one between her palms. She looks up and shoots Lena a tight smile.
"It's gonna be alright. I will be here no matter what" Lena places her free hand on top of Kara's and gives it a squeeze.
"No matter what" Kara whispers, repeating the promise Lena had made to her from the first day.
After some checkups, the doctor approves Kara's recovery progress and give her the permission to start physiotherapy.
Kara is happy, she really is, but at the same time she's scared. She must have shown her fear on her face as Lena squeezes her hand while waiting for the therapist.
"You okay Kar?" Lena asks. Kara's palm is clammy against her own.
"Yeah, just..." Kara has lost her words, she doesn't know how to feel right now.
"Nervous?" Lena supplies softly, hand still holding Kara's slightly shaking one.
Kara nods blankly.
Lena sighs, she hopes there can be more for her to do to take away Kara's nervousness and unease. But all she can do now it to be there with her.
When Kara places her left foot onto the floor and stands on both feet for the first time in weeks, she has tears pricking her eyes. It hurts, her muscles burning, her bones aching. Kara almost collapses onto the floor with the overwhelming pain but Lena's there, catching her at the split second before she hits the floor.
"Easy Kara" Lena helps Kara stand up straight and settles her back onto the chair.
"Why? What--" Tears flow down Kara's pale cheek while she slurs to ask.
"It's normal Miss Danvers, don't worry. This is the first time you put weight on your left foot in weeks, your muscles is weakened by the lack of use over the weeks. You're still healing. That's why you are here." The therapist soothes.
Kara nods, taking a deep breath and wiping away her tears with the back of her hand.
Lena pats Kara's lap before backing away, leaving space for the therapist to work on some muscle exercise with Kara.
By the end of the session, Kara is sweaty and exhausted. She stands with the support of Lena, legs shaking.
"Try to do those exercise at home everyday but do not overdo it. And with the crutches or other sort of support, you can try to put your left leg down when you stand" the therapist instructs.
"Thank you" Kara breathes out.
"I will see you next week then" the therapist gives the two a warm smile, waving to them while they walk out of the room slowly.
"Come on Kara, let's get you home" Lena says, eyes soft with love and pride.
Kara hops into the shower as soon as she's back in her apartment. Lena decides they should call it an early night and orders take outs as an early dinner.
Kara comes out of the bathroom moments later, dressing in fresh clothes and walks towards Lena slowly with her crutches.
"I have ordered take outs, you can rest after dinner" Lena says, offering Kara a glass of water once she sits down on the couch.
"Thank you Lee" Not only for the food and the water, but also for being here.
Kara doesn't say the last part out loud but Lena understands anyways.
"There's nowhere else I would rather be"
"Let's get you into bed, shall we?" Lena suggests when she notice Kara dozing off on the couch.
Kara nods and stands up, grabbing her crutches, then heads into the bathroom for her nightly routines.
Lena goes into the bedroom to pull off the comforter and fluff the pillows for Kara.
Lena presses a soft kiss onto Kara's forehead after tucking her in.
"Good night Kara"
"Stay" Kara reaches out to grab Lena's hand.
"Please" Kara pouts.
Lena sighs, she can never say no to this pout of Kara.
"Then let me grab a shower and change?"
Kara nods, releasing Lena's hand.
"Sleep Kar, I won't be long"
Later, when Lena slips into the bed, spooning Kara from behind, she whispers against Kara's shoulder blades
"I am so proud of you, Kar"
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Christmas Daughter Series - Hanzo
I know I said I wasn’t going to do any more Hanzo and Mirra posts until the first chapter of the fic came out, BUT IT’S CHRISTMAS AND THEY ARE MY BABIES!!! So have some fluff for Christmas Eve, just under 3,600 words worth. 
I will be doing more holiday stuff with the girls, but probably after the 25th. Cause I’m too damn busy. So busy. 
More Daughter Series: Hanzo, Reaper, Roadhog, McCree, Soldier 76, Genji
Hanzo installments: pt 1, pt 2,  pt 3
Christmas Daughter Series: Reaper, Roadhog
It had been years since Hanzo had been to a Christmas party, and he had not missed them. This time of year had never been his favorite – it usually meant public appearances with the Shimada family and strained holiday dinners. There were no decorated trees or wreaths adorned with bows, just judgmental questions about combat training and demeaning stares from across the room. The instant Winston had informed everyone there would be a small gettogether for anyone who remained on the base during the holidays, Hanzo was instantly trying to find an excuse to stay in his room. Unfortunately, Genji and Mirra would not allow him that luxury.
However, truth be told, this little gathering wasn’t too awful. Most of the evening Hanzo had been tucked away, a bit removed from everyone else, just watching. And listening. Mirra had been singing or humming all week, which had been wonderful. There was little he loved more than hearing her voice wafting through the air. Tonight, she and Lucio had been singing all night, harmonizing effortlessly and taking turns choosing songs. Hanzo had no idea there were so many Christmas songs. It was baffling. But entertaining. Mirra hadn’t stopped smiling all night, especially when she convinced Winston to sing with them. Never in a million years would Hanzo have guessed that the scientist would have a voice like that. The combination of Winston’s low tones, Lucio’s vibrant notes, and Mirra’s beautiful vocalizing left everyone in the room with goosebumps.
Most everyone on the team had sung at some point, the archer excluded, and now they had moved on to dancing. Mirra was elated when Lucio asked her to dance once the playlist changed to instrumentals. “About time I got to show off how this dress twirls,” she had said taking the DJ’s hand. Hanzo was suddenly acutely aware of how close the young man and his daughter were. Perhaps too close. His hand was always at an appropriate spot, but still. There may be cause for a few low-key threats.
Genji was quick to ask for the next dance. His green cyber-suit carefully moving next to Mirra’s swaying red dress almost gave Hanzo a bit of Christmas spirit. Almost. Emily, Lena’s girlfriend, was next, followed by Lena who’s long legs were suddenly not very graceful. Reinhardt pretended to put up a fight, but no one was convinced. Once the giant man was in the middle of the room, he was swinging Mirra around wildly while she laughed uncontrollably, feet hardly touching the ground. As she set her back down, the young woman wavered and nearly toppled over in a bout of dizziness. McCree darted over to catch her before Hanzo could cross the room.
“You alright, little lady,” McCree asked chuckling.
“Never better,” Mirra responding, still giggling.
“Sorry, little one,” Reinhardt said flashing an awkward smile, “I may have gotten a tad carried away.”
“You were fantastic, Rein, I just underestimated you! That was fun,” she replied with a wide smile.
“It was,” the former crusader boomed. “Thank you for asking me, dear. It has been a long time since I had someone who was willing to dance with this old codger.”
Mirra puffed out a raspberry at him, “Oh stop it. You’re an utter delight, Reinhardt! Maybe you just need to start doing the asking yourself. Anyone who says no will get an earful from me.”
Reinhardt’s laugh was so powerful it could start an avalanche. “Ah Mirra, you are too kind! And perhaps you are right. What do you say, one more dance?”
“Hey now,” McCree interjected, “you don’t get to hog our little songstress all to yerself.” The cowboy set down his guitar and put a hand on Mirra’s shoulder. “Tell me, cupcake, do you know how to swing dance?”
“Uh, no,” she said smiling up at him, “but I would love to learn. That is, if I won’t offend Rein too much by giving him a rain check on that second dance.”
“By all means,” the knight said with a bow, “I will leave you in Jesse’s capable hands.”
McCree grinned and showed Mirra a few simple steps, the red and green lights on serape blinking merrily. They are quite the festive sight. Jesse was rather trying at times, and his way of speaking drove Hanzo somewhat insane at times, but he was very good to Mirra. Respectful and polite. He had visited her often while she was injured and he always lifted her spirits. Watching the two of them shuffle to the left and kick to the right was strangely endearing. Hanzo couldn’t deny that.
“Careful, brother,” Genji said wandering to the elder Shimada’s side.
“What do you mean,” Hanzo asked, not taking his eyes off Mirra.
“Your feelings are showing! You are smiling broader than I have ever seen,” Genji teased.
Hanzo instantly felt his face go hot as he ran his hand over his mouth in embarrassment. “Excuse me for being pleased to see Mirra acting like herself again after the injury she sustained,” he grumbled.
“I was not trying to scold you, Hanzo. In truth, it was quite nice to see you enjoying yourself. I should not have said anything.” Seeing his younger brother without his visor still made Hanzo’s heart skip a beat, but at the same time it was somewhat . . . nice to see Genji’s lopsided smirk. “And I agree, it is good to see Mirra back to her happy self. I was worried.”
“As was I,” Hanzo sighed, spying some residual scarring peeking out from underneath Mirra’s lace sleeves.
“But,” Genji said reassuringly, “she has made a full recovery, and we should be thankful for that.”
“Agreed,” Hanzo breathed, gripping the small box in his pocket.
“Well, try not to sulk here all night, brother. You should at least have something to eat – Emily made some sort of brownie, pudding, whipped cream thing that seems like something you would love. I imagine you still have an insatiable sweet tooth?”
He did. Absolutely. And he had been eyeing that layered truffle. “Perhaps in a bit,” Hanzo said clearing his throat sheepishly.
Genji gave Hanzo’s back a firm pat before walking away. The archer stayed at the party a while longer, long enough to see Mirra try on Reinhardt’s giant Santa coat that completely engulfed and amused her. She seemed so happy tonight. As much as he wanted to give her the gift he had prepared for her, it didn’t seem worth disrupting her joy. Not to mention how tired Hanzo was – he was not a night owl.
“The day after Christmas will have to do,” he said slightly disappointed. While everyone was distracted Hanzo ducked out of the room and slowly made his way to his quarters.
Just as he entered the last hallway, the sound of fast approaching footsteps came tapping from behind. “Hanzo! Wait up,” Mirra called to him as she rounded the corner. He instantly halted and allowed her to join him.
“Is something wrong,” he asked with a frown.
“What? No, no! Nothing wrong,” she assured him, “but are you headed to bed for the night?”
“I was planning to, yes,” he said hesitantly. Mirra was fidgeting nervously. She hadn’t acted that way toward him in weeks. What had he done this time?
“Oh, well, um,” she said rummaging around in her vest pocket, “I wanted to give you this tonight.”
Mirra handed Hanzo a simple gold-colored envelope with his name on it. He held it gently in both hands. “For me,” he asked, his voice quiet in his surprise.
“Yeah,” she said darting between looking at her feet and Hanzo, her feet and Hanzo. “I wanted to do something for you for Christmas, but Genji said it wasn’t really your favorite time of year. And I think sometimes I overwhelm you – that I’m asking too much of you, or that maybe I’m sorta demanding, or that I’m just too much for you – and I’m sorry for that. I’ll try to be better, I promise. Hopefully, this isn’t too much either, but I figured if I wrote down what I wanted to say, you could digest it on your own time.” She turned away from him and let out a shaky laugh. “It made sense to me earlier, but now I can’t seem to make any sort of sense.”
He didn’t know what to say. He stared at the envelope with equal parts curiosity and worry.
“Anyway,” Mirra said after a few moments of silence, “goodnight! Sleep well.” She gave him a quick wave before scampering away.
“Wait,” he said weakly and far too late. She was long gone. He still had his gift for her tucked away. Hanzo hissed in frustration in his native language before entering his bedroom.
He should read it right away, he knew he should, but Hanzo couldn’t bring himself to do so. Despite Mirra’s attempt not to bewilder her father, she still did. Setting the card on the bedside table, Hanzo checked the time.
“I believe a shower is in order,” he murmured to himself. He just needed a little time to prepare himself, that’s all.
Twenty-five minutes passed, and Hanzo was pursing his lips at the envelope again.
His desk and bathroom could use a bit of tidying. The sheets on his bed could be changed as well.
Only ten minutes had passed this time. After all, his living space was always spotless, but he was desperate. And now he was out of options.
“Grief,” Hanzo hissed to himself, “it is only a Christmas card! Enough unnecessary fear.” He grabbed the piece of paper and sat on the side of his bed, a deep frown on his brow. “Besides, if I do not read this now, I will never be able to sleep,” he lamented, cutting open the envelope with an arrow.
A minimalistic design graced the front of the cardstock – three green lines formed a small tree and the outline of a yellow star topped it. Inside, ‘Merry Christmas, Hanzo’ was scrawled is her slightly sloppy handwriting and a piece of lined, folded paper fell out. Mirra had written enough to fill one side and spill over onto the back. He swallowed hard and took a deep breath.
I know the holidays aren’t your thing, but I felt like I had to tell you how much it means to me to be with you for Christmas. It means the world to me. I had people who cared about me as a kid, people who looked after me, but its still different with you. And not just because we’re blood relatives, it’s more than that.
You’re good to me – always looking out for me, watching my back and making sure I’m taken care of. Even more, you always seem to be trying to make me happy. Or maybe I’m just happier with you around. Either way, meeting you is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. In fact, it is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Even considering our, well, rocky start.
Joan, the woman who raised me, was always telling me I had to be self-sufficient, independent – that I couldn’t depend on anyone – and for a long time, I believed her. When Joan died, and I was left on my own, I stayed that way. Alone. And good god was it hard. I was constantly struggling, and I felt so bad about it. I felt like a failure.I kept thinking, “I should be fine by myself, I shouldn’t need help, I shouldn’t feel lonely all the time.” But I was miserable. Thank goodness Angela found me before I did something I couldn’t undo. Before I gave up.
But enough about that. I don’t feel like that anymore. Like I’m teetering on the edge of my strength and wondering how much longer I can hold on. Being here at Overwatch has helped me more than I can say. I admit, it was still tough at first, after Genji told me you didn’t want anything to do with me. Thankfully, we pushed each other’s buttons enough that we both broke down, and I’ve never adored a memory of a fight so much in my life! It still makes me laugh that you and me bickering about a cup of coffee started all this.
I’m rambling now, aren’t I? Sorry. The point of all this is that I’m grateful every single day that you are in my life. Every day. You make me smile and laugh and feel safe. It’s so nice to feel safe again after running for so long. I remember when we first started to talk, I was so worried you were going to be like Joan: always pressuring me to be someone I really wasn’t. But you’re not. Yes, you have your comments now and again, but you never seem to be scolding me – at least not anymore. You seem to be trying to help or maybe encourage me. You seem to want what’s best for me, and that is an incredible feeling. To know someone only wants you to be at your best. I’ve never felt this secure before, so protected, so understood.
You’re a good parent. I hope you know that. And just so you know, perfection is overrated. I prefer real people, and you with all your snark, bluster, and small showings of affection are definitely real. Damn close to perfect if you ask me.
So thank you, Hanzo, for giving me more than I ever could have dreamed of. I wouldn’t change a thing about you, or our time together. Not a thing. I hope we have many, many more holidays together.
Your forever grateful ‘sweet girl,’
 “Heavens help me,” he choked out. Hanzo hadn’t cried for the longest time, but he was fighting tears halfway through and could hardly read the end of the letter.
It was sweet and beautiful.
It touches his heart. Clenches it.
He’s destroyed. Utterly destroyed.
For a matter of minutes, it is all Hanzo can do to steady his breathing and let a million thoughts run through his mind. All he can feel is guilt. He's such a coward, but Mirra is so open. So forgiving. So patient. She just wants him around, to be with him and support him. And he keeps running. Avoiding. Unwilling to take a half step out of his comfort zone to do something for his only child.
She deserves better. A better father. But she’s stuck with him. He doesn’t deserve her. Someone so incredible. But he somehow he has her in his life.
He had to see her. Tonight. Hanzo pulled on a sweatshirt over his sleep shirt, grabbed Mirra’s present, and headed to his daughter’s room. It wasn’t that late – for her – and the party was likely winding down. He could still catch her.
“Please be here,” he murmured before knocking on her door. Nothing. Hanzo snarled viciously and rubbed his temples. Should he wait, or pull her from the party? He groaned and thumped his forehead against the cool metal of the wall.
“Uh, Hanzo? You alright?”
The archer jumped as Mirra’s confused voice came from further down the hall. “Mirra! Good,” he sighed, for once not concerned with staying composed.
“What’s wrong,” she said, quickly closing the distance between them, her bold eyebrows pinched.
“Nothing, Mirra, nothing. I just needed to speak with you,” he said, words hitching in his mouth once.
“What is it,” she asked earnestly, arms close to her chest in apprehension.
“Please,” Hanzo said raising his hands in a gesture of reassurance, “do not be worried. Nothing negative has happened, I have just read your letter and wished to say something to you.”
“Oh,” Mirra said fidgeting, “I see.” She looked no less fearful. “Well, I’m here now if you want to talk, but no pressure.”
He took a trembling breath before forcing the truth out of him. “Your letter was very . . . powerful, Mirra, in the most remarkable way. Your honesty always astounds me. I am thankful for it. You usually make it so easy for me to see how you are feeling – when you are happy, when you are in pain – but I do not often give you the same opportunity. I am much more comfortable closing myself off from everyone else, even you, the one person I trust above all others. Your letter made me realize how unfair this is, especially since you are the sort of woman who is . . . who may need more, I suppose, obvious assurances that all is well. So allow me to be plain: You are the best thing in my life, Mirra. By far. You are extraordinary. I will never stop wondering how a man like me could be blessed with a daughter like you. I do have enough words to express how thankful I am for you.” Hanzo carefully reached up and held Mirra’s soft cheek, her bleary eyes blinking rapidly. “I will do my best to be a proper father to you, I promise you that, but I believe we both know I often regress into my old ways, which likely hurts you more than me, and I apologize for that. I will do better. However,” he said raising his other hand to cup Mirra’s face, “that being said, if you ever, ever begin to doubt how much you mean to me, how much I need you, how much I value you, please tell me. I will make sure you know the truth – that I treasure every moment I have with you.”
“Shit, Hanzo,” she gulped out, pressing her hands over his so he was squishing her pliable cheeks, “you’re gonna make me a big, crying mess.”
He chuckled. “My apologies, sweet girl, but I felt that I needed to say everything at once, lest I change my mind.”
Mirra laughed and released Hanzo’s hands so she could wipe her eyes. “I get it. I was so nervous when I was writing your letter, I almost chickened out about a dozen times.”
“I am glad you did not,” he said smiling warmly.
“You know I meant it, right? Every word,” she said firmly.
“As do I,” Hanzo nodded, “and, before I forget again, I have one more thing for you.”
He pulled the small box out he had been hiding out of his pocket making Mirra’s smile grow as she put her hands over her heart.
“Aw, Hanzo! You shouldn’t have! I knew I should have got you something,” she scolded herself.
“Your note was plenty, Mirra. I can not think of a better gift, now open yours.” A bit of excitement was suddenly prickling Hanzo’s fingers as he handed her the present.
Mirra opened the hinged, velveteen container and let out a small whimper, tears trickling and chin quivering. “Hanzo,” she whispered removing the locket from its box, “is this . . . is this my mother’s?”
“I’m afraid it's not the same one,” he clarified hurriedly. “I tried to locate your mother’s original necklace, but I was unable to, much to my disappointment. However, I was able to find a local jeweler who could replicate the design. I hope a copy is sufficient.”
“Hanzo,” she beamed, “it’s perfect! I love it! I always wondered what happened to that necklace. I hope it’s not in a pawn shop or something. I’ve always hoped it was with her – that’s what I tell myself at least. But now I have one of my own! I – I can’t believe you did this for me . . .” It looked as if Mirra was on the verge of blubbering as she slipped the chain over her head. She cradled the silver pendant in her hands with the biggest smile Hanzo had ever seen.
“I am glad you like it,” Hanzo said, chest tight as he was unexpectedly flooded with memories of his short time with Mirra’s mother. She would have adored their daughter. “You have all of your mother’s beauty, her remarkable spirit, and her stunning voice, but I thought you might like something of hers to hold in your hands – or at least nearly hers. I will keep looking for the original.”
“You’re killing me Hanzo,” Mirra laughed tearfully. “Thank you for saying that. I always hoped I was at least a little like her, because if I was, it was almost like I kinda knew her.”
“The two of you are very much alike in a number of ways,” he said honestly.
“I’ve been meaning to ask you, but I wasn’t sure how you would react,” she said slowly, “would you tell me about her some time, my mom?”
That would not be a difficult conversation, but Hanzo assumed it would happen eventually and he was feeling much more ready now. “Of course, sweet girl, but perhaps another night. It is late, and we should both be in bed.”
“Sound good,” she agreed. “Thank you again, Hanzo, for everything.”
“It is I who should be thanking you,” he insisted. “Now, to bed with you. If we are up much longer, we will be seeing the sunrise.”
Mirra smirked. “You’re just saying that because you want to go to bed.”
“Hush,” he said jokingly as he waved her into her room.
“G’night,” she said with a sleepy voice.
“Goodnight,” Hanzo replied, “and Merry Christmas.”
She grinned, “Was it ‘merry’ for you?”
“It was a day I spent hearing you sing and laugh, Mirra – so yes, it was most definitely ‘merry.’”
Tags: @watch-your-grammer @winchester-sonsandcastiel @envy-kitty
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captain-josslett · 4 years
Broken Melody - Part Two
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven,
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 3k+
Warnings: None... yet… Maybe need a filling for all the fluff I wrote in this part through...
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor (Eventual)
In This Part: Emma and Lena spend some time together. It’s not a date, even though they both wish it is.
The angst still hasn’t happened yet! Got probably two more parts to write before things get angsty! 
As always B!D is named.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Taglist: @thewitchandtheassassin , @natasha-danvers , @life-is-hella-unfair , @finleyfray​, @supergirl-writingz​
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Emma Danvers is happily playing on her Playstation, munching on popcorn and having some much needed rest time. The band are having a break from the farewell sold out world tour. With the holidays coming up they decided to split the tour up to allow them time with their families. The last part will be around America after the New Year. The last gig happening in National City, where their first major gig happened. Emma pushed this idea, finding it quite poetic to finish with the band in the place it all accelerated for them.
Emma didn’t mind the over a month long break. It meant she was home for Thanksgiving and spending more time hanging out with her sister’s, friends and Lena.
Speaking of Lena, the first thing Emma did when she was back in National City was to surprise the CEO on her birthday. She took her best friend to all their favourite hang outs that had a gift at each place until leading Lena back to her apartment where the Superfriend’s were waiting to celebrate with her. By the end of the day Lena was a tearful mess and thanked Emma as she held onto the blonde in a tight hug. 
Emma smiles at the memory and her eyes quickly look at the clock above the huge tv. They had planned to have dinner together tonight as recently Lena has been so busy planning Gala’s and Charity events as well as her CEO job, Lena hasn’t had much time to meet her friend individually.
Seeing it was time to get ready Emma smiles, saves the game and turns everything off. She gets up and bounces into her bedroom to change into some smart casual clothes.  
Quickly looking through her walk in wardrobe Emma picks out her favourite deep blue skinny jeans that make her legs and ass look incredible. A white lace shell top under a red blazer and black high heels. She finishes the outfit off with her layered necklace, a leather wrap around bracelet and natural looking makeup. She pulls her hair out of the high ponytail and lets her naturally wavy blonde hair fall around her shoulders.
Looking herself over in the mirror Emma nods and grabs her green clutch. Placing her keys, small journal and phone inside. Making her way down to the bug Emma hums a song she’s working on, but, as always, it’s not quite there yet.
Soon she pulls into L-Corp’s garage, the security guard waving her through. She parks in Lena’s space and gets out.
“Hi Miss Danvers!” The security guard calls and waves at her.
“Hi David!” Emma calls back as she locks the bug. She waves and smiles at him as she makes her way to the elevator.
When the elevator doors slide open Emma steps inside and presses the button for the top floor where Lena’s office is. Her phone pings inside her clutch and Emma gets it out. Smiling at the message Kara sent to the Danvers sisters group chat.
Kara: I hope you and Lena have a nice time tonight!
Emma goes to respond but a message from Alex appears below Kara’s.
Alex: Traitor.
Kara: What did I do?
Alex: Not you! Emma! It’s sister night!
Emma: Aww I’m sorry Alex, but this was the only evening Lena had free. I promise to make it up to you.
Alex: How?
Emma: Anything you want.
Kara: Yea I’m actually a bit annoyed too!
Emma snorts with laughter at Kara’s message. The doors slide open and Emma slowly exits the elevator as she composes her next text.
Emma: Same goes for you Kara. Also, here’s an idea… Why don’t you both meet up? *Le Gasp!*
Alex: Kara, I’ll be round in 30 mins!
Kara: Bring Potstickers please!
Alex: Already ordered!
Alex: Have a great evening Peanut!
Emma: Thanks! You too! Love you!
Kara: Love you too! (followed by hundreds of emoji’s that widens Emma’s smile.)
Alex: Love you too! (followed by a red heart emoji and means just as much to Emma.)
“Are you planning on coming in?” Lena’s bemused voice calls out.
Emma looks up and realises she stopped in the open doorway of Lena’s office.
“Meh, I’m okay here.” Emma cheekily says and hovers for a few seconds before approaching Lena’s desk.
The raven haired beauty smirks at her before looking down at the papers she was signing. Emma’s eyes wander over Lena’s torso, mainly her chest. How the off the shoulder black dress fits in all the right places. Emma can’t wait to see it fully when Lena stands. In the meantime, Emma goes right up to Lena and hugs her from behind.
“Hi.” Emma whispers and feels a sudden urge to kiss Lena’s neck and back, which is on show due to Lena’s high ponytail and the off the shoulder dress. It takes everything in her to not look down at Lena’s chest.
“Hi.” Lena responds in a breathy voice, almost like she senses what Emma is feeling. “I’m almost done.”
“Take your time.” Emma gives Lena a squeeze before pulling away and stepping out onto the balcony.
Lena’s hand moves swiftly across the pages as she signs the last of the papers for the Christmas Charity Concert L-Corp is organising for the Luthor Children’s Hospital next week.
When she’s finished Lena gathers them up in a neat pile and rises from her chair. She looks around her office to see where Emma is and pauses when she finds her on the balcony, looking out at the city. Lena can’t help but gaze up and down Emma’s toned body. When her eyes land on Emma’s shapely ass, she bites her lip slightly. But when Lena realises where her thoughts are going she quickly shakes her head and turns away, grabbing her handbag and clearing her throat.
“Ready to go?” Emma’s voice says behind her.
“Yes!” Lena says over her shoulder. “All done.”
“Great!” Emma walks up to Lena’s desk, her eyes going up and down as she takes in all of Lena. She goes to walk out of the office but is stopped by Lena’s hand on her shoulder.
“Can I have a proper hug now?” Lena smiles brightly at the blonde.
“Of course you can!” Emma wraps her arms around the CEO. Sighing happily when Lena’s arms do the same. “You seriously give the best hugs.”
“Don’t let your sister’s hear you say that!” Lena laughs into Emma’s neck, causing the blonde to shiver.
“Yea, they’d both have a fit!” Emma chuckles as she pulls away. She holds out her arm for Lena to take and they exit the office. “How’s your day been?” Emma asks while they walk to the elevator.
Lena sighs heavily as she presses the call button.
“That good huh?”
“Well, it's recently gotten a lot better.” Lena squeezes Emma’s arm. Her eyebrows almost shoot up when she feels the muscle underneath. She knows Emma is fit, but not that fit. The doors slide open stopping her train of thought and they both enter. Lena lets go and Emma leans against the side of the elevator, looking at her friend.
“Yea must be such a relief finishing for the day.”
“I meant seeing you, you dork.” Lena's smile widens when Emma throws back her head and laughs. Lena loves Emma’s voice but her laugh is pure magic. She could listen to it for days.
“I’m honoured. Seeing you has been the highlight of mine too.”
“But the night is still young.” Lena tilts her head.
“I can’t imagine anything that can top you.”
‘I wish you would.’ Lena thinks, almost biting her lip again. “What if the restaurant has Creme Brûlée?” She chooses to say instead.
Emma pouts her lips, as if deep in thought.
“Arse.” Lena shoves Emma’s shoulder lightly causing the blonde to laugh again.
“I think it would come a close second to you.”
Lena’s insides melt at that comment and she smiles shyly.
The doors slide open and Emma holds her arm out again, walking with Lena to the bug. She opens the passenger door for her friend.
“My how gentlewomanly!” Lena slides in and Emma closes the door beside her.
‘Cool it Em!’ The blonde berates herself. ‘This is not a date.’ Emma gets into the driver’s seat and starts the bug. ‘Rao I wish it was a date.’
“So, how was your day? Other than seeing me being the highlight?” Lena asks as Emma pulls out of the garage, waving at the security guard as they pass.
“It was… okay?”
“Is that a statement or a question?”
“Er… I mean, I went for a 10k run and did some weight lifting. Worked a bit on a song, played Mass Effect.” Emma shrugs. “It’s been a very general day for me.”
“How you run 10k and do weights everyday is beyond me.”
“It’s fun!”
“If you say so darling.” Lena laughs and rolls her eyes.
“I do say so!” Emma laughs too. “But I do have recovery days as well.”
A noticeable drum beat starts on the radio and Emma whoops, recognising it as one of her current favourite songs. She turns the volume up high and dances along. Smiling brightly when Lena joins in. Not caring that people can see them when they wait at a red light.
A few do a double take as they walk past the bug and wave when they realise it is Emma in the yellow VW and Emma waves back with a smile. Generally fans in National City are respectable to Emma’s privacy and space. When fans do approach her Emma is always polite and will always give them her time. One such time she sat with an kind, eldery lady who had approached her while Emma was sat on a bench at the park. She gushed at how Emma’s music had helped her during the loss of her husband. Tears fell down her old cheeks and Emma gave her a tissue. The blonde listened to the many stories the eldery woman had and gave her a hug when they had to part ways.
Soon Emma and Lena pull up outside the restaurant and valet jumps to open Lena’s door. Emma reluctantly gets out to let the valet drive the bug to the parking area.
“The bug will be fine darling.” Lena says taking a hold of Emma’s hand as the blonde watches the yellow VW be driven away.
Emma weaves her fingers through Lena’s and smiles at her crush. Nodding she walks to the entrance and takes the elevator up to the top floors where the restaurant is.
“Ah! Ms. Luthor and Ms. Danvers! Welcome back!” The host greets them warmly before showing them to their favourite table in a secluded corner by the window. Emma especially loves the view. They are given the menus and the specials for the day. Emma quickly scans through but she already knows what she is ordering.
While they wait for the food the two women catch up. Chatting about anything and everything. Smiles permanently on their faces.
“So how’s things for the events going?” Emma asks while sipping on her Pepsi Max. She’s never been a lover of alcohol, seeing the effects it has on Alex and her peers put her off for life.
“It’s-” Lena pauses for a moment.
“Lee?” Emma frowns.
“Well, we’ve hit a bit of a road block.” Lena sits up a bit straighter. “You know the concert happening next week?”
Emma nods and she tilts her head. She’d already got her ticket with the Superfriends and was planning on anomalously donating a large sum of money to the children’s hospital.
“Well, the act had to pull out and I’m not sure where to find a replacement so quickly. I would ask you but I know this is your rest time and I completely respect that-”
“Lee!” Emma reaches out and takes a hold of Lena’s hand on top of the table. Lena’s cheeks start to blush, but she is blaming the red wine she is drinking. “Take a breath!” Lena does.
“Sorry, it’s just been a bit stressful.”
“I bet.” Emma says sympathetically. “But, I would love to help.”
“Of course! I know of a great gospel choir that could sing with me. Would actually be nice doing something different to country, you know?”
And Lena did know. Emma’s singing voice didn’t naturally have the country tone so she did have to add it in. Lena had been blown away one time when she heard Emma’s natural tone. She had been waiting for Emma to finish in the shower and she heard her voice singing out. Doing runs and riffs that had Lena’s jaw hitting the floor. Lena even got closer and stood by the door to listen better. When Lena heard Emma approach the door she quickly and quietly scurried away.
“Yes, would do you good to try something different too? For your solo career? Let the fans hear more of what you can do.”
“That’s if they want to hear it.” Emma looks away at the city below them, her insecurities bubbling to the surface.
“They would be fools not to Em.” Lena squeezes Emma’s hand and the blonde looks back at her.
“Thanks.” Emma gives Lena a small smile. The anxiety of stepping out into her solo career still worries her. “So-” Emma lets go of Lena’s hand and takes out the journal from her clutch. Opening it and clicking her pen. Her mind switching into work mode as she thinks about the concert. “What songs would you want in the set? And for how long? Do you want the audience to sing along? Will you give a speech?”
Lena pauses as she sips her wine. “Well… I guess the classics and no I don’t think the audience need to participate. It’s not a carol service. You have free rein other than it needs to be wrapping up around 9pm. A speech will be given, probably from someone from the hospital rather than me. Maybe ten or twelve songs, allowing the speech to be near the end and have an upbeat song to finish.”
“Okay.” Emma makes some notes and song ideas. She grins as a surge of excitement hits her. “Can I be a bit rude and message the lead of the choir, Karen?”
“You may. I mean I have dumped this on you.” Lena laughs and takes a sip of her wine while Emma gets her phone out.
“Er… Will the choir be paid?” Emma looks up at her. “I mean I can pay them, that’s no issue. Forget I said anything.”
“Em! It’s okay. And yes the choir will be paid. Ask them what they, Karen? Charges.”
Emma nods and quickly sends Karen a message. Who responds instantly in all capital letters that they will definitely perform with her at the concert and, in Emma’s opinion, quite a low price. Emma sends a message back confirming a time to meet the next day to go over ideas and songs. Already planning a set list in her head.
Lena watches Emma with a smile on her face. How Emma starts to radiate even more with her excitement.
The food soon arrives and like a true Danvers Emma digs right in.
“Oh Lee!” Emma moans, causing Lena’s brain to short circuit. “You need to try this!” Emma puts a piece of her food on her fork and holds it out for Lena. She watches as the raven haired beauty leans forward and slowly wraps her mouth around her fork. Emma swallows thickly when Lena moans too.
“That is delicious.” Lena agrees. “Do you want to taste mine?”
“Sure.” Emma waits for Lena to cut into the food and hold the fork out to her. And like Lena, Emma tilts forward, keeping her eyes on the raven haired beauty as she wraps her mouth around the fork. Emma can’t help the sound of pleasure that escapes her lips as she tastes the food. Closing her eyes briefly and when she opens them she swears she sees Lena biting her lip. “Wow, you made a good choice there.”
“I’m not sharing!” Lena laughs and starts eating again.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Emma says before digging in.
However they do share a Créme Brûlée and Lena has to clench her legs together when Emma sounds like she’s having a mouth orgasm with every bite.
“Okay, no, maybe this is the highlight of my day.” Emma says while licking the spoon and winking at a blushing Lena.
“I don’t know whether I should be offended or not.” Lena raises an eyebrow at the blonde.
“Nah, nothing compares to you Lena. You know that.”
The two women smile softly at each other before continuing their conquest of devouring the dessert.
When it’s time to leave Lena is having an intense tug of war with herself. She wants to come clean. To reveal to Emma that her feelings have gone deeper than friendship. As Emma drives her back to her apartment Lena wants to ask Emma to come up with her. But her past stops her from talking.
“Lee?” Emma notices how quiet Lena has gotten. “You okay?”
“Yea.” Lena says softly.
“You sure?” Emma presses further, knowing Lena is not fine.
“Yes, just tired I guess.”
“I bet you are!” Emma knows this is only partly the truth. Instead she drops it and gives Lena a sympathetic smile. “I really appreciate you spending time with me. I really do mean it when I say it's the highlight of my day, well week, even month! And I know how busy you are around this time of year, so thank you.”
“You’re welcome love.” Lena can’t deny the warmth that fills her heart. “It’s been the highlight of my month too.”
All too soon Emma is parked outside of Lena’s apartment building. “Well, thanks again. Shall I let you know the order of songs etc?”
Lena nods. “You can also send it to Jess as well.”
“Will do.” Emma smiles brightly and leans forward, opening her arms up for a hug. Lena happily falls into them. “Love you Lee.”
“Love you too Em.” ‘More than you’ll ever know.’
They sit like this for a while, just enjoying being in each other’s arms. Lena finally pulls away, knowing if she doesn’t go she will never leave.
“Good night.” She says while opening the door.
“Night. Sleep well!”
Lena is about to step out of the bug when she thinks ‘Fuck it!’ Lena leans back over to Emma and places a kiss on the corner of Emma’s mouth.“You too.” She quickly gets out of the car and enters the building. If she’d looked back she would have seen the brightest smile on Emma’s face as she watches her go.
(Part Three)
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