linoopse · 3 days
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it’s always been you
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kisasan · 4 months
No one:
The wife that dies in the beginning of the movie:
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donotenter505 · 1 month
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Stay focus, Dynamight! Mydoriya is trying to give you constructive criticism on your hero work!
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axonomi · 2 months
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Thanks for the new suit 😘
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shigussy · 2 months
mha being over is so sad bc im gonna miss all the times where i opened twitter only to see a screenshot of a bkdk panel from that day's leaks next to a screenshot of a bkdk doujin from years ago that looks almost exactly identical
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antsday · 2 months
in the palm of your hand
[i was re-reading @habken's incredible scammers to lovers au and wrote this short fic. I really love their work and couldn't help myself lmaoo. anyways i hope you all enjoy!!!]
“Hi! Can I help you with- oh,” says the angel from the IT department, spinny chair swiveling to a stop. “It’s you again.”
The first week Katsuki had come in, Deku had been relatively understanding and chipper- bright and sunny and shit. More personal than the strained smile and forced cheer that most customer service workers spoke with- of course I’ll fix your laptop, no problem, just leave it to me. 
Now, about three weeks later he looks at Katsuki like he’s just bitten into a lemon. As in, like Katsuki had come into the IT department, looked Deku in the eye, bit into a lemon, and then made a puckered up face and writhed in discomfort and then showed up with another lemon the next day, rinse and repeat for nearly a month. A complicated mix of intrigue and confusion and mild horror at this endless display of masochism.
Which is fair; there really is no other way to look at a top ten Pro Hero who repeatedly comes in to have his laptop fixed and won’t admit under penalty of death that it was because he clicked a pop-up in hopes of having a proper conversation with a dreamy IT guy. Not that Dreamy IT guy in question knows about all of that, but whatever. If Katsuki was in Deku’s position, he would also be worried about the fact that the safety and integrity of the public was left in the hands of guys who can’t stop getting scammed by obvious pop-up ads. 
“Your laptop’s broken again?” Deku says incredulously, as if reading Katsuki’s mind. His voice is really nice, even when he sounds confused as shit. Smooth and soft like- like a satin pillowcase. Or something. Whatever. It’s not like they pay him to be good with words. 
Then again, it’s not like they pay him to (unsuccessfully) flirt with the guy he’s normally supposed to see once a month max, but here he was. 
“Yeah,” says Katsuki, like he said two days ago, and then three days before that, and for the past month. It’s easier to say than I got a pop-up ad for a BL manga and I am ninety percent sure the twink on the cover was just a recolor of Sasuke Uchiha and I clicked it because I’m a fucking dumbass and I needed an excuse to keep coming in here and gazing into your dreamy-ass eyes. If you even care. 
He’s surprised Deku’s even asking. He’s been consistently coming in here for exactly the same reason: his laptop ‘mysteriously’ got a virus and now he needs it fixed. He’ll be back to pick it up soon, no, he’s not getting a new laptop, no, he’s not sure what happened, no, he’s not going to install some fancy-ass ad-blocker because he doesn’t want to (and it would get rid of his excuse), and Deku’s never asked this but yes, he would love to go get dinner sometime, he’s free today and tomorrow and the day after that and the rest of his life, forever, actually- 
“...Did you,” Deku begins, like he’s searching for the right words. “Uh. Do you have any idea what could have happened? Any idea at all?” 
I gazed into the dead-eyed stare of poorly-recolored Sasuke’s green eyes and thought of you because your eyes are also green, and less unnerving to look at, and the more I thought about that the more my mouse moved away from the ‘x’ button and the next thing I know, I have a virus and my desire to carnally hold your hand has overpowered any other logical thought. That’s what happened. 
“No,” Katsuki says belatedly. “Fuck. Look, can you fix it or not?” 
“Of course,” says Deku. He’s still got that little furrow in his brow. Katsuki wants to bite at it like taffy- which, is a weird fucking thing to think, scratch that- “Just- give it over, and I’ll be sure to have it ready for you in a little while.”
“Cool.” He holds out his laptop. It’s reminiscent of when he was four and showing off the cool rhinoceros beetle he caught to his mom. He’s internally beaming with pride at his success so far, and Deku’s got that same baffled, borderline horrified expression that his mom did. 
Although, that particular interaction ended with the thing flying out of his hands and into his mom’s cardigan and with him getting yelled at, so, maybe it’s not the ideal scenario to compare this to.
 But this encounter will end differently. He’s got a grip on the rhinoceros beetle, now. He just has to play his cards right. 
“So,” he says, shoving his hands into the pockets of his slacks so Deku won’t see how fucking sweaty they are. “You’ll have it ready by lunch tomorrow?” 
Deku takes the laptop and tilts his head. “Uh. Yeah, I will. In fact, I can get it to you earlier than that-”
“I’ll be busy for the rest of the day,” Katsuki lies. All his incident reports are done, and he’s got the night shift on patrol tomorrow. “You’re done by 2 tomorrow, right?”
“Great. Look, I have to stop at that fucking- crepe place, down the street, right,” he says, praying to every God there is that he looks cool and casual and not like a ‘Deranged Goblin Man’, as the Hero Times described him a few months ago. “So. When you get off work you should meet me there. At the crepe place. Tomorrow. At two pm.”
He doesn’t know what’s worse- the fact that he’s really doing this, being reduced to the same sort of emotional sap he would have made fun of only five years ago; or the fact that Present Mic’s lessons on subtlety and hidden meanings in text were actually good for something. 
Look at him, effortlessly weaving together words to create sentences with underlying motives. He’s like a modern-day Shakespeare. He’s golden. He’s killing it. Bakugou Katsuki, master of words. He’s on cloud-fucking-nine. He’s-
…aaaaand Deku isn’t responding. 
Deku blinks. He opens his mouth. Closes it. He sets the laptop down, staring up at Katsuki intently, and Katsuki starts to sweat. 
You are Bakugou Katsuki, he reminds himself. You might be down bad, but you’re not weak. It will not kill you if he rejects you. Well, it’ll kill you a little. But not that much. 
“At the crepe pla- to give you the laptop, right?” says Deku slowly. His face is turning bright red. Katsuki goes a little weak in the knees. 
“Sure, yeah,” Katsuki says half-heartedly. “Look, if you want, I could. I dunno. Fucking- buy you a crepe or something. As payment.” 
He’s so smooth. Eat your fucking heart out, Dunce Face. ‘Zero game’, his ass. 
“Sure,” Deku says, scratching the back of his neck, smile just a tad bit shy. His face is still mildly flushed. Katsuki swoons (and does his best to not let it show on his face). “I- uh. I’d like that. I guess.” 
“Cool,” says Katsuki. “Cool. Great. Okay, bye. Be there or else. Bye. See you.”
He turns on his heel and power walks out of the room, not once looking back, even when Pigtails nearly crashes into him or when Deku makes a noise suspiciously like he’s slamming his head against the desk. He walks out of the room, into the hallway, back to his own office.
The door slams shut behind him. He takes a deep breath. Squeezes his eyes shut. A breathlessly excited grin forces his way onto his face, and he pumps his fists, victorious. 
He's got a date.
part one/part two
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polonium-snap · 3 months
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New AU comic!
Part 1
I wrote this idea a year ago so it’s not updated to the manga, but anyway this is the first time I’ve had to draw endeavor and I hate it
Also even cold king Shoto is shook, and Deku…he’s rebooting atm give him some time to catch up
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btxtyuri · 6 months
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oh izuku if you only knew
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selene-19 · 5 months
Funny moments with bkdk 🧡💚
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Aaahhh, I just love them so much 🥰
They animated it perfectly ✨
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Also this drawing of them looks so good 🥹
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parientou · 5 days
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 18 days
what if i crash the fuck out
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ayeliiss · 1 month
Teacher Izuku, who has planned an oral exercise for his students to improve their skills in quirks analyzing. He's prepared a list of 20 pro-heroes (matching his pupils' number) and asked each of them to choose one for their presentation.
Bad news: none chose pro-hero Dynamight, who is obviously at the top of the list.
It's not that they dislike him or anything. It's just that they know how obsessed Izuku-sensei is with Dynamight. They're scared of providing wrong information to the person who knows this extraordinary hero better than anyone, and risk their lives the worst punishment ever after that.
But when Izuku senses the lack of enthusiasm from his students toward the Great Explosion Murder God Dynamight, he doesn't understand and feels downcast. He expected them to fight—figuratively—to be the lucky one handling Dynamight's name with great care.
Izuku has no choice: while he'd initially decided to leave the choice up to them, now, he's changed the rules and turned to a lucky draw. Like this, a poor victim was picked and had to live with the most intense pressure they'd ever experienced in their short life. When presentation time came, what had to happen happened; from their first slide, briefly introducing Dynamight's body and constitution, Izuku-sensei stood with such vigor that his chair flew right against the wall behind—as if the fate of the world were at stake. As if a villain had appeared and was ready to put his student's life at risk.
Nope. They had simply mistaken Dynamight's weight, and Izuku couldn't let such misinformation be spread around, especially knowing that Dynamight's weight was much less than what had just been told! After rectification, Izuku didn't sit back. Most naturally, he started rambling about other facts regarding his childhood friend's body, and ended up giving a whole ass presentation instead of his student, who was still awkwardly standing next to the projection screen, waiting for this all to end. It only ended when the bell rang and Izuku realized he'd ruined his student's hard work. What grade was he even supposed to give him now? xxx sorry, it's not really elaborated but this shit popped up in my mind at 3am while trying to sleep and I ended up laughing with myself like a crazy hag in my bed lol. I wanna write a fic like this so bad... I'm keeping it in mind teehee.
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nyxartx · 9 months
Wᴇ ᴍᴀᴅᴇ ɪᴛ …
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Everything else is up to your imagination
Yes, I’m still alive.
I had the idea for over a month already and finally enough motivation to bring it to life.
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axonomi · 1 month
C'mon, Deku
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thoughtssvt · 8 months
bkdk who sleeps an arms length apart, hooking pinkies because katsuki runs hot all the time.
on winter nights they lie under various weights of blankets, katsuki's ass sticking out from the pile so he can feel cozy without burning up completely.
izuku who sticks his ice cube toes under katsuki's shirt while they're watching a movie on the couch, making him wince at the frigid touch against his lower back.
katsuki who's always running a hot hand against izuku's calf, stretching the leg of izuku's pajama pants as he grits, "you're always so damn cold."
izuku who always drops 8 mini marshmallows in katsuki's hot coffee-- coffee because katsuki can't stand the sweetness of cocoa-- which katsuki complains about because the whole purpose of choosing coffee over cocoa is to avoid the sugar, but he knows each marshmallow represents I love you and it's only 8 marshmallows, anyway. he can stomach the saccharine gesture.
katsuki who always has a hot pack in his pockets because he knows izuku always forgets his, to which he slips them into izuku's mittens once the nerd starts shivering.
bkdk who are in love with each other.
bkdk masterlist
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antsday · 1 month
under your thumb
[part two of this. inspired by @habken 's incredible scammers to lovers au. hope you enjoy!]
“I need him dead,” Izuku says, pacing intently. His bright red shoes squeak with every step he takes, and his eyes are wide with mania. “I genuinely need him dead.”
La Brava takes a long slurp of her soda fountain abomination - two pumps of every flavor of every soda, in one supersize cup - and gives him a knowing, pitying look. “Dynamight causing trouble again?”
He buries his face into his hands and makes a noise like a wounded animal. 
“Did he finally explode his laptop beyond repair or something?” La Brava asks. “Talk to me.”
“He asked me out on a date,” Izuku grits out, and La Brava’s eyes go wide. “A date. Lunch at a crepe shop? There’s no other way to take that.”
It wasn’t ever supposed to go this far. At first, loading Pro Hero Dynamight’s laptop with viruses was just a way to get back at him for being an asshole. But then he just- kept clicking them. And then he kept coming by, and revealing that he wasn’t so bad to talk to and then-
Izuku’s been played like a damn fiddle. All this time, he thought he was the one pulling the strings- only for Dynamight to sweep the rug out from under him in the most sudden possible way.
“Huh,” she says.  “Huh.”
And then, after a long pause:
“...Well. IT guys are in really high demand nowadays,” she says, stirring her drink with her straw. “With the economy, and all.” 
“This can’t happen. He’s a Pro-Hero,” Izuku stresses, grinding his teeth to stubs. “A Pro Hero who can’t go a week without getting scammed, but a Pro Hero nonetheless. This can’t happen. It can’t.”
“He’s a public servant, Deku, not a nun.” 
Izuku points at her. “Exactly! He’s a public servant. He has a duty to the people first and foremost, and I can’t get in the way of that.” Izuku says, placing a hand on his chest with feeling. A beat passes, and then, “Also, he is so fucking weird.” 
“And there it is.”
“Who gets scammed that much? It just makes no logical sense. You’d think after clicking an obvious pop-up the first time and getting your whole laptop overrun with malware you’d just- stop doing it at some point! But no! It’s like he’s a- a little kid with a big red button in front of him. He’s ridiculous. And-and an asshole, too!”
La Brava sighs, setting down her comically large drink. “Okay, Deku-kun-”
“Yeah! He’s a huge jerk. He’s mean to everyone and he acts like- like he’s doing me a favor by making me fix his laptop all the time! You know what, he deserves all that malware, especially if he’s so obsessed with clicking pop-ups!”
“He’s insane. A total freak show!”
“A-A self-absorbed, arrogant-”
“So you don’t want to go on a date with him?” La Brava interrupts, cutting him off. 
Izuku pauses, ceasing his pacing. 
He thinks about Dynamight’s evil looking smiles and fiery red eyes and sharp features; his insane stances and posture and the way his voice sounds like gravel; the way he’s always yelling and acting like a stereotypical macho-man Pro in his office, and yet whenever he steps into Izuku’s he’s always looking away and speaking quieter and holding out his virus-infected laptop like it’s the bento lunch Kiyoko-chan (from the new slice-of-life romance anime Izuku’s been binge-watching recently) made for her love interest in last week’s episode. That one time Izuku had said he was thirsty in Dynamight’s presence and found a water bottle on his desk the next day (and the day after that, and the day after that, and the day after that-). It's the way that no matter what happens- whether it’s a villain attack or a patrol or rescuing a kitten from a tree, Dynamite comes out on top. 
(Quite literally, in the case of the kitten. The fire department had to come down to Tatooin Station and rescue Pro-Hero Dynamight and a three-pound kitten from a 40-foot tall oak.)
God, there’s so much wrong with him, Izuku thinks. I need to hold his hand or I’ll die.
Izuku’s cheeks heat up and he scratches the back of his neck, very pointedly not looking at La Brava. “...Well. I never said that.”
“Oh my God,” La Brava says. “Oh my God.” 
“Sue me, okay!” Izuku throws up his hands. “Apparently I like deranged goblin men who are a little pathetic and rough around the edges and incapable of not getting scammed! Is that so wrong!”
La Brava stares. And stares. And then she sighs. 
“It- You know what, this is above my paygrade,” she says, taking another long, obnoxious sip of her drink. “I’m not here to critique your frankly abysmal taste in men. So you do want to go on this date?”
He thinks about it more, and starts getting light-headed at the thought of- of Dynamight, buying him a crepe. Sharing a crepe with him. At the crepe shop. Tomorrow, when they’re both free. Maybe they’d even- hold hands, and- ride the ferris wheel in the amusement park across the street- together-
“Hnnnrrrgh,” says Izuku. 
“Well, good luck,” says La Brava, tossing her empty cup. It soars through the air in a perfect arch and lands into the trash with little fanfare. She pumps her fists, and Izuku absentmindedly claps a little. 
 It’s pretty simple removing the malware- he was the one who put it there, after all. Soon enough, Dynamight’s laptop is good as new. And then, after another couple of moments of hesitation, he sneaks in another pop-up. A poor recolor of Naruto, this time, in suggestive kitsune-themed lingerie. 
“You’re literally going on a date with him,” La Brava says, suddenly popping up behind him. ‘You don’t have to keep doing this.”
“Consider it, uh,” Izuku racks his brain, “leverage! Yeah. If he’s. If he’s an asshole.”
She throws her hands up in exasperation and turns back to setting up a pastel pink Project Sekai theme for Phantom Thief's computer (upon his request). 
He’s not being weird, Izuku reassures himself. He’s not. Dynamight doesn’t have to click the pop-up. He’s not, like, obligated, or anything. But if he does, like he has been doing, well. That’s one way to secure a second date. 
Well. Not that he’s hoping for a second date with Dynamight, or anything. He’s not anxiously counting down the seconds or whatever. That’d be insane. Right? Right. Totally insane. And Izuku is not insane, so therefore he is not incredibly and unhealthily invested in this-
“Stop muttering about this or I swear to God-”
So now he’s here. Standing in front of the crepe shop in his nicest clothes (a white ‘Dress Shirt’ shirt, a half-buttoned striped orange button up, and brown corduroy pants with a black belt), blasting music to distract himself from the fact that he may have been stood up. 
Okay, fine, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. He probably hasn’t been stood up. Sure, it’s been three minutes and fifty four seconds since their agreed upon time, and there’s still no sign of Dynamight anywhere, but that probably doesn’t mean anything. He’s probably just running late. 
He has to be running late. What is he going to do if he actually is being stood up right now? 
Kill him? 
Kill Pro Hero Dynamight?
No, Izuku realizes, deflating a little. No, he’d never be able to go through with it. Maybe more malware? Maybe every piece of malware at once?
For once, the Go Get Your Man, Kiyoko-chan! theme song isn’t taking his mind off things- a clear sign of his deteriorating mental state. There’s a part right before the final chorus in which they let a cat just meow into the mic for a solid thirty seconds and it always reminds Izuku that good exists in the world- except for today, apparently. 
After a few moments of hesitation, he goes to his messages. They have each other’s numbers, strictly for business, but occasionally Dynamight will text him hey in the middle of the night and then take three hours to respond to Izuku. 
Where are you?, he types up. But before he can press send, his phone beeps.
Izuku frowns.
“A villain attack nearby?” His hair blows slightly in a sudden breeze. “Huh. I hope it’s not too close.”
He has about two seconds of peace between uttering this final, ironic sentence, and then turning his head-
-because one minute he’s pausing the theme song on his phone, and the next he’s face to face with a giant, menacing pincer that's seconds away from peeling off his entire face.
His life really is just one prolonged punchline, huh.
So there he stands, tears in his eyes, fear in his heart, and the thirty second meowing solo ringing in his ears; dressed his nicest 'Dress Shirt' shirt, holding an expensive laptop that he can never again infect with malware because he’s been stood up and he’s going to die. Brava was right, Izuku thinks belatedly. Maybe I should re-evaluate my taste in men.
And then everything explodes.
part one/part two
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