#Didn't read this twice just typed and panic posted here wego
dastardlyjr · 10 months
Steddie. Eddie gives Steve "sleeping" pills to help him sleep. Takes advantage. 18+.
TW: Date rape. Obsessive behavior. Non con Somnophilia.
(Btw this is my first time posting something like this, if I didn't Trigger Warn correctly please let me know.)
The lock clicks and the patio door slides open with practiced ease. Afterall, it’s not his first time breaking and entering the Harrington household. The sterile and impersonal environment still doesn’t fail to make him shudder. Ugh, a few sports trophies or family photos wouldn’t kill them, would it? He wondered, time and again, how no one at any of the famous King Steve parties noticed how absent the boys parents actually were. Brown eyes flicked over the room void of emotion as he strained his ears for any unexpected noises upstairs. Eddie hated this house. If Steve was his he would never be able to climb down from his pedestal.
Wasn’t that a thought? Steve being his.
His. Outside of Eddies imagination.
And they were getting closer to that too. Now with Nancy out of the picture and King Steve being pushed off his throne by that dickhead, Hargrove.
Really, he should thank them for this. If he wasn’t so pissed at them for hurting his boy, he might have.
It was only the heart break of unrequited love (Eddie seethes) and being knocked down a few pegs from popular culture that had Steve coming to him in the first place. Eddie imagined him and Steve speaking a million times. Some of them at the picnic table, even. Though admittedly with less money for drugs and more intimate deals taking place instead.
Too bad daddys money came into play.
A few bucks in his own wallet and a handful of cute little pills in Steves. The king has not been sleeping well, it turns out. Sleeping aids, Eddie told him. The little king should have looked the devil in the eyes before trusting him. He’s sure Steve would have noticed the manic gleam in them. The desperation.
Now he could wonder up the stairs into the room which was always off limits the guests during parties. Not that it ever stopped Eddie before. How he would bury his face in the pillow and inhale. Would dig through the laundry to nab whatever looked well worn before making a hasty retreat.
The doorway was cracked open and for a moment he was concerned about the light coming from the room before remembering the adorable little nightlight by the bed. He almost wept them he first saw it. Wanting to crush the fragile plastic with his fist offer his own solace. Who needed a light to keep the monsters at bay when Eddie was there to protect him?
The door creaked as it opened and the metalhead winced, eyes flicking to Steve to watch for any reaction. None. A half empty glass of water sat on the nightstand. Tonight must be a “sleepaid” night. So Eddie saunters in, running the tips of his fingers along the edge of the bed as he moves to stand before Steve. His expression is lax and lips parted as he breathes slowly through them. Taking a risk, Eddie snaps his fingers by his ear and waits. Other than a quiet snuffling sound, which almost brings Eddie to his knees, he remains dead to the world.
“Hi, baby.” Fuck, was that his voice? Eddie sounded wrecked. He didn’t even notice his hands were shaking.
“You cool with me just-“ he grabs the covers and slowly tugs them down, drinking in every inch exposed as the blanket is pushed down to the foot of the bed. “Yea, you are.” Steve is laying on his stomach and Eddie touches his bare thigh with trembling fingers. The red shorts he’s wearing have ridden up to reveal a sliver of his ass. The globe barely contained in them. Fuck, if he ever wore these in public Eddie would be in jail for aggravated sexual assault. “You wear these for me, sweetheart?” His fingers trace around the hem, pushing the shorts further up.
Too tempted, he pinches a cheek and squeezes until Steve huffs and shifts away. Eddie leans forward to eye at the boys face suspiciously. Is he waking up, or? After a moment of Steve settling he decides to hurry this up to avoid any more scares. Throwing a leg over tan thighs, Eddie sits down heavily and tilts forward to press his clothes crotch between those round globes. He rocks a few times, breathe stuttering as he stared unblinking where they grind together.
Each of his hands grabs a cheek, pulling them apart and pressing them back together to watch how those red shorts would stretch and scrunch into his crack. Another rough squeeze and he slipped his long fingers into the waist band and pulled down unceremoniously. Eddie almost choked on air when the abrupt pull had Steves cheeks bouncing lightly.
“Christ, Stevie.”
He pulled them apart again and watched in rapture as the pink hole hidden there twitched from the cold air. His thumb pressed against it, pushing down until he felt the pucker give a little. Steves knee suddenly hiked up and Eddie almost threw himself onto the floor, lifting up to his knees and hovering over the sleeping figure like a taut string ready to snap. He waited longer this time before moving again.
“Telling me to hurry up, huh?” he asked, still paranoid but working on getting back into it. Really should have brought his handcuffs and a blindfold. Then he could really lose himself in this.
Instead, he unbuttoned and zipped down, pulling out his aching dick. Eddies head fell back at the feeling of pure relief to be freed. Pre was dripping down the length of him and he eagerly, lovingly, pushed his tip to Steves hole and rubbed his cum there until the pucker was slick and shiny looking. Fuck the handcuffs, Eddie should have brought his camera. Probably for the best he didn’t. No telling what would happen if that particular polaroid fell out of his wallet.
No, this will be his dirty little secret.
Eddie scoots up toned thighs until his cock is comfortably settled between Steves cheeks. He holds each one firmly against his palms, admiring how well Steves ass fit in his hands. With one more shivering breath, Eddie begins to rock into him. His cock slides slowly up and down with pre slicking the way somewhat.
It isn’t long before he loses himself to the feeling. He heaves and drops forward, pushing his forehead roughly between Steves shoulder blades and humping down against him with abandon. “Fuck- Baby-“ He babbles out pet names and praise. Everything he wishes he could say away from sleep aids.
Begging to be seen in broken sentences.
Asking to be known. To be requitted. Loved.
Little sounds meet his ears. Tiny huffs of breathes as Steves brows furrow and drool drips from his parted lips. Eddie squeezes his eyes shut and pushes down harder, pushing his cock down with the heel of one hand to keep himself in place. He strained to listen to those sounds, pretending Steve is awake and making them willingly.
The thought of flushed cheeks, teary eyes and broken gasps directed at him is what pushes Eddie over the edge. He groans long and low, his hips stuttering as ropes of cum are squeezed out of him.
He pushes and pushes until overstimulation hurts and he has to stop. Eddie sits back and stares at the mess he’s made. Steves ass has red handprints and both cheeks and he hopes dearly that they bruise like that. His cum settles into the dimples of his back and paints up his spine. Eddie, feeling a little feral afterwards, ducks down to clean his mess. The taste of himself is sharp and salty and he moans at the taste mixed with Steves sweaty skin. He laps himself up and plants open mouth kisses as he goes.
“Let me worship you,” he begs with a shaky breath. “Let me, baby let me, let me…”
Eddie remains after until his own breathing evens out and his climax high settles. Giving Steves ass one last look, he pulls those red shorts up as well as the blanket. He hovers by the side of the bed, tracing Steves soft facial features with the tips of his fingers. His brows, the ridge of his nose, cheek bones, and plush lips. He dips his index finger in enough to wet the tip against tongue. Pulling back, Eddies rubs the wet of his finger against his own lips.
Indirect kiss settled, he gives one last lingering glance before leaving everything as he found it and making his way home.
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